ACT / ˌei si: ˈti: /
• American College Test (an exam that some high school students take before they go to college)
• 美国高等院校考试(一些高中生入高等院校前参加的考试)
act / ækt /
1. [C] a particular thing that sb does
• 行为;行动;所为:
 »an act of kindness
 »acts of terrorism
 »The murder was the act of a psychopath.
 »a criminal act
--› note at action
›› LAW 法律
2. [C] a law that has been passed by a parliament
• (议会通过的)法案,法令:
 »an Act of Congress
 »the Higher Education Act 2002
  * 2002 年颁布的高等教育法
3. [sing.] a way of behaving that is not sincere but is intended to have a particular effect on others
• 假装:
 »Don't take her seriously—it's all an act.
 »You could tell she was just putting on an act.
4. [C] one of the main divisions of a play, an opera , etc.
• (戏剧、歌剧等的)一幕:
 »a play in nine acts
 »The hero dies in Act 5, Scene 3.
  男主角在第 5 幕第 3 场死去。
5. [C] one of several short pieces of entertainment in a show
• 一项表演:
 »a circus / comedy / magic act
6. [C] a performer or group of musicians
• 表演者;音乐人组合:
 »They were six of rock's most impressive live acts.
ˌact of 'God
(law 律)
• an event caused by natural forces beyond human control, such as a storm, a flood or an earthquake
• 天灾;不可抗力(如风暴、洪水、地震)

be / get in on the act
•(informal) to be / become involved in an activity that sb else has started, especially to get sth for yourself
• 参与;插一手
do, perform, stage a disap'pearing / 'vanishing act
•(informal) to go away or be impossible to find when people need or want you
• 隐藏踪迹;潜踪隐迹
get your 'act together
•(informal) to organize yourself and your activities in a more effective way in order to achieve sth
• 集中精力:
 »He needs to get his act together if he's going to pass.
a ˌhard / ˌtough act to 'follow
• a person who is so good or successful at sth that it will be difficult for anyone else coming after them to be as good or successful
• 令人望尘莫及的人

in the act (of doing sth)
• while you are doing sth
• 正在(做某事);当场:
 »He was caught in the act of stealing a car.
--› more at clean v., read v.
›› DO STH 做某事
1. [V] to do sth for a particular purpose or in order to deal with a situation
• 做事;行动:
 »It is vital that we act to stop the destruction of the rainforests.
 »The girl's life was saved because the doctors acted so promptly.
 »He claims he acted in self-defence.
›› BEHAVE 行为
2. [V] to behave in a particular way
• 行为;举止:
 »John's been acting very strangely lately.
 »Stop acting like spoilt children!
【HELP】In spoken English people often use like instead of as if or as though in this meaning, especially in NAmE : She was acting like she'd seen a ghost.This is not considered correct in written BrE.
• 英语口语中,尤其是北美英语,常用 like 代替 as if 或 as though 表示此义:She was acting like she'd seen a ghost. 书面英国英语中,此用法被视为不正确。

3. to pretend by your behaviour to be a particular type of person
• 假装:
▪ [V-N]
 »He's been acting the devoted husband all day.
▪ [V-ADJ]
 »I decided to act dumb.
4. to perform a part in a play or film / movie
• 扮演(戏剧、电影中的角色):
▪ [V]
 »Have you ever acted?
 »Most of the cast act well.
▪ [VN]
 »Who's acting (= taking the part of) Hamlet?
 »The play was well acted.
5. [V] ~ as / like sth to perform a particular role or function
• 充当;起作用:
 »Can you act as interpreter?
 »hormones in the brain that act like natural painkillers
6. [V] ~ (on sth) to have an effect on sth
• (对…)有作用,有影响:
 »Alcohol acts quickly on the brain.
--› more at age n., fool n., own v.
'act for / on behalf of sb
• to be employed to deal with sb's affairs for them, for example by representing them in court
• (受雇)代表某人行事
'act on / upon sth
• to take action as a result of advice, information, etc.
• 根据(建议、信息等)行事:
 »Acting on information from a member of the public, the police raided the club.
 »Why didn't you act on her suggestion?
ˌact sth∽'out
1. to perform a ceremony or show how sth happened, as if performing a play
• 履行(仪式);将…表演出来:
 »The ritual of the party conference is acted out in the same way every year.
 »The children started to act out the whole incident.

2. to act a part in a real situation
• 充当(真实情况中的角色):
 »She acted out the role of the wronged lover.
ˌact 'up (informal)
1. to behave badly
• 表现不好;捣乱:
 »The kids started acting up.

2. to not work as it should
• 出毛病:
 »How long has your ankle been acting up?
curtain / ˈkə:tn; NAmE ˈkə:rtn /
1. [C] a piece of cloth that is hung to cover a window
• 窗帘:
 »to draw / pull / close the curtains (= to pull them across the window so they cover it)
 »to draw / draw back / pull back the curtains (= to open them, so that the window is no longer covered)
 »It was two in the morning but the curtains were still drawn (= closed).
 »a pair of curtains
--› see also drape
2. (NAmE) = net curtain
3. [C] a piece of cloth that is hung up as a screen in a room or around a bed, for example
• 帘;幔;(遮隔房间的)帷幔;牀帷:
 »a shower curtain
--› see also Iron Curtain
4. [sing.] a piece of thick, heavy cloth that hangs in front of the stage in the theatre
• (舞台上的)幕,幕布,帷幕:
 »The audience was waiting for the curtain to rise (= for the play to begin).
 »There was tremendous applause when the curtain came down (= the play ended).
 »We left just before the final curtain.
 »(figurative) The curtain has fallen on her long and distinguished career (= her career has ended).
 »(figurative) It's time to face the final curtain (= the end; death).
5. [C, usually sing.] a thing that covers, hides or protects sth
• 覆盖物;隐蔽物;防护物:
 »a curtain of rain / smoke
 »She pushed back the curtain of brown hair from her eyes.
be 'curtains (for sb)
•(informal) to be a situation without hope or that you cannot escape from
• 绝望的处境;无法摆脱的困境;完蛋:
 »When I saw he had a gun, I thought it was curtains for me.
bring down the 'curtain on sth | bring the 'curtain down on sth
• to finish or mark the end of sth
• 结束;标志着…的终结:
 »His sudden decision to retire brought down the curtain on a distinguished career.
verb [VN]
• to provide curtains for a window or a room
• 给(窗户或房间)装上帘子
ˌcurtain sth∽'off
• to separate an area of a room with a curtain or curtains
• 用帘子隔开

soccer / ˈsɔkə(r); NAme ˈsɑ:k- /
noun [U] = football (1):
 »soccer players
 »a soccer pitch / team / match
  足球场/队 / 比赛
frightened / ˈfraitnd /
~ (of sth / of doing sth) | ~ (to do sth) | ~ (that...) afraid; feeling fear
• 惊吓的;受惊的;害怕的:
 »a frightened child
 »Don't be frightened.
 »What are you frightened of?
 »I'm frightened of walking home alone in the dark.
 »He sounded frightened.
 »I'm too frightened to ask him now.
 »She was frightened that the plane would crash.
 »I'm frightened for him (= that he will be hurt, etc.).
 »(informal) I'd never do that. I'd be frightened to death.
--› see shadow n., wit
--› note at afraid
bend / bend /
verb (bent, bent / bent / )
1. əoften +adv. / prep.] (especially of sb's body or head 尤指人的身体或头部) to lean, or make sth lean, in a particular direction
• (使)倾斜,偏向:
▪ [V]
 »He bent and kissed her.
 »fields of poppies bending in the wind
 »His dark head bent over her.
 »She bent forward to pick up the newspaper.
 »Slowly bend from the waist and bring your head down to your knees.
▪ [VN]
 »He bent his head and kissed her.
 »She was bent over her desk writing a letter.
2. if you bend your arm, leg, etc. or if it bends, you move it so that it is no longer straight
• (使四肢等)弯曲
▪ [VN]
 »Bend your knees, keeping your back straight.
▪ [V]
 »Lie flat and let your knees bend.
3. [VN] to force sth that was straight into an angle or a curve
• 把…弄弯(或摺起):
 »Mark the pipe where you want to bend it.
 »The knives were bent out of shape.
 »He bent the wire into the shape of a square.
4. to change direction to form a curve or an angle; to make sth change direction in this way
• (使)拐弯,弯曲:
▪ [V]
 »The road bent sharply to the right.
▪ [VN]
 »Glass and water both bend light.
bend sb's 'ear (about sth)
•(informal) to talk to sb a lot about sth, especially about a problem that you have
• 向某人唠叨诉说(尤指自己的难处)
bend your 'mind / 'efforts to sth
•(formal) to think very hard about or put a lot of effort into one particular thing
• 致力于某事;专心致志
bend the 'truth
• to say sth that is not completely true
• 扭曲事理;歪曲事实
on bended 'knee(s)
• if you ask for sth on bended knee(s), you ask for it in a very anxious and / or humble way
• 下跪(请求…);央求;苦苦哀求
--› more at backwards , rule n.
'bend sb to sth (formal)
• to force or persuade sb to do what you want or to accept your opinions
• 迫使;说服:
 »He manipulates people and tries to bend them to his will (= make them do what he wants).
1. [C] a curve or turn, especially in a road or river
• (尤指道路或河流的)拐弯,弯道:
 »a sharp bend in the road
--› see also hairpin bend
2. the bends [pl.] severe pain and difficulty in breathing experienced by a diver who comes back to the surface of the water too quickly
• (潜水员过快浮出水面造成的)减压病,潜涵病
round the bend / twist
•(informal, especially BrE) crazy
• 疯狂:
 »She's gone completely round the bend.
 »The children have been driving me round the bend today (= annoying me very much).
starve / stɑ:v; NAme stɑ:rv /
1. to suffer or die because you do not have enough food to eat; to make sb suffer or die in this way
• (使)捱饿,饿死:
▪ [V]
 »The animals were left to starve to death.
 »pictures of starving children
 »The new job doesn't pay as much but we won't starve!
▪ [VN]
 »She's starving herself to try to lose weight.
2. -starved (in adjectives 构成形容词) not having sth that you need
• 缺乏…的;急需…的:
 »supply-starved rebels
--› see also cash-starved
be 'starving (for sth)
(also be 'starved especially in NAmE) (informal)
• to feel very hungry
• 饿得很:
 »When's food? I'm starving!
ˌstarve sb into 'sth / into 'doing sth
• to force sb to do sth by not allowing them to get any food or money
• 断绝食物(或资金)来源以迫使某人做某事

ˌstarve sb / sth of 'sth (NAmE also ˌstarve sb / sth for 'sth) əusually passive]
• to not give sth that is needed
• 使某人(或事物)得不到所需要的:
 »I felt starved of intelligent conversation.
 »The department has been starved of resources.

