carpenter / ˈkɑ:pəntə(r); NAmE ˈkɑ:rp- /
• a person whose job is making and repairing wooden objects and structures
• 木工;木匠
--› compare joiner (1)
suited / ˈsu:tid; BrE also ˈsju:- /
adj. [not before noun]
1. ~ (to / for sb / sth) right or appropriate for sb / sth
• 合适;适宜;适当:
 »She was ideally suited to the part of Eva Peron.
  她演爱娃 · 庇隆这个角色再合适不过了。
 »He is not really suited for a teaching career.
 »This diet is suited to anyone who wants to lose weight fast.
【OPP】 unsuited
2. if ten people are suited or well suited, they are likely to make a good couple
• 般配的:
 »Jo and I are very well suited.
 »They were not suited to six another.
【OPP】 unsuited
3. wearing a suit, or a suit of the type mentioned
• 穿西装的;穿…套装的:
 »sober-suited city businessmen
career / kəˈriə(r); NAmE kəˈrir /
1. the series of jobs that a person has in a particular area of work, usually involving more responsibility as time passes
• 生涯;职业:
 »a career in politics
 »a teaching career
 »What made you decide on a career as a vet?
 »She has been concentrating on her career.
 »a change of career
 »That will be a good career move (= something that will help your career).
 »a career soldier / diplomat, etc. (= a professional one)
 »(BrE) a careers adviser / officer (= a person whose job is to give people advice and information about jobs)
--› note at work
2. the period of time that you spend in your life working or doing a particular thing
• 经历;事业:
 »She started her career as an English teacher.
 »He is playing the best tennis of his career.
 »My school career was not very impressive.
verb [V +adv. / prep.]
• (of a person or vehicle 人或车辆) to move forward very quickly, especially in an uncontrolled way
• (尤指失控地)猛冲,疾驰,飞奔
【SYN】 hurtle :
 »The vehicle careered across the road and hit a cyclist.
actually / ˈæktʃuəli /
1. used in speaking to emphasize a fact or a comment, or that sth is really true
• (在口语中用于强调事实)的确,真实地,事实上:
 »What did she actually say?
 »It's not actually raining now.
 »That's the only reason I'm actually going.
 »There are lots of people there who can actually help you.
 »I didn't want to say anything without actually reading the letter first.
2. used to show a contrast between what is true and what sb believes, and to show surprise about this contrast
• (表示想法与事实不一致因而惊奇)居然,竟然:
 »It was actually quite fun after all.
 »The food was not actually all that expensive.
 »Our turnover actually increased last year.
3. used to correct sb in a polite way
• (礼貌地纠正他人)实际上,事实上:
 »We're not American, actually. We're Canadian.
 »Actually, it would be much more sensible to do it later.
 »They're not married, actually.
4. used to get sb's attention, to introduce a new topic or to say sth that sb may not like, in a polite way
• (礼貌地引起注意、转换话题、直言)确实,说实在的:
 »Actually, I'll be a bit late home.
 »Actually, I'm busy at the moment—can I call you back?
--› note at actual
1. [only before noun] used to show that you do not think that the word or phrase that is being used to describe sb / sth is appropriate
• (表示不认同)所谓的:
 »the opinion of a so-called 'expert'
 »How have these so-called improvements helped the local community?
2. [usually before noun] used to introduce the word that people usually use to describe sth
• (引出约定俗成的称谓)人称…的,号称…的:
 »artists from the so-called 'School of London'
glamorous / ˈɡlæmərəs / (also informal glam)
• especially attractive and exciting, and different from ordinary things or people
• 特别富有魅力的;富于刺激的;独特的:
 »glamorous movie stars
 »a glamorous job
【OPP】 unglamorous
glamorously adv.:
 »glamorously dressed
cushion / ˈkuʃn /
1. (NAmE also pillow) a cloth bag filled with soft material or feathers that is used, for example, to make a seat more comfortable
• 软垫;坐垫;靠垫:
 »matching curtains and cushions
 »a floor cushion (= a large cushion that you put on the floor to sit on)
 »a pile of scatter cushions (= small cushions , often in bright colours, that you put on chairs, etc.)
  一堆零星散布的靠垫 : (figurative)
 »a cushion of moss on a rock
2. a layer of sth between two surfaces that keeps them apart
• (隔离两个表面的)垫:
 »A hovercraft rides on a cushion of air.
3. [usually sing.] ~ (against sth) something that protects you against sth unpleasant that might happen
• 起保护(或缓冲)作用的事物:
 »His savings were a comfortable cushion against financial problems.
