enjoyable / inˈdʒɔiəbl /
• giving pleasure
• 有乐趣的;使人快乐的;令人愉快的:
 »an enjoyable weekend / experience
 »highly / really / thoroughly / very enjoyable
enjoyably / -əbli / adv.:
 »The evening passed enjoyably.
experience / ikˈspiəriəns; NAmE -ˈspir- /
1. [U] the knowledge and skill that you have gained through doing sth for a period of time; the process of gaining this
• (由实践得来的)经验;实践:
 »to have over ten years' teaching experience
 »Do you have any previous experience of this type of work?
 »a doctor with experience in dealing with patients suffering from stress
 »My lack of practical experience was a disadvantage.
 »She didn't get paid much but it was all good experience.
 »He gained valuable experience whilst working on the project.
 »We all learn by experience.
--› see also work experience
2. [U] the things that have happened to you that influence the way you think and behave
• 经历;阅历:
 »Experience has taught me that life can be very unfair.
 »It is important to try and learn from experience.
 »In my experience, very few people really understand the problem.
 »She knew from past experience that Ann would not give up easily.
 »The book is based on personal experience.
 »direct / first-hand experience of poverty
3. [C] ~ (of sth) an event or activity that affects you in some way
• (一次)经历,体验:
 »an enjoyable / exciting / unusual / unforgettable, etc. experience
 »It was her first experience of living alone.
 »Living in Africa was very different from home and quite an experience (= unusual for us).
 »I had a bad experience with fireworks once.
 »He seems to have had some sort of religious experience.
4. the... experience [sing.] events or knowledge shared by all the members of a particular group in society, that influences the way they think and behave
• 传统:
 »musical forms like jazz that emerged out of the Black American experience
put sth down to ex'perience
• (also chalk sth up to ex'perience) used to say that sb should think of a failure as being sth that they can learn from
• 从…中吸取教训:
 »We lost a lot of money, but we just put it down to experience.
verb [VN]
1. to have a particular situation affect you or happen to you
• 经历;经受;遭受:
 »The country experienced a foreign currency shortage for several months.
 »Everyone experiences these problems at some time in their lives.
2. to have and be aware of a particular emotion or physical feeling
• 感受;体会;体验:
 »to experience pain / pleasure / unhappiness
 »I experienced a moment of panic as I boarded the plane.
assembly / əˈsembli /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. (also Assembly) [C] a group of people who have been elected to meet together regularly and make decisions or laws for a particular region or country
• 立法机构;会议;议会:
 »State / legislative / federal / local assemblies
 »Power has been handed over to provincial and regional assemblies.
 »The national assembly has voted to adopt the budget.
 »the California Assembly
 »the UN General Assembly
2. [U, C] the meeting together of a group of people for a particular purpose; a group of people who meet together for a particular purpose
• 集会;(统称)集会者:
 »They were fighting for freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.
 »He was to address a public assembly on the issue.
 »an assembly point (= a place where people have been asked to meet)
3. [C, U] a meeting of the teachers and students in a school, usually at the start of the day, to give information, discuss school events or say prayers together
• (全校师生的)晨会,朝会
4. [U] the process of putting together the parts of sth such as a vehicle or piece of furniture
• 装配;组装;总成:
 »Putting the bookcase together should be a simple assembly job.
 »a car assembly plant
headmaster / ˌhedˈmɑ:stə(r); NAme -ˈmæs- / , headmistress / ˌhedˈmistrəs /
• (becoming old-fashioned) (NAmE usually principal) a teacher who is in charge of a school, especially a private school
• (尤指私立学校的)校长
--› see also head teacher
earn / ə:n; NAmE ə:rn /
1. to get money for work that you do
• 挣得;赚得;挣钱:
▪ [VN]
 »He earns about $40 000 a year.
  他一年大约挣 4 万元。
 »She earned a living as a part-time secretary.
 »She must earn a fortune (= earn a lot of money).
▪ [VNN]
 »His victory in the tournament earned him $50 000.
  他在这次锦标赛中获胜,挣得了 5 万元。
▪ [V]
 »All the children are earning now.
2. [VN] to get money as profit or interest on money you lend, have in a bank, etc.
• 生(利);获(利):
 »Your money would earn more in a high-interest account.
3. to get sth that you deserve, usually because of sth good you have done or because of the good qualities you have
• 应得;博得;赢得:
▪ [VN]
 »He earned a reputation as an expert on tax law.
 »As a teacher, she had earned the respect of her students.
 »I need a rest. I think I've earned it, don't you?
 »She's having a well-earned rest this week.
▪ [VNN]
 »His outstanding ability earned him a place on the team.
ˌearn a / your 'crust

(BrE, informal)
• to earn enough money to live on
• 挣钱餬口;谋生
ˌearn your 'keep
1. to do useful or helpful things in return for being allowed to live or stay somewhere
• 挣口饭吃;为有栖身之处而工作

2. to be worth the amount of time or money that is being spent
• 值得所花的时间(或金钱):
 »He felt he no longer deserved such a high salary. He just wasn't earning his keep.
--› more at spur n.
respect / riˈspekt /
1. [U, sing.] ~ (for sb / sth) a feeling of admiration for sb / sth because of their good qualities or achievements
• 尊敬;敬意;尊重:
 »I have the greatest respect for your brother.
 »A two-minute silence was held as a mark of respect.
 »A deep mutual respect and understanding developed between them.
--› see also self-respect
【OPP】 disrespect
2. [U, sing.] ~ (for sb / sth) polite behaviour towards or care for sb / sth that you think is important
• 重视;尊重;维护:
 »to show a lack of respect for authority
 »He has no respect for her feelings.
 »Everyone has a right to be treated with respect.
【OPP】 disrespect
3. [C] a particular aspect or detail of sth
• (事物的)方面,细节:
 »In this respect we are very fortunate.
 »There was one respect, however, in which they differed.
in respect of sth
(formal or business 商)
1. concerning
• 关于;就…而言:
 »A writ was served on the firm in respect of their unpaid bill.
2. in payment for sth
• 作为…的报酬:
 »money received in respect of overtime worked
with re'spect | with all due re'spect
• (formal) used when you are going to disagree, usually quite strongly, with sb
• (通常在表示强烈不同意之前说)恕我直言:
 »With all due respect, the figures simply do not support you on this.
with respect to sth
•(formal or business 商) concerning
• 关于;就…而言:
 »The two groups were similar with respect to income and status.
--› more at due adj., pay v.
verb [VN]
1. (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) ~ sb / sth (for sth) to have a very good opinion of sb / sth; to admire sb / sth
• 尊敬;尊重;仰慕:
 »I respect Jack's opinion on most subjects.
 »She had always been honest with me, and I respect her for that.
 »a much loved and highly respected teacher
2. to be careful about sth; to make sure you do not do sth that sb would consider to be wrong
• 慎重对待;谨慎从事;尊重:
 »to respect other people's property
 »She promised to respect our wishes.
 »He doesn't respect other people's right to privacy.
3. to agree not to break a law, principle, etc.
• 遵守;不损害;不违背:
 »The new leader has promised to respect the constitution.
devote / diˈvəut; NAmE diˈvout /
de'vote yourself to sb / sth
• to give most of your time, energy, attention, etc. to sb / sth
• 献身;致力;专心:
 »She devoted herself to her career.
de'vote sth to sth
• to give an amount of time, attention, etc. to sth
• 把…用于:
 »I could only devote two hours a day to the work.
literature / ˈlitrətʃə(r); NAmE also -tʃur /
noun [U]
1. pieces of writing that are valued as works of art, especially novels, plays and poems (in contrast to technical books and newspapers, magazines, etc.)
• 文学;文学作品:
 »French literature
 »great works of literature
2. ~ (on sth) pieces of writing or printed information on a particular subject
• (某学科的)文献,着作,资料:
 »I've read all the available literature on keeping rabbits.
 »sales literature
average / ˈævəridʒ /
1. [only before noun] calculated by adding several amounts together, finding a total, and dividing the total by the number of amounts
• 平均的:
 »an average rate / cost / price
 »Average earnings are around £20 000 per annum.
  年平均收入约为 2 万英镑。
 »at an average speed of 100 miles per hour
  以平均每小时 100 英里的速度
2. typical or normal
• 典型的;正常的:
 »40 hours is a fairly average working week for most people.
  对大多数人来说,一周工作 40 小时是相当正常的。
 »children of above / below average intelligence
 »£20 for dinner is about average.
  花 20 英镑吃正餐算是价格一般。
3. ordinary; not special
• 普通的;平常的;一般的:
 »I was just an average sort of student.
averagely adv.:
 »He was attractive and averagely intelligent.
noun [C, U]
1. the result of adding several amounts together, finding a total, and dividing the total by the number of amounts
• 平均数:
 »The average of 4, 5 and 9 is 6.
  * 4、5、9 三个数的平均数是 6。
 »Parents spend an average of $220 a year on toys.
  父母为孩子买玩具的花费每年平均为 220 元。
 »If I get an A on this essay, that will bring my average (= average mark / grade) up to a B+.
  如果我的这篇论文得 A,我的平均成绩就会提高到 B+。
--› see also grade point average
2. a level which is usual
• 平均水平;一般水准:
 »Temperatures are above / below average for the time of year.
 »400 people a year die of this disease on average.
  平均每年有 400 人死于这种疾病。
 »Class sizes in the school are below the national average.
--› see law
1. [VN] [no passive] to be equal to a particular amount as an average
• 平均为:
 »Economic growth is expected to average 2% next year.
  明年经济增长预计平均可达 2%。
 »Drivers in London can expect to average about 12 miles per hour (= to have that as their average speed).
  估计伦敦的驾车者平均时速为 12 英里。
2. to calculate the average of sth
• 计算出…的平均数:
▪ [VN]
 »Earnings are averaged over the whole period.
▪ [also V]
ˌaverage 'out (at sth)
• to result in an average amount over a period of time or when several things are considered
• 平均数为:
 »The cost should average out at about £6 per person.
  费用应该是平均每人约 6 英镑。
 »Sometimes I pay, sometimes he pays—it seems to average out (= result in us paying the same amount).