ˌstarve sb∽'out (of sth)
• to force sb to leave a particular building or area by not allowing them to get any food
• 以断绝食物来源迫使某人出来

cash / kæʃ /
noun [U]
1. money in the form of coins or notes / bills
• 现金:
 »How much cash do you have on you?
 »Payments can be made by cheque or in cash.
 »Customers are offered a 10% discount if they pay cash.
 »The thieves stole £500 in cash.
  小偷盗走 500 英镑现金。
--› see also hard cash , petty cash
2. money in any form
• (任何形式的)金钱,资金:
 »The museum needs to find ways of raising cash.
 »I'm short of cash right now.
 »I'm constantly strapped for cash (= without enough money).
cash 'down
(BrE) (also ˌcash up 'front NAmE, BrE)
• with immediate payment of cash
• 即付现款;即期付款:
 »to pay for sth cash down

ˌcash in 'hand
(BrE, informal)
• if you pay for goods and services cash in hand, you pay in cash, especially so that the person being paid can avoid paying tax on the amount
• 现金支付(尤指受款人可避税)

ˌcash on de'livery
(abbr. ɔOD)
• a system of paying for goods when they are delivered
• 货到付款;交货付现

verb [VN]
• ~ a cheque / check to exchange a cheque / check for the amount of money that it is worth
• 兑现支票
cash in your 'chips
•(informal) to die
• 死
ˌcash 'in (on sth) (disapproving)
• to gain an advantage for yourself from a situation, especially in a way that other people think is wrong or immoral
• 从中牟利;捞到好处:
 »The film studio is being accused of cashing in on the singer's death.

ˌcash sth∽'in
• to exchange sth, such as an insurance policy, for money before the date on which it would normally end
• 把(保险单等)提前兑成现金

ˌcash 'up (BrE) (NAmE ˌcash 'out)
• to add up the amount of money that has been received in a shop / store, club, etc., especially at the end of the day
• (商店、俱乐部等在每天营业结束时)结算当日进款

garbage / ˈɡɑ:bidʒ; NAmE ˈɡɑ:rb- /
noun [U]
1. (especially NAmE) waste food, paper, etc. that you throw away
• (生活)垃圾;废物:
 »garbage collection
 »Don't forget to take out the garbage.
2. (especially NAmE) a place or container where waste food, paper, etc. can be placed
• 垃圾场;垃圾箱;垃圾桶:
 »Throw it in the garbage.
3. (informal) something stupid or not true
• 废话;无聊的东西
【SYN】 rubbish
--› note at rubbish
garbage ˌin, garbage 'out
• (abbr. GɪGO)used to express the idea that if wrong or poor quality data is put into a computer, wrong or poor quality data will come out of it
• (用于计算机)废料输入废料输出,无用输入无用输出

pizza / ˈpi:tsə /
noun [C, U]
• an Italian dish consisting of a flat round bread base with cheese, tomatoes, vegetables, meat, etc. on top
• 比萨饼;意大利饼:
 »a ham and mushroom pizza
 »Is there any pizza left?
sink / siŋk /
(sank / sæŋk / sunk / sʌŋk / or (less frequent) sunk, sunk)
›› ɪŋ θæðəɔ / MuD, əðɔ. 在水/泥等里
1. əʒ] to go down below the surface or towards the bottom of a liquid or soft substance
• 下沉;下陷;沉没:
 »The ship sank to the bottom of the sea.
 »We're sinking!
 »The wheels started to sink into the mud.
 »to sink like a stone
›› BOAT 船只
2. [VN] to damage a boat or ship so that it goes below the surface of the sea, etc.
• 使下沉;使沉没:
 »a battleship sunk by a torpedo
›› FALL / SIT DOWN 倒下;坐下
3. [V +adv. / prep.] (of a person 人) to move downwards, especially by falling or sitting down
• 倒下;坐下
【SYN】 collapse :
 »I sank into an armchair.
 »She sank back into her seat, exhausted.
 »The old man had sunk to his knees.
4. [V] (of an object 物体) to move slowly downwards
• 下沉;下陷;沉降:
 »The sun was sinking in the west.
 »The foundations of the building are starting to sink.
5. [V] to decrease in amount, volume, strength, etc.
• 降低;减少;减弱:
 »The pound has sunk to its lowest recorded level against the dollar.
 »He is clearly sinking fast (= getting weaker quickly and will soon die).
›› OF VOICE 声音
6. [V] to become quieter
• 变低;变小
【SYN】 fade :
 »Her voice sank to a whisper.
›› DIG IN GROUND 在地上挖掘
7. [VN] to make a deep hole in the ground
• 挖,掘(深坑、深洞)
【SYN】 drill :
 »to sink a well / shaft / mine
8. [VN] to place sth in the ground by digging
• 埋入;打下:
 »to sink a post into the ground
--› see also sunken (3)
9. [VN] (informal) to prevent sb or sb's plans from succeeding
• 使失败;使受挫;阻挠:
 »I think I've just sunk my chances of getting the job.
 »If the car breaks down, we'll be sunk (= have serious problems).
10. [VN] to hit a ball into a hole in golf or snooker
• (高尔夫球)击球入洞;(斯诺克)击球入袋:
 »He sank a 12-foot putt to win the match.
  他以一记 12 英尺的轻击入洞赢了比赛。
11. [VN] (BrE, informal) to drink sth quickly, especially a large amount of alcohol
• 猛喝;灌
be 'sunk in sth
• to be in a state of unhappiness or deep thought
• 陷入不快(或沉思)中:
 »She just sat there, sunk in thought.
(like rats) deserting / leaving a sinking 'ship
• (humorous, disapproving) used to talk about people who leave an organization, a company, etc. that is having difficulties, without caring about the people who are left
• (比喻只顾自己而离开处于困境中的机构等)(像)逃离沉船(的老鼠)
sink your 'differences
• to agree to forget about your disagreements
• 摒弃分歧;搁置歧见
a / that 'sinking feeling
•(informal) an unpleasant feeling that you get when you realize that sth bad has happened or is going to happen
• 不祥的感觉;沮丧之情
ˌsink or 'swim
• to be in a situation where you will either succeed by your own efforts or fail completely
• 不自救,必沉沦;自己努力,以求生存:
 »The new students were just left to sink or swim.

ˌsink so 'low | sink to sth
• to have such low moral standards that you do sth very bad
• 堕落到这种地步;沉沦到某种程度:
 »Stealing from your friends? How could you sink so low?
 »I can't believe that anyone would sink to such depths.
--› more at heart
ˌsink 'in | ˌsink 'into sth
1. (of words, an event, etc. 话语、事情等) to be fully understood or realized
• 被完全理解;被充分意识到:
 »He paused to allow his words to sink in.
 »The full scale of the disaster has yet to sink in.

2. (of liquids 液体) to go down into another substance through the surface
• 渗透;渗入:
 »The rain sank into the dry ground.
'sink into sth
• to go gradually into a less active, happy or pleasant state
• 渐渐进入(消极、不快等的)状态:
 »She sank into a deep sleep.
 »He sank deeper into depression.
ˌsink 'into sth | ˌsink sth 'into sth
• to go, or to make sth sharp go, deep into sth solid
• (把某物)插入:
 »The dog sank its teeth into my leg (= bit it).
 »I felt her nails sink into my wrist.

ˌsink sth 'into sth
• to spend a lot of money on a business or an activity, for example in order to make money from it in the future
• 把资金投入企业(或活动):
 »We sank all our savings into the venture.

