archaeology (NAmE also archeology) / ˌɑ:kiˈɔlədʒi; NAmE ˌɑ:rkiˈɑ:l- /
noun [U]
• the study of cultures of the past, and of periods of history by examining the remains of buildings and objects found in the ground
• 考古学
--› see also industrial archaeology
archaeological (NAmE also archeological) / ˌɑ:kiəˈlɔdʒikl; NAmE ˌɑ:rkiəˈlɑ:dʒ- / adj.:
 »archaeological excavations / evidence
preview / ˈpri:vju: /
1. an occasion at which you can see a film / movie, a show, etc. before it is shown to the general public
• 预映;预演;预展:
 »a press preview (= for journalists only)
 »a special preview of our winter fashion collection
--› see also sneak preview
2. a description in a newspaper or a magazine that tells you about a film / movie, a television programme, etc. before it is shown to the public
• (报刊上有关电影、电视节目等的)预先评述,预告:
 »Turn to page 12 for a preview of next week's programmes.
  下周节目预告请见第 12 页。
3. (NAmE) = trailer n. (4)
verb [VN]
1. to see a film / movie, a television programme, etc. before it is shown to the general public and write an account of it for a newspaper or magazine
• 为(影视节目)写预评:
 »The exhibition was previewed in last week's issue.
2. (especially NAmE) to give sb a short account of sth that is going to happen, be studied, etc.
• 概述;扼要介绍:
 »The professor previewed the course for us.
numerous / ˈnju:mərəs; NAme ˈnu:- /
• (formal)existing in large numbers
• 众多的;许多的

【SYN】 many :
 »He has been late on numerous occasions.
 »The advantages of this system are too numerous to mention.
brochure / ˈbrəuʃə(r); NAmE brouˈʃur /
• a small magazine or book containing pictures and information about sth or advertising sth
• 资料(或广告)手册:
 »a travel brochure
catalogue (NAmE also catalog) / ˈkætəlɔɡ; NAmE -lɔ:ɡ; -lɑ:ɡ /
1. a complete list of items, for example of things that people can look at or buy
• 目录;目录簿:
 »a mail-order catalogue (= a book showing goods for sale to be sent to people's homes)
 »to consult the library catalogue
 »An illustrated catalogue accompanies the exhibition.
 »an online catalogue
2. a long series of things that happen (usually bad things)
• 一连串(糟糕)事:
 »a catalogue of disasters / errors / misfortunes
verb [VN]
1. to arrange a list of things in order in a catalogue ; to record sth in a catalogue
• 列入目录;编入目录
2. to give a list of things connected with a particular person, event, etc.
• 记载,登记(某人、某事等的详情):
 »Interviews with the refugees catalogue a history of discrimination and violence.
psychology / saiˈkɔlədʒi; NAme -ˈkɑ:l- /
1. [U] the scientific study of the mind and how it influences behaviour
• 心理学:
 »social / educational / child psychology
--› compare pop psychology
2. [sing.] the kind of mind that sb has that makes them think or behave in a particular way
• 心理;心理特征:
 »the psychology of small boys
3. [sing.] how the mind influences behaviour in a particular area of life
• 心理影响:
 »the psychology of interpersonal relationships
fry / frai /
verb (fries, frying, fried, fried)
1. to cook sth in hot fat or oil; to be cooked in hot fat or oil
• 油炸;油煎;油炒:
▪ [VN]
 »fried fish
▪ [V]
 »the smell of bacon frying
--› related noun fry-up
--› see also stir-fry
2. [V] (informal) to be burnt by the sun
• (被阳光)灼伤,晒伤:
 »You'll fry on the beach if you're not careful.
--› see fish n.
1. [pl.] very small young fish
• 鱼苗;鱼秧子
--› see also small fry
2. [C] (usually fries [pl.]) (especially NAmE) = chip n. (3) :
 »Would you like ketchup with your fries?
pepper / ˈpepə(r) /
1. [U] a powder made from dried berries (called peppercorns ), used to give a hot flavour to food
• 胡椒粉:
 »Season with salt and pepper
 »freshly ground pepper
--› see also black pepper , cayenne , white pepper
2. [C, U] (BrE) (also 'sweet pepper BrE, NAmE) (NAmE 'bell pepper) a hollow fruit, usually red, green or yellow, eaten as a vegetable either raw or cooked
• 甜椒;柿子椒;灯笼椒
verb [VN]
• to put pepper on food
• (在食物上)撒胡椒粉:
 »peppered steak
 »Salt and pepper the potatoes.
'pepper sb / sth with sth [usually passive]
• to hit sb / sth with a series of small objects, especially bullets
• (以小物体)频繁击打;(尤指)向…不断射击
【SYN】 spray
'pepper sth with sth [often passive]
• to include large numbers of sth in sth
• 大量加入:
 »He peppered his speech with jokes.
steak / steik /
1. (also less frequent beefsteak) [U, C] a thick slice of good quality beef
• 牛排:
 »fillet / rump / sirloin steak
 »How would you like your steak done?
 »a steak knife (= six with a special blade for eating steak with)
2. [U, C] a thick slice of any type of meat
• 肉排;肉块:
 »pork steak
 »a gammon steak
3. [U] (often in compounds 常构成复合词) beef that is not of the best quality, often sold in small pieces and used in pies , stews , etc.
• 碎牛肉(不是最佳部位,常剁碎出售,可以炖或做馅等):
 »braising / stewing steak
 »a steak and kidney pie
4. [C] a large thick piece of fish
• 鱼排;鱼块:
 »a cod steak
'bean curd
noun [U] = tofu
garlic / ˈɡɑ:lik; NAmE ˈɡɑ:rlik /
noun [U]
• a vegetable of the onion family with a very strong taste and smell, used in cooking to give flavour to food
• 蒜;大蒜:
 »a clove of garlic (= six section of it)
garlicky adj.:
 »garlicky breath / food
microwave / ˈmaikrəweiv /
1. (also formal ˌmicrowave 'oven) a type of oven that cooks or heats food very quickly using electromagnetic waves rather than heat
• 微波炉:
 »Reheat the soup in the microwave.
 »microwave cookery / meals
--› compare oven

