vocabulary / vəˈkæbjələri; NAme -leri /
noun [C, U] (pl. -ies)
1. all the words that a person knows or uses
• (某人掌握或使用的)词汇,词汇量:
 »to have a wide / limited vocabulary
 »your active vocabulary (= the words that you use)
 »your passive vocabulary (= the words that you understand but don't use)
 »Reading will increase your vocabulary.
 »The word 'failure' is not in his vocabulary (= for him, failure does not exist).
--› see also defining vocabulary
--› note at language
2. all the words in a particular language
• (某一语言的)词汇,词汇量:
 »When did the word 'bungalow' first enter the vocabulary?
  * bungalow 一词何时进入(英语)词汇中的?
--› note at language
3. the words that people use when they are talking about a particular subject
• (某学科中所使用的)词汇:
 »The word has become part of advertising vocabulary.
--› note at language
4. (also informal vocab / ˈvəukæb / ) a list of words with their meanings, especially in a book for learning a foreign language
• (尤指外语教科书中附有释义的)词汇表
nowadays / ˈnauədeiz /
• at the present time, in contrast with the past
• 现今;现在;目前:
 »Nowadays most kids prefer watching TV to reading.
Celtic / ˈkeltik /
• connected with the Celts or their language
• 凯尔特人的;凯尔特语的:
 »Celtic history
Germanic / dʒə:ˈmænik; NAmE dʒə:rˈm- /
1. connected with or considered typical of Germany or its people
• 德国的;德国人的;有德国(或德国人)特点的:
 »She had an almost Germanic regard for order.
2. connected with the language family that includes German, English, Dutch and Swedish among others
• 日耳曼语(族)的
the mainland / ˈmeinlænd /
noun [sing.]
• the main area of land of a country, not including any islands near to it
• 大陆;(不包括附近岛屿的)国土的主体:
 »a boat to / from the mainland
 »The Hebrides are to the west of the Scottish mainland.
mainland adj. [only before noun] :
 »mainland Greece
angle / ˈæŋɡl /
1. the space between two lines or surfaces that join, measured in degrees
• 角:
 »a 45° angle
  * 45° 角
--› see also acute angle , adjacent angle , corresponding angles , obtuse angle , right angle , wide-angle lens
2. the direction that sth is leaning or pointing in when it is not in a vertical or horizontal line
• 斜角;角度:
 »The tower of Pisa leans at an angle.
 »The plane was coming in at a steep angle.
 »His hair was sticking up at all angles.
3. a position from which you look at sth
• 角度:
 »The photo was taken from an unusual angle.
4. a particular way of presenting or thinking about a situation, problem, etc.
• 观点;立场;角度:
 »We need a new angle for our next advertising campaign.
 »You can look at the issue from many different angles.
 »The article concentrates on the human angle (= the part that concerns people's emotions) of the story.
1. [VN] to move or place sth so that it is not straight or not directly facing sb / sth
• 斜移;斜置:
 »He angled his chair so that he could sit and watch her.
2. [VN] to present information, a report, etc. based on a particular way of thinking or for a particular audience
• 以(某角度)报道;以(某观点)提供信息:
 »The programme is angled towards younger viewers.
3. (usually go angling)
[V] to catch fish with a line and a hook
• 垂钓;钓鱼
'angle for sth
• to try to get a particular reaction or response from sb, without directly asking for what you want
• 转弯抹角地打听;博取:
 »She was angling for sympathy.
Saxon / ˈsæksn /
• a member of a race of people once living in NW Germany, some of whom settled in Britain in the 5th and 6th centuries
• 撒克逊人(早期居住在今德国西北部,后其中一部份于 5、6 世纪定居在不列颠)
--› see also Anglo-Saxon
Saxon adj.:
 »Saxon churches / kings
occupy / ˈɔkjupai; NAme ˈɑ:k- /
verb (occupies, occupying, occupied, occupied)
1. [VN] to fill or use a space, an area or an amount of time
• 使用,占用(空间、面积、时间等)
【SYN】 take up :
 »The bed seemed to occupy most of the room.
 »How much memory does the program occupy?
 »Administrative work occupies half of my time.
2. [VN] (formal) to live or work in a room, house or building
• 使用(房屋、建筑);居住:
 »He occupies an office on the 12th floor.
  他在 12 楼有一间办公室。
3. [VN] to enter a place in a large group and take control of it, especially by military force
• 侵占;占领;占据:
 »The capital has been occupied by the rebel army.
 »Protesting students occupied the TV station.
4. ~ sb / sth / yourself (in doing sth / with sb / sth) to fill your time or keep you busy doing sth
• 使忙于(做某事);忙着(做某事):
▪ [VN]
 »a game that will occupy the kids for hours
 »She occupied herself with routine office tasks.
 »Problems at work continued to occupy his mind for some time.
▪ [also VN -ing]
5. [VN] to have an official job or position
• 任职;执政
【SYN】 hold :
 »The president occupies the position for five years.
consist / kənˈsist /
(not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时)
con'sist in sth (formal)
• to have sth as the main or only part or feature
• 存在于;在于:
 »The beauty of the city consists in its magnificent buildings.
▪ [+ -ing ]
 »True education does not consist in simply being taught facts.
con'sist of sth
• to be formed from the things or people mentioned
• 由…组成(或构成):
 »The committee consists of two members.
 »Their diet consisted largely of vegetables.
▪ [+ -ing ]
 »Most of the fieldwork consisted of making tape recordings.
mixture / ˈmikstʃə(r) /
1. [C, usually sing.] a combination of different things
• 混合;结合体:
 »The city is a mixture of old and new buildings.
 »We listened to the news with a mixture of surprise and horror.
2. [C, U] a substance made by mixing other substances together
• 混合物:
 »cake mixture
 »Add the eggs to the mixture and beat well.
--› see also cough mixture
3. [C] (technical 术语) a combination of ten or more substances that mix together without any chemical reaction taking place
• 混合物;集合体
--› compare compound n.
4. [U] the act of mixing different substances together
• 混合
aside / əˈsaid /
1. to six side; out of the way
• 到旁边;在旁边:
 »She pulled the curtain aside.
 »Stand aside and let these people pass.
 »He took me aside (= away from a group of people) to give me some advice.
 »(figurative) Leaving aside (= not considering at this stage) the cost of the scheme, let us examine its benefits.
 »All our protests were brushed aside (= ignored).
2. to be used later
• 留;存:
 »We set aside some money for repairs.
3. used after nouns to say that except for six thing, sth is true
• (用于名词后)除…以外:
 »Money worries aside, things are going well.
1. (in the theatre 戏剧) something which a character in a play says to the audience, but which the other characters on stage are not intended to hear
• 旁白
2. a remark, often made in a low voice, which is not intended to be heard by everyone present
• 低声说的话
3. a remark that is not directly connected with the main subject that is being discussed
• 离题话:
 »I mention it only as an aside...
a'side from
(especially NAmE) = apart from :
 »Aside from a few scratches, I'm OK.
Viking / ˈvaikiŋ /
• a member of a race of Scandinavian people who attacked and sometimes settled in parts of NW Europe, including Britain, in the 8th to the 11th centuries
• 维金人,维京人,北欧海盗(8–11 世纪劫掠并有时居住在西北欧部份地区包括英国的斯堪的纳维亚部落成员)
official / əˈfiʃl /
1. [only before noun] connected with the job of sb who is in a position of authority
• 公务的;公职的;公事的:
 »official responsibilities
 »the Prime Minister's official residence
 »He attended in his official capacity as mayor.
 »This was her first official engagement.
 »He made an official visit to Tokyo in March.
2. [usually before noun] agreed to, said, done, etc. by sb who is in a position of authority
• 正式的;官方的;官方授权的:
 »an official announcement / decision / statement
 »according to official statistics / figures
 »An official inquiry has been launched into the cause of the accident.
 »The country's official language is Spanish.
 »I intend to lodge an official complaint (= to complain to sb in authority).
 »The news is not yet official.
3. [only before noun] that is told to the public but may not be true
• 公开的;公布的;据传报的:
 »I only knew the official version of events.
 »The official story has always been that they are just good friends.
4. [only before noun] formal and attended by people in authority
• 正式的;公务的;官方场合的:
 »an official function / reception
 »The official opening is planned for October.
【OPP】 unofficial
(often in compounds 常构成复合词) a person who is in a position of authority in a large organization
• 要员;官员;高级职员:
 »a bank / company / court / government official
 »a senior official in the State Department
phrase / freiz /
1. (grammar 语法) a group of words without a finite verb, especially six that forms part of a sentence. 'the green car' and 'on Friday morning' are phrases.
• 短语;词组;片语
--› see also noun phrase
--› note at word
2. a group of words which have a particular meaning when used together
• 成语;习语;惯用法;警句:
 »a memorable phrase
 »She was, in her own favourite phrase, 'a woman without a past'.
--› see also catchphrase
3. (music 音) a short series of notes that form a unit within a longer passage in a piece of music
• 乐句;乐节
--› see coin v., turn n.
1. [VN] ~ sth (as sth) to say or write sth in a particular way
• (以某种方式)表达,措辞,推敲:
 »a carefully phrased remark
 »I agree with what he says, but I'd have phrased it differently.
 »Her order was phrased as a suggestion.
2. [V VN] to divide a piece of music into small groups of notes; to play or sing these in a particular way, especially in an effective way
• 划分乐句,分乐节(尤指为奏乐或歌唱)
contribution / ˌkɔntriˈbju:ʃn; NAmE ˌkɑ:n- /
noun ~ (to sth) | ~ (toward(s) sth / doing sth)
1. [C] a sum of money that is given to a person or an organization in order to help pay for sth
• 捐款;捐资
【SYN】 donation :
 »to make a contribution to charity
 »a substantial contribution
 »All contributions will be gratefully received.
 »valuable contributions towards the upkeep of the cathedral
2. [C] a sum of money that you pay regularly to your employer or the government in order to pay for benefits such as health insurance, a pension, etc.
• (给雇主或政府用作医疗保险、养老金等津贴的)定期缴款:
 »monthly contributions to the pension scheme
3. [C, usually sing.] an action or a service that helps to cause or increase sth
• 贡献;促成作用:
 »He made a very positive contribution to the success of the project.
 »These measures would make a valuable contribution towards reducing industrial accidents.
 »the car's contribution to the greenhouse effect
4. [C] an item that forms part of a book, magazine, broadcast, discussion, etc.
• (书、杂志、广播、讨论等部份内容的)一则,一条,稿件:
 »an important contribution to the debate
 »All contributions for the May issue must be received by Friday.
5. [U] the act of giving sth, especially money, to help a person or an organization
• 捐赠;捐助;(尤指)捐款:
 »We rely entirely on voluntary contribution.
Norman / ˈnɔ:mən; NAme ˈnɔ:rm- /
1. used to describe the style of architecture in Britain in the 11th and 12th centuries that developed from the Romanesque style
• 诺曼式的;诺曼式建筑风格的:
 »a Norman church / castle
2. connected with the Normans (= the people from northern Europe who defeated the English in 1066 and then ruled the country)
• 诺曼人的:
 »the Norman Conquest
defeat / diˈfi:t /
verb [VN]
1. to win against sb in a war, competition, sports game, etc.
• 击败;战胜
【SYN】 beat :
 »He defeated the champion in three sets.
 »a defeated army
2. (formal) if sth defeats you, you cannot understand it
• 困惑;难住:
 »The instruction manual completely defeated me.
3. to stop sth from being successful
• 使失败;阻挠;挫败:
 »The motion was defeated by 19 votes.
  这项动议以 19 票反对被否决。
 »Staying late at the office to discuss shorter working hours rather defeats the object of the exercise !
1. [U, C] failure to win or to be successful
• 失败;战败;挫败:
 »The party faces defeat in the election.
 »a narrow / heavy defeat
 »The world champion has only had two defeats in 20 fights.
  这个世界冠军在 20 场拳击赛中只败过两场。
 »They finally had to admit defeat (= stop trying to be successful).
2. [C, usually sing.] the act of winning a victory over sb / sth
• 击败;战胜:
 »the defeat of fascism
replace / riˈpleis /
verb [VN]
1. to be used instead of sth / sb else; to do sth instead of sb / sth else
• 代替;取代
【SYN】 take over from :
 »The new design will eventually replace all existing models.
 »Teachers will never be replaced by computers in the classroom.
2. ~ sb / sth (with / by sb / sth) to remove sb / sth and put another person or thing in their place
• (用…)替换;(以…)接替:
 »He will be difficult to replace when he leaves.
 »It is not a good idea to miss meals and replace them with snacks.
3. to change sth that is old, damaged, etc. for a similar thing that is newer or better
• 更换;更新:
 »All the old carpets need replacing.
 »You'll be expected to replace any broken glasses.
4. to put sth back in the place where it was before
• 把…放回原处:
 »I replaced the cup carefully in the saucer.
 »to replace the handset (= after using the telephone)
entire / inˈtaiə(r) /
adj. [only before noun]
(used when you are emphasizing that the whole of sth is involved 用以强调) including everything, everyone or every part
• 全部的;整个的;完全的  SYN  whole :
 »The entire village was destroyed.
 »I wasted an entire day on it.
 »I have never in my entire life heard such nonsense!
 »The disease threatens to wipe out the entire population.
servant / ˈsə:vənt; NAme ˈsə:rv- /
1. a person who works in another person's house, and cooks, cleans, etc. for them
• 仆人;用人:
 »a domestic servant
 »They treat their mother like a servant.
2. a person who works for a company or an organization
• (公司或机构的)雇员,职员:
 »a public servant
--› see also civil servant
3. a person or thing that is controlled by sth
• 奴仆般受制(或献身)于…的人;服务于…的事物:
 »He was willing to make himself a servant of his art.
--› see obedient
raise / reiz /
1. [VN] to lift or move sth to a higher level
• 提升;举起;提起:
 »She raised the gun and fired.
 »He raised a hand in greeting.
 »She raised her eyes from her work.
【OPP】 lower
--› note at rise
2. [VN] to move sth / sb / yourself to a vertical position
• (使)直立,站立:
 »Somehow we managed to raise her to her feet.
 »He raised himself up on six elbow.
【OPP】 lower
3. [VN] ~ sth (to sth) to increase the amount or level of sth
• 增加,提高(数量、水平等):
 »to raise salaries / prices / taxes
 »They raised their offer to $500.
  他们将出价抬高到 500 元。
 »How can we raise standards in schools?
 »Don't tell her about the job until you know for sure—we don't want to raise her hopes (= make her hope too much).
 »I've never heard him even raise his voice (= speak louder because he was angry).
4. [VN] to bring or collect money or people together; to manage to get or form sth
• 筹募;征集;召集;组建:
 »to raise a loan
