civilization (BrE also -isation) / ˌsivəlaiˈzeiʃn; NAmE -ləˈz- /
1. [U] a state of human society that is very developed and organized
• 文明:
 »the technology of modern civilization
 »The Victorians regarded the railways as bringing progress and civilization.
2. [U, C] a society, its culture and its way of life during a particular period of time or in a particular part of the world
• (特定时期和地区的)社会文明:
 »the civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome
 »diseases that are common in Western civilization
3. [U] all the people in the world and the societies they live in, considered as a whole
• 文明世界;文明社会:
 »Environmental damage threatens the whole of civilization.
4. [U] (often humorous) a place that offers you the comfortable way of life of a modern society
• 人类文明的生活:
 »It's good to be back in civilization after ten weeks in a tent!
lecture / ˈlektʃə(r) /
noun ~ (to sb) (on / about sth)
1. a talk that is given to a group of people to teach them about a particular subject, often as part of a university or college course
• (通常指大学里的)讲座,讲课,演讲:
 »to deliver / give a lecture to first-year students
 »to attend a series of lectures on Jane Austen
  听关于简 · 奥斯汀的系列讲座
 »a lecture room / hall
--› note at speech
2. a long angry talk that sb gives to six person or a group of people because they have done sth wrong
• (冗长的)教训,训斥,谴责:
 »I know I should stop smoking—don't give me a lecture about it.
1. [V] ~ (in / on sth) to give a talk or a series of talks to a group of people on a subject, especially as a way of teaching in a university or college
• (尤指在大学里)开讲座,讲授,讲课:
 »She lectures in Russian literature.
2. [VN] ~ sb (about / on sth) | ~ sb (about doing sth) to criticize sb or tell them how you think they should behave, especially when it is done in an annoying way
• (尤指恼人地)指责,训斥,告诫:
 »He's always lecturing me about the way I dress.
found / faund /
verb [VN]
1. to start sth, such as an organization or an institution, especially by providing money
• 创建,创办(组织或机构,尤指提供资金)
【SYN】 establish :
 »to found a club / company
 »Her family founded the college in 1895.
  她的家族于 1895 年创办了这所学院。
2. to be the first to start building and living in a town or country
• 建立,兴建(城镇或国家):
 »The town was founded by English settlers in 1790.
  这座城镇是英国移民于 1790 年建立的。
3. [usually passive] ~ sth (on sth) to base sth on sth
• 把…基于;把…建立在:
 »Their marriage was founded on love and mutual respect.
--› see also ill-founded , unfounded , well founded
4. (technical 术语) to melt metal and pour it into a mould ; to make objects using this process
• 熔铸;铸造
--› see also find v.
BC (BrE) (US B.C.) / ˌbi: ˈsi: /
• before Christ (used in the Christian calendar to show a particular number of years before the year when Christ is believed to have been born)
• 公元前(基督教会历法用):
 »in (the year) 2000 BC
  在公元前 2000 年
 »the third century BC
--› compare AD , AH , BCE , CE
Roman / ˈrəumən; NAme ˈrou- /
1. connected with ancient Rome or the Roman Empire
• 古罗马的;古罗马帝国的:
 »a Roman road / temple / villa
 »Roman Britain
2. connected with the modern city of Rome
• 罗马的;罗马城的
3. connected with the Roman Catholic Church
• 天主教的
4. roman roman type is ordinary printing type which does not lean forward
• 罗马体的;西文白正体的:
 »Definitions in this dictionary are printed in roman type.
--› compare italic
1. [C] a member of the ancient Roman republic or empire
• 古罗马人
2. [C] a person from the modern city of Rome
• (现代的)罗马人,罗马市民
3. roman [U] the ordinary style of printing that uses small letters that do not lean forward
• 罗马体;西文白正体
--› compare italics
--› see Rome
volcano / vɔlˈkeinəu; NAme vɑ:lˈkeinou /
noun (pl. -oes or -os)
• a mountain with a large opening at the top through which gases and lava (= hot liquid rock) are forced out into the air, or have been in the past
• 火山:
 »An active volcano may erupt at any time.
 »a dormant volcano (= six that is not active at present)
 »an extinct volcano (= six that is no longer active)
ad / æd /
(informal) = advertisement :
 »We put an ad in the local paper.
 »an ad for a new chocolate bar
--› see also banner ad
AD (BrE) (NAmE A.D.) / ˌei ˈdi: /
• used in the Christian calendar to show a particular number of years since the year when Christ was believed to have been born (from Latin 'Anno Domini')
• 公元(源自拉丁语 Anno Domini):
 »in (the year) AD 55
  公元 55 年
 »in 55 AD
  公元 55 年
 »in the fifth century AD
--› compare AH , BC , BCE , CE
erupt / iˈrʌpt /
1. when a volcano erupts or burning rocks, smoke, etc. erupt or are erupted, the burning rocks, etc. are thrown out from the volcano
• (火山)爆发;(岩浆、烟等)喷出:
▪ [V]
 »The volcano could erupt at any time.
 »Ash began to erupt from the crater.
▪ [VN]
 »An immense volume of rocks and molten lava was erupted.
--› note at explode
2. [V] ~ (into sth) to start happening, suddenly and violently
• 突然发生;爆发  SYN  break out :
 »Violence erupted outside the embassy gates.
 »The unrest erupted into revolution.
3. ~ (in / into sth) to suddenly express your feelings very strongly, especially by shouting loudly
• 突然发出(尤指叫喊):
▪ [V]
 »My father just erupted into fury.
 »When Davis scored for the third time the crowd erupted.
▪ [also V speech]
4. [V] (of spots, etc. 斑点等) to suddenly appear on your skin
• 突然(在皮肤上)出现:
 »A rash had erupted all over his chest.
eruption / iˈrʌpʃn / noun [C, U] :
 »a major volcanic eruption
 »an eruption of violent protest
 »skin rashes and eruptions
lava / ˈlɑ:və /
noun [U]
1. hot liquid rock that comes out of a volcano
• (火山喷出的)熔岩,岩浆:
 »molten lava
2. this type of rock when it has cooled and become hard
• 火山岩
ASH / æʃ /
• Action on Smoking and Health (an organization in the UK that tries to make people stop smoking by showing how dangerous it is)
• 吸烟与健康行动组织,英国控烟组织(通过说明吸烟的危害性倡导戒烟)
ash / æʃ /
1. [U] the grey or black powder that is left after sth, especially tobacco , wood or coal, has burnt
• 灰;灰烬:
 »cigarette ash
 »black volcanic ash
2. ashes [pl.] what is left after sth has been destroyed by burning
• 灰烬;废墟:
 »The town was reduced to ashes in the fighting.
 »the glowing ashes of the campfire
 »(figurative) The party had risen, like a phoenix, from the ashes of electoral disaster.
3. ashes [pl.] the powder that is left after a dead person's body has been cremated (= burned)
• 骨灰:
 »She wanted her ashes to be scattered at sea.
4. [C, U] (also 'ash tree) a forest tree with grey bark
• 梣;白蜡树
--› see also mountain ash
5. [U] the hard pale wood of the ash tree
• 梣木
6. (technical 术语) the letter æ, used in Old English, and as a phonetic symbol to represent the vowel sound in cat
• *æ (古英语的一个字母,也为音标,表示如 cat 一词中的元音)
--› see sackcloth
pour / pɔ:(r) /
1. [VN , usually +adv. / prep.] to make a liquid or other substance flow from a container in a continuous stream, especially by holding the container at an angle
• 使(液体)连续流出;倾倒;倒出:
 »Pour the sauce over the pasta.
 »Although I poured it carefully, I still managed to spill some.
2. [V +adv. / prep.] (of liquid, smoke, light, etc. 液体、烟、光等) to flow quickly in a continuous stream
• 涌流;倾泻;喷发:
 »Tears poured down his cheeks.
 »Thick black smoke was pouring out of the roof.
3. ~ (sth) (out) to serve a drink by letting it flow from a container into a cup or glass
• 倒,斟(饮料):
▪ [VN]
 »Will you pour the coffee?
 »I was in the kitchen, pouring out drinks.
▪ [VN VNN]
 »I've poured a cup of tea for you.
 »I've poured you a cup of tea.
▪ [V]
 »Shall I pour?
4. [V] when rain pours down or when it's pouring with rain, rain is falling heavily
• (雨)倾盆而下;下大雨:
 »The rain continued to pour down.
 »It's pouring outside.
 »It's pouring with rain.
5. [V +adv. / prep.] to come or go somewhere continuously in large numbers
• 不断涌向(或涌现)
【SYN】 flood :
 »Letters of complaint continue to pour in.
 »Commuters came pouring out of the station.
pour oil on troubled 'water(s)
• to try to settle a disagreement or argument
• 调解争端;排解纠纷
--› more at cold adj., heart , rain v., scorn n.
ˌpour sth 'into sth
• to provide a large amount of money for sth
• 向…投入大量金钱;大量投资于:
 »The government has poured millions into the education system.