ˌaverage sth∽'out (at sth)
• to calculate the average of sth
• 计算出…的平均数

struggle / ˈstrʌɡl /
1. ~ (for sth) to try very hard to do sth when it is difficult or when there are a lot of problems
• 奋斗;努力;争取:
▪ [V]
 »a country struggling for independence
 »Shona struggled for breath.
 »life as a struggling artist (= six who is very poor)
▪ [V to inf]
 »They struggled just to pay their bills.
2. [V +adv. / prep.] to move somewhere or do sth with difficulty
• 艰难地行进;吃力地进行:
 »I struggled up the hill with the heavy bags.
 »Paul struggled out of his wheelchair.
3. [V] ~ (against / with sb / sth) to fight against sb / sth in order to prevent a bad situation or result
• 斗争;抗争:
 »He struggled against cancer for ten years.
 »Lisa struggled with her conscience before talking to the police.
4. [V] ~ (with sb) to fight sb or try to get away from them
• 搏斗;扭打;挣扎脱身:
 »Ben and Jack struggled together on the grass.
 »I struggled and screamed for help.
 »James was hit in the mouth as he struggled with the raiders.
 »How did she manage to struggle free ?
5. [V] ~ (with sb) (for sth) to compete or argue with sb, especially in order to get sth
• 争夺;辩论:
 »rival leaders struggling for power
ˌstruggle a'long / 'on
• to continue despite problems
• 在困难中坚持;勉力维持

