theoretical / ˌθiəˈretikl; NAme ˌθi:ə- /
adj. [usually before noun]
1. concerned with the ideas and principles on which a particular subject is based, rather than with practice and experiment
• 理论上的:
 »a theoretical approach
 »theoretical physics
 »The first year provides students with a sound theoretical basis for later study.
【OPP】 experimental , practical
2. that could possibly exist, happen or be true, although this is unlikely
• 理论上存在的;假设的:
 »It's a theoretical possibility.
theoretically / -kli / adv.:
 »theoretically sound conclusions
 »It is theoretically possible for him to overrule their decision, but highly unlikely.
involve / inˈvɔlv; NAme inˈvɑ:lv /
1. if a situation, an event or an activity involves sth, that thing is an important or necessary part or result of it
• 包含;需要;使成为必然部份(或结果)
【SYN】 entail :
▪ [VN]
 »Any investment involves an element of risk.
 »Many of the crimes involved drugs.
▪ [V -ing]
 »The test will involve answering questions about a photograph.
▪ [VN -ing]
 »The job involves me travelling all over the country.
 »(formal) The job involves my travelling all over the country.
2. [VN] if a situation, an event or an activity involves sb, they take part in it or are affected by it
• 牵涉;牵连;影响:
 »There was a serious incident involving a group of youths.
 »How many vehicles were involved in the crash?
3. [VN] ~ sb (in sth / in doing sth) to make sb take part in sth
• (使)参加,加入:
 »We want to involve as many people as possible in the celebrations.
 »Parents should involve themselves in their child's education.
4. [VN] ~ sb (in sth) to say or do sth to show that sb took part in sth, especially a crime
• 表明(某人参与了犯罪等)
【SYN】 implicate :
 »His confession involved a number of other politicians in the affair.
in'volve sb in sth
• to make sb experience sth, especially sth unpleasant
• 把某人牵涉(或牵扯)到某事里:
 »You have involved me in a great deal of extra work.
verb / ˌdaunˈləud; NAmE -ˈloud /
əʒŋ] (computing 计) to move data to a smaller computer system from a larger one
• 下载;下装
--› compare load v. (5)
【OPP】 upload
• / ˈdaunləud; NAmE -loud / (computing 计) data which is downloaded from another computer system
• 已下载的数据资料
downloadable / ˌdaunˈləudəbl; NAmE -ˈloud- / adj.
delete / diˈli:t /
verb [VN]
~ sth (from sth) to remove sth that has been written or printed, or that has been stored on a computer
• 删去;删除:
 »Your name has been deleted from the list.
 »This command deletes files from the directory.
 »(BrE) Mr / Mrs / Ms (delete as appropriate)
deletion / diˈli:ʃn / noun [U, C] :
 »He made several deletions to the manuscript.
file / fail /
1. a box or folded piece of card for keeping loose papers together and in order
• 文件夹;卷宗:
 »a box file
 »A stack of files awaited me on my desk.
2. a collection of information stored together in a computer, under a particular name
• (计算机的)文件, 档案:
 »to access / copy / create / delete / download / save a file
 »Every file on the same disk must have a different name.
--› see also PDF
3. ~ (on sb) a file and the information it contains, for example about a particular person or subject
• 档案:
 »secret police files
 »to have / open / keep a confidential file on sb
 »Your application will be kept on file (= in a file, to be used later).
 »Police have reopened the file (= have started collecting information again) on the missing girl.
4. a metal tool with a rough surface for cutting or shaping hard substances or for making them smooth
• 锉;锉刀
--› see also nail file
5. a line of people or things, six behind the other
• 排成一行的人(或物):
 »They set off in file behind the teacher.
(in) single 'file
(also old-fashioned (in) Indian file)
• (in) six line, six behind the other
• 一路纵队;单行:
 »They made their way in single file along the cliff path.
1. [VN] ~ sth (away) to put and keep documents, etc. in a particular place and in a particular order so that you can find them easily; to put a document into a file
• 把(文件等)归档:
 »The forms should be filed alphabetically.
 »I filed the letters away in a drawer.
 »Please file it in my 'Research' file.
2. ~ (for sth) (law 律) to present sth so that it can be officially recorded and dealt with
• 提起(诉讼);提出(申请);送交(备案):
▪ [V]
 »to file for divorce
▪ [VN]
 »to file a claim / complaint / petition / lawsuit
▪ [also V to inf]
3. [VN] (of a journalist 记者) to send a report or a story to your employer
• 发送(报道给报社)
4. [V +adv. / prep.] to walk in a line of people, six after the other, in a particular direction
• 排成一行行走:
 »The doors of the museum opened and the visitors began to file in.