2. (technical 术语) an electromagnetic wave that is shorter than a radio wave but longer than a light wave
• 微波
verb [VN]
• to cook or heat sth in a microwave
• 用微波炉烹调(或加热)
microwaveable (also microwavable) adj.:
 »microwaveable meals
saucer / ˈsɔ:sə(r) /
• a small shallow round dish that a cup stands on; an object that is shaped like this
• 茶碟;茶托;碟状物:
 »cups and saucers
--› see also flying saucer
Thermos™ / ˈθə:məs; NAme ˈθə:rməs / (BrE also 'ðhermos flask) (NAmE also 'ðhermos bottle)
• a particular kind of vacuum flask (= a container like a bottle with double walls with a vacuum between them, used for keeping liquids hot or cold)
• 瑟姆斯保温瓶;真空瓶;冰瓶
--› compare flask (2)
furnished / ˈfə:niʃt; NAmE ˈfə:rniʃt /
• (of a house, room, etc. 房屋、房间等) containing furniture
• 配备家具的:
 »furnished accommodation (= to rent complete with furniture)
 »The house was simply furnished.
basin / ˈbeisn /
1. (especially BrE) = washbasin
2. a large round bowl for holding liquids or (in British English) for preparing foods in; the amount of liquid, etc. in a basin
• 盆;(英国英语)调菜盆;一盆(的量):
 »a pudding basin
3. an area of land around a large river with streams running down into it
• 流域:
 »the Amazon Basin
4. (technical 术语) a place where the earth's surface is lower than in other areas of the world
• 盆地;凹地;海盆:
 »the Pacific Basin
5. a sheltered area of water providing a safe harbour for boats
• 港池;内港;内湾;船坞:
 »a yacht basin
millimetre (BrE) (NAmE millimeter) / ˈmilimi:tə(r) /
noun (abbr. mm)
• a unit for measuring length; a 1 000th of a metre
• 毫米;千分之一米
1. a person that you share a room with, especially at a college or university
• (尤指大学里的)室友,同住一室的人
2. (also informal roomie) (both NAmE) = flatmate
astronomy / əˈstrɔnəmi; NAmE əˈstrɑ:n- /
noun [U]
• the scientific study of the sun, moon, stars, planets, etc.
• 天文学
mineral / ˈminərəl /
1. [C, U] a substance that is naturally present in the earth and is not formed from animal or vegetable matter, for example gold and salt. Some minerals are also present in food and drink and in the human body and are essential for good health.
• 矿物;矿物质:
 »mineral deposits / extraction
 »the recommended intake of vitamins and minerals
--› compare vegetable (1)
2. [C, usually pl.] (BrE, formal) (NAmE soda) a sweet drink in various flavours that has bubbles of gas in it and does not contain alcohol
• 汽水:
 »Soft drinks and minerals sold here.
bat / bæt /
1. a piece of wood with a handle, made in various shapes and sizes, and used for hitting the ball in games such as baseball , cricket and table tennis
• 球棒;球拍;球板:
 »a baseball / cricket bat
--› compare racket (3)
2. an animal like a mouse with wings, that flies and feeds at night (= it is nocturnal ). There are many types of bat.
• 蝙蝠
--› see also fruit bat , old bat , vampire bat
like a bat out of 'hell
•(informal) very fast
• 疾速地;迅速地
off your own 'bat
(BrE, informal)
• if you do sth off your own bat, it is your own idea and you do it without help or encouragement from anyone else
• 自觉地;主动地
--› more at blind adj., right adv.
• (-tt-) to hit a ball with a bat, especially in a game of cricket or baseball
• 用球板击球,用球棒击球(尤指板球或棒球运动):
▪ [V]
 »He bats very well.
 »Who's batting first for the Orioles?
▪ [also VN]
ˌbat your 'eyes / 'eyelashes
• to open and close your eyes quickly, in a way that is supposed to be attractive
• 眉目传情;挤眉弄眼