1. a large open container in a kitchen that has taps / faucets to supply water and that you use for washing dishes in
• (厨房里的)洗涤池,洗碗槽:
 »Don't just leave your dirty plates in the sink!
 »I felt chained to the kitchen sink (= I had to spend all my time doing jobs in the house).
2. (especially NAmE) = washbasin
--› more at kitchen
adj. [only before noun]
(BrE) located in a poor area where social conditions are bad
• 位于社会条件差的贫穷地区的;贫民窟的:
 »the misery of life in sink estates
 »a sink school
'garbage can
(NAmE) = dustbin
adult / ˈædʌlt; əˈdʌlt /
1. a fully grown person who is legally responsible for their actions
• (法律上指能为自己的行为负责的)成年人
【SYN】 grown-up :
 »Children must be accompanied by an adult.
 »Why can't you ten act like civilized adults?
2. a fully grown animal
• 成年动物:
 »The fish return to the river as adults in order to breed.
1. fully grown or developed
• 成年的;发育成熟的:
 »preparing young people for adult life
 »the adult population
 »adult monkeys
2. behaving in an intelligent and responsible way; typical of what is expected of an adult
• (智力、思想、行为)成熟的,成人的
【SYN】 grown-up :
 »When my parents split up, it was all very adult and open.
3. [only before noun] intended for adults only, because it is about sex or contains violence
• 仅限成人的(因有色情或暴力内容):
 »an adult movie
--› see also adulthood
tolerate / ˈtɔləreit; NAme ˈtɑ:l- /
1. to allow sb to do sth that you do not agree with or like
• 容许,允许(不同意或不喜欢的事物)
【SYN】 put up with :
▪ [VN]
 »Their relationship was tolerated but not encouraged.
 »This sort of behaviour will not be tolerated.
▪ [V -ing]
 »She refused to tolerate being called a liar.
▪ [also VN -ing]
2. [VN] to accept sb / sth that is annoying, unpleasant, etc. without complaining
• 忍受;容忍;包容
【SYN】 put up with :
 »There is a limit to what one person can tolerate.
 »I don't know how you tolerate that noise!
3. [VN] to be able to be affected by a drug, difficult conditions, etc. without being harmed
• (对药物)有耐受性;能经受(困难条件):
 »She tolerated the chemotherapy well.
 »Few plants will tolerate sudden changes in temperature.
behaviour (BrE) (NAmE behavior) / biˈheivjə(r) /
1. [U] the way that sb behaves, especially towards other people
• 行为;举止;态度:
 »good / bad behaviour
 »social / sexual / criminal behaviour
  社会/性 / 犯罪行为
 »His behaviour towards her was becoming more and more aggressive.
2. [U, C] the way a person, an animal, a plant, a chemical, etc. behaves or functions in a particular situation
• (人、动植物、化学药品等的)表现方式,活动方式:
 »the behaviour of dolphins / chromosomes
 »studying human and animal behaviour
  研究人类和动物的行为模式 (technical 术语)
 »to study learned behaviours
behavioural (BrE) (NAmE behavioral / -jərəl / ) adj.:
 »children with behavioural difficulties
 »behavioural science (= the study of human behaviour)
be on your best be'haviour
• to behave in the most polite way you can
• 尽量表现得体
teenager / ˈti:neidʒə(r) / (also informal teen especially in NAmE)
• a person who is between 13 and 19 years old
• (13 至 19 岁之间的)青少年,青少年男女:
 »a magazine aimed at teenagers
fault / fɔ:lt /
1. [U] ~ (that...) | ~ (for doing sth) the responsibility for sth wrong that has happened or been done
• 责任;过错;过失:
 »It was his fault that we were late.
 »Why should I say sorry when it's not my fault ?
 »It's nobody's fault.
 »It's your own fault for being careless.
 »Many people live in poverty through no fault of their own.
 »I think the owners are at fault (= responsible) for not warning us.
2. [C] a bad or weak aspect of sb's character
• 弱点;缺点
【SYN】 shortcoming :
 »He's proud of his children and blind to their faults.
 »I love her for all her faults (= in spite of them).
3. [C] something that is wrong or not perfect with sth; something that is wrong with a machine or system that stops it from working correctly
• 缺陷;毛病;故障
【SYN】 defect :
 »The book's virtues far outweigh its faults.
 »The system, for all its faults, is the best available at the moment.
 »a major fault in the design
 »a structural fault
 »an electrical fault
4. [C] a mistake made when serving
• 发球失误:
 »He has served a number of double faults in this set.
5. [C] a place where there is a break that is longer than usual in the layers of rock in the earth's crust
• (地壳岩层的)断层:
 »the San Andreas fault
 »a fault line
to a 'fault
• used to say that sb has a lot, or even too much, of a particular good quality
• (良好品质)过分,过度:
 »She is generous to a fault.
--› more at find v.
verb [VN]
(often used in negative sentences with can and could 常与 can 和 could 连用于否定句) to find a mistake or a weakness in sb / sth
• 发现错误;找出缺点
【SYN】 criticize :
 »Her colleagues could not fault her dedication to the job.
 »He had always been polite—she couldn't fault him on that.
scene / si:n /
›› PLACE 地点
1. [C, usually sing.] ~ (of sth) the place where sth happens, especially sth unpleasant
• (尤指不愉快事件发生的)地点,现场:
 »the scene of the accident / attack / crime
 »Firefighters were on the scene immediately.
--› note at place
›› EVENT 事件
2. [C] ~ (of sth) an event or a situation that you see, especially one of a particular type
• 事件;场面;情景:
 »The team's victory produced scenes of joy all over the country.
 »She witnessed some very distressing scenes.
›› IN MOVIE / PLAY, ETC. 电影、戏剧等
3. [C] a part of a film / movie, play or book in which the action happens in one place or is of one particular type
• 场面;片段;镜头:
 »The movie opens with a scene in a New York apartment.
 »love / sex scenes
 »I got very nervous before my big scene (= the one where I have a very important part).
4. [C] one of the small sections that a play or an opera is divided into
• (戏剧或歌剧的)场:
 »Act I, Scene 2 of 'Macbeth'
  《麦克佩斯》第 1 幕第 2 场
5. the scene, the ... scene [sing.] (informal) a particular area of activity or way of life and the people who are part of it
• 活动领域;界;坛;圈子:
 »After years at the top, she just vanished from the scene.
 »the club / dance / music, etc. scene
 »A newcomer has appeared on the fashion scene.
›› VIEW 景象
6. [C] a view that you see
• 景象;景色;风光:
 »a delightful rural scene
 »They went abroad for a change of scene (= to see and experience new surroundings).
--› note at view
7. [C] a painting, drawing, or photograph of a place and the things that are happening there
• 表现…景色的绘画(或摄影)作品;以…风情为题材的绘画(或摄影)作品:
 »an exhibition of Parisian street scenes
8. [C, usually sing.] a loud, angry argument, especially one that happens in public and is embarrassing
• (尤指当众、有失体面的)争吵,吵闹:
 »She had made a scene in the middle of the party.
 »'Please leave,' he said. 'I don't want a scene.'
behind the 'scenes
1. in the part of a theatre, etc. that the public does not usually see
• 在后台;在幕后:
 »The students were able to go behind the scenes to see how programmes are made.
2. in a way that people in general are not aware of
• 秘密地;背地里;在幕后:
 »A lot of negotiating has been going on behind the scenes.
 »behind-the-scenes work
not sb's 'scene
•(informal) not the type of thing that sb likes or enjoys doing
• 不对某人的路子;不合某人的胃口
set the 'scene (for sth)
1. to create a situation in which sth can easily happen or develop
• 为…做好准备(或铺平道路):
 »His arrival set the scene for another argument.
2. to give sb the information and details they need in order to understand what comes next
• (向…)介绍背景,事先介绍情况:
 »The first part of the programme was just setting the scene.
verb / ʌpˈset / (upsetting, upset, upset)
1. to make sb / yourself feel unhappy, anxious or annoyed
• 使烦恼;使心烦意乱;使生气
【SYN】 distress :
▪ [VN]
 »This decision is likely to upset a lot of people.
 »Don't upset yourself about it—let's just forget it ever happened.
▪ [VN that]
 »It upset him that nobody had bothered to tell him about it.
▪ [VN to inf]
 »It upsets me to think of her all alone in that big house.
2. [VN] to make a plan, situation, etc. go wrong
• 打乱;搅乱:
 »He arrived an hour late and upset all our arrangements.
3. [VN] ~ sb's stomach to make sb feel sick after they have eaten or drunk sth
• 使(肠胃)不适
4. [VN] to make sth fall over by hitting it by accident
• 打翻;碰倒;使倾覆:
 »She stood up suddenly, upsetting a glass of wine.
upset the 'apple cart
• to cause problems for sb or spoil their plans, arrangements, etc.
• 制造麻烦;打乱计划(或安排等)
adj. / ˌʌpˈset
1. ənot before noun] ~ (about sth) | ~ (that...) unhappy or disappointed because of sth unpleasant that has happened
• 难过;不高兴;失望;沮丧:
 »There's no point getting upset about it.
2. an ˌupset 'stomach an illness in the stomach that makes you feel sick or have diarrhoea
• 肠胃不适;腹泻
noun / ˈʌpset /
1. əu] a situation in which there are problems or difficulties, especially when these are unexpected
• (意外的)混乱,困扰,麻烦:
 »The company has survived the recent upset in share prices.
 »His health has not been improved by all the upset at home.
2. [C] (in a competition 竞赛) a situation in which a person or team beats the person or team that was expected to win
• 意外的结果;爆冷门
3. [C] an illness in the stomach that makes you feel sick or have diarrhoea
• 肠胃病;腹泻:
 »a stomach upset
4. [U, C] feelings of unhappiness and disappointment caused by sth unpleasant that has happened
• 不痛快;烦闷;失望;苦恼:
 »It had been the cause of much emotional upset.
defend / diˈfend /
1. ~ (sb / yourself / sth) (from / against sb / sth) to protect sb / sth from attack
• 防御;保护;保衞:
▪ [VN]
 »All our officers are trained to defend themselves against knife attacks.
 »Troops have been sent to defend the borders.
▪ [V]
 »It is impossible to defend against an all-out attack.
2. [VN] ~ sb / yourself / sth (from / against sb / sth) to say or write sth in support of sb / sth that has been criticized
• 辩解;辩白:
 »Politicians are skilled at defending themselves against their critics.
 »How can you defend such behaviour?
›› IN SPORT 体育运动
3. [V , VN] (in sports 体育运动) to protect your own goal to stop your opponents from scoring
• 防守
【OPP】 attack
4. [VN] to take part in a competition that you won the last time and try to win it again
• 参加衞冕赛:
 »He is defending champion.
 »She will be defending her title at next month's championships.
  她将在下月的锦标赛上争取蝉联冠军。 (politics 政)
 »He intends to defend his seat in the next election.
›› LAW 法律
5. to act as a lawyer for sb who has been charged with a crime
• 进行辩护;当辩护律师:
▪ [VN]
 »He has employed six of the UK's top lawyers to defend him.
▪ [also V]
--› compare prosecute (2)
emergency / iˈmə:dʒənsi; NAmE iˈmə:rdʒ- /
noun (pl. -ies)
[C, U] a sudden serious and dangerous event or situation which needs immediate action to deal with it
• 突发事件;紧急情况:
 »The government has declared a state of emergency following the earthquake.
 »This door should only be used in an emergency.
 »the emergency exit (= to be used in an emergency)
 »The government had to take emergency action.
 »The pilot made an emergency landing in a field.
 »I always have some extra cash with me for emergencies.
 »The government has been granted emergency powers (= to deal with an emergency).
anyhow / ˈenihau /
1. = anyway
2. in a careless way; not arranged in an order
• 随便地;杂乱无章地:
 »She piled the papers in a heap on her desk, just anyhow.
deserve / diˈzə:v; NAmE diˈzə:rv /
(not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) if sb / sth deserves sth, it is right that they should have it, because of the way they have behaved or because of what they are
• 值得;应得;应受
▪ [VN]
 »You deserve a rest after all that hard work.
 »The report deserves careful consideration.
 »One player in particular deserves a mention.
 »What have I done to deserve this?
▪ [V to inf]
 »They didn't deserve to win.
 »He deserves to be locked up for ever for what he did.
▪ [also V -ing]
sb deˌserves a 'medal
• (informal) used to say that you admire sb because they have done sth difficult or unpleasant
• (用以夸奖某人完成了艰巨任务)应给某人授勳

