mayor / meə(r); NAme ˈmeiər /
1. (in England, Wales and Northern Ireland) the head of a town, borough or county council, chosen by other members of the council to represent them at official ceremonies, etc.
• (英格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰由议员选举产生的)镇长,市长,郡长:
 »the Lord Mayor of London
--› compare provost (3)
2. the head of the government of a town or city, etc., elected by the public
• (民选的)市长,镇长:
 »the Mayor of New York
 »Mayor Bob Anderson
  鲍勃 · 安德森市长
mayoral / ˈmeərəl; NAme ˈmeiə- / adj. [only before noun] :
 »mayoral robes / duties
improvement / imˈpru:vmənt /
1. [U] ~ (in / on / to sth) the act of making sth better; the process of sth becoming better
• 改善;改进:
 »Sales figures continue to show signs of improvement.
 »There is still room for improvement in your work.
 »We expect to see further improvement over the coming year.
2. [C] ~ (in / on sth) a change in sth that makes it better; sth that is better than it was before
• 改进处;改善的事物:
 »a significant / substantial / dramatic improvement
 »a slight / steady improvement
 »an improvement in Anglo-German relations
 »This is a great improvement on your previous work.
 »improvements to the bus service
• having learned things by reading books, etc. rather than at school or college
• 自我教育的;自学的;自修的
geometry / dʒiˈɔmətri; NAmE -ˈɑ:m- /
1. [U] the branch of mathematics that deals with the measurements and relationships of lines, angles, surfaces and solids
• 几何(学)
2. [sing.] the measurements and relationships of lines, angles, etc. in a particular object or shape
• 几何形状;几何图形;几何结构:
 »the geometry of a spider's web
diagram / ˈdaiəɡræm /
• a simple drawing using lines to explain where sth is, how sth works, etc.
• 简图;图解;图表;示意图:
 »a diagram of the wiring system
 »The results are shown in diagram 2.
  结果显示在表 2 上。
diagrammatic / ˌdaiəɡrəˈmætik / adj.
diagrammatically / -kli / adv.
resign / riˈzain /
~ (from sth) | ~ (as sth) to officially tell sb that you are leaving your job, an organization, etc.
• 辞职;辞去(某职务):
▪ [V]
 »He resigned as manager after three years.
 »Two members resigned from the board in protest.
▪ [VN]
 »My father resigned his directorship last year.
re'sign yourself to sth
• to accept sth unpleasant that cannot be changed or avoided
• 听任;只好接受;顺从:
 »She resigned herself to her fate.
▪ [+ -ing ]
 »We had to resign ourselves to making a loss on the sale.
'pocket-sized (also 'pocket-size)
• small enough to fit into your pocket or to be carried easily
• 袖珍的;便携的
calculator / ˈkælkjuleitə(r) /
• a small electronic device for calculating with numbers
• 计算器:
 »a pocket calculator
amateur / ˈæmətə(r); -tʃə(r) /
1. a person who takes part in a sport or other activity for enjoyment, not as a job
• 业余爱好者;业余运动员:
 »The tournament is open to both amateurs and professionals.
2. (usually disapproving) a person who is not skilled
• 生手;外行:
 »This work was done by a bunch of amateurs!
【OPP】 professional
amateurism / ˈæmətərizəm; -tʃə- / noun [U] :
 »New rules on amateurism allow payment for promotional work.
1. [usually before noun] doing sth for enjoyment or interest, not as a job
• 业余爱好的:
 »an amateur photographer
2. [usually before noun] done for enjoyment, not as a job
• 业余的:
 »amateur athletics
3. = amateurish
【OPP】 professional
receipt / riˈsi:t /
1. (NAmE also 'sales slip) [C] ~ (for sth) a piece of paper that shows that goods or services have been paid for
• 收据;收条:
 »Can I have a receipt, please?
 »to make out (= write) a receipt
2. [U] ~ (of sth) (formal) the act of receiving sth
• 接收;收到:
 »to acknowledge receipt of a letter
 »The goods will be dispatched on receipt of an order form.
 »Are you in receipt of any state benefits?
3. receipts [pl.] (business 商) money that a business, bank or government receives
• (企业、银行、政府等)收到的款项,收入:
 »net / gross receipts
spectrum / ˈspektrəm /
noun (pl. spectra / ˈspektrə / )
1. a band of coloured lights in order of their wavelengths , as seen in a rainbow and into which light may be separated
• 光谱:
 »A spectrum is formed by a ray of light passing through a prism.
 »Red and violet are at opposite ends of the spectrum.
2. a range of sound waves or several other types of wave
• 声谱;波谱;频谱:
 »the electromagnetic / radio / sound spectrum
3. [usually sing.] a complete or wide range of related qualities, ideas, etc.
• 范围;各层次;系列;幅度:
 »a broad spectrum of interests
 »We shall hear views from across the political spectrum.
motor / ˈməutə(r); NAme ˈmou- /
1. a device that uses electricity, petrol / gas, etc. to produce movement and makes a machine, a vehicle, a boat, etc. work
• 发动机;马达:
 »an electric motor
 »He started the motor.
--› see also outboard motor
2. (BrE, old-fashioned or humorous) a car
• 汽车
adj. [only before noun]
1. having an engine; using the power of an engine
• 有引擎的;由发动机推动的:
 »motor vehicles
2. (especially BrE) connected with vehicles that have engines
• 机动车的;汽车的:
 »the motor industry / trade
 »a motor accident
 »motor insurance
 »motor fuel
3. (technical 术语) connected with movement of the body that is produced by muscles; connected with the nerves that control movement
• 肌肉运动的;运动神经的:
 »uncoordinated motor activity
 »Both motor and sensory functions are affected.
verb [V +adv. / prep.]
• (old-fashioned, BrE) to travel by car, especially for pleasure
• 乘车旅行;驾车旅行
motoring noun [U] :
 »They're planning a motoring holiday to France this year.
ridiculous / riˈdikjələs /
• very silly or unreasonable
• 愚蠢的;荒谬的;荒唐的
【SYN】 absurd , ludicrous :
 »I look ridiculous in this hat.
 »Don't be ridiculous! You can't pay £50 for a T-shirt!
  别犯傻了!你不会花 50 英镑买一件 T 恤衫的!
ridiculously adv.:
 »The meal was ridiculously expensive.
ridiculousness noun [U]
--› see sublime n.
tire / ˈtaiə(r) /
• to become tired and feel as if you want to sleep or rest; to make sb feel this way
• (使)疲劳,疲倦,困倦:
▪ [V]
 »Her legs were beginning to tire.
 »He has made a good recovery but still tires easily.
▪ [also VN]
never tire of doing sth
• to do sth a lot, especially in a way that annoys people
• 不厌其烦地做:
 »He went to Harvard—as he never tires of reminding us.
'tire of sth / sb
• to become bored with sth / sb or begin to enjoy it / them less
• 对…感到厌倦;对…腻烦:
 »They soon tired of the beach and went for a walk.
ˌtire sb / yourself 'out
• to make sb / yourself feel very tired
• 使感到筋疲力尽;感到疲惫不堪
--› see also tired

