advertising / ˈædvətaiziŋ; NAmE -vərt- /
noun [U]
• the activity and industry of advertising things to people on television, in newspapers, on the Internet, etc.
• 广告活动;广告业;做广告:
 »A good advertising campaign will increase our sales.
 »Cigarette advertising has been banned.
 »radio / TV advertising
 »Val works for an advertising agency (= a company that designs advertisements).
 »a career in advertising
airline / ˈeəlain; NAmE ˈerl- /
noun [C + sing. / pl. v.]
• a company that provides regular flights to take passengers and goods to different places
• 航空公司:
 »international airlines
 »an airline pilot
drug / drʌɡ /
1. an illegal substance that some people smoke, inject , etc. for the physical and mental effects it has
• 毒品:
 »He does not smoke or take drugs.
 »teenagers experimenting with drugs
 »I found out Steve was on drugs (= regularly used drugs).
 »drug and alcohol abuse
 »a hard (= very harmful) drug such as heroin
 »a soft drug (= six that is not considered very harmful)
 »Drugs have been seized with a street value of ten million dollars.
 »She was a drug addict (= could not stop using drugs).
 »He was charged with pushing drugs (= selling them).
 »(informal) I don't do drugs (= use them).
 »drug rehabilitation
2. a substance used as a medicine or used in a medicine
• 药;药物:
 »prescribed drugs
 »The doctor put me on a course of pain-killing drugs.
 »drug companies
 »The drug has some bad side effects.
--› see also designer drug
verb (-gg-) [VN]
1. to give a person or an animal a drug, especially to make them unconscious, or to affect their performance in a race or competition
• 使服麻醉药;用药麻醉;使服兴奋剂:
 »He was drugged and bundled into the back of the car.
 »It's illegal to drug horses before a race.
2. to add a drug to sb's food or drink to make them unconscious or sleepy
• (在食物或饮料中)投放麻醉药,下麻醉药:
 »Her drink must have been drugged.
be drugged up to the 'eyeballs
• to have taken or been given a lot of drugs
• 已服用大量毒品
shine / ʃain /
(shone, shone / ʃɔn; US ʃoun / )
【HəɚP】ɪn sense 3 shined is used for the past tense and past participle.
• 作第 3 义时过去时和过去分词用 shined。
1. [V] to produce or reflect light; to be bright
• 发光;反光;照耀:
 »The sun shone brightly in a cloudless sky.
 »The dark polished wood shone like glass.
 »(figurative) Her eyes were shining with excitement.
 »Excitement was shining in her eyes.
2. [VN] to aim or point the light of a lamp, etc. in a particular direction
• 把…照向;使…光投向:
 »He shone the flashlight around the cellar.
 »(figurative) Campaigners are shining a spotlight on the world's diminishing natural resources.
3. (shined, shined)
[VN] to polish sth; to make sth smooth and bright
• 擦亮;擦光:
 »He shined shoes and sold newspapers to make money.
4. [V] to be very good at sth
• 出色;出类拔萃:
 »He failed to shine academically but he was very good at sports.
 »She has set a shining example of loyal service over four decades.
--› see also shiny

—more at hay , knight n., rise v.
ˌshine 'through (sth) (of a quality 某种品质)
• to be easy to see or notice
• 显现出来;很明显:
 »Her old professional skills shone through.

noun [sing.]
• the bright quality that sth has when light is reflected on it
• 光亮;光泽:
 »a shampoo that gives your hair body and shine
take a 'shine to sb / sth
•(informal) to begin to like sb very much as soon as you see or meet them
• 一眼就看上;一见钟情
take the 'shine off sth
•(informal) to make sth seem much less good than it did at first
• 使…黯然失色
--› more at rain n.
shampoo / ʃæmˈpu: /
noun (pl. -os)
1. [C, U] a liquid soap that is used for washing your hair; a similar liquid used for cleaning carpets, furniture covers or a car
• 洗发剂;香波;(洗地毯、家具罩套、汽车等的)洗涤剂:
 »a shampoo for greasy hair
 »carpet shampoo
2. [C, usually sing.] an act of washing your hair using shampoo
• 用洗发剂洗头发:
 »Rinse the hair thoroughly after each shampoo.
 »a shampoo and set (= an act of washing and styling sb's hair)
(shampooed, shampooed)
[VN] to wash or clean hair, carpets, etc. with shampoo
• 用洗发剂洗(头发);用洗涤剂洗(地毯等)
advertisement / ədˈvə:tismənt; NAmE ˌædvərˈtaiz- /
1. [C] (also informal ad) (BrE also advert) ~ (for sth) a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service
• 广告;启事:
 »Put an advertisement in the local paper to sell your car.
--› see also classified advertisements
--› note at ad
2. [C] (BrE also advert) ~ for sth an example of sth that shows its good qualities
• 广告(样)品:
 »Dirty streets and homelessness are no advertisement for a prosperous society.
--› note at ad
3. [U] the act of advertising sth and making it public
• 广告活动;广告宣传
--› note at ad
persuade / pəˈsweid; NAme pərˈs- /
1. ~ sb (into sth / into doing sth) to make sb do sth by giving them good reasons for doing it
• 劝说;说服:
▪ [VN to inf]
 »Try to persuade him to come.
▪ [VN]
 »Please try and persuade her.
 »She's always easily persuaded.
 »I allowed myself to be persuaded into entering the competition.
 »I'm sure he'll come with a bit of persuading.
2. to make sb believe that sth is true
• 使信服;使相信
【SYN】 convince :
▪ [VN that]
 »It will be difficult to persuade them that there's no other choice.
 »She had persuaded herself that life was not worth living.
▪ [VN]
 »No six was persuaded by his arguments.
 »(formal) I am still not fully persuaded of the plan's merits.
advertise / ˈædvətaiz; NAmE -vərt- /
1. ~ sth (as sth) to tell the public about a product or a service in order to encourage people to buy or to use it
• 做广告;登广告:
▪ [V]
 »If you want to attract more customers, try advertising in the local paper.
▪ [VN]
 »to advertise a product / a business / your services
 »The cruise was advertised as the 'journey of a lifetime'.
2. ~ (for sb / sth) to let people know that sth is going to happen, or that a job is available by giving details about it in a newspaper, on a notice in a public place, on the Internet, etc.
• (在报纸、公共场所公告牌、互联网等上)公布,征聘:
▪ [V]
 »We are currently advertising for a new sales manager.
▪ [VN]
 »We advertised the concert quite widely.
3. [VN] to show or tell sth about yourself to other people
• 展现,宣传(自己的事)
【SYN】 publicize :
 »I wouldn't advertise the fact that you don't have a work permit.
welfare / ˈwelfeə(r); NAme -fer /
noun [U]
1. the general health, happiness and safety of a person, an animal or a group
• (个体或群体的)幸福,安全与健康
【SYN】 well-being :
 »We are concerned about the child's welfare.
2. practical or financial help that is provided, often by the government, for people or animals that need it
• (政府给予的)福利:
 »The state is still the main provider of welfare.
 »child welfare
 »a social welfare programme
 »welfare provision / services / work
3. (especially NAmE) = social security (1) :
 »They would rather work than live on welfare.
cheat / tʃi:t /
1. [VN] to trick sb or make them believe sth which is not true
• 欺骗;蒙骗:
 »She is accused of attempting to cheat the taxman.
 »Many people feel cheated by the government's refusal to hold a referendum.
 »He cheated his way into the job.
2. [V] ~ (at sth) to act in a dishonest way in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game, a competition, an exam, etc.
• (尤指在游戏、比赛、考试等中)作弊,舞弊:
 »He cheats at cards.
 »You're not allowed to look at the answers— that's cheating.
3. [V] ~ (on sb) (of sb who is married or who has a regular sexual partner 已婚或有固定性伙伴的人) to have a secret sexual relationship with sb else
• 与他人有秘密性关系;对某人不忠(或不贞)
cheat 'death
(often used in newspapers 常用于报章)
• to survive in a situation where you could have died
• 死里逃生;幸免于难
'cheat sb ('out) of sth
• to prevent sb from having sth, especially in a way that is not honest or fair
• (尤指用不诚实或不正当的手段)阻止某人得到某物:
 »They cheated him out of his share of the profits.
noun (especially BrE)
1. (also cheater especially in NAmE) [C] a person who cheats, especially in a game
• (尤指游戏中的)作弊者,骗子:
 »You little cheat!
2. [sing.] something that seems unfair or dishonest, for example a way of doing sth with less effort than it usually needs
• 欺骗手段;欺诈行为:
 »It's really a cheat, but you can use ready-made pastry if you want.
3. [C] (computing 计) a program you can use to move immediately to the next stage of a computer game without needing to play the game
• (电脑游戏的)秘技,欺骗程序,作弊软件:
 »There's a cheat you can use to get to the next level.
skillful (NAmE) = skilful
innocent / ˈinəsnt /
1. ~ (of sth) not guilty of a crime, etc.; not having done sth wrong
• 无辜的;清白的;无罪的:
 »They have imprisoned an innocent man.
 »She was found innocent of any crime.
 »He was the innocent party (= person) in the breakdown of the marriage.
【OPP】 guilty
2. [only before noun] suffering harm or being killed because of a crime, war, etc. although not directly involved in it
• 无辜受害的;成为牺牲品的:
 »an innocent bystander
 »innocent victims of a bomb blast
3. not intended to cause harm or upset sb
• 无恶意的;无冒犯之意的
【SYN】 harmless :
 »It was all innocent fun.
 »It was a perfectly innocent remark.
4. having little experience of the world, especially of sexual matters, or of evil or unpleasant things
• 天真无邪的;纯真的
【SYN】 naive :
 »an innocent young child
innocently adv.:
 »'Oh, Sue went too, did she?' I asked innocently (= pretending I did not know that this was important).
• an innocent person, especially a young child
• 无辜者(尤指天真无邪的孩子)
breath / breθ /
1. [U] the air that you take into your lungs and send out again
• 呼吸的空气:
 »His breath smelt of garlic.
 »bad breath (= that smells bad)
 »We had to stop for breath before we got to the top.
 »She was very short of breath (= had difficulty breathing).
2. [C] an amount of air that enters the lungs at one time
• 一次吸入的空气:
 »to take a deep breath
 »He recited the whole poem in one breath.
3. ~ of sth [sing.] (formal) a small amount of sth; slight evidence of sth
• 微量;迹象:
 »a breath of suspicion / scandal
4. a ~ of air, wind [sing.] (literary) a slight movement of air
• (空气的)微微流动,拂动
a breath of (fresh) 'air
• clean air breathed in after being indoors or in a dirty atmosphere
• 新鲜空气;透气:
 »We'll get a breath of fresh air at lunchtime.
a breath of fresh 'air
• a person, thing or place that is new and different and therefore interesting and exciting
• 令人耳目一新的人(或事物、地方)
the breath of 'life to / for sb
•(literary) an essential part of a person's existence
• 某人的食粮
get your 'breath (again / back)
(BrE) (also catch your 'breath NAmE, BrE)
• to breathe normally again after running or doing some tiring exercise
• 恢复正常呼吸
hold your 'breath
1. to stop breathing for a short time
• 闭气;屏气:
 »Hold your breath and count to ten.
2. to be anxious while you are waiting for sth that you are worried about
• 屏息以待;焦虑地等待:
 »He held his breath while the results were read out.
3. (informal) people say don't hold your breath! to emphasize that sth will take a long time or may not happen
• 别眼巴巴等着;有你等的:
 »She said she'd do it this week, but don't hold your breath!
in the same 'breath
• immediately after saying sth that suggests the opposite intention or meaning
• 但紧接着,但同时(意味着与前一段意图或意思相反):
 »He praised my work and in the same breath told me I would have to leave.
his / her last / dying 'breath
• the last moment of a person's life
• 最后一口气;临终;临死
out of 'breath
• having difficulty breathing after exercise
• (运动后)喘不上气,透不过气来:
 »We were out of breath after only five minutes.
say sth, speak, etc. under your 'breath
• to say sth quietly so that people cannot hear
• 小声地,轻声地(说):
 »'Rubbish!' he murmured under his breath.
take sb's 'breath away
• to be very surprising or beautiful
• 令人惊叹;让人叹绝:
 »My first view of the island from the air took my breath away.
--› more at bated , catch v., draw v., save v., waste v.
ˌbad 'breath
noun [U]
• breath that smells unpleasant
• 难闻的呼气;口臭:
 »Have I got bad breath?
【SYN】 halitosis
fool / fu:l /
1. [C] a person who you think behaves or speaks in a way that lacks intelligence or good judgement
• 蠢人;傻瓜
【SYN】 idiot :
 »Don't be such a fool!
 »I felt a fool when I realized my mistake.
 »He told me he was an actor and I was fool enough to believe him.
2. [C] (in the past) a man employed by a king or queen to entertain people by telling jokes, singing songs, etc.
• (旧时国王或王后豢养供人娱乐的)小丑,弄臣
【SYN】 jester
3. [U, C] (BrE) (usually in compounds 通常构成复合词) a cold light dessert (= a sweet dish) made from fruit that is cooked and crushed and mixed with cream or custard
• 奶油果泥,蛋奶果泥(甜食):
 »rhubarb fool
act / play the 'fool
• to behave in a stupid way in order to make people laugh, especially in a way that may also annoy them
• 装傻,扮丑相(以逗人笑,但往往惹人恼怒):
 »Quit playing the fool and get some work done!
any fool can / could...
• (informal) used to say that sth is very easy to do
• 任何人都能;容易得很:
 »Any fool could tell she was lying.
be ˌno / ˌnobody's 'fool
• to be too intelligent or know too much about sth to be tricked by other people
• 精明机智;不易上当:
 »She's nobody's fool when it comes to dealing with difficult patients.