 »The team built up a safe cushion of two goals in the first half.
4. (in the game of billiards , etc. 枱球等运动) the soft inside edge along each side of the table, that the balls bounce off
• (枱球桌内侧边缘的)弹性衬里
verb [VN]
1. to make the effect of a fall or hit less severe
• (跌倒或碰撞时)起缓冲作用,缓和冲击:
 »My fall was cushioned by the deep snow.
2. ~ sb / sth (against / from sth) to protect sb / sth from being hurt or damaged or from the unpleasant effects of sth
• 缓和打击:
 »The south of the country has been cushioned from the worst effects of the recession.
 »He broke the news of my brother's death to me, making no effort to cushion the blow (= make the news less shocking).
3. [usually passive] to make sth soft with a cushion
• (用垫子)使柔和,使松软
jet / dʒet /
1. [C] a plane driven by jet engines
• 喷气式飞机:
 »a jet aircraft / fighter / airliner
 »The accident happened as the jet was about to take off.
--› see also jumbo n., jump jet
2. [C] a strong narrow stream of gas, liquid, steam or flame that comes very quickly out of a small opening. The opening is also called a jet.
• 喷射流;喷射口;喷嘴:
 »The pipe burst and jets of water shot across the room.
 »to clean the gas jets on the cooker
3. [U] a hard black mineral that can be polished and is used in jewellery
• 煤玉;黑玉;黑色大理石;贝褐碳
(-tt-) [V +adv. / prep.]
• (informal) to fly somewhere in a plane
• 乘坐喷气式飞机旅行
baggage / ˈbæɡidʒ /
noun [U]
1. (especially NAmE) = luggage :
 »excess baggage (= weighing more than the limit allowed on a plane)
 »baggage handlers (= people employed to load and unload baggage at airports)
 »(NAmE) We loaded our baggage into the car.
2. the beliefs and attitudes that sb has as a result of their past experiences
• (因阅历而形成的)信仰,看法:
 »She was carrying a lot of emotional baggage.
--› see bag n.
suitcase / ˈsu:tkeis; BrE also ˈsju:- / (also case)
• a case with flat sides and a handle, used for carrying clothes, etc. when you are travelling
• (旅行用的)手提箱:
 »to pack / unpack a suitcase
trunk / trʌŋk /
1. [C] the thick main stem of a tree, that the branches grow from
• 树干
2. [C] (NAmE) = boot (2)
3. [C] the long nose of an elephant
• 象鼻
4. trunks [pl.] = swimming trunks
5. [C] a large strong box with a lid used for storing or transporting clothes, books, etc.
• 大箱子;大衣箱
6. [C, usually sing.] the main part of the human body apart from the head, arms and legs
• (人的)躯干
--› see also torso (1)
waiter / ˈweitə(r) / (feminine waitress)
• a person whose job is to serve customers at their tables in a restaurant, etc.
• (餐馆等的)服务员,侍者:
 »I'll ask the waitress for the bill.
 »Waiter, could you bring me some water?
--› see also dumb waiter , server (4)
--› note at gender
grocer / ˈɡrəusə(r); NAmE ˈɡrou- /
1. a person who owns, manages or works in a shop / store selling food and other things used in the home
• 食物杂货商
2. grocer's (pl. grocers) a shop / store that sells these things
• 食物杂货店
option / ˈɔpʃn; NAme ˈɑ:p- /
1. [C, U] ~ (of doing sth) | ~ (to do sth) something that you can choose to have or do; the freedom to choose what you do
• 可选择的事物;选择;选择权;选择的自由:
 »As I see it, we have two options...
 »There are various options open to you.
 »Going to college was not an option for me.
 »I had no option but to (= I had to) ask him to leave.
 »Students have the option of studying abroad in their second year.
 »A savings plan that gives you the option to vary your monthly payments.
 »This particular model comes with a wide range of options (= things you can choose to have when buying sth but which you will have to pay extra for)
2. [C] a subject that a student can choose to study, but that they do not have to do
• 选修课:
 »The course offers options in design and computing.
3. [C] ~ (on sth) | ~ (to do sth) the right to buy or sell sth at some time in the future
• (未来的)买卖选择权:
 »We have an option on the house.
 »The property is for rent with an option to buy at any time.
 »He has promised me first option on his car (= the opportunity to buy it before anyone else).