(NAmE) = tyre :
 »to check your tire pressure
fold / fəuld; NAmE fould /
1. [VN] ~ sth (up) | ~ sth (back, down, over, etc.) to bend sth, especially paper or cloth, so that six part lies on top of another part
• 摺叠,对摺(纸、织物等):
 »He folded the map up and put it in his pocket.
 »First, fold the paper in half / in two.
 »The blankets had been folded down.
 »a pile of neatly folded clothes
 »The bird folded its wings.
【OPP】 unfold
--› see also fold-up
2. ~ (sth) (away / down) to bend sth so that it becomes smaller or flatter and can be stored or carried more easily; to bend or be able to bend in this way
• 摺小,叠平,可摺小,可叠平(以便贮存或携带):
▪ [VN]
 »The bed can be folded away during the day.
▪ [V]
 »The table folds up when not in use.
 »(figurative) When she heard the news, her legs just folded under her (= she fell).
▪ [V-ADJ]
 »The ironing board folds flat for easy storage.
3. [VN] ~ A in B | ~ B round / over A to wrap sth around sb / sth
• 包;裹:
 »She gently folded the baby in a blanket.
 »She folded a blanket around the baby.
4. [V] (of a company, a play, etc. 公司、戏剧等) to close because it is not successful
• 倒闭;停演;结束
fold sb in your 'arms
•(literary) to put your arms around sb and hold them against your body
• 拥抱;搂住
fold your 'arms
• to put six of your arms over the other six and hold them against your body
• 双臂交叉在胸前
fold your 'hands
• to bring or hold your hands together
• 十指交叉合拢交叠:
 »She kept her hands folded in her lap.
ˌfold sth∽'in | ˌfold sth 'into sth (in cooking 烹饪)
• to add six substance to another and gently mix them together
• 把…调入;拌入:
 »Fold in the beaten egg whites.

1. [C] a part of sth, especially cloth, that is folded or hangs as if it had been folded
• 褶;褶层;摺叠部份:
 »the folds of her dress
 »loose folds of skin
2. [C] a mark or line made by folding sth, or showing where sth should be folded
• 褶痕;褶缝;褶线
3. [C] an area in a field surrounded by a fence or wall where sheep are kept for safety
• 羊栏;羊圈
4. the fold [sing.] a group of people with whom you feel you belong or who share the same ideas or beliefs
• 志趣相同的人们;同一信仰的人们:
 »He called on former Republican voters to return to the fold.
5. [C] (geology 地) a curve or bend in the line of the layers of rock in the earth's crust
• (地壳岩石层的)褶皱
6. [C] (BrE) a hollow place among hills or mountains
• 山坳;山洼;山谷
cycle / ˈsaikl /
1. a bicycle or motorcycle
• 自行车;摩托车:
 »We went for a cycle ride on Sunday.
 »a cycle route / track
--› see also bike
2. the fact of a series of events being repeated many times, always in the same order
• 循环:
 »the cycle of the seasons
--› see also life cycle
3. a complete set or series, for example of movements in a machine
• 整套,整个系列(如机器的运转):
 »eight cycles per second
 »the rinse cycle (= in a washing machine)
verb [V , usually +adv. / prep.]
(especially BrE) to ride a bicycle; to travel by bicycle
• 骑自行车;骑自行车旅行:
 »I usually cycle home through the park.
--› compare bicycle , bike
will / wil /
modal verb (short form 'll / l / , negative will not, short form won't / wəunt / , pt would / wəd; strong form wud / , short form 'd / d / , negative would not, short form wouldn't / ˈwudnt / )
1. used for talking about or predicting the future
• (谈及将来):
 »You'll be in time if you hurry.
 »How long will you be staying in Paris?
 »Fred said he'd be leaving soon.
 »By next year all the money will have been spent.
2. used for showing that sb is willing to do sth
• (表示愿意)愿,要,会,定要:
 »I'll check this letter for you, if you want.
 »They won't lend us any more money.
 »He wouldn't come—he said he was too busy.
 »We said we would keep them.
3. used for asking sb to do sth
• (烦劳别人做事时用):
 »Will you send this letter for me, please?
 »You'll water the plants while I'm away, won't you?
 »I asked him if he wouldn't mind calling later.
4. used for ordering sb to do sth
• (命令时用):
 »You'll do it this minute!
 »Will you be quiet!
5. used for stating what you think is probably true
• (含有肯定的意思):
 »That'll be the doctor now.
 »You'll have had dinner already, I suppose.
6. used for stating what is generally true
• (敍述一般真理):
 »If it's made of wood it will float.
 »Engines won't run without lubricants.
7. used for stating what is true or possible in a particular case
• (敍述在某种情况下是真实或可能的事):
 »This jar will hold a kilo.
 »The door won't open!
8. used for talking about habits
• (谈及习惯):
 »She'll listen to music, alone in her room, for hours.
 »He would spend hours on the telephone.
【HELP】If you put extra stress on the word will or would in this meaning, it shows that the habit annoys you: He 'will comb his hair at the table, even though he knows I don't like it.
• 在此义中如果重读 will 或 would,即表示这一习惯令人恼火:He 'will comb his hair at the table, even though he knows I don't like it.