a ˌfool and his ˌmoney are soon 'parted
•(saying) a person who is not sensible usually spends money too quickly or carelessly, or is cheated by others
• 傻瓜口袋漏,有钱留不住;蠢人不积财

fools rush 'in (where angels fear to 'tread)
•(saying) people with little experience try to do the difficult or dangerous things which more experienced people would not consider doing
• (智者却步处)愚者独敢闯
make a 'fool of sb
• to say or do sth deliberately so that people will think that sb is stupid
• 愚弄某人:
 »Can't you see she's making a fool of you?
--› note at cheat
make a 'fool of yourself
• to do sth stupid which makes other people think that you are a fool
• 出丑:
 »I made a complete fool of myself in front of everyone!
ˌmore fool 'sb (for doing sth)
• (informal) used to say that you think that sb was stupid to do sth, especially when it causes them problems
• 蠢极了;犯傻:
 »'He's not an easy person to live with.' 'More fool her for marrying him!'
  "和他共同生活很难。" "她和他结婚真傻!"

(there's) ˌno fool like an 'old fool
•(saying) an older person who behaves in a stupid way is worse than a younger person who does the same thing, because experience should have taught him or her not to do it
• 糊涂莫过老糊涂;老糊涂最糊涂

--› more at suffer
1. [VN] ~ sb (into doing sth) to trick sb into believing sth that is not true
• 欺骗;愚弄:
 »She certainly had me fooled —I really believed her!
 »You don't fool me!
 »You're fooling yourself if you think none of this will affect you.
 »Don't be fooled into thinking they're going to change anything.
2. [V] ~ (about / around) (with sth) to say or do stupid or silly things, often in order to make people laugh
• 说蠢话,干傻事(常为逗乐):
 »Stop fooling around and sit down!
 »If you fool about with matches, you'll end up getting burned.
you could have fooled 'me
• (informal) used to say that you do not believe sth that sb has just told you
• (表示不相信别人的话)休想骗我,说得像真的一样:
 »'I'm trying as hard as I can!' 'You could have fooled me!'
  "我要尽力而为!" "说得像真的似的!"
ˌfool a'round
1. (BrE also ˌfool a'bout) to waste time instead of doing sth that you should be doing
• 闲耍;虚度光阴

【SYN】 mess around
2. ~ (with sb) to have a sexual relationship with another person's partner; to have a sexual relationship with sb who is not your partner
• (和某人)乱搞男女关系
【SYN】 mess around :
 »She's been fooling around with a married man.
adj. [only before noun]
• (informal) showing a lack of intelligence or good judgement
【SYN】 silly , stupid , foolish
• 傻的;愚蠢的:
 »That was a damn fool thing to do!
cure / kjuə(r); NAmE kjur /
verb [VN]
1. ~ sb (of sth) to make a person or an animal healthy again after an illness
• 治瘉,治好(病人或动物):
 »Will you be able to cure him, Doctor?
2. to make an illness go away
• 治好(疾病):
 »TB is a serious illness, but it can be cured.
3. to deal with a problem successfully
• 解决,了结(问题):
 »I finally managed to cure the rattling noise in my car.
4. ~ sb of sth to stop sb from behaving in a particular way, especially a way that is bad or annoying
• 矫正,改正(某人的不良行为)
5. to treat food or tobacco with smoke, salt, etc. in order to preserve it
• (用熏、腌等方法)加工贮藏(食物或烟草)
--› see kill v.
1. ~ (for sth) a medicine or medical treatment that cures an illness
• 药;药物;疗法:
 »the search for a cure for cancer
 »There is no known cure but the illness can be treated.
2. the act of curing sb of an illness or the process of being cured
• 治疗;疗程:
 »Doctors cannot effect a cure if the disease has spread too far.
 »The cure took six weeks.
3. ~ (for sth) something that will solve a problem, improve a bad situation, etc.
• (解决问题、改善糟糕情况等的)措施,对策:
 »a cure for poverty
  解决贫穷问题的措施 see prevention
grocery / ˈɡrəusəri; NAmE ˈɡrou- /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. (especially BrE) (NAmE usually 'grocery store) [C] a shop / store that sells food and other things used in the home. In American English 'grocery store' is often used to mean 'supermarket'.
• 食品杂货店(在美国英语中 grocery store 常用以指 supermarket)
2. groceries [pl.] food and other goods sold by a grocer or at a supermarket
• 食品杂货
grocery adj. [only before noun] :
 »the grocery bill
pleased / pli:zd /
1. ~ (with sb / sth) | ~ that... feeling happy about sth
• 高兴;满意;愉快:
 »She was very pleased with her exam results.
 »The boss should be pleased with you.
 »I'm really pleased that you're feeling better.
 »I'm pleased to hear about your news.
 »You're coming? I'm so pleased.
 »He did not look too pleased when I told him.
--› note at glad
2. ~ to do sth happy or willing to do sth
• 高兴,乐于(做某事):
 »We are always pleased to be able to help.
 »I was pleased to hear you've been promoted.
 »Aren't you pleased to see me?
 »(especially BrE) Pleased to meet you. (= said when you are introduced to sb)
 »Thank you for your invitation, which I am very pleased to accept.
 »I am pleased to inform you that the book you ordered has arrived.
(as) ˌpleased as 'Punch
• very pleased
• 称心满意;自满自足

far from 'pleased | none too 'pleased
• not pleased; angry
• 不悦;气愤:
 »She was none too pleased at having to do it all again.
only too 'pleased (to do sth)
• very happy or willing to do sth
• 十分情愿,巴不得(做某事):
 »We're only too pleased to help.
'pleased with yourself
•(often disapproving) too proud of sth you have done
• 自鸣得意;飘飘然:
 »He was looking very pleased with himself.
comment / ˈkɔment; NAmE ˈkɑ:m- /
1. [C, U] ~ (about / on sth) something that you say or write which gives an opinion on or explains sb / sth
• 议论;评论;解释:
 »Have you any comment to make about the cause of the disaster?
 »She made helpful comments on my work.
 »The director was not available for comment.
 »He handed me the document without comment.
 »(especially BrE) What she said was fair comment (= a reasonable criticism).
--› note at statement
2. [sing., U] criticism that shows the faults of sth
• 批评;指责:
 »The results are a clear comment on government education policy.
 »There was a lot of comment about his behaviour.
ˌno 'comment
(said in reply to a question, usually from a journalist 通常用于回答记者的问题)
• ɪ have nothing to say about that
• 无可奉告:
 »'Will you resign, sir?' 'No comment!'
  "先生,你会辞职吗?" "无可奉告!"

