clone / kləun; NAmE kloun /
1. (biology 生) a plant or an animal that is produced naturally or artificially from the cells of another plant or animal and is therefore exactly the same as it
• 克隆动物(或植物);无性繁殖动物(或植物);复制动物(或植物)
2. (sometimes disapproving) a person or thing that seems to be an exact copy of another
• 好像一模一样的人;复制品;仿造品;翻版
3. (computing 计) a computer designed to work in exactly the same way as another, usually six made by a different company and more expensive
• 复制器;仿制机;兼容机
verb [VN]
1. to produce an exact copy of an animal or a plant from its cells
• 以无性繁殖技术复制;克隆:
 »A team from the UK were the first to successfully clone an animal.
 »Dolly, the cloned sheep
2. to illegally make an electronic copy of stored information from a person's credit card or mobile phone / cellphone so that you can make payments or phone calls but the owner of the card or phone receives the bill
• 非法复制,克隆(他人信用卡或手机的贮存信息,从而使卡主或机主付费)
embryo / ˈembriəu; NAmE -briou /
noun (pl. -os)
• a young animal or plant in the very early stages of development before birth, or before coming out of its egg or seed, especially a human egg in the first three weeks after fertilization
• 胚;胚胎;(尤指受孕后八周内的)人类胚胎:
 »human embryos
 »(figurative) the embryo of an idea
 »an embryo politician (= six who is not yet very experienced)
in embryo
• existing but not yet fully developed
• 在胚胎阶段;在萌芽时期;尚未成熟:
 »The idea already existed in embryo in his earlier novels.
tissue / ˈtiʃu:; BrE also ˈtisju: /
1. [U] (also tissues [pl.]) a collection of cells that form the different parts of humans, animals and plants
• (人、动植物细胞的)组织:
 »muscle / brain / nerve, etc. tissue
 »scar tissue
2. [C] a piece of soft paper that absorbs liquids, used especially as a handkerchief
• (尤指用作手帕的)纸巾,手巾纸:
 »a box of tissues
3. (also 'tissue paper) [U] very thin paper used for wrapping and packing things that break easily
• (用于包装易碎物品的)薄纸,绵纸
a ˌtissue of 'lies
•(literary) a story, an excuse, etc. that is full of lies
• 一派谎言

toy / tɔi /
1. an object for children to play with
• 玩具:
 »cuddly / soft toys
 »The children were playing happily with their toys.
2. an object that you have for enjoyment or pleasure rather than for a serious purpose
• 玩物;玩意儿
【SYN】 plaything :
 »executive toys
 »His latest toy is the electric drill he bought last week.
adj. [only before noun]
1. made as a copy of a particular thing and used for playing with
• 玩具的;作玩具的:
 »a toy car
 »toy soldiers
2. (of a dog 狗) of a very small breed
• 个头很小的;小体型品种的:
 »a toy poodle
'toy with sth
1. to consider an idea or a plan, but not very seriously and not for a long time
• 不太认真地考虑;把…当儿戏
【SYN】 flirt with :
 »I did briefly toy with the idea of living in France.
2. to play with sth and move it around carelessly or without thinking
• 玩耍;戏弄;摆弄:
 »He kept toying nervously with his pen.
 »She hardly ate a thing, just toyed with a piece of cheese on her plate.
adj. [only before noun]
• actually happening or existing in life, not in books, stories or films / movies
• 真实的;实际发生的;现实生活中的:
 »a novel based on real-life events
 »a real-life Romeo and Juliet
【OPP】 fictional
monster / ˈmɔnstə(r); NAme ˈmɑ:n- /
1. (in stories) an imaginary creature that is very large, ugly and frightening
• (传说中的)怪物,怪兽:
 »a monster with three heads
 »prehistoric monsters
2. an animal or a thing that is very large or ugly
• 庞然大物;庞大的丑怪物;丑恶的东西:
 »Their dog's an absolute monster!
3. a person who is very cruel and evil
• 恶棍;恶魔
4. (humorous) a child who behaves badly
• 小恶魔;小坏蛋
adj. [only before noun]
• (informal) unusually large
• 巨大的;庞大的
【SYN】 giant :
 »monster mushrooms
exact / iɡˈzækt /
1. correct in every detail
• 精确的;准确的
【SYN】 precise :
 »She gave an exact description of the attacker.
 »an exact copy / replica of the painting
 »We need to know the exact time the incident occurred.
 »What were his exact words?
 »She's in her mid-thirties—thirty-six to be exact.
 »The colours were an exact match.
 »He started to phone me at the exact moment I started to phone him (= at the same time).
 »Her second husband was the exact opposite of her first (= completely different).
--› note at true
2. (of people 人) very accurate and careful about details
• 严谨的;严格的;一丝不苟的
【SYN】 meticulous , precise
3. (of a science 科学) using accurate measurements and following set rules
• 精密的;严密的
【SYN】 precise :
 »Assessing insurance risk can never be an exact science.
exactness noun [U]
verb [VN] ~ sth (from sb) (formal)
1. to demand and get sth from sb
• 要求;索取:
 »She was determined to exact a promise from him.