ˌpour 'out
• when feelings or sb's words pour out they are expressed, usually after they have been kept hidden for some time
• (感情或说话)奔涌,迸发:
 »The whole story then came pouring out.

ˌpour sth∽'out
• to express your feelings or give an account of sth, especially after keeping them or it secret or hidden
• 毫无保留地表达感情(或思想等);表露无遗;畅所欲言:
 »She poured out her troubles to me over a cup of coffee.
--› related noun outpouring

unfortunate / ʌnˈfɔ:tʃənət; NAme -ˈfɔ:rtʃ- /
1. having bad luck; caused by bad luck
• 不幸的;倒霉的
【SYN】 unlucky :
 »He was unfortunate to lose in the final round.
 »It was an unfortunate accident.
【OPP】 fortunate
2. (formal) if you say that a situation is unfortunate, you wish that it had not happened or that it had been different
• 令人遗憾的;可惜的
【SYN】 regrettable :
 »She described the decision as 'unfortunate'.
 »It was unfortunate that he couldn't speak English.
 »You're putting me in a most unfortunate position.
3. embarrassing and / or offensive
• 令人尴尬的;不适当的;得罪人的:
 »It was an unfortunate choice of words.
• (literary) a person who does not have much luck, money, etc.
• 不幸的人:
 »one of life's unfortunates
MUD / mʌd /
(computing 计) a computer game played over the Internet by several players at the same time (the abbreviation for 'multi-user dungeon / dimension')
• 泥巴游戏,多用户网络游戏(全写为 multi-user dungeon / dimension)
mud / mʌd /
noun [U]
• wet earth that is soft and sticky
• 泥;淤泥;泥浆:
 »The car wheels got stuck in the mud.
 »Your boots are covered in mud.
 »mud bricks / huts (= made of dried mud)
--› note at soil
fling, sling, etc. 'mud (at sb)
• to criticize sb or accuse sb of bad or shocking things in order to damage their reputation, especially in politics
• (尤指政治上)故意抹黑,向…泼污水,污蔑
--› see also mud-slinging
ˌmud 'sticks
•(saying) people remember and believe the bad things they hear about other people, even if they are later shown to be false
• 恶事如泥巴,沾身洗不清;烂泥沾身洗不清

--› more at clear adj., name n.
decorate / ˈdekəreit /
1. [VN] ~ sth (with sth) to make sth look more attractive by putting things on it
• 装饰;装潢:
 »They decorated the room with flowers and balloons.
 »The cake was decorated to look like a car.
2. (especially BrE) to put paint, wallpaper , etc. on the walls and ceilings of a room or house
• 粉刷;油漆;糊墙纸:
▪ [V]
 »I hate decorating.
 »He has his own painting and decorating business.
▪ [VN]
 »We need to decorate the sitting room.
 »The sitting room needs decorating.
3. [VN] to be placed on sth in order to make it look more attractive
• 点缀;装点
【SYN】 adorn :
 »Photographs of actors decorated the walls of the restaurant.
4. [VN] [usually passive] ~ sb (for sth) to give sb a medal as a sign of respect for sth they have done
• 授给(某人)勳章(或奖章)
flee / fli: /
• (fled, fled / fled / ) əno passive] ~ (from) sb / sth | ~ (to... / into...) to leave a person or place very quickly, especially because you are afraid of possible danger
• 迅速离开;(尤指害怕有危险而)逃避,逃跑:
▪ [V]
 »a camp for refugees fleeing from the war
 »He fled to London after an argument with his family.
 »She burst into tears and fled.
▪ [VN]
 »He was caught trying to flee the country.
--› compare fly v. (13)
disaster / diˈzɑ:stə(r); NAmE -ˈzæs- /
1. [C] an unexpected event, such as a very bad accident, a flood or a fire, that kills a lot of people or causes a lot of damage
• 灾难;灾祸;灾害
【SYN】 catastrophe :
 »an air disaster
 »environmental disasters
 »Thousands died in the disaster.
 »a natural disaster (= six that is caused by nature)
2. [C, U] a very bad situation that causes problems
• 不幸;祸患:
 »Losing your job doesn't have to be such a disaster.
 »Disaster struck when the wheel came off.
 »financial disaster
 »Letting her organize the party is a recipe for disaster (= something that is likely to go badly wrong).
3. [C, U] (informal) a complete failure
• 彻底失败的人(或事):
 »As a teacher, he's a disaster.
 »The play's first night was a total disaster.
--› see wait v.
destroy / diˈstrɔi /
verb [VN]
1. to damage sth so badly that it no longer exists, works, etc.
• 摧毁;毁灭;破坏:
 »The building was completely destroyed by fire.
 »They've destroyed all the evidence.
 »Heat gradually destroys vitamin C.
  加热会逐渐破坏维生素 C。
 »You have destroyed my hopes of happiness.
 »Failure was slowly destroying him (= making him less and less confident and happy).
2. to kill an animal deliberately, usually because it is sick or not wanted
• (因动物有病或不再需要而)杀死,消灭,人道毁灭:
 »The injured horse had to be destroyed.
--› see also soul-destroying
【word family】
destroy v.
destroyer n.
destruction n.
destructive adj.
indestructible adj.