5. [VN] ~ sth (away / down, etc.) to cut or shape sth or make sth smooth using a file
• 锉平;锉去;锉薄;锉光滑:
 »to file your nails
offensive / əˈfensiv /
1. ~ (to sb) rude in a way that causes you to feel upset, insulted or annoyed
• 冒犯的;得罪人的;无礼的:
 »offensive remarks
 »His comments were deeply offensive to a large number of single mothers.
 »The programme contains language which some viewers may find offensive.
【OPP】 inoffensive
2. (formal) extremely unpleasant
• 极其讨厌的;令人不适的
【SYN】 obnoxious :
 »an offensive smell
--› note at disgusting
3. [only before noun] connected with the act of attacking sb / sth
• 攻击性的;进攻性的:
 »an offensive war
 »offensive action
 »He was charged with carrying an offensive weapon.
--› compare defensive (1)
4. (NAmE) (sport 体) connected with the team that has control of the ball; connected with the act of scoring points
• 攻方的;进攻型的;攻击型的:
 »offensive play
--› compare defensive (3)
offensively adv.
offensiveness noun [U]
1. a military operation in which large numbers of soldiers, etc. attack another country
• 进攻;攻击;侵犯
【SYN】 strike :
 »an air offensive
 »They launched the offensive on January 10.
  他们于 1 月 10 日发动了进攻。
2. a series of actions aimed at achieving sth in a way that attracts a lot of attention
• (引人注意的)系列行动;运动;攻势
【SYN】 campaign :
 »The government has launched a new offensive against crime.
 »a sales offensive
 »The public seems unconvinced by their latest charm offensive (= their attempt to make people like them).
be on the of'fensive
• to be attacking sb / sth rather than waiting for them to attack you
• 发动攻势;主动出击
go on (to) the of'fensive | take the of'fensive
• to start attacking sb / sth before they start attacking you
• 先发制人
hatred / ˈheitrid /
noun [U, C]
~ (for / of sb / sth) | ~ (towards sb) a very strong feeling of dislike for sb / sth
• 仇恨;憎恨;厌恶:
 »He looked at me with intense hatred.
 »There was fear and hatred in his voice.
 »She felt nothing but hatred for her attacker.
 »a profound hatred of war
 »racial hatred (= between people from different races)
 »The debate simply revived old hatreds.
--› note at hate
intellectual / ˌintəˈlektʃuəl /
1. [usually before noun] connected with or using a person's ability to think in a logical way and understand things
【SYN】 mental
• 智力的;脑力的;理智的:
 »intellectual curiosity
 »an intellectual novel
2. (of a person 人) well educated and enjoying activities in which you have to think seriously about things
• 有才智的;智力发达的:
 »She's very intellectual.
intellectualism / ˌintəˈlektʃuəlizəm / noun [U] (usually disapproving)
intellectually adv.:
 »intellectually challenging
• a person who is well educated and enjoys activities in which they have to think seriously about things
• 知识分子;脑力劳动者
property / ˈprɔpəti; NAme ˈprɑ:pərti /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. [U] a thing or things that are owned by sb; a possession or possessions
• 所有物;财产;财物:
 »This building is government property.
 »Be careful not to damage other people's property.
--› see also intellectual property , lost property , public property
2. [U] land and buildings
• 不动产;房地产:
 »The price of property has risen enormously.
 »property prices
 »a property developer
--› note at building
3. [C] a building or buildings and the surrounding land
• 房屋及院落;庄园;房地产:
 »There are a lot of empty properties in the area.
--› note at building
4. [C, usually pl.] (formal) a quality or characteristic that sth has
• 性质;特性:
 »Compare the physical properties of the two substances.
 »a plant with medicinal properties
ˌintelˌlectual 'property
noun [U]
(law 律) an idea, a design, etc. that sb has created and that the law prevents other people from copying
• 知识财产:
 »intellectual property rights
assess / əˈses /
1. ~ sb / sth (as sth) to make a judgement about the nature or quality of sb / sth
• 评价,评定(性质、质量):
▪ [VN]
 »It's difficult to assess the effects of these changes.
 »to assess a patient's needs
 »The young men were assessed as either safe or unsafe drivers.
 »I'd assess your chances as low.