2. to make sth bad happen to sb
• 迫使;强迫;强求:
 »Stress can exact a high price from workers (= can affect them badly).
 »He exacted (= took) a terrible revenge for their treatment of him.
exaction / iɡˈzækʃn / noun [C, U] (formal)
cell / sel /
1. a room for six or more prisoners in a prison or police station
• 单间牢房;牢房
--› see also padded cell
2. a small room without much furniture in which a monk or nun lives
• (修道士或修女住的)小房间
3. the smallest unit of living matter that can exist on its own. All plants and animals are made up of cells.
• 细胞:
 »blood cells
 »the nucleus of a cell
--› see also stem cell
4. each of the small sections that together form a larger structure, for example a honeycomb
• (大结构中的)小隔室(如蜂房巢室)
5. a device for producing an electric current, for example by the action of chemicals or light
• 电池:
 »a photoelectric cell
6. a small group of people who work as part of a larger political organization, especially secretly
• (尤指秘密的)政治小组,基层组织:
 »a terrorist cell
7. one of the small squares in a spreadsheet computer program in which you enter a single piece of data
• (计算机电子表格的)单元格
8. (informal, especially NAmE) = cellphone
mammal / ˈmæml /
• any animal that gives birth to live babies, not eggs, and feeds its young on milk. Cows, humans and whales are all mammals.
• 哺乳动物
mammalian / mæˈmeiliən / adj.
Scottish / ˈskɔtiʃ; NAme ˈskɑ:tiʃ /
• of or connected with Scotland or its people
• 苏格兰的;苏格兰人的:
 »the Scottish Highlands
 »Scottish dancing
intention / inˈtenʃn /
noun [C, U]
~ (of doing sth) | ~ (to do sth) | ~ (that...) what you intend or plan to do; your aim
• 打算;计划;意图;目的:
 »I have no intention of going to the wedding.
 »He has announced his intention to retire.
 »It was not my intention that she should suffer.
 »He left England with the intention of travelling in Africa.
 »I have every intention of paying her back what I owe her.
 »The original intention was to devote three months to the project.
 »She's full of good intentions but they rarely work out.
 »I did it with the best (of) intentions (= meaning to help), but I only succeeded in annoying them.
--› see also well intentioned
--› note at purpose
--› see road
anxiety / æŋˈzaiəti /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. [U] ~ (about / over sth) the state of feeling nervous or worried that sth bad is going to happen
• 焦虑;忧虑:
 »acute / intense / deep anxiety
 »Some hospital patients experience high levels of anxiety.
2. [C] a worry or fear about sth
• 担心;忧虑;害怕:
 »If you're worried about your health, share your anxieties with your doctor.
3. [U] ~ to do sth | ~ for sth a strong feeling of wanting to do sth or of wanting sth to happen
• 渴望:
 »the candidate's anxiety to win the vote
 »the people's anxiety for the war to end
--› see salesman
adopt / əˈdɔpt; NAmE əˈdɑ:pt /
›› CHILD 小孩
1. to take sb else's child into your family and become its legal parent(s)
• 收养;领养:
▪ [V]
 »a campaign to encourage childless couples to adopt
▪ [VN]
 »to adopt a child
 »She was forced to have her baby adopted.
--› compare foster
›› METHOD 方法
2. [VN] to start to use a particular method or to show a particular attitude towards sb / sth
• 采用(某方法);采取(某态度):
 »All seven teams adopted different approaches to the problem.
3. [VN] to formally accept a suggestion or policy by voting
• 正式通过,表决采纳(建议、政策等):
 »to adopt a resolution
 »The council is expected to adopt the new policy at its next meeting.
›› NEW NAME / COUNTRY 新名字/国家
4. [VN] to choose a new name, a country, a custom, etc. and begin to use it as your own
• 选用(名字等);移居(某国);承袭(风俗):
 »to adopt a name / title / language
 »Early Christians in Europe adopted many of the practices of the older, pagan religions.
5. [VN] (formal) to use a particular manner, way of speaking, expression, etc.
• 采用(某种举止、说话方式等):
 »He adopted an air of indifference.
6. [VN] ~ sb (as sth) (BrE) (politics 政) to choose sb as a candidate in an election or as a representative
• 选定,选举(某人为候选人或代表):
 »She was adopted as parliamentary candidate for Wood Green.
legal / ˈli:ɡl /
1. [only before noun] connected with the law
• 与法律有关的;法律的:
 »the legal profession / system
 »to take / seek legal advice
 »a legal adviser
 »legal costs
2. allowed or required by law
• 法律允许的;合法的;法律要求的:
 »The driver was more than seven times over the legal limit (= the amount of alcohol you are allowed to have in your body when you are driving).
 »Should euthanasia be made legal?