commercial / kəˈmə:ʃl; NAmE kəˈmə:rʃl /
1. [usually before noun] connected with the buying and selling of goods and services
• 贸易的;商业的:
 »the commercial heart of the city
 »a commercial vehicle (= one that is used for carrying goods or passengers who pay)
 »commercial baby foods
 »the first commercial flights across the Atlantic
--› note at economic
2. [only before noun] making or intended to make a profit
• 营利的;以获利为目的的:
 »The movie was not a commercial success (= did not make money).
--› note at successful
3. (disapproving) more concerned with profit and being popular than with quality
• 偏重利润和声望的;商业化的:
 »Their more recent music is far too commercial.
4. (of television or radio 电视或电台) paid for by the money charged for broadcasting advertisements
• 由广告收入支付的;商业性的:
 »a commercial radio station / TV channel
commercially / -ʃəli / adv.:
 »commercially produced / grown / developed
 »The product is not yet commercially available.
 »His invention was not commercially successful.
• an advertisement on the radio or on television
• (电台或电视播放的)广告
--› note at ad
wealthy / ˈwelθi /
adj. (wealthier, wealthiest)
1. having a lot of money, possessions, etc.
• 富有的;富裕的;富饶的
【SYN】 rich :
 »a wealthy nation
 »The couple are said to be fabulously wealthy.
 »They live in a wealthy suburb of Chicago.
--› note at rich
2. the wealthy noun [pl.] people who are rich
• 富人;有钱人;阔人
gradually / ˈɡrædʒuəli /
• slowly, over a long period of time
• 逐渐地;逐步地;渐进地:
 »The weather gradually improved.
 »Gradually, the children began to understand.
sandstorm / ˈsændstɔ:m; NAme -stɔ:rm /
• a storm in a desert in which sand is blown into the air by strong winds
• 沙暴
scholar / ˈskɔlə(r); NAme ˈskɑ:l- /
1. a person who knows a lot about a particular subject because they have studied it in detail
• 学者:
 »a classical scholar
 »He was the most distinguished scholar in his field.
2. a student who has been given a scholarship to study at a school, college or university
• 奖学金获得者:
 »a Rhodes scholar
3. (BrE, informal) a clever person who works hard at school
• 聪颖勤奋的学生:
 »I was never much of a scholar.
cultural / ˈkʌltʃərəl /
adj. [usually before noun]
1. connected with the culture of a particular society or group, its customs, beliefs, etc.
• 与文化有关的;文化的:
 »cultural differences between the ten communities
 »economic, social and cultural factors
2. connected with art, literature, music, etc.
• 与艺术、文学、音乐等有关的:
 »a cultural event
 »Europe's cultural heritage
 »The orchestra is very important for the cultural life of the city.
culturally / -rəli / adv.
institute / ˈinstitju:t; NAme -tu:t /
• an organization that has a particular purpose, especially six that is connected with education or a particular profession; the building used by this organization
• (教育、专业等)机构,机构建筑:
 »a research institute
 »the Institute of Chartered Accountants
 »institutes of higher education
verb [VN]
• (formal) to introduce a system, policy, etc. or start a process
• 建立,制订(体系、政策等);开始;实行:
 »to institute criminal proceedings against sb
 »The new management intends to institute a number of changes.
ruin / ˈru:in /
verb [VN]
1. to damage sth so badly that it loses all its value, pleasure, etc.; to spoil sth
• 毁坏;破坏;糟蹋
【SYN】 wreck :
 »The bad weather ruined our trip.
 »That six mistake ruined his chances of getting the job.
 »My new shoes got ruined in the mud.
2. to make sb / sth lose all their money, their position, etc.
• 使破产(或失去地位等);毁灭:
 »If she loses the court case it will ruin her.
 »The country was ruined by the war.
1. [U] the state or process of being destroyed or severely damaged
• 毁坏;破坏;毁灭:
 »A large number of churches fell into ruin after the revolution.
2. [U] the fact of having no money, of having lost your job, position, etc.
• 破产;一无所有;失去工作(或地位等):
 »The divorce ultimately led to his ruin.
 »The bank stepped in to save the company from financial ruin.
3. [sing.] something that causes a person, company, etc. to lose all their money, job, position, etc.
• 破产(或丢掉工作等)的根源;祸根
【SYN】 downfall :
 »Gambling was his ruin.
4. [C] (also ruins [pl.]) the parts of a building that remain after it has been destroyed or severely damaged
• 残垣断壁;废墟:
 »The old mill is now little more than a ruin.
 »We visited the ruins of a Norman castle.
 »(figurative) He was determined to build a new life out of the ruins of his career.
in 'ruins
• destroyed or severely damaged
• 毁坏;严重受损;破败不堪:
 »Years of fighting have left the area in ruins.
 »The scandal left his reputation in ruins.
--› more at rack n.
remains / riˈmeinz /
noun [pl.]
1. ~ (of sth) the parts of sth that are left after the other parts have been used, eaten, removed, etc.
• 剩余物;残留物;剩饭菜:
 »She fed the remains of her lunch to the dog.
2. the parts of ancient objects and buildings that have survived and are discovered in the present day
• 古代遗物;古迹;遗迹;遗址:
 »prehistoric remains
 »the remains of a Roman fort
3. (formal) the body of a dead person or animal
• 遗体;遗骸:
 »They had discovered human remains.
beneath / biˈni:θ /
prep. (formal)
1. in or to a lower position than sb / sth; under sb / sth
• 在(或往)…下面;在(或往)…下方:
 »They found the body buried beneath a pile of leaves.
 »The boat sank beneath the waves.
2. not good enough for sb
• (对某人来说)不够好:
 »He considers such jobs beneath him.
 »They thought she had married beneath her (= married a man of lower social status).
beneath adv.:
 »Her careful make-up hid the signs of age beneath.
pot / pɔt; NAme pɑ:t /
1. [C] a deep round container used for cooking things in
• 锅:
 »pots and pans
2. [C] (especially BrE) a container made of glass, clay or plastic, used for storing food in
• (盛食品的)罐,瓶,壶:
 »a pot of jam
 »a yogurt pot
3. [C] (especially in compounds 尤用于构成复合词) a container of various kinds, made for a particular purpose
• (某种用途的)容器:
 »a coffee pot
 »a pepper pot
 »a teapot
 »Is there any more tea in the pot?
--› see also chamber pot , chimney pot , flowerpot , lobster pot , melting pot , potted
4. [C] the amount contained in a pot
• 一罐,一瓶,一壶(的量):
 »They drank a pot of coffee.
5. [C] a bowl, etc. that is made by a potter
• 陶盆;陶罐;碗
6. the pot [sing.] (especially NAmE) the total amount of money that is bet in a card game
• (一局纸牌游戏的)赌注总额,全部赌注
7. the pot [sing.] (especially NAmE) all the money given by a group of people in order to do sth together, for example to buy food
• 凑集的资金;凑合的钱
--› see also kitty
›› DRUG 毒品
8. [U] (informal) = marijuana :
 »pot smoking
›› SHOT 发射
9. [C] = potshot :
 »He took a pot at the neighbour's cat with his air rifle.
10. [C] (in the game of billiards , pool or snooker 枱球、普尔或斯诺克) the act of hitting a ball into one of the pockets around the edge of the table
• 击球入袋
11. [C] (informal) = pot belly at pot-bellied
go to 'pot
•(informal) to be spoiled because people are not working hard or taking care of things
• 荒废;荒疏;疏懒
the pot calling the kettle 'black
• (saying, informal) used to say that you should not criticize sb for a fault that you have yourself
• 锅笑壶黑;五十步笑百步;乌鸦说猪黑
ˌpot 'luck
• when you take pot luck, you choose sth or go somewhere without knowing very much about it, but hope that it will be good, pleasant, etc.
• 碰运气;撞大运;随遇而安:
 »It's pot luck whether you get good advice or not.
 »You're welcome to stay to supper, but you'll have to take pot luck (= eat whatever is available).
--› see also potluck

'pots of money
(BrE, informal)
• a very large amount of money
• 大笔的金钱;巨额款项
--› more at gold n., melting pot , quart , watch v.
▪ [VN]
›› PLANT 植物
1. to put a plant into a flowerpot filled with soil
• 把…栽入盆中;种盆栽
2. (in the games of billiards , pool and snooker 枱球、普尔和斯诺克) to hit a ball into one of the pockets (= holes at the corners and edges of the table)
• 击(球)入袋
【SYN】 pocket :
 »He potted the black to take a 7–3 lead.
  他把黑球击入袋中,以 7:3 领先。
›› SHOOT 射击
3. to kill an animal or a bird by shooting it
• 射杀,射猎(飞禽或走兽)
--› see also potted (1)
material / məˈtiəriəl; NAme -ˈtir- /
1. [U, C] cloth used for making clothes, curtains, etc.
【SYN】 fabric
• 布料:
 »a piece of material
 »'What material is this dress made of?' 'Cotton.'
  "这件连衣裙是用什么料子做的?" "棉布。"
2. [C, U] a substance that things can be made from
• 材料;原料:
 »building materials (= bricks, sand, glass, etc.)
--› see also raw material
3. [C, usually pl., U] things that are needed in order to do a particular activity
• (某一活动所需的)材料:
 »teaching materials
 »The company produces its own training material.
 »(figurative) The teacher saw her as good university material (= good enough to go to university).
--› note at equipment
4. [U] information or ideas used in books, etc.
• 素材;用以创作的材料(或构想):
 »She's collecting material for her latest novel.
5. [U] items used in a performance
• 节目;曲目;剧目:
 »The band played all new material at the gig.
1. [only before noun] connected with money, possessions, etc. rather than with the needs of the mind or spirit
• 物质的,实际的(非精神需求的):
 »material comforts
 »changes in your material circumstances
【OPP】 spiritual
2. [only before noun] connected with the physical world rather than with the mind or spirit
• 物质的;客观存在的:
 »the material world
【OPP】 immaterial (1)
3. ~ (to sth) (formal or law 律) important and needing to be considered
• 重要的;必要的:
 »material evidence
 »She omitted information that was material to the case.
--› see also immaterial (1)
materially / -iəli / adv.:
 »Materially they are no better off.
 »Their comments have not materially affected our plans (= in a noticeable or important way).
noun / ˈdɔkjumənt; NAmE ˈdɑ:k- /
1. an official paper or book that gives information about sth, or that can be used as evidence or proof of sth
• 文件;公文;文献;证件:
 »legal documents
 »travel documents
 »Copies of the relevant documents must be filed at court.
 »One of the documents leaked to the press was a memorandum written by the head of the security police.
2. a computer file that contains text that has a name that identifies it
• (计算机)文档,文件:
 »Save the document before closing.
verb / ˈdɔkjument; NAmE ˈdɑ:k- /
▪ əʒŋ]
1. to record the details of sth
• 记录,记载(详情):
 »Causes of the disease have been well documented.
2. to prove or support sth with documents
• 用文件证明(或证实):
 »documented evidence
workshop / ˈwə:kʃɔp; NAme ˈwə:rkʃɑ:p /
1. a room or building in which things are made or repaired using tools or machinery
• 车间;工场;作坊
--› note at factory
2. a period of discussion and practical work on a particular subject, in which a group of people share their knowledge and experience
• 研讨会;讲习班:
 »a drama workshop
 »a poetry workshop
explode / ikˈspləud; NAmE ikˈsploud /
1. to burst or make sth burst loudly and violently, causing damage
• 爆炸;爆破;爆裂
【SYN】 blow up :
▪ [V]
 »Bombs were exploding all around the city.
▪ [VN]
 »There was a huge bang as if someone had exploded a rocket outside.
 »Bomb disposal experts exploded the device under controlled conditions.
--› compare implode (1)
2. ~ (into / with sth) (of a person or situation 人或形势) to suddenly become very angry or dangerous
• 勃然(大怒);大发(雷霆);突然发生(危险):
▪ [V]
 »Suddenly Charles exploded with rage.
 »The protest exploded into a riot.
▪ [V speech]
 »'Of course there's something wrong!' Jem exploded.
3. [V] ~ (into / with sth) to suddenly express an emotion
• 突然爆发,迸发(感情):
 »We all exploded into wild laughter.
4. [V] ~ (into sth) to suddenly and quickly do sth; to move suddenly with a lot of force
• 突然做起…来;突然活跃起来:
 »After ten minutes the game exploded into life.
5. [V] to make a sudden very loud noise
• 突然发出巨响:
 »Thunder exploded overhead.
6. [V] to increase suddenly and very quickly in number
• 突增;激增:
 »the exploding world population
7. [VN] to show that sth is not true, especially sth that people believe
• 推翻;驳倒;揭示;破除:
 »At last, a women's magazine to explode the myth that thin equals beautiful.
【word family】
explode v.
explosion n.
explosive n. adj.
unexploded adj.