 »We are raising money for charity.
 »He set about raising an army.
--› see also fund-raiser
5. [VN] to mention sth for people to discuss or sb to deal with
• 提及;提起(课题)
【SYN】 broach :
 »The book raises many important questions.
 »I'm glad you raised the subject of money.
›› CAUSE 引起
6. [VN] to cause or produce sth; to make sth appear
• 引起;导致;使出现:
 »to raise doubts in people's minds
 »The plans for the new development have raised angry protests from local residents.
 »It wasn't an easy audience but he raised a laugh with his joke.
 »It had been a difficult day but she managed to raise a smile.
 »The horses' hooves raised a cloud of dust.
--› see also curtain-raiser , fire-raiser
›› CHILD / ANIMAL 孩子;动物
7. (especially NAmE) to care for a child or young animal until it is able to take care of itself
• 抚养;养育;培养:
▪ [VN]
 »They were both raised in the South.
 »kids raised on a diet of hamburgers
▪ [VN-N]
 »They raised her (as) a Catholic.
 »I was born and raised a city boy.
--› compare bring sb up (1) at bring
8. [VN] to breed particular farm animals; to grow particular crops
• 饲养;培育;种植:
 »to raise cattle / corn
›› END STH 终止
9. [VN] to end a restriction on sb / sth
• 终止,解除(约束):
 »to raise a blockade / a ban / an embargo / a siege
›› ON RADIO / PHONE 无线电;电话
10. [VN] to contact sb and speak to them by radio or telephone
• (通过无线电或电话)与…取得联系,和…通话:
 »We managed to raise him on his mobile phone.
11. [VN] ~ sb (from sth) to make sb who has died come to life again
• 使起死回生;使复活
【SYN】 resurrect :
 »Christians believe that God raised Jesus from the dead.
12. [VNN] to make a higher bet than another player in a card game
• 在(另一玩牌人)基础上加注:
 »I'll raise you another hundred dollars.
  我比你再加 100 元。
13. [VN] to multiply an amount by itself a particular number of times
• 使自乘(若干次):
 »3 raised to the power of 3 is 27 (= 3 × 3 × 3).
  * 3 的三次方等于 27。
raise a / your 'hand against / to sb
• to hit or threaten to hit sb
• 打人;威胁要打人
raise your 'eyebrows (at sth)
[often passive]
• to show that you disapprove of or are surprised by sth
• 扬起眉毛(表示不赞同或惊讶):
 »Eyebrows were raised when he arrived without his wife.
raise your 'glass (to sb)
• to hold up your glass and wish sb happiness, good luck, etc. before you drink
• 举杯祝酒
raise 'hell
•(informal) to protest angrily, especially in a way that causes trouble for sb
• 愤怒抗议;(尤指)大吵大闹
raise the 'roof
• to produce or make sb produce a lot of noise in a building, for example by shouting or cheering
• (在屋内)大声喧闹,闹翻天
raise sb's 'spirits
• to make sb feel more cheerful or brave
• 使振奋;使鼓起勇气
【SYN】 cheer sb up
--› more at ante , hackles , sight n., temperature
'raise sth to sb / sth
• to build or place a statue, etc. somewhere in honour or memory of sb / sth
• (为…)建造,树立(塑像等):
 »The town raised a memorial to those killed in the war.
(NAmE) = rise n. (2)
therefore / ˈðeəfɔ:(r); NAme ˈðerf- /
• used to introduce the logical result of sth that has just been mentioned
• 因此;所以;因而:
 »He's only 17 and therefore not eligible to vote.
  他只有 17 岁,因此没有投票选举的资格。
 »There is still much to discuss. We shall, therefore, return to this item at our next meeting.
mutton / ˈmʌtn /
noun [U]
• meat from a fully grown sheep
• 羊肉
--› compare lamb n. (2)
mutton dressed as 'lamb
(BrE, informal, disapproving) used to describe a woman who is trying to look younger than she really is, especially by wearing clothes that are designed for young people
• 扮俏的女人;老来俏
bacon / ˈbeikən /
noun [U]
• meat from the back or sides of a pig that has been cured (= preserved using salt or smoke), usually served in thin slices
• 咸猪肉;熏猪肉:
 »a rasher of bacon
 »bacon and eggs
 »smoked / unsmoked bacon
--› compare gammon , ham (1), pork
--› see home adv., save v.
plural / ˈpluərəl; NAme ˈplurəl /
(grammar 语法) (abbr. pl.) a form of a noun or verb that refers to more than one person or thing
• (名词或动词的)复数,复数形式:
 »The plural of 'child' is 'children'.
  * child 一词的复数形式是 children。
 »The verb should be in the plural.
--› compare singular n.
1. (grammar 语法) (abbr. pl.) connected with or having the plural form
• 复数的;复数形式的:
 »Most plural nouns in English end in 's'.
  英语中多数复数名词以 s 结尾。
2. relating to more than one
• 多样的;多元的:
 »a plural society (= one with more than one racial , religious, etc. group)
1. excellent; of good quality
• 极好的;高级的:
 »a high-class restaurant
 »to stay in high-class accommodation
2. connected with a high social class
• 上流社会的:
 »to come from a high-class background
【OPP】 low-class
ˌmother 'tongue
• the language that you first learn to speak when you are a child
• 母语;本国语
【SYN】 first language
Latin / ˈlætin; NAme ˈlætn /
1. [U] the language of ancient Rome and the official language of its empire
• 拉丁语
2. [C] a person from countries where languages that have developed from Latin, such as Spanish, Portuguese, Italian or French, are spoken
• 拉丁人(来自拉丁语系国家如西班牙、葡萄牙、意大利或法国)
3. [U] music of a kind that came originally from Latin America, typically with strong dance rhythms
• 拉丁音乐(源自拉丁美洲,节奏感强,适于跳舞)
1. of or in the Latin language
• 拉丁语的;用拉丁语写成的:
 »Latin poetry
2. connected with or typical of the countries or peoples using languages developed from Latin, such as Spanish, Portuguese, Italian or French
• 拉丁语系国家(或民族)的(如西班牙、葡萄牙、意大利或法国);拉丁人的:
 »a Latin temperament
Greek / ɡri:k /
1. [C] a person from modern or ancient Greece
• 希腊人;古希腊人
2. [U] the language of modern or ancient Greece
• 希腊语
3. [C] (NAmE) a member of a fraternity or a sorority at a college or university
• (大学的)学生联谊会会员,女生联谊会会员
it's all 'Greek to me
•(informal, saying) I cannot understand it
• 我全然不懂;我一窍不通:
 »She tried to explain how the system works, but it's all Greek to me.
process¹ / ˈprəuses; NAme ˈprɑ:ses; ˈprou- /
--› see also process ²
1. a series of things that are done in order to achieve a particular result
• (为达到某一目标的)过程;进程:
 »a consultation process
 »to begin the difficult process of reforming the education system
 »I'm afraid getting things changed will be a slow process.
 »mental processes
 »Coming off the drug was a long and painful (= difficult) process for him.
 »Find which food you are allergic to by a process of elimination.
 »We're in the process of selling our house.
 »I was moving some furniture and I twisted my ankle in the process (= while I was doing it).
--› see also peace process
2. a series of things that happen, especially ones that result in natural changes
• (事物发展,尤指自然变化的)过程,步骤,流程:
 »the ageing process
 »It's a normal part of the learning process.
3. a method of doing or making sth, especially six that is used in industry
• 做事方法;工艺流程;工序:
 »manufacturing processes
verb [VN]
1. to treat raw material, food, etc. in order to change it, preserve it, etc.
• 加工;处理:
 »Most of the food we buy is processed in some way.
 »processed cheese
 »I sent seven rolls of film away to be processed.
 »a sewage processing plant
2. to deal officially with a document, request, etc.
• 审阅,审核,处理(文件、请求等):
 »It will take a week for your application to be processed.
3. (computing 计) to perform a series of operations on data in a computer
• 数据处理
processing noun [U] :
 »the food processing industry
--› see also data processing , word processing
process² / prəˈses / verb
[V +adv. / prep.] (formal) to walk or move along slowly in, or as if in, a procession
• 列队行进;缓缓前进
--› see also process ¹
distinction / diˈstiŋkʃn /
1. [C] ~ (between A and B) a clear difference or contrast especially between people or things that are similar or related
• 差别;区别;对比:
 »distinctions between traditional and modern societies
 »Philosophers did not use to make a distinction between arts and science.
 »We need to draw a distinction between the two events.
2. [U] the quality of being excellent or important
• 优秀;杰出;卓越:
 »a writer of distinction
3. [sing.] the quality of being sth that is special
• 特质;特点;不同凡响:
 »She had the distinction of being the first woman to fly the Atlantic.
4. [U] the separation of people or things into different groups
• 区分;分清;辨别:
 »The new law makes no distinction between adults and children (= treats them equally).
 »All groups are entitled to this money without distinction.
5. [C, U] a special mark / grade or award that is given to sb, especially a student, for excellent work
• (尤指给学生的)优等评分,荣誉,奖赏:
 »Naomi got a distinction in maths.
 »He graduated with distinction.
spelling / ˈspeliŋ /
1. [U] the act of forming words correctly from individual letters; the ability to do this
• 拼写;拼写能力:
 »a spelling mistake
 »the differences between British and American spelling
 »My spelling is terrible.
2. [C] the way that a particular word is written
• 拼法:
 »a list of difficult spellings
noun / ˈæksent; -sənt /
1. əɔ, u] a way of pronouncing the words of a language that shows which country, area or social class a person comes from
• 口音;腔调;土音:
 »a northern / Dublin / Indian / Scottish accent
 »a strong / broad accent (= six that is very noticeable)
 »She spoke English with an accent.
--› compare dialect
2. [sing.] a special importance that is given to sth
• 着重点;强调
【SYN】 emphasis :
 »In all our products the accent is on quality.
3. [C] the emphasis that you should give to part of a word when saying it
• 重音
【SYN】 stress :
 »In 'today' the accent is on the second syllable.
  * today 一词的重音在第二音节。
4. [C] a mark on a letter to show that it should be pronounced in a particular way
• 读音符号(标在字母上):
 »Canapé has an accent on the 'e'.
  * canapé 在 e 上面有尖音符号。
verb / ækˈsent /
əʒŋ] to emphasize a part of sth
• 着重;强调;突出
concern / kənˈsə:n; NAmE -ˈsə:rn /
1. [VN] [often passive] to affect sb; to involve sb
• 影响,涉及,牵涉(某人):
 »Don't interfere in what doesn't concern you.
 »The loss was a tragedy for all concerned (= all those affected by it).
 »Where our children's education is concerned, no compromise is acceptable.
 »The individuals concerned have some explaining to do.
 »To whom it may concern... (= used for example, at the beginning of a public notice or of a job reference about sb's character and ability)
 »Everyone who was directly concerned in (= had some responsibility for) the incident has now resigned.
›› BE ABOUT 关于
2. [VN] (also be concerned with sth) to be about sth
• 与…有关;涉及:
 »The story concerns the prince's efforts to rescue Pamina.
 »The book is primarily concerned with Soviet-American relations during the Cold War.
 »This chapter concerns itself with the historical background.
 »One major difference between these computers concerns the way in which they store information.
›› WORRY SB 使某人担心
3. to worry sb
• 让(某人)担忧:
▪ [VN]
 »What concerns me is our lack of preparation for the change.
▪ [VN that]
 »It concerns me that you no longer seem to care.
--› see also concerned
4. [VN] ~ yourself with / about sth to take an interest in sth
• (对…)感兴趣:
 »He didn't concern himself with the details.
5. [VN to inf] be concerned to do sth (formal) to think it is important to do sth
• 认为(做某事)重要:
 »She was concerned to write about situations that everybody could identify with.
--› see far adv.
›› WORRY 担忧
1. [U, C] ~ (about / for / over sth / sb) | ~ (that...) a feeling of worry, especially six that is shared by many people
• (尤指许多人共同的)担心,忧虑:
 »There is growing concern about violence on television.
 »She hasn't been seen for five days and there is concern for her safety.
 »The report expressed concern over continuing high unemployment.
 »There is widespread concern that new houses will be built on protected land.
 »Stress at work is a matter of concern to staff and management.
 »The President's health was giving serious cause for concern.
 »In the meeting, voters raised concerns about health care.
--› compare unconcern
2. [U] a desire to protect and help sb / sth
• 关爱;关心:
 »parents' concern for their children
3. [C] something that is important to a person, an organization, etc.
• (对人、组织等)重要的事情:
 »What are your main concerns as a writer?
 »The government's primary concern is to reduce crime.
4. [C, usually sing.] (formal) something that is your responsibility or that you have a right to know about
• (某人)负责的事,有权知道的事:
 »This matter is their concern.
 »How much money I make is none of your concern.
5. [C] a company or business
• 公司;商行;企业
【SYN】 firm :
 »a major publishing concern
  一家大出版公司 see going adj.
ban / bæn /
verb (-nn-) [VN]
1. to decide or say officially that sth is not allowed
• 明令禁止;取缔
【SYN】 prohibit :
 »Chemical weapons are banned internationally.
2. [usually passive] ~ sb from sth / from doing sth to order sb not to do sth, go somewhere, etc., especially officially
• 禁止(某人)做某事(或去某处等):
 »He was banned from the meeting.
 »She's been banned from leaving Greece while the allegations are investigated.
 »(BrE) He was banned from driving for six months.
~ (on sth) an official rule that says that sth is not allowed
• 禁令:
 »There is to be a total ban on smoking in the office.
 »to impose / lift a ban
pure / pjuə(r); NAme pjur /
(purer / ˈpjuərə(r); NAme ˈpjur- / , purest / ˈpjuərist; NAme ˈpjur- / )
›› ŋOð MɪXəD 纯的
1. əusually before noun] not mixed with anything else; with nothing added
• 纯的;纯净的;纯粹的:
 »pure gold / silk, etc.
 »These shirts are 100% pure cotton.
  这些衬衫是 100% 的纯棉。
 »Classical dance in its purest form requires symmetry and balance.
 »One movie is classified as pure art, the other as entertainment.
›› CLEAN 洁净
2. clean and not containing any harmful substances
• 干净的;不含有害物质的:
 »a bottle of pure water
 »The air was sweet and pure.
【OPP】 impure
3. [only before noun] complete and total
• 完全的;纯粹的:
 »They met by pure chance.
 »She laughed with pure joy.
4. without evil thoughts or actions, especially sexual ones; morally good
• 纯真的;无邪的;贞洁的;正派的:
 »to lead a pure life
 »His motives were pure.
 »(literary) to be pure in body and mind
【OPP】 impure
5. very clear; perfect
• 清晰的;纯正的:
 »beaches of pure white sand
 »a pure voice
6. [only before noun] concerned with increasing knowledge of the subject rather than with using knowledge in practical ways
• 纯理论的;非应用的:
 »pure mathematics
 »technology as opposed to pure science subjects
--› compare applied
›› BREED / RACE 品种;种族
7. not mixed with any other breed or race, etc.
• 血统纯的;纯种的:
 »These cattle are one of the purest breeds in Britain.
--› see also pure-bred
--› see also purify , purity
ˌpure and 'simple
• used after the noun that it refers to in order to emphasize that there is nothing but the thing you have just mentioned involved in sth
• (用于名词后表示强调)纯粹,全然:
 »It's laziness, pure and simple.

