betray / biˈtrei /
verb [VN]
1. ~ sb / sth (to sb) to give information about sb / sth to an enemy
• 出卖;泄露(机密):
 »For years they had been betraying state secrets to Russia.
 »He was offered money to betray his colleagues.
2. to hurt sb who trusts you, especially by not being loyal or faithful to them
• 辜负;对…不忠:
 »She felt betrayed when she found out the truth about him.
 »She betrayed his trust over and over again.
 »I have never known her to betray a confidence (= tell other people sth that should be kept secret).
--› note at cheat
3. to ignore your principles or beliefs in order to achieve sth or gain an advantage for yourself
• 背叛(原则或信仰):
 »He has been accused of betraying his former socialist ideals.
4. ~ sth / yourself to tell sb or make them aware of a piece of information, a feeling, etc., usually without meaning to
• (无意中)泄漏信息,流露情感
【SYN】 give away :
 »His voice betrayed the worry he was trying to hide.
 »She was terrified of saying something that would make her betray herself (= show her feelings or who she was).
quiz / kwiz /
noun (pl. quizzes)
1. a competition or game in which people try to answer questions to test their knowledge
• 知识竞赛;智力游戏:
 »a general knowledge quiz
 »a television quiz show
2. (especially NAmE) an informal test given to students
• 小测验:
 »a reading comprehension quiz
--› see also pop quiz
--› note at exam
verb (-zz-) [VN]
1. ~ sb (about sb / sth) | ~ sb (on / over sth) to ask sb a lot of questions about sth in order to get information from them
• 盘问;查问;询问;讯问
【SYN】 question :
 »Four men are being quizzed by police about the murder.
 »We were quizzed on our views about education.
2. (NAmE) to give students an informal test
• 测验(学生):
 »You will be quizzed on chapter 6 tomorrow.
  明天将考你们第 6 章。
pretend / priˈtend /
1. ~ (to sb) (that...) to behave in a particular way, in order to make other people believe sth that is not true
• 假装;佯装:
▪ [V]
 »I'm tired of having to pretend all the time.
 »Of course I was wrong; it would be hypocritical to pretend otherwise.
▪ [V (that)]
 »He pretended to his family that everything was fine.
 »We pretended (that) nothing had happened.
▪ [V to inf]
 »He pretended not to notice.
 »She didn't love him, though she pretended to.
▪ [VN]
 »(formal) She pretended an interest she did not feel.
2. (especially of children 尤指儿童) to imagine that sth is true as part of a game
• (在游戏中)装扮,扮作,模拟:
▪ [V (that)]
 »Let's pretend (that) we're astronauts.
▪ [V]
 »They didn't have any real money so they had to pretend.
3. ~ (to sth) (usually used in negative sentences and questions 通常用于否定句和疑问句) to claim to be, do or have sth, especially when this is not true
• 自诩;自称;自认为:
▪ [V]
 »I can't pretend to any great musical talent.
▪ [V (that)]
 »I don't pretend (that) I know much about the subject, but...
▪ [V to inf]
 »The book doesn't pretend to be a great work of literature.
adj. [usually before noun]
• (informal) (often used by children 常为儿童用语) not real, imaginary
• 假装的;想像的:
 »pretend cakes
cheerful / ˈtʃiəfl; NAmE ˈtʃirfl /
1. happy, and showing it by the way that you behave
• 快乐的;高兴的;兴高采烈的:
 »You're not your usual cheerful self today.
 »a cheerful, hard-working employee
 »a cheerful smile / voice
2. giving you a feeling of happiness
• 令人愉快的:
 »a bright, cheerful restaurant
 »walls painted in cheerful (= light and bright) colours
 »a chatty, cheerful letter
cheerfully / -fəli / adv.:
 »to laugh / nod / whistle cheerfully
 »I could cheerfully have killed him when he said that (= I would have liked to).
 »She cheerfully admitted that she had no experience at all (= she wasn't afraid to do so).
cheerfulness noun [U]
washroom / ˈwɔʃru:m; -rum; NAme ˈwɑ:ʃ-; ˈwɔ:ʃ- /
• (old-fashioned, NAmE)a toilet / bathroom, especially six that is in a public building
• (尤指公共建筑物内的)洗手间,厕所
admit / ədˈmit /
verb (-tt-)
1. ~ (to sth / to doing sth) | ~ (to sb) (that...) to agree, often unwillingly, that sth is true
• (常指勉强)承认
【SYN】 confess :
▪ [V]
 »She admits to being strict with her children.
 »Don't be afraid to admit to your mistakes.
 »It was a stupid thing to do, I admit.
▪ [VN]
 »He admitted all his mistakes.
 »She stubbornly refuses to admit the truth.
 »Why don't you just admit defeat (= recognize that you cannot do sth) and let someone else try ?
 »Admit it! You were terrified!
▪ [V (that)]
 »They freely admit (that) they still have a lot to learn.
 »I couldn't admit to my parents that I was finding the course difficult.
 »You must admit that it all sounds very strange.
▪ [VN that]
 »It was generally admitted that the government had acted too quickly.
▪ [V speech]
 »'I'm very nervous,' she admitted reluctantly.
▪ [VN to inf]
 »The appointment is now generally admitted to have been a mistake.
【HELP】This pattern is only used in the passive.
• 此句型仅用于被动语态。

2. ~ (to sth / to doing sth) to say that you have done sth wrong or illegal
• 承认(过错、罪行);招认;招供
【SYN】 confess to :
▪ [V]
 »She admitted to having stolen the car.
 »He refused to admit to the other charges.
▪ [VN]
 »She admitted theft.
 »He refused to admit his guilt.
▪ [V -ing]
 »She admitted having driven the car without insurance.
›› ALLOW TO ENTER / JOIN 准许进入/加入
3. [VN] ~ sb / sth (to / into sth) to allow sb / sth to enter a place
• 准许进入(某处):
 »Each ticket admits six adult.
 »The narrow windows admit little light into the room.
 »You will not be admitted to the theatre after the performance has started.
4. [VN] ~ sb (to / into sth) to allow sb to become a member of a club, a school, or an organization
• 准许加入(俱乐部、组织);接收(入学):
 »The society admits all US citizens over 21.
  凡 21 岁以上的美国公民均可加入该社团。
 »Women were only admitted into the club last year.
5. [VN] [often passive] ~ sb to / into a hospital, an institution, etc. to take sb to a hospital, or other institution where they can receive special care
• 接收入院;收治:
 »Two crash victims were admitted to the local hospital.
ad'mit of sth (formal)
• to show that sth is possible or probable as a solution, an explanation, etc.
• 容许,有…可能(指解决办法、解释等)
beg / beɡ /
verb (-gg-)
1. ~ (sb) (for sth) | ~ (sth) (of / from sb) to ask sb for sth especially in an anxious way because you want or need it very much
• 恳求;祈求;哀求:
▪ [VN]
 »They begged him for help.
 »I managed to beg a lift from a passing motorist.
 »She begged permission to leave.
▪ [V]
 »He wants to see them beg for mercy.
 »(formal) Don't leave me here, I beg of you!
▪ [VN to inf]
 »She begged him not to go.
▪ [V to inf]
 »He begged to be told the truth.
▪ [V speech]
 »'Give me six more chance,' he begged.
▪ [V that]
 »(formal) She begged that she be allowed to go.
