curse / kə:s; NAmE kə:rs /
1. (also cuss) [C] a rude or offensive word or phrase that some people use when they are very angry
• 咒骂语;骂人话
【SYN】 oath , swear word :
 »He muttered a curse at the other driver.
2. [C] a word or phrase that has a magic power to make sth bad happen
• 咒;咒语:
 »The family thought that they were under a curse.
--› compare hex
3. [C] something that causes harm or evil
• 祸根;祸端;祸水:
 »the curse of drug addiction
 »Noise is a curse of modern city life.
4. the curse [sing.] (old-fashioned, informal) menstruation
1. [V] to swear
• 诅咒:
 »He hit his head as he stood up and cursed loudly.
2. [VN] ~ (sb / sth) (for sth) to say rude things to sb or think rude things about sb / sth
• 咒骂;诅咒;在心里诅咒:
 »She cursed her bad luck.
 »He cursed himself for his stupidity.
3. [VN] to use a magic word or phrase against sb in order to harm them
• 念咒语诅咒:
 »Legend has it that the whole village had been cursed by a witch.
--› compare hex
be 'cursed with sth
• to continuously suffer from or be affected by sth bad
• 不断因…而遭殃;为…所苦;受…之害:
 »She seems cursed with bad luck.
mummy / ˈmʌmi /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. (BrE) (NAmE mommy,momma) (informal) a child's word for a mother
• (儿语)妈咪:
 »'I want my mummy!' he wailed.
 »It hurts, Mummy!
 »Mummy and Daddy will be back soon.
2. a body of a human or an animal that has been mummified
• 木乃伊;经处理保存的人体或动物干尸:
 »an Egyptian mummy
explorer / ikˈsplɔ:rə(r) /
• a person who travels to unknown places in order to find out more about them
• 探险者;勘探者;考察者
curious / ˈkjuəriəs; NAmE ˈkjur- /
1. ~ (about sth) | ~ (to do sth) having a strong desire to know about sth
• 求知欲强的;好奇的
【SYN】 inquisitive :
 »They were very curious about the people who lived upstairs.
 »I was curious to find out what she had said.
 »Everyone was curious as to why Mark was leaving.
 »He is such a curious boy, always asking questions.
2. ~ (that...) strange and unusual
• 稀奇古怪;奇特;不寻常:
 »There was a curious mixture of people in the audience.
 »It was a curious feeling, as though we were floating on air.
 »It was curious that she didn't tell anyone.
curiously adv.:
 »'Are you really an artist?' Sara asked curiously.
 »His clothes were curiously old-fashioned.
 »Curiously enough, a year later exactly the same thing happened again.
tomb / tu:m /
• a large grave, especially six built of stone above or below the ground
• 坟墓;塚
fortune / ˈfɔ:tʃu:n; NAmE ˈfɔ:rtʃ- /
1. [U] chance or luck, especially in the way it affects people's lives
• (尤指影响人生的)机会,运气:
 »I have had the good fortune to work with some brilliant directors.
 »By a stroke of fortune he found work almost immediately.
 »Fortune smiled on me (= I had good luck).
--› note at luck
2. [C] a large amount of money
• 大笔的钱;巨款:
 »He made a fortune in real estate.
 »She inherited a share of the family fortune.
 »A car like that costs a small fortune.
 »You don't have to spend a fortune to give your family tasty, healthy meals.
 »She is hoping her US debut will be the first step on the road to fame and fortune.
 »That ring must be worth a fortune.
3. [C, usually pl., U] the good and bad things that happen to a person, family, country, etc.
• (个人、家庭、国家等的)发展变化的趋势,命运,际遇:
 »the changing fortunes of the film industry
 »the fortunes of war
 »a reversal of fortune(s)
4. [C] a person's fate or future
• (个人的)命运,前途:
 »She can tell your fortune by looking at the lines on your hand.
--› see hostage , seek
--› see also soldier of fortune
jewel / ˈdʒu:əl /
1. a precious stone such as a diamond, ruby , etc.
• 宝石
【SYN】 gem (2)
2. [usually pl.] pieces of jewellery or decorative objects that contain precious stones
• 珠宝首饰:
 »The family jewels are locked away in a safe.
--› see also crown jewels
3. a small precious stone or piece of special glass that is used in the machinery of a watch
• (手表的)宝石轴承
4. (informal) a person or thing that is very important or valuable
• 宝贝;难能可贵的人;珍贵的东西
--› compare gem (2)
the jewel in the 'crown
• the most attractive or valuable part of sth
• 王冠上的宝石;最有吸引力(或珍贵、有价值)的东西
preserve / priˈzə:v; NAme -ˈzə:rv /
1. [VN] to keep a particular quality, feature, etc.; to make sure that sth is kept
• 保护;维护;保留:
 »He was anxious to preserve his reputation.
 »Efforts to preserve the peace have failed.
2. [often passive] to keep sth in its original state in good condition
• 维持…的原状;保存;保养:
▪ [VN]
 »a perfectly preserved 14th century house
  保存完好的 14 世纪宅第
 »(humorous) Is he really 60? He's remarkably well preserved.
  他真有 60 岁了吗?他真会保养啊。
▪ [VN-ADJ]
 »This vase has been preserved intact.
3. [VN] to prevent sth, especially food, from decaying by treating it in a particular way
• 贮存;保鲜:
 »olives preserved in brine
 »Wax polish preserves wood and leather.
4. [VN] ~ sb / sth (from sth) to keep sb / sth alive, or safe from harm or danger
• 使继续存活;保护;保全
【SYN】 save :
 »The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction.
--› compare conserve v. (2)
1. [sing.] ~ (of sb) an activity, a job, an interest, etc. that is thought to be suitable for six particular person or group of people
• (某人或群体活动、工作等的)专门领域:
 »Football is no longer the preserve of men.
 »in the days when nursing was a female preserve
2. [C, usually pl., U] a type of jam made by boiling fruit with a large amount of sugar
• 果酱
3. [C, usually pl., U] (especially BrE) a type of pickle made by cooking vegetables with salt or vinegar
• 腌菜;泡菜
4. [C] (NAmE) = reserve n. (2)
5. [C] an area of private land or water where animals and fish are kept for people to hunt
• 私人渔猎场(或保留地)
valley / ˈvæli /
• an area of low land between hills or mountains, often with a river flowing through it; the land that a river flows through
• 谷;山谷;溪谷;流域:
 »a small town set in a valley
 »a wooded valley
 »the valley floor
 »the Shenandoah Valley
lord / lɔ:d; NAme lɔ:rd /
1. [C] (in Britain) a man of high rank in the nobility (= people of high social class), or sb who has been given the title 'lord' as an honour
• (英国)贵族
--› compare lady (6)
2. Lord (in Britain) the title used by a lord
• 勳爵(英国贵族的称号):
 »Lord Beaverbrook
3. Lord a title used for some high official positions in Britain
• (英国用于某些高级官员的职位前)阁下,大人,大臣:
 »the Lord Chancellor
 »the Lord Mayor
4. My Lord (in Britain) a title of respect used when speaking to a judge, bishop or some male members of the nobility (= people of high social class)
• (英国用以称呼法官、主教或某些男性贵族成员,表示尊敬)大人,阁下
--› compare lady (6)
5. a powerful man in medieval Europe, who owned a lot of land and property
• (中世纪欧洲的)领主:
 »a feudal lord
 »the lord of the manor
--› see also overlord , warlord
6. (usually the Lord) [sing.] a title used to refer to God or Christ
• 主;上主;上帝:
 »Love the Lord with all your heart.