bat a 'thousand
(NAmE, informal)
• to be very successful
• 非常成功;大获全胜
go to 'bat for sb
(NAmE, informal)
• to give sb help and support
• 帮助(或支持)某人
not bat an 'eyelid
(BrE) (NAmE not bat an 'eye) (informal)
• to show no surprise or embarrassment when sth unusual happens
• 不动声色;面不改色;眼睛都不眨一下:
 »She didn't bat an eyelid when I told her my news.
ˌbat sth∽a'round (informal)
• to discuss whether an idea or a plan is good or not, before deciding what to do
• 详细讨论(想法、计划等)的可行性:
 »It's just an idea we've been batting around.

dive / daiv /
(dived, dived, NAmE also dove / dəuv; NAmE douv / dived)
▪ əʒ]
›› ʊuMP ɪŋðO θæðəɔ 跳水
1. ~ (from / off sth) (into sth) | ~ (in) to jump into water with your head and arms going in first
• 跳水(头和两臂先入水):
 »We dived into the river to cool off.
2. (usually go diving) to swim underwater wearing breathing equipment, collecting or looking at things
• (戴呼吸装备)潜水:
 »to dive for pearls
 »The main purpose of his holiday to Greece was to go diving.
--› see also diving (2)
3. to go to a deeper level underwater
• 下潜;潜到更深的水下:
 »The whale dived as the harpoon struck it.
4. to go steeply down through the air
• 俯冲:
 »The seagulls soared then dived.
--› see also nosedive (2)
5. to fall suddenly
• 突然下降;暴跌
【SYN】 plunge :
 »The share price dived from 49p to an all-time low of 40p.
  股价从 49 便士暴跌到 40 便士的历史最低位。
›› MOVE / JUMP / FALL 移动;跳跃;下落
6. [+adv. / prep.] ~ (for sth) (informal) to move or jump quickly in a particular direction, especially to avoid sth, to try to catch a ball, etc.
• 扑,冲,奔(以避开某物、接球等):
 »We heard an explosion and dived for cover (= got into a place where we would be protected).
 »The goalie dived for the ball, but missed it.
 »It started to rain so we dived into the nearest cafe.
7. (in football ( soccer ), hockey , etc. 足球、曲棍球等) tackles you, so that the referee awards a foul
• (对方阻截时)假摔
'dive into sth (informal)
• to put your hand quickly into sth such as a bag or pocket
• 迅速将手伸入(包或口袋里):
 »She dived into her bag and took out a couple of coins.
1. a jump into deep water with your head first and your arms in front of you
• (头和双臂先入水的)跳水:
 »a spectacular high dive (= from high above the water)
2. an act of going underwater and swimming there with special equipment
• (戴呼吸装备的)潜水:
 »a dive to a depth of 18 metres
  潜到 18 米水深处
3. an act of suddenly flying downwards
• 扑;冲;俯冲
›› BAR / CLUB 酒吧;夜总会
4. (informal) a bar, music club, etc. that is cheap, and perhaps dark or dirty
• 下等酒吧;低级夜总会
›› FALL 跌倒
5. (BrE) (in football ( soccer ), hockey , etc. 足球、曲棍球等) tackles them, so that the referee awards a foul
• (遇到阻截时的)假摔,故意跌倒
make a 'dive (for sth)
• to suddenly move or jump forward to do sth or reach sb / sth
• 迅速移动;猛然一跳;扑跃:
 »The goalkeeper made a dive for the ball.
take a 'dive
•(informal) to suddenly get worse
• 突然下降;暴跌:
 »Profits really took a dive last year.
terrify / ˈterifai /
(terrifies, terrifying, terrified, terrified)
[VN] to make sb feel extremely frightened
• 使恐惧;使十分害怕;使惊吓:
 »Flying terrifies her.
terrifying adj.:
 »It was a terrifying experience.
terrifyingly adv.
universe / ˈju:nivə:s; NAme -və:rs /
1. the universe [sing.] the whole of space and everything in it, including the earth, the planets and the stars
• 宇宙;天地万物;万象:
 »theories of how the universe began