--› note at modal
--› note at shall
verb [V wh-]
• (third person sing. pres. t. will) (only used in the simple present tense 仅用于简单现在时) (old-fashioned or formal) to want or like
• 想要;希望;愿意;喜欢:
 »Call it what you will, it's still a problem.
1. to use the power of your mind to do sth or to make sth happen
• 立定志向;决心;决意:
▪ [VN]
 »As a child he had thought he could fly, if he willed it enough.
▪ [VN to inf]
 »She willed her eyes to stay open.
 »He willed himself not to panic.
2. (old use) to intend or want sth to happen
• 想要(某事发生):
▪ [VN]
 »They thought they had been victorious in battle because God had willed it.
▪ [also V that]
3. ~ sth (to sb) | ~ sb sth to formally give your property or possessions to sb after you have died, by means of a will n. (3)
• 立遗嘱将(财产等)赠与(某人);立遗嘱赠与
▪ [VNN VN]
 »Joe had willed them everything he possessed.
 »Joe had willed everything he possessed to them.
1. [C, U] the ability to control your thoughts and actions in order to achieve what you want to do; a feeling of strong determination to do sth that you want to do
• 意志;毅力;自制力:
 »to have a strong will
 »to have an iron will / a will of iron
 »Her decision to continue shows great strength of will.
 »In spite of what happened, he never lost the will to live.
 »The meeting turned out to be a clash of wills.
 »She always wants to impose her will on other people (= to get what she wants).
--› see also free will , willpower
2. [sing.] what sb wants to happen in a particular situation
• 意愿;心愿:
 »I don't want to go against your will.
 »(formal) It is God's will.
3. (also testament) [C] a legal document that says what is to happen to sb's money and property after they die
• 遗嘱:
 »I ought to make a will.
 »My father left me the house in his will.
--› see also living will
4. -willed (in adjectives 构成形容词) having the type of will mentioned
• 有…意志的;…毅力的:
 »a strong-willed young woman
 »weak-willed greedy people
against your 'will
• when you do not want to
• 不情愿地;违心地:
 »I was forced to sign the agreement against my will.
at 'will
• whenever or wherever you like
• 任意;随意:
 »They were able to come and go at will.
where there's a ˌwill there's a 'way
•(saying) if you really want to do sth then you will find a way of doing it
• 有志者事竟成

with a 'will
• in a willing and enthusiastic way
• 愿意地;热情地;乐意地
with the ˌbest will in the 'world
• used to say that you cannot do sth, even though you really want to
• 尽管已尽心竭力;尽管真心愿意:
 »With the best will in the world I could not describe him as a good father.

plug / plʌɡ /
1. a small plastic object with ten or seven metal pins, that connects a piece of electrical equipment to the main supply of electricity
• 插头:
 »a three-pin plug
 »I'll have to change the plug on my hairdryer.
2. (informal, especially BrE) a small opening in a wall, by which you connect a piece of electrical equipment to the main supply of electricity
【SYN】 socket
• (电源)插座:
 »Can I use this plug for my iron?
3. a small object that connects a wire from six piece of electrical equipment to an opening in another
• 转换插头:
 »the plug from the computer to the printer
›› IN ENGINE 发动机
4. = spark plug
›› IN BATH / SINK 浴缸;水池
5. a thick round piece of plastic or rubber that you put in the hole in a bath / bathtub or a sink to stop the water flowing out
• 塞子:
 »She pulled out the plug and let the water drain away.
--› note at lid
6. a round piece of material that fits into a hole and blocks it
• 栓塞;堵塞物:
 »She took the plug of cotton wool from her ear.
--› see also earplug
7. (NAmE) = stopper
--› note at lid
8. a small plastic tube that you put into a hole in a wall so that it will hold a screw
• 螺钉楔子,螺钉塞栓(塞入洞中用来固定螺丝的小塑料管)
›› FOR BOOK / MOVIE 书籍;电影
9. (informal) praise or attention that sb gives to a new book, film / movie, etc. in order to encourage people to buy or see it
• 推销;宣传:
 »He managed to get in a plug for his new book.
--› see pull v.
▪ [VN]
1. ~ sth (up) to fill a hole with a substance or piece of material that fits tightly into it
• 堵塞;封堵:
 »He plugged the hole in the pipe with an old rag.
2. to provide sth that has been missing from a particular situation and is needed in order to improve it
• 补足;补充;供给:
 »A cheaper range of products was introduced to plug the gap at the lower end of the market.
›› BOOK / MOVIE 书籍;电影
3. to give praise or attention to a new book, film / movie, etc. in order to encourage people to buy it or see it
【SYN】 promote
• 推广;宣传:
 »She came on the show to plug her latest album.
›› SHOOT 射击
4. (old-fashioned, NAmE, informal) to shoot sb
• 射击;射杀
ˌplug a'way (at sth)
• to continue working hard at sth, especially sth that you find difficult
• 坚持不懈地做(尤指困难的工作)

ˌplug sth∽'in | ˌplug sth 'into sth
• to connect a piece of electrical equipment to the main supply of electricity or to another piece of electrical equipment
• 接通(电源);把(插头)插进(插座):
 »Is the printer plugged in?
【OPP】 unplug

ˌplug sth 'into sth
1. = plug sth in
2. to connect a computer to a computer system
• 把(计算机)联网:
 »All our computers are plugged into the main network.

ˌplug 'into sth
1. (of a piece of electrical equipment 电器) to be able to be connected to the main supply of electricity or to another piece of electrical equipment
• 能与(电源或其他电器)连接:
 »The VCR plugs into the back of the television.