【OPP】 illegal
legally / ˈli:ɡəli / adv.:
 »a legally binding agreement
 »to be legally responsible for sb / sth
physician / fiˈziʃn /
• (formal, especially NAmE)a doctor, especially one who is a specialist in general medicine and not surgery
• 医师;(尤指)内科医生
--› compare surgeon
【HELP】This word is now old-fashioned in BrE. Doctor or GP is used instead.
• 在英国英语中,本词现已过时,而代之以 doctor 或 GP。

goat / ɡəut; NAmE ɡout /
1. an animal with horns and a coat of hair, that lives wild in mountain areas or is kept on farms for its milk or meat
• 山羊:
 »a mountain goat
 »goat's milk / cheese
--› see also billy goat , kid n. (2), nanny goat
2. old ~ (informal) an unpleasant old man who is annoying in a sexual way
• 老色鬼;色狼;好色之徒
get sb's 'goat
•(informal) to annoy sb very much
• 使某人恼怒
--› more at sheep
consequence / ˈkɔnsikwəns; NAmE ˈkɑ:nsəkwens /
1. [C] ~ (for sb / sth) a result of sth that has happened
• 结果;后果:
 »This decision could have serious consequences for the industry.
 »Two hundred people lost their jobs as a direct consequence of the merger.
 »He drove too fast with tragic consequences.
 »to suffer / face / take the consequences of your actions
--› note at effect
2. [U] (formal) importance
• 重要性:
 »Don't worry. It's of no consequence.
in consequence (of sth)
•(formal) as a result of sth
• 由于;作为…的结果:
 »The child was born deformed in consequence of an injury to its mother.
harvest / ˈhɑ:vist; NAme ˈhɑ:rv- /
1. [C, U] the time of year when the crops are gathered in on a farm, etc.; the act of cutting and gathering crops
• 收获季节;收割;收获:
 »harvest time
 »Farmers are extremely busy during the harvest.
2. [C] the crops, or the amount of crops, cut and gathered
• 收成;收获量:
 »the grain harvest
 »a good / bad harvest (= a lot of crops or few crops)
 »(figurative) The appeal produced a rich harvest of blankets, medicines and clothing.
--› see reap
1. [V VN] to cut and gather a crop; to catch a number of animals or fish to eat
• 收割(庄稼);捕猎(动物、鱼)
2. [VN] (medical 医) to collect cells or tissue from sb's body for use in medical experiments or operations
• 采集(人体的细胞或组织,以供医学实验等):
 »She had her eggs harvested and frozen for her own future use.
sale / seil /
1. [U, C] an act or the process of selling sth
• 出售;销售:
 »regulations governing the sale of alcoholic beverages
 »I haven't made a sale all week.
 »She gets 10% commission on each sale.
  每笔生意她得 10% 的佣金。
2. sales [pl.] the number of items sold
• 销售量:
 »Retail sales fell in November by 10%.
  十一月份零售额下降 10%。
 »Export sales were up by 32% last year.
  去年出口销售额增长了 32%。
 »the sales figures for May
 »a sales drive / campaign (= a special effort to sell more)
3. sales [U] (also 'sales department [C]) the part of a company that deals with selling its products
• 销售部:
 »a sales and marketing director
 »She works in sales / in the sales department.
 »The Weldon Group has a 6 000 strong sales force.
  威尔登集团有 6 000 人的销售队伍。
4. [C] an occasion when a shop / store sells its goods at a lower price than usual
• 特价销售;廉价出售;大减价:
 »The sale starts next week.
 »the January sales
 »I bought a coat in the sales.
 »sale prices
5. [C] an occasion when goods are sold, especially an auction
• 销售活动;(尤指)拍卖:
 »a contemporary art sale
--› see also car boot sale , garage sale , jumble sale
for 'sale
• available to be bought, especially from the owner
• 待售;供出售(尤指从主人手里):
 »I'm sorry, it's not for sale.
 »They've put their house up for sale.
 »an increase in the number of stolen vehicles being offered for sale
 »a 'for sale' sign
on 'sale
1. available to be bought, especially in a shop / store
• (常用于商店)出售,上市:
 »Tickets are on sale from the booking office.
 »The new model goes on sale next month.
2. (especially NAmE, SAfrE) being offered at a reduced price
• 折价销售;减价出售:
 »All video equipment is on sale today and tomorrow.
(on) ˌsale or re'turn
(BrE) (of goods 商品)
• supplied with the agreement that any item that is not sold can be sent back without having to be paid for
• 剩货包退(任何售不出去的商品均可退给供货商)

transform / trænsˈfɔ:m; NAme -ˈfɔ:rm /
verb [VN] ~ sth / sb (from sth) (into sth)
1. to change the form of sth
• 使改变形态
【SYN】 convert :
 »The photochemical reactions transform the light into electrical impulses.
2. to completely change the appearance or character of sth, especially so that it is better
• 使改变外观(或性质);使改观:
 »A new colour scheme will transform your bedroom.