~ (on / upon sth) to express an opinion about sth
• 表达意见:
▪ [V]
 »I don't feel I can comment on their decision.
 »He refused to comment until after the trial.
▪ [V that]
 »A spokesperson commented that levels of carbon dioxide were very high.
▪ [V speech]
 »'Not his best performance,' she commented to the woman sitting next to her.
mental / ˈmentl /
1. [usually before noun] connected with or happening in the mind; involving the process of thinking
• 思想的;精神的;思考的;智力的:
 »the mental process of remembering
 »Do you have a mental picture of what it will look like?
 »I made a mental note to talk to her about it.
 »He has a complete mental block (= difficulty in understanding or remembering) when it comes to physics.
2. [usually before noun] connected with the state of health of the mind or with the treatment of illnesses of the mind
• 精神病治疗的;精神健康的
【SYN】 psychological :
 »mental health
 »a mental disorder / illness / hospital
  精神紊乱/病 / 病院
 »She was suffering from physical and mental exhaustion.
--› compare psychiatric
3. [not usually before noun] (BrE, slang) crazy
• 疯狂;发疯:
 »Watch him. He's mental.
 »My dad will go mental (= be very angry) when he finds out.
trick / trik /
1. something that you do to make sb believe sth which is not true, or to annoy sb as a joke
• 诡计;花招;骗局;把戏:
 »They had to think of a trick to get past the guards.
 »The kids are always playing tricks on their teacher.
--› see also confidence trick , dirty trick (2)
2. something that confuses you so that you see, understand, remember, etc. things in the wrong way
• 引起错觉(或记忆紊乱)的事物:
 »One of the problems of old age is that your memory can start to play tricks on you.
 »Was there somebody standing there or was it a trick of the light ?
3. a clever action that sb / sth performs as a way of entertaining people
• 戏法;把戏:
 »He amused the kids with conjuring tricks.
 »a card trick
--› see also hat-trick
4. [usually sing.] a way of doing sth that works well; a good method
• 技巧;诀窍;窍门:
 »The trick is to pick the animal up by the back of its neck.
 »He used the old trick of attacking in order to defend himself.
5. the cards that you play or win in a single part of a card game
• 一圈;一墩;一圈所打(或赢)的牌:
 »I won six tricks in a row.
a bag / box of 'tricks
•(informal) a set of methods or equipment that sb can use
• 一套措施;全部法宝
be up to your (old) 'tricks
•(informal, disapproving) to be behaving in the same bad way as before
• 故技重演;耍老花招
do the 'trick
•(informal) to succeed in solving a problem or achieving a particular result
• 奏效;起作用;达到目的:
 »I don't know what it was that did the trick, but I am definitely feeling much better.
every trick in the 'book
• every available method, whether it is honest or not
• 无所不用其极;浑身解数:
 »He'll try every trick in the book to stop you from winning.
have a 'trick, some more 'tricks, etc. up your sleeve
• to have an idea, some plans, etc. that you keep ready to use if it becomes necessary
• 袖藏玄机;胸有成竹;自有锦囊妙计
ˌtrick or 'treat
• said by children who visit people's houses at Halloween and threaten to play tricks on people who do not give them sweets / candy
• 是请吃糖,还是想遭殃(万圣节时儿童挨家索要糖果用语,扬言若不给糖就捣乱戏弄别人)

the ˌtricks of the 'trade
• the clever ways of doing things, known and used by people who do a particular job or activity
• (某一行业或活动的)绝招,绝活,门道,生意经

ˌturn a 'trick
(NAmE, slang)
• to have sex with sb for money
• 接客卖淫

--› more at miss v., teach
verb [VN]
• to make sb believe sth which is not true, especially in order to cheat them
• 欺骗;欺诈:
 »I'd been tricked and I felt stupid.
 »He managed to trick his way past the security guards.
--› note at cheat
ˌtrick sb 'into sth / into doing sth
• to make sb do sth by means of a trick
• 诱使某人做某事:
 »He tricked me into lending him £100.
  他骗我借给了他 100 英镑。

ˌtrick sb 'out of sth
• to get sth from sb by means of a trick
• 从某人处骗走某物:
 »She was tricked out of her life savings.

ˌtrick sb / sth∽'out (in / with sth) (literary)
• to dress or decorate sb / sth in a way that attracts attention
• 打扮(或装饰)得引人注目

adj. [only before noun]
1. intended to trick sb
• 为欺骗的;使人产生错觉:
 »It was a trick question (= one to which the answer seems easy but actually is not).
 »It's all done using trick photography (= photography that uses clever techniques to show things that do not actually exist or are impossible).
2. (NAmE) (of part of the body 身体部位) weak and not working well
• 虚弱有毛病的:
 »a trick knee
aim / eim /
1. [C] the purpose of doing sth; what sb is trying to achieve
• 目的;目标:
 »the aims of the lesson
 »She went to London with the aim of finding a job.
 »Our main aim is to increase sales in Europe.
 »Bob's one aim in life is to earn a lot of money.
 »Teamwork is required in order to achieve these aims.
 »She set out the company's aims and objectives in her speech.
--› note at purpose
2. [U] the action or skill of pointing a weapon at sb / sth
• 瞄准:
 »Her aim was good and she hit the lion with her first shot.
 »The gunman took aim (= pointed his weapon) and fired.
take 'aim at sb / sth
• to direct your criticism at sb / sth
• 把目标对准某人(或某事物);把批评的矛头指向某人(或某事物)
1. ~ (at doing sth) | ~ (at / for sth) to try or plan to achieve sth
• 力求达到;力争做到:
▪ [V]
 »The government is aiming at a 50% reduction in unemployment.
  政府正力争减少 50% 的失业人数。
 »They're aiming at training everybody by the end of the year.
 »We should aim for a bigger share of the market.
 »He has always aimed high (= tried to achieve a lot).
▪ [V to inf]
 »They are aiming to reduce unemployment by 50%.
  他们正力求使失业人数下降 50%。
 »We aim to be there around six.
2. [VN] be aimed at to have sth as an aim
• 目的是;旨在:
 »These measures are aimed at preventing violent crime.
3. ~ (sth) (at sb / sth) | ~ (for sb / sth) to point or direct a weapon, a shot, a kick, etc. at sb / sth
• 瞄准;对准:
▪ [V]
 »I was aiming at the tree but hit the car by mistake.
 »Aim for the middle of the target.
▪ [VN]
 »The gun was aimed at her head.
4. [VN] [usually passive] ~ sth at sb to say or do sth that is intended to influence or affect a particular person or group
• 针对;对象是:
 »The book is aimed at very young children.
 »My criticism wasn't aimed at you.
nationwide / ˌneiʃnˈwaid /
• happening or existing in all parts of a particular country
• 全国性的;遍及全国的;全国范围的:
 »a nationwide campaign
nationwide adv.:
 »The company has over 500 stores nationwide.
  这家公司在全国各地有 500 多家商店。
campaign / kæmˈpein /
1. ~ (against / for sth) a series of planned activities that are intended to achieve a particular social, commercial or political aim
• 运动(为社会、商业或政治目的而进行的一系列有计划的活动):
 »to conduct a campaign
 »a campaign against ageism in the workplace
 »the campaign for parliamentary reform
 »an anti-smoking campaign
 »Today police launched (= began) a campaign to reduce road accidents.
 »an advertising campaign
 »an election campaign
 »the President's campaign team / manager
2. a series of attacks and battles that are intended to achieve a particular military aim during a war
• 战役
~ (for / against sb / sth) to take part in or lead a campaign, for example to achieve political change or in order to win an election
• 参加运动,领导运动(如为实现政治变革或赢得竞选胜利):
▪ [V]
 »We have campaigned against whaling for the last 15 years.
  我们最近 15 年一直参加反对捕鲸的运动。
 »The party campaigned vigorously in the north of the country.
▪ [V to inf]
 »They are campaigning to save the area from building development.
campaigning noun [U]
motto / ˈmɔtəu; NAme ˈmɑ:tou /
noun (pl. -oes or -os)
• a short sentence or phrase that expresses the aims and beliefs of a person, a group, an institution, etc. and is used as a rule of behaviour
• 座右铭;格言;箴言:
 »The school's motto is: 'Duty, Honour, Country'.
 »'Live and let live.' That's my motto.
cigarette / ˌsiɡəˈret; NAmE ˈsiɡəret /
• a thin tube of paper filled with tobacco , for smoking
• 香烟;纸烟;卷烟:
 »a packet / pack of cigarettes
 »to light a cigarette
benefit / ˈbenifit /
1. [U, C] an advantage that sth gives you; a helpful and useful effect that sth has
• 优势;益处;成效:
 »I've had the benefit of a good education.
 »The new regulations will be of benefit to everyone concerned.
 »It will be to your benefit to arrive early.
 »He couldn't see the benefit of arguing any longer.
 »the benefits of modern medicine
 »It was good to see her finally reaping the benefits (= enjoying the results) of all her hard work.
--› see also cost-benefit , fringe benefit
2. [U, C] (BrE) money provided by the government to people who need financial help because they are unemployed, ill / sick, etc.
• 福利费(政府对失业者、病人等提供的补助金)
--› see also child benefit , housing benefit , sickness benefit
3. [C, usually pl.] an advantage that you get from a company in addition to the money that you earn; money from an insurance company
• (公司发的)奖金,补贴;(保险公司发的)给付:
 »The insurance plan will provide substantial cash benefits to your family in case of your death.
--› see also fringe benefit
4. [C] an event such as a performance, a dinner, etc., organized in order to raise money for a particular person or charity
• 慈善(或公益)活动:
 »a benefit match / concert
for sb's benefit
• especially in order to help or be useful to sb
• 为帮助某人;为某人的利益:
 »I have typed out some lecture notes for the benefit of those people who were absent last week.
 »Don't go to any trouble for my benefit!
give sb the ˌbenefit of the 'doubt
• to accept that sb has told the truth or has not done sth wrong because you cannot prove that they have not
• (在证据不足的情况下)假定某人说实话,假定某人没有错