▪ [V wh-]
 »The committee assesses whether a building is worth preserving.
 »We are trying to assess how well the system works.
2. [VN] ~ sth (at sth) to calculate the amount or value of sth
• 估算,估定,核定(数量、价值)
【SYN】 estimate :
 »They have assessed the amount of compensation to be paid.
 »Damage to the building was assessed at £40 000.
  该建筑物的损失估定为 4 万英镑。
cheque (BrE) (US check) / tʃek /
• a printed form that you can write on and sign as a way of paying for sth instead of using money
• 支票:
 »a cheque for £50
  一张 50 英镑的支票
 »to write a cheque
 »to make a cheque out to sb
 »to pay by cheque
 »to cash a cheque (= to get or give money for a cheque)
--› see also blank cheque , '
s cheque">traveller's cheque
'bank account
• an arrangement that you have with a bank that allows you to keep your money there, to pay in or take out money, etc.
• 银行账户:
 »to open / close a bank account
ripe / raip /
adj. (riper, ripest)
1. (of fruit or crops 水果或庄稼) fully grown and ready to be eaten
• 成熟的
【OPP】 unripe
2. (of cheese or wine 干酪或果酒) having a flavour that has fully developed
• 口味浓郁的;成熟的;醇美可口的
【SYN】 mature
3. (of a smell 气味) strong and unpleasant
• 强烈的;难闻的
4. ~ (for sth) ready or suitable for sth to happen
• 时机成熟的;适宜的:
 »This land is ripe for development.
 »The conditions were ripe for social change.
 »Reforms were promised when the time was ripe.
ripeness noun [U]
a / the ripe old age (of...)
• an age that is considered to be very old
• (…的)高龄:
 »He lived to the ripe old age of 91.
  他活到了 91 岁的高龄。
firm / fə:m; NAmE fə:rm /
• a business or company
• 商行;商号;公司:
 »an engineering firm
 »a firm of accountants
adj. (firmer, firmest)
1. fairly hard; not easy to press into a different shape
• 坚固的;坚硬的;结实的:
 »a firm bed / mattress
 »These peaches are still firm.
 »Bake the cakes until they are firm to the touch.
2. not likely to change
• 坚定的;确定的;坚决的:
 »a firm believer in socialism
 »a firm agreement / date / decision / offer / promise
 »firm beliefs / conclusions / convictions / principles
 »She is a firm favourite with the children.
 »We have no firm evidence to support the case.
 »They remained firm friends.
3. strongly fixed in place
• 牢固的;稳固的
【SYN】 secure :
 »Stand the fish tank on a firm base.
 »No building can stand without firm foundations, and neither can a marriage.
4. (of sb's voice or hand movements 声音或手势) strong and steady
• 强有力的;坚决的:
 »'No,' she repeated, her voice firmer this time.
 »With a firm grip on my hand, he pulled me away.
 »Her handshake was cool and firm.
5. (of sb's behaviour, position or understanding of sth 行为、处境或理解) strong and in control
• 牢牢控制的;严格的;掌握的:
 »to exercise firm control / discipline / leadership
 »Parents must be firm with their children.
 »The company now has a firm footing in the marketplace.
 »This book will give your students a firm grasp of English grammar.
 »We need to keep a firm grip on the situation.
6. [usually before noun] ~ (against sth) (of a country's money, etc. 货币等) not lower than another
• 坚挺的:
 »The euro remained firm against the dollar, but fell against the yen.
--› see also firmly
firmness noun [U]
be on firm 'ground
• to be in a strong position in an argument, etc. because you know the facts
• (在辩论等中)立场坚定,对事实确信无疑:
 »Everyone agreed with me, so I knew I was on firm ground.
a firm 'hand
• strong control or discipline
• 牢固控制;严格纪律;铁腕:
 »Those children need a firm hand to make them behave.
take a firm 'line / 'stand (on / against sth)
• to make your beliefs known and to try to make others follow them
• (对…)采取坚定的立场(或态度):
 »We need to take a firm line on tobacco advertising.
 »They took a firm stand against drugs in the school.
hold 'firm (to sth)
(formal) to believe sth strongly and not change your mind
• 坚信;坚持:
 »She held firm to her principles.
stand 'fast / 'firm
• to refuse to move back; to refuse to change your opinions
• 坚定不移;不让步;坚持自己的观点
1. [VN] to make sth become stronger or harder
• 使强壮;使坚固;使坚实:
 »Firm the soil around the plant.