nearby / ˌniəˈbai; NAme ˌnirˈbai /
adj. [usually before noun]
• near in position; not far away
• 附近的;邻近的:
 »Her mother lived in a nearby town.
 »There were complaints from nearby residents.
• a short distance from sb / sth; not far away
• 在附近;不远:
 »They live nearby.
 »The car is parked nearby.
extreme / ikˈstri:m /
1. [usually before noun] very great in degree
• 极度的;极大的:
 »We are working under extreme pressure at the moment.
 »people living in extreme poverty
 »The heat in the desert was extreme.
2. not ordinary or usual; serious or severe
• 异乎寻常的;严重的;严厉的:
 »Children will be removed from their parents only in extreme circumstances.
 »Don't go doing anything extreme like leaving the country.
 »It was the most extreme example of cruelty to animals I had ever seen.
 »extreme weather conditions
3. (of people, political organizations, opinions, etc. 人、政治组织、意见等) far from what most people consider to be normal, reasonable or acceptable
• 极端的;偏激的;过分的
【OPP】 moderate :
 »extreme left-wing / right-wing views
4. [only before noun] as far as possible from the centre, the beginning or in the direction mentioned
• 远离中心的;末端的;尽头的:
 »Kerry is in the extreme west of Ireland.
 »She sat on the extreme edge of her seat.
1. a feeling, situation, way of behaving, etc. that is as different as possible from another or is opposite to it
• 极端不同的感情(或境况、行为方式等);完全相反的事物:
 »extremes of love and hate
 »He used to be very shy, but now he's gone to the opposite extreme (= changed from six extreme kind of behaviour to another).
2. the greatest or highest degree of sth
• 极端;极度;极限:
 »extremes of cold, wind or rain
go, etc. to ex'tremes | take sth to ex'tremes
• to act or be forced to act in a way that is far from normal or reasonable
• 走极端;被迫采取极端行为:
 »It's embarrassing the extremes he'll go to in order to impress his boss.
 »Taken to extremes, this kind of behaviour can be dangerous.
in the ex'treme
•(formal) to a great degree
• 极度;极端;非常:
 »The journey would be dangerous in the extreme.
complain / kəmˈplein /
~ (to sb) (about / of sth) to say that you are annoyed, unhappy or not satisfied about sb / sth
• 抱怨;埋怨;发牢骚:
▪ [V]
 »I'm going to complain to the manager about this.
 »She never complains, but she's obviously exhausted.
 »The defendant complained of intimidation during the investigation.
 »(informal) 'How are you?' 'Oh, I can't complain (= I'm all right).'
  "你好吗?" "啊,没得抱怨的。"
▪ [V (that)]
 »He complained bitterly that he had been unfairly treated.
▪ [V speech]
 »'It's not fair,' she complained.
com'plain of sth
• to say that you feel ill / sick or are suffering from a pain
• 诉说(病情或痛苦):
 »She left early, complaining of a headache.
bone / bəun; NAmE boun /
1. [C] any of the hard parts that form the skeleton of the body of a human or an animal
• 骨头;骨:
 »He survived the accident with no broken bones.
 »This fish has a lot of bones in it.
2. [U] the hard substance that bones are made of
• 骨质:
 »knives with bone handles
3. -boned (in adjectives 构成形容词) having bones of the type mentioned
• 有…样的骨头的:
a bone of con'tention
• a subject which causes disagreement and arguments between people
• 争执所在
close to the 'bone
(BrE, informal) (of a remark, joke, story, etc. 话语、玩笑、故事等)
• so honest or clearly expressed that it is likely to cause offence to some people
• 过于直率
cut, pare, etc. sth to the 'bone
• to reduce sth, such as costs, as much as you possibly can
• 尽量削减(开支等)
have a 'bone to pick with sb
•(informal) to be angry with sb about sth and want to discuss it with them
• 对某人生气,想与之解决;有理由反对(或恼恨)某人
make no bones about (doing) sth
• to be honest and open about sth; to not hesitate to do sth
• 开诚布公;坦率直言:
 »She made no bones about telling him exactly what she thought of him.
not have a... bone in your body
• to have none of the quality mentioned
• 毫无…的素质:
 »She was honest and hard-working, and didn't have an unkind bone in her body.
throw sb a 'bone
• to give sb a small part of what they want as a way of showing that you want to help them, without offering them the main thing they want
• 施以小惠(以示助人,却不满足主要的要求);丢给某人一块骨头
to the 'bone
• affecting you very strongly
• 影响极强地;深刻地:
 »His threats chilled her to the bone.
--› more at bag n., bare adj., feel v., finger n., flesh n., skin n.
verb [VN]
• to take the bones out of fish or meat
• 挑鱼刺;剔骨头
ˌbone 'up on sth (informal)
• to try to learn about sth or to remind yourself of what you already know about it
• 钻研学习;复习:
 »She had boned up on the city's history before the visit.

wooden / ˈwudn /
1. [usually before noun] made of wood
• 木制的;木头的:
 »a wooden box
2. not showing enough natural expression, emotion or movement
• 木头似的;死板的;呆板的;木讷的
【SYN】 stiff :
 »The actor playing the father was too wooden.
woodenly adv.:
 »She speaks her lines very woodenly.
woodenness noun [U]
leather / ˈleðə(r) /
1. [U, C] material made by removing the hair or fur from animal skins and preserving the skins using special processes
• 皮革:
 »a leather jacket
 »The soles are made of leather.
 »a leather-bound book
2. leathers [pl.] clothes made from leather, especially those worn by people riding motorcycles
• (尤指骑摩托车人穿的)皮衣,皮外套
--› see also chamois (2), patent leather
--› see hell
historical / hiˈstɔrikl; NAme -ˈstɔ:r-; -ˈstɑ:r- /
adj. [usually before noun]
1. connected with the past
• (有关)历史的:
 »the historical background to the war
 »You must place these events in their historical context.
2. connected with the study of history
• 有关历史研究的;历史学的:
 »historical documents / records / research
 »The building is of historical importance.
3. (of a book, film / movie, etc. 书籍、电影等) about people and events in the past
• 历史题材的:
 »a historical novel
【HELP】Some speakers do not pronounce the 'h' at the beginning of historical and use 'an' instead of 'a' before it. This now sounds old-fashioned.
• 有人说 historical 时不发 h 音,前面用 an 而不用 a,现在听起来过时了。
historically / -kli / adv.:
 »The book is historically inaccurate.
 »Historically, there has always been a great deal of rivalry between the ten families.
solution / səˈlu:ʃn /
1. [C] ~ (to sth) a way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation
• 解决办法;处理手段
【SYN】 answer :
 »Attempts to find a solution have failed.
 »There's no simple solution to this problem.
 »Do you have a better solution?
2. [C] ~ (to sth) an answer to a puzzle or to a problem in mathematics
• 答案;解;谜底:
 »The solution to last week's quiz is on page 81.
  上星期测验的答案在第 81 页。
3. [C, U] a liquid in which sth is dissolved
• 溶液:
 »an alkaline solution
 »saline solution
4. [U] the process of dissolving a solid or gas in a liquid
• 溶解(过程):
 »the solution of glucose in water
expression / ikˈspreʃn /
1. [U, C] things that people say, write or do in order to show their feelings, opinions and ideas
• 表示;表达;表露:
 »an expression of support
 »Expressions of sympathy flooded in from all over the country.
 »Freedom of expression (= freedom to say what you think) is a basic human right.
 »(formal) The poet's anger finds expression in (= is shown in) the last verse of the poem.
 »Only in his dreams does he give expression to his fears.
›› ON FACE 脸上
2. [C] a look on a person's face that shows their thoughts or feelings
• 表情;神色
【SYN】 look :
 »There was a worried expression on her face.
 »an expression of amazement / disbelief / horror
 »His expression changed from surprise to one of amusement.
 »The expression in her eyes told me something was wrong.
 »facial expressions
›› WORDS 词语
3. [C] a word or phrase
• 词语;措辞;表达方式:
 »an old-fashioned expression
 »(informal) He's a pain in the butt, if you'll pardon the expression.
--› note at word
›› IN MUSIC / ACTING 音乐;表演
4. [U] a strong show of feeling when you are playing music, speaking, acting, etc.
• (演奏乐曲、说话、表演等时流露的)感情,表情:
 »Try to put a little more expression into it!
5. [C] a group of signs that represent an idea or a quantity
• 式;表达式
audience / ˈɔ:diəns /
1. [C + sing. / pl. v.] the group of people who have gathered to watch or listen to sth (a play, concert, sb speaking, etc.)
• (戏剧、音乐会或演讲等的)观众,听众:
 »The audience was / were clapping for 10 minutes.
  观众鼓掌 10 分钟。
 »an audience of 10 000
  * 1 万名观众
 »The debate was televised in front of a live audience.
2. [C] a number of people or a particular group of people who watch, read or listen to the same thing
• (同一事物的)观众,读者,听众:
 »An audience of millions watched the wedding on TV.
 »TV / cinema / movie audiences
 »His book reached an even wider audience when it was made into a movie.
 »The target audience for this advertisement was mainly teenagers.
--› note at witness
3. [C] a formal meeting with an important person
• (与要人的)会见;觐见;进见:
 »an audience with the Pope
--› note at interview
cave / keiv /
• a large hole in the side of a hill or under the ground
• 山洞;洞穴:
 »the mouth (= the entrance) of the cave
 »a cave-dweller (= a person who lives in a cave )
ˌcave 'in (on sb / sth) (of a roof, wall, etc. 房顶、墙等)
• to fall down and towards the centre
• 塌落;塌陷;坍塌:
 »The ceiling suddenly caved in on top of them.
--› related noun cave-in