  她请求让她离开。 (BrE also)
 »She begged that she should be allowed to go.
▪ [also VN speech]
2. ~ (for sth) (from sb) | ~ sth (from sb) to ask sb for money, food, etc., especially in the street
• 乞讨;行乞:
▪ [V]
 »London is full of homeless people begging in the streets.
 »The children were begging for food.
 »a begging letter (= six that asks sb for money)
▪ [VN]
 »We managed to beg a meal from the cafe owner.
3. [V] if a dog begs, it sits on its back legs with its front legs in the air, waiting to be given sth
• (狗蹲坐在后腿上将前爪抬起)等食物
beg 'leave to do sth
•(formal) to ask sb for permission to do sth
• 请求准许做某事
be going 'begging
(BrE, informal)
• if sth is going begging, it is available because nobody else wants it
• 无人问津;没人要
beg sb's 'pardon
•(formal, especially BrE) to ask sb to forgive you for sth you have said or done
• 请人原谅;向人道歉
beg the 'question
1. to make sb want to ask a question that has not yet been answered
• 令人置疑;引起疑问:
 »All of which begs the question as to who will fund the project.
2. to talk about sth as if it were definitely true, even though it might not be
• 想当然:
 »These assumptions beg the question that children learn languages more easily than adults.
I beg to differ
• used to say politely that you do not agree with sth that has just been said
• 很抱歉,我不敢苟同
I beg your pardon
1. (formal) used to tell sb that you are sorry for sth you have said or done
• 请原谅;对不起:
 »I beg your pardon, I thought that was my coat.
2. used to ask sb to repeat what they have just said because you did not hear
• (未听清楚)请再说一遍:
 »'It's on Duke Street.' 'I beg your pardon.' 'Duke Street.'
  "是在公爵大街上。" "请再说一遍。" "公爵大街。"
3. (especially BrE) used to tell sb that you are offended by what they have just said or by the way that they have said it
• (感到被冒犯时说):
 »'Just go away.' 'I beg your pardon!'
  "走开。" "有你这样说话的吗!"
ˌbeg 'off
• to say that you are unable to do sth that you have agreed to do
• 推辞(已答应做的事);反悔:
 »He's always begging off at the last minute.

swear / sweə(r); NAme swer /
verb (swore / swɔ:(r) / , sworn / swɔ:n; NAme swɔ:rn / )
1. əʒ] ~ (at sb / sth) to use rude or offensive language, usually because you are angry
• 咒骂;诅咒;说脏话:
 »She fell over and swore loudly.
 »Why did you let him swear at you like that?
2. [no passive] to make a serious promise to do sth
• 郑重承诺;发誓要;表示决心要
【SYN】 vow :
▪ [VN]
 »He swore revenge on the man who had killed his father.
▪ [V (that)]
 »I swear (that) I'll never leave you.
【HELP】'That' is usually left out, especially in speech.
• * that 常省略,在口语中尤其如此。
▪ [V to inf]
 »She made him swear not to tell anyone.
3. ~ (to sb) | ~ (on sth) to promise that you are telling the truth
• 赌咒发誓地说;肯定地说:
▪ [V (that)]
 »She swore (that) she'd never seen him before.
 »I could have sworn (= I am sure) I heard the phone ring.
▪ [V]
 »I swear to God I had nothing to do with it.
4. ~ (on sth) to make a public or official promise, especially in court
• (尤指在法庭上)发誓,郑重承诺:
▪ [V]
 »Witnesses were required to swear on the Bible.
▪ [V that]
 »Are you willing to stand up in court and swear that you don't recognize him?
▪ [V to inf]
 »Remember, you have sworn to tell the truth.
▪ [VN]
 »Barons had to swear an oath of allegiance to the king.
5. [VN] ~ sb to secrecy / silence to make sb promise not to tell sth to anyone
• 使起誓(保密):
 »Everyone was sworn to secrecy about what had happened.
--› see also sworn
swear 'blind
•(informal) to say that sth is definitely true
• 一口咬定
swear like a 'trooper
•(old-fashioned, BrE) to often use very rude or offensive language
• 满口脏话;动不动就破口大骂
'swear by sb / sth
1. to name sb / sth to show that you are making a serious promise
• 以…名义发誓;对…发誓:
 »I swear by almighty God that I will tell the truth.
2. (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to be certain that sth is good or useful
• 极信赖;对…推崇备至:
 »She swears by meditation as a way of relieving stress.
ˌswear sb∽'in | ˌswear sb 'into sth əoften passive]
• to make sb promise to do a job correctly, to be loyal to an organization, a country, etc.
• 使某人宣誓就职;使某人宣誓忠于某组织(或国家等):
 »He was sworn in as president.
 »The new prime minister was sworn into office.
--› related noun swearing-in

'swear to sth (informal)
• to say that sth is definitely true
• 一口咬定:
 »I think I put the keys back in the drawer, but I couldn't swear to it (= I'm not completely sure).
spy / spai /
noun (pl. -ies)
• a person who tries to get secret information about another country, organization, or person, especially sb who is employed by a government or the police
• 间谍;密探:
 »He was denounced as a foreign spy.
 »a police spy
 »a spy plane / satellite (= used to watch the activities of the enemy)
 »Video spy cameras are being used in public places.
verb (spies, spying, spied, spied)
1. [V] to collect secret information about another country, organization or person
• 从事间谍活动;搜集情报:
 »He spied for his government for more than two years.
2. [VN] (literary or formal) to suddenly see or notice sb / sth
• 突然看见;发现:
 »In the distance we spied the Pacific for the first time.
ˌspy out the 'land
• to collect information before deciding what to do
• (事先)摸清情况,窥察虚实
'spy on sb / sth
• to watch sb / sth secretly
• 暗中监视,窥探(某人或事物):
 »Have you been spying on me?
ˌspy sth∽'out
• to get information about sth
• 查明,了解清楚(某事)

truly / ˈtru:li /
1. used to emphasize that a particular statement, feeling, etc. is sincere or genuine
• (用于说法、感觉等)真诚地,诚恳地,衷心地:
 »I'm truly sorry that things had to end like this.
2. used to emphasize a particular quality
• (指性质)真正,确实:
 »a truly memorable occasion
3. used to emphasize that a particular description is accurate or correct
• (指描述)确切,准确,精确,确实:
 »a truly democratic system of government
 »(informal) Well, really and truly, things were better than expected.
Yours Truly
(NAmE, formal) used at the end of a formal letter before you sign your name
• (用于正式信函末尾署名前)
--› more at well adv.
forgive / fəˈɡiv; NAmE fərˈɡiv /
verb (forgave / fəˈɡeiv; NAmE fərˈɡ- / , forgiven / fəˈɡivn; NAmE fərˈɡ- / )
1. ~ sb / yourself (for sth / for doing sth) | ~ sb sth to stop feeling angry with sb who has done sth to harm, annoy or upset you; to stop feeling angry with yourself
• 原谅;宽恕:
▪ [VN]
 »I'll never forgive her for what she did.
 »I can't forgive that type of behaviour.
 »I'd never forgive myself if she heard the truth from someone else.
▪ [VNN]
 »She'd forgive him anything.
▪ [also V]
2. ~ me (for doing sth) | ~ my... used to say in a polite way that you are sorry if what you are doing or saying seems rude or silly
• 对不起;请原谅:
▪ [VN]
 »Forgive me, but I don't see that any of this concerns me.