ˌget what you de'serve | deˌserve all / everything you 'get
• (informal) used to say that you think sb has earned the bad things that happen to them
• 罪有应得

--› more at turn n.
explanation / ˌekspləˈneiʃn /
1. [C, U] ~ (for sth / for doing sth) a statement, fact, or situation that tells you why sth happened; a reason given for sth
• 解释;说明;阐述:
 »The most likely explanation is that his plane was delayed.
 »to offer / provide an explanation
 »I can't think of any possible explanation for his absence.
 »She left the room abruptly without explanation.
 »'I had to see you,' he said, by way of explanation.
 »She didn't give an adequate explanation for being late.
 »The book opens with an explanation of why some drugs are banned.
 »an explanation as to why he had left early
2. [C] a statement or piece of writing that tells you how sth works or makes sth easier to understand
• 解释性说法;说明性文字:
 »For a full explanation of how the machine works, turn to page 5.
  关于机器工作原理的详细说明,请翻阅第 5 页。
clinic / ˈklinik /
1. a building or part of a hospital where people can go for special medical treatment or advice
• 诊所;(医院的)门诊部:
 »the local family planning clinic
2. (especially BrE) a period of time during which doctors give special medical treatment or advice
• 门诊时间;会诊时间:
 »The antenatal clinic is on Wednesdays.
3. (especially BrE) a private hospital or one that treats health problems of a particular kind
• 私人诊所;专科医院:
 »He is being treated at the London clinic.
 »a rehabilitation clinic for alcoholics
4. (NAmE) a building where visiting patients can get medical treatment; a building shared by a group of doctors who work together
• 门诊治疗部;医疗中心
5. an occasion in a hospital when medical students learn by watching a specialist examine and treat patients
• 临牀实习;临牀教学
6. an occasion at which a professional person, especially a sportsman or sportswoman gives advice and training
• (尤指运动员举办的)讲习班,培训班,研习班:
 »a coaching clinic for young tennis players
hard / hɑ:d; NAme hɑ:rd /
adj. (harder, hardest)
›› SOLID / STIFF 坚固;坚硬
1. solid, firm or stiff and difficult to bend or break
• 坚固的;坚硬的;结实的:
 »Wait for the concrete to go hard.
 »a hard mattress
 »Diamonds are the hardest known mineral.
【OPP】 soft
2. ~ (for sb) (to do sth) difficult to do, understand or answer
• 难做的;难懂的;难以回答的:
 »a hard choice / question
 »It is hard to believe that she's only nine.
 »It's hard to see how they can lose.
 »'When will the job be finished?' 'It's hard to say (= it is difficult to be certain).'
  "什么时候能完成这项工作?" "难说。"
 »I find his attitude very hard to take (= difficult to accept).
 »It's hard for old people to change their ways.
 »It must be hard for her, bringing up four children on her own.
 »We're finding reliable staff hard to come by (= difficult to get).
【OPP】 easy
3. full of difficulty and problems, especially because of a lack of money
• 困苦的;艰苦的;艰难的
【SYN】 tough :
 »Times were hard at the end of the war.
 »She's had a hard life.
【OPP】 easy
4. needing or using a lot of physical strength or mental effort
• 耗费体力(或脑力)的;辛苦的:
 »It's hard work shovelling snow.
 »I've had a long hard day.
--› note at difficult
5. (of people 人) putting a lot of effort or energy into an activity
• 努力的;勤劳的:
 »She's a very hard worker.
 »He's hard at work on a new novel.
 »When I left they were all still hard at it (= working hard).
--› note at difficult
6. done with a lot of strength or force
• 用力的;猛烈的:
 »He gave the door a good hard kick.
 »a hard punch
7. showing no sympathy or affection
• 冷酷无情的;硬心肠的;苛刻的:
 »My father was a hard man.
 »She gave me a hard stare.
 »He said some very hard things to me.
8. (informal) (of people 人) ready to fight and showing no signs of fear or weakness
• 准备战斗的;不软弱退缩的:
 »Come and get me if you think you're hard enough.
 »You think you're really hard, don't you?
9. [only before noun] definitely true and based on information that can be proved
• 确凿的;可证实的;可靠的:
 »Is there any hard evidence either way?
 »The newspaper story is based on hard facts.
10. very cold and severe
• 寒冷的;凛冽的:
 »It had been a hard winter.
 »There was a hard frost that night.
--› compare mild (2)
›› DRINK 饮料
11. [only before noun] strongly alcoholic
• 酒精浓度高的;烈性的:
 »hard liquor
 »(informal) a drop of the hard stuff (= a strong alcoholic drink)
--› compare soft drink
12. containing calcium and other mineral salts that make mixing with soap difficult
• 硬的(含钙及镁盐较多):
 »a hard water area
 »Our water is very hard.
【OPP】 soft
13. (phonetics 语音) used to describe a letter c or g when pronounced as in 'cat' or 'go', rather than as in 'city' or 'giant'
• 硬音的(如字母 c 或 g 在 cat 或 go 等词中的发音)
【OPP】 soft
hardness noun [U] :
 »water hardness
 »hardness of heart
be 'hard on sb / sth
1. to treat or criticize sb in a very severe or strict way
• 严厉对待,严格批评(某人/某事):
 »Don't be too hard on him—he's very young.
2. to be difficult for or unfair to sb / sth
• 使…为难;对…不公平:
 »It's hard on people who don't have a car.
3. to be likely to hurt or damage sth
• 可能损伤,可能损坏(某物):
 »Looking at a computer screen all day can be very hard on the eyes.
drive / strike a hard 'bargain
• to argue in an aggressive way and force sb to agree on the best possible price or arrangement
• 狠狠地杀价
give sb a hard 'time
• to deliberately make a situation difficult and unpleasant for sb
• 给某人找茬儿;使某人不好过:
 »They really gave me a hard time at the interview.
ˌhard and 'fast
(especially after a negative 尤用于否定词后)
• that cannot be changed in any circumstances
• 板上钉钉;不容更改:
 »There are no hard and fast rules about this.

(as) ˌhard as 'nails
• showing no sympathy, kindness or fear
• 冷酷无情;铁石心肠;毫无惧色

ˌhard 'cheese
(BrE, informal) used as a way of saying that you are sorry about sth, usually ironically (= you really mean the opposite)
• (常作反话)太不幸了,真够倒霉

ˌhard 'going
• difficult to understand or needing a lot of effort
• 难懂;费力:
 »I'm finding his latest novel very hard going.

ˌhard 'luck / 'lines
(BrE) used to tell sb that you feel sorry for them
• (表示惋惜)真遗憾,太不幸了:
 »'Failed again, I'm afraid.' 'Oh, hard luck.'
  "恐怕我又失败了。" "哦,太不幸了。"

