• Limited (used after the name of a British company or business)
• 有限责任公司,股份有限公司(用于英国公司或商行名称之后):
 »Pearce and Co. Ltd
engineering / ˌendʒiˈniəriŋ; NAmE -ˈnir- /
noun [U]
1. the activity of applying scientific knowledge to the design, building and control of machines, roads, bridges, electrical equipment, etc.
• 工程:
 »The bridge is a triumph of modern engineering.
--› compare reverse engineering
2. (also ˌengineering 'science) the study of engineering as a subject
• 工程学:
 »a degree in engineering
--› see also chemical engineering
, civil engineering , electrical engineering , genetic engineering , mechanical engineering , social engineering
covering / ˈkʌvəriŋ /
1. a layer of sth that covers sth else
• (一层)覆盖层,遮盖物:
 »a thick covering of snow on the ground
2. a layer of material such as carpet or wallpaper , used to cover, decorate and protect floors, walls, etc.
• 装饰(或保护)性覆盖物:
 »floor / wall coverings
3. a piece of material that covers sth
• 覆盖某物的一块(或一片)材料:
 »He pulled the plastic covering off the dead body.
ˌcovering 'letter (BrE) (NAmE 'cover letter)
• a letter containing extra information that you send with sth
• 附信(与某物一起寄出)
gap / ɡæp /
noun ~ (in / between sth)
1. a space between two things or in the middle of sth, especially because there is a part missing
• 开口;豁口;缺口;裂口:
 »a gap in a hedge
 »Leave a gap between your car and the next.
2. a period of time when sth stops, or between two events
• 间断;间隔;间隙:
 »a gap in the conversation
 »They met again after a gap of twenty years.
 »There's a big age gap between them (= a big difference in their ages).
3. a difference that separates people, or their opinions, situation, etc.
• 分歧;隔阂;差距:
 »the gap between rich and poor
 »the gap between theory and practice
--› see also credibility gap at credibility , generation gap
4. a space where sth is missing
• 缺口;空白;漏洞:
 »His death left an enormous gap in my life.
 »There were several gaps in my education.
 »We think we've identified a gap in the market (= a business opportunity to make or sell sth that is not yet available).
--› see bridge v.
'gap year
(BrE) a year that a young person spends working and / or travelling, often between leaving school and starting university
• 空缺年(常指中学毕业后上大学前所休的一年假期,用于实习或旅游):
 »I'm planning to take a gap year and go backpacking in India.
session / ˈseʃn /
1. a period of time that is spent doing a particular activity
• 一场;一节;一段时间:
 »a photo / recording / training, etc. session
 »The course is made up of 12 two-hour sessions.
  这门课总共上 12 次,每次两小时。
--› see also jam session
2. a formal meeting or series of meetings of a court, a parliament, etc.; a period of time when such meetings are held
• (法庭的)开庭,开庭期;(议会等的)会议,会期:
 »a session of the UN General Assembly
 »The court is now in session.
 »The committee met in closed session (= with nobody else present).
--› see also quarter sessions
3. a school or university year
• 学年
4. an occasion when people meet to play music, especially Irish music, in a pub / bar
• (酒吧中)演奏会(尤指演奏爱尔兰音乐)
employer / imˈplɔiə(r) /
• a person or company that pays people to work for them
• 雇用者;雇主;老板:
 »They're very good employers (= they treat the people that work for them well).
 »one of the largest employers in the area
employee / imˈplɔii: /
• a person who is paid to work for sb
• 受雇者;雇工;雇员:
 »The firm has over 500 employees.
  这家公司有 500 多名雇员。
 »government employees
 »employee rights / relations
interviewer / ˈintəvju:ə(r); NAme -tərv- /
• the person who asks the questions in an interview
• 主持面试者;采访者
refresh / riˈfreʃ /
1. [VN] to make sb feel less tired or less hot
• 使恢复精力;使凉爽:
 »The long sleep had refreshed her.
 »He refreshed himself with a cool shower.
2. [VN] (informal, especially NAmE) to fill sb's glass or cup again
• 重新斟满:
 »Let me refresh your glass.
3. [VN] ~ your / sb's memory to remind yourself / sb of sth, especially with the help of sth that can be seen or heard
• 提醒;提示;使想起
【SYN】 jog :
 »He had to refresh his memory by looking at his notes.