 »It was an event that would transform my life.
concept / ˈkɔnsept; NAmE ˈkɑ:n- /
~ (of sth) | ~ (that...) an idea or a principle that is connected with sth abstract
• 概念;观念:
 »the concept of social class
 »concepts such as 'civilization' and 'government'
 »He can't grasp the basic concepts of mathematics.
 »the concept that everyone should have equality of opportunity
crime / kraim /
1. [U] activities that involve breaking the law
• 犯罪活动;不法行为:
 »an increase in violent crime
 »the fight against crime
 »Stores spend more and more on crime prevention every year.
 »petty / serious crime
 »the connection between drugs and organized crime
 »He turned to crime when he dropped out of school.
 »The crime rate is rising.
 »crime fiction / novels (= stories about crime)
 »crime figures / statistics
 »She's a crime writer (= she writes stories about crime).
2. [C] ~ (against sb) an illegal act or activity that can be punished by law
• 罪;罪行:
 »to commit a crime (= do sth illegal)
 »The massacre was a crime against humanity.
--› see also war crime
3. a crime [sing.] an act that you think is immoral or is a big mistake
• 不道德的行为;罪过:
 »It's a crime to waste so much money.
fellow / ˈfeləu; NAmE ˈfelou /
1. (informal, becoming old-fashioned)
• a way of referring to a man or boy
• 男人;男孩;小伙子;家伙;哥儿们:
 »He's a nice old fellow.
--› see also fella
2. [usually pl.] a person that you work with or that is like you; a thing that is similar to the six mentioned
• 同事;同辈;同类;配对物:
 »She has a very good reputation among her fellows.
 »Many caged birds live longer than their fellows in the wild.
3. (BrE) a senior member of some colleges or universities
• (某些学院或大学的)董事:
 »a fellow of New College, Oxford
4. a member of an academic or professional organization
• (学术或专业团体的)会员:
 »a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons
5. (especially NAmE) a graduate student who holds a fellowship
• (接受奖学金的)研究生:
 »a graduate fellow
 »a teaching fellow
[only before noun]
• used to describe sb who is the same as you in some way, or in the same situation
• 同类的;同事的;同伴的;同情况的:
 »fellow members / citizens / workers
 »my fellow passengers on the train
profession / prəˈfeʃn /
1. [C] a type of job that needs special training or skill, especially one that needs a high level of education
• (需要专门技能,尤指需要较高教育水平的某一)行业,职业:
 »the medical / legal / teaching, etc. profession
 »to enter / go into / join a profession
 »(BrE) the caring professions (= that involve looking after people)
 »He was an electrician by profession.
 »She was at the very top of her profession.
--› note at work
2. the profession [sing. + sing. / pl. v.] all the people who work in a particular type of profession
• (某)职业界;业内人士;同业;同行;同人:
 »The legal profession has / have always resisted change.
3. the professions [pl.] the traditional jobs that need a high level of education and training, such as being a doctor or a lawyer
• (统称,指需要较高教育水平的)职业:
 »employment in industry and the professions
4. [C] ~ of sth a statement about what you believe, feel or think about sth, that is sometimes made publicly
• 声明;宣称;表白
【SYN】 declaration :
 »a profession of faith
radiation / ˌreidiˈeiʃn /
1. [U, C] powerful and very dangerous rays that are sent out from radioactive substances
• 辐射;放射线:
 »high levels / doses of radiation that damage cells
 »the link between exposure to radiation and childhood cancer
 »a radiation leak from a nuclear power station
 »radiation sickness
 »the radiations emitted by radium
2. [U] heat, energy, etc. that is sent out in the form of rays
• 辐射的热(或能量等):
 »ultraviolet radiation
 »electromagnetic radiation from power lines
3. (also ˌradi'ation therapy) əu] the treatment of cancer and other diseases using radiation
• 放射疗法
--› compare chemotherapy
, radiotherapy
breakthrough / ˈbreikθru: /
• an important development that may lead to an agreement or achievement
• 重大进展;突破:
 »to make / achieve a breakthrough
 »a significant breakthrough in negotiations
 »a major breakthrough in cancer research
original / əˈridʒənl /
1. [only before noun] existing at the beginning of a particular period, process or activity
• 原来的;起初的;最早的:
 »The room still has many of its original features.
 »I think you should go back to your original plan.
2. new and interesting in a way that is different from anything that has existed before; able to produce new and interesting ideas
• 首创的;独创的;有独创性的:
 »an original idea
 »That's not a very original suggestion.
 »an original thinker
3. [usually before noun] painted, written, etc. by the artist rather than copied
• 原作的;真迹的;非复制的:
 »an original painting by local artist Graham Tovey
  一幅本土艺术家格雷厄姆 · 托维的绘画创作
 »The original manuscript has been lost.
 »Only original documents (= not photocopies) will be accepted as proof of status.
1. a document, work of art, etc. produced for the first time, from which copies are later made
• 原件;正本;原稿;原作:
 »This painting is a copy; the original is in Madrid.
 »Send out the photocopies and keep the original.