the 'hard way
• by having an unpleasant experience or by making mistakes
• 通过痛苦的经历;通过出错:
 »She won't listen to my advice so she'll just have to learn the hard way.
make hard 'work of sth
• to use more time or energy on a task than is necessary
• 在某事上耗费过多时间(或精力);费冤枉力
no hard 'feelings
• used to tell sb you have been arguing with or have beaten in a contest that you would still like to be friendly with them
• (向争论或打败的对方表示继续友好)别往心里去,别记恨:
 »It looks like I'm the winner again. No hard feelings, Dave, eh?
play hard to 'get
•(informal) to make yourself seem more attractive or interesting by not immediately accepting an invitation to do sth
• 故作姿态;故意摆谱;佯装拿架子
too much like hard 'work
• needing too much effort
• 太费力:
 »I can't be bothered making a hot meal—it's too much like hard work.
--› more at act n., job , nut n., rock n.
adv. (harder, hardest)
1. with great effort; with difficulty
• 努力地;费力地;艰难地:
 »to work hard
 »You must try harder.
 »She tried her hardest not to show how disappointed she was.
 »Don't hit it so hard!
 »He was still breathing hard after his run.
 »Our victory was hard won (= won with great difficulty).
2. with great force
• 猛力地;猛烈地: (figurative)
 »Small businesses have been hit hard / hard hit by the recession.
3. very carefully and thoroughly
• 彻底认真地:
 »to think hard
 »We thought long and hard before deciding to move house.
›› A LOT 大量
4. heavily; a lot or for a long time
• 沉重地;大量地;长时间地:
 »It was raining hard when we set off.
›› LEFT / RIGHT 左;右
5. at a sharp angle to the left / right
• 向左/右急转弯:
 »Turn hard right at the next junction.
be / feel hard 'done by
•(informal) to be or feel unfairly treated
• 受到不公平待遇;感到委屈:
 »She has every right to feel hard done by—her parents have given her nothing.
be ˌhard 'pressed / 'pushed to do sth | be hard 'put (to it) to do sth
• to find it very difficult to do sth
• 很难做某事:
 »He was hard put to it to explain her disappearance.
be hard 'up for sth
• to have too few or too little of sth
• 某物匮乏:
 »We're hard up for ideas.
--› see also hard up
'hard on sth
• very soon after
• 紧接着:
 »His death followed hard on hers.
take sth 'hard
• to be very upset by sth
• 为某事很苦恼(或难受):
 »He took his wife's death very hard.
--› more at die v., heel n.
rude / ru:d /
adj. (ruder, rudest)
1. ~ (to sb) (about sb / sth) | ~ (to do sth) having or showing a lack of respect for other people and their feelings
• 粗鲁的;无礼的;粗野的
【SYN】 impolite :
 »a rude comment
 »The man was downright rude to us.
 »She was very rude about my driving.
 »Why are you so rude to your mother?
 »It's rude to speak when you're eating.
2. (especially BrE) (NAmE usually crude) connected with sex or the body in a way that people find offensive or embarrassing
• 猥亵的;下流的:
 »a rude gesture
 »Someone made a rude noise.
 »The joke is too rude to repeat.
3. [only before noun] (formal) sudden, unpleasant and unexpected
• 突然的;突如其来的;猛烈的:
 »Those expecting good news will get a rude shock.
 »If the players think they can win this match easily, they are in for a rude awakening.
4. (literary) made in a simple, basic way
• 简单的;粗糙的;原始的
【SYN】 primitive :
 »rude shacks
rudeness noun [U] :
 »She was critical to the point of rudeness.
in rude 'health
•(old-fashioned, BrE) looking or feeling very healthy
• 非常健康;十分健壮
sigh / sai /
1. [V] ~ (with sth) to take and then let out a long deep breath that can be heard, to show that you are disappointed, sad, tired, etc.
• 叹气;叹息:
 »He sighed deeply at the thought.
 »She sighed with relief that it was all over.
2. [V speech] to say sth with a sigh
• 叹着气说;叹息道:
 »'Oh well, better luck next time,' she sighed.
3. [V] (literary) (especially of the wind 尤指风) to make a long sound like a sigh
• 悲鸣
• an act or the sound of sighing
• 叹气;叹息:
 »to give / heave / let out a sigh
 »a deep sigh
 »'I'll wait,' he said with a sigh.
 »We all breathed a sigh of relief when it was over.
bicycle / ˈbaisikl /
• (also informal bike) a road vehicle with two wheels that you ride by pushing the pedals with your feet
• 自行车;脚踏车:
 »He got on his bicycle and rode off.
 »We went for a bicycle ride on Sunday.
verb [V , usually +adv. / prep.]
• (old-fashioned) to go somewhere on a bicycle
• 骑自行车
--› compare bike , cycle
• putting a lot of effort into a job and doing it well
• 工作努力的;辛勤的:
 »hard-working nurses
handle / ˈhændl /
1. [VN] to deal with a situation, a person, an area of work or a strong emotion
• 处理,应付(局势、人、工作或感情):
 »A new man was appointed to handle the crisis.
 »She's very good at handling her patients.
 »The sale was handled by Adams Commercial.
 »We can handle up to 500 calls an hour at our new offices.
  我们的新办公室每小时可处理 500 通电话。
 »We all have to learn to handle stress.
 »This matter has been handled very badly.
 »(informal) You have to know how to handle yourself in this business (= know the right way to behave).
 »(informal) 'Any problems?' 'Nothing I can't handle.'
  "有问题吗?" "没有什么我不能对付的。"
 »(informal) I've got to go. I can't handle it any more (= deal with a difficult situation).
2. [VN] to touch, hold or move sth with your hands
• (用手)触,拿,搬动:
 »Our cat hates being handled.
 »The label on the box said: 'Fragile. Handle with care.'
3. [VN] to control a vehicle, an animal, a tool, etc.
• 控制,操纵(车辆、动物、工具等):
 »I wasn't sure if I could handle such a powerful car.
 »She's a difficult horse to handle.
4. [V] ~ well / badly to be easy / difficult to drive or control
• (容易/难以)驾驶,操纵:
 »The car handles well in any weather.
›› BUY / SELL 买卖
5. [VN] to buy or sell sth
• 买;卖
【SYN】 deal in :
 »They were arrested for handling stolen goods.
1. the part of a door, drawer, window, etc. that you use to open it
• 把手;拉手:
 »She turned the handle and opened the door.
›› OF CUP / BAG / TOOL 杯子;包;工具
2. the part of an object, such as a cup, a bag, or a tool that you use to hold it, or carry it
• 柄;把;提梁;把手:
 »the handle of a knife
 »a broom handle
--› see also love handles
›› -HANDLED 有…柄
3. (in adjectives 构成形容词) having the number or type of handle mentioned
• 有…个柄的;有…柄的:
 »a long-handled spoon
get / have a 'handle on sb / sth
•(informal) to understand or know about sb / sth, especially so that you can deal with it or them later
• 弄懂;理解;搞明白:
 »I can't get a handle on these sales figures.
give sb a 'handle (on sth)
•(informal) to give sb enough facts or knowledge for them to be able to deal with sth
• (使)弄懂,理解,明白
--› more at fly v.
error / ˈerə(r) /
noun [C, U]
~ in sth / in doing sth a mistake, especially six that causes problems or affects the result of sth
• 错误;差错;谬误:
 »No payments were made last week because of a computer error.
 »There are too many errors in your work.
 »I think you have made an error in calculating the total.
 »A simple error of judgement meant that there was not enough food to go around.
 »a grave error (= a very serious mistake)
 »a glaring error (= a mistake that is very obvious)
 »The delay was due to human error (= a mistake made by a person rather than by a machine).
 »The computer system was switched off in error (= by mistake).
 »There is no room for error in this job.
--› see also margin of error
--› note at mistake
see, realize, etc. the ˌerror of your 'ways
•(formal or humorous) to realize or admit that you have done sth wrong and decide to change your behaviour
• 知过即改;承认自己的做法不对并决心改正

--› more at trial n.
guidance / ˈɡaidns /
noun [U]
1. ~ (on sth) help or advice that is given to sb, especially by sb older or with more experience
• 指导;引导;咨询:
 »guidance for teachers on how to use video in the classroom
 »Activities all take place under the guidance of an experienced tutor.
 »(NAmE) a guidance counselor (= sb who advises students)
--› see also marriage guidance
2. the process of controlling the direction of a rocket , etc., using electronic equipment
• (火箭等的)制导,导航:
 »a missile guidance system
insist / inˈsist /
verb ~ (on sth)
1. to demand that sth happens or that sb agrees to do sth
• 坚决要求;坚持:
▪ [V]
 »I didn't really want to go but he insisted.
 »'Please come with us.' 'Very well then, if you insist.'
  "请和我们一起来吧。" "那也好,你一定要我来,我就来。"
 »(formal) She insisted on his / him wearing a suit.
▪ [V that]
 »He insists that she come.
  他执意要她来。 (BrE also)
 »He insists that she should come.
--› note at demand
2. to say firmly that sth is true, especially when other people do not believe you
• 坚持说;固执己见:
▪ [V]
 »He insisted on his innocence.
▪ [V (that)]
 »He insisted (that) he was innocent.
▪ [also V speech]
in'sist on / upon sth
• to demand sth and refuse to be persuaded to accept anything else
• 坚决要求:
 »We insisted on a refund of the full amount.
▪ [+ -ing ]
 »They insisted upon being given every detail of the case.
in'sist on doing sth
• to continue doing sth even though other people think it is annoying
• 执意继续做:
 »They insist on playing their music late at night.
DVD / ˌdi: vi: ˈdi: /
• a disk on which large amounts of information, especially photographs and video, can be stored, for use on a computer or DVD-player (an abbreviation for 'digital videodisc' or 'digital versatile disc')
• 数字视盘,数字多功能光盘,高密度视盘(全写为 digital videodisc 或 digital versatile disc):
 »a DVD-ROM drive
 »Is it available on DVD yet?
  这个现在有 DVD 版了吗?
cafe (also café) / ˈkæfei; NAmE kæˈfei /
1. a place where you can buy drinks and simple meals. Alcohol is not usually served in British or American cafes.
• 咖啡馆,小餐馆(供应饮料和便餐,在英美国家通常不供应酒类)
--› compare restaurant
2. (SAfrE) a small shop / store that sells sweets, newspapers, food, etc. and usually stays open later than other shops / stores
• 便利商店(出售糖果、报纸、食物等,通常比其他商店晚一些关门)
chat / tʃæt /
verb (-tt-) [V]
1. ~ (away) (to / with sb) | ~ (about sth / sb) to talk in a friendly informal way to sb
• 闲聊;闲谈;聊天:
 »My kids spend hours chatting on the phone to their friends.
 »Within minutes of being introduced they were chatting away like old friends.
 »What were you chatting about?
2. to exchange messages with other people on the Internet, especially in a chat room
• (尤指在网上聊天室的)闲聊,聊天,交谈:
 »He's been on the computer all morning, chatting with his friends.
ˌchat sb∽'up (BrE, informal)
• to talk in a friendly way to sb you are sexually attracted to
• (受异性吸引而)亲昵地攀谈,与某人搭讪:
 »She went straight over and tried to chat him up.

1. [C] (especially BrE) a friendly informal conversation
• 闲聊;闲谈;聊天:
 »I just called in for a chat.
 »I had a long chat with her.
--› note at discussion
2. [U] talking, especially informal conversation
• (尤指非正式的)谈话,讲话:
 »That's enough chat from me—on with the music!
--› note at discussion
adj. / ˈpreznt /
1. əonly before noun] existing or happening now
• 现存的;当前的:
 »in the present situation
 »the present owner of the house
 »a list of all club members, past and present
 »We do not have any more information at the present time.
 »A few brief comments are sufficient for present purposes.
--› note at actual
--› see also present day
2. [not before noun] ~ (at sth) (of a person 人) being in a particular place
• 出现;在场;出席:
 »There were 200 people present at the meeting.
  有 200 人出席会议。
【OPP】 absent
3. [not before noun] ~ (in sth) (of a thing or a substance 事物或物质) existing in a particular place or thing
• 存在:
 »Levels of pollution present in the atmosphere are increasing.
 »Analysis showed that traces of arsenic were present in the body.
【OPP】 absent
all ˌpresent and cor'rect
(BrE) (NAmE all present and ac'counted for) used to say that all the things or people who should be there are now there
• 全到无误;应在场的都在场了