unique / juˈni:k /
1. being the only one of its kind
• 唯一的;独一无二的:
 »Everyone's fingerprints are unique.
【HELP】You can use absolutely, totally or almost with unique in this meaning.
• 作此义时可用 absolutely、totally 或 almost 修饰 unique。
2. very special or unusual
• 独特的;罕见的:
 »a unique talent
 »The preview offers a unique opportunity to see the show without the crowds.
 »The deal will put the company in a unique position to export goods to Eastern Europe.
【HELP】You can use more, very, etc. with unique in this meaning.
• 作此义时可用 more、very 等修饰 unique。
3. ~ (to sb / sth) belonging to or connected with one particular person, place or thing
• (某人、地或事物)独具的,特有的:
 »an atmosphere that is unique to New York
 »The koala is unique to Australia.
uniquely adv.:
 »Her past experience made her uniquely suited to lead the campaign.
 »The UK, uniquely, has not had to face the problem of mass unemployment.
 »He was a uniquely gifted teacher.
uniqueness noun [U] :
 »The author stresses the uniqueness of the individual.
access / ˈækses /
noun [U]
1. ~ (to sth) a way of entering or reaching a place
• 通道;通路;入径:
 »The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields.
 »Disabled visitors are welcome; there is good wheelchair access to most facilities.
 »The police gained access through a broken window.
--› compare egress
2. ~ (to sth) the opportunity or right to use sth or to see sb / sth
• (使用或见到的)机会,权利:
 »Students must have access to good resources.
 »You need a password to get access to the computer system.
 »access to confidential information
 »Journalists were denied access to the President.
 »Many divorced fathers only have access to their children at weekends (= they are allowed by law to see them only at weekends).
--› compare visitation
verb [VN]
1. (computing 计) to open a computer file in order to get or add information
• 存取(计算机文件)
2. (formal) to reach, enter or use sth
• 到达;进入;使用:
 »The loft can be accessed by a ladder.
character / ˈkærəktə(r) /
1. [C, usually sing.] all the qualities and features that make a person, groups of people, and places different from others
• (人、集体的)品质,性格;(地方的)特点,特性:
 »to have a strong / weak character
 »character traits / defects
 »The book gives a fascinating insight into Mrs Blair's character.
 »Generosity is part of the American character.
 »The character of the neighbourhood hasn't changed at all.
2. [C, usually sing., U] the way that sth is, or a particular quality or feature that a thing, an event or a place has
• (事物、事件或地方的)特点,特征,特色
【SYN】 nature :
 »the delicate character of the light in the evening
 »buildings that are very simple in character
3. [U] (approving) strong personal qualities such as the ability to deal with difficult or dangerous situations
• 勇气;毅力:
 »Everyone admires her strength of character and determination.
 »He showed great character returning to the sport after his accident.
 »Adventure camps are considered to be character-building (= meant to improve sb's strong qualities).
4. [U] (usually approving) the interesting or unusual quality that a place or a person has
• (地方或人的)与众不同之处,特色:
 »The modern hotels here have no real character.
 »a face with a lot of character
5. [C] (informal) (used with an adjective 与形容词连用) a person, particularly an unpleasant or strange one
• (令人讨厌的或古怪的)人:
 »There were some really strange characters hanging around the bar.
6. [C] (informal) an interesting or unusual person
• (有趣的或不同寻常的)人:
 »She's a character!
7. [C, U] (formal) the opinion that people have of you, particularly of whether you can be trusted or relied on
• 名誉;声望;名气:
 »She was a victim of character assassination (= an unfair attack on the good opinion people had of her).
 »a slur / attack on his character
 »My teacher agreed to be a character witness for me in court.
 »a character reference (= a letter that a person who knows you well writes to an employer to tell them about your good qualities)
›› IN BOOK / PLAY / MOVIE 书;戏剧;电影
8. [C] a person or an animal in a book, play or film / movie
• (书籍、戏剧或电影中的)人物,角色:
 »a major / minor character in the book
 »cartoon characters
›› SYMBOL / LETTER 符号;字母
9. [C] a letter, sign, mark or symbol used in writing, printing or on computers
• (书写、印刷或计算机上的)文字,字母,符号:
 »Chinese characters
 »a line 30 characters long
  长达 30 字符的一行
ˌin 'character | ˌout of 'character
• typical / not typical of a person's character
• 符合(或不符合)某人的性格:
 »Her behaviour last night was completely out of character.