 »share options (= the right to buy shares in a company)
4. [C] (computing 计) one of the choices you can make when using a computer program
• 选项;选择:
 »Choose the 'Cut' option from the Edit menu.
keep / leave your 'options open
• to avoid making a decision now so that you still have a choice in the future
• 保留选择余地;暂不作出决定
the ˌsoft / ˌeasy 'option

•(often disapproving) a choice which is thought to be easier because it involves less effort, difficulty, etc.
• 轻松的选择;捷径:
 »They are anxious that the new course should not be seen as a soft option.
 »He decided to take the easy option and give them what they wanted.
lawyer / ˈlɔ:jə(r) /
• a person who is trained and qualified to advise people about the law and to represent them in court, and to write legal documents
• 律师
ˌwell 'paid
• earning or providing a lot of money
• 报酬(或薪金)丰厚的:
 »well-paid managers
 »The job is very well paid.
canyon / ˈkænjən /
• a deep valley with steep sides of rock
• (周围有悬崖峭壁的)峡谷
zone / zəun; NAmE zoun /
1. an area or a region with a particular feature or use
• (有某特色或作用的)地区,地带:
 »a war / security / demilitarized, etc. zone
 »an earthquake / danger, etc. zone
 »a pedestrian zone (= where vehicles may not go)
--› see also no-fly zone , time zone , twilight zone at twilight adj. (1)
2. one of the areas that a larger area is divided into for the purpose of organization
• (规划的)区域,分区:
 »postal charges to countries in zone 2
  到位于第 2 邮区的国家的邮资
3. an area or a part of an object, especially one that is different from its surroundings
• (尤指有别于周围的)区域,部份:
 »When the needle enters the red zone the engine is too hot.
 »the erogenous zones of the body
--› see also crumple zone
4. one of the parts that the earth's surface is divided into by imaginary lines that are parallel to the equator
• (地球表面与赤道平行的)气候带:
 »the northern / southern temperate zone
verb [VN] [usually passive]
1. ~ sth (for sth) to keep an area of land to be used for a particular purpose
• 将…划作特殊区域;指定…为某项用途的区域:
 »The town centre was zoned for office development.
2. to divide an area of land into smaller areas
• 将…分成区(或划成带)
zoning noun [U]
ˌzone 'out (NAmE, informal)
• to fall asleep, become unconscious or stop paying attention
• 入睡;失去知觉;走神:
 »I just zoned out for a moment.

brewery / ˈbru:əri /
noun (pl. -ies)
• a factory where beer is made; a company that makes beer
• 啤酒厂;啤酒公司
litre (BrE) (NAmE liter) / ˈli:tə(r) /
noun (abbr. l)
• a unit for measuring volume, equal to 1.76 British pints or 2.11 American pints
• 升(容量单位,等于英国的 1.76 品脱或美国的 2.11 品脱):
 »3 litres of water
  * 3 升水
 »a litre bottle of wine
 »a car with a 3.5 litre engine
  配有 3.5 升发动机的汽车
shopkeeper / ˈʃɔpki:pə(r); NAme ˈʃɑ:p- / (also storekeeper especially in NAmE)
• a person who owns or manages a shop / store, usually a small one
• (通常指小商店的)店主
barber / ˈbɑ:bə(r); NAmE ˈbɑ:rb- /
1. a person whose job is to cut men's hair and sometimes to shave them
• (兼刮胡子的)理发师
2. (also barber's) (both BrE) (pl. barbers) a shop where men can have their hair cut
• (男子)理发店
--› compare hairdresser
cleaner / ˈkli:nə(r) /
1. a person whose job is to clean other people's houses or offices, etc.
• 清洁工:
 »an office cleaner
2. a machine or substance that is used for cleaning
• 吸尘器;清洁剂;去污剂:
 »a vacuum cleaner
 »a bottle of kitchen cleaner
3. cleaner's (pl. cleaners) (also ˌdry-'cleaner's
) a shop / store where clothes, curtains, etc. are cleaned, especially with chemicals
• 干洗店:
 »Can you pick up my suit from the cleaner's?
take sb to the 'cleaners
1. to steal all of sb's money, etc., or to get it using a trick
• 将某人洗劫一空;抢光(或骗尽)某人的钱财
2. to defeat sb completely
• 彻底打败某人:
 »Our team got taken to the cleaners.
rat / ræt /
1. a small animal with a long tail, that looks like a large mouse, usually considered a pest (= an animal which is disliked because it destroys food or spreads disease)
• 老鼠;耗子:
 »rat poison
--› compare rug rat
2. (informal, disapproving) an unpleasant person, especially one who is not loyal or who tricks sb
• 讨厌的人;卑鄙的小人;骗子
--› see sink v., smell v.