ˌcave 'in (to sth)
• to finally do what sb wants after you have been strongly opposing them
• 让步;屈服;屈从:
 »The President is unlikely to cave in to demands for a public inquiry.

--› see also caving
ceremony / ˈserəməni; NAmE -mouni /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. [C] a public or religious occasion that includes a series of formal or traditional actions
• 典礼;仪式:
 »an awards / opening ceremony
 »a wedding / marriage ceremony
2. [U] formal behaviour; traditional actions and words used on particular formal occasions
• 礼节;礼仪;礼貌
stand on 'ceremony
• to behave formally
• 讲究客套;拘于礼节:
 »Please don't stand on ceremony (= Please be natural and relaxed) with me.
without 'ceremony
• in a very rough or informal way
• 粗鲁无礼;不拘礼节;随便:
 »He found himself pushed without ceremony out of the house and the door slammed in his face.
--› see also master of ceremonies
republic / riˈpʌblik /
• a country that is governed by a president and politicians elected by the people and where there is no king or queen
• 共和国;共和政体:
 »newly independent republics
 »the Republic of Ireland
--› compare monarchy
chairman / ˈtʃeəmən; NAmE ˈtʃer- /
noun (pl. -men / -mən / )
1. the person in charge of a meeting, who tells people when they can speak, etc.
• (会议的)主席,主持人
2. the person in charge of a committee, a company, etc.
• (委员会的)委员长,主席;(公司等的)董事长:
 »the chairman of the board of governors (= of a school)
 »The chairman of the company presented the annual report.
--› note at gender
pearl / pə:l; NAme pə:rl /
1. [C] a small hard shiny white ball that forms inside the shell of an oyster and is of great value as a jewel
• 珍珠:
 »a string of pearls
 »a pearl necklace
 »She was wearing her pearls (= a necklace of pearls ).
--› see also seed pearl
2. [C] a copy of a pearl that is made artificially
• 人造珍珠
3. [U] = mother-of-pearl :
 »pearl buttons
4. [C, usually sing.] a thing that looks like a pearl in shape or colour
• (形状或颜色)像珍珠之物:
 »pearls of dew on the grass
5. [C] a thing that is very highly valued
• 极有价值的东西:
 »She is a pearl among women.
cast, throw, etc. pearls before 'swine
• to give or offer valuable things to people who do not understand their value
• 明珠暗投;对牛弹琴
a ˌpearl of 'wisdom
•(usually ironic) a wise remark
• 睿智的语言;隽语;妙语如珠:
 »Thank you for those pearls of wisdom.

harbour (BrE) (NAmE harbor) / ˈhɑ:bə(r); NAme ˈhɑ:rb- /
noun [C, U]
• an area of water on the coast, protected from the open sea by strong walls, where ships can shelter
• (海)港;港口;港湾:
 »Several boats lay at anchor in the harbour.
 »to enter / leave harbour
verb [VN]
1. to hide and protect sb who is hiding from the police
• 窝藏,庇护(罪犯等):
 »Police believe someone must be harbouring the killer.
2. to keep feelings or thoughts, especially negative ones, in your mind for a long time
• 怀有,心怀(尤指反面感情或想法):
 »The arsonist may harbour a grudge against the company.
 »She began to harbour doubts about the decision.
3. to contain sth and allow it to develop
• 包含;藏有:
 »Your dishcloth can harbour many germs.
navy / ˈneivi /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. [C + sing. / pl. v.] the part of a country's armed forces that fights at sea, and the ships that it uses
• 海军;海军部队:
 »the British and German navies
 »He's joined the navy / the navy.
 »an officer in the navy / the navy
 »The navy is / are considering buying six new warships.
--› see also naval
2. [U] = navy blue
powerful / ˈpauəfl; NAme ˈpauərfl /
1. (of people 人) being able to control and influence people and events
• 有权势的;有影响力的
【SYN】 influential :
 »an immensely powerful organization
 »a rich and powerful man
 »Only the intervention of powerful friends obtained her release.
2. having great power or force; very effective
• 强有力的;力量大的;很有效的:
 »powerful weapons
 »a powerful engine
 »a powerful voice
3. having a strong effect on your mind or body
• (对身心)有强烈作用的,效力大的:
 »a powerful image / drug / speech
4. (of a person or an animal 人或动物) physically strong
• 健壮的;强壮的
【SYN】 muscular :
 »a powerful body
 »a powerful athlete
powerfully / -fəli / adv.:
 »a powerfully emotive song
 »He is powerfully built (= he has a large strong body).
 »She argued powerfully for reform.
airfield / ˈeəfi:ld; NAmE ˈerf- /
• an area of flat ground where military or private planes can take off and land
• 飞机场
bomb / bɔm; NAmE bɑ:m /
1. [C] a weapon designed to explode at a particular time or when it is dropped or thrown
• 炸弹:
 »a bomb attack / blast / explosion
 »a bomb goes off / explodes
 »extensive bomb damage
 »Hundreds of bombs were dropped on the city.
--› see also dirty bomb
2. the bomb [sing.] nuclear weapons ( atomic or hydrogen bombs)
• 核武器;核弹:
 »countries which have the bomb
3. a bomb [sing.] (BrE, informal) a lot of money
• 很多钱:
 »That dress must have cost a bomb!
4. a bomb [sing.] (NAmE, informal) a complete failure
• 彻底的失败:
 »The musical was a complete bomb on Broadway.
5. (NAmE) (in American football 美式足球) a long forward throw of the ball
• 长传
6. (NAmE) a container in which a liquid such as paint or insect poison is kept under pressure and released as a spray or as foam
• 气溶胶弹式容器(油漆、杀虫剂等液体加压贮存可喷出):
 »a bug bomb (= used for killing insects)
be the 'bomb
• to be very good; to be the best
• 很好;最佳:
 »Check out the new website. It's the bomb!
go down a 'bomb | go (like) a 'bomb
• to be very successful
• 十分成功:
 »Our performance went down a bomb.
 »The party was really going (like) a bomb.
go like a 'bomb
(BrE) (of a vehicle 车辆等)
• to go very fast
• 飞驰
1. [VN] to attack sb / sth by leaving a bomb in a place or by dropping bombs from a plane
• 轰炸;对…投炸弹:
 »Terrorists bombed several army barracks.
 »The city was heavily bombed in the war.
2. [V +adv. / prep.] (BrE, informal) to move very fast, especially in a vehicle, in a particular direction
• 快速移动,疾行(尤指乘车):
 »They were bombing down the road at about 80 miles an hour.
  他们正以大约一小时 80 英里的速度沿路飞驰。
3. (NAmE, informal) to fail a test or an exam very badly
• (考试)惨败:
▪ [VN]
 »The exam was impossible! I definitely bombed it.
▪ [also V]
4. [V] (informal) (of a play, show, etc. 戏剧、演出等) to fail very badly
• 大败;票房极差;不卖座:
 »His latest musical bombed and lost thousands of dollars.
be ˌbombed 'out (of sth)
1. if you are bombed out, your home is destroyed by bombs
• (家园)被炸毁;被炸得无家可归