ˌin 'character (with sth)
• in the same style as sth
• (与…)风格相同:
 »The new wing of the museum was not really in character with the rest of the building.

bark / bɑ:k; NAmE bɑ:rk /
noun [U, C]
1. the outer covering of a tree
• 树皮
2. the short loud sound made by dogs and some other animals
• (狗等的)吠声,嗥叫声
3. a short loud sound made by a gun or a voice
• 枪声;短促响亮的人声:
 »a bark of laughter
sb's bark is worse than their bite
• (informal) used to say that sb is not really as angry or as aggressive as they sound
• 嘴硬心软;说话强硬,其实并不伤人;貌似凶狠
1. [V] ~ (at sb / sth) when a dog barks, it makes a short loud sound
• (狗)吠叫:
 »The dog suddenly started barking at us.
2. ~ (out) sth to give orders, ask questions, etc. in a loud, unfriendly way
• 厉声发令;厉声质问:
▪ [VN]
 »She barked out an order.
 »He barked questions at her.
▪ [also V speech]
3. (especially BrE) to rub the skin off your knee, etc. by falling or by knocking against sth
• 擦破(或蹭掉)…的皮
【SYN】 graze
be barking up the wrong 'tree
•(informal) to have the wrong idea about how to get or achieve sth
• 把方法搞错(或想偏);走错路线:
 »You're barking up the wrong tree if you're expecting us to lend you any money.
--› more at dog n.
racial / ˈreiʃl /
1. [only before noun] happening or existing between people of different races
• 种族的;种族间的:
 »racial hatred / prejudice / tension / violence
 »racial equality
 »They have pledged to end racial discrimination in areas such as employment.
2. [usually before noun] connected with a person's race
• 人种的;种族的:
 »racial minorities
 »a person's racial origin
racially / -ʃəli / adv.:
 »The attacks were not racially motivated.
 »racially mixed schools
gentle / ˈdʒentl /
adj. (gentler / ˈdʒentlə(r) / gentlest / ˈdʒentlist / )
1. calm and kind; doing things in a quiet and careful way
• 文静的;慈祥的;温柔的;小心的:
 »a quiet and gentle man
 »a gentle voice / laugh / touch
 »She was the gentlest of nurses.
 »He lived in a gentler age than ours.
 »Be gentle with her!
 »She agreed to come, after a little gentle persuasion.
 »He looks scary but he's really a gentle giant.
2. (of weather, temperature, etc. 天气、温度等) not strong or extreme
• 温和的;徐缓的:
 »a gentle breeze
 »the gentle swell of the sea
 »Cook over a gentle heat.
3. having only a small effect; not strong or violent
• 平和的;柔和的:
 »We went for a gentle stroll.
 »a little gentle exercise
 »This soap is very gentle on the hands.
4. not steep or sharp
• 平缓的:
 »a gentle slope / curve / angle
--› see also gently
gentleness / ˈdʒentlnəs / noun [U]
embarrass / imˈbærəs /
verb [VN]
1. to make sb feel shy, awkward or ashamed, especially in a social situation
• (尤指在社交场合)使窘迫,使尴尬:
▪ [VN]
 »Her questions about my private life embarrassed me.
 »I didn't want to embarrass him by kissing him in front of his friends.
▪ [VN to inf]
 »It embarrassed her to meet strange men in the corridor at night.
2. to cause problems or difficulties for sb
• 使困惑;使为难;使陷入困境:
 »The speech was deliberately designed to embarrass the prime minister.
backwards / ˈbækwədz; NAmE -wərdz / (also backward especially in NAmE)
1. towards a place or position that is behind
• 向后:
 »I lost my balance and fell backwards.
 »He took a step backwards.
【OPP】 forward
2. in the opposite direction to the usual one
• 朝反方向;倒着:
 »'Ambulance' is written backwards so you can read it in the mirror.
  * ambulance 是倒着写的,以便在镜中认读。
 »In the movie they take a journey backwards through time.
3. towards a worse state
• 每况愈下地:
 »I felt that going to live with my parents would be a step backwards.
【OPP】 forward
4. (NAmE) = back to front at back n.
ˌbackward(s) and 'forward(s)