1. [C] ~ (with sb) (for / against sth) | ~ (with sb) (to do sth) | ~ (between A and B) a hard fight in which people try to obtain or achieve sth, especially sth that sb else does not want them to have
• 斗争;奋斗;努力:
 »a power / leadership struggle
 »a struggle for independence
 »the struggle between good and evil
 »He is engaged in a bitter struggle with his rival to get control of the company.
 »She will not give up her children without a struggle.
--› note at campaign
2. [C] a physical fight between ten people or groups of people, especially when six of them is trying to escape, or to get sth from the other
• 搏斗;扭打;(尤指)抢夺,挣扎脱身:
 »There were no signs of a struggle at the murder scene.
--› note at fight
3. [sing.] ~ (to do sth) something that is difficult for you to do or achieve
• 难事
【SYN】 effort :
 »It was a real struggle to be ready on time.
challenging / ˈtʃælindʒiŋ /
1. difficult in an interesting way that tests your ability
• 挑战性的;考验能力的:
 »challenging work / questions / problems
 »a challenging and rewarding career as a teacher
--› note at difficult
2. done in a way that invites people to disagree or argue with you, or shows that you disagree with them
• 挑起争论的;不赞同的:
 »She gave him a challenging look. 'Are you really sure?' she demanded.
  她用不赞同的眼光看了他一眼。 "你敢肯定吗?"她问道。
encouragement / inˈkʌridʒmənt; NAmE -ˈkə:r- /
noun [U, C, usually sing.]
~ (to sb) (to do sth) the act of encouraging sb to do sth; something that encourages sb
• 鼓舞;鼓励;起激励作用的事物:
 »a few words of encouragement
 »He needs all the support and encouragement he can get.
 »With a little encouragement from his parents he should do well.
 »She was given every encouragement to try something new.
 »Her words were a great encouragement to them.
【OPP】 discouragement
cooking / ˈkukiŋ /
noun [U]
1. the process of preparing food
• 烹饪;烹调:
 »My husband does all the cooking.
 »a book on Indian cooking
2. food that has been prepared in a particular way
• (用某种方法烹制的)食物,饭菜:
 »The restaurant offers traditional home cooking (= food similar to that cooked at home).
 »They serve good French cooking.
• suitable for cooking rather than eating raw or drinking
• 适于烹饪的(不宜于生吃或直接饮用的):
 »cooking sherry
extra / ˈekstrə /
• more than is usual, expected, or than exists already
• 额外的;分外的;外加的;附加的
【SYN】 additional :
 »Breakfast is provided at no extra charge.
 »The conference is going to be a lot of extra work.
 »an extra pint of milk
 »The government has promised an extra £1 billion for health care.
  政府承诺为医疗保健再拨款 10 亿英镑。
 »Take extra care on the roads this evening.
--› see also extra time
1. a thing that is added to sth that is not usual, standard or necessary and that costs more
• 额外的事物;另外收费的事物:
 »The monthly fee is fixed and there are no hidden extras (= unexpected costs).
 »(BrE) Metallic paint is an optional extra (= a thing you can choose to have or not, but must pay more for if you have it).
2. a person who is employed to play a very small part in a film / movie, usually as a member of a crowd
• (电影里的)临时演员,群众演员
1. in addition; more than is usual, expected or exists already
• 额外;另外;外加:
 »to charge / pay / cost extra
 »I need to earn a bit extra this month.
 »The rate for a room is £30, but breakfast is extra.
  一个房间收费 30 英镑,但早餐另付。
2. (with an adjective or adverb 与形容词或副词连用) more than usually
• 特别;格外;分外:
 »You need to be extra careful not to make any mistakes.
 »an extra large T-shirt
  一件特大号的 T 恤衫
 »She tried extra hard.
fond / fɔnd; NAmE fɑ:nd /
adj. (fonder, fondest)
1. ~ of sb feeling affection for sb, especially sb you have known for a long time
• 喜爱(尤指认识已久的人):
 »Over the years, I have grown quite fond of her.
--› note at love
2. ~ of (doing) sth finding sth pleasant or enjoyable, especially sth you have liked or enjoyed for a long time
• 喜爱(尤指长期喜爱的事物):
 »fond of music / cooking
 »We had grown fond of the house and didn't want to leave.
--› note at like
3. ~ of (doing) sth liking to do sth which other people find annoying or unpleasant, and doing it often
• 喜欢(做令人不快的事):
 »Sheila's very fond of telling other people what to do.
 »He's rather too fond of the sound of his own voice (= he talks too much).
4. [only before noun] kind and loving
• 深情的;温情的;慈爱的
【SYN】 affectionate :
 »a fond look / embrace / farewell
 »I have very fond memories of my time in Spain (= I remember it with affection and pleasure).
5. [only before noun] ~ hope a hope about sth that is not likely to happen
• (指希望)难以实现的;痴想的:
 »I waited all day in the fond hope that she would change her mind.
fondness noun [U, sing.] ~ (for sb / sth) :
 »He will be remembered by the staff with great fondness.
 »a fondness for animals
--› see absence
noun [U]
• the language of Spain and of most countries in Central and S America
• 西班牙语(通用于西班牙以及中、南美洲多数国家)
sculpture / ˈskʌlptʃə(r) /
1. [C, U] a work of art that is a solid figure or object made by carving or shaping wood, stone, clay , metal, etc.
• 雕像;雕塑品;雕刻品:
 »a marble sculpture of Venus
 »He collects modern sculpture.
2. [U] the art of making sculptures
• 雕刻术;雕塑术:
 »the techniques of sculpture in stone
sculptural / ˈskʌlptʃərəl / adj.:
 »sculptural decoration
dessert / diˈzə:t; NAmE diˈzə:rt /
noun [U, C]
• sweet food eaten at the end of a meal
• (饭后)甜点,甜食:
 »What's for dessert ?
 »a rich chocolate dessert
 »a dessert wine
 »(BrE) the dessert trolley (= a table on wheels from which you choose your dessert in a restaurant)
--› compare afters , pudding (1), sweet n. (2)
satisfaction / ˌsætisˈfækʃn /
1. [U, C] the good feeling that you have when you have achieved sth or when sth that you wanted to happen does happen; sth that gives you this feeling
• 满足;满意;欣慰;令人满意(或欣慰)的事:
 »to gain / get / derive satisfaction from sth
 »a look / smile of satisfaction
 »She looked back on her career with great satisfaction.
 »He had the satisfaction of seeing his book become a best-seller.
 »She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry.
 »The company is trying to improve customer satisfaction.
 »He was enjoying all the satisfactions of being a parent.
--› see also dissatisfaction
2. [U] the act of fulfilling a need or desire
• (需要或欲望的)满足,达到:
 »the satisfaction of sexual desires
 »the satisfaction of your ambitions
3. [U] (formal) an acceptable way of dealing with a complaint, a debt, an injury, etc.
• (抗议、投诉等的)妥善处理;(债务的)清偿;(伤害的)赔偿:
 »I complained to the manager but I didn't get any satisfaction.
to sb's satis'faction
1. if you do sth to sb's satisfaction, they are pleased with it
• 使某人满意:
 »The affair was settled to the complete satisfaction of the client.
2. if you prove sth to sb's satisfaction, they believe or accept it
• 使某人确信(或信服):
 »Can you demonstrate to our satisfaction that your story is true?
surf / sə:f; NAme sə:rf /
noun [U]
• large waves in the sea or ocean, and the white foam that they produce as they fall on the beach, on rocks, etc.
• 激浪;拍岸浪花:
 »the sound of surf breaking on the beach
 »Sydney, surf capital of the world (= where the sport of surfing is very popular)
1. [V VN] (often go surfing) to take part in the sport of riding on waves on a surfboard
• 进行冲浪运动;冲浪
2. [VN] ~ the Net / Internet to use the Internet
• (互联网上)冲浪,漫游,浏览:
 »I was surfing the Net looking for information on Indian music.
academic / ˌækəˈdemik /
1. [usually before noun] connected with education, especially studying in schools and universities
• 学业的,教学的,学术的(尤指与学校教育有关):
 »The students return in October for the start of the new academic year.
 »high / low academic standards
 »an academic career
2. [usually before noun] involving a lot of reading and studying rather than practical or technical skills
• 学术的(与实践性、技术性相对):
 »academic subjects / qualifications
3. good at subjects involving a lot of reading and studying
• 学习良好的:
 »She wasn't very academic and hated school.
4. not connected to a real or practical situation and therefore not important
• 纯理论的;空谈的;学究式的:
 »It is a purely academic question.
 »The whole thing's academic now—we can't win anyway.
academically / -kli / adv.:
 »You have to do well academically to get into medical school.
• a person who teaches and / or does research at a university or college
• 高等院校教师;高校科研人员
exchange / iksˈtʃeindʒ /
1. [C, U] an act of giving sth to sb or doing sth for sb and receiving sth in return
• 交换;互换;交流;掉换:
 »The exchange of prisoners took place this morning.
 »We need to promote an open exchange of ideas and information.
 »an exchange of glances / insults
 »an exchange of fire (= between enemy soldiers)
 »I buy you lunch and you fix my computer. Is that a fair exchange ?
 »Would you like my old TV in exchange for this camera?
 »I'll type your report if you'll babysit in exchange.
--› see also part exchange
2. [C] a conversation or an argument
• 交谈;对话;争论:
 »There was only time for a brief exchange.
 »The Prime Minister was involved in a heated exchange with opposition MPs.
›› OF MONEY 金钱
3. [U] the process of changing an amount of one currency (= the money used in one country) for an equal value of another
• 兑换;汇兑:
 »currency exchange facilities
 »Where can I find the best exchange rate / rate of exchange ?