verb (-t- or -tt-)
1. [VN] to be useful to sb or improve their life in some way
• 对(某人)有用;使受益:
 »We should spend the money on something that will benefit everyone.
2. [V] ~ (from / by sth) to be in a better position because of sth
• 得益于;得利于:
 »Who exactly stands to benefit from these changes?
promote / prəˈməut; NAme -ˈmout /
verb [VN]
1. to help sth to happen or develop
• 促进;推动
【SYN】 encourage :
 »policies to promote economic growth
 »a campaign to promote awareness of environmental issues
2. ~ sth (as sth) to help sell a product, service, etc. or make it more popular by advertising it or offering it at a special price
• 促销;推销:
 »The band has gone on tour to promote their new album.
 »The area is being promoted as a tourist destination.
3. ~ sb (from sth) (to sth) [often passive] to move sb to a higher rank or more senior job
• 提升;晋升:
 »She worked hard and was soon promoted.
 »He has been promoted to sergeant.
【OPP】 demote
4. ~ sth (from sth) (to sth) to move a sports team from playing with one group of teams to playing in a better group
• 将(体育运动队)晋级:
 »They were promoted to the First Division last season.
【OPP】 relegate
intelligence / inˈtelidʒəns /
noun [U]
1. the ability to learn, understand and think in a logical way about things; the ability to do this well
• 智力;才智;智慧:
 »a person of high / average / low intelligence
 »He didn't even have the intelligence to call for an ambulance.
--› see also artificial intelligence
2. secret information that is collected, for example about a foreign country, especially six that is an enemy; the people that collect this information
• (机密)情报;情报人员:
 »intelligence reports
 »the US Central Intelligence Agency
slave / sleiv /
1. a person who is legally owned by another person and is forced to work for them
• 奴隶:
 »She treated her daughter like a slave.
2. ~ of / to sth a person who is so strongly influenced by sth that they cannot live without it, or cannot make their own decisions
• 完全受(某事物)控制的人;完全依赖(某事物)的人:
 »We are slaves of the motor car.
 »Sue's a slave to fashion.
3. (technical 术语) a device that is directly controlled by another one
• 从动装置
verb [V , usually +adv. / prep.]
~ (away) (at sth) to work very hard
• 苦干;辛勤地工作:
 »I've been slaving away all day trying to get this work finished.
 »I haven't got time to spend hours slaving over a hot stove (= doing a lot of cooking).
consult / kənˈsʌlt /
1. ~ sb (about sth) to go to sb for information or advice
• 咨询;请教:
▪ [VN]
 »If the pain continues, consult your doctor.
 »Have you consulted your lawyer about this?
▪ [V]
 »a consulting engineer (= one who has expert knowledge and gives advice)
2. ~ (with) sb (about / on sth) to discuss sth with sb to get their permission for sth, or to help you make a decision
• (与某人)商议,商量(以得到许可或帮助决策):
▪ [VN]
 »You shouldn't have done it without consulting me.
 »I expect to be consulted about major issues.
▪ [V]
 »I need to consult with my colleagues on the proposals.
3. [VN] to look in or at sth to get information
• 查阅;查询;参看
【SYN】 refer to :
 »He consulted the manual.
comprehension / ˌkɔmpriˈhenʃn; NAmE ˌkɑ:m- /
1. [U] the ability to understand
• 理解力;领悟能力:
 »speech and comprehension
 »His behaviour was completely beyond comprehension (= impossible to understand).
 »She had no comprehension of what was involved.
2. [U, C] an exercise that trains students to understand a language
• (语言学习中的)理解练习(或训练):
 »listening comprehension
 »a reading comprehension
latest / ˈleitist /
adj. [only before noun]
• the most recent or newest
• 最近的;最新的:
 »the latest unemployment figures
 »the latest craze / fashion / trend
 »her latest novel
 »Have you heard the latest news?
noun [U]
• the latest (informal) the most recent or the newest thing or piece of news
• 最新事物;最新消息:
 »This is the latest in robot technology.
 »Have you heard the latest?
at the 'latest
• no later than the time or the date mentioned
• 最迟;最晚;至迟:
 »Applications should be in by next Monday at the latest.
ˌbest-'seller (also bestseller) / ˌbestˈselə(r) /
• a product, usually a book, which is bought by large numbers of people
• 畅销品;畅销书:
 »the best-seller list
ˌbest-'selling adj.:
 »a best-selling novel / author
amazed / əˈmeizd /
~ (at / by sb / sth) | ~ (how / that...) | ~ (to see, find, learn, etc.) very surprised
• 大为惊奇:
 »an amazed silence
 »I was amazed at her knowledge of French literature.
 »We were amazed by his generosity.
 »I was banging so loudly I'm amazed (that) they didn't hear me.
 »She was amazed how little he had changed.
 »We were amazed to find that no six was hurt.
recommend / ˌrekəˈmend /
1. [VN] ~ sb / sth (to sb) (for / as sth) to tell sb that sth is good or useful, or that sb would be suitable for a particular job, etc.
• 推荐;举荐;介绍:
 »Can you recommend a good hotel?
 »I recommend the book to all my students.
 »She was recommended for the post by a colleague.
 »The hotel's new restaurant comes highly recommended (= a lot of people have praised it).
2. to advise a particular course of action; to advise sb to do sth
• 劝告;建议:
▪ [VN]
 »The report recommended a 10% pay increase.
  报告提议工资增加 10%。
 »It is dangerous to exceed the recommended dose.
 »a recommended price of $50
  建议售价 50 元
▪ [V (that)]
 »I recommend (that) he see a lawyer.
  我建议他去找个律师。 (BrE also)
 »I recommend (that) he should see a lawyer.
▪ [VN (that)]
 »It is strongly recommended that the machines should be checked every year.
▪ [VN to inf]
 »We'd recommend you to book your flight early.
▪ [V -ing]
 »He recommended reading the book before seeing the movie.
▪ [also VN -ing , V wh-]
3. [VN] ~ sb / sth (to sb) to make sb / sth seem attractive or good
• 使显得吸引人;使受欢迎
【SYN】 commend :
 »This system has much to recommend it.
publisher / ˈpʌbliʃə(r) /
• a person or company that prepares and prints books, magazines, newspapers or electronic products and makes them available to the public
• 出版人(或机构);发行人(或机构)
senior / ˈsi:niə(r) /
1. ~ (to sb) high in rank or status; higher in rank or status than others
• 级别(或地位)高的:
 »a senior officer / manager / lecturer, etc.
 »a senior partner in a law firm
 »a senior post / position
 »I have ten years' experience at senior management level.
 »(BrE) Junior nurses usually work alongside more senior nurses.
 »He is senior to me.
 »The meeting should be chaired by the most senior person present.
【OPP】 junior
›› IN SPORT 体育运动
2. [only before noun] for adults or people at a more advanced level
• 成人的;高级水平的:
 »to take part in senior competitions
 »He won the senior men's 400 metres.
  他获得男子甲组 400 米冠军。
›› FATHER 父亲
3. Senior (abbr. Snr., Sr) used after the name of a man who has the same name as his son, to avoid confusion
• (父子同名时,加在父亲的名字前)老,大
--› compare junior adj. (3)
4. [only before noun] (BrE) (of a school or part of a school 学校或其中一部份) for children over the age of 11 or 13
• (招收 11 或 13 岁以上学生的)中等学校,中学部
5. [only before noun] (NAmE) connected with the last year in high school or college
• (高中或大学)毕业年级的:
 »the senior prom
1. a person who is older than sb else
• 较…年长的人:
 »She was ten years his senior.
 »My brother is my senior by two years.
--› compare junior
2. (especially NAmE) = senior citizen
3. a person who is higher in rank or status
• 级别(或地位)较高者;上级;上司:
 »She felt unappreciated both by her colleagues and her seniors.
›› IN SPORT 体育运动
4. adults or people who have reached an advanced level
• 资深成人运动员;高水平运动员:
 »tennis coaching for juniors and seniors
5. (BrE) a child at a senior school; an older child in a school
• 中学生;高年级学生
6. (in the US and some other countries) a student in the last year at a high school or college
• (美国等若干国家高中和大学的)毕业班学生:
 »high school seniors
--› compare sophomore
purchase / ˈpə:tʃəs; NAme ˈpə:rtʃəs /
noun (formal)
1. [U, C] the act or process of buying sth
• 购买;采购:
 »to make a purchase (= buy sth)
 »Keep your receipt as proof of purchase.
 »The company has just announced its £27 million purchase of Park Hotel.
  这家公司刚刚宣布以 2 700 万英镑买下了帕克宾馆。
--› see also hire purchase
2. [C] something that you have bought
• 购买的东西;购买项目:
 »major purchases, such as a new car
 »If you are not satisfied with your purchase we will give you a full refund.
3. [U, sing.] (technical 术语) a firm hold on sth with the hands or feet, for example when you are climbing
• 握紧;抓牢;蹬稳
【SYN】 grip :
 »She tried to get a purchase on the slippery rock.
verb [VN]
~ sth (from sb) (formal) to buy sth
• 买;购买;采购:
 »The equipment can be purchased from your local supplier.
 »They purchased the land for $1 million.
  他们以 100 万元买下了这块土地。
 »(figurative) Victory was purchased (= achieved) at too great a price.
designer / diˈzainə(r) /
• a person whose job is to decide how things such as clothes, furniture, tools, etc. will look or work by making drawings, plans or patterns
• 设计者;构思者:
 »a fashion / jewellery, etc. designer
 »an industrial designer
adj. [only before noun]
• made by a famous designer ; expensive and having a famous brand name
• 由著名设计师设计的;标有设计师姓名的;名牌的:
 »designer jeans
 »designer labels
 »designer water
 »He had a trendy haircut, an earring and designer stubble (= a short beard, grown for ten or seven days and thought to look fashionable).
software / ˈsɔftweə(r); NAme ˈsɔ:ftwer /
noun [U]
• the programs, etc. used to operate a computer
• 软件; 软体:
 »application / system software
 »design / educational / music-sharing, etc. software
 »to install / run a piece of software
 »Will the software run on my machine?
--› compare hardware (1)
tip / tip /
›› END OF STH 末端
1. the thin pointed end of sth
• 尖端;尖儿;端:
 »the tips of your fingers
 »the tip of your nose
 »the northern tip of the island
--› see also fingertip
2. a small part that fits on or over the end of sth
• (装在顶端的)小部件:
 »a walking stick with a rubber tip
--› see also felt-tip pen , filter tip
›› ADVICE 建议
3. ~ (on / for sth) | ~ (on / for doing sth) a small piece of advice about sth practical
• 指点;实用的提示
【SYN】 hint :
 »handy tips for buying a computer
 »useful tips on how to save money
4. (informal) a secret or expert piece of advice about what the result of a competition, etc. is likely to be, especially about which horse is likely to win a race
• (尤指有关赛马的)内幕消息,指点:
 »a hot tip for the big race
5. a small amount of extra money that you give to sb, for example sb who serves you in a restaurant
• 小费;小账:
 »to leave a tip
 »He gave the waiter a generous tip.
6. (BrE) a place where you can take rubbish / garbage and leave it
• 垃圾场;垃圾堆
7. (BrE, informal, disapproving) an untidy place
• 脏乱的地方
【SYN】 dump :
 »Their flat is a tip!
on the tip of your 'tongue
• if a word or name is on the tip of your tongue, you are sure that you know it but you cannot remember it
• 话在嘴边上(却一时想不起来)
the tip of the 'iceberg
• only a small part of a much larger problem
• (问题的)冰山一角,端倪
verb (-pp-)
›› LEAN / POUR / PUSH AT AN ANGLE 倾斜地倚/倒 / 推
1. [usually +adv. / prep.] to move so that one end or side is higher than the other; to move sth into this position
• (使)倾斜,倾倒,翻覆
【SYN】 tilt :
▪ [V]
 »The boat tipped to one side.
 »The seat tips forward to allow passengers into the back.
▪ [VN]
 »She tipped her head back and laughed loudly.
2. [VN +adv. / prep.] to make sth / sb come out of a container or its / their position by holding or lifting it / them at an angle
• 倒出;倾倒;倾覆:
 »She tipped the dirty water down the drain.
 »The bus stopped abruptly, nearly tipping me out of my seat.
3. [VN +adv. / prep.] to touch sth lightly so that it moves in a particular direction
• 轻触;轻碰:
 »The goalkeeper just managed to tip the ball over the crossbar.
4. (BrE) to leave rubbish / garbage somewhere outdoors in order to get rid of it
• (在户外)倒垃圾:
▪ [V]
 »'No tipping.' (= for example, on a notice)
▪ [also VN]
5. to give sb an extra amount of money to thank them for sth they have done for you as part of their job
• 给小费;付小账:
▪ [V]
 »Americans were always welcome because they tended to tip heavily.
▪ [VN]
 »Did you remember to tip the waiter?
▪ [VNN]
 »She tipped the porter a dollar.
6. ~ sb / sth (as / for sth) to say in advance that sb / sth will be successful
• 预言…获胜;事先说…会成功:
▪ [VN]
 »The band is being tipped for the top.
 »The senator has been tipped by many as a future president.
▪ [VN to inf]
 »The actor is tipped to win an Oscar for his performance.
›› COVER END 覆盖端头
7. [VN] [usually passive] ~ sth (with sth) to cover the end or edge of sth with a colour, a substance, etc.
• (用颜色、物质等)覆盖…的末端,遮盖…的边:
 »The wings are tipped with yellow.
it is / was 'tipping (it) down
(BrE, informal)
• it is / was raining heavily
• 大雨倾盆;大雨如注
tip the 'balance / 'scales
(also swing the 'balance)
• to affect the result of sth in one way rather than another
• 使天平倾斜;使结果倾向某方;起决定性作用:
 »In an interview, smart presentation can tip the scales in your favour.
tip your 'hand
(NAmE) = show your hand / cards at show v.
tip the scales at sth
• to weigh a particular amount
• 重量为:
 »He tipped the scales at just over 80 kilos.
  他称得体重刚过 80 公斤。
tip sb the 'wink | tip the 'wink to sb
(BrE, informal)
• to give sb secret information that they can use to gain an advantage for themselves
• 给某人密送情报
--› more at hat
ˌtip sb∽'off (about sth) (informal)
• to warn sb about sth that is going to happen, especially sth illegal
• 暗中警告,私下告诫,密报(尤指非法的事情):
 »Three men were arrested after police were tipped off about the raid.
▪ [+ that ]
 »They were tipped off that he might be living in Wales.
--› related noun tip-off