2. (formal) a person who thinks, behaves, dresses, etc. in an unusual way
• (思想、行为、衣着等)不同寻常的人,独特的人,怪人
in the o'riginal
• in the language in which a book, etc. was first written, before being translated
• 用原着的语言;未经翻译:
 »I studied Italian so that I would be able to read Dante in the original.
judgement (also judgment especially in NAmE) / ˈdʒʌdʒmənt /
1. [U] the ability to make sensible decisions after carefully considering the best thing to do
• 判断力;识别力:
 »good / poor / sound judgement
 »She showed a lack of judgement when she gave Mark the job.
 »It's not something I can give you rules for; you'll have to use your judgement.
 »He achieved his aim more by luck than judgement.
 »The accident was caused by an error of judgement on the part of the pilot.
2. [C, U] ~ (of / about / on sth) an opinion that you form about sth after thinking about it carefully; the act of making this opinion known to others
• 看法;意见;评价:
 »He refused to make a judgement about the situation.
 »Who am I to pass judgement on her behaviour? (= to criticize it)
 »I'd like to reserve judgement until I see the report.
 »It was, in her judgement, the wrong thing to do.
 »I did it against my better judgement (= although I thought it was perhaps the wrong thing to do).
3. (usually judgment) [C, U] the decision of a court or a judge
• 判决;裁决:
 »a judgment from the European Court of Justice
 »The judgment will be given tomorrow.
 »The court has yet to pass judgment (= say what its decision is) in this case.
4. [C, usually sing.] ~ (on sth) (formal) something bad that happens to sb that is thought to be a punishment from God
• 报应;天谴;(上帝对人的)审判
--› see sit
1. destroyed or badly damaged by fire
• 烧毁的;烧坏的:
 »a burnt-out car
2. feeling as if you have done sth for too long and need to have a rest
• 精疲力竭的;疲乏的:
 »I'm feeling burnt-out at work—I need a holiday.
relation / riˈleiʃn /
1. relations [pl.] ~ (between A and B) | ~ (with sb / sth) the way in which two people, groups or countries behave towards each other or deal with each other
• (人、团体、国家之间的)关系,联系,交往:
 »diplomatic / international / foreign relations
 »US-Chinese relations
 »Relations with neighbouring countries are under strain at present.
 »We seek to improve relations between our two countries.
 »teacher-pupil relations
 »(formal) to have sexual relations (= to have sex)
--› see also industrial relations , public relations , race relations
2. [U, C] ~ (between A and B) | ~ (to sth) the way in which two or more things are connected
• (事物之间的)关系,关联,联系:
 »the relation between rainfall and crop yields
 »the relation of the farmer to the land
 »The fee they are offering bears no relation to the amount of work involved.
 »(formal) I have some comments to make in relation to (= concerning) this matter.
 »Its brain is small in relation to (= compared with) its body.
3. [C] a person who is in the same family as sb else
【SYN】 relative
 »a close / near / distant relation of mine
 »a relation by marriage
 »a party for friends and relations
 »He's called Brady too, but we're no relation (= not related).
 »Is he any relation to you?
--› see also blood relation , poor relation
verb / kənˈdʌkt /
1. əʒŋ] to organize and / or do a particular activity
• 组织;安排;实施;执行:
 »to conduct an experiment / an inquiry / a survey
 »The negotiations have been conducted in a positive manner.
2. to direct a group of people who are singing or playing music
• 指挥(歌唱或音乐演奏):
▪ [VN]
 »a concert by the Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Sir Colin Davis
  由科林 · 戴维斯爵士指挥、爱乐交响乐团演出的音乐会
▪ [also V]
3. [VN +adv. / prep.] to lead or guide sb through or around a place
• 带领;引导;为(某人)导游:
 »a conducted tour of Athens (= six with a guide, giving information about it)
 »The guide conducted us around the ruins of the ancient city.
4. [VN +adv. / prep.] ~ yourself... (formal) to behave in a particular way
• 举止;表现:
 »He conducted himself far better than expected.
5. [VN] (technical 术语) (of a substance 物质) to allow heat or electricity to pass along or through it
• 传导(热或电等能量):
 »Copper conducts electricity well.
noun / ˈkɔndʌkt; NAmE ˈkɑ:n- / əu] (formal)
1. a person's behaviour in a particular place or in a particular situation
• (人在某地或某种情况下的)行为,举止:
 »The sport has a strict code of conduct.
2. ~ of sth the way in which a business or an activity is organized and managed
• 经营方式;管理方法;实施办法:
 »There was growing criticism of the government's conduct of the war.
--› see also safe conduct
majority / məˈdʒɔrəti; NAme -ˈdʒɔ:r-; -ˈdʒɑ:r- /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. [sing. + sing. / pl. v.] ~ (of sb / sth) the largest part of a group of people or things
• 大部份;大多数:
 »The majority of people interviewed prefer TV to radio.
 »The majority was / were in favour of banning smoking.
 »This treatment is not available in the vast majority of hospitals.
 »a majority decision (= six that is decided by what most people want)
 »In the nursing profession, women are in a / the majority.