--› see also foreign exchange
4. [C] an arrangement when two people or groups from different countries visit each other's homes or do each other's jobs for a short time
• (不同国家人或团体之间的)交流,互访:
 »Our school does an exchange with a school in France.
 »Nick went on the French exchange.
 »trade and cultural exchanges with China
5. (often Exchange) [C] (in compounds 构成复合词) a building where business people met in the past to buy and sell a particular type of goods
• 交易所:
 »the old Corn Exchange
--› see also stock exchange
6. [C] = telephone exchange
verb [VN]
1. ~ sth (with sb) to give sth to sb and at the same time receive the same type of thing from them
• 交换;交流;掉换:
 »to exchange ideas / news / information
 »Juliet and David exchanged glances (= they looked at each other).
 »I shook hands and exchanged a few words with the manager.
 »The two men exchanged blows (= hit each other).
 »Everyone in the group exchanged email addresses.
›› MONEY / GOODS 金钱;商品
2. ~ A for B to give or return sth that you have and get sth different or better instead
• 兑换;交易;更换
【SYN】 change :
 »You can exchange your currency for dollars in the hotel.
 »If it doesn't fit, take it back and the store will exchange it.
3. ~ contracts (especially BrE) to sign a contract with the person that you are buying sth from, especially a house or land
• 交换(尤指房屋或土地买卖的契约)
--› see word n.
former / ˈfɔ:mə(r); NAmE ˈfɔ:rm- /
adj. [only before noun]
1. that used to exist in earlier times
• 以前的:
 »in former times
 »the countries of the former Soviet Union
 »This beautiful old building has been restored to its former glory.
2. that used to have a particular position or status in the past
• 昔日的;前:
 »the former world champion
 »my former boss / colleague / wife
3. the former... used to refer to the first of ten things or people mentioned
• (两者中)前者的:
 »The former option would be much more sensible.
--› compare latter
4. the former pron. the first of ten things or people mentioned
• (两者中的)前者:
 »He had to choose between giving up his job and giving up his principles. He chose the former.
--› compare latter
be a shadow / ghost of your former 'self
• to not have the strength, influence, etc. that you used to have
• 失去昔日的力量(或影响等);威风不再;不如当年
noun / ˈɡrædʒuət / (also informal grad especially in NAmE)
1. ~ (in sth) a person who has a university degree
• 大学毕业生;学士学位获得者:
 »a graduate in history
 »a science graduate
 »a graduate of Yale / a Yale graduate
 »a graduate student / course
2. (NAmE) a person who has completed their school studies
• 毕业生:
 »a high school graduate
--› note at student
verb / ˈɡrædʒueit /
1. əʒ] ~ (in sth) | ~ (from...) to get a degree, especially your first degree, from a university or college
• 获得学位(尤指学士);大学毕业:
 »Only thirty students graduated in Chinese last year.
 »She graduated from Harvard this year.
 »He graduated from York with a degree in Psychology.
2. [V] ~ (from...) (NAmE) to complete a course in education, especially at high school
• 毕业(尤指中学):
 »Martha graduated from high school ten years ago.
3. [VN] ~ sb (from sth) (NAmE) to give a degree, diploma , etc. to sb
• 授予(某人)学位(或毕业文凭等):
 »The college graduated 50 students last year.
  去年这所学院有 50 名毕业生。
4. [V] ~ (from sth) to sth to start doing sth more difficult or important than what you were doing before
• 逐渐发展(或变化、进展、上升):
 »She recently graduated from being a dancer to having a small role in a movie.
fluent / ˈflu:ənt /
1. ~ (in sth) able to speak, read or write a language, especially a foreign language, easily and well
• (尤指外语)流利,文字流畅:
 »She's fluent in Polish.
 »a fluent speaker / reader
2. (of a language, especially a foreign language 语言,尤指外语) expressed easily and well
• 流利的;通畅的:
 »He speaks fluent Italian.
3. (of an action 动作) done in a smooth and skilful way
• 流畅熟练的:
 »fluent handwriting
 »fluent movements
fluently adv.
painting / ˈpeintiŋ /
1. [C] a picture that has been painted
• 绘画;油画:
 »a collection of paintings by American artists
 »cave paintings
--› see also oil painting (1)
--› note at picture
2. [U] the act or art of using paint to produce pictures
• 作画;绘画:
 »Her hobbies include music and painting.
3. [U] the act of putting paint onto the surface of objects, walls, etc.
• 涂漆;刷油漆:
 »painting and decorating
donate / dəuˈneit; NAmE ˈdouneit /
verb [VN] ~ sth (to sb / sth)
1. to give money, food, clothes, etc. to sb / sth, especially a charity
• (尤指向慈善机构)捐赠,赠送:
 »He donated thousands of pounds to charity.
2. to allow doctors to remove blood or a body organ in order to help sb who needs it
• 献(血); 捐(血) ;捐献(器官):
 »All donated blood is tested for HIV and other infections.
kindness / ˈkaindnəs /
1. [U] the quality of being kind
• 仁慈;善良;体贴;宽容:
 »to treat sb with kindness and consideration
2. [C] a kind act
• 友好(或仁慈、体贴)的举动:
 »I can never repay your many kindnesses to me.
--› see kill v., milk n.
splendid / ˈsplendid /
adj. (especially BrE)
1. (old-fashioned) excellent; very good
• 极佳的;非常好的
【SYN】 great :
 »What a splendid idea!
 »We've all had a splendid time.
2. very impressive; very beautiful
• 壮丽的;雄伟的;豪华的;华丽的:
 »splendid scenery
 »The hotel stands in splendid isolation, surrounded by moorland.
splendidly adv.:
 »You all played splendidly.
(old-fashioned, especially BrE)
• used to show that you approve of sth, or are pleased
• (表示赞许或满意)好极了,痛快:
 »You're both coming? Splendid!
independent / ˌindiˈpendənt /
1. ~ (from / of sth) (of countries 国家) having their own government
• 独立的;自主的;自治的
【SYN】 self-governing :
 »Mozambique became independent in 1975.
  莫桑比克于 1975 年获得独立。
2. done or given by sb who is not involved in a situation and so is able to judge it fairly
• 不相干的人所做的(或提供的);公正的;无偏见的:
 »an independent inquiry / witness
 »She went to a lawyer for some independent advice.
3. ~ (of sb / sth) not connected with or influenced by sth; not connected with each other
• 不相关的;不受影响的;无关联的:
 »The police force should be independent of direct government control.
 »Two independent research bodies reached the same conclusions.
4. supported by private money rather than government money
• 私营的;独立:
 »independent television / schools
 »the independent sector
5. ~ (of sb / sth) confident and free to do things without needing help from other people
• 自主的;有主见的:
 »Going away to college has made me much more independent.
 »She's a very independent-minded young woman.
 »Students should aim to become more independent of their teachers.
【OPP】 dependent
6. ~ (of sb / sth) having or earning enough money so that you do not have to rely on sb else for help
• 自立的;自食其力的:
 »It was important to me to be financially independent of my parents.
 »a man of independent means (= with an income that he does not earn by working)
【OPP】 dependent
7. not representing or belonging to a particular political party
• 无党派的;独立的:
 »an independent candidate
independently adv. ~ (of sb / sth)
 »The two departments work independently of each other.
 »It was the first time that she had lived independently.
• (abbr. Ind.) a member of parliament, candidate, etc. who does not belong to a particular political party
• 无党派议员(或候选人等)
title / ˈtaitl /
1. [C] the name of a book, poem, painting, piece of music, etc.
• (书籍、诗歌、图画、乐曲等的)名称,标题,题目:
 »His poems were published under the title of 'Love and Reason'.
 »the title track from their latest CD (= the song with the same title as the disc)
 »She has sung the title role in 'Carmen' (= the role of Carmen in that opera ).
2. [C] a particular book or magazine
• (书刊的)一种,一本:
 »The company publishes twenty new titles a year.
3. [C] a word in front of a person's name to show their rank or profession, whether or not they are married, etc.
• (人名前表示地位、职业、婚否等的)称号,头衔,职称,称谓:
 »The present duke inherited the title from his father.
 »Give your name and title (= Mr, Miss, Ms, Dr, etc.).
--› note at name
4. [C] a name that describes a job
• 职位名称;职称:
 »The official title of the job is 'Administrative Assistant'.
5. [C] the position of being the winner of a competition, especially a sports competition
• (竞赛、体育比赛的)冠军:
 »the world heavyweight title
 »She has seven world titles.
6. [U, C] ~ (to sth / to do sth) (law 律) the legal right to own sth, especially land or property; the document that shows you have this right
• (尤指土地或财产的)所有权,所有权凭证,房地契
verb [VN-N]
[usually passive] to give a book, piece of music, etc. a particular name
• (给书籍、乐曲等)加标题,定题目:
 »Their first album was titled 'Ocean Drive'.
dynasty / ˈdinəsti; NAmE ˈdai- /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. a series of rulers of a country who all belong to the same family
• 王朝;朝代:
 »the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty
  尼赫鲁 — 甘地王朝
2. a period of years during which members of a particular family rule a country
• 朝;代
dynastic / diˈnæstik; NAmE dai- / adj. [usually before noun] :
 »dynastic history
somehow / ˈsʌmhau /
1. (also NAmE informal someway,someways) in a way that is not known or certain
• 以某种方式(或方法):
 »We must stop him from seeing her somehow.
 »Somehow or other I must get a new job.
2. for a reason that you do not know or understand
• 由于某种未知的原因;不知为什么;不知怎么地:
 »Somehow, I don't feel I can trust him.