'rat on sb (informal)
• to tell sb in authority about sth wrong that sb else has done
• 泄漏秘密;告密:
 »Where I come from, you don't rat on your friends.
'rat on sth (BrE, informal)
• to not do sth that you have agreed or promised to do
• 背弃做某事的诺言
【SYN】 renege :
 »The government is accused of ratting on its promises to the unemployed.
salesgirl / ˈseilzɡə:l; NAme -ɡə:rl /
• a girl or woman who works in a shop / store
• 女店员;女售货员
cucumber / ˈkju:kʌmbə(r) /
noun [C, U]
• a long vegetable with dark green skin and light green flesh, that is usually eaten raw
• 黄瓜
--› see also sea cucumber
--› see cool adj.
sly / slai /
1. (disapproving) acting or done in a secret or dishonest way, often intending to trick people
• 诡诈的;狡诈的
【SYN】 cunning :
 »a sly political move
 »(humorous) You sly old devil! How long have you known?
2. [usually before noun] suggesting that you know sth secret that other people do not know
• 诡秘的(表示自己知道别人不知道的秘密)
【SYN】 knowing :
 »a sly smile / grin / look / glance, etc.
slyly adv.:
 »He glanced at her slyly.
slyness noun [U]
on the 'sly
• secretly; not wanting other people to discover what you are doing
• 秘密地;偷偷地;背地里:
 »He has to visit them on the sly.
fox / fɔks; NAmE fɑ:ks /
1. [C] a wild animal of the dog family, with reddish-brown fur, a pointed face and a thick heavy tail
• 狐;狐狸
--› see also flying fox , vixen
2. [U] the skin and fur of the fox, used to make coats, etc.
• 狐皮
3. [C] (often disapproving) a person who is clever and able to get what they want by influencing or tricking other people
• 狡猾的人;老狐狸;老滑头:
 »He's a wily old fox.
4. [C] (informal) an attractive young woman
• 漂亮的年轻女子
verb [VN]
• (informal, especially BrE) to be too difficult for sb to understand or solve; to trick or confuse sb
• 使猜不透;把…难住;使上当;使迷惑:
 »The last question foxed even our panel of experts.
1. made of cast iron
• 铸铁制的:
 »a cast-iron bridge
2. very strong or certain; that cannot be broken or fail
• 有力的;确实的;确定不移的:
 »a cast-iron guarantee / promise
 »a cast-iron excuse / alibi
nerve / nə:v; NAme nə:rv /
1. [C] any of the long threads that carry messages between the brain and parts of the body, enabling you to move, feel pain, etc.
• 神经:
 »the optic nerve
 »nerve cells
 »nerve endings
 »Every nerve in her body was tense.
2. nerves [pl.] feelings of worry or anxiety
• 神经质;神经紧张:
 »Even after years as a singer, he still suffers from nerves before a performance.
 »I need something to calm / steady my nerves.
 »Everyone's nerves were on edge (= everyone felt tense ).
 »He lives on his nerves (= is always worried).
3. [U] the courage to do sth difficult or dangerous
• 勇气;气魄
【SYN】 guts :
 »It took a lot of nerve to take the company to court.
 »I was going to have a go at parachuting but lost my nerve at the last minute.
 »He kept his nerve to win the final set 6–4.
  他鼓足勇气以 6:4 赢了最后一盘。
4. [sing., U] (informal) a way of behaving that other people think is rude or not appropriate
• 鲁莽;冒失;厚颜
【SYN】 cheek :
 »I don't know how you have the nerve to show your face after what you said!
 »He's got a nerve asking us for money!
 »'Then she demanded to see the manager!' ' What a nerve! '
  "她还要求见经理!" "真不要脸!"
be a bag / bundle of 'nerves
•(informal) to be very nervous
• 非常紧张
get on sb's 'nerves
•(informal) to annoy sb
• 烦扰;使心神不定
have nerves of steel
• to be able to remain calm in a difficult or dangerous situation
• 意志坚强;沉着冷静
hit / touch a (raw / sensitive) 'nerve
• to mention a subject that makes sb feel angry, upset, embarrassed, etc.
• 触及要害;触动痛处:
 »You touched a raw nerve when you mentioned his first wife.
--› more at brass , strain v., war
~ yourself for sth / to do sth to give yourself the courage or strength to do sth
• 鼓足勇气;振作精神:
▪ [VN to inf]
 »He nerved himself to ask her out.