present company ex'cepted
• (informal) used after being rude or critical about sb to say that the people you are talking to are not included in the criticism
• 在座诸位除外;不关这里的各位
noun / ˈpreznt /
1. a thing that you give to sb as a gift
• 礼物;礼品:
 »birthday / Christmas / wedding, etc. presents
 »What can I get him for a birthday present?
2. (usually the present) [sing.] the time now
• 目前;现在:
 »You've got to forget the past and start living in the present.
 »I'm sorry he's out at present (= now).
3. the present [sing.] (grammar 语法) = present tense
--› more at moment , time n.
/ priˈzent /
▪ əʒŋ]
›› Gɪʒə
1. ~ sb with sth | ~ sth (to sb) to give sth to sb, especially formally at a ceremony
• 把…交给;颁发;授予:
 »The local MP will start the race and present the prizes.
 »On his retirement, colleagues presented him with a set of golf clubs.
 »The sword was presented by the family to the museum.
2. ~ sth (for sth) | ~ sth (to sb) to show or offer sth for other people to look at or consider
• 提出;提交:
 »The committee will present its final report to Parliament in June.
 »Eight options were presented for consideration.
 »Are you presenting a paper at the conference?
3. ~ sth | ~ sth / sb / yourself as sth to show or describe sth / sb in a particular way
• (以某种方式)展现,显示,表现:
 »The company has decided it must present a more modern image.
 »It is essential that we present a united front (= show that we all agree).
 »You need to present yourself better.
 »He likes to present himself as a radical politician.
 »The article presents these proposals as misguided.
4. ~ sb with sth | ~ sth to cause sth to happen or be experienced
• 使发生;使经历:
 »Your request shouldn't present us with any problems.
 »Use of these chemicals may present a fire risk.
›› ITSELF 本身
5. ~ itself (to sb) (of an opportunity, a solution, etc. 机会、答案等) to suddenly happen or become available
• 突然出现;显露;产生
【SYN】 arise :
 »One major problem did present itself, though.
 »As soon as the opportunity presented itself, she would get another job.
  一有机会,她就会另谋新职 。
 »Thankfully, a solution presented itself to him surprisingly soon.
6. (BrE) to appear in a radio or television programme and introduce the different items in it
• 主持播放;主持(节目):
 »She used to present a gardening programme on TV.
7. to produce a show, play, broadcast, etc. for the public
• 上演;公演;推出:
 »Compass Theatre Company presents a new production of 'King Lear'.
8. ~ sb (to sb) (formal) to introduce sb formally, especially to sb of higher rank or status
• 正式介绍;引见:
 »May I present my fiancé to you?
9. ~ yourself at, for, in, etc. (formal) to officially appear somewhere
• 正式出席;莅临;出现:
 »You will be asked to present yourself for interview.
 »She was ordered to present herself in court on 20 May.
  她被传唤于 5 月 20 日出庭。
10. ~ sth (to sb) (formal) to offer or express sth in speech or writing
• (口头或书面)表达,表示:
 »Please allow me to present my apologies.
›› CHEQUE / BILL 支票;账单
11. to give sb a cheque or bill that they should pay
• 交付;提交:
 »A cheque presented by Mr Jackson was returned by the bank.
 »The builders presented a bill for several hundred pounds.
preˌsent 'arms
(of soldiers 士兵)
• to hold a rifle vertical in front of the body as a mark of respect
• 持枪敬礼

argument / ˈɑ:ɡjumənt; NAmE ˈɑ:rɡ- /
1. [C, U] ~ (with sb) (about / over sth) a conversation or discussion in which two or more people disagree, often angrily
• 争论;争吵;争辩;辩论:
 »We had an argument with the waiter about the bill.
 »She got into an argument with the teacher.
 »to win / lose an argument
 »After some heated argument a decision was finally taken.
2. [C] ~ (for / against sth) | ~ (that...) a reason or set of reasons that sb uses to show that sth is true or correct
• 论据;理由;论点:
 »There are strong arguments for and against euthanasia.
 »His argument was that public spending must be reduced.
 »Her main argument was a moral one.
3. [U] ~ (about sth) the act of disagreeing in a conversation or discussion using a reason or set of reasons
• 辩论:
 »Let's assume for the sake of argument (= in order to discuss the problem) that we can't start till March.
freedom / ˈfri:dəm /
1. [U, C] ~ (of sth) the right to do or say what you want without anyone stopping you
• (指权利)自由:
 »freedom of speech / thought / expression / worship
 »a threat to press / academic, etc. freedom
 »rights and freedoms guaranteed by the constitution
2. [U, sing.] ~ (of sth) | ~ (to do sth) the state of being able to do what you want, without anything stopping you
• (指状态)自由:
 »freedom of action / choice
 »complete freedom to do as you wish
 »Thanks to the automobile, Americans soon had a freedom of movement previously unknown.
3. [U] the state of not being a prisoner or slave
• 自由民地位(不是囚犯或奴隶):
 »He finally won his freedom after twenty years in jail.
4. [U] ~ from sth the state of not being affected by the thing mentioned
• 没有…的情况;不受…影响的状态:
 »freedom from fear / pain / hunger, etc.
5. [sing.] the ~ of sth permission to use sth without restriction
• 自由使用权:
 »I was given the freedom of the whole house.
the freedom of the 'city
• (in Britain) an honour that is given to sb by a city as a reward for work they have done
• (英国)荣誉市民称号
--› see also freeman
--› more at manoeuvre n.
worried / ˈwʌrid; NAme ˈwə:r- /
~ (about sb / sth) | ~ (by sth) | ~ (that...) thinking about unpleasant things that have happened or that might happen and therefore feeling unhappy and afraid
• 担心的;担忧的;发愁的:
 »Don't look so worried!
 »I'm not worried about her—she can take care of herself.
 »Doctors are worried about the possible spread of the disease.
 »We're not too worried by these results.
 »The police are worried that the man may be armed.
 »Where have you been? I've been worried sick (= extremely worried).
 »I was worried you wouldn't come.
 »Try not to get worried.
 »She gave me a worried look.
worriedly adv.:
 »He glanced worriedly at his father.
you had me 'worried
•(informal) used to tell sb that you were worried because you had not understood what they had said correctly
• (误会所致)你让我虚惊一场:
 »You had me worried for a moment—I thought you were going to resign!
harm / hɑ:m; NAme hɑ:rm /
noun [U]
• damage or injury that is caused by a person or an event
• 伤害;损害:
 »He would never frighten anyone or cause them any harm.
 »He may look fierce, but he means no harm.
 »The court case will do serious harm to my business.
 »The accident could have been much worse; luckily no harm was done.
 »Don't worry, we'll see that the children come to no harm.
 »I can't say I like Mark very much, but I don't wish him any harm.
 »Hard work never did anyone any harm.
 »Look, we're just going out for a few drinks, where's the harm in that ?
 »The treatment they gave him did him more harm than good.
it wouldn't do sb any harm (to do sth)
• used to suggest that it would be a good idea for sb to do sth
• (做某事)不会对某人有坏处;不妨:
 »It wouldn't do you any harm to smarten yourself up.
ˌno 'harm done
• (informal) used to tell sb not to worry because they have caused no serious damage or injury
• 没造成严重损害(或伤害)

out of harm's 'way
• in a safe place where sb / sth cannot be hurt or injured or do any damage to sb / sth
• 在安全的地方;被隔离
there is no harm in (sb's) doing sth | it does no harm (for sb) to do sth
• used to tell sb that sth is a good idea and will not cause any problems
• 做某事是个好主意(或没有坏处):
 »He may say no, but there's no harm in asking.
 »It does no harm to ask.
verb [VN]
• to hurt or injure sb or to damage sth
• 伤害;损害:
 »He would never harm anyone.
 »Pollution can harm marine life.
 »These revelations will harm her chances of winning the election.
--› more at fly n., hair
--› note at damage
foolish / ˈfu:liʃ /
1. (of actions or behaviour 作为或行为) not showing good sense or judgement
• 愚蠢的;傻的
【SYN】 silly , stupid :
 »She's just a vain, foolish woman.
 »I was foolish enough to believe what Jeff told me.
 »The accident was my fault— it would be foolish to pretend otherwise.
 »How could she have been so foolish as to fall in love with him?
 »a foolish idea / dream / mistake
  荒唐的想法/梦 / 错误
 »It was a very foolish thing to do.
2. [not usually before noun] made to feel or look silly and embarrassed
• 不知所措;出丑;显得尴尬
【SYN】 silly , stupid :
 »I felt foolish and a failure.
 »He's afraid of looking foolish in front of his friends.
foolishly adv.:
 »We foolishly thought that everyone would speak English.
 »Foolishly, I allowed myself to be persuaded to enter the contest.
foolishness noun [U] :
 »Jenny had to laugh at her own foolishness.
patience / ˈpeiʃns /
noun [U]
1. ~ (with sb / sth) the ability to stay calm and accept a delay or sth annoying without complaining
• 耐心;忍耐力:
 »She has little patience with (= will not accept or consider) such views.
 »People have lost patience with (= have become annoyed about) the slow pace of reform.
 »My patience is wearing thin.
 »I have run out of patience with her.
 »Teaching children with special needs requires patience and understanding.
2. the ability to spend a lot of time doing sth difficult that needs a lot of attention and effort
• 毅力;坚忍;恒心:
 »It takes time and patience to photograph wildlife.
 »I don't have the patience to do jigsaw puzzles.
3. (BrE) (NAmE solitaire) a card game for only one player
• 单人纸牌游戏
--› see Job , try v.
selfish / ˈselfiʃ /
• caring only about yourself rather than about other people
• 自私的:
 »selfish behaviour
 »Do you think I'm being selfish by not letting her go?
 »What a selfish thing to do!
 »It was selfish of him to leave all the work to you.
【OPP】 unselfish , selfless
selfishly adv.:
 »She looked forward, a little selfishly, to a weekend away from her family.
selfishness noun [U]
distant / ˈdistənt /
1. far away in space or time
• 遥远的;远处的;久远的:
 »the distant sound of music
 »distant stars / planets
 »The time we spent together is now a distant memory.
 »(formal) The airport was about 20 kilometres distant.
  机场在大约 20 公里远的地方。
 »a star 30 000 light years distant from the Earth
  离地球 3 万光年远的恒星
 »(figurative) Peace was just a distant hope (= not very likely).
2. ~ (from sth) not like sth else
• 不相似的;不同的
【SYN】 remote :
 »Their life seemed utterly distant from his own.
3. [only before noun] (of a person 人) related to you but not closely
• 远亲的;远房的:
 »a distant cousin / aunt / relative
4. not friendly; not wanting a close relationship with sb
• 不友好的;冷淡的;疏远的:
 »Pat sounded very cold and distant on the phone.
5. not paying attention to sth but thinking about sth completely different
• 心不在焉的;恍惚的;出神的:
 »There was a distant look in her eyes; her mind was obviously on something else.
distantly adv.:
 »Somewhere, distantly, he could hear the sound of the sea.
 »We're distantly related.
 »Holly smiled distantly.
the (ˌdim and) ˌdistant 'past
• a long time ago
• 很久以前;遥远的过去:
 »stories from the distant past

in the not too ˌdistant 'future
• not a long time in the future but fairly soon
• 在不久的将来