 »This product claims to firm your body in one weeks.
2. [V] ~ (to / at...) (finance 财) (of shares, prices, etc. 股票、物价等) to become steady or rise steadily
• 坚挺;稳步上涨:
 »Rank's shares firmed 3p to 696p.
  兰克公司的股票涨了 3 便士,升至 696 便士。
ˌfirm 'up
• to become harder or more solid
• 变坚固;变坚实:
 »Put the mixture somewhere cool to firm up.

ˌfirm 'up sth
1. to make arrangements more final and fixed
• 最后落实;敲定:
 »The company has not yet firmed up its plans for expansion.
 »The precise details still have to be firmed up.

2. to make sth harder or more solid
• 使坚固;使坚硬;使坚实:
 »A few weeks of aerobics will firm up that flabby stomach.
database / ˈdeitəbeis; NAmE also ˈdætə- /
• an organized set of data that is stored in a computer and can be looked at and used in various ways
• (贮存在计算机中的)数据库,资料库
leak / li:k /
1. to allow liquid or gas to get in or out through a small hole or crack
• 漏;渗漏;泄漏:
▪ [V]
 »a leaking pipe
 »The roof was leaking.
▪ [VN]
 »The tank had leaked a small amount of water.
2. [V] (of a liquid or gas 液体或气体) to get in or out through a small hole or crack in sth
• 渗入;漏出:
 »Water had started to leak into the cellar.
3. [VN] ~ sth (to sb) to give secret information to the public, for example by telling a newspaper
• 泄露,透露(秘密信息);走漏
【SYN】 disclose :
 »The contents of the report were leaked to the press.
 »a leaked document
ˌleak 'out (of secret information 秘密信息)
• to become known to the public
• 泄露;走漏;透露:
 »Details of the plan soon leaked out.

1. a small hole or crack that lets liquid or gas flow in or out of sth by accident
• 漏洞;裂缝;缝隙:
 »a leak in the roof
 »a leak in the gas pipe
2. liquid or gas that escapes through a hole in sth
• 泄漏出的液体(或气体):
 »a gas leak
 »oil leaks / leaks of oil
3. a deliberate act of giving secret information to the newspapers, etc.
• (秘密信息的)透露:
 »a leak to the press about the government plans on tax
4. (slang) an act of passing urine from the body
• 撒尿:
 »to have / take a leak
--› see spring v.
confidential / ˌkɔnfiˈdenʃl; NAmE ˌkɑ:n- /
1. meant to be kept secret and not told to or shared with other people
• 机密的;保密的;秘密的:
 »confidential information / documents
 »Your medical records are strictly confidential (= completely secret).
2. (of a way of speaking 说话的方式) showing that what you are saying is private or secret
• 隐密的;秘密的:
 »He spoke in a confidential tone, his voice low.
3. [only before noun] trusted with private or secret information
• 受信任的;委以机密的:
 »a confidential secretary
confidentially / -ʃəli / adv.:
 »She told me confidentially that she is going to retire early.
verb / səˈspekt / (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时)
1. to have an idea that sth is probably true or likely to happen, especially sth bad, but without having definite proof
• 疑有,觉得(尤指坏事可能属实或发生):
▪ [VN]
 »If you suspect a gas leak, do not strike a match or even turn on an electric light.
 »Suspecting nothing, he walked right into the trap.
▪ [V (that)]
 »I began to suspect (that) they were trying to get rid of me.
▪ [V]
 »As I had suspected all along, he was not a real policeman.
▪ [also VN to inf VN that]
2. [VN] to be suspicious about sth; to not trust sth
• 怀疑;感觉有问题;不信任:
 »I suspected her motives in offering to help.
3. [VN] ~ sb (of sth / of doing sth) to have an idea that sb is guilty of sth, without having definite proof
• 怀疑(某人有罪):
 »He resigned after being suspected of theft.
 »The drug is suspected of causing over 200 deaths.
  人们怀疑这种药物造成 200 多人死亡。
 »Whom do the police suspect?
--› see also suspicion (1), suspicious
suspected adj.:
 »a suspected broken arm
 »suspected tax evasion
 »suspected terrorists
• / ˈsʌspekt / a person who is suspected of a crime or of having done sth wrong
• 嫌疑犯;嫌疑分子;可疑对象:
 »a murder suspect
 »He is the prime suspect in the case.
adj. / ˈsʌspekt /
1. that may be false and that cannot be relied on
• 不可信的;靠不住的
【SYN】 questionable :
 »Some of the evidence they produced was highly suspect.