4. (computing 计) to get the most recent information, for example on an Internet page, by clicking on a button on the screen
• 刷新;更新;重新整理:
▪ [VN]
 »Click here to refresh this document.
▪ [V]
 »The page refreshes automatically.
yawn / jɔ:n /
verb [V]
1. to open your mouth wide and breathe in deeply through it, usually because you are tired or bored
• 打哈欠:
 »He stood up, stretched and yawned.
2. (of a large hole or an empty space 大的洞穴或空间) to be very wide and often frightening and difficult to get across
• 非常宽;难以逾越
【SYN】 gape :
 »A crevasse yawned at their feet.
 »(figurative) There's a yawning gap between rich and poor.
1. an act of yawning
• 哈欠:
 »She stifled another yawn and tried hard to look interested.
2. [usually sing.] (informal) a boring event, idea, etc.
• 乏味的事情;令人厌烦的观点(等):
 »The meeting was six big yawn from start to finish.
razor / ˈreizə(r) /
• an instrument that is used for shaving
• 剃须刀;刮脸刀:
 »an electric razor
 »a cut-throat / safety / disposable razor
--› compare shaver
be on the 'razor's edge | be on a 'razor edge
• to be in a difficult situation where any mistake may be very dangerous
• 处于非常危险的困境;境况岌岌可危
shaver / ˈʃeivə(r) / (also eˌlectric 'razor)
• an electric tool for shaving
• 电动剃须刀
--› compare razor
shave / ʃeiv /
1. to cut hair from the skin, especially the face, using a razor
• 剃(须发);(尤指)刮脸:
▪ [V]
 »Mike cut himself shaving.
▪ [VN]
 »The nurse washed and shaved him.
 »a shaved head
--› see also shaven
2. [VN] to cut a small amount off a price, etc.
• (少量地)削减,调低,降价:
 »The firm had shaved profit margins.
ˌshave sth∽ˌoff | ˌshave sth 'off sth
1. to remove a beard or moustache by shaving
• 剃掉,刮去(胡须):
 »Charles decided to shave off his beard.

2. to cut very thin pieces from the surface of wood, etc.
• 削掉;刨去;切掉:
 »I had to shave a few millimetres off the door to make it shut.
3. to reduce a number by a very small amount
• (微量地)减少,缩小:
 »He shaved a tenth of a second off the world record.
• an act of shaving
• 修面;刮脸;剃须:
 »I need a shave.
 »to have a shave
--› see close ² adj.
haircut / ˈheəkʌt; NAme ˈherkʌt /
1. the act of sb cutting your hair
• 理发:
 »You need a haircut.
 »I see you've had a haircut.
2. the style in which sb's hair is cut
• 发型;发式:
 »What do you think of my new haircut?
 »a trendy haircut
conservative / kənˈsə:vətiv; NAmE -ˈsə:rv- /
1. opposed to great or sudden social change; showing that you prefer traditional styles and values
• 保守的;守旧的:
 »the conservative views of his parents
 »Her style of dress was never conservative.
2. (usually Conservative) connected with the British Conservative Party
• (英国)保守党的:
 »Conservative members / supporters
3. (of an estimate 估计) lower than what is probably the real amount or number
• 低于实际数量的;保守的:
 »At a conservative estimate, he'll be earning £50 000.
  按照保守的估计,他会赚到 5 万英镑。
conservatively adv.
1. (usually Conservative) (abbr. Con) a member or supporter of the British Conservative Party
• (英国)保守党党员,保守党支持者
2. a conservative person
• 保守者;因循守旧者
allowance / əˈlauəns /
1. an amount of money that is given to sb regularly or for a particular purpose
• 津贴;补贴;补助:
 »an allowance of $20 a day
  每天 20 元补贴
 »a clothing / living / travel allowance
 »Do you get an allowance for clothing?
--› see also attendance allowance
2. the amount of sth that is allowed in a particular situation
• 限额;定量:
 »a baggage allowance of 20 kilos
  行李限重 20 公斤
3. (BrE) an amount of money that can be earned or received before you start paying tax
• 免税额:
 »personal tax allowances
4. (especially NAmE) = pocket money
make allowance(s) for sth
• to consider sth, for example when you are making a decision or planning sth
• 考虑到,估计到(如在制订决策或计划时):
 »The budget made allowance for inflation.