annoyed / əˈnɔid /
adj. [not usually before noun]
~ (with sb) (at / about sth) | ~ (that...) ~ to find, see, etc. slightly angry
• 恼怒;生气;烦恼
【SYN】 irritated :
 »He was beginning to get very annoyed with me about my carelessness.
 »I was annoyed with myself for giving in so easily.
 »I bet she was annoyed at having to write it out again.
 »I was annoyed that they hadn't turned up.
 »He was annoyed to find himself going red.
forbid / fəˈbid; NAmE fərˈb- /
verb (forbade / fəˈbæd; fəˈbeid; NAmE fərˈb- / forbidden / fəˈbidn; NAmE fərˈb- / )
1. ~ sb (from doing sth) to order sb not to do sth; to order that sth must not be done
• 禁止;不准:
▪ [VN]
 »He forbade them from mentioning the subject again.
 »Her father forbade the marriage.
▪ [VN to inf]
 »You are all forbidden to leave.
▪ [VNN]
 »My doctor has forbidden me sugar.
【OPP】 allow , permit
▪ [also VN -ing also V -ing]
2. (formal) to make it difficult or impossible to do sth
• 妨碍;阻碍;阻止
【SYN】 prohibit :
▪ [VN]
 »Lack of space forbids further treatment of the topic here.
▪ [also VN to inf]
God / Heaven for'bid (that...)
• (informal) used to say that you hope that sth will not happen
• 但愿这事不发生:
 »'Maybe you'll end up as a lawyer, like me.' 'God forbid!'
  "也许你会像我一样,最终成为律师。" "但愿不会这样!"
【HELP】Some people find this use offensive.
• 有人认为此用法含冒犯意。

adolescence / ˌædəˈlesns /
noun [U]
• the time in a person's life when he or she develops from a child into an adult
• 青春期;青春
【SYN】 puberty
misunderstand / ˌmisʌndəˈstænd; NAme -dərˈs- /
• (misunderstood, misunderstood / -ˈstud / ) to fail to understand sb / sth correctly
• 误解;误会:
▪ [VN]
 »I completely misunderstood her intentions.
 »Don't misunderstand me—I am grateful for all you've done.
▪ [V]
 »I thought he was her husband—I must have misunderstood.
▪ [also V wh-]
normal / ˈnɔ:ml; NAme ˈnɔ:rml /
1. typical, usual or ordinary; what you would expect
• 典型的;正常的;一般的:
 »quite / perfectly (= completely) normal
 »Her temperature is normal.
 »It's normal to feel tired after such a long trip.
 »Divorce is complicated enough in normal circumstances, but this situation is even worse.
 »Under normal circumstances, I would say 'yes'.
 »He should be able to lead a perfectly normal life.
 »In the normal course of events I wouldn't go to that part of town.
 »We are open during normal office hours.
2. not suffering from any mental disorder
• 精神正常的;意识健全的:
 »People who commit such crimes aren't normal.
【OPP】 abnormal
--› see per
noun [U]
• the usual or average state, level or standard
• 常态;通常标准;一般水平:
 »above / below normal
 »Things soon returned to normal.
confused / kənˈfju:zd /
1. unable to think clearly or to understand what is happening or what sb is saying
• 糊涂的;迷惑的:
 »People are confused about all the different labels on food these days.
 »He was depressed and in a confused state of mind.
 »I'm confused—say all that again.
2. not clear or easy to understand
• 不清楚的;混乱的;难懂的:
 »The children gave a confused account of what had happened.
confusedly / -ədli / adv.
physical / ˈfizikl /
›› THE BODY 身体
1. [usually before noun] connected with a person's body rather than their mind
• 身体的;肉体的;躯体的:
 »physical fitness
 »physical appearance
 »The ordeal has affected both her mental and physical health.
 »He tends to avoid all physical contact.
2. [only before noun] connected with things that actually exist or are present and can be seen, felt, etc. rather than things that only exist in a person's mind
• 客观存在的;现实的;物质的;有形的:
 »the physical world / universe / environment
 »the physical properties (= the colour, weight, shape, etc.) of copper
3. [only before noun] according to the laws of nature
• 根据自然规律的;符合自然法则的:
 »It is a physical impossibility to be in ten places at once.
4. [only before noun] connected with the scientific study of forces such as heat, light, sound, etc. and how they affect objects
• 物理学的:
 »physical laws
›› SEX
5. involving sex
• 性欲的;肉欲的:
 »physical love
 »They are having a physical relationship.
6. (informal) (of a person 人) liking to touch other people a lot
• 爱触摸他人的;爱动手动脚的:
 »She's not very physical.
7. (informal) violent (used to avoid saying this in a direct way)
• 使用武力的;粗暴的:
 »Are you going to cooperate or do we have to get physical?
• (also ˌphysical exami'nation) a medical examination of a person's body, for example, to check that they are fit enough to do a particular job
• 体检;体格检查

psychological / ˌsaikəˈlɔdʒikl; NAme -ˈlɑ:dʒ- /
1. [usually before noun] connected with a person's mind and the way in which it works
• 心灵的;心理的;精神上的:
 »the psychological development of children
 »Abuse can lead to both psychological and emotional problems.
 »Her symptoms are more psychological than physical (= imaginary rather than real).
 »Victory in the last game gave them a psychological advantage over their opponents.
 »a psychological novel (= six that examines the minds of the characters)
2. [only before noun] connected with the study of psychology
• 心理学的;关于心理学的:
 »psychological research
psychologically / -kli / adv.:
 »psychologically harmful
 »Psychologically, the defeat was devastating.
the ˌpsychological 'moment
• the best time to do sth in order for it to be successful
• 最佳时机;最适当时机