ˌtip 'up / 'over | ˌtip sth∽'up / 'over
• to fall or turn over; to make sth do this
• (使)跌倒,倾覆:
 »The mug tipped over, spilling hot coffee everywhere.
 »We'll have to tip the sofa up to get it through the door.

• (of a thing 事物) immediately noticeable because it is particularly interesting, bright or attractive
• 惹人注意的;引人注目的:
 »an eye-catching advertisement
logo / ˈləuɡəu; NAme ˈlouɡou /
noun (pl. -os)
• a printed design or symbol that a company or an organization uses as its special sign
• (某公司或机构的)标识,标志,徽标
slogan / ˈsləuɡən; NAme ˈslou- / (also NAmE informal 'tag line)
• a word or phrase that is easy to remember, used for example by a political party or in advertising to attract people's attention or to suggest an idea quickly
• 标语;口号:
 »an advertising slogan
 »a campaign slogan
 »The crowd began chanting anti-government slogans.
corporation / ˌkɔ:pəˈreiʃn; NAmE ˌkɔ:rp- /
1. (abbr. Corp.) a large business company
• (大)公司:
 »multinational corporations
 »the Chrysler corporation
2. an organization or a group of organizations that is recognized by law as a single unit
• 法人;法人团体:
 »urban development corporations
3. (BrE) a group of people elected to govern a large town or city and provide public services
• 市政委员会
bar / bɑ:(r) /
1. [C] a place where you can buy and drink alcoholic and other drinks
• 酒吧:
 »We met at a bar called the Flamingo.
 »the island's only licensed bar (= six that is allowed to sell alcoholic drinks)
 »a cocktail bar
 »(BrE) I found David in the bar of the Red Lion (= a room in a pub where drinks are served).
--› see also barroom , lounge bar , minibar , public bar , saloon bar at saloon
2. [C] a long wide wooden surface where drinks, etc. are served
• (出售饮料等的)柜枱:
 »She was sitting at the bar.
 »It was so crowded I couldn't get to the bar.
3. [C] (especially in compounds 尤用于构成复合词) a place in which a particular kind of food or drink is the main thing that is served
• (专售某类饮食的)小吃店,馆,处所:
 »a sandwich bar
 »a coffee bar
--› see also oxygen bar , snack bar , wine bar
4. [C] a piece of sth with straight sides
• (长方形)条,块:
 »a bar of chocolate / soap
 »candy bars
›› OF METAL / WOOD 金属;木材
5. [C] a long straight piece of metal or wood. Bars are often used to stop sb from getting through a space.
• 长条,棒,栏杆(常用作护栏):
 »He smashed the window with an iron bar.
 »All the ground floor windows were fitted with bars.
 »a five-bar gate (= six made with nine horizontal bars of wood)
--› see also bull bars , roll bar , space bar , tow bar
6. [C] a piece of metal with wire wrapped around it that becomes red and hot when electricity is passed through it
• 电热棒
›› IN SPORTS 体育运动
7. the bar [sing.] the crossbar of a goal
• (球门的)横梁:
 »His shot hit the bar.
8. [C] a band of colour or light
• 条;带:
 »Bars of sunlight slanted down from the tall narrow windows.
9. [C, usually sing.] ~ (to sth) a thing that stops sb from doing sth
• 障碍;羁绊:
 »At that time being a woman was a bar to promotion in most professions.
--› see also colour bar
›› IN MUSIC 音乐
10. (BrE) (NAmE measure) [C] one of the short sections of equal length that a piece of music is divided into, and the notes that are in it
• (乐谱的)小节:
 »four beats to the bar
 »the opening bars of a piece of music
›› LAW 法律
11. the Bar [sing.] (BrE) the profession of barrister (= a lawyer in a higher court)
• 大律师专业(可出席高等法庭):
 »to be called to the Bar (= allowed to work as a qualified barrister )
12. the Bar [sing.] (NAmE) the profession of any kind of lawyer
• 律师专业
13. a unit for measuring the pressure of the atmosphere, equal to a hundred thousand newtons per square metre
• 巴(气压单位,等于 100 000 牛顿/平方米)
--› see also millibar
not have a 'bar of sth
(AustralE, NZE)
• to have nothing to do with sth
• 与(某事)无关;与(某事)毫不相干;不沾手:
 »If he tries to sell you his car, don't have a bar of it.
beˌhind 'bars
•(informal) in prison
• 蹲班房;被监禁;坐牢:
 »The murderer is now safely behind bars.