• from six place or position to another and back again many times
• 来来回回:
 »She rocked backwards and forwards on her chair.
bend / lean over 'backwards (to do sth)
• to make a great effort, especially in order to be helpful or fair
• 尽力;竭力:
 »I've bent over backwards to help him.
--› more at know v.
conclusion / kənˈklu:ʒn /
1. [C] something that you decide when you have thought about all the information connected with the situation
• 结论;推论:
 »I've come to the conclusion that he's not the right person for the job.
 »It took the jury some time to reach the conclusion that she was guilty.
 »New evidence might lead to the conclusion that we are wrong.
 »We can safely draw some conclusions from our discussion.
2. [C, usually sing.] the end of sth such as a speech or a piece of writing
• 结束;结果;结尾;结局:
 »The conclusion of the book was disappointing.
 »In conclusion, (= finally) I would like to thank...
 »If we took this argument to its logical conclusion...
3. [U] the formal and final arrangement of sth official
• 签订;达成;缔结
【SYN】 completion :
 »the successful conclusion of a trade treaty
jump / leap to con'clusions | jump / leap to the con'clusion that...
• to make a decision about sb / sth too quickly, before you know or have thought about all the facts
• 匆忙下结论;贸然断定:
 »There I go again—jumping to conclusions.
--› more at foregone
custom / ˈkʌstəm /
noun --› see also customs
1. [C, U] ~ (of doing sth) an accepted way of behaving or of doing things in a society or a community
• 风俗;习俗:
 »an old / ancient custom
 »the custom of giving presents at Christmas
 »It's a local custom.
 »It is the custom in that country for women to marry young.
2. [sing.] (formal or literary) the way a person always behaves
• (个人的)习惯,习性,惯常行为
【SYN】 habit , practice :
 »It was her custom to rise early.
 »As was his custom, he knocked three times.
3. [U] (BrE, formal) (also business NAmE, BrE) the fact of a person or people buying goods or services at a shop / store or business
• (顾客对商店的)惠顾,光顾:
 »Thank you for your custom. Please call again.
 »We've lost a lot of custom since prices went up.
[only before noun] (especially NAmE) = custom-built , custom-made :
 »a custom motorcycle
interrupt / ˌintəˈrʌpt /
1. ~ (sb / sth) (with sth) to say or do sth that makes sb stop what they are saying or doing
• 插嘴;打扰;打岔:
▪ [V]
 »Sorry to interrupt, but there's someone to see you.
 »Would you mind not interrupting all the time?
▪ [VN]
 »I hope I'm not interrupting you.
 »They were interrupted by a knock at the door.
▪ [also V speech , VN speech]
2. [VN] to stop sth for a short time
• 使暂停;使中断:
 »The game was interrupted several times by rain.
 »We interrupt this programme to bring you an important news bulletin.
3. [VN] to stop a line, surface, view, etc. from being even or continuous
• 阻断,遮挡(连续线条、平面、景色等)
mistaken / miˈsteikən /
1. [not usually before noun] ~ (about sb / sth) wrong in your opinion or judgement
• 错误;不正确:
 »You are completely mistaken about Jane.
 »Unless I'm very much mistaken, that's Paul's wife over there.
2. based on a wrong opinion or bad judgement
• 判断错误的;被误解的
【SYN】 misguided :
 »mistaken views / ideas
 »I told her my secret in the mistaken belief that I could trust her.
mistakenly adv.:
 »He mistakenly believed that his family would stand by him.
ought to / ˈɔ:t tə before vowels and finally ˈɔ:t tu /
modal verb (negative ought not to, short form especially BrE oughtn't to)
1. used to say what is the right thing to do
• 应该;应当:
 »They ought to apologize.
 »'Ought I to write to say thank you?' 'Yes, I think you ought (to).'
  "我应该写信致谢吗?" "对,我觉得你应该。"
 »They ought to have apologized (= but they didn't).
 »Such things ought not to be allowed.
 »He oughtn't to have been driving so fast.
--› note at should
2. used to say what you expect or would like to happen
• (表示期望或可能发生的事)应该:
 »Children ought to be able to read by the age of 7.
  儿童 7 岁时应该识字了。
 »Nurses ought to earn more.
3. used to say what you advise or recommend
• (表示劝告或建议)应该:
 »We ought to be leaving now.
 »This is delicious. You ought to try some.
 »You ought to have come to the meeting. It was interesting.
4. used to say what has probably happened or is probably true
• (表示可能发生的或真实的事情)应该:
 »If he started out at nine, he ought to be here by now.
 »That ought to be enough food for the four of us.
 »Oughtn't the water to have boiled by now?
--› note at modal
differ / ˈdifə(r) /
verb [V]
1. A and B ~ (from each other) | A ~s from B to be different from sb / sth
• 相异;有区别;不同于:
 »They hold differing views.
 »French differs from English in this respect.
 »French and English differ in this respect.
 »Ideas on childcare may differ considerably between the parents.
2. ~ (with sb) (about / on / over sth) to disagree with sb
• 意见相左;持不同看法;不同意:
 »I have to differ with you on that.
 »Medical opinion differs as to how to treat the disease.
--› see agree , beg
alphabet / ˈælfəbet /
• a set of letters or symbols in a fixed order used for writing a language
• (一种语言的)字母表,全部字母
【ORIGIN】From alpha and beta, the first ten letters of the Greek alphabet.
• 源自希腊字母表的头两个字母 alpha 和 beta。

deed / di:d /
1. (formal, literary) a thing that sb does that is usually very good or very bad
• 行为;行动
【SYN】 act :
 »a brave / charitable / evil / good deed
 »a tale of heroic deeds
--› note at action
2. (often plural in British English 在英国英语中常用复数) a legal document that you sign, especially one that proves that you own a house or a building
• (尤指房产)契约,证书:
 »the deeds of the house
--› see also title deed
your good deed for the 'day
• a helpful, kind thing that you do
• (所做的)好事,善事
writing / ˈraitiŋ /
1. [U] the activity of writing, in contrast to reading, speaking, etc.
• 写;书写;写作:
 »Our son's having problems with his reading and writing (= at school).
 »a writing case (= containing paper, pens, etc.)
2. [U] the activity of writing books, articles, etc., especially as a job
• (专职)写作;著书立说:
 »Only later did she discover a talent for writing.
 »He is leaving the band to concentrate on his writing.
 »creative writing
 »feminist / travel, etc. writing
--› see also songwriting
3. [U] books, articles, etc. in general
• 着作;文字作品;文章:
 »The review is a brilliant piece of writing.
4. writings [pl.] a group of pieces of writing, especially by a particular person or on a particular subject
• (某作家或专题的)着作,作品:
 »His experiences in India influenced his later writings.
 »the writings of Hegel
5. [U] words that have been written or painted on sth
• (书写或印刷的)文字:
 »There was writing all over the desk.
6. [U] the particular way in which sb forms letters when they write
• 笔迹;字迹;书法
【SYN】 handwriting :
 »Who's this from? I don't recognize the writing.
in 'writing
• in the form of a letter, document, etc. (that gives proof of sth)
• 以书面形式(作为凭证):
 »All telephone reservations must be confirmed in writing.
 »Could you put your complaint in writing ?
 »You must get it in writing.
the ˌwriting is on the 'wall | see the ˌwriting on the 'wall
• (NAmE also the ˌhandwriting on the 'wall) (saying) used when you are describing a situation in which there are signs that sth is going to have problems or that it is going to be a failure
• (看出)厄运临头的预兆,不祥之兆:
 »It is amazing that not one of them saw the writing on the wall.
【ORIGIN】From the Bible story in which strange writing appeared on a wall during a feast given by King Belshazzar, predicting Belshazzar's death and the fall of his city.
• 源自《圣经》故事,伯沙撒国王大摆宴席时,墙上出现了奇怪的字迹,预言伯沙撒的死亡及其王国的覆灭。

hunt / hʌnt /
1. to chase wild animals or birds in order to catch or kill them for food, sport or to make money
• 打猎;猎取;猎杀:
▪ [V]
 »Lions sometimes hunt alone.
▪ [VN]
 »Whales are still being hunted and killed in the Arctic.

2. [V] ~ (for sth) to look for sth that is difficult to find
• 搜寻;搜索
【SYN】 search :
 »I've hunted everywhere but I can't find it.
 »She is still hunting for a new job.
3. ~ (for) sb to look for sb in order to catch them or harm them
• 追踪;追捕:
▪ [VN]
 »Police are hunting an escaped criminal.
▪ [V]
 »Detectives are hunting for thieves who broke into a warehouse yesterday.
4. [V VN] (in Britain) to chase and kill foxes as a sport, riding horses and using dogs
• (英国)猎狐运动
ˌhunt sb∽'down
• to search for sb until you catch or find them, especially in order to punish or harm them
• 追捕,缉捕(某人)

ˌhunt sth∽'down / 'out
• to search for sth until you find it
• 搜寻,寻找(某物)