 »The plan makes no allowance for people working at different rates.
make allowances (for sb)
• to allow sb to behave in a way that you would not usually accept, because of a problem or because there is a special reason
• 体谅;谅解
roundabout / ˈraundəbaut /
noun (BrE)
1. (NAmE 'traffic circle,rotary) a place where ten or more roads meet, forming a circle that all traffic must go around in the same direction
• (交通)环岛:
 »At the roundabout, take the second exit.
--› see also mini-roundabout
2. (NAmE 'merry-go-round) a round platform for children to play on in a park, etc. that is pushed round while the children are sitting on it
• (游乐设施)旋转平台
3. (BrE) = merry-go-round (1)
--› see swing n.
adj. [usually before noun]
• not done or said using the shortest, simplest or most direct way possible
• 迂回的;间接的;兜圈子的:
 »It was a difficult and roundabout trip.
 »He told us, in a very roundabout way, that he was thinking of leaving.
parking / ˈpɑ:kiŋ; NAme ˈpɑ:rk- /
noun [U]
1. the act of stopping a vehicle at a place and leaving it there for a period of time
• 停车;泊车:
 »There is no parking here between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.
  上午 9 时至下午 6 时此处禁止停车。
 »I managed to find a parking space.
 »a parking fine (= for parking illegally)
2. a space or an area for leaving vehicles
• 停车场;停车位:
 »The hotel is centrally situated with ample free parking.
wag / wæɡ /
verb (-gg-)
1. [V VN] if a dog wags its tail, or its tail wags, its tail moves from side to side several times
• (狗)摇,摆动(尾巴);(狗尾巴)摇,摆动
2. [VN] to shake your finger or your head from side to side or up and down, often as a sign of disapproval
• 摆动,摇(头或手指,常表示不赞成)
3. [VN] (AustralE, NZE) to stay away from school without permission
• 逃学:
 »to wag school
--› see tail n., tongue n.
1. (old-fashioned, especially BrE) a person who enjoys making jokes
• 老开玩笑的人;爱闹着玩的人
【SYN】 joker
2. a wagging movement
• 摇摆;摆动
punctuation / ˌpʌŋktʃuˈeiʃn /
noun [U]
• the marks used in writing that divide sentences and phrases; the system of using these marks
• 标点符号;标点符号用法
management / ˈmænidʒmənt /
1. [U] the act of running and controlling a business or similar organization
• 经营;管理:
 »a career in management
 »hotel / project management
 »a management training course
 »The report blames bad management.

2. [C + sing. / pl. v., U] the people who run and control a business or similar organization
• 经营者;管理部门;资方:
 »The management is / are considering closing the factory.
 »The shop is now under new management.
 »junior / middle / senior management
 »a management decision / job
 »My role is to act as a mediator between employees and management.
 »Most managements are keen to avoid strikes.
3. [U] the act or skill of dealing with people or situations in a successful way
• (成功的)处理手段;(有效的)处理能力:
 »classroom management
 »time management (= the way in which you organize how you spend your time)
 »management of staff
 »Diet plays an important role in the management of heart disease.
trainee / ˌtreiˈni: /
• a person who is being taught how to do a particular job
• 接受培训者;实习生;见习生:
 »a management trainee
 »a trainee teacher
smart / smɑ:t; NAme smɑ:rt /
adj. (smarter, smartest)
›› CLEAN / NEAT 整洁
1. (especially BrE) (of people 人) looking clean and neat; well dressed in fashionable and / or formal clothes
• 衣冠楚楚的;衣着讲究的:
 »You look very smart in that suit.
2. (especially BrE) (of clothes, etc. 衣服等) clean, neat and looking new and attractive
• 整洁而漂亮的;光鲜的:
 »They were wearing their smartest clothes.
3. (especially NAmE) intelligent
• 聪明的;机敏的;精明的:
 »She's smarter than her brother.
 »That was a smart career move.
 »OK, I admit it was not the smartest thing I ever did (= it was a stupid thing to do).
--› note at intelligent
4. (especially BrE) connected with fashionable rich people
• 时髦人物的;高档的:
 »smart restaurants
 »She mixes with the smart set.
›› QUICK 快速
5. (of a movement, etc. 动作等) quick and usually done with force
• 快速的;敏捷的;迅速而有力的
【SYN】 brisk :
 »He was struck with a smart crack on the head.
 »We set off at a smart pace.
6. (of a device, especially of a weapon / bomb 尤指武器、炸弹等装置) controlled by a computer, so that it appears to act in an intelligent way
• 智能的:
 »smart bombs
 »This smart washing machine will dispense an optimal amount of water for the load.
smartly adv.