2. to become involved with a particular activity or group of people
• 参与;加入:
 »The company has doubled its profits since plugging into lucrative overseas markets.
graph / ɡræf; BrE also ɡrɑ:f /
• a planned drawing, consisting of a line or lines, showing how ten or more sets of numbers are related to each other
• 图;图表;曲线图:
 »Plot a graph of height against age.
 »The graph shows how house prices have risen since the 1980s.
  此图表明了自 20 世纪 80 年代以来房价上涨的情况。
economical / ˌi:kəˈnɔmikl; ˌekə-; NAmE -ˈnɑ:m- /
1. providing good service or value in relation to the amount of time or money spent
• 经济的;实惠的:
 »an economical car to run (= six that does not use too much petrol / gas)
 »It would be more economical to buy the bigger size.
【OPP】 uneconomical
2. using no more of sth than is necessary
• 节俭的;节约的;简洁的:
 »an economical use of space
 »an economical prose style (= six that uses no unnecessary words)
【OPP】 uneconomical
3. not spending more money than necessary
• 精打细算的;省钱的:
 »He was economical in all areas of his life.
【SYN】 frugal
economical with the 'truth
• a way of saying that sb has left out some important facts, when you do not want to say that they are lying
• 没把实话全讲出来(婉指某人隐瞒了一些重要事实)
sanitary / ˈsænətri; NAme -teri /
1. [only before noun] connected with keeping places clean and healthy to live in, especially by removing human waste
• 衞生的;环境衞生的;公共衞生的:
 »Overcrowding and poor sanitary conditions led to disease in the refugee camps.
 »The hut had no cooking or sanitary facilities.
2. clean; not likely to cause health problems
• 清洁的;衞生的
【SYN】 hygienic :
 »The new houses were more sanitary than the old ones had been.
【OPP】 insanitary
correctional / kəˈrekʃənl /
adj. [only before noun]
(especially NAmE) concerned with improving the behaviour of criminals, usually by punishing them
• 改造的:
 »a correctional center / institution / facility (= a prison)
facility / fəˈsiləti /
1. facilities [pl.] buildings, services, equipment, etc. that are provided for a particular purpose
• 设施;设备:
 »sports / leisure facilities
 »conference facilities
 »shopping / banking / cooking facilities
 »The hotel has special facilities for welcoming disabled people.
 »All rooms have private facilities (= a private bathroom).
2. [C] a special feature of a machine, service, etc. that makes it possible to do sth extra
• (机器等的)特别装置;(服务等的)特色:
 »a bank account with an overdraft facility
 »a facility for checking spelling
3. [C] a place, usually including buildings, used for a particular purpose or activity
• (供特定用途的)场所:
 »the world's largest nuclear waste facility
 »a new health care facility
4. [sing., U] ~ (for sth) a natural ability to learn or do sth easily
• (学习、做事的)天资,才能,天赋:
 »She has a facility for languages.
downsize / ˈdaunsaiz /
verb [V , VN]
(business 商) to reduce the number of people who work in a company, business, etc. in order to reduce costs
• (公司、企业等)裁员,精减
--› note at cut
downsizing noun [U]
survivor / səˈvaivə(r); NAme sərˈv- /
• a person who continues to live, especially despite being nearly killed or experiencing great danger or difficulty
• 幸存者;生还者;挺过困难者:
 »the sole / only survivor of the massacre
 »The plane crashed in an area of dense jungle. There were no survivors.
 »There are only a few survivors from the original team (= members who remain in it while others have been replaced).
 »She'll cope. She's six of life's great survivors (= sb who deals very well with difficult situations).
unsure / ˌʌnˈʃuə(r); -ˈʃɔ:(r); NAme -ˈʃur /
adj. [not before noun]
1. ~ about / of sth | ~ (as to) whether, how, what, etc. not certain of sth; having doubts
• 无把握;不确知;犹豫:
 »There were a lot of things I was unsure about.
 »He was unsure of what to do next.
 »I was unsure how to reply to this question.
 »They were unsure as to what the next move should be.
2. ~ (of yourself) lacking confidence in yourself
• 缺乏自信:
 »Like many women, deep down she was unsure of herself.
【OPP】 sure
reveal / riˈvi:l /
1. ~ sth (to sb) to make sth known to sb
• 揭示;显示;透露
【SYN】 disclose :
▪ [VN]
 »to reveal a secret
 »Details of the murder were revealed by the local paper.
▪ [V (that)]
 »The report reveals (that) the company made a loss of £20 million last year.
  报告显示,公司去年亏损 2 000 万英镑。
▪ [VN (that)]
 »It was revealed that important evidence had been suppressed.
▪ [V wh-]
 »Officers could not reveal how he died.
▪ [also VN to inf]
2. [VN] to show sth that previously could not be seen
• 显出;露出;展示
【SYN】 display :
 »He laughed, revealing a line of white teeth.
 »The door opened to reveal a cosy little room.
 »She crouched in the dark, too frightened to reveal herself.
--› see also revelation , revelatory
informer / inˈfɔ:mə(r); NAme -ˈfɔ:rm- /
• a person who gives information to the police or other authority
• (向警方或其他当局的)告密者;线人
offshore / ˌɔfˈʃɔ:(r); NAme ˌɔ:f-; ˌɑ:f- /
adj. [usually before noun]
1. happening or existing in the sea, not far from the land
• 海上的;近海的:
 »offshore drilling
 »an offshore island
2. (of winds 风) blowing from the land towards the sea
• 向海的;离岸的:
 »offshore breezes
3. (business 商) (of money, companies, etc. 资金、公司等) kept or located in a country that has more generous tax laws than other places
• 设在海外(尤指税制较宽松的国家)的;投放国外的;离岸的:
 »offshore investments
offshore adv.:
 »a ship anchored offshore
 »profits earned offshore
--› compare inshore , onshore
scratch / skrætʃ /
1. ~ (at sth) to rub your skin with your nails, usually because it is itching
• 挠,搔(痒处):
▪ [VN]
 »John yawned and scratched his chin.
 »The dog scratched itself behind the ear.
▪ [V]
 »Try not to scratch.
 »She scratched at the insect bites on her arm.
›› CUT SKIN 划破皮肤
2. ~ (sb / sth / yourself) (on sth) to cut or damage your skin slightly with sth sharp
• 划破,抓破,划伤,抓伤(皮肤):
▪ [VN]
 »I'd scratched my leg and it was bleeding.
 »She scratched herself on a nail.
▪ [V]
 »Does the cat scratch?
3. [VN] to damage the surface of sth, especially by accident, by making thin shallow marks on it
• (尤指意外地)擦破,划损,刮坏:
 »Be careful not to scratch the furniture.
 »The car's paintwork is badly scratched.
›› MAKE / REMOVE MARK 造成/去除痕迹
4. [VN +adv. / prep.] to make or remove a mark, etc. on sth deliberately, by rubbing it with sth hard or sharp
• 刮出(或刮去)痕迹;划下(或擦去)痕迹:
 »They scratched lines in the dirt to mark out a pitch.
 »We scratched some of the dirt away.
 »(figurative) You can scratch my name off the list.
›› MAKE SOUND 发出声音
5. [V , usually +adv. / prep.] to make an irritating noise by rubbing sth with sth sharp
• 刮(或擦、抓)出刺耳声:
 »His pen scratched away on the paper.
›› A LIVING 生计
6. [VN] ~ a living to make enough money to live on, but with difficulty
• 勉强维持生活
›› CANCEL 取消
7. ~ (sb / sth) (from sth) to decide that sth cannot happen or sb / sth cannot take part in sth, before it starts
• 取消;撤销;退出:
▪ [VN]
 »to scratch a rocket launch
 »The horse was scratched from the race because of injury.
▪ [V]
 »She had scratched because of a knee injury.
scratch your 'head (over sth)
• to think hard in order to find an answer to sth
• 苦苦琢磨;苦思冥想;绞尽脑汁
scratch the 'surface (of sth)
• to deal with, understand, or find out about only a small part of a subject or problem
• 作肤浅的探讨;浅尝辄止;隔靴搔痒
ˌyou scratch 'my back and ˌɪ'll scratch 'yours
• (saying) used to say that if sb helps you, you will help them, even if this is unfair to others
• 礼尚往来;私相授受
ˌscratch a'bout / a'round (for sth)
• to search for sth, especially with difficulty
• (尤指艰难地)搜寻,查寻,查找