2. if a building is bombed out, it has been destroyed by bombs
• (建筑)被炸毁
sailor / ˈseilə(r) /
1. a person who works on a ship as a member of the crew
• 水手;海员
2. a person who sails a boat
• 驾船人
a good / bad 'sailor
• a person who rarely / often becomes sick at sea
• 很少/经常晕船的人
fortunate / ˈfɔ:tʃənət; NAmE ˈfɔ:rtʃ- /
~ (to do sth) | ~ (in having...) | ~ (for sb)(that...) having or bringing an advantage, an opportunity, a piece of good luck, etc.
• 幸运的;交好运的;吉利的
【SYN】 lucky :
 »I have been fortunate enough to visit many parts of the world as a lecturer.
 »I was fortunate in having a good teacher.
 »Remember those less fortunate than yourselves.
 »It was very fortunate for him that I arrived on time.
【OPP】 unfortunate
aircraft / ˈeəkrɑ:ft; NAmE ˈerkræft /
noun (pl. aircraft)
• any vehicle that can fly and carry goods or passengers
• 飞机;航空器:
 »fighter / transport / military aircraft
--› see also light aircraft
carrier / ˈkæriə(r) /
1. a company that carries goods or passengers from one place to another, especially by air
• (尤指经营空运的)运输公司
2. a military vehicle or ship that carries soldiers or equipment from one place to another
• 军输车;运输舰;航空母舰:
 »an armoured personnel carrier
--› see also aircraft carrier , people carrier
3. a person or animal that passes a disease to other people or animals but does not suffer from it
• 带菌者,病原携带者(自身不受感染而传播疾病的人或动物)
4. a metal frame that is fixed to a bicycle and used for carrying bags
• (自行车的)载物架
5. a person or thing that carries sth
• 搬运人;运送人;运输工具:
 »Aquarius, the Water Carrier
 »a baby carrier (= for carrying a baby on your back or in front of you)
6. (BrE) = carrier bag
7. a company that provides a telephone or Internet service
• 电话公司;互联网公司;通信公司:
 »a telecoms carrier
declare / diˈkleə(r); NAmE diˈkler /
1. to say sth officially or publicly
• 公布;宣布;宣告:
▪ [VN]
 »The government has declared a state of emergency.
 »Germany declared war on France on 1 August 1914.
  德意志在 1914 年 8 月 1 日向法国宣战。
 »The government has declared war on (= officially stated its intention to stop) illiteracy.
▪ [V that]
 »The court declared that strike action was illegal.
▪ [VN-N]
 »The area has been declared a national park.
▪ [VN to inf]
 »The painting was declared to be a forgery.
▪ [VN-ADJ]
 »The contract was declared void.
 »I declare this bridge open.
2. to state sth firmly and clearly
• 表明;宣称;断言:
▪ [V speech]
 »'I'll do it!' Tom declared.
▪ [V that]
 »He declared that he was in love with her.
▪ [VN]
 »Few people dared to declare their opposition to the regime.
▪ [VN-ADJ]
 »She declared herself extremely hurt by his lack of support.
▪ [also VN-N]
3. [VN] to tell the tax authorities how much money you have earned
• 申报(收益):
 »All income must be declared.
4. [VN] to tell customs officers (= at the border of a country) that you are carrying goods on which you should pay tax
• 申报(应纳税品):
 »Do you have anything to declare?
5. [V] (in cricket 板球) to decide to end your innings (= the period during which your team is batting ) before all your players have batted
• (在击球员还未全部出局时)宣布结束赛局,宣布停止击球
deˌclare a'gainst sb / sth (BrE, formal)
• to say publicly that you do not support sb / sth
• 声明反对;表示不赞成

de'clare for sb / sth (BrE, formal)
• to say publicly that you support sb / sth
• 声明支持;表示赞成
memorial / məˈmɔ:riəl /
noun ~ (to sb / sth)
1. [C] a statue, stone, etc. that is built in order to remind people of an important past event or of a famous person who has died
• 纪念碑(或像等):
 »a war memorial (= in memory of soldiers who died in a war)
 »a memorial to victims of the Holocaust
2. [sing.] a thing that will continue to remind people of sb / sth
• 纪念物;纪念品:
 »The painting will be a lasting memorial to a remarkable woman.
adj. [only before noun]
• created or done in order to remember sb who has died
• 纪念的;悼念的:
 »a memorial statue / plaque / prize
  纪念像/牌 / 奖
 »The memorial service will be held at a local church.
 »the John F Kennedy Memorial Hospital
educate / ˈedʒukeit /
1. [VN] [often passive] to teach sb over a period of time at a school, university, etc.
• (在学校)教育:
 »She was educated in the US.
 »He was educated at his local comprehensive school and then at Oxford.
2. ~ sb (in / on sth) to teach sb about sth or how to do sth
• 教导;教养;训练:
▪ [VN]
 »Children need to be educated on the dangers of drug-taking.
▪ [VN to inf]
 »The campaign is intended to educate the public to respect the environment.
statue / ˈstætʃu: /
• a figure of a person or an animal in stone, metal, etc., usually the same size as in real life or larger
• 雕塑,雕像,塑像(大小通常等于或大于真人或实物)
troop / tru:p /
1. troops [pl.] soldiers, especially in large groups
• 军队;部队;士兵:
 »They announced the withdrawal of 12 000 troops from the area.
  他们宣布从这个地区撤军 12 000 人。
 »The president decided to send in the troops.
 »Russian troops
2. [C] one group of soldiers, especially in tanks or on horses
• 连队;坦克连;骑兵连: (figurative)
 »A troop of guests was moving towards the house.
3. [C] a local group of Scouts
• 童子军中队
troop adj. [only before noun] :
 »troop movements (= of soldiers)
verb [V +adv. / prep.]
(used with a plural subject 与复数主语连用) to walk somewhere together as a group
• 成群结队而行;列队行进:
 »After lunch we all trooped down to the beach.
March / mɑ:tʃ; NAme mɑ:rtʃ /
noun [U, C]
• (abbr. Mar.) the 3rd month of the year, between February and April
• 三月
【HELP】To see how March is used, look at the examples at April.
• * March 的用法见词条 April 下的示例。
--› see mad
march / mɑ:tʃ; NAme mɑ:rtʃ /
1. [usually +adv. / prep.] to walk with stiff regular steps like a soldier
• 齐步走;行进:
▪ [V]
 »Soldiers were marching up and down outside the government buildings.
 »Quick march! (= the order to start marching)
▪ [VN]
 »They marched 20 miles to reach the capital.
  他们行进了 20 英里才到达首都。
2. [V +adv. / prep.] to walk somewhere quickly in a determined way
• (坚定地向某地)前进,进发:
 »She marched over to me and demanded an apology.
3. [VN +adv. / prep.] to force sb to walk somewhere with you
• 使同行;强迫(某人)一起走:
 »The guards marched the prisoner away.
4. [V] to walk through the streets in a large group in order to protest about sth
• 游行示威;游行抗议
【SYN】 demonstrate
get your 'marching orders
(BrE, informal)
• to be ordered to leave a place, a job, etc.
• 奉命离开;被解职
give sb their 'marching orders
•(informal) to order sb to leave a place, their job, etc.
• 命令某人离开;解雇
ˌmarch 'on
• to move on or pass quickly
• 继续行进;快速经过:
 »Time marches on and we still have not made a decision.