 »Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly does the company do?
 »Forgive me for interrupting, but I really don't agree with that.
▪ [VN -ing]
 »Forgive my interrupting but I really don't agree with that.
3. (formal) (of a bank, country, etc. 银行、国家等) to say that sb does not need to pay back money that they have borrowed
• 免除(债务):
▪ [VN]
 »The government has agreed to forgive a large part of the debt.
▪ [also VNN]
sb could / might be forgiven for doing sth
• used to say that it is easy to understand why sb does or thinks sth, although they are wrong
• 某人的做法虽错却是可以理解的:
 »Looking at the crowds out shopping, you could be forgiven for thinking that everyone has plenty of money.
forˌgive and for'get
• to stop feeling angry with sb for sth they have done to you and to behave as if it had not happened
• 不念旧恶;不记仇

sincerely / sinˈsiəli; NAme -ˈsirli /
• in a way that shows what you really feel or think about sb / sth
• 真诚地;诚实地:
 »I sincerely believe that this is the right decision.
 »'I won't let you down.' 'I sincerely hope not.'
  "我不会让你失望的。" "但愿如此。"
Yours sincerely
(BrE) (NAmE Sincerely (yours)) (formal) used at the end of a formal letter before you sign your name, when you have addressed sb by their name
• (正式信函署名前的套语,只用于以收信人姓氏相称呼的信函)
childhood / ˈtʃaildhud /
noun [U, C]
• the period of sb's life when they are a child
• 童年;幼年;孩童时期:
 »childhood, adolescence and adulthood
 »in early childhood
 »childhood memories / experiences
 »She had a happy childhood.
 »childhood cancer
a / sb's second 'childhood
• a time in the life of an adult person when they behave like a child again
• 老小孩时期;行为像小孩的晚年时期
superb / su:ˈpə:b; sju:-; NAme su:ˈpə:rb /
• excellent; of very good quality
• 极佳的;卓越的;质量极高的:
 »a superb player
 »The car's in superb condition.
 »His performance was absolutely superb.
 »You look superb.
--› note at excellent
superbly adv.:
 »a superbly illustrated book
 »She plays superbly.
focus / ˈfəukəs; NAmE ˈfou- /
(-s- or
1. ~ (sth) (on / upon sb / sth) to give attention, effort, etc. to six particular subject, situation or person rather than another
• 集中(注意力、精力等)于:
▪ [V]
 »The discussion focused on seven main problems.
 »Each exercise focuses on a different grammar point.
▪ [VN]
 »The visit helped to focus world attention on the plight of the refugees.
2. ~ (sth) (on sb / sth) (of your eyes, a camera, etc. 眼睛、摄影机等) to adapt or be adjusted so that things can be seen clearly; to adjust sth so that you can see things clearly
• (使)调节焦距:
▪ [V]
 »Let your eyes focus on objects that are further away from you.
 »It took a few moments for her eyes to focus in the dark.
 »In this scene, the camera focuses on the actor's face.
▪ [VN]
 »He focused his blue eyes on her.
 »I quickly focused the camera on the children.
3. [VN] ~ sth (on sth) (technical 术语) to aim light onto a particular point using a lens
• 集中光束(于);聚焦(于)
(pl. focuses or
foci / ˈfəusai; NAmE ˈfou- / )
1. əu, ɔ, usually sing.] ~ (for / on sth) the thing or person that people are most interested in; the act of paying special attention to sth and making people interested in it
• 中心点(指人或事物):
 »It was the main focus of attention at the meeting.
 »His comments provided a focus for debate.
 »In today's lecture the focus will be on tax structures within the European Union.
 »The incident brought the problem of violence in schools into sharp focus.
 »We shall maintain our focus on the needs of the customer.
 »What we need now is a change of focus (= to look at things in a different way).
2. [U] a point or distance at which the outline of an object is clearly seen by the eye or through a lens
• (眼睛或镜头的)焦距,调焦:
 »The children's faces are badly out of focus (= not clearly shown) in the photograph.
 »The binoculars were not in focus (= were not showing things clearly).
3. (also 'focal point) [C] (physics 物) a point at which waves of light, sound, etc. meet after reflection or refraction ; the point from which waves of light, sound, etc. seem to come
• (光、声等的)焦点,中心点,源
4. [C] (geology 地) the point at which an earthquake starts to happen
• (地震的)震源
pace¹ / peis /
--› see also pace ²
1. [sing., U] the speed at which sb / sth walks, runs or moves
• (移动的)速度;步速:
 »to set off at a steady / gentle / leisurely pace
 »Congestion frequently reduces traffic to walking pace.
 »The ball gathered pace as it rolled down the hill.
 »The runners have noticeably quickened their pace.
2. [sing., U] ~ (of sth) the speed at which sth happens
• 发生的速度;步伐;节奏:
 »It is difficult to keep up with the rapid pace of change.
 »We encourage all students to work at their own pace (= as fast or as slow as they can).
 »I prefer the relaxed pace of life in the country.
 »Rumours of corruption and scandal gathered pace (= increased in number).
3. [C] an act of stepping once when walking or running; the distance travelled when doing this
• (走或跑时)迈出的一步,一步的距离;步幅
【SYN】 step :
 »She took two paces forward.
4. [U] the fact of sth happening, changing, etc. quickly
• 迅速出现(或变化等);快节奏:
 »He gave up his job in advertising because he couldn't stand the pace.
 »The novel lacks pace (= it develops too slowly).
--› see also pacy
go through your 'paces | show your 'paces
• to perform a particular activity in order to show other people what you are capable of doing
• 展示自己的能力
keep 'pace (with sb / sth)
• to move, increase, change, etc. at the same speed as sb / sth
• (与…)并驾齐驱;(与…)步调一致:
 »She found it hard to keep pace with him as he strode off.
 »Until now, wage increases have always kept pace with inflation.
off the 'pace
(in sport 体育运动)
• behind the leader or the leading group in a race or a competition
• (赛跑或比赛中)在领头人之后,在领头队之后:
 »Tiger Woods is still three shots off the pace (= in golf ).
  泰格 · 伍兹仍落后领先选手三杆。
put sb / sth through their / its 'paces
• to give sb / sth a number of tasks to perform in order to see what they are capable of doing
• 考察,考验(某人的能力)
set the 'pace
1. to do sth at a particular speed or to a particular standard so that other people are then forced to copy it if they want to be successful
• 确定速度;确立标准;领先:
 »The company is no longer setting the pace in the home computer market.
2. (in a race 跑步比赛) to run faster than the other people taking part, at a speed that they then try to copy
• 领跑
--› more at force v., snail
1. to walk up and down in a small area many times, especially because you are feeling nervous or angry
• 来回踱步;走来走去
▪ [V +adv. / prep.]
 »She paced up and down outside the room.
▪ [VN]
 »Ted paced the floor restlessly.
2. [VN] to set the speed at which sth happens or develops
• 确定速度;调整节奏:
 »He paced his game skilfully.
3. [VN] ~ yourself to find the right speed or rhythm for your work or an activity so that you have enough energy to do what you have to do
• 调整自己的工作(或活动)节奏:
 »He'll have to learn to pace himself in this job.
ˌpace sth∽'off / 'out
• to measure the size of sth by walking across it with regular steps
• 以步丈量

pace² / ˈpɑ:kei; ˈpɑ:tʃei; ˈpeisi / prep.