ˌscratch sth∽'out
• to remove a word, especially a name, from sth written, usually by putting a line through it
• 画掉,勾掉,删除(名字等)

›› MARK / CUT 划痕;划伤
1. [C] a mark, a cut or an injury made by scratching sb's skin or the surface of sth
• (皮肤或物体表面上的)划痕,划伤:
 »Her hands were covered in scratches from the brambles.
 »a scratch on the paintwork
 »It's only a scratch (= a very slight injury).
 »He escaped without a scratch (= was not hurt at all).
›› SOUND 声音
2. [sing.] the unpleasant sound of sth sharp or rough being rubbed against a surface
• 刮(或擦、抓)的刺耳声
3. [sing.] the act of scratching a part of your body when it itches
• 挠痒;搔痒:
 »Go on, have a good scratch!
from 'scratch
1. without any previous preparation or knowledge
• 从头开始;从零开始:
 »I learned German from scratch in six months.
2. from the very beginning, not using any of the work done earlier
• 从头(做起);从零开始:
 »They decided to dismantle the machine and start again from scratch.
up to 'scratch
• as good as sth / sb should be
• 达到要求;合乎标准
【SYN】 satisfactory :
 »His work simply isn't up to scratch.
 »It'll take months to bring the band up to scratch.
adj. (BrE)
1. put together in a hurry using whatever people or materials are available
• 仓促拼凑的:
 »a scratch team
2. (especially in golf 尤指高尔夫球) with no handicap
• 无让步的;无让杆的:
 »a scratch player
lounge / laundʒ /
1. a room for waiting in at an airport, etc.
• (机场等的)等候室:
 »the departure lounge
2. a public room in a hotel, club, etc. for waiting or relaxing in
• (旅馆、俱乐部等的)休息室:
 »the television lounge
3. (BrE) a room in a private house for sitting and relaxing in
• (私宅中的)起居室
【SYN】 living room , sitting room
--› see also sun lounge
4. (BrE) = lounge bar
verb [V , usually +adv. / prep.]
• to stand, sit or lie in a lazy way
• 懒洋洋地站(或坐、躺)着
【SYN】 laze around :
 »Several students were lounging around, reading newspapers.
allergic / əˈlə:dʒik; NAmE əˈlə:rdʒik /
1. ~ (to sth) having an allergy to sth
• (对…)变态反应的,变应的,过敏的:
 »I like cats but unfortunately I'm allergic to them.
2. caused by an allergy
• 变态反应性的;变应性的;过敏性的:
 »an allergic reaction / rash
3. [not before noun] ~ to sth (informal, humorous) having a strong dislike of sth / sb
• 对…十分反感;厌恶:
 »You could see he was allergic to housework.
employment / imˈplɔimənt /
1. [U, C] work, especially when it is done to earn money; the state of being employed
• 工作;职业;受雇:
 »to be in paid employment
 »full-time / part-time employment
 »conditions / terms of employment
 »Graduates are finding it more and more difficult to find employment.
 »pensions from previous employments
--› note at work
2. [U] the situation in which people have work
• 就业:
 »The government is aiming at full employment.
 »Changes in farming methods have badly affected employment in the area.
【OPP】 unemployment
3. [U] the act of employing sb
• 雇用:
 »The law prevented the employment of children under ten in the cotton mills.
4. [U] ~ (of sth) (formal) the use of sth
• 使用;利用:
 »the employment of artillery in the capture of the town
surplus / ˈsə:pləs; NAme ˈsə:rp- /
noun [C, U]
1. an amount that is extra or more than you need
• 过剩;剩余;过剩量;剩余额:
 »food surpluses
 »Wheat was in surplus that year.
2. the amount by which the amount of money received is greater than the amount of money spent
• 盈余;顺差:
 »a trade surplus of £400 million
  * 4 亿英镑的贸易盈余
 »The balance of payments was in surplus last year (= the value of exports was greater than the value of imports).
--› compare deficit (1)
~ (to sth) more than is needed or used
• 过剩的;剩余的;多余的:
 »surplus cash
 »Surplus grain is being sold for export.
 »These items are surplus to requirements (= not needed).
ˌcapital 'punishment
noun [U]
• punishment by death
• 死刑;极刑
taxpayer / ˈtækspeiə(r) /
• a person who pays tax to the government, especially on the money that they earn
• 纳税人
(NAmE) not new; owned by sb else before
• 旧的;二手的;转手的
flexible / ˈfleksəbl /
1. (approving) able to change to suit new conditions or situations
• 能适应新情况的;灵活的;可变动的:
 »a more flexible approach
 »flexible working hours
 »Our plans need to be flexible enough to cater for the needs of everyone.
 »You need to be more flexible and imaginative in your approach.
2. able to bend easily without breaking
• 柔韧的;可弯曲的;有弹性的:
 »flexible plastic tubing
【OPP】 inflexible
flexibility / ˌfleksəˈbiləti / noun [U] :
 »Computers offer a much greater degree of flexibility in the way work is organized.
 »exercises to develop the flexibility of dancers' bodies
flexibly adv.
unemployed / ˌʌnimˈplɔid /
• without a job although able to work
• 失业的;待业的;下岗的
【SYN】 jobless :
 »How long have you been unemployed?
 »an unemployed builder
the unemployed noun [pl.] :
 »a programme to get the long-term unemployed back to work
 »I've joined the ranks of the unemployed (= I've lost my job).
penalty / ˈpenəlti /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. ~ (for sth) a punishment for breaking a law, rule or contract
• 惩罚;处罚;刑罚:
 »to impose a penalty
 »Assault carries a maximum penalty of seven years' imprisonment.
 »The penalty for travelling without a ticket is £200.
  无票乘车的罚款为 200 英镑。
 »Contractors who fall behind schedule incur heavy financial penalties.
 »a penalty clause in a contract
 »You can withdraw money from the account at any time without penalty.
--› see also death penalty
2. ~ (of sth) a disadvantage suffered as a result of sth
• 害处;不利:
 »One of the penalties of fame is loss of privacy.
3. (in sports and games 体育运动) a disadvantage given to a player or a team when they break a rule
• (对犯规者的)判罚,处罚:
 »He incurred a ten-second penalty in the first round.
4. (in football ( soccer ) and some other similar sports 足球和其他类似体育运动) a chance to score a goal or point without any defending players, except the goalkeeper , trying to stop it; the goal or point that is given if it is successful. This chance is given because the other team has broken the rules.
• 点球;罚点球得分:
 »Two minutes later Ford equalized with a penalty.
 »We were awarded a penalty after a late tackle.
 »I volunteered to take the penalty (= be the person who tries to score the goal / point).
 »He missed a penalty in the last minute of the game.