'march on...
• to march to a place to protest about sth or to attack it
• 向…行进(以示抗议或进行攻击):
 »Several thousand people marched on City Hall.
1. [C] an organized walk by many people from six place to another, in order to protest about sth, or to express their opinions
• 示威游行;抗议游行:
 »protest marches
 »to go on a march
--› compare demonstration (1)
2. [C] an act of marching; a journey made by marching
• 行进;行军:
 »The army began their long march to the coast.
3. [sing.] the ~ of sth the steady development or forward movement of sth
• 稳步发展;稳步前进:
 »the march of progress / technology / time
4. [C] a piece of music written for marching to
• 进行曲:
 »a funeral march
on the 'march
• marching somewhere
• 在行军中;在行进中;在进展中:
 »The enemy are on the march.
--› more at steal v.
glory / ˈɡlɔ:ri /
1. [U] fame, praise or honour that is given to sb because they have achieved sth important
• 荣誉;光荣;桂冠:
 »Olympic glory in the 100 metres
  奥林匹克 100 米赛跑的桂冠
 »I do all the work and he gets all the glory.
 »She wanted to enjoy her moment of glory.
 »He came home a rich man, covered in glory.
2. [U] praise and worship of God
• (对上帝的)赞颂,赞美,崇拜:
 »'Glory to God in the highest'
3. [U] great beauty
• 壮丽;辉煌;灿烂:
 »The city was spread out beneath us in all its glory.
 »The house has now been restored to its former glory.
4. [C] a special cause for pride, respect or pleasure
• 产生骄傲(或崇敬、愉快)的理由:
 »The temple is one of the glories of ancient Greece.
 »Her long black hair is her crowning glory (= most impressive feature).
--› see also reflected glory
(glories, glorying, gloried, gloried)
'glory in sth
• to get great pleasure or enjoyment from sth
• 因某事而喜悦;为某事而欣喜
【SYN】 revel :
 »She gloried in her new-found independence.
ahead / əˈhed /
【HELP】For the special uses of ahead in phrasal verbs, look at the entries for the verbs. For example press ahead (with sth) is in the phrasal verb section at press.
• * ahead 在短语动词中的特殊用法见有关动词词条。如 press ahead (with sth) 在词条 press 的短语动词部份。
1. further forward in space or time; in front
• (时间、空间)向前面,在前面:
 »I'll run ahead and warn them.
 »The road ahead was blocked.
 »We've got a lot of hard work ahead.
 »This will create problems in the months ahead.
 »He was looking straight ahead (= straight forward, in front of him).
2. earlier
• 提前;预先;提早
【SYN】 in advance :
 »The party was planned weeks ahead.
3. winning; further advanced
• 占优势;领先:
 »Our team was ahead by one points.
 »You need to work hard to keep ahead.
vast / vɑ:st; NAme væst /
• extremely large in area, size, amount, etc.
• 辽阔的;巨大的;庞大的;大量的
【SYN】 huge :
 »a vast area of forest
 »a vast crowd
 »a vast amount of information
 »At dusk bats appear in vast numbers.
 »His business empire was vast.
 »In the vast majority of cases, this should not be a problem.
vastness noun [U, C] :
 »the vastness of space
philosophy / fəˈlɔsəfi; NAme -ˈlɑ:s- /
1. [U] the study of the nature and meaning of the universe and of human life
• 哲学:
 »moral philosophy
 »the philosophy of science
 »a professor of philosophy
 »a degree in philosophy
2. [C] a particular set or system of beliefs resulting from the search for knowledge about life and the universe
• 哲学体系;思想体系:
 »the philosophy of Jung
3. [C] a set of beliefs or an attitude to life that guides sb's behaviour
• 人生哲学;生活的信条(或态度):
 »Her philosophy of life is to take every opportunity that presents itself.
salary / ˈsæləri /
noun (pl. -ies)
• money that employees receive for doing their job, especially professional employees or people working in an office, usually paid every month
• 薪金,薪水(尤指按月发放的):
 »an annual salary of $40 000
  * 4 万元的年薪
 »a 9% salary increase
  加薪 9%
 »She's on a salary of £24 000.
  她的薪金是 2.4 万英镑。
 »He gets a basic salary plus commission.
--› compare wage
--› note at income
aware / əˈweə(r); NAmE əˈwer /
1. [not before noun] ~ (of sth) | ~ (that...) knowing or realizing sth
• 知道;意识到;明白:
 »I don't think people are really aware of just how much it costs.
 »He was well aware of the problem.
 »Were you aware that something was wrong?
 »Everybody should be made aware of the risks involved.
 »As you're aware, this is not a new problem.
 »As far as I'm aware, nobody has done anything about it.
 »acutely / painfully (= very) aware
2. [not before noun] ~ (of sb / sth) | ~ (that...) noticing that sth is present, or that sth is happening
• 察觉到;发觉;发现:
 »She slipped away without him being aware of it.
 »They suddenly became aware of people looking at them.
 »I was aware that she was trembling.
3. (used with an adverb 与副词连用) interested in and knowing about sth, and thinking it is important
• 对…有兴趣的;有…意识的:
 »Young people are very environmentally aware.
【OPP】 unaware
basis / ˈbeisis /
noun (pl. bases / ˈbeisi:z / )
1. əsing.] the reason why people take a particular action
• 原因;缘由:
 »She was chosen for the job on the basis of her qualifications.
 »Some videos have been banned on the basis that they are too violent.
2. [sing.] the way things are organized or arranged
• 基准;准则;方式:
 »on a regular / permanent / part-time / temporary basis
 »on a daily / day-to-day / weekly basis
3. [C, usually sing., U] the important facts, ideas or events that support sth and that it can develop from
• 基础;要素;基点:
 »The basis of a good marriage is trust.
 »This article will form the basis for our discussion.
 »The theory seems to have no basis in fact.
court / kɔ:t; NAmE kɔ:rt /
›› LAW 法律
1. [C, U] the place where legal trials take place and where crimes, etc. are judged
• 法院;法庭;审判庭:
 »the civil / criminal courts
 »Her lawyer made a statement outside the court.
 »She will appear in court tomorrow.
 »They took their landlord to court for breaking the contract.
 »The case took five years to come to court (= to be heard by the court).
 »There wasn't enough evidence to bring the case to court (= start a trial).
 »He won the court case and was awarded damages.
 »She can't pay her tax and is facing court action.
 »The case was settled out of court (= a decision was reached without a trial).
--› see also courthouse , courtroom
--› note at school
2. the court [sing.] the people in a court, especially those who make the decisions, such as the judge and jury
• 全体出庭人员;(尤指)全体审判人员:
 »Please tell the court what happened.
--› see also contempt of court , county court , Crown Court , High Court , juvenile court , Supreme Court
›› FOR SPORT 体育运动
3. [C] a place where games such as tennis are played
• (网球等的)球场:
 »a tennis / squash / badminton court
 »He won after only 52 minutes on court.
  他上场仅 52 分钟就赢得了胜利。
--› see also clay court , grass court
›› KINGS / QUEENS 国王;女王
4. [C, U] the official place where kings and queens live
• 王宫;宫殿;宫廷:
 »the court of Queen Victoria
5. the court [sing.] the king or queen, their family, and the people who work for them and / or give advice to them
• 王室人员;王宫人员
6. [C] = courtyard
7. (abbr. Ct) [C] used in the names of blocks of flats or apartment buildings, or of some short streets; (in Britain) used in the name of some large houses
• (用于套房、公寓或某些短街区的名称)公寓大楼,短街;(英国用于某些大型宅第的名称)宅第,邸宅
8. [C] a large open section of a building, often with a glass roof
• 建筑物的开阔部份(常有玻璃房顶);大厅;馆:
 »the food court at the shopping mall
hold 'court (with sb)
• to entertain people by telling them interesting or funny things
• (讲趣闻或笑话)使人快乐,逗人乐
rule / throw sth out of 'court
• to say that sth is completely wrong or not worth considering, especially in a trial
• (尤指在法庭上)指明完全错误,不予考虑,不予受理:
 »The charges were thrown out of court.
 »Well that's my theory ruled out of court.
--› more at ball n., laugh v., pay v.
1. [VN] to try to please sb in order to get sth you want, especially the support of a person, an organization, etc.
• (为有所求,尤指寻求支持而)试图取悦,讨好,争取
【SYN】 cultivate :
 »Both candidates have spent the last month courting the media.
›› TRY TO GET 试图得到
2. [VN] (formal) to try to obtain sth
• 试图获得;博得:
 »He has never courted popularity.
3. [VN] (formal) to do sth that might result in sth unpleasant happening
• 招致,酿成,导致(不愉快的事):
 »to court danger / death / disaster
 »As a politician he has often courted controversy.
4. [VN] (old-fashioned) if a man courts a woman, he spends time with her and tries to make her love him, so that they can get married
• (向女子)求爱,求婚
5. [V] be courting (old-fashioned) (of a man and a woman 男女) to have a romantic relationship before getting married
• 恋爱:
 »At that time they had been courting for several years.
--› see also courtship
god / ɡɔd; NAmE ɡɑ:d /
1. God [sing.] (not used with the 不与定冠词连用) (in Christianity, Islam and Judaism 基督教、伊斯兰教和犹太教) the being or spirit that is worshipped and is believed to have created the universe
• 上帝;天主;真主:
 »Do you believe in God ?
 »Good luck and God bless you.
 »the Son of God (= Christ)
2. [C] (in some religions) a being or spirit who is believed to have power over a particular part of nature or who is believed to represent a particular quality
• (某些宗教中主宰某个领域的)神:
 »Mars was the Roman god of war.
 »the rain god
 »Greek gods
--› see also goddess (1)
3. [C] a person who is loved or admired very much by other people
• 极受崇拜的人;被崇拜的偶像:
 »To her fans she's a god.
--› see also goddess (2)
4. [C] something to which too much importance or attention is given
• 受到过分崇尚(或推崇)的事物:
 »Money is his god.
5. the gods [pl.] (BrE, informal) the seats that are high up at the back of a theatre
• (剧院中的)顶层楼座,最高楼座
by 'God!
• (old-fashioned, informal) used to emphasize a feeling of determination or surprise
• (强调决心或惊异)老天作证
【HELP】Some people find this use offensive.
• 有人认为此用法含冒犯意。