▪ [also VN]
martial / ˈmɑ:ʃl; NAme ˈmɑ:rʃl /
• (formal) [only before noun] connected with fighting or war
• 战争的;军事的
ˌmartial 'art
noun [usually pl.]
• any of the fighting sports that include judo and karate
• 武术
weed / wi:d /
1. [C] a wild plant growing where it is not wanted, especially among crops or garden plants
• 杂草,野草(尤指庄稼或花园中的):
 »The yard was overgrown with weeds.
2. [U] any wild plant without flowers that grows in water and forms a green floating mass
• 水草
3. the weed [sing.] (humorous) tobacco or cigarettes
• 烟草;烟叶;香烟;烟卷:
 »I wish I could give up the weed (= stop smoking).
4. [U] (informal) the drug cannabis
• 大麻烟
5. [C] (BrE, informal, disapproving) a person with a weak character or body
• 懦弱的人;体弱的人
• to take out weeds from the ground
• 除(地面的)杂草:
▪ [VN]
 »I've been weeding the flower beds.
▪ [also V]
ˌweed sth / sb∽'out
• to remove or get rid of people or things from a group because they are not wanted or are less good than the rest
• 清除,剔除,淘汰(不需要的或较差的人或物)

verb [VN]
• to throw or push a spear or other pointed object through sth / sb
• 用矛刺;用尖物刺穿:
 »They were standing in the river spearing fish.
 »She speared an olive with her fork.
magician / məˈdʒiʃn /
1. a person who can do magic tricks
• 魔术师;变戏法的人
【SYN】 conjuror
2. (in stories 故事中) a person who has magic powers
• 巫师;术士;施妖术的人
【SYN】 sorcerer
bath / bɑ:θ; NAmE bæθ /
noun (pl. baths / bɑ:ðz; NAmE bæðz / )
1. əɔ] (BrE) (also bathtub, informal tub NAmE, BrE) a large, long container that you put water in and then get into to wash your whole body
• 浴缸;浴盆
--› see also bird bath
2. [C] (BrE) the water in a bath / bathtub , ready to use
• 浴缸的水:
 »a long soak in a hot bath
 »Please run a bath for me (= fill the bath with water).
3. [C] an act of washing your whole body by sitting or lying in water
• 洗澡;洗浴:
 »I think I'll have a bath and go to bed.
 »(especially NAmE) to take a bath
--› see also bubble bath
4. baths [pl.] (old-fashioned, BrE) a public building where you can go to swim
• 游泳池
--› see also swimming bath , swimming pool
5. [C, usually pl.] a public place where people went in the past to wash or have a bath
• (旧时的)公共浴室,澡堂:
 »Roman villas and baths
--› see also Turkish bath
6. [C] (technical 术语) a container with a liquid such as water or a dye in it, in which sth is washed or placed for a period of time. Baths are used in industrial, chemical and medical processes.
• 浴器,浴锅,染缸(工业、化学以及医学加工处理用)
--› see also bloodbath
take a 'bath
• to lose money on a business agreement
• (在交易中)蒙受经济损失
verb (BrE) (NAmE bathe)
1. [VN] to give a bath to sb
• 给…洗澡:
 »It's your turn to bath the baby.
2. [V] (old-fashioned) to have a bath
• 洗澡
bedding / ˈbediŋ /
noun [U]
1. the sheets and covers that you put on a bed, often also the mattress and the pillows
• 卧具;寝具;铺盖
2. straw , etc. for animals to sleep on
• (给动物歇息的)垫草
verb [VN]
~ sth (up) to wrap a bandage around a part of the body in order to protect it because it is injured
• 用绷带包扎
ward / wɔ:d; NAme wɔ:rd /
1. a separate room or area in a hospital for people with the same type of medical condition
• 病房;病室:
 »a maternity / surgical / psychiatric / children's, etc. ward
 »He worked as a nurse on the children's ward.
2. (in Britain) one of the areas into which a city is divided and which elects and is represented by a member of the local council
• (英国城市中可选出一位地方议员的)区,选区
3. (law 律) a person, especially a child, who is under the legal protection of a court or another person (called a guardian )
• 受监护人(受法院或监护人保护的人,尤指儿童):
 »The child was made a ward of court.
ˌward sb / sth∽'off

• to protect or defend yourself against danger, illness, attack, etc.