(from Latin, formal) used before a person's name to express polite disagreement with what they have said
• (用于人名前,委婉提出不同意见)请…原谅:
 »The evidence suggests, pace Professor Jones, that... (= Professor Jones has a different opinion).
--› see also pace ¹
manner / ˈmænə(r) /
1. [sing.] (formal) the way that sth is done or happens
• 方式;方法:
 »She answered in a businesslike manner.
 »The manner in which the decision was announced was extremely regrettable.
2. [sing.] the way that sb behaves and speaks towards other people
• 举止;态度:
 »to have an aggressive / a friendly / a relaxed manner
 »His manner was polite but cool.
• 他举止彬彬有礼而又冷漠。
—see also bedside manner

3. manners [pl.] behaviour that is considered to be polite in a particular society or culture
• 礼貌;礼仪:
 »to have good / bad manners
 »It is bad manners to talk with your mouth full.
 »He has no manners (= behaves very badly).
--› see also table manners
4. manners [pl.] (formal) the habits and customs of a particular group of people
• 规矩;习俗:
 »the social morals and manners of the seventeenth century
all 'manner of sb / sth
• many different types of people or things
• 各种各样的人(或事);形形色色的人(或事):
 »The problem can be solved in all manner of ways.
in a manner of 'speaking
• if you think about it in a particular way; true in some but not all ways
• 可以说;不妨说;从某种意义上说:
 »All these points of view are related, in a manner of speaking.
in the manner of sb / sth
•(formal) in a style that is typical of sb / sth
• 以某人(或某物)的典型风格:
 »a painting in the manner of Raphael
(as / as if) to the manner 'born
•(formal) as if sth is natural for you and you have done it many times in the past
• 彷佛天生的;生来就习惯的
what manner of...
•(formal or literary) what kind of...
• 什么样的…:
 »What manner of man could do such a terrible thing?
horrible / ˈhɔrəbl; NAme ˈhɔ:r-; ˈhɑ:r- /
1. (informal) very bad or unpleasant; used to describe sth that you do not like
• 极坏的;十分讨厌的;可恶的:
 »horrible weather / children / shoes
 »The coffee tasted horrible.
 »I've got a horrible feeling she lied to us.
--› note at terrible
2. making you feel very shocked and frightened
• 令人震惊的;恐怖的
【SYN】 terrible :
 »a horrible crime / nightmare
3. (informal) (of people or their behaviour 人或行为) unfriendly, unpleasant or unkind
• 不友善的;讨厌的;不厚道的
【SYN】 nasty , obnoxious :
 »a horrible man
 »My sister was being horrible to me all day.
 »What a horrible thing to say!
horribly / -əbli / adv.:
 »It was horribly painful.
 »The experiment went horribly wrong.
guilty / ˈɡilti /
(guiltier, guiltiest)
【HELP】More guilty and most guilty are more common.
• * more guilty 和 most guilty 更常见。
1. ~ (about sth) feeling ashamed because you have done sth that you know is wrong or have not done sth that you should have done
• 感到内疚的;感到惭愧的:
 »I felt guilty about not visiting my parents more often.
 »John had a guilty look on his face.
 »I had a guilty conscience and could not sleep.
2. ~ (of sth) having done sth illegal; being responsible for sth bad that has happened
• 犯了罪;有过失的;有罪责的:
 »The jury found the defendant not guilty of the offence.
 »He pleaded guilty to murder.
 »the guilty party (= the person responsible for sth bad happening)
 »We've all been guilty of selfishness at some time in our lives.
【OPP】 innocent
guiltily / -ili / adv.
a guilty 'secret
• a secret that sb feels ashamed about
• 见不得人的秘密
cruel / kru:əl /
adj. (crueller, cruellest)
1. ~ (to sb / sth) having a desire to cause pain and suffering
• 残酷的;冷酷的;残忍的;残暴的:
 »a cruel dictator
 »I can't stand people who are cruel to animals.
 »Her eyes were cruel and hard.
 »Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind (= make sb suffer because it will be good for them later).
【OPP】 kind
2. causing pain or suffering
• 引起痛苦的:
 »a cruel punishment / joke
 »Her father's death was a cruel blow.
cruelly / ˈkru:əli / adv.:
 »The dog had been cruelly treated.
 »I was cruelly deceived.
remark / riˈmɑ:k; NAme -ˈmɑ:rk /
1. [C] something that you say or write which expresses an opinion, a thought, etc. about sb / sth
• 谈论;言论;评述
【SYN】 comment :
 »to make a remark
 »He made a number of rude remarks about the food.
 »What exactly did you mean by that last remark?
--› note at statement
2. [U] (old-fashioned or formal) the quality of being important or interesting enough to be noticed
• 引人注目;显耀
【SYN】 note :
 »The exhibition contains nothing that is worthy of remark.
~ (on / upon sth / sb) | ~ (how...) to say or write a comment about sth / sb
• 说起;谈论;评论
【SYN】 comment :
▪ [V]
 »The judges remarked on the high standard of entries for the competition.
 »She remarked how tired I was looking.
▪ [V speech]
 »'It's much colder than yesterday,' he remarked casually.
▪ [V that]
 »Critics remarked that the play was not original.
▪ [VN]
 »The similarities between the two have often been remarked on.
【HELP】This pattern is only used in the passive and on must be included.
• 此句型仅用于被动语态,而且 on 不可省略。

--› note at comment
dislike / disˈlaik /
• (rather formal) to not like sb / sth
• 不喜爱;厌恶:
▪ [VN]
 »Why do you dislike him so much?
 »He disliked it when she behaved badly in front of his mother.
▪ [V -ing]
 »I dislike being away from my family.
 »Much as she disliked going to funerals (= although she did not like it at all), she knew she had to be there.
▪ [VN -ing]
 »He disliked her staying away from home.
--› note at hate
【OPP】 like
1. [U, sing.] ~ (of / for sb / sth) a feeling of not liking sb / sth
• 不喜爱;厌恶;反感:
 »He did not try to hide his dislike of his boss.
 »She took an instant dislike to the house and the neighbourhood.
2. [C, usually pl.] a thing that you do not like
• 不喜欢的事物;讨厌的事物:
 »I've told you all my likes and dislikes.
argue / ˈɑ:ɡju:; NAmE ˈɑ:rɡ- /
1. [V] ~ (with sb) (about / over sth) to speak angrily to sb because you disagree with them
• 争论;争吵;争辩:
 »My brothers are always arguing.
 »We're always arguing with each other about money.
 »I don't want to argue with you—just do it!
2. ~ (for / against sth) | ~ (for / against doing sth) to give reasons why you think that sth is right / wrong, true / not true, etc., especially to persuade people that you are right
• 论证;说理;争辩:
▪ [V]
 »They argued for the right to strike.
▪ [VN]
 »She argued the case for bringing back the death penalty.
 »He was too tired to argue the point (= discuss the matter).
 »a well-argued article
▪ [V that]
 »He argued that they needed more time to finish the project.
▪ [VN that]
 »It could be argued that laws are made by and for men.
▪ [also V wh-]
3. [VN] (formal) to show clearly that sth exists or is true
• 证明;表明:
 »These latest developments argue a change in government policy.