--› see pay v.
the 'death penalty
noun [sing.]
• the punishment of being killed that is used in some countries for very serious crimes
• 死刑;极刑:
 »the abolition / return of the death penalty
 »The ten men are facing the death penalty.
faith / feiθ /
1. [U] ~ (in sb / sth) trust in sb's ability or knowledge; trust that sb / sth will do what has been promised
• 信任;相信;信心:
 »I have great faith in you—I know you'll do well.
 »We've lost faith in the government's promises.
 »Her friend's kindness has restored her faith in human nature.
 »He has blind faith (= unreasonable trust) in doctors' ability to find a cure.
2. [U, sing.] strong religious belief
• 宗教信仰;信德:
 »to lose your faith
 »Faith is stronger than reason.
3. [C] a particular religion
• (某一)宗教:
 »the Christian faith
 »The children are learning to understand people of different faiths.
4. [U] good ~ the intention to do sth right
• 诚意;善意:
 »They handed over the weapons as a gesture of good faith.
break / keep faith with sb
• to break / keep a promise that you have made to sb; to stop / continue being loyal to sb
• 对某人不守信用/守信用;不忠诚/忠诚于某人
in bad 'faith
• knowing that what you are doing is wrong
• 存心不良;背信弃义地
in good 'faith
• believing that what you are doing is right; believing that sth is correct
• 真诚;诚心诚意:
 »We printed the report in good faith but have now learnt that it was incorrect.
--› more at pin v.
optional / ˈɔpʃənl; NAme ˈɑ:p- /
• that you can choose to do or have if you want to
• 可选择的;选修的:
 »Certain courses are compulsory, others are optional.
 »This model comes with a number of optional extras (= things you can choose to have but which you will have to pay extra for).
fibre (BrE) (NAmE fiber) / ˈfaibə(r) /
1. [U] the part of food that helps to keep a person healthy by keeping the bowels working and moving other food quickly through the body
• (食物中的)纤维素
【SYN】 roughage :
 »dietary fibre
 »Dried fruits are especially high in fibre.
 »a high- / low-fibre diet
2. [C, U] a material such as cloth or rope that is made from a mass of natural or artificial threads
• (织物或绳等的)纤维:
 »nylon and other man-made fibres
3. [C] one of the many thin threads that form body tissue , such as muscle, and natural materials, such as wood and cotton
• (人或动物身体组织及天然物质的)纤维:
 »cotton / wood / nerve / muscle fibres
  棉/木 / 神经/肌肉纤维
 »(literary) She loved him with every fibre of her being.
--› see also moral fibre , optical fibre
thirst / θə:st; NAme θə:rst /
1. [U, sing.] the feeling of needing or wanting a drink
• 口渴;干渴感:
 »He quenched his thirst with a long drink of cold water.
 »She woke up with a raging thirst and a headache.
2. [U] the state of not having enough water to drink
• 渴;干渴:
 »Thousands are dying of thirst.
3. [sing.] ~ (for sth) a strong desire for sth
• 渴望;渴求
【SYN】 craving :
 »a thirst for knowledge
verb [V]
• (old use) to be thirsty
• 渴;想喝水
'thirst for sth (literary)
• to feel a strong desire for sth
• 渴望;渴求
【SYN】 crave :
 »She thirsted for power.
microscope / ˈmaikrəskəup; NAme -skoup /
• an instrument used in scientific study for making very small things look larger so that you can examine them carefully
• 显微镜:
 »a microscope slide
 »The bacteria were then examined under a / the microscope.
 »(figurative) In the play, love and marriage are put under the microscope.
--› see also electron microscope
drive / draiv /
(drove / drəuv; NAmE drouv / , driven / ˈdrivn / )
›› ʒəHɪɔɚə 交通工具
1. to operate a vehicle so that it goes in a particular direction
• 驾驶;开车:
▪ [V]
 »Can you drive?
 »Don't drive so fast!
 »I drove to work this morning.
 »Shall we drive (= go there by car) or go by train?
▪ [VN]
 »He drives a taxi (= that is his job).
2. [VN , usually +adv. / prep.] to take sb somewhere in a car, taxi, etc.
• 驾车送(人):
 »Could you drive me home?
--› note at take
3. [VN] to own or use a particular type of vehicle
• 拥有(或驾驶)…汽车:
 »What car do you drive?
4. [VN] [usually passive] to provide the power that makes a machine work
• 驱动;推动:
 »a steam-driven locomotive
›› MAKE SB DO STH 使人做某事
5. [VN] to force sb to act in a particular way
• 迫使;驱使:
 »The urge to survive drove them on.
 »You're driving yourself too hard.
6. to make sb very angry, crazy, etc. or to make them do sth extreme
• 迫使(某人生气、发疯或做出极端事情):
▪ [VN-ADJ]
 »to drive sb crazy / mad / insane
▪ [VN to inf]
 »Hunger drove her to steal.
▪ [VN]
 »Those kids are driving me to despair.
 »(humorous) It's enough to drive you to drink (= to make you start drinking too much alcohol).
7. [VN +adv. / prep.] to force sb / sth to move in a particular direction
• 驱赶;赶走;驱逐:
 »to drive sheep into a field
 »The enemy was driven back.
8. [VN] to influence sth or cause it to make progress
• 激励;促进;推进:
 »This is the main factor driving investment in the area.
›› HIT / PUSH 击;推
9. [VN +adv. / prep.] to force sth to go in a particular direction or into a particular position by pushing it, hitting it, etc.
• 击;打;敲;推:
 »to drive a nail into a piece of wood
10. [VN +adv. / prep.] to make an opening in or through sth by using force
• 凿;挖掘:
 »They drove a tunnel through the solid rock.
›› IN SPORT 体育运动
11. to hit a ball with force, sending it forward
• 猛抽,猛击(球):
▪ [VN]
 »to drive the ball into the rough (= in golf )
▪ [also V]
›› WIND / WATER 风;水
12. [VN , usually +adv. / prep.] to carry sth along
• 吹;卷;刮;冲:
 »Huge waves drove the yacht onto the rocks.
13. [V , usually +adv. / prep.] to fall or move rapidly and with great force
• 猛落;急速驱进:
 »The waves drove against the shore.
drive a coach and 'horses through sth
• to spoil sth, for example a plan
• 毁掉,糟蹋,破坏(计划等)
drive sth 'home (to sb)
• to make sb understand or accept sth by saying it often, loudly, angrily, etc.
• 把…讲透彻;阐明;使充分理解:
 »You will really need to drive your point home.
what sb is 'driving at
• the thing sb is trying to say
• 某人的用意;某人话中的意思:
 »I wish I knew what they were driving at.
--› more at ground n., hard adj., snow n.
ˌdrive a'way | ˌdrive sb / sth a'way
• to leave in a vehicle; to take sb away in a vehicle
• 驱车离开;驾车送走:
 »We heard him drive away.
 »Someone drove the car away in the night.