• 防止,避免,使防止(危险、疾病、攻击等):
 »to ward off criticism
 »She put up her hands to ward him off.
creative / kriˈeitiv /
1. [only before noun] involving the use of skill and the imagination to produce sth new or a work of art
• 创造(性)的;创作的:
 »a course on creative writing (= writing stories, plays and poems)
 »the creative and performing arts
 »creative thinking (= thinking about problems in a new way or thinking of new ideas)
 »the company's creative team
 »the creative process
2. having the skill and ability to produce sth new, especially a work of art; showing this ability
• 有创造力的;(尤指艺术作品)创作的;表现创造力的:
 »She's very creative—she writes poetry and paints.
 »Do you have any ideas? You're the creative one.
creatively adv.
creativity / ˌkri:eiˈtivəti / noun [U] :
 »Creativity and originality are more important than technical skill.
1. [C] a person who is creative
• 富于创造力的人;搞创作的人:
 »The exhibition features the paintings of local creatives.
2. [U] creative ideas or material
• 创意;创作素材:
 »We need to produce better creative if we want to attract big clients.
• having confidence in yourself and your abilities
• 自信的
【SYN】 self-assured , confident :
 »a self-confident child
 »a self-confident manner
ˌself-'confidence noun [U] :
 »He has no self-confidence.
artist / ˈɑ:tist; NAmE ˈɑ:rt- /
1. a person who creates works of art, especially paintings or drawings
• 艺术家;(尤指)画家:
 »an exhibition of work by contemporary British artists
 »a graphic artist
 »a make-up artist
 »Police have issued an artist's impression of her attacker.
 »(figurative) Whoever made this cake is a real artist.
2. = artiste :
 »a recording / solo artist
realistic / ˌri:əˈlistik; BrE also ˌriə- /
1. accepting in a sensible way what it is actually possible to do or achieve in a particular situation
• 现实的;实际的;实事求是的:
 »a realistic assessment
 »We have to be realistic about our chances of winning.
 »It is not realistic to expect people to spend so much money.
2. sensible and appropriate; possible to achieve
• 明智的;恰如其分的;能够实现的
【SYN】 feasible , viable :
 »We must set realistic goals.
 »a realistic target
 »to pay a realistic salary
3. representing things as they are in real life
• 逼真的;栩栩如生的:
 »a realistic drawing
 »We try to make these training courses as realistic as possible.
【OPP】 unrealistic
greengrocer / ˈɡri:nɡrəusə(r); NAmE -ɡrou- /
noun (especially BrE)
1. a person who owns, manages or works in a shop / store selling fruit and vegetables
• 果菜商
--› compare fruiterer
2. greengrocer's (pl. greengrocers) a shop / store that sells fruit and vegetables
• 蔬菜水果店
~ sth to / for sb / sth to make or adapt sth for a particular purpose, a particular person, etc.
• 专门制作;订做:
▪ [VN]
 »Special programmes of study are tailored to the needs of specific groups.
▪ [VN to inf]
 »Most travel agents are prepared to tailor travel arrangements to meet individual requirements.
investigative / inˈvestiɡətiv; NAme -ɡeitiv / (also less frequent investigatory / inˈvestiɡətəri; NAme -ɡətɔ:ri / )
adj. [usually before noun]
• involving examining an event or a situation to find out the truth
• 调查研究的;侦查的:
 »The article was an excellent piece of investigative journalism.
 »The police have full investigatory powers.
pianist / ˈpiənist /
• a person who plays the piano
• 钢琴弹奏者;钢琴家:
 »a concert pianist
 »a jazz pianist
violinist / ˌvaiəˈlinist /
• a person who plays a violin
• 小提琴手;小提琴演奏者
librarian / laiˈbreəriən /
• a person who is in charge of or works in a library
• 图书馆馆长;图书管理员
librarianship noun [U] :
 »a degree in librarianship
stewardess / ˌstju:əˈdes; ˈstju:ə-; NAme ˈstu:ərdəs /
1. (old-fashioned) a female flight attendant
• (飞机上的)女乘务员;空中小姐
2. a woman whose job is to take care of the passengers on a ship or train
• (轮船或火车上的)女乘务员,女服务员
enterprising / ˈentəpraiziŋ; NAmE -tərp- /
• (approving)having or showing the ability to think of new projects or new ways of doing things and make them successful
• 有事业心的;有进取心的;有创业精神的
typist / ˈtaipist /
1. a person who works in an office typing letters, etc.
• 打字员
2. a person who uses a typewriter or computer keyboard
• (用打字机或计算机键盘的)打字者:
 »I'm quite a fast typist.