tend / tend /
1. [V to inf] to be likely to do sth or to happen in a particular way because this is what often or usually happens
• 往往会;常常就:
 »Women tend to live longer than men.
 »When I'm tired, I tend to make mistakes.
 »It tends to get very cold here in the winter.
 »People tend to think that the problem will never affect them.
2. [V] ~ (to / towards sth) to take a particular direction or often have a particular quality
• 趋向;走向;倾向;趋于:
 »His views tend towards the extreme.
 »Prices have tended downwards over recent years.
3. ~ (to) sb / sth to care for sb / sth
• 照料;照管;护理:
▪ [VN]
 »a shepherd tending his sheep
 »Doctors and nurses tended the injured.
 »well-tended gardens
▪ [V]
 »Ambulance crews were tending to the injured.
4. [VN] (NAmE) to serve customers in a store, bar, etc.
• 招待,侍候,照顾,照料(商店、酒吧等的顾客):
 »He had a job tending bar in San Francisco.
limit / ˈlimit /
1. ~ (to sth) a point at which sth stops being possible or existing
• 限度;限制:
 »There is a limit to the amount of pain we can bear.
 »The team performed to the limit of its capabilities.
 »She knew the limits of her power.
 »to push / stretch / test sb / sth to the limit
  推/拉 / 考查某人(或某物)达到限度
 »His arrogance knew (= had) no limits.
2. ~ (on sth) the greatest or smallest amount of sth that is allowed
• 极限;限量;限额
【SYN】 restriction :
 »a time / speed / age limit
 »The EU has set strict limits on levels of pollution.
 »They were travelling at a speed that was double the legal limit.
 »You can't drive—you're over the limit (= you have drunk more alcohol than is legal when driving).
3. the furthest edge of an area or a place
• (地区或地方的)境界,界限,范围:
 »We were reaching the limits of civilization.
 »the city limits (= the imaginary line which officially divides the city from the area outside)
--› see also off-limits
be the 'limit
•(old-fashioned, informal) to be extremely annoying
• 极其令人讨厌
within 'limits
• to some extent; with some restrictions
• 在某种程度上;有一定限制:
 »I'm willing to help, within limits.
--› more at sky
verb [VN]
1. ~ sth (to sth) to stop sth from increasing beyond a particular amount or level
• 限制;限定
【SYN】 restrict :
 »measures to limit carbon dioxide emissions from cars
 »The amount of money you have to spend will limit your choice.
2. ~ yourself / sb (to sth) to restrict or reduce the amount of sth that you or sb can have or use
• 限量;减量:
 »Families are limited to five free tickets each.
 »I've limited myself to 1 000 calories a day to try and lose weight.
  我为了减肥,限定自己每天摄入 1 000 卡的热量。
'limit sth to sb / sth [usually passive]
• to make sth exist or happen only in a particular place or within a particular group
• 使(某事只在某地或某群体内)存在(或发生):
 »Violent crime is not limited to big cities.
 »The teaching of history should not be limited to dates and figures.
wisdom / ˈwizdəm /
noun [U]
1. the ability to make sensible decisions and give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have
• 智慧;才智;精明:
 »a woman of great wisdom
 »words of wisdom
2. ~ of sth / of doing sth how sensible sth is
• 明智:
 »I question the wisdom of giving a child so much money.
3. the knowledge that a society or culture has gained over a long period of time
• (社会或文化长期积累的)知识,学问:
 »the collective wisdom of the Native American people
conventional / received 'wisdom
• the view or belief that most people hold
• 大多数人的看法;普遍信念:
 »Conventional wisdom has it that riots only ever happen in cities.
in his / her / its, etc. (infinite) 'wisdom
• used when you are saying that you do not understand why sb has done sth
• (表示不理解他人的无知)以其(无限的)智慧:
 »The government in its wisdom has decided to support the ban.
--› more at pearl
independence / ˌindiˈpendəns /
noun [U]
1. ~ (from sb / sth) (of a country 国家) freedom from political control by other countries
• 独立:
 »Cuba gained independence from Spain in 1898.
  古巴于 1898 年脱离西班牙而获得独立。
2. the time when a country gains freedom from political control by another country
• 独立(之日):
 »independence celebrations
 »the first elections since independence
3. the freedom to organize your own life, make your own decisions, etc. without needing help from other people
• 自主;自立:
 »He values his independence.
 »a woman's financial independence
【OPP】 dependence
balance / ˈbæləns /
1. [U, sing.] ~ (between A and B) a situation in which different things exist in equal, correct or good amounts
• 均衡;平衡;均势
--› see also imbalance :
 »Try to keep a balance between work and relaxation.
 »This newspaper maintains a good balance in its presentation of different opinions.
 »Tourists often disturb the delicate balance of nature on the island.
 »His wife's death disturbed the balance of his mind.
›› OF BODY 身体
2. [U] the ability to keep steady with an equal amount of weight on each side of the body
• 平衡能力:
 »Athletes need a good sense of balance.
 »I struggled to keep my balance on my new skates.
 »She cycled round the corner, lost her balance and fell off.
3. [C, usually sing.] the amount that is left after taking numbers or money away from a total
• 余额:
 »to check your bank balance (= to find out how much money there is in your account)
4. [C, usually sing.] an amount of money still owed after some payment has been made
• 结欠:
 »The balance of $500 must be paid within 90 days.
  * 500 元结欠款必须于 90 天之内付清。
5. [C] an instrument for weighing things, with a bar that is supported in the middle and has dishes hanging from each end
• 天平;秤
(on) the balance of 'evidence / proba'bility
•(formal) (considering) the evidence on both sides of an argument, to find the most likely reason for or result of sth
• (从)总的来说;(考虑)正反两方面;权衡双方证据
(be / hang) in the 'balance
• if the future of sth / sb, or the result of sth is / hangs in the balance, it is uncertain
• (前途)不明朗的;(结果)未定的,悬而未决:
 »The long-term future of the space programme hangs in the balance.
(catch / throw sb) off 'balance
1. to make sb / sth unsteady and in danger of falling
• 使失去平衡(而有跌落危险):
 »I was thrown off balance by the sudden gust of wind.
2. to make sb surprised and no longer calm
• 使(毫无准备而)不知所措:
 »The senator was clearly caught off balance by the unexpected question.
on 'balance
• after considering all the information
• 总的来说:
 »On balance, the company has had a successful year.
--› more at redress v., strike v., swing v., tip v.
1. ~ (sth) (on sth) to put your body or sth else into a position where it is steady and does not fall
• 使(在某物上)保持平衡;立稳:
▪ [V]
 »How long can you balance on one leg?
▪ [VN]
 »The television was precariously balanced on top of a pile of books.
 »She balanced the cup on her knee.
›› BE / KEEP EQUAL (使)相等
2. ~ (sth) (out) to be equal in value, amount, etc. to sth else that has the opposite effect
• 相抵;抵消
【SYN】 offset :
▪ [VN]
 »This year's profits will balance our previous losses.
 »His lack of experience was balanced by a willingness to learn.
▪ [V]
 »The good and bad effects of any decision will usually balance out.
3. [VN] ~ A with / and B to give equal importance to two contrasting things or parts of sth
• 同等重视(相对的两个事物或方面):
 »She tries to balance home life and career.
4. ~ A against B to compare the relative importance of two contrasting things
• 比较(两个相对的事物);权衡重要性:
 »The cost of obtaining legal advice needs to be balanced against its benefits.
5. [VN] (finance 财) to show that in an account the total money spent is equal to the total money received; to calculate the difference between the two totals
• 结平(账目)
last¹ / lɑ:st; NAme læst /
--› see also last ²
1. happening or coming after all other similar things or people
• 最后的;最末的;末尾的:
 »We caught the last bus home.
 »It's the last house on the left.
 »She was last to arrive.
2. [only before noun] most recent
• 最近的;上一个的:
 »last night / Tuesday / month / summer / year
 »her last book
 »This last point is crucial.
 »The last time I saw him was in May.
3. [only before noun] only remaining
• 仅剩下的;最终的
【SYN】 final :
 »This is our last bottle of water.
 »He knew this was his last hope of winning.
4. used to emphasize that sb / sth is the least likely or suitable
• (强调)最不可能的,最不适当的:
 »The last thing she needed was more work.
 »He's the last person I'd trust with a secret.
be on your / its last 'legs
• to be going to die or stop functioning very soon; to be very weak or in bad condition
• 濒临死亡;奄奄一息;行将就木;快不能用了
the day, week, month, etc. before 'last
• the day, week, etc. just before the most recent one; two days, weeks, etc. ago
• 前天;上上星期;上上月;两天(或两周等)以前:
 »I haven't seen him since the summer before last.
every last...
• every person or thing in a group
• (某群体中的)每一个,全部:
 »We spent every last penny we had on the house.
have the last 'laugh
• to be successful when you were not expected to be, making your opponents look stupid
• (在本未指望时)笑在最后,取得最后胜利
in the last re'sort
• when there are no other possible courses of action
• 作为最后的一招
【SYN】 at a pinch :
 »In the last resort we can always walk home.
your / the last 'gasp
• the point at which you / sth can no longer continue living, fighting, existing, etc.
• 奄奄一息;苟延残喘;临终;垂死
--› see also last-gasp
the ˌlast 'minute / 'moment
• the latest possible time before an important event
• (重大事情前的)最后一刻,紧要关头:
 »They changed the plans at the last minute.
 »Don't leave your decision to the last moment.

a / your last re'sort
• the person or thing you rely on when everything else has failed
• 最后可依赖的人(或事物):
 »I've tried everyone else and now you're my last resort.
the ˌlast 'word (in sth)
• the most recent, fashionable, advanced, etc. thing
• 最新(或时髦、先进等)的事物:
 »These apartments are the last word in luxury.

--› more at analysis , breath , famous , long adj., man n., straw , thing , week , word n.
1. after anyone or anything else; at the end
• 最后;最终;终结:
 »He came last in the race.
 »They arrived last of all.
2. most recently
• 最新;最近;上一次:
 »When did you see him last?
 »I saw him last / I last saw him in New York two years ago.
 »They last won the cup in 2002.
  他们上一次获得奖杯是在 2002 年。
ˌlast but not 'least
• used when mentioning the last person or thing of a group, in order to say that they are not less important than the others
• (提及最后的人或事物时说)最后但同样重要的:
 »Last but not least, I'd like to thank all the catering staff.

ˌlast 'in, ˌfirst 'out
• used, for example in a situation when people are losing their jobs, to say that the last people to be employed will be the first to go
• (形容裁员等情况)最后雇用的人最先被解雇,后来者先走

--› more at first adv., laugh v.
noun the last (pl. the last)
1. the person or thing that comes or happens after all other similar people or things
• 最后来的人(或发生的事):
 »Sorry I'm late—am I the last?
 »They were the last to arrive.
2. ~ of sth the only remaining part or items of sth
• 仅剩下的部份(或事项):
 »These are the last of our apples.
at (long) 'last
• after much delay, effort, etc.; in the end
• (经过长时间的延误或努力等之后)终于,最终
【SYN】 finally :
 »At last we're home!
 »At long last the cheque arrived.
--› note at lastly
hear / see the 'last of sb / sth
• to hear / see sb / sth for the last time
• 最后一次听见(或看见):
 »That was the last I ever saw of her.
 »Unfortunately, I don't think we've heard the last of this affair.
the last I 'heard
• used to give the most recent news you have about sb / sth
• (提供最新消息时说)我最近听到的消息:
 »The last I heard he was still working at the garage.
next / second to 'last
(BrE also ˌlast but 'one)
• the one before the last one
• 倒数第二:
 »She finished second to last.

to / till the 'last
• until the last possible moment, especially until death
• 直到最后一刻;(尤指)直至死亡:
 »He died protesting his innocence to the last.
--› more at breathe , first n.
1. linking verb
[V] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to continue for a particular period of time
• 持续;继续;延续:
 »The meeting only lasted (for) a few minutes.
 »Each game lasts about an hour.
 »How long does the play last?
2. to continue to exist or to function well
• 继续存在;持续起作用;持久:
▪ [V]
 »This weather won't last.
 »He's making a big effort now, and I hope it lasts.
▪ [VN]
 »These shoes should last you till next year.
3. ~ (sth) (out) to survive sth or manage to stay in the same situation, despite difficulties
• (在困境等中)坚持下去;超逾(困境等):
▪ [V]
 »She won't last long in that job.
 »Can you last (out) until I can get help?
▪ [VN]
 »Doctors say that she probably won't last out the night (= she will probably die before the morning).
 »He was injured early on and didn't last the match.
4. ~ (sb) (out) to be enough for sb to use, especially for a particular period of time
• 够用,足够维持(尤指某段时间):
▪ [V]
 »Will the coffee last out till next week?
▪ [VN]
 »We've got enough food to last us (for) three days.
last² / lɑ:st; NAme læst / noun
• a block of wood or metal shaped like a foot, used in making and repairing shoes
• 鞋楦
--› see also last ¹
challenge / ˈtʃæləndʒ /
1. a new or difficult task that tests sb's ability and skill
• 挑战;艰巨任务:
 »an exciting / interesting challenge
 »The role will be the biggest challenge of his acting career.
 »to face a challenge (= to have to deal with one)
 »Destruction of the environment is six of the most serious challenges we face.
 »Schools must meet the challenge of new technology (= deal with it successfully).
2. an invitation or a suggestion to sb that they should enter a competition, fight, etc.
• 挑战书;(比赛等的)邀请,提议:
 »to accept / take up a challenge
 »to mount a challenge
3. ~ (to sth) a statement or an action that shows that sb refuses to accept sth and questions whether it is right, legal, etc.
• 质询;质疑;提出异议:
 »It was a direct challenge to the president's authority.
 »Their legal challenge was unsuccessful.
1. [VN] to question whether a statement or an action is right, legal, etc.; to refuse to accept sth
• 对…怀疑(或质疑);拒绝接受
【SYN】 dispute :
 »The story was completely untrue and was successfully challenged in court.
 »She does not like anyone challenging her authority.
 »This discovery challenges traditional beliefs.
2. ~ sb (to sth) to invite sb to enter a competition, fight, etc.; to suggest strongly that sb should do sth (especially when you think that they might be unwilling to do it)
• 向(某人)挑战;(尤指在对方不情愿时)强烈建议(某人做某事):
▪ [VN]
 »Mike challenged me to a game of chess.
▪ [VN to inf]
 »The opposition leader challenged the prime minister to call an election.
3. [VN] to test sb's ability and skills, especially in an interesting way
• 考查,考验(能力和技巧):
 »The job doesn't really challenge her.
4. [VN] to order sb to stop and say who they are or what they are doing
• 盘问;查问:
 »We were challenged by police at the border.