2. [C] a system of stars, planets, etc. in space outside our own
• (已知宇宙以外的)宇宙:
 »The idea of a parallel universe is hard to grasp.
 »He lives in a little universe of his own.
3. [sing.] a set of experiences of a particular type
• (某种)经验体系:
 »the moral universe
embassy / ˈembəsi /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. a group of officials led by an ambassador who represent their government in a foreign country
• 大使馆;(统称)使馆官员:
 »embassy officials
 »to inform the embassy of the situation
2. the building in which an embassy works
• 大使馆(指馆舍):
 »a demonstration outside the Russian Embassy
--› compare consulate , high commission
allusion / əˈlu:ʒn /
noun [C, U]
~ (to sb / sth) something that is said or written that refers to or mentions another person or subject in an indirect way (= alludes to it)
• 暗指;引喻;典故:
 »His statement was seen as an allusion to the recent drug-related killings.
 »Her poetry is full of obscure literary allusion.
den / den /
1. the hidden home of some types of wild animal
• 兽穴;兽窝:
 »a bear's / lion's den
2. (disapproving) a place where people meet in secret, especially for some illegal or immoral activity
• 窝点,窝子(尤指为非法或邪恶活动秘密聚会处):
 »a den of thieves
 »a drinking / gambling den
 »He thought of New York as a den of iniquity.
3. (NAmE) a room in a house where people go to relax, watch television, etc.
• 休息室
4. (old-fashioned, BrE, informal) a room in a house where a person can work or study without being disturbed
• 书斋;书房:
 »He would often retire to his den.
5. a secret place, often made roughly with walls and a roof, where children play
• (儿童的)隐蔽玩耍处:
 »They made themselves a den in the woods.
--› see beard v., lion
heel / hi:l /
›› PART OF FOOT 脚的部位
1. [C] the back part of the foot below the ankle
• 足跟;脚后跟
›› PART OF SOCK / SHOE 袜子/鞋的部份
2. [C] the part of a sock, etc. that covers the heel
• (袜子等的)后跟
3. [C] the raised part on the bottom of a shoe, boot, etc. that makes the shoe, etc. higher at the back
• (鞋、靴子等的)后跟:
 »shoes with a low / high heel
 »a stiletto heel
 »The sergeant clicked his heels and walked out.
--› compare sole n. (2)
›› -HEELED 后跟…的
4. (in adjectives 构成形容词) having the type of heel mentioned
• 有…后跟的:
 »high-heeled shoes
--› see also well heeled
5. heels [pl.] a pair of women's shoes that have high heels
• 女高跟鞋:
 »She doesn't often wear heels.
--› see also kitten heels
›› PART OF HAND 手的部位
6. [C] ~ of your hand / palm the raised part of the inside of the hand where it joins the wrist
• 手掌根(手掌靠近腕部的隆起部份)
7. [C] (old-fashioned, informal) a man who is unpleasant to other people and cannot be trusted
• 卑鄙的家伙;浑蛋
--› see also Achilles heel , down at heel
at / on sb's 'heels
• following closely behind sb
• 紧跟某人:
 »He fled from the stadium with the police at his heels.
bring sb / sth to 'heel
1. to force sb to obey you and accept discipline
• 使某人就范;迫使某人服从(纪律)
2. to make a dog come close to you
• 让狗靠近;唤狗来到身边
come to 'heel
1. (of a person 人) to agree to obey sb and accept their orders
• 愿意听从(某人);顺从
2. (of a dog 狗) to come close to the person who has called it
• 走近唤狗人
(hard / hot) on sb's / sth's 'heels
• very close behind sb / sth; very soon after sth
• 紧跟;紧接在后:
 »News of rising unemployment followed hard on the heels of falling export figures.
ˌtake to your 'heels
• to run away from sb / sth
• 逃走;溜掉