2. that you suspect to be dangerous or illegal
• 可疑的;可能有危险的;有违法嫌疑的
【SYN】 suspicious :
 »a suspect package (= one that may contain drugs, a bomb, etc.)
visa / ˈvi:zə /
• a stamp or mark put in your passport by officials of a foreign country that gives you permission to enter, pass through or leave their country
• (护照的)签证:
 »to apply for a visa
 »an entry / tourist / transit / exit visa
cooperation (BrE also co-operation) / kəuˌɔpəˈreiʃn; NAmE kouˌɑ:p- /
noun [U]
1. ~ (with sb) (in doing sth) | ~ (between A and B) the fact of doing sth together or of working together towards a shared aim
• 合作;协作:
 »a report produced by the government in cooperation with the chemical industry
 »We would like to see closer cooperation between parents and schools.
2. willingness to be helpful and do as you are asked
• 协助;配合:
 »We would be grateful for your cooperation in clearing the hall as quickly as possible.
draft / drɑ:ft; NAmE dræft /
1. [C] a rough written version of sth that is not yet in its final form
• 草稿;草案;草图:
 »I've made a rough draft of the letter.
 »This is only the first draft of my speech.
 »the final draft (= the final version)
 »The legislation is still in draft form.
 »a draft constitution / treaty / agreement
2. [C] (finance 财) a written order to a bank to pay money to sb
• 汇票:
 »Payment must be made by bank draft drawn on a UK bank.
3. the draft [sing.] (especially US) = conscription
4. [sing.] (NAmE) a system in which professional teams in some sports choose players each year from among college students
• 运动员选拔制(某些职业运动队每年在大学生中选拔新队员)
5. [C] (NAmE) = draught (1) :
 »Can you shut the door? There's a draft in here.
(NAmE) = draught
(also draught especially in BrE)
▪ [VN]
1. to write the first rough version of sth such as a letter, speech or book
• 起草;草拟:
 »to draft a constitution / contract / bill
 »I'll draft a letter for you.
2. [+adv. / prep.] to choose people and send them somewhere for a special task
• 选派;抽调:
 »Extra police are being drafted in to control the crowds.
3. [usually passive] (NAmE) = conscript :
 »They were drafted into the army.
negotiate / niˈɡəuʃieit; NAme -ˈɡou- /
1. [V] ~ (with sb) (for / about sth) to try to reach an agreement by formal discussion
• 谈判;磋商;协商:
 »The government will not negotiate with terrorists.
 »We have been negotiating for more pay.
 »a strong negotiating position
 »negotiating skills
2. [VN] to arrange or agree sth by formal discussion
• 商定;达成协议:
 »to negotiate a deal / contract / treaty / settlement
 »We successfully negotiated the release of the hostages.
3. [VN] to successfully get over or past a difficult part on a path or route
• 通过,越过(险要路段):
 »The climbers had to negotiate a steep rock face.
applicant / ˈæplikənt /
~ (for sth) a person who makes a formal request for sth (= applies for it), especially for a job, a place at a college or university, etc.
• 申请人(尤指求职、进高等学校等):
 »There were over 500 applicants for the job.
  有 500 多人申请这份工作。
penfriend / ˈpenfrend / (BrE) (also 'pen pal NAmE, BrE)
• a person that you make friends with by writing letters, often sb you have never met
• 笔友
request / riˈkwest /
noun ~ (for sth) | ~ (that...)
1. the action of asking for sth formally and politely
• (正式或礼貌的)要求,请求:
 »They made a request for further aid.
 »He was there at the request of his manager / at his manager's request (= because his manager had asked him to go).
 »The writer's name was withheld by request (= because the writer asked for this to be done).
 »Catalogues are available on request.
2. a thing that you formally ask for
• 要求的事:
 »My request was granted.
 »a radio request programme (= a programme of music, songs, etc. that people have asked for)
~ sth (from sb) (formal) to ask for sth or ask sb to do sth in a polite or formal way
• (正式或礼貌地)请求,要求:
▪ [VN]
 »She requested permission to film at the White House.
 »You can request a free copy of the leaflet.
▪ [VN to inf]
 »We were requested to assemble in the lobby.
 »You are requested not to smoke in the restaurant.
▪ [V that]
 »She requested that no six be told of her decision until the next meeting.