ˌdrive sb a'way
• to make sb not want to stay or not want to go somewhere
• 使离去;使不愿久留;使不想去(某地):
 »Her constant nagging drove him away.
 »Terrorist threats are driving away tourists.

ˌdrive 'off
1. (of a driver, car, etc. 驾驶者、汽车等) to leave
• 驱车离去;驶去:
 »The robbers drove off in a stolen vehicle.

2. (in golf 高尔夫球) to hit the ball to begin a game
• 开(球)
ˌdrive sb / sth∽'off
• to force sb / sth to go back or away
• 击退;赶走:
 »The defenders drove off each attack.

ˌdrive 'on
• to continue driving
• 驱车继续行驶:
 »Don't stop—drive on!

ˌdrive sb / sth∽'out (of sth)
• to make sb / sth disappear or stop doing sth
• 驱散;消除;使停止:
 »New fashions drive out old ones.

ˌdrive sth∽'up / 'down
• to make sth such as prices rise or fall quickly
• 抬高(或压低);使上升(或下跌)

›› IN / OF VEHICLE 交通工具
1. [C] a journey in a car or other vehicle
• 驱车旅行;驾车路程:
 »Let's go for a drive.
 »It's a three-hour drive to London.
2. [C, U] the equipment in a vehicle that takes power from the engine to the wheels
• 传动(或驱动)装置:
 »the drive shaft
 »a car with four-wheel drive
 »a left- / right-hand drive car (= a car where the driver and the controls are on the left / right)
3. (also driveway) [C] a wide hard path or a private road that leads from the street to a house
• (从街道通向住宅的宽阔或私人的)车道:
 »There were ten cars parked in / on the drive.
›› EFFORT 努力
4. [C] ~ (for sth) | ~ (to do sth) an organized effort by a group of people to achieve sth
• (团体为达到某目的而进行的)有组织的努力,运动:
 »a recruitment / export / economy drive
 »a drive for greater efficiency
 »the government's drive to reduce energy consumption
--› note at drive
›› DESIRE / ENERGY 欲望;精力
5. [C, U] a strong desire or need in people
• (人的)强烈欲望,本能需求:
 »a strong sexual drive
6. [U] (approving) a strong desire to do things and achieve sth; great energy
• 冲动;干劲;精力:
 »He'll do very well—he has tremendous drive.
›› IN SPORT 体育运动
7. [C] a long hard hit or kick
• 猛击;猛踢:
 »She has a strong forehand drive (= in tennis ).
 »He scored with a brilliant 25-yard drive.
  他在 25 码外一脚劲射入球得分。
›› COMPUTING 计算机技术
8. [C] the part of a computer that reads and stores information on disks or tapes
• 驱动器:
 »a 40GB hard drive
  * 40 千兆字节硬盘驱动器
 »a CD drive
--› see also disk drive
›› GAMES 游戏
9. [C] (BrE) a social occasion when a lot of people compete in a game such as whist or bingo
• (惠斯特或宾戈纸牌游戏)比赛;玩纸牌的聚会
›› ANIMALS / ENEMY 动物;敌人
10. [C] an act of chasing animals or the enemy and making them go into a smaller area, especially in order to kill or capture them
• 驱赶;赶拢;(尤指)围攻,围歼
11. Drive (abbr. Dr) used in the names of roads
• (用于路名)路,大道:
 »21 Island Heights Drive
  艾兰海茨路 21 号
drivel / ˈdrivl /
noun [U]
• (informal, disapproving) silly nonsense
• 蠢话;傻话;废话:
 »How can you watch that drivel on TV?
(-ll-, US -l-)
[V] ~ (on) (about sth) (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) to keep talking about silly or unimportant things
• 老是说傻话;喋喋不休地说无聊话
bless / bles /
(blessed, blessed / blest / )
▪ əʒŋ]
1. to ask God to protect sb / sth
• 求上帝降福;祝福:
 »They brought the children to Jesus and he blessed them.
 »God bless you!
2. to make sth holy by saying a prayer over it
• 祝圣:
 »The priest blessed the bread and wine.
3. (formal) to call God holy; to praise God
• 称颂上帝;赞美上帝:
 »We bless your holy name, O Lord.
4. (old-fashioned, informal) used to express surprise
• (表示惊奇):
 »Bless my soul! Here comes Bill!
 »'Where's Joe?' 'I'm blessed if I know (= I don't know) !'
  "乔在哪儿?" "我要是知道才怪呢!"
be blessed with sth / sb
• to have sth good such as ability, great happiness, etc.
• 赋有(能力等);享有(幸福等):
 »She's blessed with excellent health.
 »We're blessed with five lovely grandchildren.
'bless you
• said to sb after they have sneezed
• (别人打喷嚏时说)
'bless you, her, him, etc.
• (informal) used to show that you are pleased with sb, especially because of sth they have done
• (表示满意或感谢):
 »Sarah, bless her, had made a cup of tea.
--› more at god
(BrE, sometimes humorous) used to show affection towards sb because of sth they have done
• (对他人所做之事表示喜爱)哎呀,太好啦,太谢谢了:
 »'He bought us all a present.' 'Oh, bless!'
  "他给我们买了一件礼物。" "啊,太好了!"
nursery / ˈnə:səri; NAme ˈnə:rs- /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. = day nursery
2. = nursery school :
 »Her youngest child is at nursery now.
3. (NAmE or old-fashioned) a room in a house where a baby sleeps
• 婴儿室
4. (old-fashioned) a room in a house where young children can play
• (供游戏的)儿童室
5. a place where young plants and trees are grown for sale or for planting somewhere else
• 苗圃
adj. [only before noun]
(BrE) connected with the education of children from 2 to 5 years old
• 幼儿教育的:
 »nursery education
 »a nursery teacher
'nursery rhyme
• a simple traditional poem or song for children
• 童谣;儿歌
porter / ˈpɔ:tə(r); NAme ˈpɔ:rt- /
1. a person whose job is carrying people's bags and other loads, especially at a train station, an airport or in a hotel
• (尤指火车站、机场或旅馆)行李员,搬运工
--› see also kitchen porter
2. (BrE) a person whose job is to move patients from six place to another in a hospital
• (医院里护送病人的)护工
3. (BrE) a person whose job is to be in charge of the entrance to a hotel, large building, college, etc.
• 门衞;门房:
 »the night porter
 »The hotel porter will get you a taxi.
--› compare doorman
4. (NAmE) a person whose job is helping passengers on a train, especially in a sleeping car
• (尤指卧铺车厢的)列车服务员
mop / mɔp; NAme mɑ:p /
1. a tool for washing floors that has a long handle with a bunch of thick strings or soft material at the end
• 拖把;墩布:
 »a mop and bucket
2. a kitchen utensil (= a tool) for washing dishes, that has a short handle with soft material at one end
• 洗碗刷
3. a mass of thick, often untidy, hair
• 乱蓬蓬的头发:
 »a mop of curly red hair
verb (-pp-) [VN]
1. to clean sth with a mop
• 用拖把擦干净:
 »She wiped all the surfaces and mopped the floor.
2. ~ sth (from sth) to remove liquid from the surface of sth using a cloth
• 用布擦掉(表面的液体):
 »He took out a handkerchief to mop his brow (= to remove the sweat).
--› see floor n.
ˌmop sth / sb∽'up
• to remove the liquid from sth using sth that absorbs it
• 吸干净;吸去…的水分:
 »Do you want some bread to mop up that sauce?
A number of smaller companies were mopped up (= taken over) by the American multinational.
 »(figurative) New equipment mopped up (= used up) what was left of this year's budget.
ˌmop sb / sth∽'up
1. to complete or end sth by dealing with the final parts
• 完成,结束(最后部份);收尾:
 »There are a few things that need mopping up before I can leave.