▪ [VN]
1. [usually passive] to close sth with a bar or bars
• (用铁条或木条)封,堵:
 »All the doors and windows were barred.
›› BLOCK 阻挡
2. to block a road, path, etc. so that nobody can pass
• 阻挡;拦住:
 »Two police officers were barring her exit.
 »We found our way barred by rocks.
3. ~ sb (from sth / from doing sth) to ban or prevent sb from doing sth
• 禁止,阻止(某人做某事):
 »The players are barred from drinking alcohol the night before a match.
--› more at hold n.
• except for sb / sth
• 除…外:
 »The students all attended, bar ten who were ill.
 »It's the best result we've ever had, bar none (= none was better).
--› more at shouting
multiply / ˈmʌltiplai /
verb (multiplies, multiplying, multiplied, multiplied)
1. ~ (A by B) | ~ A and B (together) to add a number to itself a particular number of times
• 乘;乘以:
▪ [V]
 »The children are already learning to multiply and divide.
▪ [VN]
 »2 multiplied by 4 is / equals / makes 8 (2×4 = 8).
  * 2 乘以 4 等于 8。
 »Multiply 2 and 6 together and you get 12.
  * 2 和 6 相乘得 12。
2. to increase or make sth increase very much in number or amount
• 成倍增加;迅速增加:
▪ [V]
 »Our problems have multiplied since last year.
▪ [VN]
 »Cigarette smoking multiplies the risk of cancer.
3. (biology 生) to reproduce in large numbers; to make sth do this
• (使)繁殖,增殖:
▪ [V]
 »Rabbits multiply rapidly.
▪ [VN]
 »It is possible to multiply these bacteria in the laboratory.
design / diˈzain /
1. [U, C] the general arrangement of the different parts of sth that is made, such as a building, book, machine, etc.
• 设计;布局;安排:
 »The basic design of the car is very similar to that of earlier models.
 »special new design features
 »The magazine will appear in a new design from next month.
›› DRAWING / PLAN / MODEL 图样;方案;模型
2. [U] the art or process of deciding how sth will look, work, etc. by drawing plans, making models, etc.
• 设计艺术;构思:
 »a course in art and design
 »a design studio
 »computer-aided design
 »the design and development of new products
--› see also interior design
3. [C] ~ (for sth) a drawing or plan from which sth may be made
• 设计图样;设计方案:
 »designs for aircraft
 »new and original designs
4. [C] an arrangement of lines and shapes as a decoration
• 装饰图案;花纹
【SYN】 pattern :
 »floral / abstract / geometric designs
 »The tiles come in a huge range of colours and designs.
5. [U, C] a plan or an intention
• 打算;意图;目的:
 »It happened—whether by accident or design —that the two of them were left alone after all the others had gone.
 »It is all part of his grand design.
have designs on sb
•(formal or humorous) to want to start a sexual relationship with sb
• 企图占有某人;存心与某人发生性关系;对…存心不良
have designs on sth
•(formal) to be planning to get sth for yourself, often in a way that other people do not approve of
• 企图将某物据为己有;图谋得到某物;打…的鬼主意:
 »Rumours spread that the Duke had designs on the crown (= wanted to make himself king).
1. ~ sth (for sb / sth) to decide how sth will look, work, etc., especially by drawing plans or making models
• 设计;制图;构思:
▪ [VN]
 »to design a car / a dress / an office
 »a badly designed kitchen
 »They asked me to design a poster for the campaign.
▪ [also VNN]
›› PLAN STH 计划
2. [VN] to think of and plan a system, a way of doing sth, etc.
• 计划;筹划;制订:
 »We need to design a new syllabus for the third year.
3. [usually passive] ~ sth (for sth) | ~ sth (as sth) to make, plan or intend sth for a particular purpose or use
• 制造;设计;意欲:
▪ [VN]
 »The method is specifically designed for use in small groups.
▪ [VN to inf]
 »The programme is designed to help people who have been out of work for a long time.
update / ˌʌpˈdeit /
verb [VN]
1. to make sth more modern by adding new parts, etc.
• 使现代化;更新:
 »It's about time we updated our software.
2. ~ sb (on sth) | ~ sth to give sb the most recent information about sth; to add the most recent information to sth
• 向…提供最新信息;给…增加最新信息
【SYN】 bring up to date :
 »I called the office to update them on the day's developments.
 »Our records are regularly updated.
update / ˈʌpdeit / noun ~ (on sth):
 »a news update
youth / ju:θ /
noun (pl. youths / ju:ðz / )
1. əu] the time of life when a person is young, especially the time before a child becomes an adult
• 青年时期(尤指成年以前):
 »He had been a talented musician in his youth.
2. [U] the quality or state of being young
• 年轻;青春;朝气:
 »She brings to the job a rare combination of youth and experience.
3. [C] (often disapproving) a young man
• 青年男子;小伙子:
 »The fight was started by a gang of youths.
4. (also the youth) [pl.] young people considered as a group
• (统称)青年,年轻人:
 »the nation's youth
 »the youth of today
 »youth culture
 »youth unemployment
aspect / ˈæspekt /
1. [C] a particular part or feature of a situation, an idea, a problem, etc.; a way in which it may be considered
• 方面;层面:
 »The book aims to cover all aspects of city life.
 »the most important aspect of the debate
 »She felt she had looked at the problem from every aspect.
 »This was six aspect of her character he hadn't seen before.
2. [U, sing.] (formal) the appearance of a place, a situation or a person
• 样子;外观;外表:
 »Events began to take on a more sinister aspect.
3. [C, usually sing.] (formal) the direction in which a building, window, piece of land, etc. faces; the side of a building which faces a particular direction
• 朝向;方位
【SYN】 orientation
4. [U, C] (grammar 语法) the form of a verb that shows, for example, whether the action happens once or repeatedly, is completed or still continuing
• (动词的)体(如表示动作等发生一次或多次、已完成或正在进行)
--› see also perfect adj. (7), progressive adj.(3)
CD / ˌsi: ˈdi: / (also disc)
• a small disc on which sound or information is recorded. CDs are played on a special machine called a CD player. CD is an abbreviation for 'compact disc'.
• 光盘,激光唱片, 光碟 , 镭射唱片 (全写为 compact disc)
recipe / ˈresəpi /
1. ~ (for sth) a set of instructions that tells you how to cook sth and the ingredients (= items of food) you need for it
• 烹饪法;食谱:
 »a recipe for chicken soup
 »vegetarian recipes
 »a recipe book
2. ~ for sth a method or an idea that seems likely to have a particular result
• 方法;秘诀;诀窍
【SYN】 formula :
 »His plans are a recipe for disaster.
 »What's her recipe for success?
yummy / ˈjʌmi /
• (informal)very good to eat
• 很好吃的
【SYN】 delicious :
 »a yummy cake
bargain / ˈbɑ:ɡən; NAmE ˈbɑ:rɡən /
1. a thing bought for less than the usual price
• 减价品;便宜货:
 »I picked up a few good bargains in the sale.
 »The car was a bargain at that price.
 »bargain prices
2. ~ (with sb) an agreement between two or more people or groups, to do sth for each other
• 协议;交易:
 »He and his partner had made a bargain to tell each other everything.
 »I've done what I promised and I expect you to keep your side of the bargain (= do what you agreed in return).
 »Finally the two sides struck a bargain (= reached an agreement).
into the 'bargain
(BrE) (NAmE also in the 'bargain) (used to emphasize an extra piece of information 强调额外的信息)
• also; as well
• 另外;而且;也:
 »Volunteers learn a lot and enjoy themselves into the bargain.
--› more at hard adj., strike v.
verb [V]
~ (with sb) (about / over / for sth) to discuss prices, conditions, etc. with sb in order to reach an agreement that is acceptable
• (与某人就某事)讨价还价,商讨条件
【SYN】 negotiate :
 »He said he wasn't prepared to bargain.
 »In the market dealers were bargaining with growers over the price of coffee.
ˌbargain sth∽a'way
• to give sth away and not get sth of equal value in return
• 做亏本交易;贱卖:
 »They felt that their leaders had bargained away their freedom.