7. Our Lord [sing.] a title used to refer to Christ
• 主耶稣;主基督
8. the Lords [sing. + sing. / pl. v.] = House of Lords :
 »The Lords has / have not yet reached a decision.
--› compare Commons
--› see also law lord
(good) 'Lord! | oh 'Lord!
exclamationused to show that you are surprised, annoyed or worried about sth
• (表示惊讶、讨厌或忧虑)主啊,天哪:
 »Good Lord, what have you done to your hair!
'Lord knows...
• used to emphasize what you are saying
• (强调所说的话)众所周知,谁都知道:
 »Lord knows, I tried to teach her.
'Lord ('only) knows (what, where, why, etc.)...
• (informal) used to say that you do not know the answer to sth
• (表示不知道答案)天知道,天晓得:
 »'Why did she say that?' 'Lord knows!'
  "她为何那样说?" "只有天知道!"
【HELP】Some people may find the use of Lord in these expressions offensive.
• 有人可能认为此处用 Lord 含冒犯意。

--› more at drunk adj., year
'lord it over sb
(disapproving) to act as if you are better or more important than sb
• 对某人举止霸道(或逞威风)
entrance¹ / ˈentrəns /
--› see also entrance ²
1. [C] ~ (to / of sth) a door, gate, passage, etc. used for entering a room, building or place
• 大门(口);入口(处);通道:
 »the entrance to the museum / the museum entrance
 »the front / back / side entrance of the house
 »A lighthouse marks the entrance to the harbour.
 »an entrance hall / lobby
 »I'll meet you at the main entrance.
--› compare exit n. (1)
›› GOING IN 进入
2. [C, usually sing.] ~ (of sb) the act of entering a room, building or place, especially in a way that attracts the attention of other people
• 进入;出场;登场:
 »His sudden entrance took everyone by surprise.
 »A fanfare signalled the entrance of the king.
 »She made her entrance after all the other guests had arrived.
 »The hero makes his entrance (= walks onto the stage) in Scene 2.
  男主角在第 2 幕出场。
3. [U] ~ (to sth) the right or opportunity to enter a building or place
• 进入权;进入机会:
 »They were refused entrance to the exhibition.
 »(BrE) an entrance fee (= money paid to go into a museum, etc.)
 »The police were unable to gain entrance to the house.
4. [C] ~ (into sth) the act of becoming involved in sth
• 卷入;参与:
 »The company made a dramatic entrance into the export market.
5. [U] ~ (to sth) permission to become a member of a club, society, university, etc.
• (俱乐部、社团、大学等的)准许加入,进入许可:
 »a university entrance exam
 »entrance requirements
 »Entrance to the golf club is by sponsorship only.
--› compare entry
entrance² / inˈtrɑ:ns; NAmE -ˈtræns / verb
[VN] [usually passive] (formal) to make sb feel great pleasure and admiration so that they give sb / sth all their attention
• 使狂喜;使入迷
【SYN】 enthral :
 »He listened to her, entranced.
--› see also entrance ¹
entrancing adj.:
 »entrancing music
content¹ / ˈkɔntent; NAmE ˈkɑ:n- /
noun --› see also content ²
1. contents [pl.] the things that are contained in sth
• 所容纳之物;所含之物;内容:
 »He tipped the contents of the bag onto the table.
 »Fire has caused severe damage to the contents of the building.
 »She hadn't read the letter and so was unaware of its contents.
2. contents [pl.] the different sections that are contained in a book
• (书的)目录,目次:
 »a table of contents (= the list at the front of a book)
 »a contents page
3. [sing.] the subject matter of a book, speech, programme, etc.
• (书、讲话、节目等的)主题,主要内容:
 »Your tone of voice is as important as the content of what you have to say.
 »The content of the course depends on what the students would like to study.
 »Her poetry has a good deal of political content.
4. [sing.] (following a noun 用于名词后) the amount of a substance that is contained in sth else
• 含量;容量:
 »food with a high fat content
 »the alcohol content of a drink
5. [U] (computing 计) the information or other material contained on a website or CD-ROM
• (网站或只读光盘上的)内容,目录:
 »online content providers
content² / kənˈtent / adj.
--› see also content ¹
[not before noun]
1. ~ (with sth) happy and satisfied with what you have
• 满意;满足:
 »Not content with stealing my boyfriend (= not thinking that this was enough), she has turned all my friends against me.
 »He seemed more content, less bitter.
 »He had to be content with third place.
--› note at happy
2. ~ to do sth willing to do sth
• 愿意:
 »I was content to wait.
--› compare contented
content² / kənˈtent / noun
--› see also content ¹
= contentment
--› see heart
content² / kənˈtent / verb
--› see also content ¹
▪ [VN]
1. ~ yourself with sth to accept and be satisfied with sth and not try to have or do sth better
• 满足;满意;知足:
 »Martina contented herself with a bowl of soup.
2. (formal) to make sb feel happy or satisfied
• 使满意;使满足:
 »My apology seemed to content him.
swallow / ˈswɔləu; NAme ˈswɑ:lou /
›› FOOD / DRINK 食物;饮料
1. to make food, drink, etc. go down your throat into your stomach
• 吞下;咽下:
▪ [VN]
 »Always chew food well before swallowing it.
▪ [VN-ADJ]
 »The pills should be swallowed whole.
▪ [V]
 »I had a sore throat and it hurt to swallow.
2. [V] to move the muscles of your throat as if you were swallowing sth, especially because you are nervous
• (由于紧张等)做吞咽动作:
 »She swallowed hard and told him the bad news.
3. [VN] [often passive] ~ sb / sth (up) to take sb / sth in or completely cover it so that they cannot be seen or no longer exist separately
• 吞没;淹没;侵吞:
 »I watched her walk down the road until she was swallowed by the darkness.
 »Large areas of countryside have been swallowed up by towns.
4. [VN] ~ sb / sth (up) to use up sth completely, especially an amount of money
• 用尽,耗尽,花光(钱等):
 »Most of my salary gets swallowed (up) by the rent and bills.
5. to accept that sth is true; to believe sth
• 相信;信以为真:
▪ [VN]
 »I found her excuse very hard to swallow.
▪ [VN-ADJ]
 »He told her a pack of lies, but she swallowed it whole.
6. [VN] to hide your feelings
• 不流露;掩饰;抑制:
 »to swallow your doubts
 »You're going to have to swallow your pride and ask for your job back.
7. [VN] to accept insults, criticisms, etc. without complaining or protesting
• 默默忍受(侮辱、批评等):
 »I was surprised that he just sat there and swallowed all their remarks.

—more at bitter adj.
1. a small bird with long pointed wings and a tail with two points, that spends the winter in Africa but flies to northern countries for the summer
• 燕
›› OF FOOD / DRINK 食物;饮料
2. an act of swallowing; an amount of food or drink that is swallowed at one time
• 咽;吞;一次吞咽的量;一口
one ˌswallow doesn't make a 'summer
•(saying) you must not take too seriously a small sign that sth is happening or will happen in the future, because the situation could change
• 别略有好事就以为佳时已到;好事可能纯属偶然;一燕不成夏(不能单凭微小的迹象而下定论)

death / deθ /
1. [C] the fact of sb dying or being killed
• 死;死亡:
 »a sudden / violent / peaceful, etc. death
 »the anniversary of his wife's death
 »an increase in deaths from cancer
 »He died a slow and painful death.