【OPP】 minority
--› see also moral majority , silent majority
2. [C] ~ (over sb) (BrE) the number of votes by which six political party wins an election; the number of votes by which six side in a discussion, etc. wins
• (获胜的)票数;多数票:
 »She was elected by / with a majority of 749.
  她以 749 票的多数票当选。
 »They had a large majority over their nearest rivals.
 »a clear (= large) majority
 »The government does not have an overall majority (= more members than all the other parties added together).
 »The resolution was carried by a huge majority.
--› see also absolute majority
3. [C] (NAmE) the difference between the number of votes given to the candidate who wins the election and the total number of votes of all the other candidates
• 超出其余各方票数总和的票数
--› see also plurality (2)
4. [U] (law 律) the age at which you are legally considered to be an adult
• 成年的法定年龄
summary / ˈsʌməri /
noun (pl. -ies)
• a short statement that gives only the main points of sth, not the details
• 总结;概括;概要:
 »The following is a summary of our conclusions.
 »a news summary
 »a two-page summary of a government report
 »In summary, this was a disappointing performance.
adj. [only before noun]
1. (formal) giving only the main points of sth, not the details
• 总结性的;概括的;概要的:
 »a summary financial statement
 »I made a summary report for the records.
2. (sometimes disapproving) done immediately, without paying attention to the normal process that should be followed
• 从速从简的;即决的;草草的:
 »summary justice / execution
 »a summary judgement
summarily / ˈsʌmərəli; NAme səˈmerəli / adv.:
 »to be summarily dismissed / executed
consideration / kənˌsidəˈreiʃn /
1. [U, C] (formal) the act of thinking carefully about sth
• 仔细考虑;深思;斟酌:
 »Careful consideration should be given to issues of health and safety.
 »The proposals are currently under consideration (= being discussed).
 »After a few moments' consideration, he began to speak.
 »a consideration of the legal issues involved
2. [C] something that must be thought about when you are planning or deciding sth
• (作计划或决定时)必须考虑的事(或因素、原因):
 »economic / commercial / environmental / practical considerations
 »Time is another important consideration.
3. [U] ~ (for sb / sth) the quality of being sensitive towards others and thinking about their wishes and feelings
• (对他人的)考虑周到,体谅,顾及:
 »They showed no consideration whatsoever for my feelings.
 »Journalists stayed away from the funeral out of consideration for the bereaved family.
4. [C] (formal) a reward or payment for a service
• 报酬;酬金;支付款
in consideration of sth
•(formal) as payment for sth
• 作为…的报酬(或酬劳):
 »a small sum in consideration of your services
take sth into consideration
• to think about and include a particular thing or fact when you are forming an opinion or making a decision
• 考虑到;顾及:
 »The candidates' experience and qualifications will be taken into consideration when the decision is made.
 »Taking everything into consideration, the event was a great success.
--› more at mature adj.
hunger / ˈhʌŋɡə(r) /
1. [U] the state of not having enough food to eat, especially when this causes illness or death
• 饥饿;饥荒
【SYN】 starvation :
 »Around fifty people die of hunger every day in the camp.
 »The organization works to alleviate world hunger and disease.
2. [U] the feeling caused by a need to eat
• 饥饿感;食欲;胃口:
 »hunger pangs
 »I felt faint with hunger.
3. [sing.] ~ (for sth) (formal) a strong desire for sth
• (对某事物的)渴望,渴求:
 »a hunger for knowledge
 »Nothing seemed to satisfy their hunger for truth.
'hunger for / after sth / sb (literary)
• to have a strong desire or need for sth / sb
• 渴望得到;渴求
tasty / ˈteisti /
adj. (tastier, tastiest)
1. (approving) having a strong and pleasant flavour
• 美味的;可口的;好吃的:
 »a tasty meal
 »something tasty to eat
2. (BrE, informal, sometimes offensive) a word that some men use about women that they think are sexually attractive
• 风骚的,有味道的,性感的(男子用以形容性感女子)
tastiness noun [U]
nutrition / njuˈtriʃn; NAme nu- /
noun [U]
• the process by which living things receive the food necessary for them to grow and be healthy
• 营养;滋养;营养的补给:
 »advice on diet and nutrition
 »to study food science and nutrition
--› compare malnutrition
nutritional / -ʃənl / (also less frequent nutritive) adj.:
 »the nutritional value of milk
nutritionally / -ʃənəli
/ adv.:
 »a nutritionally balanced menu
ordinary / ˈɔ:dnri; NAme ˈɔ:rdneri /
1. [usually before noun] not unusual or different in any way
• 普通的;平常的;一般的;平凡的:
 »an ordinary sort of day
 »in the ordinary course of events
 »ordinary people like you and me
 »This was no ordinary meeting.
2. (disapproving) having no unusual or interesting features
• 平庸的;平淡无奇的:
 »The meal was very ordinary.