 »She looked different somehow.
recent / ˈri:snt /
adj. [usually before noun]
• that happened or began only a short time ago
• 近来的;新近的:
 »a recent development / discovery / event
 »his most recent visit to Poland
 »There have been many changes in recent years.
professor / prəˈfesə(r) / (also informal prof)
noun (abbr. Prof.)
1. (especially BrE) (NAmE 'full professor) a university teacher of the highest rank
• 教授:
 »Professor (Ann) Williams
 »a chemistry professor
 »to be appointed Professor of French at Cambridge
 »He was made (a) professor at the age of 40.
  他 40 岁时就成为教授。
【HELP】Full professor is used to describe a rank of university teacher, and not as a title.
• * full professor 是大学教师的级别,不用作称呼。
2. (NAmE) a teacher at a university or college
• (大学的)讲师,教员
--› compare assistant professor , associate professor
inform / inˈfɔ:m; NAme inˈfɔ:rm /
1. ~ sb (of / about sth) to tell sb about sth, especially in an official way
• 知会;通知;通告:
▪ [VN]
 »Please inform us of any changes of address.
▪ [VN that]
 »I have been reliably informed (= somebody I trust has told me) that the couple will marry next year.
▪ [VN speech]
 »'He's already left,' she informed us.
▪ [also VN wh-]
2. [VN] ~ yourself (of / about sth) to find out information about sth
• 了解;熟悉:
 »We need time to inform ourselves thoroughly of the problem.
3. [VN] (formal) to have an influence on sth
• 对…有影响:
 »Religion informs every aspect of their lives.
in'form on sb
• to give information to the police or sb in authority about the illegal activities of sb
• 告发;检举:
 »He informed on his own brother.
'opening hours
noun [pl.]
• the time during which a shop / store, bank, etc. is open for business
• (商店、银行等的)营业时间
run / rʌn /
(running, ran / ræn / run)
›› MOʒə ʃæSð Oŋ ʃOOð 奔跑
1. əʒ] to move using your legs, going faster than when you walk
• 跑;奔跑:
 »Can you run as fast as Mike?
 »They turned and ran when they saw us coming.
 »She came running to meet us.
 »The dogs ran off as soon as we appeared.
【HELP】In spoken English run can be used with and plus another verb, instead of with to and the infinitive, especially to tell somebody to hurry and do something: Run and get your swimsuits, kids. I ran and knocked on the nearest door.
• 在英语口语中,run 可以和 and 加另一个动词连用,而不和 to 加动词不定式连用,尤用于叫某人赶快去做某事:Run and get your swimsuits, kids. / I ran and knocked on the nearest door.
2. [VN] to travel a particular distance by running
• 跑(某段距离):
 »Who was the first person to run a mile in under five minutes?
--› see also mile (4)
3. [V] (sometimes go running) to run as a sport
• 跑步;做跑步运动:
 »She used to run when she was at college.
 »I often go running before work.
›› RACE 赛跑比赛
4. ~ (in sth) to take part in a race
• 参加赛跑:
▪ [V]
 »He will be running in the 100 metres tonight.
  今晚他将参加 100 米赛跑。
 »There are only nine horses running in the first race.
▪ [VN]
 »to run the marathon
 »Holmes ran a fine race to take the gold medal.
--› see also runner (1)
5. [VN] [often passive] to make a race take place
• 开始(比赛);使(比赛)开始:
 »The Derby will be run in spite of the bad weather.
›› HURRY 赶紧
6. [V +adv. / prep.] to hurry from six place to another
• 迅速赶往;匆忙跑(到另一处):
 »I've spent the whole day running around after the kids.
--› see also
›› MANAGE 管理
7. [VN] to be in charge of a business, etc.
• 管理;经营:
 »to run a hotel / store / language school
 »He has no idea how to run a business.
 »Stop trying to run my life (= organize it) for me.
 »The shareholders want more say in how the company is run.
 »a badly run company
 »state-run industries
--› see also running n. (2)
8. [VN] to make a service, course of study, etc. available to people
• 提供,开设(服务、课程等)
【SYN】 organize :
 »The college runs summer courses for foreign students.
9. [VN] to own and use a vehicle or machine
• 拥有,使用(车辆或机器等):
 »I can't afford to run a car on my salary.
10. ~ (on sth) to operate or function; to make sth do this
• (使)运转,运行;操作:
▪ [V]
 »Stan had the chainsaw running.
 »Our van runs on (= uses) diesel.
 »(figurative) Her life had always run smoothly before.
▪ [VN]
 »Could you run the engine for a moment?
›› BUSES / TRAINS 公共汽车;火车
11. [V , usually +adv. / prep.] to travel on a particular route
• (按某路线)行驶:
 »Buses to Oxford run every half-hour.
 »All the trains are running late (= are leaving later than planned).
12. [VN , usually +adv. / prep.] to make buses, trains, etc. travel on a particular route
• 使(按某一路线)行驶;使运行:
 »They run extra trains during the rush hour.
›› DRIVE SB 开车送某人
13. [VN +adv. / prep.] (informal) to drive sb to a place in a car
• 开车送:
 »Shall I run you home?
14. [V +adv. / prep.] to move, especially quickly, in a particular direction
• (向某处)快速移动:
 »The car ran off the road into a ditch.
 »A shiver ran down my spine.
 »The sledge ran smoothly over the frozen snow.
 »The old tramlines are still there but now no trams run on them.
15. [VN +adv. / prep.] to move sth in a particular direction
• 移动(某物):
 »She ran her fingers nervously through her hair.
 »I ran my eyes over the page.
›› LEAD / STRETCH 引导;伸展
16. [+adv. / prep.] to lead or stretch from six place to another; to make sth do this
• (使)导向;引导;(使)伸展,延伸:
▪ [V]
 »He had a scar running down his left cheek.
 »The road runs parallel to the river.
▪ [VN]
 »We ran a cable from the lights to the stage.
17. [V] ~ (for sth) to continue for a particular period of time without stopping
• 持续;延续:
 »Her last musical ran for one months on Broadway.
 »This debate will run and run !
18. [V] ~ (for sth) to operate or be valid for a particular period of time
• (在一段时间内)起作用,有效:
 »The permit runs for seven months.
 »The lease on my house only has a year left to run.
›› HAPPEN 发生
19. [V +adv. / prep.] (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) to happen at the time mentioned
• (在某时间)发生:
 »Programmes are running a few minutes behind schedule this evening.
 »The murderer was given seven life sentences, to run concurrently.
›› GUNS, DRUGS, ETC. 枪支、毒品等
20. [VN , usually +adv. / prep.] to bring or take sth into a country illegally and secretly
• 走私;非法携运;秘密携带
【SYN】 smuggle
--› see also runner (2)
21. to have particular words, contents, etc.
• 包含(某种词语、内容等):
▪ [V]
 »Their argument ran something like this...
▪ [V speech]
 »'Ten shot dead by gunmen,' ran the newspaper headline.
›› LIQUID 液体
22. [V +adv. / prep.] to flow
• 流淌;流动:
 »The tears ran down her cheeks.
 »Water was running all over the bathroom floor.
23. ~ sth (for sb) | ~ (sb) sth to make liquid flow
• 使(液体)流动:
▪ [VN]
 »She ran hot water into the bucket.
 »to run the hot tap (= to turn it so that water flows from it)
▪ [VN VNN]
 »I'll run a bath for you.
 »I'll run you a bath.
24. [V] to send out a liquid
• 输出,放出(液体):
 »Who left the tap running?
 »Your nose is running (= mucus is flowing from it).
 »The smoke makes my eyes run.
25. [V] ~ with sth (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) to be covered with a liquid
• 被(液体)覆盖;流满:
 »His face was running with sweat.
 »The bathroom floor was running with water.
26. [V] if the colour runs in a piece of clothing when it gets wet, it dissolves and may come out of the clothing into other things
• 掉色;褪色
›› MELT 熔化
27. [V] (of a solid substance 固体) to melt
• 熔化:
 »The wax began to run.
--› see also runny (2)
›› BE / BECOME 是;成为
28. [V-ADJ] to become different in a particular way, especially a bad way
• 变成,成为,变得(尤指不利的变化):
 »The river ran dry (= stopped flowing) during the drought.
 »Supplies are running low.
 »We've run short of milk.
 »You've got your rivals running scared.
29. [V] ~ at sth to be at or near a particular level
• 达到,接近(某程度):
 »Inflation was running at 26%.
  通货膨胀达到了 26%。
30. [VN] to print and publish an item or a story
• 发表;刊登:
 »On advice from their lawyers they decided not to run the story.
›› A TEST / CHECK 测试;检验
31. [VN] ~ a test / check (on sth) to do a test / check on sth
• (对…)进行(测试或检验):
 »The doctors decided to run some more tests on the blood samples.
32. [V] ~ (for sb / sth) | ~ (in sth) to be a candidate in an election for a political position, especially in the US
• (尤指在美国)参加竞选:
 »Clinton ran a second time in 1996.
  * 1996 年,克林顿第二次竞选。
 »to run for president
 »to run in the election
--› compare stand v. (16)
33. [V] (NAmE) if tights or stockings run, a long thin hole appears in them
• 脱针;脱丝;抽丝
【SYN】 ladder n. (3)
Most idioms containing run are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example run riot is at riot.
• 大多数含 run 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 run riot 在词条 riot 下。
come 'running
• to be pleased to do what sb wants
• 赶紧做某人喜欢的事;急于应某人的要求:
 »She knew she had only to call and he would come running.
'run for it
(often used in orders 常用于命令)
• to run in order to escape from sb / sth
• 逃跑
ˌup and 'running
• working fully and correctly
• 全面而准确地运行:
 »It will be a lot easier when we have the database up and running.
'run across sb / sth
• to meet sb or find sth by chance
• 偶然遇见(或看到)
ˌrun 'after sb (informal)
• to try to have a romantic or sexual relationship with sb
• 追求
【SYN】 pursue
 »He's always running after younger women.
ˌrun 'after sb / sth
• to run to try to catch sb / sth
• 追逐;追赶
【SYN】 pursue