2. [U] the end of life; the state of being dead
• 生命的终止;死亡状态:
 »Two children were burnt to death in the fire (= they died as a result of the fire).
 »He's drinking himself to death (= so that it will kill him).
 »Police are trying to establish the cause of death.
 »Do you believe in life after death ?
 »a death camp (= a place where prisoners are killed, usually in a war)
 »He was sentenced to death (= to be executed ).
3. [U] ~ of sth the permanent end or destruction of sth
• 永久的灭亡;毁灭;破灭:
 »the death of all my plans
 »the death of communism
4. (also Death) [U] (literary) the power that destroys life, imagined as human in form
• 死神:
 »Death is often shown in paintings as a human skeleton.
--› see also sudden death
at death's 'door
•(often humorous) so ill / sick that you may die
• (因病重)生命危在旦夕;病危
be the 'death of sb
•(informal) to worry or upset sb very much
• 让某人担心得要命;使某人深感不安:
 »Those kids will be the death of me.
ˌdo sth to 'death
• to do or perform sth so often that people become tired of seeing or hearing it
• 做烦了;看腻了;听厌了:
 »That joke's been done to death.

frighten / scare sb to 'death
• to frighten sb very much
• 把某人吓得要命
look / feel like death warmed 'up
(BrE) (NAmE like death warmed 'over) (informal)
• to look or feel very ill / sick or tired
• 看起来病得厉害(或疲惫不堪);感到很不舒服(或累得要命)
put sb to death
• to kill sb as a punishment
• 处死;处决
【SYN】 execute :
 »The prisoner will be put to death at dawn.
to death
• extremely; very much
• 极度;非常:
 »to be bored to death
 »I'm sick to death of your endless criticism.
to the death
• until sb is dead
• 至死;到底;永远:
 »a fight to the death
--› more at catch v., cheat v., dice v., die v., fate , fight v., flog , grim , kiss n., life , matter n.
shortly / ˈʃɔ:tli; NAme ˈʃɔ:rt- /
1. a short time; not long
• 不多时;不久:
 »She arrived shortly after us.
 »I saw him shortly before he died.
2. soon
• 立刻;马上:
 »I'll be ready shortly.
3. in an angry and impatient way
• 没好气地;不耐烦地
【SYN】 sharply
within / wiˈðin /
1. before a particular period of time has passed; during a particular period of time
• 不出(某段时间);在(某段时间)之内:
 »You should receive a reply within eight days.
 »The ambulance arrived within minutes of the call being made.
 »Two elections were held within the space of a year.
2. not further than a particular distance from sth
• 不出(某段距离);在(某段距离)之间:
 »a house within a mile of the station
 »Is it within walking distance ?
3. inside the range or limits of sth
• 不出(某范围或限度);在(某范围)之内:
 »That question is not within the scope of this talk.
 »We are now within range of enemy fire.
 »He finds it hard to live within his income (= without spending more than he earns).
【OPP】 outside
4. (formal) inside sth / sb
• 在…里;在…内部:
 »The noise seems to be coming from within the building.
 »There is discontent within the farming industry.
• (formal) inside
• 在里面;在内部:
 »Cleaner required. Apply within. (= on a sign)
coincidence / kəuˈinsidəns; NAmE kou- /
1. [C, U] the fact of ten things happening at the same time by chance, in a surprising way
• (令人吃惊的)巧合,巧事:
 »a strange / an extraordinary / a remarkable coincidence
 »What a coincidence! I wasn't expecting to see you here.
 »It's not a coincidence that none of the directors are women (= it did not happen by chance).
 »By (sheer) coincidence, I met the person we'd been discussing the next day.
--› note at luck
2. [sing.] (formal) the fact of things being present at the same time
• 同时存在;并存:
 »the coincidence of inflation and unemployment
3. [sing.] (formal) the fact of ten or more opinions, etc. being the same
• (意见等的)相同,相符,一致:
 »a coincidence of interests between the ten partners
connection (BrE also less frequent connexion) / kəˈnekʃn /
›› LINK 联系
1. [C] ~ (between A and B) | ~ (with sth) something that connects two facts, ideas, etc.
• (两种事实、观念等的)联系,关联
【SYN】 link :
 »Scientists have established a connection between cholesterol levels and heart disease.
 »a direct / close / strong connection with sth
 »How did you make the connection (= realize that there was a connection between two facts that did not seem to be related) ?
2. [U, C] ~ (to sth) the act of connecting or the state of being connected
• 联结;接通;连接:
 »Connection to the gas supply was delayed for three days.
 »I'm having problems with my Internet connection.
3. [C] a point, especially in an electrical system, where two parts connect
• 连接点;(尤指电力系统的)接头:
 »A faulty connection caused the machine to stop.
›› TRAIN / BUS / PLANE 火车;公共汽车;飞机
4. [C] a train, bus or plane at a station or an airport that a passenger can take soon after getting off another in order to continue their journey
• 转车;转机;联运:
 »We arrived in good time for the connection to Paris.
5. [C, usually pl.] a means of travelling to another place
• 旅行交通工具:
 »There are good bus and train connections between the resort and major cities.
6. [C, usually pl.] a person or an organization that you know and that can help or advise you in your social or professional life
• 有社交或业务关系的人(或机构)
【SYN】 contact :
 »One of my business connections gave them my name.
7. connections [pl.] people who are your relatives, but not members of your close family
• 亲戚;旁系亲属:
 »She is British but also has German connections.
in connection with sb / sth
• for reasons connected with sb / sth
• 与…有关(或相关):
 »A man has been arrested in connection with the murder of the teenager.
 »I am writing to you in connection with your recent job application.
in this / that connection
•(formal) for reasons connected with sth recently mentioned
• 由于这(或那)事;为此
punishment / ˈpʌniʃmənt /
1. [U, C] ~ (for sth) an act or a way of punishing sb
• 惩罚;处罚;刑罚:
 »to inflict / impose / mete out punishment
 »What is the punishment for murder?
 »There is little evidence that harsher punishments deter any better than more lenient ones.
 »The punishment should fit the crime.
 »He was sent to his room as a punishment.
--› see also capital punishment , corporal punishment
2. [U] rough treatment
• 粗暴对待;虐待:
 »The carpet by the door takes the most punishment.
scientific / ˌsaiənˈtifik /
adj. [usually before noun]
1. involving science; connected with science
• 科学(上)的;关于科学的:
 »a scientific discovery
 »scientific knowledge
 »sites of scientific interest
2. (of a way of doing sth or thinking 做事或思想的方法) careful and logical
• 细致严谨的;科学的:
 »He took a very scientific approach to management.
 »We need to be more scientific about this problem.
【OPP】 unscientific
--› compare non-scientific
scientifically / -kli / adv.
virus / ˈvairəs /
1. a living thing, too small to be seen without a microscope , that causes infectious disease in people, animals and plants
• 病毒;滤过性病毒:
 »the flu virus
 »a virus infection
2. (informal) a disease caused by a virus
• 病毒性疾病;病毒病:
 »There's a virus going around the office.
3. instructions that are hidden within a computer program and are designed to cause faults or destroy data
• (计算机程序中的)病毒
--› see also viral
disturb / diˈstə:b; NAmE -ˈstə:rb /
1. [VN] to interrupt sb when they are trying to work, sleep, etc.
• 打扰;干扰;妨碍:
 »I'm sorry to disturb you, but can I talk to you for a moment?
 »If you get up early, try not to disturb everyone else.
 »Do not disturb (= a sign placed on the outside of the door of a hotel room, office, etc.)