ˌargue the 'toss
(BrE, informal)
• to continue to disagree about a decision, especially when it is too late to change it or it is not very important
• (对决定)徒然反对,作无谓的争执
ˌargue sb 'into / 'out of doing sth
• to persuade sb to do / not do sth by giving them reasons
• 说服(某人)做/不做(某事):
 »They argued him into withdrawing his complaint.

'argue with sth (usually used in negative sentences 通常用于否定句) (informal)
• to disagree with a statement
• 不同意(说法);不承认(表述):
 »He's a really successful man—you can't argue with that.
awkward / ˈɔ:kwəd; NAmE -wərd /
1. making you feel embarrassed
• 令人尴尬的;使人难堪的:
 »There was an awkward silence.
2. difficult to deal with
• 难对付的;难处理的
【SYN】 difficult :
 »Don't ask awkward questions.
 »You've put me in an awkward position.
 »an awkward customer (= a person who is difficult to deal with)
 »Please don't be awkward about letting him come.
3. not convenient
• 不方便的
【SYN】 inconvenient :
 »Have I come at an awkward time?
4. difficult or dangerous because of its shape or design
• (因形状、设计而)产生困难的,危险的:
 »This box is very awkward for six person to carry.
5. not moving in an easy way; not comfortable
• (动作)笨拙的;不舒适的:
 »He tried to dance, but he was too clumsy and awkward.
 »I must have slept in an awkward position—I'm aching all over.
awkwardly adv.:
 »'I'm sorry,' he said awkwardly.
 »She fell awkwardly and broke her ankle.
 »an awkwardly shaped room
awkwardness noun [U] :
 »She laughed to cover up her feeling of awkwardness.
apologize (BrE also -ise) / əˈpɔlədʒaiz; NAmE əˈpɑ:l- /
verb [V]
~ (to sb) (for sth) to say that you are sorry for doing sth wrong or causing a problem
• 道歉;谢罪:
 »Why should I apologize?
 »Go and apologize to her.
 »We apologize for the late departure of this flight.
quarrel / ˈkwɔrəl; NAme ˈkwɔ:r-; ˈkwɑ:r- /
1. [C] ~ (with sb / between A and B) (about / over sth) an angry argument or disagreement between people, often about a personal matter
• 口角;争吵;拌嘴:
 »a family quarrel
 »He did not mention the quarrel with his wife.
 »They had a quarrel about money.
 »Were you at any time aware of a quarrel between the two of them?
2. [U] ~ (with sb / sth) (especially in negative sentences 尤用于否定句) a reason for complaining about sb / sth or for disagreeing with sb / sth
• 抱怨(或不赞成)的理由:
 »We have no quarrel with his methods.
--› see pick v.
(-ll-, US -l-)
[V] ~ (with sb) (about / over sth) to have an angry argument or disagreement
• 争吵;吵嘴;吵架:
 »My sister and I used to quarrel all the time.
 »She quarrelled with her brother over their father's will.
'quarrel with sb / sth
• to disagree with sb / sth
• 不赞同;反对:
 »Nobody could quarrel with your conclusions.
sensitive / ˈsensətiv /
1. ~ (to sth) aware of and able to understand other people and their feelings
• 体贴的;体恤的;善解人意的:
 »a sensitive and caring man
 »She is very sensitive to other people's feelings.
【OPP】 insensitive
›› TO ART / MUSIC / LITERATURE 对艺术/音乐/文学
2. able to understand art, music and literature and to express yourself through them
• 感觉敏锐的;艺术感觉好的;有悟性的:
 »an actor's sensitive reading of the poem
 »a sensitive portrait
3. ~ (about / to sth) easily offended or upset
• 易生气的;易被惹恼的;神经过敏的:
 »You're far too sensitive.
 »He's very sensitive about his weight.
 »She's very sensitive to criticism.
【OPP】 insensitive
4. that you have to treat with great care because it may offend people or make them angry
• 须谨慎对待的;敏感的:
 »Health care is a politically sensitive issue.
›› TO COLD / LIGHT / FOOD, ETC. 对低温、光、食物等
5. ~ (to sth) reacting quickly or more than usual to sth
• 敏感的;过敏的:
 »sensitive areas of the body
 »My teeth are very sensitive to cold food.
【OPP】 insensitive
6. ~ (to sth) able to measure very small changes
• 灵敏的:
 »a sensitive instrument
 »(figurative) The Stock Exchange is very sensitive to political change.
【OPP】 insensitive
sensitively adv.:
 »She handled the matter sensitively.
 »He writes sensitively.
--› see nerve n.
athletic / æθˈletik /
1. physically strong, fit and active
• 健壮的:
 »an athletic figure / build
 »a tall, slim athletic girl
2. [only before noun] (BrE) connected with sports such as running, jumping and throwing (= athletics )
• 体育运动的;田径运动的:
 »an athletic club / coach
athletically / -ikli / adv.
athleticism / æθˈletisizəm / noun [U] :
 »She moved with great athleticism about the court.
envy / ˈenvi /
noun [U]
~ (of sb) | ~ (at / of sth) the feeling of wanting to be in the same situation as sb else; the feeling of wanting sth that sb else has
• 羡慕;忌妒:
 »He couldn't conceal his envy of me.
 »She felt a pang of envy at the thought of his success.
 »They looked with envy at her latest purchase.
 »Her colleagues were green with envy (= they had very strong feelings of envy ).
be the envy of sb / sth
• to be a person or thing that other people admire and that causes feelings of envy
• 成为羡慕(或忌妒)的对象;成为羡慕(或忌妒)的东西:
 »British television is the envy of the world.
--› see also enviable , envious
verb (envies, envying, envied, envied)
1. to wish you had the same qualities, possessions, opportunities, etc. as sb else
• 羡慕;忌妒:
▪ [VN]
 »He envied her—she seemed to have everything she could possibly want.
 »She has always envied my success.
▪ [VNN]
 »I envied him his good looks.
▪ [VN -ing]
 »I envy you having such a close family.
2. not ~ sb (sth) to be glad that you do not have to do what sb else has to do
• 庆幸不必做别人非做不可的事:
▪ [VN]
 »It's a difficult situation you're in. I don't envy you.
▪ [VNN]
 »I don't envy her that job.
blame / bleim /
verb [VN]
~ sb / sth (for sth) | ~ sth on sb / sth to think or say that sb / sth is responsible for sth bad
• 把…归于;责怪;指责:
 »She doesn't blame anyone for her father's death.
 »A dropped cigarette is being blamed for the fire.
 »Police are blaming the accident on dangerous driving.
be to blame (for sth)
• to be responsible for sth bad
• 对(坏事)负有责任:
 »If anyone's to blame, it's me.
 »Which driver was to blame for the accident?
don't blame 'me
• (informal) used to advise sb not to do sth, when you think they will do it despite your advice
• (劝阻别人时说)别怪我:
 »Call her if you like, but don't blame me if she's angry.
I don't 'blame you / her, etc. (for doing sth)
• (informal) used to say that you think that what sb did was reasonable and the right thing to do
• 我不怪你(或她等);你(或她等)的做法是可以理解的:
 »'I just slammed the phone down when he said that.' 'I don't blame you!'