  她要求下次开会前不要向任何人透露她的决定。 (BrE also)
 »She requested that no six should be told of her decision.
▪ [also V speech]
considerate / kənˈsidərət /
• always thinking of other people's wishes and feelings; careful not to hurt or upset others
• 考虑周到的;为(他人)着想的;体谅的;体贴的  SYN  thoughtful :
 »She is always polite and considerate towards her employees.
 »It was very considerate of him to wait.
【OPP】 inconsiderate
considerately adv.
cafeteria / ˌkæfəˈtiəriə; NAmE -ˈtir- /
• a restaurant where you choose and pay for your meal at a counter and carry it to a table. Cafeterias are often found in factories, colleges, hospitals, etc.
• 自助餐厅;自助食堂
conscience / ˈkɔnʃəns; NAmE ˈkɑ:n- /
1. [C, U] the part of your mind that tells you whether your actions are right or wrong
• 良心;良知:
 »to have a clear / guilty conscience (= to feel that you have done right / wrong)
 »This is a matter of individual conscience (= everyone must make their own judgement about it).
 »He won't let it trouble his conscience.
--› see also social conscience
2. [U, C] a guilty feeling about sth you have done or failed to do
• 内疚;愧疚:
 »She was seized by a sudden pang of conscience.
 »I have a terrible conscience about it.
3. [U] the fact of behaving in a way that you feel is right even though this may cause problems
• 凭良心:
 »freedom of conscience (= the freedom to do what you believe to be right)
 »Emilia is the voice of conscience in the play.
--› see also prisoner of conscience
in (all / good) conscience
•(formal) believing your actions to be fair
• (认为行为)公正地,公平地,凭良心
【SYN】 honestly :
 »We cannot in all conscience refuse to help.
on your 'conscience
• making you feel guilty for doing or failing to do sth
• 使人内疚;良心不安:
 »I'll write and apologize. I've had it on my conscience for weeks.
--› more at prick v.
lid / lid /
1. a cover over a container that can be removed or opened by turning it or lifting it
• (容器的)盖,盖子:
 »a dustbin lid
 »I can't get the lid off this jar.
2. = eyelid
keep a / the 'lid on sth
1. to keep sth secret or hidden
• 保守秘密;守口如瓶;遮掩;隐瞒
2. to keep sth under control
• 把…控制住;抑制住:
 »The government is keeping the lid on inflation.
lift the 'lid on sth | take / blow the 'lid off sth
• to tell people unpleasant or shocking facts about sth
• 揭露…的真相:
 »Her article lifts the lid on child prostitution.
put the (tin) 'lid on sth / things
(BrE, informal)
• to be the final act or event that spoils your plans or hopes
• 对…是最后的一击;最后使计划(或希望)落空
--› more at flip v.
lame / leim /
1. (of people or animals 人或动物) unable to walk well because of an injury to the leg or foot
• 瘸的;跛的
2. (of an excuse, explanation, etc. 藉口、解释等) weak and difficult to believe
• 站不住脚的;无说服力的
【SYN】 feeble , unconvincing
lameness noun [U] :
 »The disease has left her with permanent lameness.
lamé / ˈlɑ:mei; NAme lɑ:ˈmei /
noun [U]
• a type of cloth into which gold or silver thread has been twisted
• 金银锦缎
suspension / səˈspenʃn /
1. [U, C] the act of officially removing sb from their job, school, team, etc. for a period of time, usually as a punishment
• 暂令停职(或停学、停赛等):
 »suspension from school
 »The ten players are appealing against their suspensions.
2. [U, sing.] the act of delaying sth for a period of time, until a decision has been taken
• 暂缓;推迟;延期:
 »These events have led to the suspension of talks.
3. [U, C] the system by which a vehicle is supported on its wheels and which makes it more comfortable to ride in when the road surface is not even
• (车辆减震用的)悬架
4. [C, U] (technical 术语) a liquid with very small pieces of solid matter floating in it; the state of such a liquid
• 悬浮液;悬浮
--› see also suspend
organization (BrE also -isation) / ˌɔ:ɡənaiˈzeiʃn; NAme ˌɔ:rɡənəˈz- /
1. [C] a group of people who form a business, club, etc. together in order to achieve a particular aim
• 组织;团体;机构:
 »to work for a business / political / voluntary organization
 »the World Health Organization
 »He's the president of a large international organization.
2. [U] the act of making arrangements or preparations for sth
• 组织工作;筹备工作
【SYN】 planning :
 »I leave most of the organization of these conferences to my assistant.