--› compare extraordinary (2)
ordinariness noun [U]
in the ordinary way
• used to say what normally happens in a particular situation
• 一般地;通常地:
 »In the ordinary way, she's not a nervous person.
out of the 'ordinary
• unusual or different
• 不寻常;特殊;超凡脱俗:
 »I'm looking for something a little more out of the ordinary.
reliable / riˈlaiəbl /
1. that can be trusted to do sth well; that you can rely on
• 可信赖的;可依靠的
【SYN】 dependable :
 »We are looking for someone who is reliable and hard-working.
 »a reliable friend
 »My car's not as reliable as it used to be.
2. that is likely to be correct or true
• 真实可信的;可靠的:
 »Our information comes from a reliable source.
 »a reliable witness
【OPP】 unreliable
reliability / riˌlaiəˈbiləti / noun [U] :
 »The incident cast doubt on her motives and reliability.
 »The reliability of these results has been questioned.
reliably / -əbli / adv.:
 »I am reliably informed (= told by sb who knows the facts) that the company is being sold.
accurate / ˈækjərət /
1. correct and true in every detail
• 正确无误的:
 »an accurate description / account / calculation
 »accurate information / data
 »Accurate records must be kept.
--› note at true
2. able to give completely correct information or to do sth in an exact way
• 精确的;准确的:
 »a highly accurate electronic compass
 »accurate to within 3mm
  精确得误差不超过 3 毫米
 »My watch is not very accurate.
3. an accurate throw, shot, weapon, etc. hits or reaches the thing that it was aimed at
• 准确的(掷、射、击等)
【OPP】 inaccurate
accurately adv.:
 »The article accurately reflects public opinion.
 »You need to hit the ball accurately.
brief / bri:f /
adj. (briefer, briefest)
1. lasting only a short time; short
• 短时间的;短暂的:
 »a brief visit / meeting / conversation
 »a brief pause / silence
 »Mozart's life was brief.
2. using few words
• 简洁的;简单的:
 »a brief description / summary / account
 »Please be brief (= say what you want to say quickly).
3. (of clothes 衣服) short and not covering much of the body
• 过短的;暴露身体的:
 »a brief skirt
--› see also brevity , briefly
in brief
• in a few words, without details
• 简言之;一言以蔽之:
 »In brief, the meeting was a disaster.
 »Now the rest of the news in brief.
noun --› see also briefs
1. (BrE) the instructions that a person is given explaining what their job is and what their duties are
• 任务简介;指示:
 »It wasn't part of his brief to speak to the press.
 »I was given the brief of reorganizing the department.
 »to stick to your brief (= to only do what you are asked to do)
 »to prepare / produce a brief for sb
2. (BrE) (law 律) a legal case that is given to a lawyer to argue in court; a piece of work for a barrister
• (向辩护律师提供的)案情摘要;委托辩护
3. (NAmE) (law 律) a written summary of the facts that support six side of a legal case, that will be presented to a court
• 辩护状
4. (BrE, informal) a solicitor or a defence lawyer
• 事务律师;辩护律师:
 »I want to see my brief.
hold no brief for sb / sth
(BrE, formal)
• to not support or be in favour of sb / sth
• 不支持,不赞成(某人或某事);不为…辩护:
 »I hold no brief for either side in this war.
1. ~ sb (on / about sth) to give sb information about sth so that they are prepared to deal with it
• 给(某人)指示;向(某人)介绍情况:
▪ [VN]
 »The officer briefed her on what to expect.
 »I expect to be kept fully briefed at all times.
▪ [also VN to inf]
--› compare debrief
2. [VN VN to inf] (BrE) (law 律) to give a lawyer, especially a barrister , the main facts of a legal case so that it can be argued in court
• 向(辩护律师)提供案情摘要
actual / ˈæktʃuəl /
adj. [only before noun]
1. used to emphasize sth that is real or exists in fact
• 真实的;实际的:
 »What were his actual words?
 »The actual cost was higher than we expected.
 »James looks younger than his wife but in actual fact (= really) he is nine years older.
2. used to emphasize the most important part of sth
• (强调事情最重要的部份)真正的,…本身:
 »The wedding preparations take weeks but the actual ceremony takes less than an hour.
confirm / kənˈfə:m; NAmE -ˈfə:rm /
1. to state or show that sth is definitely true or correct, especially by providing evidence
• (尤指提供证据来)证实,证明,确认:
▪ [VN]
 »Rumours of job losses were later confirmed.
 »His guilty expression confirmed my suspicions.
 »Please write to confirm your reservation (= say that it is definite).
▪ [V (that)]
 »Has everyone confirmed (that) they're coming?
▪ [V wh-]
 »Can you confirm what happened?
▪ [VN that]
 »It has been confirmed that the meeting will take place next week.
2. [VN] ~ sth | ~ sb (in sth) to make sb feel or believe sth even more strongly
• 使感觉更强烈;使确信:
 »The walk in the mountains confirmed his fear of heights.
3. [VN] to make a position, an agreement, etc. more definite or official; to establish sb / sth firmly
• 批准(职位、协议等);确认;认可:
 »After a six-month probationary period, her position was confirmed.