ˌturn / ˌspin on your 'heel
• to turn around suddenly so that you are facing in the opposite direction
• 急向后转;突然转身

under the 'heel of sb
•(literary) completely controlled by sb
• 完全受某人控制
--› more at cool v., dig v., drag v., head n., kick v., tread v.
1. [VN] to repair the heel of a shoe, etc.
• 给(鞋等)修理后跟
2. [V] ~ (over) to lean over to six side
• 倾侧;倾斜:
 »The boat heeled over in the strong wind.
mythology / miˈθɔlədʒi; NAme -ˈθɑ:l- /
noun (pl. -ies) [U, C]
1. ancient myths in general; the ancient myths of a particular culture, society, etc.
• (统称)神话;某文化(或社会等)的神话:
 »Greek mythology
 »a study of the religions and mythologies of ancient Rome
2. ideas that many people think are true but that do not exist or are false
• 虚幻的想法;错误的观点:
 »the popular mythology that life begins at forty
unbeatable / ʌnˈbi:təbl /
1. (of a team, player, etc. 团队、运动员等) impossible to defeat
• 难以击败的;打不垮的
【SYN】 invincible
2. (of prices, value, etc. 价格、价值等) impossible to improve
• 已达极限的;难以竞争的:
 »unbeatable offers
prophet / ˈprɔfit; NAme ˈprɑ:f- /
1. [C] (in the Christian, Jewish and Muslim religions) a person sent by God to teach the people and give them messages from God
• (基督教、犹太教和伊斯兰教的)先知
2. the Prophet [sing.] Muhammad, who founded the religion of Islam
• 穆罕默德(伊斯兰教的创始人)
3. a person who claims to know what will happen in the future
• 预言家;预言者
4. ~ (of sth) a person who teaches or supports a new idea, theory, etc.
• 倡导者;拥护者;鼓吹者:
 »William Morris was six of the early prophets of socialism.
  威廉 · 莫里斯是社会主义的早期传播者之一。
5. the Prophets [pl.] the name used for some books of the Old Testament and the Hebrew Bible
• (《〈圣经〉旧约》和《希伯来圣经》中的)先知书
--› see doom n.
overboard / ˈəuvəbɔ:d; NAme ˈouvərbɔ:rd /
• over the side of a boat or a ship into the water
• 从船上落下:
 »to fall / jump overboard
 »Huge waves washed him overboard.
go 'overboard
•(informal) to be too excited or enthusiastic about sth or about doing sth
• 过分热情;过分热衷:
 »Don't go overboard on fitness.
throw sb / sth 'overboard
• to get rid of sb / sth that you think is useless
• 抛弃;扔掉
vomit / ˈvɔmit; NAme ˈvɑ:m- /
• (also informal ˌthrow 'up) ~ (sth up) | ~ sth to bring food from the stomach back out through the mouth
• 呕;吐;呕吐
【SYN】 be sick
▪ [V]
 »The smell made her want to vomit.
▪ [VN]
 »He had vomited up his supper.
 »The injured man was vomiting blood.
--› see also sick v.
noun [U]
• food from the stomach brought back out through the mouth
• 呕吐物
Herculean / ˌhə:kjuˈli:ən; NAme ˌhə:rk- /
adj. [usually before noun]
• needing a lot of strength, determination or effort
• 费力的;需要决心的;艰巨的:
 »a Herculean task
【ORIGIN】From the Greek myth in which Hercules proved his courage and strength by completing twelve very difficult tasks (called the Labours of Hercules).
• 源自希腊神话。赫拉克勒斯(Hercules)通过完成十二项十分艰巨的任务("赫拉克勒斯的功绩")而证明了他的勇气和力量。