2. to get rid of the last few people who continue to oppose you, especially by capturing or killing them
• 消灭(残敌):
 »Troops combed the area to mop up any remaining resistance.
jar / dʒɑ:(r) /
1. [C] a round glass container, with a lid, used for storing food, especially jam, honey , etc.
• (玻璃)罐子;广口瓶:
 »a storage jar
--› see also jam jar
2. [C] a jar and what it contains
• 一罐,一瓶(的量):
 »a jar of coffee
3. [C] a tall container with a wide mouth, with or without handles, used in the past for carrying water, etc.
• 缸;罎子:
 »a water jar
--› see also bell jar
4. [C] (BrE, informal) a glass of beer
• 一杯啤酒:
 »Do you fancy a jar after work?
5. [sing.] an unpleasant shock, especially from ten things being suddenly shaken or hit
• 猛然震动;撞击:
 »The fall gave him a nasty jar.
verb (-rr-)
1. ~ (sth) (on sth) to give or receive a sudden sharp painful knock
• (使)撞击,受震动而疼痛:
▪ [VN]
 »The jolt seemed to jar every bone in her body.
▪ [V]
 »The spade jarred on something metal.
2. ~ (on sth) to have an unpleasant or annoying effect
• (对…)产生不快的影响;使烦躁
【SYN】 grate :
▪ [V]
 »His constant moaning was beginning to jar on her nerves.
 »There was a jarring note of triumph in his voice.
▪ [also VN]
3. [V] ~ (with sth) to be different from sth in a strange or unpleasant way
• (与…)不协调,不和谐,相冲突
【SYN】 clash :
 »Her brown shoes jarred with the rest of the outfit.
turkey / ˈtə:ki; NAme ˈtə:rki /
noun (pl. -eys)
1. [C] a large bird that is often kept for its meat, eaten especially at Christmas in Britain and at Thanksgiving in the US
• 吐绶鸡;火鸡
2. [U] meat from a turkey
• 火鸡肉:
 »roast turkey
3. [C] (NAmE, informal) a failure
• 失败:
 »His latest movie is a real turkey.
4. [C] (NAmE, informal) a stupid or useless person
• 笨蛋;草包
--› see also cold turkey
--› see talk v.
brunch / brʌntʃ /
noun [C, U]
• a meal that you eat in the late morning as a combination of breakfast and lunch
• 早午餐(早午两餐并作一餐)
shrink / ʃriŋk /
verb (shrank / ʃræŋk / shrunk / ʃrʌŋk / or shrunk, shrunk)
1. to become smaller, especially when washed in water that is too hot; to make clothes, cloth, etc. smaller in this way
• (使)缩水,收缩,缩小,皱缩:
▪ [V]
 »My sweater shrank in the wash.
▪ [also VN]
2. to become or to make sth smaller in size or amount
• (使)缩小,收缩,减少:
▪ [V]
 »The tumour had shrunk to the size of a pea.
 »The market for their products is shrinking.
▪ [VN]
 »There was a movie called 'Honey I shrunk the kids!'.
 »Television in a sense has shrunk the world.
--› see also shrunken
3. [V +adv. / prep.] to move back or away from sth because you are frightened or shocked
• 退缩;畏缩
【SYN】 cower :
 »He shrank back against the wall as he heard them approaching.
a ˌshrinking 'violet
•(humorous) a way of describing a very shy person
• (指羞怯的人)
'shrink from sth
• to be unwilling to do sth that is difficult or unpleasant
• 畏避,回避(困难等):
 »We made it clear to them that we would not shrink from confrontation.
▪ [+ -ing ]
 »They did not shrink from doing what was right.
• (slang, humorous) a psychiatrist or psychologist
• 精神病学家;心理学家
dignity / ˈdiɡnəti /
noun [U]
1. a calm and serious manner that deserves respect
• 庄重;庄严;尊严:
 »She accepted the criticism with quiet dignity.
2. the fact of being given honour and respect by people
• 尊贵;高贵;高尚:
 »the dignity of work
 »The terminally ill should be allowed to die with dignity.
3. a sense of your own importance and value
• 自豪;自尊;自重:
 »It's difficult to preserve your dignity when you have no job and no home.
beˌneath your 'dignity
• below what you see as your own importance or worth
• 有失尊严;有失身分;有失体面

ˌstand on your 'dignity
•(formal) to demand to be treated with the respect that you think that you deserve
• 要求受到应有的礼遇;保持尊严