ˌrun a'long (old-fashioned, informal)
• used in orders to tell sb, especially a child, to go away
• (尤用以命令儿童)走开

ˌrun a'round with sb (NAmE also 'run with sb) (usually disapproving)
• to spend a lot of time with sb
• 与(某人)厮混;互相往来:
 »She's always running around with older men.

'run at sb [no passive]
• to run towards sb to attack or as if to attack them
• 向某人冲去:
 »He ran at me with a knife.
ˌrun a'way (from sb / ...)
• to leave sb / a place suddenly; to escape from sb / a place
• 突然离开;逃离:
 »He ran away from home at the age of thirteen.
 »Looking at all the accusing faces, she felt a sudden urge to run away.
--› related noun runaway

ˌrun a'way from sth
• to try to avoid sth because you are shy, lack confidence, etc.
• 避开;躲避;回避:
 »You can't just run away from the situation.

ˌrun a'way with you
• if a feeling runs away with you, it gets out of your control
• 失去控制:
 »Her imagination tends to run away with her.

ˌrun a'way / 'off with sb | ˌrun a'way / 'off (together)
• to leave home, your husband, wife, etc. in order to have a relationship with another person
• 与某人私奔:
 »She ran away with her boss.
 »She and her boss ran away together.

ˌrun a'way with sth
1. to win sth clearly or easily
• 轻而易举地赢得

2. to believe sth that is not true
• 相信(不真实的东西);误以为:
 »I don't want you to run away with the impression that all I do is have meetings all day.
ˌrun back 'over sth
• to discuss or consider sth again
• 再次讨论;重新考虑
【SYN】 review
 »I'll run back over the procedure once again.
ˌrun sth 'by / 'past sb (informal)
• to show sb sth or tell sb about an idea in order to see their reaction to it
• 给某人看,说给某人听(以观察其反应)

ˌrun 'down
1. to lose power or stop working
• 耗尽能量;停止工作:
 »The battery has run down.