1. [C, usually sing.] ~ (for sb / sth) an act of looking for sb / sth that is difficult to find
• 搜寻;搜索;寻找:
 »The hunt is on for a suitable candidate.
 »Hundreds have joined a police hunt for the missing teenager.
 »a murder hunt (= to find the person who has killed sb)
--› see also treasure hunt , witch-hunt
2. [C] (often in compounds 常构成复合词) an act of chasing wild animals to kill or capture them
• 打猎:
 »a tiger hunt
3. [C] (in Britain) an event at which people ride horses and hunt foxes as a sport
• (英国)猎狐活动:
 »There will be a hunt on Boxing Day.
 »a hunt meeting
4. [C + sing. / pl. v.] (in Britain) a group of people who regularly hunt foxes as a sport
• (英国经常举行猎狐运动的)猎狐队伍:
 »There are several different hunts in the area.
appearance / əˈpiərəns; NAmE əˈpir- /
1. [C, U] the way that sb / sth looks on the outside; what sb / sth seems to be
• 外貌;外观;外表:
 »the physical / outward / external appearance of sth
 »She had never been greatly concerned about her appearance.
 »The dog was similar in general appearance to a spaniel.
 »He gave every appearance of (= seemed very much to be) enjoying himself.
 »Judging by appearances can be misleading.
 »To all appearances (= as far as people could tell) he was dead.
 »When she lost all her money, she was determined to keep up appearances (= hide the true situation and pretend that everything was going well).
2. [C, usually sing.] the fact of sb / sth arriving, especially when it is not expected
• (尤指突然的)抵达,到来:
 »The sudden appearance of a security guard caused them to drop the money and run.
 »I don't want to go to the party, but I suppose I'd better put in an appearance (= go there for a short time).
3. [C, usually sing.] the moment at which sth begins to exist or starts to be seen or used
• 起源;出现;首次使用:
 »the early appearance of daffodils in spring
 »the appearance of organic vegetables in the supermarkets
4. [C] an act of appearing in public, especially as a performer, politician, etc., or in court
• 公开露面;演出;出庭:
 »The Dutch player will make his first appearance for Liverpool this Saturday.
 »The singer's first public appearance was at the age of eight.
 »the defendant's appearance in court
5. [C, usually sing.] an act of being published or broadcast
• 出版;广播:
 »the appearance of claims about the minister's private life in the press
represent / ˌrepriˈzent /
›› ACT / SPEAK FOR SB 为某人做/说
1. [VN] [often passive] to be a member of a group of people and act or speak on their behalf at an event, a meeting, etc.
• 代表:
 »The competition attracted over 500 contestants representing 8 different countries.
  这次比赛吸引了代表 8 个不同国家的 500 多名参赛者。
 »Local businesses are well represented on the committee (= there are a lot of people from them on the committee).
 »The President was represented at the ceremony by the Vice-President.
2. [VN] to act or speak officially for sb and defend their interests
• 作为…的代言人;维护…的利益:
 »The union represents over 200 000 teachers.
  工会代表着 20 余万名教师的利益。
 »The association was formed to represent the interests of women artists.
 »Ms Dale is representing the defendant (= is his / her lawyer) in the case.
3. linking verb
[V-N] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to be sth
• 等于;相当于;意味着
【SYN】 constitute :
 »This contract represents 20% of the company's annual revenue.
  这份合约相当于公司 20% 的年收入。
 »This decision represents a significant departure from previous policy.
4. [VN] [no passive] to be an example or expression of sth
• 成为…实例;成为典型;体现
【SYN】 be typical of :
 »a project representing all that is good in the community
 »Those comments do not represent the views of us all.
›› BE SYMBOL 成为象征
5. [VN] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to be a symbol of sth
• 作为…的象征;象征;代表
【SYN】 symbolize :
 »Each colour on the chart represents a different department.
 »Wind direction is represented by arrows.
6. ~ sb / sth (as sb / sth) to show sb / sth, especially in a picture
• 展示;描绘
【SYN】 depict :
▪ [VN]
 »The carvings represent a hunting scene.
 »The results are represented in fig.3 below.
  结果如下面的图 3 所示。
▪ [also VN -ing]
7. [VN] ~ sb (as sth) (formal) to present or describe sb / sth in a particular way, especially when this may not be fair
• (尤指不公平地)展现,描述,表现:
 »The king is represented as a villain in the play.
 »The risks were represented as negligible.
8. ~ sth (to sb) (formal) to make a formal statement to sb in authority to make your opinions known or to protest
• 正式提出(意见、抗议等):
▪ [VN]
 »They represented their concerns to the authorities.
▪ [also V that]
drawing / ˈdrɔ:iŋ /
1. [C] a picture made using a pencil or pen rather than paint
• 图画;素描画:
 »a pencil / charcoal drawing
 »a drawing of a yacht
 »He did / made a drawing of the old farmhouse.
--› note at picture
2. [U] the art or skill of making pictures, plans, etc. using a pen or pencil
• 绘画(艺术);制图(技巧):
 »I'm not very good at drawing.
 »technical drawing
3. (NAmE) = draw (1, 3)
simply / ˈsimpli /
1. used to emphasize how easy or basic sth is
• (强调简单)仅仅,只,不过
【SYN】 just :
 »Simply add hot water and stir.
 »The runway is simply a strip of grass.
 »Fame is often simply a matter of being in the right place at the right time.
 »You can enjoy all the water sports, or simply lie on the beach.
2. used to emphasize a statement
• (强调某说法)确实,简直
【SYN】 absolutely :
 »You simply must see the play.
 »The view is simply wonderful!
 »That is simply not true!
 »I haven't seen her for simply ages.
3. in a way that is easy to understand
• 简单地:
 »The book explains grammar simply and clearly.
 »Anyway, to put it simply, we still owe them £2 000.
  反正简单地说,我们还欠他们 2 000 英镑。
4. in a way that is natural and plain
• 简朴地;朴素地:
 »The rooms are simply furnished.
 »They live simply (= they do not spend much money).
5. used to introduce a summary or an explanation of sth that you have just said or done
• (引出概括或解释)不过,只是:
 »I don't want to be rude, it's simply that we have to be careful who we give this information to.
verb / kəmˈbain /
1. ~ (sth) (with sth) | ~ æ and ɑ (together) to come together to form a single thing or group; to join ten or more things or groups together to form a single one
• (使)结合,组合,联合,混合:
▪ [V]
 »Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water.
 »Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water.
 »Several factors had combined to ruin our plans.
▪ [VN]
 »Combine all the ingredients in a bowl.
 »Combine the eggs with a little flour.
 »The German team scored a combined total of 652 points.
  德国队综合得分为 652 分。
2. [VN] ~ A and / with B to have ten or more different features or characteristics; to put ten or more different things, features or qualities together
• 兼有;兼备;使融合(或并存):
 »The hotel combines comfort with convenience.
 »This model combines a telephone and fax machine.
 »a kitchen and dining-room combined
 »We are still looking for someone who combines all the necessary qualities.
 »They have successfully combined the old with the new in this room.
3. [VN] ~ A and / with B to do ten or more things at the same time
• 同时做(两件或以上的事);兼做;兼办:
 »The trip will combine business with pleasure.
 »She has successfully combined a career and bringing up a family.
4. to come together in order to work or act together; to put ten things or groups together so that they work or act together
• 合并;协力:
▪ [V]
 »They combined against a common enemy.
▪ [VN]
 »the combined effects of the ten drugs
 »You should try to combine exercise with a healthy diet.
 »It took the combined efforts of both the press and the public to bring about a change in the law.
--› see force n.
noun / ˈkɔmbain; NAmE ˈkɑ:m- /
1. (BrE also ˌcombine 'harvester) a large farm machine which cuts a crop and separates the grains from the rest of the plant
• 联合收割机
2. a group of people or organizations acting together in business
• 集团;联合企业
distinguish / diˈstiŋɡwiʃ /
1. ~ (between) A and B | ~ A from B to recognize the difference between two people or things
• 区分;辨别;分清
【SYN】 differentiate :
▪ [V]
 »At what age are children able to distinguish between right and wrong?
▪ [VN]
 »It was hard to distinguish one twin from the other.
 »Sometimes reality and fantasy are hard to distinguish.
2. [VN] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) ~ A (from B) to be a characteristic that makes two people, animals or things different
• 成为…的特征;使具有…的特色;使有别于:
 »What was it that distinguished her from her classmates?
 »The male bird is distinguished from the female by its red beak.
 »Does your cat have any distinguishing marks?
3. [VN] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to be able to see or hear sth
• 看清;认出;听出
【SYN】 differentiate , make out :
 »I could not distinguish her words, but she sounded agitated.
--› note at identify
4. [VN] ~ yourself (as sth) to do sth so well that people notice and admire you
• 使出众;使著名;使受人青睐:
 »She has already distinguished herself as an athlete.
distinguishable / diˈstiŋɡwiʃəbl / adj. ~ (from sb / sth)
 »: The male bird is easily distinguishable from the female.
 »The coast was barely distinguishable in the mist.
indicate / ˈindikeit /
›› SHOW 表明
1. to show that sth is true or exists
• 表明;标示;显示:
▪ [VN]
 »Record profits in the retail market indicate a boom in the economy.
▪ [V that]
 »Research indicates that eating habits are changing fast.
▪ [V]
 »Kingston-upon-Thames, as the name indicates, is situated on the banks of the Thames.
▪ [also V wh-]
2. to be a sign of sth; to show that sth is possible or likely
• 象征;暗示:
▪ [VN]
 »A red sky at night often indicates fine weather the next day.
▪ [V that]
 »Early results indicate that the government will be returned to power.
3. ~ sth (to sb) to mention sth, especially in an indirect way
• 暗示;间接提及;示意:
▪ [V (that)]
 »In his letter he indicated to us (that) he was willing to cooperate.
▪ [VN]
 »He indicated his willingness to cooperate.
▪ [also V wh-]
--› note at declare
›› POINT TO 指向
4. ~ sb / sth (to sb) to make sb notice sb / sth, especially by pointing or moving your head
• 指示;指出:
▪ [VN]
 »She took out a map and indicated the quickest route to us.
▪ [V wh-]
 »He indicated where the furniture was to go.
▪ [also V that]
5. [VN] to represent information without using words
• 显示(信息);标示:
 »The results are indicated in Table 2.
  结果列在表 2 中。
6. to give information in writing
• 写明;注出:
▪ [VN]
 »You are allowed 20kgs of baggage unless indicated otherwise on your ticket.
  除非票上另有注明,否则可携带行李为 20 公斤。
▪ [V wh-]
 »Please indicate clearly which colour you require.
7. (of an instrument for measuring things 测量器具) to show a particular measurement
• 显示(量度):
▪ [VN]
 »When the temperature gauge indicates 90°F or more, turn off the engine.
  当温度计显示 90 华氏度或以上时,关闭发动机。
▪ [also V wh-]
8. (BrE) to show that your vehicle is going to change direction, by using lights or your arm
• (用灯光或手臂)打行车转向信号
【SYN】 signal :
▪ [V]
 »Always indicate before moving into another lane.
▪ [VN]
 »He indicated left and then turned right.
▪ [also V (that)]
9. [VN] [usually passive] (formal) to be necessary or recommended
• 有必要;被建议:
 »A course of chemotherapy was indicated.
shortcoming / ˈʃɔ:tkʌmiŋ; NAme ˈʃɔ:rt- /
noun [usually pl.]
• a fault in sb's character, a plan, a system, etc.
• 缺点;短处
【SYN】 defect
ink / iŋk /
noun [U, C]
• coloured liquid for writing, drawing and printing
• 墨水;墨汁;油墨:
 »written in ink
 »a pen and ink drawing
 »different coloured inks
--› see also inky
verb [VN]
1. to cover sth with ink so that it can be used for printing
• 给…上油墨(以供印刷)
2. (NAmE, informal) to sign a document, especially a contract
• 签署,签订(合同等):
 »The group has just inked a $10 million deal.
  这个集团刚刚签订了一份 1 000 万元的协议。
ˌink sth∽'in
• to write or draw in ink over sth that has already been written or drawn in pencil
• 给(铅笔画或底线)上墨;用墨水加描: (figurative)