 »(especially BrE) smartly dressed
 »He ran off pretty smartly (= quickly and suddenly).
smartness noun [U]
verb [V]
1. ~ (from sth) to feel a sharp stinging pain in a part of your body
• 感到剧烈刺痛:
 »His eyes were smarting from the smoke.
2. ~ (from / over sth) to feel upset about a criticism, failure, etc.
• (因批评、失败等)难过,烦恼:
 »They are still smarting from the 4–0 defeat last week.
  他们仍为上星期 0:4 惨败而难过。
--› see also smarts
garage / ˈɡærɑ:ʒ; -rɑ:dʒ; -ridʒ; NAmE ɡəˈrɑ:ʒ; -ˈrɑ:dʒ /
1. [C] a building for keeping one or more cars or other vehicles in
• 停车房;车库:
 »(BrE) a house with a built-in garage
 »(NAmE) a house with an attached garage
 »a double garage (= one for two cars)
 »a bus garage
 »an underground garage (= for example under an office building)
2. [C] a place where vehicles are repaired and where you can buy a car or buy petrol / gas and oil
• (兼营汽车销售、修理及加油的)汽车修理厂:
 »a garage mechanic
--› see also petrol station
3. [U] a type of house music
• 车库音乐,加拉奇音乐(货仓音乐的一种)
verb [VN]
• to put or keep a vehicle in a garage
• 把…送入车库(或修车厂)
relaxed / riˈlækst /
1. ~ (about sth) (of a person 人) calm and not anxious or worried
• 放松的;冷静的;镇定的:
 »He appeared relaxed and confident before the match.
 »She had a very relaxed manner.
2. (of a place 地方) calm and informal
• 安静的;自在的:
 »a family-run hotel with a relaxed atmosphere
3. ~ (about sth) not caring too much about discipline or making people follow rules
• 不加以拘束的
【SYN】 laid-back :
 »I take a fairly relaxed attitude towards what the kids wear to school.
'team player
• a person who is good at working as a member of a team, usually in their job
• 善于与团队合作的成员
response / riˈspɔns; NAme riˈspɑ:ns /
noun ~ (to sb / sth)
1. [C, U] a spoken or written answer
• (口头的或书面的)回答,答覆:
 »She made no response.
 »In response to your inquiry...
 »I received an encouraging response to my advertisement.
2. [C, U] a reaction to sth that has happened or been said
• 反应;响应:
 »The news provoked an angry response.
 »a positive response
 »I knocked on the door but there was no response.
 »The product was developed in response to customer demand.
 »We sent out over 1 000 letters but the response rate has been low (= few people replied).
  我们寄出了 1 000 多封信,但回信寥寥。
3. [C, usually pl.] a part of a church service that the people sing or speak as an answer to the part that the priest sings or speaks
• (礼拜仪式中的)答唱咏,启应经
diploma / diˈpləumə; NAmE -ˈplou- /
1. (BrE) a course of study at a college or university
• 文凭课程:
 »a two-year diploma course
 »She is taking a diploma in management studies.
2. a document showing that you have completed a course of study or part of your education
• 毕业文凭:
 »a High School diploma
videophone / ˈvidiəufəun; NAme -oufoun /
• a type of telephone with a screen that enables you to see the person you are talking to
• 可视电话;电视电话;视像电话
division / diˈviʒn /
1. [U, sing.] ~ (of sth between A and B) | ~ (of sth) (into sth) the process or result of dividing into separate parts; the process or result of dividing sth or sharing it out
• 分开;分隔;分配;(分出来的)部份:
 »cell division
 »the division of labour between the sexes
 »a fair division of time and resources
 »the division of the population into age groups
2. [U] the process of dividing one number by another
• 除(法):
 »the division sign (÷)
--› compare multiplication
--› see also long division
3. [C, U] ~ (in / within sth) | ~ (between A and B) a disagreement or difference in opinion, way of life, etc., especially between members of a society or an organization
• 分歧;不和;差异:
 »There are deep divisions in the party over the war.