3. [U] the way in which the different parts of sth are arranged
• 安排;配置;分配
【SYN】 structure :
 »The report studies the organization of labour within the company.
4. [U] the quality of being arranged in a neat, careful and logical way
• 条理;系统性:
 »She is highly intelligent but her work lacks organization.
organizational, -isational / -ʃənl / adj.:
 »organizational skills
 »organizational change
organizationally, -isationally adv.
pirate / ˈpairət /
1. (especially in the past) a person on a ship who attacks other ships at sea in order to steal from them
• (尤指旧时的)海盗:
 »a pirate ship
2. (often used as an adjective 常用作形容词) a person who makes illegal copies of video tapes, computer programs, books, etc., in order to sell them
• 盗版者;盗印者:
 »a pirate edition
 »software pirates
3. (often used as an adjective 常用作形容词) a person or an organization that broadcasts illegally
• 非法播音的人(或组织):
 »a pirate radio station
--› see also piracy
piratical / ˌpaiˈrætikl / adj.
verb [VN]
• to copy and use or sell sb's work or a product without permission and without having the right to do so
• 盗印;窃用:
 »pirated computer games
purse / pə:s; NAme pə:rs /
1. [C] (especially BrE) a small bag made of leather, plastic, etc. for carrying coins and often also paper money, cards, etc., used especially by women
• 钱包,皮夹子(尤指女用的):
 »I took a coin out of my purse and gave it to the child.
--› compare change purse , wallet
2. [C] (NAmE) = handbag
3. [sing.] the amount of money that is available to a person, an organization or a government to spend
• 资金;财源;备用款:
 »We have holidays to suit every purse.
 »Should spending on the arts be met out of the public purse (= from government money) ?
4. [C] (sport 体) a sum of money given as a prize in a boxing match
• (拳击赛的)奖金
--› see silk
verb [VN]
• ~ your lips to form your lips into a small tight round shape, for example to show disapproval
• 噘嘴,撮起嘴唇(以表示反对等)
smooth / smu:ð /
adj. (smoother, smoothest)
›› FLAT / EVEN 平整;平滑
1. completely flat and even, without any lumps, holes or rough areas
• 平整的;平坦的;平滑的;光滑的:
 »a lotion to make your skin feel soft and smooth
 »The water was as smooth as glass.
 »a paint that gives a smooth, silky finish
 »Over the years, the stone steps had worn smooth.
【OPP】 rough
2. (of a liquid mixture 液体混合物) without any lumps
• 无结块的;混合均匀的:
 »Mix the flour with the milk to form a smooth paste.
3. happening or continuing without any problems
• 顺利的;平稳的:
 »They are introducing new measures to ensure the smooth running of the business.
 »They could not ensure a smooth transfer of political power.
4. even and regular, without sudden stops and starts
• 平稳的;连续而流畅的:
 »The car's improved suspension gives you a smoother ride.
 »The plane made a smooth landing.
 »She swung herself over the gate in six smooth movement.
›› MAN
5. (often disapproving) (of people, especially men, and their behaviour 人(尤指男人)及行为) very polite and pleasant, but in a way that is often not very sincere
• 圆通的;八面玲珑的
【SYN】 smarmy :
 »I don't like him. He's far too smooth for me.
 »He's something of a smooth operator.
›› DRINK / TASTE 饮料;味道
6. pleasant and not bitter
• 醇和的;香醇的:
 »This coffee has a smooth, rich taste.
›› VOICE / MUSIC 嗓音;音乐
7. nice to hear, and without any rough or unpleasant sounds
• 悦耳的;圆润的
smoothness noun [U] :
 »the smoothness of her skin
 »They admired the smoothness and efficiency with which the business was run.

—more at rough n.
1. ~ sth (back / down / out) to make sth smooth
• 使平整;使平坦;使平滑;使光滑:
▪ [VN]
 »He smoothed his hair back.
 »She was smoothing out the creases in her skirt.
▪ [VN-ADJ]
 »He took the letter and smoothed it flat on the table.
2. ~ sth on / into / over sth to put a layer of a soft substance over a surface
• (将软物质)均匀涂抹于:
 »Smooth the icing over the top of the cake.
smooth the 'path / 'way
• to make it easier for sb / sth to develop or make progress
• 铺平道路:
 »These negotiations are intended to smooth the path to a peace treaty.
smooth (sb's) ruffled 'feathers
• to make sb feel less angry or offended
• 使息怒;劝解
ˌsmooth sth∽a'way / 'out
• to make problems or difficulties disappear
• 消除(问题);克服(困难)

ˌsmooth sth∽'over
• to make problems or difficulties seem less important or serious, especially by talking to people
• 缓和;调解;斡旋:
 »She spoke to both sides in the dispute in an attempt to smooth things over.