 »The date for the presentation should have been inked in (= made definite) by now.
eyesight / ˈaisait /
noun [U]
• the ability to see
• 视力;目力:
 »to have good / bad / poor eyesight
 »an eyesight test
press / pres /
1. (often the Press) [sing. + sing. / pl. v.] newspapers and magazines
• 报章杂志;报刊;印刷媒体:
 »the local / national / foreign press
 »the popular / tabloid press (= smaller newspapers with a lot of pictures and stories of famous people)
 »The story was reported in the press and on television.
 »the music / sporting press (= newspapers and magazines about music / sport)
 »Unlike the American, the British press operates on a national scale.
 »the freedom of the Press / press freedom (= the freedom to report any events and express opinions)
 »The event is bound to attract wide press coverage (= it will be written about in many newspapers).
--› see also gutter press
2. the press the Press [sing. + sing. / pl. v.] the journalists and photographers who work for newspapers and magazines
• 记者;新闻工作者;新闻界:
 »The Press was / were not allowed to attend the trial.
3. [sing., U] the type or amount of reports that newspapers write about sb / sth
• 报道;评论:
 »The airline has had a bad press recently (= journalists have written unpleasant things about it).
4. [C, U] a machine for printing books, newspapers, etc.; the process of printing them
• 印刷机;印刷:
 »We were able to watch the books rolling off the presses.
 »These prices are correct at the time of going to press.
 »a story that is hot off the press (= has just appeared in the newspapers)
--› see also printing press , stop press
5. [C] a business that prints and publishes books
• 出版社;印刷所:
 »Oxford University Press
6. [C] (especially in compounds 尤用于构成复合词) a piece of equipment that is used for creating pressure on things, to make them flat or to get liquid from them
• 压平机;压榨机;榨汁机:
 »a trouser press
 »a garlic press
7. [C, usually sing.] an act of pushing sth with your hand or with a tool that you are holding
• 挤压;推;按:
 »He gave the bell another press.
 »Those shirts need a press (= with an iron).
›› CROWD 群集
8. [sing.] a large number of people or things competing for space or movement
• 拥挤的人群(或大批事物)
【SYN】 throng :
 »the press of bodies all moving the same way
9. [C] (IrishE, ScotE) a large cupboard, usually with shelves, for holding clothes, books, etc.
• (分层)大壁橱,衣柜,书柜,碗柜
1. ~ (sth / sb / yourself) against sth | ~ sth to sth | ~ sth together to push sth closely and firmly against sth; to be pushed in this way
• (被)压,挤,推,施加压力:
▪ [VN]
 »She pressed her face against the window.
 »He pressed a handkerchief to his nose.
 »She pressed her lips together.
▪ [V]
 »His body was pressing against hers.
2. to push or squeeze part of a device, etc. in order to make it work
• 按,压(使启动):
▪ [VN]
 »to press a button / switch / key
▪ [VN-ADJ]
 »He pressed the lid firmly shut.
▪ [V , usually +adv. / prep.]
 »Press here to open.
 »She pressed down hard on the gas pedal.
3. [VN] ~ sth into / onto sth to put sth in a place by pushing it firmly
• 将…塞进;把…按入:
 »He pressed a coin into her hand and moved on.
4. [VN] to squeeze sb's hand or arm, especially as a sign of affection
• (深情地)紧握(某人的手或臂)
5. [V +adv. / prep.] (of people in a crowd 人群) to move in the direction mentioned by pushing
• (向…)拥挤,推搡着移动:
 »The photographers pressed around the royal visitors.
 »(figurative) A host of unwelcome thoughts were pressing in on him.
6. ~ sb (for sth) | ~ sb (into sth / into doing sth) to make strong efforts to persuade or force sb to do sth
• 催促;敦促;逼迫
【SYN】 push , urge :
▪ [VN]
 »If pressed, he will admit that he knew about the affair.
 »The bank is pressing us for repayment of the loan.
▪ [VN to inf]
 »They are pressing us to make a quick decision.
›› POINT / CLAIM / CASE 观点;要求;事情
7. [VN] to express or repeat sth with force
• 坚持;反复强调:
 »I don't want to press the point, but you do owe me $200.
  我不想老提这一点,但你确实欠我 200 元钱。
 »She is still pressing her claim for compensation.
 »They were determined to press their case at the highest level.
8. to make sth flat or smooth by using force or putting sth heavy on top
• 把…压平;压扁:
▪ [VN]
 »pressed flowers (= pressed between the pages of a book)
▪ [VN-ADJ]
 »Press the soil flat with the back of a spade.
9. [VN] to make clothes smooth using a hot iron
• 熨平;烫平
【SYN】 iron :
 »My suit needs pressing.
10. [VN] to squeeze the juice out of fruit or vegetables by using force or weight
• 把…榨汁;压榨
›› METAL 金属
11. [VN] to make sth from a material, using pressure
• 把…压成;压制:
 »to press a CD
 »The car bodies are pressed out of sheets of metal.
ˌpress (the) 'flesh
•(informal) (of a famous person or politician 名人或政治人物) to say hello to people by shaking hands
• 和群众握手致意

ˌpress sth 'home
• to get as much advantage as possible from a situation by attacking or arguing in a determined way
• 坚持不懈;争辩到底:
 »to press home an attack / an argument / a point
 »Simon saw she was hesitating and pressed home his advantage.

ˌpress sb / sth into 'service
• to use sb / sth for a purpose that they were not trained or intended for because there is nobody or nothing else available
• 姑且使用;临时凑合:
 »Every type of boat was pressed into service to rescue passengers from the sinking ferry.

--› more at button n., charge n., panic button
ˌpress a'head / 'on (with sth)
• to continue doing sth in a determined way; to hurry forward
• 坚决继续进行;匆忙前进;加紧:
 »The company is pressing ahead with its plans for a new warehouse.
 »'Shall we stay here for the night?' 'No, let's press on.'
  "我们今晚在这里住下好吗?" "不,咱们继续走。"