 »the work of healing the divisions within society
 »divisions between rich and poor
 »social / class divisions
4. [C + sing. / pl. v.] (abbr. Div.) a large and important unit or section of an organization
• (机构的)部门:
 »the company's sales division
›› IN SPORT 体育运动
5. [C + sing. / pl. v.] (abbr. Div.) (in Britain) one of the group of teams that a sport competition is divided into, especially in football ( soccer )
• (英国体育运动,尤指足球比赛的)级:
 »the first division / division one
 »a first-division team
›› PART OF ARMY 军队编制
6. [C + sing. / pl. v.] (abbr. Div.) a unit of an army, consisting of several brigades or regiments
• 师:
 »the Guards Armoured Division
›› BORDER 边界
7. [C] a line that divides sth
• 分界线:
 »A hedge forms the division between their land and ours.
8. [C] (technical 术语) the separation of members of the British parliament into groups to vote for or against sth
• (英国议会的)分组表决:
 »The Bill was read without a division.
fluency / ˈflu:ənsi /
noun [U, sing.]
1. the quality of being able to speak or write a language, especially a foreign language, easily and well
• (尤指外语)流利,流畅:
 »Fluency in French is required for this job.
2. the quality of doing sth in a smooth and skilful way
• 熟练自如;流畅:
 »The team lacked fluency during the first half.
CV / ˌsi: ˈvi: / (BrE) (NAmE résumé)
• a written record of your education and the jobs you have done, that you send when you are applying for a job (abbreviation for 'curriculum vitae').
• 履历,简历(全写为 curriculum vitae):
 »Send a full CV with your job application.
ladder / ˈlædə(r) /
1. a piece of equipment for climbing up and down a wall, the side of a building, etc., consisting of ten lengths of wood or metal that are joined together by steps or rungs
• 梯子:
 »to climb up / fall off a ladder
--› see also stepladder
2. [usually sing.] a series of stages by which you can make progress in a career or an organization
• (事业上或机构中晋升的)阶梯,途径:
 »to move up or down the social ladder
 »the career ladder
3. (BrE) (NAmE run) a long thin hole in tights or stockings where some threads have broken
• (紧身裤袜或长筒袜的)滑丝,抽丝
4. (also 'ladder tournament) a competition in a particular sport or game in which teams or players are arranged in a list and they can move up the list by defeating six of the teams or players above
• 开级比赛;开级游戏(将参赛者排名,胜者名次前提)
verb [V VN]
(BrE) if tights or stockings ladder or you ladder them, a long thin hole appears in them
• (紧身裤袜或长筒袜)出现滑丝,抽丝
the Antarctic / ænˈtɑ:ktik; NAmE -ˈtɑ:rk- /
noun [sing.]
• the regions of the world around the South Pole
• 南极地区
Antarctic adj. [only before noun] :
 »Antarctic explorers
--› compare Arctic
fund / fʌnd /
1. [C] an amount of money that has been saved or has been made available for a particular purpose
• 基金;专款:
 »a disaster relief fund
 »the company's pension fund
 »the International Monetary Fund
2. funds [pl.] money that is available to be spent
• 资金;现款:
 »government funds
 »The hospital is trying to raise funds for a new kidney machine.
 »The project has been cancelled because of lack of funds.
 »I'm short of funds at the moment—can I pay you back next week?
3. [sing.] ~ of sth an amount or a supply of sth
• (相当)数量;储备:
 »a fund of knowledge
verb [VN]
• to provide money for sth, usually sth official
• 提供资金;拨款:
 »a dance festival funded by the Arts Council
 »The museum is privately funded.
 »a government-funded programme
brazil / brəˈzil / (also bra'zil nut)
• the curved nut of a large S American tree. It has a hard shell with three sides.
• 巴西坚果
Amazon / ˈæməzən; NAmE also -zɑ:n /
1. (in ancient Greek stories) a woman from a group of female warriors (= soldiers)
• (古希腊神话中的)亚马孙族女战士
2. amazon (literary) a tall strong woman
• 高大强悍的女人
cooker / ˈkukə(r) / (BrE) (NAmE range) (also stove NAmE, BrE)
• a large piece of equipment for cooking food, containing an oven and gas or electric rings on top
• (带烤箱、燃气炉或电炉的)厨灶,炉具:
 »a gas cooker
 »an electric cooker
--› see also pressure cooker
switch / switʃ /
1. a small device that you press or move up and down in order to turn a light or piece of electrical equipment on and off
• (电路的)开关,闸,转换器:
 »a light switch
 »an on-off switch
 »That was in the days before electricity was available at the flick of a switch.
 »Which switch do I press to turn it off?