God | God al'mighty | God in 'heaven | good 'God | my 'God | oh 'God
• (informal) used to emphasize what you are saying when you are surprised, shocked or annoyed
• (惊讶、震惊或烦恼时说)天哪,啊哟,主啊:
 »God, what a stupid thing to do!
【HELP】Some people find this use offensive.
• 有人认为此用法含冒犯意。

God 'bless
• used when you are leaving sb, to say that you hope they will be safe, etc.
• (离别时的祝愿语)愿上帝保佑,祝一路平安:
 »Goodnight, God bless.
God 'rest his / her soul | God 'rest him / her
• (old-fashioned, informal) used to show respect when you are talking about sb who is dead
• 魂归天国;安息主怀
God's gift (to sb / sth)
•(ironic) a person who thinks that they are particularly good at sth or who thinks that sb will find them particularly attractive
• 上帝(对…)的恩宠;上帝恩赐的人(或物):
 »He seems to think he's God's gift to women.
God 'willing
• (informal) used to say that you hope that things will happen as you have planned and that there will be no problems
• (希望事情能按计划顺利进行)如系天意,如上帝许可,如一切顺利:
 »I'll be back next week, God willing.
play 'God
• to behave as if you control events or other people's lives
• 俨然如主宰一切的上帝:
 »It is unfair to ask doctors to play God and end someone's life.
to 'God / 'goodness / 'Heaven
• used after a verb to emphasize a particular hope, wish, etc.
• (用于动词之后,强调希望、愿望等)的确,真:
 »I wish to God you'd learn to pay attention!
【HELP】Some people find this use offensive.
• 有人认为此用法含冒犯意。

ye 'gods!
• (old-fashioned, informal) used to show surprise, lack of belief, etc.
• (表示惊讶、不相信等)我的天哪,好家伙
--› more at act n., fear n., forbid , grace n., help v., honest , know v., lap n., love n., man n., name n., please v., thank
corrupt / kəˈrʌpt /
1. (of people 人) willing to use their power to do dishonest or illegal things in return for money or to get an advantage
• 贪污的;受贿的;腐败的;营私舞弊的:
 »a corrupt regime
 »corrupt officials accepting bribes
2. (of behaviour 行为) dishonest or immoral
• 不诚实的;不道德的:
 »corrupt practices
 »The whole system is inefficient and corrupt.
3. (computing 计) containing changes or faults, and no longer in the original state
• 已变换的;有缺陷的;有错误的:
 »corrupt software
 »The text on the disk seems to be corrupt.
corruptly adv.
1. [VN] to have a bad effect on sb and make them behave in an immoral or dishonest way
• 使腐化;使堕落:
 »He was corrupted by power and ambition.
 »the corrupting effects of great wealth
2. [VN] [often passive] to change the original form of sth, so that it is damaged or spoiled in some way
• 破坏;损坏:
 »a corrupted form of Buddhism
3. (computing 计) to cause mistakes to appear in a computer file, etc. with the result that the information in it is no longer correct
• 引起(计算机文件等的)错误;破坏:
▪ [VN]
 »The program has somehow corrupted the system files.
 »corrupted data
▪ [V]
 »The disk will corrupt if it is overloaded.
trial / ˈtraiəl /
›› LAW 法律
1. [U, C] a formal examination of evidence in court by a judge and often a jury , to decide if sb accused of a crime is guilty or not
• (法院的)审讯,审理,审判:
 »a murder trial
 »He's on trial for murder.
 »She will stand trial / go on trial for fraud.
 »The men were arrested but not brought to trial.
 »The case never came to trial.
 »She is awaiting trial on corruption charges.
 »He did not receive a fair trial.
 »She was detained without trial.
›› TEST 试验
2. [C, U] the process of testing the ability, quality or performance of sb / sth, especially before you make a final decision about them
• (对能力、质量、性能等的)试验,试用:
 »The new drug is undergoing clinical trials.
 »She agreed to employ me for a trial period.
 »The system was introduced on a trial basis for six month.
 »a trial separation (= of a couple whose marriage is in difficulties)
 »We had the machine on trial for a week.
 »a trial of strength (= a contest to see who is stronger)
›› IN SPORT 体育运动
3. [C, usually pl.] (BrE) (NAmE tryout) a competition or series of tests to find the best players for a sports team or an important event
• 预赛;选拔赛:
 »Olympic trials
4. [C, usually pl.] an event at which animals compete or perform
• 比赛;表演:
 »horse trials
5. [C] ~ (to sb) an experience or a person that causes difficulties for sb
• 令人伤脑筋的事;惹麻烦的人;考验:
 »the trials and tribulations of married life
 »She was a sore trial to her family at times.
ˌtrial and 'error
• the process of solving a problem by trying various methods until you find a method that is successful
• 反复试验;不断摸索:
 »Children learn to use computer programs by trial and error.

(-ll-) [VN V]
(BrE) to test the ability, quality or performance of sth to see if it will be effective or successful
• 测试(能力、质量、性能等);试验;试用
judge / dʒʌdʒ /
›› IN COURT 法庭
1. a person in a court who has the authority to decide how criminals should be punished or to make legal decisions
• 法官;审判员:
 »a High Court judge
 »a federal judge
 »The case comes before Judge Cooper next week.
 »The judge sentenced him to five years in prison.
--› compare Justice of the Peace , magistrate
2. a person who decides who has won a competition
• 裁判员;评判员:
 »the panel of judges at the flower show
 »The judges' decision is final.
3. [usually sing.] a person who has the necessary knowledge or skills to give their opinion about the value or quality of sb / sth
• 鉴定人;鉴赏家:
 »She's a good judge of character.
 »'I'm not sure that's a good way to do it.' ' Let me be the judge of that.'
  "我拿不准这样做好不好。" "就让我来判断吧。"
1. to form an opinion about sb / sth, based on the information you have
• 判断;断定;认为:
▪ [V]
 »As far as I can judge, all of them are to blame.
 »Judging by her last letter, they are having a wonderful time.
 »To judge from what he said, he was very disappointed.
▪ [VN]
 »Schools should not be judged only on exam results.
 »Each painting must be judged on its own merits.
▪ [VN-N VN to inf]
 »The tour was judged a great success.
 »The tour was judged to have been a great success.
▪ [VN-ADJ]
 »They judged it wise to say nothing.
▪ [also V that VN that V wh-]
2. to guess the size, amount, etc. of sth
• 估计,猜测(大小、数量等):
▪ [V wh-]
 »It's difficult to judge how long the journey will take.
▪ [VN to inf]
 »I judged him to be about 50.
  我估计他年纪在 50 左右。
3. to decide the result of a competition; to be the judge in a competition
• 裁判;评判;担任裁判:
▪ [VN]
 »She was asked to judge the essay competition.
▪ [also V]
4. to give your opinion about sb, especially when you disapprove of them
• 评价;鉴定;(尤指)批评,指责:
▪ [VN]
 »What gives you the right to judge other people?
▪ [also V]
›› IN COURT 法庭
5. to decide whether sb is guilty or innocent in a court
• 审判;审理;判决:
▪ [VN]
 »to judge a case
▪ [VN-ADJ]
 »to judge sb guilty / not guilty
don't judge a ˌbook by its 'cover
• (saying) used to say that you should not form an opinion about sb / sth from their appearance only
• 勿以貌取人;勿只凭外表判断

poison / ˈpɔizn /
noun [C, U]
1. a substance that causes death or harm if it is swallowed or absorbed into the body
• 毒药;毒物;毒素:
 »Some mushrooms contain a deadly poison.
 »How did he die? Was it poison?
 »The dog was killed by rat poison (= poison intended to kill rats ).
 »to hunt with poison arrows
 »bombs containing poison gas
2. an idea, a feeling, etc. that is extremely harmful
• 极有害的思想(或心情等);精神毒药:
 »the poison of racial hatred
what's your 'poison?
• (informal, humorous) used to ask sb what alcoholic drink they would like
• (用于问别人想喝什么酒)
--› more at man n.
verb [VN]
1. ~ sb (with sth) to harm or kill a person or an animal by giving them poison
• 毒死;毒害
2. to put poison in or on sth
• 下毒;在…中放毒:
 »a poisoned arrow
 »Someone had been poisoning his food.
 »Large sections of the river have been poisoned by toxic waste from factories.
3. to have a bad effect on sth
• 毒化;败坏;使恶化:
 »His comment served only to poison the atmosphere still further.
 »She succeeded in poisoning their minds against me.
a poisoned 'chalice
(especially BrE)
• a thing which seems attractive when it is given to sb but which soon becomes unpleasant
• 金杯毒酒