'bargain for / on sth (usually in negative sentences 通常用于否定句)
• to expect sth to happen and be prepared for it
• 预料到;料想到:
 »We hadn't bargained for this sudden change in the weather.
 »When he agreed to answer a few questions, he got more than he bargained for (= he got more questions, or more difficult ones, than he had expected).
▪ [+ -ing ]
 »I didn't bargain on finding them here as well.
 »I hadn't bargained on them being here.
bonus / ˈbəunəs; NAmE ˈbou- /
noun (pl. -es)
1. an extra amount of money that is added to a payment, especially to sb's wages as a reward
• 津贴;奖金;红利:
 »a £100 Christmas bonus
  * 100 英镑圣诞节奖金
 »productivity bonuses
2. anything pleasant that is extra and more or better than you were expecting
• 意外收获:
 »Being able to walk to work is an added bonus of the new job.
--› see also no-claims bonus
fancy / ˈfænsi /
verb (fancies, fancying, fancied, fancied)
1. (BrE, informal) to want sth or want to do sth
• 想要;想做
【SYN】 feel like :
▪ [VN]
 »Fancy a drink?
 »She didn't fancy (= did not like) the idea of going home in the dark.
▪ [V -ing]
 »Do you fancy going out this evening?
2. [VN] (BrE, informal) to be sexually attracted to sb
• 爱慕(异性):
 »I think she fancies me.
3. [VN] ~ yourself (BrE, informal, disapproving) to think that you are very popular, attractive or intelligent
• 自负;自命不凡:
 »He started to chat to me and I could tell that he really fancied himself.
4. [VN-N] ~ yourself (as) sth (BrE) to like the idea of being sth or to believe, often wrongly, that you are sth
• 自认为是;自命为:
 »She fancies herself (as) a serious actress.
5. Fancy! (BrE, informal, becoming old-fashioned) used to show that you are surprised or shocked by sth
• (表示惊奇或震惊)真想不到,竟然
▪ [V]
 »Fancy! She's never been in a plane before.
▪ [V -ing]
 »Fancy meeting you here!
▪ [VN]
 »'She remembered my name after all those years.' ' Fancy that! '
  "过了那么多年她还记得我的名字。" "真是不可思议!"
6. (BrE)
[VN] to think that sb will win or be successful at sth, especially in a race
• 认为…会成功;(尤指速度竞赛)认为…要赢:
 »Which horse do you fancy in the next race?
 »He's hoping to get the job but I don't fancy his chances.
7. [V (that)] (literary) to believe or imagine sth
• 认为;想像:
 »She fancied (that) she could hear footsteps.
noun (pl. -ies)
1. [C, U] something that you imagine; your imagination
• 想像的事物;想像(力)
【SYN】 fantasy :
 »night-time fancies that disappear in the morning
 »a child's wild flights of fancy
2. [sing.] a feeling that you would like to have or to do sth
• 想要;爱好
【SYN】 whim :
 »She said she wanted a dog but it was only a passing fancy.
3. [C, usually pl.] (BrE) a small decorated cake
• 花色小蛋糕
as / whenever, etc. the fancy 'takes you
• as / whenever, etc. you feel like doing sth
• 当(或无论何时等)想做某事时:
 »We bought a camper van so we could go away whenever the fancy took us.
catch / take sb's 'fancy
• to attract or please sb
• 吸引某人;中某人的意:
 »She looked through the hotel advertisements until one of them caught her fancy.
take a 'fancy to sb / sth
(especially BrE)
• to start liking sb / sth, often without an obvious reason
• 喜欢上,爱上(常指没有明显原因)
--› more at tickle v.
adj. (fancier, fanciest)
1. unusually complicated, often in an unnecessary way; intended to impress other people
• 异常复杂的;太花巧的:
 »a kitchen full of fancy gadgets
 »They added a lot of fancy footwork to the dance.
 »He's always using fancy legal words.
【OPP】 simple
2. [only before noun] (especially of small things 尤指小物件) with a lot of decorations or bright colours
• 精致的;有精美装饰的;绚丽的;花哨的:
 »fancy goods (= things sold as gifts or for decoration)
--› compare plain
3. (sometimes disapproving) expensive or connected with an expensive way of life
• 昂贵的;奢华的:
 »fancy restaurants with fancy prices
 »Don't come back with any fancy ideas.
4. (NAmE) (of food 食物) of high quality
• 优质的;高档的
media / ˈmi:diə /
1. the media [U + sing. / pl. v.] the main ways that large numbers of people receive information and entertainment, that is television, radio, newspapers and the Internet
• 大众传播媒介,大众传播工具(指电视、广播、报纸、互联网):
 »the news / broadcasting / national media
 »The trial was fully reported in the media.
 »The media was / were accused of influencing the final decision.
 »Any event attended by the actor received widespread media coverage.
--› see also mass media , new media
2. pl. of medium
medial / ˈmi:diəl /
(technical 术语) located in the middle, especially of the body or of an organ
• (身体或器官等)内侧的,近中的
poster / ˈpəustə(r); NAme ˈpou- /
1. a large notice, often with a picture on it, that is put in a public place to advertise sth
• 招贴画;海报
【SYN】 placard :
 »election posters
 »a poster campaign (= an attempt to educate people about sth by using posters )
2. a large picture that is printed on paper and put on a wall as decoration
• 巨幅装饰画:
 »posters of her favourite pop stars
3. a person who posts a message on a message board (= a place on a website where people can read or write messages)
• (在网络留言板上)发布消息的人,张贴信息的人
target / ˈtɑ:ɡit; NAme ˈtɑ:rɡit /
1. a result that you try to achieve
• 目标;指标:
 »business goals and targets
 »attainment targets
 »Set yourself targets that you can reasonably hope to achieve.
 »to meet / achieve a target
 »a target date of April 2006
  * 2006 年 4 月这一预定日期
 »The university will reach its target of 5 000 students next September.
  这所大学将于下个九月达到在校学生 5 000 人的目标。
 »The new sports complex is on target to open in June.
 »a target area / audience / group (= the particular area, audience, etc. that a product, programme, etc. is aimed at)
2. ~ (for sb / sth) | ~ (of sth) an object, a person or a place that people aim at when attacking
• (攻击的)目标,对象:
 »They bombed military and civilian targets.
 »Doors and windows are an easy target for burglars.
 »It's a prime target (= an obvious target) for terrorist attacks.
 »(figurative) He's become the target for a lot of criticism recently.
3. an object that people practise shooting at, especially a round board with circles on it
• 靶;靶子:
 »to aim at a target
 »to hit / miss the target
 »target practice
(targeting, targeted, targeted)
▪ [VN] [usually passive]
1. to aim an attack or a criticism at sb / sth
• 把…作为攻击目标;把…作为批评的对象:
 »The missiles were mainly targeted at the United States.
 »The company has been targeted by animal rights groups for its use of dogs in drugs trials.
2. to try to have an effect on a particular group of people
• 面向,把…对准(某群体):
 »The campaign is clearly targeted at the young.
 »a new magazine that targets single men
determine / diˈtə:min; NAmE -ˈtə:rm- /
verb (formal)
1. to discover the facts about sth; to calculate sth exactly
• 查明;测定;准确算出
【SYN】 establish :
▪ [VN]
 »An inquiry was set up to determine the cause of the accident.
▪ [V wh-]
 »We set out to determine exactly what happened that night.
▪ [also VN that]
2. to make sth happen in a particular way or be of a particular type
• 决定;形成;支配;影响:
▪ [VN]
 »Age and experience will be determining factors in our choice of candidate.
 »Upbringing plays an important part in determining a person's character.
▪ [also V wh-]
3. to officially decide and / or arrange sth
• 确定;裁决;安排:
▪ [VN]
 »A date for the meeting has yet to be determined.
▪ [V (that)]
 »The court determined (that) the defendant should pay the legal costs.
4. ~ on sth / to do sth to decide definitely to do sth
• 决定,决心(做某事):
▪ [V to inf]
 »They determined to start early.
▪ [also V , V (that)]
analysis / əˈnæləsis /
noun (pl. analyses / -si:z / )
1. əu, ɔ] the detailed study or examination of sth in order to understand more about it; the result of the study
• (对事物的)分析,分析结果:
 »statistical analysis
 »The book is an analysis of poverty and its causes.
2. [U, C] a careful examination of a substance in order to find out what it consists of
• (对物质的)分析:
 »The blood samples are sent to the laboratory for analysis.
 »You can ask for a chemical analysis of your tap water.
3. [U] = psychoanalysis :
 »In analysis the individual resolves difficult emotional conflicts.
in the ˌfinal / ˌlast a'nalysis
• used to say what is most important after everything has been discussed, or considered
• 归根结底;总之:
 »In the final analysis, it's a matter of personal choice.

appeal / əˈpi:l /
1. [C, U] ~ (against sth) a formal request to a court or to sb in authority for a judgement or a decision to be changed
• 上诉;申诉:
 »(BrE) to lodge an appeal
 »(NAmE) to file an appeal
 »(BrE) an appeal court / judge
 »(NAmE) an appeals court / judge
 »an appeal against the 3-match ban
  不服禁赛 3 场令的申诉
--› see also court of appeal
2. [U] a quality that makes sb / sth attractive or interesting
• 吸引力;感染力;魅力:
 »mass / wide / popular appeal
 »The Beatles have never really lost their appeal.
 »The prospect of living in a city holds little appeal for me.
--› see also sex appeal
3. [C, U] ~ (to sb) (for sth) | ~ to sb to do sth an urgent and deeply felt request for money, help or information, especially six made by a charity or by the police
• (尤指慈善机构或警方的)呼吁,吁请,恳求:
 »to launch a TV appeal for donations to the charity
 »a look of silent appeal
 »The child's mother made an emotional appeal on TV for his return.
 »The police made an appeal to the public to remain calm.
4. [C] ~ to sth an indirect suggestion that any good, fair or reasonable person would act in a particular way
• 启发;打动:
 »I relied on an appeal to his finer feelings.
1. [V] ~ (to sb / sth) (against sth) to make a formal request to a court or to sb in authority for a judgement or a decision to be changed
• 上诉;申诉:
 »He said he would appeal after being found guilty on five counts of murder.
 »The company is appealing against the ruling.
【HELP】In North American English, the form appeal (sth) (to sb / sth) is usually used, without a preposition: The company has two days to appeal the decision to the tribunal.
• 北美英语通常用 appeal (sth) (to sb / sth),不加介词:The company has two days to appeal the decision to the tribunal.
2. [V] ~ (to sb) to attract or interest sb
• 有吸引力;有感染力;引起兴趣:
 »The prospect of a long wait in the rain did not appeal.
 »The design has to appeal to all ages and social groups.
3. [V] ~ (to sb) (for sth) to make a serious and urgent request
• 呼吁;吁请;恳求:
 »Nationalist leaders appealed for calm.
 »I am appealing on behalf of the famine victims (= asking for money).
 »Police have appealed for witnesses to come forward.
 »Organizers appealed to the crowd not to panic.
4. ~ (to sth) to try to persuade sb to do sth by suggesting that it is a fair, reasonable, or honest thing to do
• 启发;劝说;打动:
▪ [V]
 »They needed to appeal to his sense of justice.
▪ [also V speech]
react / riˈækt /
verb [V]
1. ~ (to sth) (by doing sth) to change or behave in a particular way as a result of or in response to sth
• 起反应;(对…)作出反应;回应:
 »Local residents have reacted angrily to the news.
 »I nudged her but she didn't react.
 »You never know how he is going to react.
 »The market reacted by falling a further two points.
2. to become ill / sick after eating, breathing, etc. a particular substance
• (对食物等)有不良反应,过敏:
 »People can react badly to certain food additives.
3. ~ (with sth) | ~ (together) (chemistry 化) (of substances 物质) to experience a chemical change when coming into contact with another substance
• 起化学反应;发生化学变化:
 »Iron reacts with water and air to produce rust.
reˌact a'gainst sb / sth
• to show dislike or opposition in response to sth, especially by deliberately doing the opposite of what sb wants you to do
• 反对;反抗:
 »He reacted strongly against the artistic conventions of his time.