  "他一说那话我就啪地一下挂了电话。" "你做得对!"
only have yourself to 'blame
• used to say that you think sth is sb's own fault
• 只能怪你自己;是你自己的错:
 »If you lose your job, you'll only have yourself to blame.
noun [U]
~ (for sth) responsibility for doing sth badly or wrongly; saying that sb is responsible for sth
• (坏事或错事的)责任;责备;指责:
 »to lay / put the blame for sth on sb
The government will have to take the blame for the riots.
• 政府将不得不对骚乱承担责任。
 »Why do I always get the blame for everything that goes wrong?
--› compare credit n. (7)
gifted / ˈɡiftid /
1. having a lot of natural ability or intelligence
• 有天才的;有天赋的;天资聪慧的:
 »a gifted musician / player, etc.
 »gifted children
2. ~ with sth having sth pleasant
• 具有(令人愉快的东西):
 »He was gifted with a charming smile.
disagreement / ˌdisəˈɡri:mənt /
1. [U, C] ~ (about / on / over / as to sth) | ~ (among...) | ~ between A and B a situation where people have different opinions about sth and often argue
• 意见不一;分歧;争论:
 »Disagreement arose about exactly how to plan the show.
 »disagreement on the method to be used
 »There is considerable disagreement over the safety of the treatment.
 »It was a source of disagreement between the ten states.
 »There is disagreement among archaeologists as to the age of the sculpture.
 »They have had several disagreements with their neighbours.
【OPP】 agreement
2. [U, C] ~ between A and B a difference between ten things that should be the same
• 不符;不一致:
 »The comparison shows considerable disagreement between theory and practice.
mailbox / ˈmeilbɔks; NAme -bɑ:ks /
1. (NAmE) = letter box (2)
2. (NAmE) = postbox
3. the area of a computer's memory where email messages are stored
• 电子邮箱,信箱区(计算机的电邮存贮区)
algebra / ˈældʒibrə /
noun [U]
• a type of mathematics in which letters and symbols are used to represent quantities
• 代数
algebraic / ˌældʒiˈbreiik / adj.
arithmetic / əˈriθmətik /
noun [U]
1. the type of mathematics that deals with the adding, multiplying, etc. of numbers
• 算术:
 »He's not very good at arithmetic.
2. sums involving the adding, multiplying, etc. of numbers
• 算术运算;四则运算:
 »a quick bit of mental arithmetic
 »I think there's something wrong with your arithmetic.
Easter / ˈi:stə(r) /
1. [U, C] (also ˌəaster 'Day, ˌəaster 'Sunday) (in the ɔhristian religion) a Sunday in March or æpril when ɔhristians remember the death of ɔhrist and his return to life
• 复活节(纪念耶稣复活,在三月或四月的一个星期日)

2. (also Eastertime) the period that includes Easter Day and the days close to it
• 复活节期间:
 »the Easter holidays / vacation
amusement / əˈmju:zmənt /
1. [U] the feeling that you have when sth is funny or amusing, or it entertains you
• 可笑;愉悦;娱乐:
 »She could not hide her amusement at the way he was dancing.
 »To my amusement he couldn't get the door open.
 »Her eyes twinkled with amusement.
2. [C, usually pl.] a game, an activity, etc. that provides entertainment and pleasure
• 娱乐活动;游戏;消遣活动:
 »traditional seaside amusements including boats, go-karts and a funfair
a'musement park
• a large park which has a lot of things that you can ride and play on and many different activities to enjoy
• 游乐场;娱乐园
circus / ˈsə:kəs; NAmE ˈsə:rkəs /
1. [C] a group of entertainers, sometimes with trained animals, who perform skilful or amusing acts in a show that travels around to different places
• 马戏团
2. the circus [sing.] a show performed by circus entertainers, usually in a large tent called a big top
• 马戏表演(常在大帐篷里进行):
 »We took the children to the circus.
3. [sing.] (informal, disapproving) a group of people or an event that attracts a lot of attention
• 引人注意的人(或事);热闹场面:
 »A media circus surrounded the royal couple wherever they went.
 »the American electoral circus
4. [C] (BrE) (used in some place names) a round open area in a town where several streets meet
• (用于某些地名)圆形广场,环形交叉路口:
 »Piccadilly Circus
5. [C] (in ancient Rome 古罗马) a place like a big round outdoor theatre for public games, races, etc.
• 露天圆形竞技场
online / ˌɔnˈlain; NAme ˌɑ:n-; ˌɔ:n- /
• controlled by or connected to a computer or to the Internet
• 在线的;联网的;联机的:
 »Online shopping is both cheap and convenient.
 »an online database
online adv.:
 »The majority of small businesses now do their banking online.
--› see also be, come, etc. on line at line n.
identity / aiˈdentəti /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. [C, U] (abbr. ID) who or what sb / sth is
• 身分;本身;本体:
 »The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer.
 »Their identities were kept secret.
 »She is innocent; it was a case of mistaken identity.
 »Do you have any proof of identity?
 »The thief used a false identity.
 »She went through an identity crisis in her teens (= was not sure of who she was or of her place in society).
2. [C, U] the characteristics, feelings or beliefs that distinguish people from others
• 特征;特有的感觉(或信仰):
 »a sense of national / cultural / personal / group identity
 »a plan to strengthen the corporate identity of the company
3. [U] ~ (with sb / sth) | ~ (between A and B) the state or feeling of being very similar to and able to understand sb / sth
• 同一性;相同;一致:
 »an identity of interests
 »There's a close identity between fans and their team.
absurd / əbˈsə:d; NAmE əbˈsə:rd /
1. completely ridiculous; not logical and sensible
• 荒谬的;荒唐的;怪诞不经的
【SYN】 ridiculous :
 »That uniform makes the guards look absurd.
 »Of course it's not true, what an absurd idea.
2. the absurd noun [sing.] things that are or that seem to be absurd
• 荒诞的事物;悖理的东西:
 »He has a good sense of the absurd.
absurdity noun [U, C] (pl. -ties) :
 »It was only later that she could see the absurdity of the situation.
absurdly adv.
【SYN】 ridiculously :
 »The paintings were sold for absurdly high prices.
hopeless / ˈhəupləs; NAme ˈhoup- /
1. if sth is hopeless, there is no hope that it will get better or succeed
• 没有好转(或成功)希望的;无望的:
 »a hopeless situation
 »It's hopeless trying to convince her.
 »Most of the students are making good progress, but Michael is a hopeless case.
 »He felt that his life was a hopeless mess.
2. (BrE, informal) extremely bad
• 极差的;糟糕透顶的
【SYN】 terrible :
 »The buses are absolutely hopeless these days!
3. ~ (at sth) (especially BrE) (of people 人) very bad (at sth); with no ability or skill
• 不能胜任的;无能的;缺乏技能的
【SYN】 terrible :
 »a hopeless driver
 »I'm hopeless at science.
4. feeling or showing no hope
• 感到(或显得)无望的:
 »She felt lonely and hopeless.
hopelessly adv.:
 »hopelessly outnumbered
 »They were hopelessly lost.
 »to be hopelessly in love
 »'I'll never manage it,' he said hopelessly.
hopelessness noun [U] :
 »a sense / feeling of hopelessness
overcome / ˌəuvəˈkʌm; NAme ˌouvərˈkʌm /
(overcame / -ˈkeim / overcome)
▪ [VN]
1. to succeed in dealing with or controlling a problem that has been preventing you from achieving sth
• 克服;解决:
 »She overcame injury to win the Olympic gold medal.
 »The ten parties managed to overcome their differences on the issue.