'press for sth
• to keep asking for sth
• 不断要求
【SYN】 demand , push for :
 »They continued to press for a change in the law.
'press sth on sb
• to try to make sb accept sth, especially food or drink, although they may not want it
• 勉强某人接受;促某人吃(或喝):
 »She kept pressing cake on us.
wire / ˈwaiə(r) /
1. [U, C] metal in the form of thin thread; a piece of this
• 金属丝;金属线;一段金属丝(或线):
 »a coil of copper wire
 »a wire basket
 »The box was fastened with a rusty wire.
--› see also barbed wire , high wire , tripwire
2. [C, U] a piece of wire that is used to carry an electric current or signal
• 电线;导线:
 »overhead wires
 »fuse wire
 »The telephone wires had been cut.
--› see also hot-wire
3. the wire [sing.] a wire fence
• 金属丝编制的栏栅;铁丝网:
 »Three prisoners escaped by crawling under the wire.
4. [C] (informal, especially NAmE) = telegram :
 »We sent a wire asking him to join us.
--› see also wiry
get your 'wires crossed
•(informal) to become confused about what sb has said to you so that you think they meant sth else
• 误会(别人的意思)
go, come, etc. (right) down to the 'wire
• (informal) if you say that a situation goes down to the wire, you mean that the result will not be decided or known until the very end
• 直到最后才见分晓
--› more at live ², pull v.
1. [VN] ~ sth (up) to connect a building, piece of equipment, etc. to an electricity supply using wires
• 用导线给(建筑物、设备等)接通电源:
 »Make sure the plug is wired up correctly.
2. [VN] ~ sb / sth up (to sth) | ~ sb / sth to sth to connect sb / sth to a piece of equipment, especially a tape recorder or computer system
• 将…连接到(磁带录音机、计算机等设备):
 »He was wired up to a police tape recorder.
3. [VN] ~ sth (for sth) to put a special device somewhere in order to listen secretly to other people's conversations
• 给…安装窃听器
【SYN】 bug :
 »The room had been wired for sound.
4. ~ (sth) (to sb) | ~ sb (sth) (especially NAmE) to send sb a message by telegram
• 给(某人)打电报
▪ [VN VNN]
 »He wired the news to us.
 »He wired us the news.
5. ~ sth (to sb) | ~ sb sth to send money from one bank to another using an electronic system
• 给(某人)电汇
▪ [VN VNN]
 »The bank wired the money to her.
 »The bank wired her the money.
6. [VN] to join things together using wire
• 用金属丝把…连在一起
convenient / kənˈvi:niənt /
1. ~ (for sb / sth) useful, easy or quick to do; not causing problems
• 实用的;便利的;方便的;省事的:
 »It is very convenient to pay by credit card.
 »You'll find these meals quick and convenient to prepare.
 »Fruit is a convenient source of vitamins and energy.
 »A bicycle is often more convenient than a car in towns.
 »I can't see him now—it isn't convenient.
 »I'll call back at a more convenient time.
 »(disapproving) He used his wife's birthday as a convenient excuse for not going to the meeting.
2. ~ (for sth) near to a particular place; easy to get to
• 附近的;近便的;容易到达的:
 »The house is very convenient for several schools.
【OPP】 inconvenient
conveniently adv.:
 »The report can be conveniently divided into seven main sections.
 »The hotel is conveniently situated close to the beach.
 »She conveniently forgot to mention that her husband would be at the party, too (= because it suited her not to say).
battle / ˈbætl /
1. [C, U] a fight between armies, ships or planes, especially during a war; a violent fight between groups of people
• 战役;战斗;搏斗:
 »the battle of Waterloo
 »to be killed in battle
 »a gun battle
--› see also pitched battle
2. [C] ~ (with sb) (for sth) a competition, an argument or a struggle between people or groups of people trying to win power or control
• 较量;争论;斗争:
 »a legal battle for compensation
 »a battle with an insurance company
 »a battle of wits (= when each side uses their ability to think quickly to try to win)
 »a battle of wills (= when each side is very determined to win)
--› note at campaign
3. [C, usually sing.] ~ (against / for sth) a determined effort that sb makes to solve a difficult problem or succeed in a difficult situation
• 奋斗;斗争:
 »her long battle against cancer
 »to fight an uphill battle against prejudice
 »a battle for survival
the battle lines are 'drawn
• used to say that people or groups have shown which side they intend to support in an argument or contest that is going to begin
• 战线已经划清(指人或群体已表明打算支持争论或比赛哪一方)
do 'battle (with sb) (over sth)
• to fight or argue with sb
• (同某人就某事)进行斗争或辩论
half the 'battle
• the most important or difficult part of achieving sth
• (完成某事的)关键;最艰难的阶段
--› more at fight v., join v.
~ (with / against sb / sth) (for sth) to try very hard to achieve sth difficult or to deal with sth unpleasant or dangerous
• 搏斗;奋斗;斗争:
▪ [V]
 »She's still battling with a knee injury.
 »Both teams battled hard.
 »The ten leaders are battling for control of the government.
 »I had to battle hard just to stay afloat.
▪ [VN]
 »The ten sides will battle it out in the final next week.
 »(NAmE) He battled cancer for five years.
pattern / ˈpætn; NAme -tərn /
1. the regular way in which sth happens or is done
• 模式;方式:
 »changing patterns of behaviour
 »an irregular sleeping pattern
 »The murders all seem to follow a (similar) pattern (= happen in the same way).
2. [usually sing.] an excellent example to copy
• 范例;典范;榜样;样板:
 »This system sets the pattern for others to follow.
3. a regular arrangement of lines, shapes, colours, etc. as a design on material, carpets, etc.
• 图案;花样;式样:
 »a pattern of diamonds and squares
 »a shirt with a floral pattern
4. a design, set of instructions or shape to cut around that you use in order to make sth
• 模型;底样;纸样:
 »a knitting pattern
 »She bought a dress pattern and some material.
5. a small piece of material, paper, etc. that helps you choose the design of sth
【SYN】 sample
• 样品;样本:
 »wallpaper patterns
verb [VN]
1. to form a regular arrangement of lines or shapes on sth
• 构成图案(或花样):
 »Frost patterned the window.
 »a landscape patterned by vineyards
2. (technical 术语) to cause a particular type of behaviour to develop
• 使形成,促成(某行为模式):
 »Adult behaviour is often patterned by childhood experiences.
'pattern sth on sth (BrE) (NAmE 'pattern sth after sth) [usually passive]
• to use sth as a model for sth; to copy sth
• 模仿;仿效:
 »a new approach patterned on Japanese ideas
drag / dræɡ /
verb (-gg-)
1. [VN , usually +adv. / prep.] to pull sb / sth along with effort and difficulty
• (使劲而吃力地)拖,拉,拽,扯:
 »I dragged the chair over to the window.
 »They dragged her from her bed.
--› note at pull
2. [+adv. / prep.] to move yourself slowly and with effort
• 缓慢而费力地移动(或行进):
▪ [VN]
 »I managed to drag myself out of bed.
▪ [V]
 »She always drags behind when we walk anywhere.
3. [VN +adv. / prep.] to persuade sb to come or go somewhere they do not really want to come or go to
• 生拉硬拽;劝人勉强来(或去):
 »I'm sorry to drag you all this way in the heat.
 »The party was so good I couldn't drag myself away.
›› OF TIME 时间
4. [V] (of time or an event 时间或活动) to pass very slowly
• 过得很慢;拖沓地进行:
 »Time dragged terribly.
 »The meeting really dragged.
--› see also drag on
5. to move, or make sth move, partly touching the ground
• (使)在地上拖着移动:
▪ [V]
 »This dress is too long—it drags on the ground when I walk.
▪ [VN]
 »He was dragging his coat in the mud.
6. [VN] ~ sth (for sb / sth) to search the bottom of a river, lake, etc. with nets or hooks
• 用网(或鈎)搜索(河或湖底):
 »They dragged the canal for the missing children.
›› COMPUTING 计算机技术
7. [VN +adv. / prep.] to move some text, an icon , etc. across the screen of a computer using the mouse
• (用鼠标)拖动
drag your 'feet / 'heels
• to be deliberately slow in doing sth or in making a decision
• 故意拖拉;故意延迟(作出决定)
--› more at bootstrap
ˌdrag 'by (of time 时间)
• to pass very slowly
• 过得很慢;拖沓地进行:
 »The last few weeks of the summer really dragged by.

ˌdrag sb∽'down
• to make sb feel weak or unhappy
• 使虚弱(或不愉快)

ˌdrag sb / sth∽'down (to sth)
• to bring sb / sth to a lower social or economic level, a lower standard of behaviour, etc.
• 使社会地位(或经济地位、行为标准等)下降:
 »If he fails, he'll drag us all down with him.

ˌdrag sth / sb 'into sth | ˌdrag sth / sb∽'in
1. to start to talk about sth / sb that has nothing to do with what is being discussed
• 把毫不相干的事插入谈论;毫无必要地扯到:
 »Do you have to drag politics into everything?

2. to try to get sb who is not connected with a situation involved in it
• 硬让毫无关系的人卷入;硬把…拉进去:
 »Don't drag the children into our argument.
ˌdrag 'on (disapproving)
• to go on for too long
• 拖得太久;持续太久:
 »The dispute has dragged on for months.

ˌdrag sth∽'out
• to make sth last longer than necessary
• 不必要地拖延;使持续过久
【SYN】 prolong
 »Let's not drag out this discussion; we need to reach a decision.
ˌdrag sth 'out of sb
• to make sb say sth they do not want to say
• 强迫某人说出;套某人的话:
 »We dragged a confession out of him.

ˌdrag sth∽'up
• to mention an unpleasant story, fact, etc. that people do not want to remember or talk about
• 提起(不愿回忆或谈论的事):
 »Why do you have to keep dragging up my divorce?

1. [sing.] (informal) a boring person or thing; sth that is annoying
• 令人厌烦的人;乏味无聊的事:
 »He's such a drag.
 »Walking's a drag—let's drive there.
 »Having to work late every day is a drag.
2. [sing.] a ~ on sb / sth (informal) a person or thing that makes progress difficult
• 累赘;拖累;绊脚石:
 »He came to be seen as a drag on his own party's prospects.
3. [C] (informal) an act of breathing in smoke from a cigarette, etc.
• 抽一口;吸一口
【SYN】 draw :
 »She took a long drag on her cigarette.
4. [U] (informal) clothes that are usually worn by the opposite sex (usually women's clothes worn by men)
• 异性服装(通常指男子穿的女装):
 »He performed in drag.
 »a drag queen (= a man who dresses in women's clothes, usually in order to entertain people)
5. [U] the force of the air that acts against the movement of an aircraft or other vehicle
• (作用于飞机或其他运载工具的)空气阻力
--› see also main drag
--› compare lift n. (5)
practical / ˈpræktikl /
1. connected with real situations rather than with ideas or theories
• 实际的;真实的;客观存在的:
 »to have gained practical experience of the work
 »practical advice / help / support
 »practical problems
 »There are some obvious practical applications of the research.
 »In practical terms, it means spending less.
 »From a practical point of view, it isn't a good place to live.
--› compare theoretical
2. (of an idea, a method or a course of action 想法、方法或行动) right or sensible; likely to be successful
• 切实可行的
【SYN】 workable :
 »It wouldn't be practical for us to go all that way just for the weekend.
【OPP】 impractical
›› USEFUL 有用
3. (of things 东西) useful or suitable
• 有用的;适用的:
 »a practical little car, ideal for the city
【OPP】 impractical
4. (of a person 人) sensible and realistic
• 明智的;实事求是的:
 »Let's be practical and work out the cost first.
【OPP】 impractical
5. (of a person 人) good at making or repairing things
• 心灵手巧的;善于制作(或修补)的
【SYN】 handy :
 »Bob's very practical. He does all the odd jobs around the house.
6. [only before noun] almost complete or total
• 几乎完全的;实际上的
【SYN】 virtual :
 »She married a practical stranger.
for (all) 'practical purposes
• used when you are stating what the reality of a situation is
• 事实上;其实:
 »There's still another two minutes of the game to go, but for practical purposes it's already over.
(BrE, informal) a lesson or an exam in science or technology in which students have to do or make things, not just read or write about them
• 实习课;实践课;实验考核
thus / ðʌs /
adv. (formal)
1. in this way; like this
• 以此方式;如此;这样:
 »Many scholars have argued thus.
 »The universities have expanded, thus allowing many more people the chance of higher education.
2. as a result of sth just mentioned
• 因此;从而;所以
【SYN】 hence , therefore :
 »He is the eldest son and thus heir to the title.
 »We do not own the building. Thus, it would be impossible for us to make any major changes to it.
--› see far adv.
typewriter / ˈtaipraitə(r) /
• a machine that produces writing similar to print. It has keys that you press to make metal letters or signs hit a piece of paper through a strip of cloth covered with ink.
• 打字机
--› see also typist
version / ˈvə:ʃn; -ʒn; NAme ˈvə:rʒn /
1. a form of sth that is slightly different from an earlier form or from other forms of the same thing
• 变体;变种;型式:
 »There are two versions of the game, a long one and a short one.
 »the latest version of the software package
 »the de luxe / luxury version
--› see also beta version
2. a description of an event from the position of a particular person or group of people
• (从不同角度的)说法,描述:
 »She gave us her version of what had happened that day.
 »Their versions of how the accident happened conflict.
--› note at report
3. a film / movie, play, piece of music, etc. that is based on a particular piece of work but is in a different form, style or language
• (电影、剧本、乐曲等的)版本,改编形式,改写本:
 »the film version of 'War and Peace'
 »The English version of the novel is due for publication next year.
--› see also Authorized Version , cover version