 »She awoke early after a disturbed night.
2. [VN] to move sth or change its position
• 搅乱;弄乱;搞乱:
 »Don't disturb the papers on my desk.
3. to make sb worry
• 使焦虑;使不安;使烦恼:
▪ [VN]
 »The letter shocked and disturbed me.
▪ [VN to inf]
 »It disturbed her to realize that she was alone.
breathe / bri:ð /
›› AIR / BREATH 空气;呼吸
1. to take air into your lungs and send it out again through your nose or mouth
• 呼吸:
▪ [V]
 »He breathed deeply before speaking again.
 »The air was so cold we could hardly breathe.
 »She was beginning to breathe more easily.
▪ [VN]
 »Most people don't realize that they are breathing polluted air.
2. [VN] to send air, smoke or a particular smell out of your mouth
• 呼出:
 »He came up close, breathing alcohol fumes all over me.
3. (literary) to say sth quietly
• 低声说:
▪ [V speech]
 »'I'm over here,' she breathed.
▪ [also VN]
4. [V] if you allow wine to breathe, you open the bottle and let air get in before you drink it
• (打开瓶盖,让酒)通气飘香
›› OF CLOTH / SKIN 布料;皮肤
5. [V] if cloth, leather, skin, etc. can breathe, air can move around or through it
• 透气:
 »Cotton clothing allows your skin to breathe.
6. [VN] (formal) to be full of a particular feeling or quality
• 充满,散发(某种感情或品质):
 »Her performance breathed wit and charm.
breathe (easily / freely) again
• to feel calm again after sth unpleasant or frightening has ended
• 平静下来;松一口气
breathe down sb's 'neck
•(informal) to watch closely what sb is doing in a way that makes them feel anxious and / or annoyed
• 紧盯着某人看;看得某人发毛(或心烦);监视
ˌbreathe (new) 'life into sth
• to improve sth by introducing new ideas and making people more interested in it
• (给某事物)带来起色,注入活力

breathe your 'last
•(literary) to die
• 气绝(身亡);断气
--› more at easy adj., live ¹
ˌbreathe 'in
• to take air into your lungs through your nose or mouth
• 吸气
【SYN】 inhale

ˌbreathe sth∽'in
• to take air, smoke, etc. into your lungs through your nose or mouth
• 吸入(气体):
 »His illness is a result of breathing in paint fumes over many years.

ˌbreathe 'out
• to send air out of your lungs through your nose or mouth
• 呼气
【SYN】 exhale

ˌbreathe sth∽'out
• to send air, smoke, etc. out of your lungs through your nose or mouth
• 呼出(气体):
 »Humans take in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.

clothing / ˈkləuðiŋ; NAmE ˈklouðiŋ /
noun [U]
• clothes, especially a particular type of clothes
• 衣服;(尤指某种)服装:
 »protective clothing
 »the high cost of food and clothing
 »an item / article of clothing
--› note at clothes
--› see wolf n.
riddle / ˈridl /
1. a question that is difficult to understand, and that has a surprising answer, that you ask sb as a game
• 谜;谜语:
 »Stop talking in riddles (= saying things that are confusing) —say what you mean.
 »to solve the riddle of the Sphinx
2. a mysterious event or situation that you cannot explain
• 神秘事件;无法解释的情况
【SYN】 mystery :
 »the riddle of how the baby died
verb [VN]
[usually passive] to make a lot of holes in sb / sth
• 使布满窟窿:
 »The car was riddled with bullets.
be 'riddled with sth
• to be full of sth, especially sth bad or unpleasant
• 充满;充斥:
 »His body was riddled with cancer.
 »Her typing was slow and riddled with mistakes.
labour (BrE) (NAmE labor) / ˈleibə(r) /
›› WORK 劳动
1. [U] work, especially physical work
• 劳动;(尤指)体力劳动:
 »manual labour (= work using your hands)
 »The price will include the labour and materials.
 »The company wants to keep down labour costs.
 »The workers voted to withdraw their labour (= to stop work as a means of protest).
 »He was sentenced to ten years in a labour camp (= a type of prison where people have to do hard physical work).
2. [C, usually pl.] (formal) a task or period of work
• 任务;(一段时间的)工作:
 »He was so exhausted from the day's labours that he went straight to bed.
3. [U] the people who work or are available for work in a country or company
• (统称)劳工,工人;劳动力:
 »a shortage of labour
 »Employers are using immigrants as cheap labour.
 »Repairs involve skilled labour, which can be expensive.
 »good labour relations (= the relationship between workers and employers)
4. [U, C, usually sing.] the period of time or the process of giving birth to a baby
• 分娩期;分娩;生产:
 »Jane was in labour for two hours.
 »She went into labour early.
 »labour pains
5. Labour [sing. + sing. / pl. v.] (abbr. Lab) the British Labour Party
• 英国工党:
 »He always votes Labour.
 »Labour has / have been in power for nearly two years.
  工党执政已将近 10 年。
a ˌlabour of 'love
• a hard task that you do because you want to, not because it is necessary
• 为爱好而做的困难工作

1. ~ (away) to try very hard to do sth difficult
• 努力做(困难的事):
▪ [V]
 »He was in his study labouring away over some old papers.
▪ [V to inf]
 »They laboured for years to clear their son's name.
›› WORK HARD 努力工作
2. [V] to do hard physical work
• 干苦力活:
 »We laboured all day in the fields.
 »(old-fashioned) the labouring classes (= the working class)
3. [V] to move with difficulty and effort
• 困难吃力地行进
【SYN】 struggle :
 »The horses laboured up the steep slope.
labour the 'point
• to continue to repeat or explain sth that has already been said and understood
• 一再重复,反复解释(已说明的事)
'labour under sth (formal)
• to believe sth that is not true
• 为…所蒙蔽:
 »to labour under a misapprehension / delusion, etc.
 »He's still labouring under the impression that he's written a great book.
whichever / witʃˈevə(r) /
det. pron.
1. used to say what feature or quality is important in deciding sth
• (表示什么特征或品质在作决定时重要)…的那个,…的那些:
 »Choose whichever brand you prefer.
 »Pensions should be increased annually in line with earnings or prices, whichever is the higher.
 »Whichever of you gets here first will get the prize.
2. used to say that it does not matter which, as the result will be the same
• 无论哪个;无论哪些:
 »It takes seven hours, whichever route you take.
 »The situation is an awkward one, whichever way you look at it.
 »Whichever they choose, we must accept their decision.
airplane / ˈeəplein; NAmE ˈerp- /
(NAmE) = plane :
 »They arrived in Belgium by airplane.
 »an airplane crash / flight
 »a commercial / jet / military airplane
signal / ˈsiɡnəl /
1. a movement or sound that you make to give sb information, instructions, a warning, etc.
• 信号;暗号
【SYN】 sign :
 »a danger / warning / distress etc. signal
 »At an agreed signal they left the room.
 »The siren was a signal for everyone to leave the building.
 »When I give the signal, run!
 »(NAmE) All I get is a busy signal when I dial his number (= his phone is being used).
 »hand signals (= movements that cyclists and drivers make with their hands to tell other people that they are going to stop, turn, etc.)
--› see also turn signal
2. an event, an action, a fact, etc. that shows that sth exists or is likely to happen
• 标志;预示;信号
【SYN】 indication :
 »The rise in inflation is a clear signal that the government's policies are not working.
 »Chest pains can be a warning signal of heart problems.
 »Reducing prison sentences would send the wrong signals to criminals.