2. to defeat sb
• 战胜:
 »In the final game Sweden easily overcame France.
3. [usually passive] to be extremely strongly affected by sth
• 受到…的极大影响
【SYN】 overwhelm :
 »Her parents were overcome with grief at the funeral.
 »The dead woman had been overcome by smoke.
acquaintance / əˈkweintəns /
1. [C] a person that you know but who is not a close friend
• 认识的人;泛泛之交;熟人:
 »Claire has a wide circle of friends and acquaintances.
 »He's just a business acquaintance.
2. [U, C] ~ (with sb) (formal) slight friendship
• (与某人)认识,略有交情:
 »He hoped their acquaintance would develop further.
3. [U, C] ~ with sth (formal) knowledge of sth
• (对某事物的)了解:
 »I had little acquaintance with modern poetry.
make sb's acquaintance | make the acquaintance of sb
•(formal) to meet sb for the first time
• 与某人初次相见;结识某人:
 »I am delighted to make your acquaintance, Mrs Baker.
 »I made the acquaintance of several musicians around that time.
of your ac'quaintance
•(formal) that you know
• 所认识的;所了解的:
 »No six else of my acquaintance was as rich or successful.
on first ac'quaintance
•(formal) when you first meet sb
• 初次相见时:
 »Even on first acquaintance it was clear that he was not 'the right type'.
--› more at nod v.
verb (-nn-) [VN] ~ sth (with sth)
1. [usually passive] to make a close relationship between ten towns or areas
• 使结成姊妹城市;使结成友好地区:
 »Oxford is twinned with Bonn in Germany.
2. to join ten people or things closely together
• 使(两人或两事物)紧密结合;使偶合;使相连:
 »The opera twins the themes of love and death.
adj. [only before noun]
1. used to describe six of a pair of children who are twins
• 孪生之一的;双胞胎之一的:
 »twin boys / girls
 »a twin brother / sister
2. used to describe ten things that are used as a pair
• 成对的;成双的:
 »a ship with twin propellers
3. used to describe ten things that are connected, or present or happening at the same time
• 双重的;双联的;两个同时发生的:
 »The prison service has the twin goals of punishment and rehabilitation.
apartment / əˈpɑ:tmənt; NAmE əˈpɑ:rt- /
1. (especially NAmE) a set of rooms for living in, usually on six floor of a building
• (通常指在同一楼层的)公寓套房
--› compare condominium , flat n. (1)
2. a set of rooms used for a holiday / vacation
• (度假用的)公寓套房:
 »self-catering holiday apartments
3. [usually pl.] (BrE) a room in a house, especially a large or famous house
• (尤指巨屋、名宅的)房间:
 »You can visit the whole palace except for the private apartments.
topic / ˈtɔpik; NAme ˈtɑ:p- /
• a subject that you talk, write or learn about
• 话题;题目;标题:
 »The main topic of conversation was Tom's new girlfriend.
 »The article covered a wide range of topics.
attitude / ˈætitju:d; NAmE ˈætitu:d /
1. [C] ~ (to / towards sb / sth) the way that you think and feel about sb / sth; the way that you behave towards sb / sth that shows how you think and feel
• 态度;看法:
 »changes in public attitudes to marriage
 »the government's attitude towards single parents
 »to have a good / bad / positive / negative attitude towards sb / sth
 »Youth is simply an attitude of mind.
 »If you want to pass your exams you'd better change your attitude!
 »You're taking a pretty selfish attitude over this, aren't you?
 »A lot of drivers have a serious attitude problem (= they do not behave in a way that is acceptable to other people).
2. [U] confident, sometimes aggressive behaviour that shows you do not care about other people's opinions and that you want to do things in an individual way
• 我行我素的作派:
 »a band with attitude
 »You'd better get rid of that attitude and shape up, young man.
3. [C] (formal) a position of the body
• 姿势:
 »Her hands were folded in an attitude of prayer.
--› see strike v.
anchor / ˈæŋkə(r) /
1. a heavy metal object that is attached to a rope or chain and dropped over the side of a ship or boat to keep it in one place
• 锚:
 »to drop anchor
 »The ship lay at anchor two miles off the rocky coast.
 »We weighed anchor (= pulled it out of the water).
2. a person or thing that gives sb a feeling of safety
• 给以安全感的人(或物);精神支柱;顶梁柱:
 »the anchor of the family
3. (especially NAmE) = anchorman , anchorwoman
1. to let an anchor down from a boat or ship in order to prevent it from moving away
• 抛锚;下锚:
▪ [V]
 »We anchored off the coast of Spain.
▪ [also VN]
2. [VN] to fix sth firmly in position so that it cannot move
• 使固定;扣牢;系牢:
 »Make sure the table is securely anchored.
3. [VN] [usually passive] ~ sb / sth (in / to sth) to firmly base sth on sth else
• 使扎根;使基于:
 »Her novels are anchored in everyday experience.
4. (NAmE) to be the person who introduces reports or reads the news on television or radio
• 主持(电视、广播节目):
▪ [VN]
 »She anchored the evening news for seven years.
▪ [also V]
cautious / ˈkɔ:ʃəs /
~ (about sb / sth) | ~ (about doing sth) being careful about what you say or do, especially to avoid danger or mistakes; not taking any risks
• 小心的;谨慎的:
 »He was very cautious about committing himself to anything.
 »The government has been cautious in its response to the report.
 »They've taken a very cautious approach.
 »They expressed cautious optimism about a solution to the crisis.
cautiously adv.:
 »She looked cautiously around and then walked away from the house.
 »I'm cautiously optimistic.
cautiousness noun [U]
eager / ˈi:ɡə(r) /
~ (for sth / to do sth) very interested and excited by sth that is going to happen or about sth that you want to do
• 热切的;渴望的;渴求的
【SYN】 keen :
 »eager crowds outside the stadium
 »She is eager for (= wants very much to get) her parents' approval.
 »Everyone in the class seemed eager to learn.
 »They're eager to please (= wanting to be helpful).
eagerly adv.:
 »the band's eagerly awaited new CD
eagerness noun [U, sing.] :
 »I couldn't hide my eagerness to get back home.
worldwide / ˈwə:ldwaid; NAme ˈwə:rld- /
adj. [usually before noun]
• affecting all parts of the world
• 影响全世界的;世界各地的:
 »an increase in worldwide sales
 »The story has attracted worldwide attention.
ˌworld'wide adv.:
 »We have 2 000 members worldwide.
  我们在全世界有 2 000 名成员。
adolescent / ˌædəˈlesnt /
• a young person who is developing from a child into an adult
• 青少年:
 »adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18 and the problems they face
  * 13 至 18 岁的青少年以及他们面临的问题
adolescent adj.:
 »adolescent boys / girls / experiences
respond / riˈspɔnd; NAme riˈspɑ:nd /
1. ~ (to sb / sth) (with sth) (rather formal) to give a spoken or written answer to sb / sth
• (口头或书面)回答,回应
【SYN】 reply :
▪ [V]
 »I asked him his name, but he didn't respond.
 »She never responded to my letter.
▪ [V speech]
 »'I'm not sure,' she responded.
▪ [V that]
 »When asked about the company's future, the director responded that he remained optimistic.
--› note at answer
2. [V] ~ (to sth) (with sth / by doing sth) to do sth as a reaction to sth that sb has said or done
• 作出反应;响应
【SYN】 react :
 »How did they respond to the news?