 »to throw a switch (= to move a large switch)
2. ~ (in / of sth) | ~ (from A to B) a change from six thing to another, especially when this is sudden and complete
• (尤指突然彻底的)改变,转变:
 »a switch of priorities
 »She made the switch from full-time to part-time work when her first child was born.
 »a policy switch
3. (NAmE) the points on a railway / railroad line
• (铁路的)转辙器,道岔
4. a thin stick that bends easily
• (细软)枝条;鞭子:
 »a riding switch
1. ~ (sth) (over) (from sth) (to sth) | ~ (between A and B) to change or make sth change from six thing to another
• (使)改变,转变,突变:
▪ [V]
 »We're in the process of switching over to a new system of invoicing.
 »Press these ten keys to switch between documents on screen.
▪ [VN]
 »When did you switch jobs?
2. [VN] ~ sth (with sth) | ~ sth (over / around / round) to exchange six thing for another
• 交换;掉换;转换;对调
【SYN】 swap :
 »The dates of the last ten exams have been switched.
 »I see you've switched the furniture around (= changed its position).
 »Do you think she'll notice if I switch my glass with hers?
3. ~ (sth) (with sb) | ~ (sth) (over / around / round) to do sb else's job for a short time or work during different hours so that they can do your job or work during your usual hours
• 调班;临时掉换工作时间
【SYN】 swap :
▪ [V]
 »I can't work next weekend—will you switch with me?
▪ [VN]
 »Have you been able to switch your shift with anyone?
ˌswitch 'off (informal)
• to stop thinking about sth or paying attention to sth
• 不再想着;不再注意;失去兴趣:
 »When I hear the word 'football' I switch off (= because I am not interested in it).
 »The only time he really switches off (= stops thinking about work, etc.) is when we're on vacation.

ˌswitch 'off / 'on | ˌswitch sth∽'off / 'on
• to turn a light, machine, etc. off / on by pressing a button or switch
• 关/开(电灯、机器等):
 »Please switch the lights off as you leave.
 »How do you switch this thing on?

ˌswitch 'over | ˌswitch sth∽'over (BrE)
• to change stations on a radio or television
• 换台;换频道

nail / neil /
1. a thin hard layer covering the outer tip of the fingers or toes
• 指甲;趾甲:
 »Stop biting your nails!
 »nail clippers
--› see also fingernail , toenail
2. a small thin pointed piece of metal with a flat head, used for hanging things on a wall or for joining pieces of wood together
• 钉;钉子:
 »She hammered the nail in.
--› compare screw n. (1), tack n. (3)
a nail in sb's / sth's 'coffin
• something that makes the end or failure of an organization, sb's plans, etc. more likely to happen
• 导致失败的事物;导致某事终结之物
on the 'nail
(BrE, informal) (of payment 付款)
• without delay
• 立刻;马上;毫不拖延:
 »They're good customers who always pay on the nail.
--› more at fight v., hard adj., hit v., tough adj.
verb [VN]
1. to fasten sth to sth with a nail or nails
• (用钉子)钉牢,固定:
 »I nailed the sign to a tree.
2. (informal) to catch sb and prove they are guilty of a crime or of doing sth bad
• 抓获并证明有罪;抓住:
 »The police haven't been able to nail the killer.
3. (informal) to prove that sth is not true
• 证明…不属实;揭露;揭发:
 »We must nail this lie.
4. (NAmE, informal) to achieve sth or do sth right, especially in sport
• (尤指体育运动中)获得,赢得,击中:
 »He nailed a victory in the semi-finals.
nail your colours to the 'mast
(especially BrE)
• to say publicly and firmly what you believe or who you support
• 公开宣称;公开表态
ˌnail sth∽'down
1. to fasten sth down with a nail or nails
• (用钉子)将…钉牢,将…固定

2. to reach an agreement or a decision, usually after a lot of discussion
• 达成一致;作出决定:
 »All the parties seem anxious to nail down a ceasefire.
ˌnail sb∽'down (to sth)
• to force sb to give you a definite promise or tell you exactly what they intend to do
• 迫使明确保证(或准确说出想做之事)
【SYN】 pin down
 »She says she'll come, but I can't nail her down to a specific time.
ˌnail sth∽'up
1. to fasten sth to a wall, post, etc. with a nail or nails
• 用钉子将…固定到(墙上、柱子上等)

2. to put nails into a door or window so that it cannot be opened
• 用钉子封住,封死(门或窗)