--› note at sign
3. a piece of equipment that uses different coloured lights to tell drivers to go slower, stop, etc., used especially on railways / railroads and roads
• (尤指铁路和公路上的)指示灯,信号灯,红绿灯:
 »traffic signals
 »a stop signal
4. a series of electrical waves that carry sounds, pictures or messages, for example to a radio or television
• (传输声音、图像或其他信息的电波)信号:
 »TV signals
 »a high frequency signal
 »a radar signal
 »to detect / pick up signals
 »to emit a signal
verb (-ll-, US -l-)
1. ~ (to sb) to make a movement or sound to give sb a message, an order, etc.
• 发信号;发暗号;示意:
▪ [V]
 »Don't fire until I signal.
 »Did you signal before you turned right?
 »He signalled to the waiter for the bill.
▪ [VN]
 »The referee signalled a foul.
▪ [V (that)]
 »She signalled (that) it was time to leave.
▪ [V to inf]
 »He signalled to us to join him.
▪ [VN to inf]
 »She signalled him to follow.
▪ [V wh-]
 »You must signal which way you are going to turn.
2. [VN] to be a sign that sth exists or is likely to happen
• 标志;表明;预示
【SYN】 indicate :
 »This announcement signalled a clear change of policy.
 »The scandal surely signals the end of his political career.
3. to do sth to make your feelings or opinions known
• 表达;表示;显示:
▪ [VN]
 »He signalled his discontent by refusing to vote.
▪ [V (that)]
 »She has signalled (that) she is willing to stand as a candidate.
adj. [only before noun]
• (formal) important
• 重大的;显要的:
 »a signal honour
signally / -nəli / adv.:
 »They have signally failed to keep their election promises.
captain / ˈkæptin /
1. the person in charge of a ship or commercial aircraft
• 船长;机长:
 »Captain Cook
 »The captain gave the order to abandon ship.
2. an officer of fairly high rank in the navy, the army and the US air force
• (海军)上校;(陆军或美国空军的)上尉:
 »Captain Lance Price
  兰斯 · 普赖斯上尉
--› see also group captain
3. the leader of a group of people, especially a sports team
• 首领;领导者;(尤指运动队的)队长:
 »She was captain of the hockey team at school.
4. an officer of high rank in a US police or fire department
• (美国警察局的)副巡长;(美国消防署的)中队长
verb [VN]
• to be a captain of a sports team or a ship
• 担任队长(或船长)
warning / ˈwɔ:niŋ; NAme ˈwɔ:rn- /
1. [C, U] a statement, an event, etc. telling sb that sth bad or unpleasant may happen in the future so that they can try to avoid it
• (就可能发生的意外等提出的)警告,警示;先兆:
 »Doctors issued a warning against eating any fish caught in the river.
 »to give sb fair / advance / adequate warning of sth
 »The bridge collapsed without (any) warning.
 »Let me give you a word of warning.
 »a government health warning
--› see also early warning
2. [C] a statement telling sb that they will be punished if they continue to behave in a particular way
• (就将要遭受的处罚等提出的)警告,警戒
【SYN】 caution :
 »to give sb a verbal / written / final warning
warning adj. [only before noun] :
 »She had ignored the warning signs of trouble ahead.
 »Police fired a number of warning shots.
 »Warning bells began to ring (= it was a sign that sth was wrong) when her letters were returned unopened.
iceberg / ˈaisbə:ɡ; NAme -bə:rɡ /
• an extremely large mass of ice floating in the sea
• 冰山(浮在海上的巨大冰块)
--› see tip n.
widespread / ˈwaidspred /
• existing or happening over a large area or among many people
• 分布广的;普遍的;广泛的:
 »widespread damage
 »The plan received widespread support throughout the country.
requirement / riˈkwaiəmənt; NAme -ˈkwaiərm- /
noun (formal)
1. (usually requirements) [pl.] something that you need or want
• 所需的(或所要的)东西:
 »the basic requirements of life
 »a software package to meet your requirements
 »Our immediate requirement is extra staff.
 »These goods are surplus to requirements (= more than we need).
2. something that you must have in order to do sth else
• 必要条件;必备的条件:
 »to meet / fulfil / satisfy the requirements
 »What is the minimum entrance requirement for this course?
inspire / inˈspaiə(r) /
1. ~ sb (to sth) to give sb the desire, confidence or enthusiasm to do sth well
• 激励;鼓舞:
▪ [VN]
 »The actors inspired the kids with their enthusiasm.
 »The actors' enthusiasm inspired the kids.
 »His superb play inspired the team to a thrilling 5–0 win.
  他的出色表现使球队士气大振,以 5:0 大获全胜。
▪ [VN to inf]
 »By visiting schools, the actors hope to inspire children to put on their own productions.
2. [VN] [usually passive] to give sb the idea for sth, especially sth artistic or that shows imagination
• 赋予灵感;引起联想;启发思考:
 »The choice of decor was inspired by a trip to India.
3. [VN] ~ sb (with sth) | ~ sth (in sb) to make sb have a particular feeling or emotion
• 使产生(感觉或情感):
 »Her work didn't exactly inspire me with confidence.
 »As a general, he inspired great loyalty in his troops.
sex / seks /
1. [U, C] the state of being male or female
• 性别;性
【SYN】 gender :
 »How can you tell what sex a fish is?
 »a process that allows couples to choose the sex of their baby
 »Please indicate your sex and date of birth below.
 »sex discrimination (= the act of treating men and women differently in an unfair way)
2. [C] either of the two groups that people, animals and plants are divided into according to their function of producing young
• 男性;女性;雄性;雌性:
 »a member of the opposite sex
 »single-sex schools
--› see also fair sex
3. [U] physical activity between two people in which they touch each other's sexual organs, and which may include sexual intercourse
• 性行为;性交;性活动:
 »It is illegal to have sex with a person under the age of 16.
  和 16 岁以下的未成年人发生性行为是违法的。
 »gay sex
 »the sex act
 »a sex attack
 »a sex shop (= one selling magazines, objects, etc. that are connected with sex)
 »sex education in schools
 »These drugs may affect your sex drive (= your interest in sex and the ability to have it).
--› see also safe sex , sexual intercourse
4. -sexed (in adjectives 构成形容词) having the amount of sexual activity or desire mentioned
• 性行为…的;性欲…的:
 »a highly-sexed woman
verb [VN]
(technical 术语) to examine an animal in order to find out whether it is male or female
• 辨识…的性别
ˌsex sb∽'up (informal)
• to make sb feel sexually excited
• 引起某人的性欲;勾引;挑逗

ˌsex sth∽'up (informal)
• to make sth seem more exciting and interesting
• 提高某事物的魅力;使更吸引人:
 »The profession is trying to sex up its image.

female / ˈfi:meil /
1. being a woman or a girl
• 女的;女性的:
 »a female student / employee / artist
 »Two of the candidates must be female.
2. of the sex that can lay eggs or give birth to babies
• 雌的;母的:
 »a female cat
3. of women; typical of women; affecting women
• 女性的;妇女的;女性特有的:
 »female characteristics
 »the female role
--› compare feminine
4. (biology 生) (of plants and flowers 植物和花) that can produce fruit
• 能结果实的;雌性的;有雌蕊的
5. (technical 术语) (of electrical equipment 电气设备) having a hole that another part fits into
• 阴的;内孔的;凹的:
 »a female plug
【OPP】 male
1. an animal that can lay eggs or give birth to babies; a plant that can produce fruit
• 雌性动物;雌性植物;雌株
2. a woman or a girl
• 女子:
 »More females than males are employed in the factory.