 »The government responded by banning all future demonstrations.
3. [V] ~ (to sth / sb) to react quickly or in the correct way to sth / sb
• 反应灵敏;作出正确反应:
 »The car responds very well to the controls.
 »You can rely on him to respond to a challenge.
4. [V] ~ (to sth) to improve as a result of a particular kind of treatment
• 有改进;见起色;显出效果:
 »The infection did not respond to the drugs.
pause / pɔ:z /
1. [V] to stop talking or doing sth for a short time before continuing
• 暂停;停顿:
 »Anita paused for a moment, then said: 'All right'.
 »The woman spoke almost without pausing for breath (= very quickly).
 »I paused at the door and looked back.
 »Pausing only to pull on a sweater, he ran out of the house.
2. [VN] to stop a tape, CD, etc. for a short time using the pause button
• (按暂停键)暂停放音,暂停放像:
 »She paused the video and went to answer the phone.
1. [C] ~ (in sth) a period of time during which sb stops talking or stops what they are doing
• 停顿;停顿的时间:
 »There was a long pause before she answered.
 »David waited for a pause in the conversation so he could ask his question.
 »After a brief pause, they continued climbing.
 »The rain fell without pause.
2. [C] (especially BrE) (also fermata especially in NAmE) (music 音) a sign () over a note or a rest to show that it should be longer than usual
• 延长记号
3. [U] (also 'pause button) a control that allows you to stop a tape recorder , CD player, etc. for a short time
• 暂停键:
 »Press pause to stop the tape.
give (sb) 'pause
(BrE also give (sb) pause for 'thought) (formal)
• to make sb think seriously about sth or hesitate before doing sth
• 使认真考虑;使犹豫
--› more at pregnant
regardless / riˈɡɑ:dləs; NAme -ˈɡɑ:rd- /
• paying no attention, even if the situation is bad or there are difficulties
• 不顾;不加理会:
 »The weather was terrible but we carried on regardless.
re'gardless of
• paying no attention to sth / sb; treating sth / sb as not being important
• 不管;不顾;不理会:
 »The club welcomes all new members regardless of age.
 »He went ahead and did it, regardless of the consequences.
 »The amount will be paid to everyone regardless of whether they have children or not.
security / siˈkjuərəti; NAme səˈkjur- /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. [U] the activities involved in protecting a country, building or person against attack, danger, etc.
• 保护措施;安全工作:
 »national security (= the defence of a country)
 »airport security
 »They carried out security checks at the airport.
 »The visit took place amidst tight security (= the use of many police officers).
 »the security forces / services (= the police, army, etc.)
 »a high / maximum security prison (= for dangerous criminals)
--› see also high-security
2. [U + sing. / pl. v.] the department of a large company or organization that deals with the protection of its buildings, equipment and staff
• 保衞部门;保安部门:
 »Security was / were called to the incident.
3. [U] protection against sth bad that might happen in the future
• 担保;保证:
 »financial security
 »Job security (= the guarantee that you will keep your job) is a thing of the past.
4. [U] the state of feeling happy and safe from danger or worry
• 安全;平安:
 »the security of a loving family life
 »She'd allowed herself to be lulled into a false sense of security (= a feeling that she was safe when in fact she was in danger).
›› FOR A LOAN 贷款
5. [U, C] a valuable item, such as a house, that you agree to give to sb if you are unable to pay back the money that you have borrowed from them
• 抵押品:
 »His home and business are being held as security for the loan.
6. securities [pl.] (finance 财) documents proving that sb is the owner of shares, etc. in a particular company
• 证券
--› see also social security
'waiting room
• a room where people can sit while they are waiting, for example for a bus or train, or to see a doctor or dentist
• 等候室;候车室;候诊室
rely / riˈlai /
(relies, relying, relied, relied)
re'ly on / upon sb / sth
1. to need or depend on sb / sth
• 依赖;依靠:
 »As babies, we rely entirely on others for food.
▪ [+ to inf ]
 »These days we rely heavily on computers to organize our work.
▪ [+ -ing ]
 »The industry relies on the price of raw materials remaining low.
2. to trust or have faith in sb / sth
• 信任;信赖:
 »You should rely on your own judgement.
▪ [+ to inf ]
 »You can rely on me to keep your secret.
 »He can't be relied on to tell the truth.
--› note at trust
【word family】
rely v.
reliable adj. ( ≠ unreliable )
reliability n. ( ≠ unreliability )
reliance n.

trolleybus / ˈtrɔlibʌs; NAme ˈtrɑ:l- / (BrE) (US 'trackless trolley)

• a bus driven by electricity from a cable above the street
• 无轨电车
revision / riˈviʒn /
1. [C] a change or set of changes to sth
• (一项、一轮等)修订,修改:
 »He made some minor revisions to the report before printing it out.
2. [U, C] the act of changing sth, or of examining sth with the intention of changing it
• 修订,修改(的进行):
 »a system in need of revision
 »a revision of trading standards
3. [U] (BrE) the process of learning work for an exam
• 复习;温习:
 »Have you started your revision yet?
committed / kəˈmitid /
• (approving)willing to work hard and give your time and energy to sth; believing strongly in sth
• 尽心尽力的;坚信的;坚定的:
 »a committed member of the team
 »They are committed socialists.
【OPP】 uncommitted
mercy / ˈmə:si; NAme ˈmə:rsi /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. [U] a kind or forgiving attitude towards sb that you have the power to harm or right to punish
• 仁慈;宽恕
【SYN】 humanity :
 »to ask / beg / plead for mercy
 »They showed no mercy to their hostages.
 »God have mercy on us.
 »The troops are on a mercy mission (= a journey to help people) in the war zone.
2. [C, usually sing.] (informal) an event or a situation to be grateful for, usually because it stops sth unpleasant
• 幸运;恩惠:
 »It's a mercy she wasn't seriously hurt.
--› see also merciful , merciless
at the mercy of sb / sth
• not able to stop sb / sth harming you because they have power or control over you
• 任…处置;对…无能为力;任由…摆布:
 »I'm not going to put myself at the mercy of the bank.
 »We were at the mercy of the weather.
leave sb / sth to the mercy / mercies of sb / sth
• to leave sb / sth in a situation that may cause them to suffer or to be treated badly
• 听任某人可能受到虐待(而无能为力)
throw yourself on sb's mercy
•(formal) to put yourself in a situation where you must rely on sb to be kind to you and not harm or punish you
• 指望某人能够善待(或宽恕)你
--› more at small adj.
apology / əˈpɔlədʒi; NAmE əˈpɑ:l- /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. [C, U] ~ (to sb) (for sth) a word or statement saying sorry for sth that has been done wrong or that causes a problem
• 道歉;谢罪:
 »to offer / make / demand / accept an apology
 »You owe him an apology for what you said.
 »We should like to offer our apologies for the delay to your flight today.
 »We received a letter of apology.
2. [C, usually pl.] information that you cannot go to a meeting or must leave early
• (因不能赴会或提前离会的)致歉:
 »The meeting started with apologies (= the names of people who said they could not go to the meeting).
 »(formal) She made her apologies and left early.
make no a'pology / a'pologies for sth
• if you say that you make no apology / apologies for sth, you mean that you do not feel that you have said or done sth wrong
• (对某事)无可道歉,无错可认