luggage / ˈlʌɡidʒ / (especially BrE) (also baggage especially in NAmE)
noun [U]
• bags, cases, etc. that contain sb's clothes and things when they are travelling
• 行李:
 »There's room for six more piece of luggage.
 »You stay there with the luggage while I find a cab.
--› see also hand luggage , left-luggage office
--› note at baggage
inspect / inˈspekt /
verb [VN]
1. ~ sth / sb (for sth) to look closely at sth / sb, especially to check that everything is as it should be
• 检查;查看;审视
【SYN】 examine :
 »The teacher walked around inspecting their work.
 »The plants are regularly inspected for disease.
 »Make sure you inspect the goods before signing for them.
--› note at check
2. to officially visit a school, factory, etc. in order to check that rules are being obeyed and that standards are acceptable
• 视察:
 »Public health officials were called in to inspect the premises.
--› note at check
noun / ˈimpɔ:t; NAme ˈimpɔ:rt /
1. əɔ, usually pl.] a product or service that is brought into one country from another
• 进口;输入的产品(或劳务):
 »food imports from abroad
【OPP】 export
2. [U, pl.] the act of bringing a product or service into one country from another
• (产品、劳务的)进口,输入,引进:
 »The report calls for a ban on the import of hazardous waste.
 »import controls
 »an import licence
 »imports of oil
【OPP】 export
3. [U] (formal) importance
• 重要性:
 »matters of great import
4. the ~ (of sth) [sing.] (formal) the meaning of sth, especially when it is not immediately clear
• 意思;含意:
 »It is difficult to understand the full import of this statement.
/ imˈpɔ:t
; NAme imˈpɔ:rt /
▪ əʒŋ] ~ sth (from...) | ~ sth (into...)
1. to bring a product, a service, an idea, etc. into one country from another
• 进口;输入;引进:
 »The country has to import most of its raw materials.
 »goods imported from Japan into the US
 »customs imported from the West
2. (computing 计) to get data from another program, changing its form so that the program you are using can read it
• 导入;输入;移入
【OPP】 export
importation / ˌimpɔ:ˈteiʃn; NAme -pɔ:rˈt- / noun [U, C]
【SYN】 import :
 »a ban on the importation of ivory
authentic / ɔ:ˈθentik /
1. known to be real and genuine and not a copy
• 真正的;真品的;真迹的
【OPP】 inauthentic :
 »I don't know if the painting is authentic.
2. true and accurate
• 真实的;真正的
【OPP】 inauthentic :
 »an authentic account of life in the desert
 »the authentic voice of young black Americans
3. made to be exactly the same as the original
• 逼真的:
 »an authentic model of the ancient town
authentically / -kli / adv.:
 »authentically flavoured Mexican dishes
noun / səˈtifikət; NAmE sərˈt- / (abbr. cert.)
1. an official document that may be used to prove that the facts it states are true
• 证明;证明书:
 »a birth / marriage / death certificate
2. an official document proving that you have completed a course of study or passed an exam; a qualification obtained after a course of study or an exam
• 文凭;结业证书;合格证书:
 »a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (= a British qualification for teachers)
verb / səˈtifikeit; NAmE sərˈt- /
əʒŋ ʒŋ to inf] (BrE) to give sb an official document proving that they have successfully completed a training course, especially for a particular profession
• 发给结业证书;(尤指)发给职业培训证书
compensate / ˈkɔmpenseit; NAmE ˈkɑ:m- /
1. [V] ~ (for sth) to provide sth good to balance or reduce the bad effects of damage, loss, etc.
• 补偿;弥补
【SYN】 make up for :
 »Nothing can compensate for the loss of a loved one.
2. [VN] ~ sb (for sth) to pay sb money because they have suffered some damage, loss, injury, etc.
• 给(某人)赔偿(或赔款):
 »Her lawyers say she should be compensated for the suffering she had been caused.
compensatory / ˌkɔmpenˈseitəri; NAmE kəmˈpensətɔ:ri / adj.:
 »He received a compensatory payment of $20 000.
  他获得了 2 万元的赔偿金。