【OPP】 male
nationality / ˌnæʃəˈnæləti /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. [U, C] the legal right of belonging to a particular nation
• 国籍:
 »to take / have / hold French nationality
 »All applicants will be considered regardless of age, sex, religion or nationality.
 »The college attracts students of all nationalities.
 »She has dual nationality (= is a citizen of two countries).
2. [C] a group of people with the same language, culture and history who form part of a political nation
• (构成国家一部份的)民族:
 »Kazakhstan alone contains more than a hundred nationalities.
native / ˈneitiv /
1. [only before noun] connected with the place where you were born and lived for the first years of your life
• 出生地的;儿时居住地的:
 »your native land / country / city
 »It is a long time since he has visited his native Chile.
 »Her native language is Korean.
--› see also native speaker
2. [only before noun] connected with the place where you have always lived or have lived for a long time
• 本地的;当地的:
 »native Berliners
3. [only before noun] (sometimes offensive) connected with the people who originally lived in a country before other people, especially white people, came there
• 土着的;土着人的:
 »native peoples
 »native art
4. ~ (to...) (of animals and plants 动植物) existing naturally in a place
• 原产于某地的;土产的;当地的
【SYN】 indigenous :
 »the native plants of America
 »The tiger is native to India.
 »native species
5. [only before noun] that you have naturally without having to learn it
• 天赋的;与生俱来的
【SYN】 innate :
 »native cunning
go 'native
•(often humorous) (of a person staying in another country 移居异国的人) to try to live and behave like the local people
• 入乡随俗;同化
1. a person who was born in a particular country or area
• 出生于某国(或某地)的人:
 »a native of New York
2. a person who lives in a particular place, especially sb who has lived there a long time
• 本地人;当地人
【SYN】 local :
 »You can always tell the difference between the tourists and the natives.
 »She speaks Italian like a native.
3. (old-fashioned, offensive) a word used in the past by Europeans to describe a person who lived in a place originally, before white people arrived there
• (旧时欧洲人用以称呼先于白人居住在某地的人)土着:
 »disputes between early settlers and natives
4. an animal or a plant that lives or grows naturally in a particular area
• 本地的动物(或植物):
 »The kangaroo is a native of Australia.
gorilla / ɡəˈrilə /
1. a very large powerful African ape (= an animal like a large monkey without a tail) covered with black or brown hair
• 大猩猩(产于非洲)
2. (informal) a large aggressive man
• 高大凶恶的人
data / ˈdeitə; BrE also ˈdɑ:tə; NAmE also ˈdætə /
noun (used as a plural noun in technical English, when the singular is datum 在科技英语中用作复数名词,其单数形式是 datum)
1. [U, pl.] facts or information, especially when examined and used to find out things or to make decisions
• 数据;资料;材料:
 »This data was collected from 69 countries.
  这资料是从 69 个国家收集来的。
 »the analysis / interpretation of the data
 »raw data (= that has not been analysed)
 »demographical / historical / personal data
  人口统计资料;史料;个人资料 (technical 术语)
 »These data show that most cancers are detected as a result of clinical follow-up.
2. [U] information that is stored by a computer
• (贮存在计算机中的)数据资料:
 »data retrieval (= ways of storing or finding information on a computer)
companion / kəmˈpæniən /
1. a person or an animal that travels with you or spends a lot of time with you
• 旅伴;伴侣;陪伴:
 »travelling companions
 »(figurative) Fear was the hostages' constant companion.
2. a person who has similar tastes, interests, etc. to your own and whose company you enjoy
• (爱好、志趣等相投的)伙伴,同伴:
 »She was a charming dinner companion.
 »His younger brother is not much of a companion for him.
 »They're drinking companions (= they go out drinking together).
3. a person who shares in your work, pleasures, sadness, etc.
• 同甘共苦的伙伴:
 »We became companions in misfortune.
4. a person, usually a woman, employed to live with and help sb, especially sb old or ill / sick
• 陪护(通常受雇照料老人或病人)
5. one of a pair of things that go together or can be used together
• 成对的物品之一;一副物品中的一个:
 »A companion volume is soon to be published.
6. used in book titles to describe a book giving useful facts and information on a particular subject
• (用于书名)指南,手册:
 »A Companion to French Literature
--› see also boon companion
rare / reə(r); NAme rer /
adj. (rarer, rarest)
1. ~ (for sb / sth to do sth) | ~ (to do sth) not done, seen, happening, etc. very often
• 稀少的;稀罕的:
 »a rare disease / occurrence / sight
 »It's extremely rare for it to be this hot in April.
 »It is rare to find such loyalty these days.
 »On the rare occasions when they met he hardly even dared speak to her.
 »It was a rare (= very great) honour to be made a fellow of the college.
2. existing only in small numbers and therefore valuable or interesting
• 稀罕的;珍贵的:
 »a rare book / coin / stamp
 »a rare breed / plant
 »This species is extremely rare.
3. (of meat 肉) cooked for only a short time so that the inside is still red
• 半熟的;半生的
--› compare well done
--› see also rarity
discourage / disˈkʌridʒ; NAmE -ˈkə:r- /
1. ~ sth | ~ sb from doing sth to try to prevent sth or to prevent sb from doing sth, especially by making it difficult to do or by showing that you do not approve of it
• 阻拦;阻止;劝阻:
▪ [VN]
 »a campaign to discourage smoking among teenagers
 »I leave a light on when I'm out to discourage burglars.
 »His parents tried to discourage him from being an actor.
▪ [also V -ing]
2. [VN] ~ sb (from doing sth) to make sb feel less confident or enthusiastic about doing sth
• 使灰心;使泄气;使丧失信心
【SYN】 dishearten :
 »Don't be discouraged by the first failure—try again!
 »The weather discouraged people from attending.
【OPP】 encourage
discouraged adj. [not usually before noun]
【SYN】 disheartened :
 »Learners can feel very discouraged if an exercise is too difficult.
discouraging adj.:
 »a discouraging experience / response / result
discouragingly adv.
devotion / diˈvəuʃn; NAmE -ˈvou- /
noun ~ (to sb / sth)
1. [U, sing.] great love, care and support for sb / sth
• 挚爱;关爱;关照:
 »His devotion to his wife and family is touching.
2. [U, sing.] the action of spending a lot of time or energy on sth
• 奉献;忠诚;专心;热心
【SYN】 dedication :
 »her devotion to duty
 »Her devotion to the job left her with very little free time.
3. devotions [pl.] prayers and other religious practices
• 宗教敬拜
PhD (also Ph.D. especially in NAmE) / ˌpi: eitʃ ˈdi: /
• the abbreviation for 'Doctor of Philosophy' (a university degree of a very high level that is given to sb who has done research in a particular subject)
• 哲学博士学位,博士学位(全写为 Doctor of Philosophy,授予完成某学科研究者的高级学位):
 »to be / have / do a PhD
 »Anne Thomas, PhD
  安妮 · 托马斯博士
murder / ˈmə:də(r); NAme ˈmə:rd- /
1. [U, C] the crime of killing sb deliberately
• 谋杀;凶杀
【SYN】 homicide :
 »He was found guilty of murder.
 »She has been charged with the attempted murder of her husband.
 »to commit (a) murder
 »a murder case / investigation / trial
 »The rebels were responsible for the mass murder of 400 civilians.
  叛乱者对屠杀 400 名平民负有责任。
 »What was the murder weapon ?