Samaritan / səˈmæritən /
a ˌgood Sa'maritan
• a person who gives help and sympathy to people who need it
• 善良的撒玛利亚人;善人;乐善好施者
【ORIGIN】From the Bible story of a person from Samaria who helps an injured man that nobody else will help.
• 源自《圣经》,一个撒玛利亚人向一个受伤但无人给予帮助的人伸出援助之手。

bang / bæŋ /
1. ~ (on) sth to hit sth in a way that makes a loud noise
• 猛敲;砸:
▪ [VN]
 »The baby was banging the table with his spoon.
▪ [V]
 »She banged on the door angrily.
--› note at hit

2. to close sth or to be closed with a loud noise
• (把…)砰地关上
【SYN】 slam :
▪ [VN]
 »Don't bang the door when you go out!
▪ [V]
 »A window was banging somewhere (= opening and closing noisily).
▪ [V-ADJ]
 »The door banged shut behind her.
3. [VN +adv. / prep.] to put sth somewhere suddenly and violently
• 猛摔;砰地一扔
【SYN】 slam :
 »He banged the money down on the counter.
 »She banged saucepans around irritably.
4. [VN] to hit sth, especially a part of the body, against sth by accident
• 碰撞;磕
【SYN】 bump :
 »She tripped and banged her knee on the desk.
5. [VN] (taboo, slang) (of a man 男性) to have sex with a woman
• 和(女性)性交

—more at drum n., head n.
ˌbang a'bout / a'round
• to move around noisily
• 乒乓作响地来来去去:
 »We could hear the kids banging around upstairs.

ˌbang 'into sth
• to crash into or hit sth by mistake
• (不小心)撞着某物:
 »I banged into a chair and hurt my leg.

ˌbang 'on about sth (BrE, informal)
• to talk a lot about sth in a boring way
• 唠叨;絮叨
【SYN】 go on
 »He keeps banging on about his new job.
ˌbang sb∽'up (BrE, informal)
• to put sb in prison
• 使某人锒铛入狱;把某人收监

ˌbang sth∽'up (NAmE, informal)
• to damage or injure sth
• 毁坏;损害

1. a sudden loud noise
• 突然的巨响:
 »The door swung shut with a bang.
 »Suddenly there was a loud bang and a puff of smoke.
--› see also big bang
2. a sudden painful blow on a part of the body
• (对身体部位的)猛撞,猛敲,猛击:
 »a bang on the head
3. bangs [pl.] (NAmE) = fringe (1)
4. = bhang
5. (informal) (computing 计) the symbol (!)
• 叹号
ˌbang for your 'buck
(NAmE, informal) if you get more, better, etc. bang for your buck, you get better value for the money you spend or the effort you put in to sth
• 钱花得合算;所作的努力值得