2. to gradually stop functioning or become smaller in size or number
• 逐渐失去作用;萎缩;衰减:
 »British manufacturing industry has been running down for years.
--› related noun rundown (1)
ˌrun sth∽'down
1. to make sth lose power or stop working
• 使耗尽能量;使停止工作:
 »If you leave your headlights on you'll soon run down the battery.

2. to make sth gradually stop functioning or become smaller in size or number
• 使逐渐失去作用;使萎缩;使衰减:
 »The company is running down its sales force.
--› related noun rundown (1)
ˌrun sb / sth∽'down
1. (of a vehicle or its driver 车辆或司机) to hit sb / sth and knock them / it to the ground
• 把…撞倒

2. to criticize sb / sth in an unkind way
• 恶意批评;说…的坏话;贬低:
 »He's always running her down in front of other people.
3. to find sb / sth after a search
• (经过搜寻后)找到
ˌrun sb∽'in (old-fashioned, informal)
• to arrest sb and take them to a police station
• 把某人扭送警察局

ˌrun sth∽'in (BrE)
• (in the past) to prepare the engine of a new car for normal use by driving slowly and carefully
• (旧时)磨合运转,磨合驾驶: (figurative)

 »Whatever system you choose, it must be run in properly.
ˌrun 'into sb
• to meet sb by chance
• 偶然遇见,碰到(某人):
 »Guess who I ran into today!

'run into sth
1. to enter an area of bad weather while travelling
• 途中遭遇(恶劣天气):
 »We ran into thick fog on the way home.
2. to experience difficulties, etc.
• 遇到(困难等):
 »Be careful not to run into debt.
 »to run into danger / trouble / difficulties
3. to reach a particular level or amount
• 达到(某种水平或数量):
 »Her income runs into one figures (= is more than £100 000, $100 000, etc.).
'run into sb / sth
• to crash into sb / sth
• 撞上:
 »The bus went out of control and ran into a line of people.
'run sth into sb / sth
• to make a vehicle crash into sb / sth
• 开(车)撞上:
 »He ran his car into a tree.
ˌrun 'off (BrE) (of a liquid 液体)
• to flow out of a container
• (从容器中)溢出,流出

ˌrun sth∽'off
1. to copy sth on a machine
• (用机器)复印,复制:
 »Could you run off twenty copies of the agenda?

2. to cause a race to be run
• 举行,进行(赛跑等):
 »The heats of the 200 metres will be run off tomorrow.
  * 200 米预赛将在明天举行。
3. to make a liquid flow out of a container
• 使溢出;使流出
ˌrun 'off with sb | ˌrun 'off (together) = run away with sb
ˌrun 'off with sth
• to steal sth and take it away
• 偷走:
 »The treasurer had run off with the club's funds.

ˌrun 'on
• to continue without stopping; to continue longer than is necessary or expected
• 持续;连续不断;拖延:
 »The meeting will finish promptly—I don't want it to run on.

'run on sth [no passive]
• if your thoughts, a discussion, etc. run on a subject, you think or talk a lot about that subject
• 以…为主题(或中心);围绕
ˌrun 'out
1. if a supply of sth runs out, it is used up or finished
• 用完;耗尽:
 »Time is running out for the trapped miners.

2. if an agreement or a document runs out, it becomes no longer valid
• 过期;失效
【SYN】 expire
ˌrun 'out (of sth)
• to use up or finish a supply of sth
• 用完,耗尽(供应品):
 »We ran out of fuel.
 »Could I have a cigarette? I seem to have run out.

ˌrun 'out on sb (informal)
• to leave sb that you live with, especially when they need your help
• 弃某人而去;抛弃某人

ˌrun sb∽'out əoften passive] (in cricket 板球)
• to make a player stop batting by hitting the wicket with the ball before the player has completed his or her run
• 将(正在跑的击球员)截杀出局

ˌrun 'over
• if a container or its contents run over, the contents come over the edge of the container
• 溢出
【SYN】 overflow

ˌrun sb / sth∽'over (of a vehicle or its driver 车辆或司机)
• to knock a person or an animal down and drive over their body or a part of it
• 撞倒并碾轧:
 »Two children were run over and killed.

ˌrun 'over sth
• to read through or practise sth quickly
• 快速阅读(或练习):
 »She ran over her notes before giving the lecture.

ˌrun sth 'past sb = run sth by / past sb :
 »ɔun that past me again.

ˌrun sb∽'through (literary)
• to kill sb by sticking a knife, sword , etc. through them
• (用刀、剑等)刺死

ˌrun 'through sth
1. əno passive] to pass quickly through sth
• 快速穿越;迅速传遍:
 »An angry murmur ran through the crowd.
 »Thoughts of revenge kept running through his mind.

2. [no passive] to be present in every part of sth
• 遍布:
 »A deep melancholy runs through her poetry.
3. to discuss, repeat or read sth quickly
• 匆匆讨论;快速阅读;很快地重复:
 »He ran through the names on the list.
 »Could we run through your proposals once again?
4. to perform, act or practise sth
• 表演;扮演;排练:
 »Can we run through Scene 3 again, please?
  请大家再来排练一下第 3 场好吗?
--› related noun run-through
5. to use up or spend money carelessly
• 挥霍:
 »She ran through the entire amount within ten years.
'run to sth
1. to be of a particular size or amount
• 达到,有(某一规模或数量):
 »The book runs to nearly 800 pages.
  这本书有近 800 页。
2. (especially BrE) if you or your money will not run to sth, you do not have enough money for sth
• 有足够…的钱;足够…之用:
 »Our funds won't run to a trip abroad this year.
ˌrun sth∽'up
1. to allow a bill, debt, etc. to reach a large total
• 积欠(账款、债务等);累积
【SYN】 accumulate
 »How had he managed to run up so many debts?
--› note at collect
2. to make a piece of clothing quickly, especially by sewing
• 赶制(衣服,尤指缝纫):
 »to run up a blouse
3. to raise sth, especially a flag
• 竖起,升起(旗帜)
ˌrun 'up against sth
• to experience a difficulty
• 遭遇(困难):
 »The government is running up against considerable opposition to its tax reforms.