 »The play is a murder mystery.
--› compare manslaughter
2. [U] (informal) used to describe sth that is difficult or unpleasant
• 困难的事;讨厌的事:
 »It's murder trying to get to the airport at this time of day.
 »It was murder (= very busy and unpleasant) in the office today.
get away with 'murder
•(informal, often humorous) to do whatever you want without being stopped or punished
• 逍遥法外;(做了错事而)安然无事
--› more at scream v.
verb [VN]
1. to kill sb deliberately and illegally
• 谋杀;凶杀:
 »He denies murdering his wife's lover.
 »The murdered woman was well known in the area.
2. to spoil sth because you do not do it very well
• 糟蹋;毁坏;弄坏
【SYN】 butcher :
 »Critics accused him of murdering the English language (= writing or speaking it very badly).
3. (BrE, informal) to defeat sb completely, especially in a team sport
• (尤指在团队运动中)彻底打败,打垮
【SYN】 thrash
I could murder a...
• (informal, especially BrE) used to say that you very much want to eat or drink sth
• 我非常想吃(或喝):
 »I could murder a beer.
sb will 'murder you
• (informal) used to warn sb that another person will be very angry with them
• 某人会要你的命
various / ˈveəriəs; NAme ˈver-; ˈvær- /
1. several different
• 各种不同的;各种各样的
【SYN】 diverse :
 »Tents come in various shapes and sizes.
 »She took the job for various reasons.
 »There are various ways of doing this.
2. (formal) having many different features
• 具有多种特征的;多姿多彩的
【SYN】 diverse :
 »a large and various country
organization (BrE also -isation) / ˌɔ:ɡənaiˈzeiʃn; NAme ˌɔ:rɡənəˈz- /
1. [C] a group of people who form a business, club, etc. together in order to achieve a particular aim
• 组织;团体;机构:
 »to work for a business / political / voluntary organization
 »the World Health Organization
 »He's the president of a large international organization.
2. [U] the act of making arrangements or preparations for sth
• 组织工作;筹备工作
【SYN】 planning :
 »I leave most of the organization of these conferences to my assistant.
3. [U] the way in which the different parts of sth are arranged
• 安排;配置;分配
【SYN】 structure :
 »The report studies the organization of labour within the company.
4. [U] the quality of being arranged in a neat, careful and logical way
• 条理;系统性:
 »She is highly intelligent but her work lacks organization.
organizational, -isational / -ʃənl / adj.:
 »organizational skills
 »organizational change
organizationally, -isationally adv.
voyage / ˈvɔiidʒ /
• a long journey, especially by sea or in space
• 航行;(尤指)航海,航天:
 »an around-the-world voyage
 »a voyage in space
 »The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage (= first journey).
 »(figurative) Going to college can be a voyage of self-discovery.
verb [V +adv. / prep.]
• (literary) to travel, especially in a ship and over a long distance
• 航行;远行;(尤指)远航
orbit / ˈɔ:bit; NAme ˈɔ:rbit /
1. [C, U] a curved path followed by a planet or an object as it moves around another planet, star, moon, etc.
• (天体等运行的)轨道:
 »the earth's orbit around the sun
 »a space station in orbit round the moon
 »A new satellite has been put into orbit around the earth.
2. [sing.] an area that a particular person, organization, etc. deals with or is able to influence
• (人、组织等的)影响范围,势力范围:
 »to come / fall / be within sb's orbit
~ (around sth) to move in an orbit (= a curved path) around a much larger object, especially a planet, star, etc.
• 沿轨道运行;围绕…运动
▪ [VN]
 »The earth takes a year to orbit the sun.
▪ [also V]
astronaut / ˈæstrənɔ:t /
• a person whose job involves travelling and working in a spacecraft
• 宇航员;航天员; 太空人
(usually the north-east) [sing.] (abbr. NE)
• the direction or region at an equal distance between north and east
• 东北;东北方;东北地区
ˌnorth-'east adv.adj.
desire / diˈzaiə(r) /
1. [C, U] ~ (for sth) | ~ (to do sth) a strong wish to have or do sth
• 愿望;欲望;渴望:
 »a strong desire for power
 »enough money to satisfy all your desires
 »She felt an overwhelming desire to return home.
 »(formal) I have no desire (= I do not want) to discuss the matter further.
 »(formal) He has expressed a desire to see you.
2. [U, C] ~ (for sb) a strong wish to have sex with sb
• 情欲;肉欲;性欲:
 »She felt a surge of love and desire for him.
3. [C, usually sing.] a person or thing that is wished for
• 想望的人;渴望的事物:
 »When she agreed to marry him he felt he had achieved his heart's desire.
verb (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时)
1. (formal) to want sth; to wish for sth
• 渴望;期望;想望:
▪ [VN]
 »We all desire health and happiness.
 »The house had everything you could desire.
 »The medicine did not achieve the desired effect.
▪ [V to inf]
 »Fewer people desire to live in the north of the country.
▪ [also VN to inf]
2. to be sexually attracted to sb
• 被(某人)吸引;对(某人)产生性欲:
▪ [VN]
 »He still desired her.
leave a lot, much, something, etc. to be de'sired
• to be bad or unacceptable
• 还有许多(或一些等)需要改进的地方
apply / əˈplai /
(applies, applying, applied, applied)
›› FOR JOB / COURSE 求职;办手续
1. ~ (to sb / sth) (for sth) to make a formal request, usually in writing, for sth such as a job, a place at college, university, etc.
• (通常以书面形式)申请,请求:
▪ [V]
 »to apply for a job / passport / grant
 »to apply to a company / university
 »You should apply in person / by letter.
▪ [V to inf]
 »He has applied to join the army.
›› USE
2. [VN] ~ sth (to sth) to use sth or make sth work in a particular situation
• 使用;应用:
 »to apply economic sanctions / political pressure
 »The new technology was applied to farming.
›› PAINT / CREAM 油漆;乳剂
3. [VN] ~ sth (to sth) to put or spread sth such as paint, cream, etc. onto a surface
• 涂;敷;施:
 »Apply the cream sparingly to your face and neck.
4. (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) ~ (to sb / sth) to concern or relate to sb / sth
• 有关;涉及:
▪ [V]
 »Special conditions apply if you are under 18.
  * 18 岁以下者按特殊情况处理。
 »What I am saying applies only to some of you.
▪ [VN]
 »The word 'unexciting' could never be applied to her novels.
5. [VN] ~ yourself (to sth / to doing sth) to work at sth or study sth very hard
• 勤奋工作;努力学习:
 »You would pass your exams if you applied yourself.
 »We applied our minds to finding a solution to our problem.
6. [VN] to press on sth hard with your hand, foot, etc. to make sth work or have an effect on sth
• 手压;脚踩:
 »to apply the brakes (of a vehicle)
 »Pressure applied to the wound will stop the bleeding.
candidate / ˈkændidət; -deit /
1. ~ (for sth) a person who is trying to be elected or is applying for a job
• (竞选或求职的)候选人,申请人:
 »one of the leading candidates for the presidency
 »a presidential candidate
 »(BrE) He stood as a candidate in the local elections.
 »There were a large number of candidates for the job.
2. (BrE) a person taking an exam
• 投考者;应试者;参加考试的人:
 »a candidate for the degree of MPhil
3. ~ (for sth) a person or group that is considered suitable for sth or that is likely to get sth or to be sth
• 被认定适合者;被认定有某种结局者:
 »Our team is a prime candidate for relegation this year.