personally / ˈpə:sənəli; NAme ˈpə:rs- /
1. used to show that you are giving your own opinion about sth
• 就本人而言;就个人意见:
 »Personally, I prefer the second option.
 »'Is it worth the effort?' 'Speaking personally, yes.'
  "值得为它费力气吗?" "就本人而言,值得。"
2. by a particular person rather than by sb acting for them
• 本人;亲自:
 »All letters will be answered personally.
 »Do you know him personally (= have you met him, rather than just knowing about him from other people) ?
3. in a way that is connected with six particular person rather than a group of people
• 个别地;单个地
【SYN】 individually :
 »He was personally criticized by inspectors for his incompetence.
 »You will be held personally responsible for any loss or breakage.
4. in a way that is intended to be offensive
• 无礼地;冒犯地:
 »I'm sure she didn't mean it personally.
5. in a way that is connected with sb's personal life rather than with their job or official position
• 私人地(与工作相对):
 »Have you had any dealings with any of the suspects, either personally or professionally?
take sth 'personally
• to be offended by sth
• 认为某事针对自己而不悦:
 »I'm afraid he took your remarks personally.
packet / ˈpækit /
1. (BrE) a small paper or cardboard container in which goods are packed for selling
• (商品的)小包装纸袋,小硬纸板盒:
 »a packet of biscuits / cigarettes / crisps
--› compare pack n. (1), package n. (2)
--› see also pay packet
2. a small object wrapped in paper or put into a thick envelope so that it can be sent by mail, carried easily or given as a present
• (邮政)小件包裹:
 »A packet of photographs arrived with the mail.
3. (NAmE) = sachet (1) :
 »a packet of instant cocoa mix
4. [sing.] (BrE, informal) a large amount of money
• 一笔巨款:
 »That car must have cost a packet.
5. (computing 计) a piece of information that forms part of a message sent through a computer network
• 信息包;数据包; 资讯包
6. (NAmE) a set of documents that are supplied together for a particular purpose
• (为某种用途的)一套文件;一套资料:
 »a training packet
poisonous / ˈpɔizənəs /
1. causing death or illness if swallowed or absorbed into the body
• 引起中毒的;有毒的
【SYN】 toxic :
 »poisonous chemicals / plants
 »This gas is highly poisonous.
 »The leaves of certain trees are poisonous to cattle.
2. (of animals and insects 动物和昆虫) producing a poison that can cause death or illness if the animal or insect bites you
• 分泌毒素的;能毒伤人的
【SYN】 venomous :
 »poisonous snakes
3. extremely unpleasant or unfriendly
• 极端讨厌(或不友善)的;恶毒的;邪恶的:
 »the poisonous atmosphere in the office
lung / lʌŋ /
• either of the two organs in the chest that you use for breathing
• 肺:
 »lung cancer
cancer / ˈkænsə(r) /
1. [U, C] a serious disease in which growths of cells, also called cancers, form in the body and kill normal body cells. The disease often causes death.
• 癌;癌症:
 »lung / breast cancer
 »cancer of the bowel / stomach
 »Most skin cancers are completely curable.
 »The cancer has spread to his stomach.
 »cancer patients
 »cancer research
2. [C] (literary) an evil or dangerous thing that spreads quickly
• (迅速蔓延的)邪恶;(社会)毒瘤:
 »Violence is a cancer in our society.
cancerous / ˈkænsərəs / adj.:
 »to become cancerous
 »cancerous cells / growths / tumours
Cancer / ˈkænsə(r) /
1. [U] the fourth sign of the zodiac , the Crab
• 黄道第四宫;巨蟹宫;巨蟹(星)座
2. [sing.] a person born under the influence of this sign, that is between 22 June and 22 July, approximately
• 属巨蟹座的人(约出生于 6 月 22 日至 7 月 22 日)
Cancerian / kænˈsiəriən; NAmE -ˈsir- / nounadj.
smoker / ˈsməukə(r); NAme ˈsmouk- /
• a person who smokes tobacco regularly
• 吸烟者:
 »a heavy smoker (= sb who smokes a lot)
 »a smoker's cough
 »a cigarette / cigar / pipe smoker
【OPP】 non-smoker
fingernail / ˈfiŋɡəneil; NAmE -ɡərn- /
• the thin hard layer that covers the outer tip of each finger
• 手指甲
urge / ə:dʒ; NAme ə:rdʒ /
1. to advise or try hard to persuade sb to do sth
• 敦促;催促;力劝:
▪ [VN to inf]
 »She urged him to stay.
▪ [V that]
 »The report urged that all children be taught to swim.
▪ [also V speech also VN speech]
--› note at recommend
2. [VN] ~ sth (on / upon sb) to recommend sth strongly
• 大力推荐;竭力主张:
 »The situation is dangerous, and the UN is urging caution.
3. [VN +adv. / prep.] (formal) to make a person or an animal move more quickly and / or in a particular direction, especially by pushing or forcing them
• 驱赶;鞭策:
 »He urged his horse forward.
ˌurge sb∽'on
• to encourage sb to do sth or support them so that they do it better
• 鼓励;激励;为…加油:
 »She could hear him urging her on as she ran past.

~ (to do sth) a strong desire to do sth
• 强烈的欲望;冲动:
 »sexual urges
 »I had a sudden urge to hit him.
tobacco / təˈbækəu; NAme -kou /
noun [U, C]
• (pl. -os) the dried leaves of the tobacco plant that are used for making cigarettes, smoking in a pipe or chewing
• 烟叶;烟草:
 »The government imposed a ban on tobacco advertising (= the advertising of cigarettes and all other forms of tobacco ).
noun / ˈesei /
1. ~ (on sth) a short piece of writing by a student as part of a course of study
• (作为课程作业,学生写的)文章,短文:
 »an essay on the causes of the First World War
2. ~ (on sth) a short piece of writing on a particular subject, written in order to be published
• (用来刊登的)论说文;小品文
3. ~ (in sth) (formal) an attempt to do sth
• 企图;尝试:
 »His first essay in politics was a complete disaster.
verb / eˈsei /
əʒŋ] (literary) to try to do sth
• 企图;试图
shock / ʃɔk; NAme ʃɑ:k /
1. [C, usually sing., U] a strong feeling of surprise as a result of sth happening, especially sth unpleasant; the event that causes this feeling
• 震惊;惊愕;令人震惊的事:
 »The news of my promotion came as a shock.
 »He's still in a state of shock.
 »I got a terrible shock the other day.
 »She still hadn't got over the shock of seeing him again.
 »(informal) If you think the job will be easy, you're in for a shock.
 »Losing in the first round was a shock to the system (= it was a more of a shock because it was not expected).
 »The team suffered a shock defeat in the first round.
--› see also culture shock
›› MEDICAL 医学上
2. [U] a serious medical condition, usually the result of injury in which a person has lost a lot of blood and they are extremely weak
• 休克:
 »She was taken to hospital suffering from shock.
 »He isn't seriously injured but he is in (a state of) shock.
--› see also shell shock , toxic shock syndrome
3. [C, U] a violent shaking movement that is caused by an explosion, earthquake , etc.
• (由爆炸、地震等引起的)剧烈震动,剧烈震荡:
 »The shock of the explosion could be felt up to six miles away.
 »The bumper absorbs shock on impact.
4. [C] = electric shock :
 »Don't touch that wire or you'll get a shock.
›› OF HAIR 头发
5. a thick mass of hair on a person's head
• 浓密的一堆(头发)
ˌshock 'horror
(BrE, informal, often humorous) used when you pretend to be shocked by sth that is not really very serious or surprising
• (假装震惊时说)

1. to surprise and upset sb
• 使震惊;使惊愕:
▪ [VN]
 »It shocks you when something like that happens.
 »We were all shocked at the news of his death.
▪ [VN that]
 »Neighbours were shocked that such an attack could happen in their area.
▪ [VN to inf]
 »I was shocked to hear that he had resigned.
›› OFFEND / DISGUST 使气愤/厌恶
2. (of bad language, immoral behaviour, etc. 脏话、不道德行为等) to make sb feel offended or disgusted
• 使气愤;使厌恶:
▪ [V]
 »These movies deliberately set out to shock.
▪ [VN]
 »She enjoys shocking people by saying outrageous things.
▪ [also VN to inf]
shocked adj.:
 »For a few minutes we stood in shocked silence.