with a 'bang
1. very successfully
• 很成功:
 »The party went with a bang.
2. in a way that everyone notices; with a powerful effect
• 引人注目;有强烈影响:
 »The team won their last five games, ending the season with a bang.
--› more at earth n., slap adv.
• (informal, especially BrE) exactly; completely
• 正好;完全地:
 »Our computers are bang up to date.
 »My estimate was bang on target.
 »You're bang on time, as usual.
--› see also slap bang at slap adv.
bang goes sth
(BrE, informal) used when you say that sth you hoped to have or achieve is no longer possible
• (希望等)破灭:
 »Bang went my hopes of promotion.
go 'bang
•(informal) to burst or explode with a loud noise; to make a sudden loud noise
• 爆;爆炸;发出巨响:
 »A balloon suddenly went bang.
--› more at right n.
• used to show the sound of sth loud, like a gun
• (表示枪声等巨响)砰:
 »'Bang, bang, you're dead!' shouted the little boy.
aimless / ˈeimləs /
• having no direction or plan
• 没有方向的;无目标的;无计划的:
 »My life seemed aimless.
aimlessly adv.:
 »He drifted aimlessly from six job to another.
aimlessness noun [U]
atom / ˈætəm /
• the smallest part of a chemical element that can take part in a chemical reaction
• 原子:
 »the splitting of the atom
 »Two atoms of hydrogen combine with six atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water.
nuclear / ˈnju:kliə(r); NAme ˈnu:- /
adj. [usually before noun]
1. using, producing or resulting from nuclear energy
• 原子能的;核能的:
 »a nuclear power station
 »the nuclear industry
 »nuclear-powered submarines
2. connected with weapons that use nuclear energy
• 核武器的:
 »a nuclear weapon / bomb / missile
 »a nuclear explosion / attack / war
 »the country's nuclear capability (= the fact that it has nuclear weapons)
 »nuclear capacity (= the number of nuclear weapons a country has)
3. (physics 物) of the nucleus (= central part) of an atom
• 核子的;原子核的:
 »nuclear particles
 »a nuclear reaction
missile / ˈmisail; NAme ˈmisl /
1. a weapon that is sent through the air and that explodes when it hits the thing that it is aimed at
• 导弹:
 »nuclear missiles
 »a missile base / site
--› see also ballistic missile , cruise missile , guided missile
2. an object that is thrown at sb to hurt them
• 发射物;投掷物
【SYN】 projectile
communism / ˈkɔmjunizəm; NAmE ˈkɑ:m- /
noun [U]
1. a political movement that believes in an economic system in which the state controls the means of producing everything on behalf of the people. It aims to create a society in which everyone is treated equally.
• 共产主义
2. Communism the system of government by a ruling Communist Party, such as in the former Soviet Union
• 共产主义制度
--› compare capitalism
socialism / ˈsəuʃəlizəm; NAme ˈsou- /
noun [U]
• a set of political and economic theories based on the belief that everyone has an equal right to a share of a country's wealth and that the government should own and control the main industries
• 社会主义
--› compare capitalism , communism , social democracy
socialist / ˈsəuʃəlist; NAme ˈsou- /
• a person who believes in or supports socialism ; a member of a political party that believes in socialism
• 社会主义者;社会党党员
socialist adj. [usually before noun] :
 »a socialist country
 »socialist beliefs
 »the ruling Socialist Party
fountain / ˈfauntən; NAmE ˈfauntn /
1. a structure from which water is sent up into the air by a pump , used to decorate parks and gardens / yards
• 人工喷泉;喷水池
--› see also drinking fountain
2. a strong flow of liquid or of another substance that is forced into the air
• 喷泉;(液体或其他物质的)喷射,涌流:
 »The amplifier exploded in a fountain of sparks.
3. a rich source or supply of sth
• 丰富来源;源泉:
 »Tourism is a fountain of wealth for the city.
currently / ˈkʌrəntli; NAmE ˈkə:r- /
• at the present time
• 现时;目前;当前;时下:
 »The hourly charge is currently £35.
  现在每小时收费是 35 英镑。
 »Currently, over 500 students are enrolled on the course.
  目前有 500 多名学生注册学习这门课程。
 »All the options are currently available.
 »This matter is currently being discussed.
premier / ˈpremiə(r); NAme priˈmir; -ˈmjir /
adj. [only before noun]
• most important, famous or successful
• 首要的;最著名的;最成功的;第一的:
 »one of the country's premier chefs
  国家名厨之一 (BrE) (sport 体)
 »the Premier League / Division
1. used especially in newspapers, etc. to mean 'prime minister'
• (尤用于报章等)首相,总理
2. (in Canada) the first minister of a province or territory
• (加拿大的)省总理,地方总理
arch / ɑ:tʃ; NAmE ɑ:rtʃ /
1. a curved structure that supports the weight of sth above it, such as a bridge or the upper part of a building
• 拱(支撑如桥梁或房屋上部的弧形结构)
2. a structure with a curved top that is supported by straight sides, sometimes forming an entrance or built as a monument
• 拱门:
 »Go through the arch and follow the path.
 »Marble Arch is a famous London landmark.
3. the raised part of the foot formed by a curved section of bones
• 足背;足弓
4. anything that forms a curved shape at the top
• 拱形;拱形物:
 »the delicate arch of her eyebrows
1. if you arch part of your body, or if it arches, it moves and forms a curved shape
• (使)成弓形
▪ [VN]
 »The cat arched its back and hissed.
▪ [also V]
2. [V] to be in a curved line or shape across or over sth
• 呈拱形覆盖;呈弧形横跨:
 »Tall trees arched over the path.
adj. [usually before noun]
• (often disapproving) seeming amused because you know more about a situation than other people
• 调皮的;淘气的:
 »an arch tone of voice
archly adv.:
 »'Guess what?' she said archly.
seminar / ˈseminɑ:(r) /
1. a class at a university or college when a small group of students and a teacher discuss or study a particular topic
• (大学教师带领学生作专题讨论的)研讨班:
 »Teaching is by lectures and seminars.
 »a graduate seminar
 »a seminar room
2. a meeting for discussion or training
• 研讨会;培训会:
 »a one-day management seminar
sharpen / ˈʃɑ:pən; NAme ˈʃɑ:rpən /
1. to make sth sharper; to become sharper
• (使)变得锋利,变得清晰:
▪ [VN]
 »This knife needs sharpening.
▪ [V]
 »The outline of the trees sharpened as it grew lighter.
2. if a sense or feeling sharpens or sth sharpens it, it becomes stronger and / or clearer
• (使感觉或感情)加强,加重,变得更明显
▪ [VN]
 »The sea air sharpened our appetites.
▪ [also V]
3. [VN] to make a disagreement between people, or an issue on which people disagree, clearer and more likely to produce a result
• 使尖锐;使明朗:
 »There is a need to sharpen the focus of the discussion.
4. ~ (sth) (up) to become or make sth better, more skilful, more effective, etc. than before
• (使)提高,改善
【SYN】 improve :
▪ [V]
 »He needs to sharpen up before the Olympic trials.
▪ [VN]
 »She's doing a course to sharpen her business skills.
5. [V , VN] if your voice sharpens or sth sharpens it, it becomes high and loud in an unpleasant way
• (使声音)变得尖锐,变得刺耳
shuttle / ˈʃʌtl /
1. a plane, bus or train that travels regularly between two places
• 来往于两地之间的航班(或班车、火车):
 »a shuttle service between London and Edinburgh
2. = space shuttle
3. a pointed tool used in making cloth to pull a thread backwards and forwards over the other threads that pass along the length of the cloth
• 梭;梭子
4. the Shuttle [sing.] a train service that takes cars and their passengers through the Channel Tunnel between England and France
• (英法之间英吉利海峡隧道的)穿梭火车
verb [+adv. / prep.]
1. [V] ~ (between A and B) to travel between two places frequently
• 频繁往来(于甲地和乙地之间):
 »Her childhood was spent shuttling between her mother and father.
2. [VN] to carry people between two places that are close, making regular journeys between the two places
• (在较近的两地之间定时)往返运送:
 »A bus shuttles passengers back and forth from the station to the terminal.