 »Your father is an obvious candidate for a heart attack.
survival / səˈvaivl; NAme sərˈv- /
1. [U] the state of continuing to live or exist, often despite difficulty or danger
• 生存;存活;幸存:
 »the struggle / battle / fight for survival
 »His only chance of survival was a heart transplant.
 »Exporting is necessary for our economic survival.
2. [C] ~ (from sth) something that has continued to exist from an earlier time
• 残存物;幸存事物
【SYN】 relic :
 »The ceremony is a survival from pre-Christian times.
the surˌvival of the 'fittest
• the principle that only the people or things that are best adapted to their surroundings will continue to exist
• 适者生存

rocket / ˈrɔkit; NAme ˈrɑ:kit /
1. [C] a spacecraft in the shape of a tube that is driven by a stream of gases let out behind it when fuel is burned inside
• 火箭:
 »a space rocket
 »The rocket was launched in March 1980.
  这枚火箭发射于 1980 年 3 月。
 »The idea took off like a rocket (= it immediately became popular).
2. [C] a missile (= a weapon that travels through the air) that carries a bomb and is driven by a stream of burning gases
• 火箭武器;火箭(弹):
 »a rocket attack
3. [C] a firework that goes high into the air and then explodes with coloured lights
• 焰火;烟花
4. [U] (BrE) (NAmE arugula) a plant with long green leaves that have a strong flavour and are eaten raw in salads
• 大蒜芥;芝麻菜;紫花南芥
to give sb a 'rocket | to get a 'rocket
(BrE, informal)
• to speak angrily to sb because they have done sth wrong; to be spoken to angrily for this reason
• (受到)痛骂,斥责
1. [V] to increase very quickly and suddenly
• 快速增长;猛增
【SYN】 shoot up :
 »rocketing prices
 »Unemployment has rocketed up again.
 »The total has rocketed from 376 to 532.
  总数从 376 猛增到 532。
2. [V +adv. / prep.] to move very fast
• 迅速移动:
 »The car rocketed out of a side street.
3. to achieve or to make sb / sth achieve a successful position very quickly
• (使)迅速成功,迅速提高地位:
▪ [V]
 »The band rocketed to stardom with their first single.
▪ [also VN]
4. [VN] to attack a place with rockets
• 用火箭弹攻击
status / ˈsteitəs; NAmE also ˈstætəs /
noun [usually sing.]
1. [U, C] the legal position of a person, group or country
• 法律地位(或身分):
 »They were granted refugee status.
 »The party was denied legal status.
2. [U, C, usually sing.] the social or professional position of sb / sth in relation to others
• 地位;身分;职位:
 »low status jobs
 »to have a high social status
 »Women are only asking to be given equal status with men.
 »She achieved celebrity status overnight.
3. [U] high rank or social position
• 高级职位;社会上层地位:
 »The job brings with it status and a high income.
4. [U, C, usually sing.] the level of importance that is given to sth
• 重视(或崇尚)程度:
 »the high status accorded to science in our culture
5. [U] the situation at a particular time during a process
• (进展的)状况,情形:
 »What is the current status of our application for funds?
superior / su:ˈpiəriə(r); sju:-; NAme su:ˈpir- /
1. ~ (to sb / sth) better in quality than sb / sth else; greater than sb / sth else
• (在品质上)更好的;占优势;更胜一筹:
 »vastly superior
 »superior intelligence
 »This model is technically superior to its competitors.
 »Liverpool were clearly the superior team.
 »The enemy won because of their superior numbers (= there were more of them).
【OPP】 inferior
2. ~ (to sb) higher in rank, importance or position
• (在级别、重要性或职位上)更高的:
 »my superior officer
 »superior status
 »a superior court of law
【OPP】 inferior
3. (disapproving) showing by your behaviour that you think you are better than others
• 有优越感的;高傲的
【SYN】 arrogant :
 »a superior manner
 »He always looks so superior.
4. (used especially in advertisements 尤用于广告) of very good quality; better than other similar things
• 质量卓越的;出类拔萃的;超群的:
 »superior apartments
1. a person of higher rank, status or position
• 级别(或地位、职位)更高的人;上级;上司:
 »your social superiors
 »He's my immediate superior (= the person directly above me).
 »I'm going to complain to your superiors.
【OPP】 inferior
2. used in titles for the head of a religious community
• (用作宗教团体领导的头衔):
 »Mother Superior
quality / ˈkwɔləti; NAme ˈkwɑ:l- /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. [U, C] the standard of sth when it is compared to other things like it; how good or bad sth is
• 质量;品质:
 »to be of good / poor / top quality
  质量好/次 / 上乘
 »goods of a high quality
 »high-quality goods
 »a decline in water quality
 »When costs are cut product quality suffers.
 »Their quality of life improved dramatically when they moved to France.
2. [U] a high standard
• 上乘;优质;高标准
【SYN】 excellence :
 »contemporary writers of quality
 »We aim to provide quality at reasonable prices.
3. [C] a thing that is part of a person's character, especially sth good
• (尤指好的)人品,素质,品德:
 »personal qualities such as honesty and generosity
 »to have leadership qualities
4. [C, U] a feature of sth, especially one that makes it different from sth else
• 特征;特质;特色:
 »the special quality of light and shade in her paintings
5. [C] (BrE) = quality newspaper
1. [only before noun]
• used especially by people trying to sell goods or services to say that sth is of a high quality
• 优质的;高质量的:
 »We specialize in quality furniture.
 »quality service at a competitive price
2. (BrE, slang) very good
• 盖帽儿了;棒极了:
 »'What was the film like?' 'Quality!'
  "这部电影怎么样?" "棒极了!"
optimistic / ˌɔptiˈmistik; NAme ˌɑ:p- /
~ (about sth) | ~ (that...) expecting good things to happen or sth to be successful; showing this feeling
• 乐观的;抱乐观看法的
【SYN】 positive :
 »She's not very optimistic about the outcome of the talks.
 »They are cautiously optimistic that the reforms will take place.
 »We are now taking a more optimistic view.
 »in an optimistic mood
 »I think you're being a little over-optimistic.
【OPP】 pessimistic
optimistically / -kli / adv.
indeed / inˈdi:d /
1. used to emphasize a positive statement or answer
• (强调肯定的陈述或答覆):
 »'Was he very angry?' 'Indeed he was.'
  "他很生气吗?" "的确很生气。"
 »'Do you agree?' 'Indeed I do / Yes, indeed.'
  "你同意吗?" "当然同意了。"
 »'You said you'd help?' 'I did indeed—yes.'
  "你说过你要帮忙?" "我的确说过——是的。"
 »It is indeed a remarkable achievement.
2. (especially BrE)

• used after very and an adjective or adverb to emphasize a statement, description, etc.
• (用于 very 和形容词或副词之后,强调敍述、描写等)真正地:
 »Thank you very much indeed!
 »I was very sad indeed to hear of your father's death.
3. (formal, especially BrE) used to add information to a statement
• 其实;实际上:
 »I don't mind at all. Indeed, I would be delighted to help.
4. (informal, especially BrE) used to show that you are surprised at sth or that you find sth ridiculous
• (表示惊讶或觉得某事物荒谬):
 »A ghost indeed! I've never heard anything so silly.
5. (informal) used when you are repeating a question that sb has just asked and showing that you do not know the answer
• (重复对方的问题,表示不知道答案):
 »'Why did he do it?' 'Why indeed?'
  "他为什么那样做?" "是呀,为什么呢?"
--› see friend