'run with sb = run away with sb
'run with sth
• to accept or start to use a particular idea or method
• 采纳(某种想法、方法等):
 »OK, let's run with Jan's suggestion.
›› ON FOOT 徒步
1. [C] an act of running; a period of time spent running or the distance that sb runs
• 跑;跑步;跑步的时间(或距离):
 »I go for a run every morning.
 »a five-mile run
 »Catching sight of her he broke into a run (= started running).
 »I decided to make a run for it (= to escape by running).
 »She took the stairs at a run.
--› see also fun run
›› TRIP 旅程
2. [C] a trip by car, plane, boat, etc., especially a short six or six that is made regularly
• (尤指短程或定期,乘交通工具的)旅程,航程:
 »They took the car out for a run.
--› see also milk run , rat run , school run
3. [C] a period of sth good or bad happening; a series of successes or failures
• 一段(幸运或倒霉的)时光;一系列(成功或失败)
【SYN】 spell :
 »a run of good / bad luck
 »Liverpool lost to Leeds, ending an unbeaten run of 18 games.
  利物浦队输给了利兹队,结束了连续 18 场不败的纪录。
›› OF PLAY / MOVIE 戏剧;电影
4. [C] a series of performances of a play or film / movie
• 连续上演(或放映):
 »The show had a record-breaking run in the London theatre.
5. [C] the amount of a product that a company decides to make at six time
• 额定产量:
 »The first print run of 6 000 copies sold out.
  首印 6 000 册已全部售空。
6. [C, usually sing.] ~ on the dollar, pound, etc. a situation when many people sell dollars, etc. and the value of the money falls
• 抛售(美元、英镑等)
7. [C, usually sing.] ~ on sth a situation when many people suddenly want to buy sth
• 争购;抢购:
 »a run on the band's latest CD
8. [C, usually sing.] ~ on a bank a situation when many people suddenly want to take their money out of a bank
• (到银行)挤提,挤兑
9. [sing.] the ~ of sth the way things usually happen; the way things seem to be happening on a particular occasion
• 态势;状况;趋势;动向:
 »In the normal run of things the only exercise he gets is climbing in and out of taxis.
 »(BrE) Wise scored in the 15th minute against the run of play (= although the other team had seemed more likely to score).
  怀斯在比赛进行到 15 分钟的时候出人意料地得分。
›› IN SPORTS 体育运动
10. [C] a sloping track used in skiing and some other sports
• (滑雪或其他运动项目中的)坡道,滑道:
 »a ski / toboggan, etc. run
11. [C] a point scored in the game of cricket or baseball
• (板球或棒球中的)得分:
 »Our team won by five runs.
--› see also home run
12. [sing.] (NAmE) an act of trying to get elected to public office
• 竞选:
 »He made an unsuccessful run for governor in 2005.
  * 2005 年他竞选州长失败。
13. [C] (often in compounds 常构成复合词) a confined area in which animals or birds are kept as pets or on a farm
• 饲养场:
 »a chicken run
›› IN MUSIC 音乐
14. [C] a series of notes sung or played quickly up or down the scale
• (顺着音阶的)急奏,急唱
15. [C] a series of cards held by six player
• 顺子
16. [C] (NAmE) = ladder n. (3)
17. the runs [pl.] (informal) = diarrhoea
--› see also dry run , dummy run , trial run
the common, general, ordinary, usual run (of sth)
• the average type of sth
• 普通类型:
 »He was very different from the general run of movie stars.
give sb / get / have the 'run of sth
• to give sb / get / have permission to make full use of sth
• 允许某人充分使用;获准充分使用:
 »Her dogs have the run of the house.
give sb a (good) run for their 'money
• to make sb try very hard, using all their skill and effort, in order to beat you in a game or competition
• 不让…轻易取胜;与…进行激烈竞争
on the 'run
1. trying to avoid being captured
• 躲避:
 »He's on the run from the police.
2. (informal) continuously active and moving around
• 忙碌;不停地奔波:
 »I've been on the run all day and I'm exhausted.
 »Here are some quick recipes for when you're eating on the run (= in a hurry).
--› more at long adj., short adj.
host / həust; NAme houst /
1. [C] a person who invites guests to a meal, a party, etc. or who has people staying at their house
• 主人:
 »Ian, our host, introduced us to the other guests.
--› see also hostess (1)
2. [C] a country, a city or an organization that holds and arranges a special event
• 东道主;主办国(或城市、机构):
 »The college is playing host to a group of visiting Russian scientists.
3. [C] a person who introduces a television or radio show, and talks to guests
• (电视或广播的)节目主持人
【SYN】 compère :
 »a TV game show host
--› see also announcer (1), presenter (1)
4. [C] (technical 术语) an animal or a plant on which another animal or plant lives and feeds
• (寄生动植物的)寄主,宿主
5. [C] ~ of sb / sth a large number of people or things
• 许多;大量:
 »a host of possibilities
6. [C] the main computer in a network that controls or supplies information to other computers that are connected to it
• (计算机网络的)主机,服务机:
 »transferring files from the host to your local computer
7. the Host [sing.] the bread that is used in the Christian service of Communion , after it has been blessed
• (成圣体的麪饼)祭品,祭饼
verb [VN]
1. to organize an event to which others are invited and make all the arrangements for them
• 主办,主持(活动):
 »Germany hosted the World Cup finals.
2. to introduce a television or radio programme, a show, etc.
• 主持(电视或广播节目等)
【SYN】 compère
3. to organize a party that you have invited guests to
• 作为主人组织(聚会);做东:
 »to host a dinner
4. to store a website on a computer connected to the Internet, usually in return for payment
• (通常收费在与互联网连接的计算机上)存贮网站:
 »a company that builds and hosts e-commerce sites
approve / əˈpru:v /
1. [V] ~ (of sb / sth) to think that sb / sth is good, acceptable or suitable
• 赞成;同意:
 »I told my mother I wanted to leave school but she didn't approve.
 »Do you approve of my idea?
 »She doesn't approve of me leaving school this year.
 »(formal) She doesn't approve of my leaving school this year.
【OPP】 disapprove
2. [VN] to officially agree to a plan, request, etc.
• 批准,通过(计划、要求等):
 »The committee unanimously approved the plan.
--› note at agree
3. [VN] [often passive] to say that sth is good enough to be used, or is correct
• 认可;核准:
 »The course is approved by the Department for Education.
charge / tʃɑ:dʒ; NAmE tʃɑ:rdʒ /
1. [C, U] ~ (for sth) the amount of money that sb asks for goods and services
• (商品和服务所需的)要价,收费:
 »We have to make a small charge for refreshments.
 »admission charges
 »Delivery is free of charge.
--› note at rate
2. [C, U] (NAmE, informal) = charge account , credit account :
 »Would you like to put that on your charge?
 »'Are you paying cash?' 'No, it'll be a charge.'
  "你用现金支付吗?" "不,记账吧。"
3. [C, U] an official claim made by the police that sb has committed a crime
• 指控;控告:
 »criminal charges
 »a murder / an assault charge
 »He will be sent back to England to face a charge of (= to be on trial for) armed robbery.
 »They decided to drop the charges against the newspaper and settle out of court.
 »After being questioned by the police, she was released without charge.
4. [C] a statement accusing sb of doing sth wrong or bad
• 指责;谴责
【SYN】 allegation :
 »She rejected the charge that the story was untrue.
 »Be careful you don't leave yourself open to charges of political bias.
5. [U] a position of having control over sb / sth; responsibility for sb / sth
• 主管;掌管;照管;职责;责任:
 »She has charge of the day-to-day running of the business.
 »They left the au pair in charge of the children for a week.
 »He took charge of the farm after his father's death.
 »I'm leaving the school in your charge.
6. [C] (formal or humorous) a person that you have responsibility for and care for
• 被照管的人;受照料者
7. [C, U] the amount of electricity that is put into a battery or carried by a substance
• (电池或带电物质的)充电量,电荷:
 »a positive / negative charge
›› RUSH / ATTACK 猛冲;攻击
8. [C] a sudden rush or violent attack, for example by soldiers, wild animals or players in some sports
• 突然猛冲;猛攻;冲锋:
 »He led the charge down the field.
9. [C] the amount of explosive needed to fire a gun or make an explosion
• (射击或爆炸需要的)炸药量
--› see also depth charge
10. [sing.] the power to cause strong feelings
• 感染力;震撼力:
 »the emotional charge of the piano piece
›› TASK 任务
11. [sing.] (formal) a task or duty
• 任务;责任:
 »His charge was to obtain specific information.
bring / press / prefer 'charges against sb
(law 律)
• to accuse sb formally of a crime so that there can be a trial in court
• 起诉;控告
get a 'charge out of sth
• to get a strong feeling of excitement or pleasure from sth
• 从…中得到快感(或快乐、乐趣)
--› more at
1. ~ (sb / sth) for sth | ~ (sb) sth (for sth) to ask an amount of money for goods or a service
• 收费;要价:
▪ [VN]
 »What did they charge for the repairs?
 »The restaurant charged £20 for dinner.
  这家餐馆收了 20 英镑的餐费。
 »We won't charge you for delivery.
 »They're charging £3 for the catalogue.
  他们的这份商品目录收费 3 英镑。
▪ [VNN]
 »He only charged me half price.
▪ [V]
 »Do you think museums should charge for admission?
▪ [also V to inf also VN to inf]
2. [VN] ~ sth to sth to record the cost of sth as an amount that sb has to pay
• 把…记在账上;在某人账上记入:
 »They charge the calls to their credit-card account.
 »(NAmE) Don't worry. I'll charge it (= pay by credit card).
3. [VN] ~ sb (with sth / with doing sth) to accuse sb formally of a crime so that there can be a trial in court
• 控告;起诉:
 »He was charged with murder.
 »Several people were arrested but nobody was charged.
4. [VN] ~ sb (with sth / with doing sth) (formal) to accuse sb publicly of doing sth wrong or bad
• 指责;谴责:
 »Opposition MPs charged the minister with neglecting her duty.
›› RUSH / ATTACK 猛冲;攻击
5. to rush forward and attack sb / sth
• 猛攻;猛冲;冲锋:
▪ [V]
 »The bull put its head down and charged.
 »We charged at the enemy.
▪ [also VN]
6. [V +adv. / prep.] to rush in a particular direction
• 向…方向冲去:
 »The children charged down the stairs.
 »He came charging into my room and demanded to know what was going on.
7. [VN] (usually passive 通常用于被动语态) ~ sb with sth (formal) to give sb a responsibility or task
• 赋予…职责(或任务);使…承担责任(或任务):
 »The committee has been charged with the development of sport in the region.
 »The governing body is charged with managing the school within its budget.
8. [VN] ~ (sth) (up) to pass electricity through sth so that it is stored there
• 充电:
 »Before use, the battery must be charged.
 »The shaver can be charged up and used when travelling.
9. [VN] (usually passive 通常用于被动语态) ~ sth (with sth) (literary) to fill sb with an emotion
• 使充满(…情绪):
 »The room was charged with hatred.
 »a highly charged atmosphere
›› GLASS 玻璃杯
10. [VN] (BrE, formal) to fill a glass
• 注满(玻璃杯):
 »Please charge your glasses and drink a toast to the bride and groom!
›› GUN
11. [VN] (old use) to load a gun
• 装(弹药)
schoolmate / ˈsku:lmeit /
(especially BrE) = school friend
broadcast / ˈbrɔ:dkɑ:st; NAmE -kæst /
verb (broadcast, broadcast)
1. to send out programmes on television or radio
• 播送(电视或无线电节目);广播:
▪ [VN]
 »The concert will be broadcast live (= at the same time as it takes place) tomorrow evening.
▪ [V]
 »They began broadcasting in 1922.
  他们于 1922 年开播。
2. [VN] to tell a lot of people about sth
• 散布,传播(信息等):
 »I don't like to broadcast the fact that my father owns the company.
• a radio or television programme
• 广播节目;电视节目:
 »(BrE) a party political broadcast (= for example, before an election)
 »We watched a live broadcast of the speech (= one shown at the same time as the speech was made).
preparation / ˌprepəˈreiʃn /
1. [U] ~ (for sth) the act or process of getting ready for sth or making sth ready
• 准备;预备:
 »Preparation for the party started early.
 »food preparation
 »Careful preparation for the exam is essential.
 »The third book in the series is currently in preparation.
 »The team has been training hard in preparation for the big game.
2. [C, usually pl.] ~ (for sth) | ~ (to do sth) things that you do to get ready for sth or make sth ready
• 准备工作:
 »The country is making preparations for war.
 »We made preparations to move to new offices.
 »wedding preparations
 »Was going to college a good preparation for your career?
3. [C] a substance that has been specially prepared for use as a medicine, cosmetic , etc.
• (医药、化妆品等)配制品,制剂:
 »a pharmaceutical preparation
 »preparations for the hair and skin
event / iˈvent /
1. a thing that happens, especially sth important
• 发生的事情;(尤指)重要事情,大事:
 »The election was the main event of 2004.
  那次选举是 2004 年的主要大事。
 »In the light of later events the decision was proved right.
 »The decisions we take now may influence the course of events (= the way things happen) in the future.
 »Everyone was frightened by the strange sequence of events.
 »In the normal course of events (= if things had happened as expected) she would have gone with him.
2. a planned public or social occasion
• 公开活动;社交场合:
 »a fund-raising event
 »the social event of the year
3. one of the races or competitions in a sports programme
• (体育运动的)比赛项目:
 »The 800 metres is the fourth event of the afternoon.
  * 800 米赛是下午的第四项比赛。
--› see also field event , track event
after the e'vent
• after sth has happened
• 事情发生后;事后:
 »Anyone can be wise after the event.
in 'any event | at 'all events
• used to emphasize or show that sth is true or will happen in spite of other circumstances
• 不管怎样;无论如何
【SYN】 in any case :
 »I think she'll agree to do it but in any event, all she can say is 'no'.
in the e'vent
• when the situation actually happened
• 结果;到头来:
 »I got very nervous about the exam, but in the event, I needn't have worried; it was really easy.
in the event of sth | in the event that sth happens
• if sth happens
• 如果…发生;万一;倘若:
 »In the event of an accident, call this number.
 »Sheila will inherit everything in the event of his death.
in 'that event
• if that happens
• 如果是那样的话;如果那种事情发生:
 »In that event, we will have to reconsider our offer.
--› more at happy , wise adj.
outing / ˈautiŋ /
1. [C] ~ (to...) a trip that you go on for pleasure or education, usually with a group of people and lasting no more than one day
• (集体)出外游玩(或学习等);远足
【SYN】 excursion :
 »We went on an outing to London.
 »a family outing
--› note at trip
2. [C] (sport 体) (informal) an occasion when sb takes part in a competition
• 参赛;比赛
3. [U, C] the practice of naming people as homosexuals in public, when they do not want anyone to know
• (违背同性恋者本人意愿)对(某人)身份的公开挑明
graduation / ˌɡrædʒuˈeiʃn /
1. [U] the act of successfully completing a university degree, or studies at an American high school
• (大学或美国高中的)毕业:
 »It was my first job after graduation.
2. [U, C] a ceremony at which degrees, etc. are officially given out
• 毕业典礼:
 »graduation day
 »My whole family came to my graduation.
3. [C] = gradation (2) :
 »The graduations are marked on the side of the flask.
poet / ˈpəuit; NAme ˈpouət /
• a person who writes poems
• 诗人
generation / ˌdʒenəˈreiʃn /
1. [C + sing. / pl. v.] all the people who were born at about the same time
• (统称)一代人,同代人,同辈人:
 »the younger / older generation
 »My generation have grown up without the experience of a world war.
 »I often wonder what future generations will make of our efforts.
2. [C] the average time in which children grow up, become adults and have children of their own (usually considered to be about 30 years)
• 代,一代,一辈(通常认为大约 30 年):
 »a generation ago
 »My family have lived in this house for generations.
3. [C, U] a single stage in the history of a family
• (家史中的)一代,一辈:
 »stories passed down from generation to generation
 »a first- / second-generation American (= a person whose family has lived in America for one / two generations)
4. [C, usually sing.] a group of people of similar age involved in a particular activity
• 一批,一届(从事特定活动的同龄人):
 »She has inspired a whole generation of fashion school graduates.
5. [C, usually sing.] a stage in the development of a product, usually a technical one
• (产品发展,尤指技术方面的)代:
 »fifth-generation computing
 »a new generation of vehicle
6. [U] the production of sth, especially electricity, heat, etc.
• (尤指电、热等的)产生:
 »the generation of electricity
 »methods of income generation
literary / ˈlitərəri; NAme -reri /
1. connected with literature
• 文学的;文学上的:
 »literary criticism / theory
2. (of a language or style of writing 语言或写作文体) suitable for or typical of a work of literature
• 适于文学作品的;有典型文学作品特征的:
 »It was Chaucer who really turned English into a literary language.
3. liking literature very much; studying or writing literature
• 爱好文学的;从事文学研究(或写作)的:
 »a literary man
select / siˈlekt /
1. ~ sb / sth (as / for sth) | ~ sb / sth (from sth) to choose sb / sth from a group of people or things, usually according to a system
• 选择;挑选;选拔:
▪ [VN]
 »He hasn't been selected for the team.
 »All our hotels have been carefully selected for the excellent value they provide.
 »She was selected as the parliamentary candidate for Bath.
 »a randomly selected sample of 23 schools
  随机抽选的 23 所学校
 »selected poems of T.S. Eliot
  * T.S. 艾略特诗选
 »This model is available at selected stores only.
▪ [VN to inf]
 »Six theatre companies have been selected to take part in this year's festival.
▪ [also V wh-]
--› note at choose
2. (computing 计)
[VN] to mark sth on a computer screen; to choose sth, especially from a menu
• (在计算机屏幕上)选定;(从菜单中)选择,选取:
 »Select the text you want to format by holding down the left button on your mouse.
 »Select 'New Mail' from the 'Send' menu.
1. [only before noun] carefully chosen as the best out of a larger group of people or things
• 精选的;作为…精华的;优等的:
 »a select wine list
 »Only a select few (= a small number of people) have been invited to the wedding.
2. (of a society, club, place, etc. 社团、俱乐部、地方等) used by people who have a lot of money or a high social position
• 有钱、有社会地位的人使用的
【SYN】 exclusive :
 »They live in a very select area.
 »a select club
courtyard / ˈkɔ:tjɑ:d; NAmE ˈkɔ:rtjɑ:rd / (also court)
• an open space that is partly or completely surrounded by buildings and is usually part of a castle, a large house, etc.
• (通常为城堡、大宅第等的)庭院,院子,天井:
 »the central / inner courtyard
composition / ˌkɔmpəˈziʃn; NAmE ˌkɑ:m- /
1. [U] the different parts which sth is made of; the way in which the different parts are organized
• 成分;构成;组合方式:
 »the chemical composition of the soil
 »the composition of the board of directors
--› note at structure
2. [C] a piece of music or art, or a poem
• (音乐、艺术、诗歌的)作品:
 »one of Beethoven's finest compositions
3. [U] the act of composing sth
• 作曲;创作:
 »pieces performed in the order of their composition
4. [U] the art of writing music
• 作曲艺术:
 »to study composition
5. [C] a short text that is written as a school exercise; a short essay
• 作文;小论文
6. [U] (art 美术) the arrangement of people or objects in a painting or photograph
• (绘画、摄影的)构图