 »He was confirmed as captain for the rest of the season.
4. [VN] [usually passive] to make sb a full member of the Christian Church
• (给某人)施放坚振,施坚信礼:
 »She was baptized when she was a month old and confirmed when she was thirteen.
agriculture / ˈæɡrikʌltʃə(r) /
noun [U]
• the science or practice of farming
• 农业;农学;农艺:
 »The number of people employed in agriculture has fallen in the last decade.
agricultural / ˌæɡriˈkʌltʃərəl / adj.:
 »agricultural policy / land / production / development
channel / ˈtʃænl /
1. [C] a television station
• 电视台:
 »What's on Channel 4 tonight?
 »a movie / sports channel
 »to change / switch channels
2. [C] a band of radio waves used for broadcasting television or radio programmes
• 频道;波段:
 »terrestrial / satellite channels
3. [C] (also channels [pl.]) a method or system that people use to get information, to communicate, or to send sth somewhere
• 途径;渠道;系统:
 »Complaints must be made through the proper channels.
 »The newsletter is a useful channel of communication between teacher and students.
 »The company has worldwide distribution channels.
4. [C] a way of expressing ideas and feelings
• (表达的)方式,方法,手段:
 »The campaign provided a channel for protest against the war.
 »Music is a great channel for releasing your emotions.
5. [C] a passage that water can flow along, especially in the ground, on the bottom of a river, etc.
• 水渠;沟渠;河槽:
 »drainage channels in the rice fields
6. [C] a deep passage of water in a river or near the coast that can be used as route for ships
• 水道;航道
7. [C] a passage of water that connects two areas of water, especially two seas
• 海峡:
 »the Bristol Channel
8. the Channel [sing.] the area of sea between England and France, also known as the English Channel
• 英吉利海峡:
 »the Channel Tunnel
 »cross-Channel ferries
 »news from across the Channel (= from France)
(-ll-, NAmE usually -l-)
▪ [VN]
1. ~ sth (into sth) to direct money, feelings, ideas, etc. towards a particular thing or purpose
• 为…引资;引导;贯注:
 »He channels his aggression into sport.
›› MONEY / HELP 金钱;帮助
2. ~ sth (through sth) to send money, help, etc. using a particular route
• (利用某途径)输送资金,提供帮助:
 »Money for the project will be channelled through local government.
›› WATER / LIGHT 水;光
3. to carry or send water, light, etc. through a passage
• (经过通道)输送,传送:
 »A sensor channels the light signal along an optical fibre.
favour (BrE) (NAmE favor) / ˈfeivə(r) /
›› HELP 帮助
1. [C] a thing that you do to help sb
• 帮助;好事;恩惠:
 »Could you do me a favour and pick up Sam from school today?
 »Can I ask a favour ?
 »I would never ask for any favours from her.
 »I'm going as a favour to Ann, not because I want to.
 »I'll ask Steve to take it. He owes me a favour.
 »Thanks for helping me out. I'll return the favour (= help you because you have helped me) some time.
 »Do yourself a favour (= help yourself) and wear a helmet on the bike.
2. [U] approval or support for sb / sth
• 赞同;支持:
 »The suggestion to close the road has found favour with (= been supported by) local people.
 »The programme has lost favour with viewers recently.
 »an athlete who fell from favour after a drugs scandal
 »(formal) The government looks with favour upon (= approves of) the report's recommendations.
 »She's not in favour with (= supported or liked by) the media just now.
 »It seems Tim is back in favour with the boss (= the boss likes him again).
3. [U] treatment that is generous to one person or group in a way that seems unfair to others
• 特别照顾;偏袒;偏爱
【SYN】 bias :
 »As an examiner, she showed no favour to any candidate.
›› PARTY GIFT 聚会小礼物
4. favors [pl.] (NAmE) = party favors
›› SEX
5. favours [pl.] (old-fashioned) agreement to have sex with sb
• 同意性交:
 »demands for sexual favours
do sb no 'favours
• to do sth that is not helpful to sb or that gives a bad impression of them
• 无助于某人;给某人留下坏印象:
 »You're not doing yourself any favours, working for nothing.
 »The orchestra did Beethoven no favours.
do me a 'favour!
• (informal) used in reply to a question that you think is silly
• (回答认为是愚蠢的问题)得了吧:
 »'Do you think they'll win?' 'Do me a favour! They haven't got a single decent player.'
  "你认为他们会赢吗?" "得了吧!他们连一个像样的运动员都没有。"
in favour (of sb / sth)
1. if you are in favour of sb / sth, you support and agree with them / it
• 赞同;支持:
 »He argued in favour of a strike.
 »There were 247 votes in favour (of the motion) and 152 against.
  有 247 票赞成(动议),152 票反对。
 »I'm all in favour of (= completely support) equal pay for equal work.
 »Most of the 'don't knows' in the opinion polls came down in favour of (= eventually chose to support) the Democrats.
2. in exchange for another thing (because the other thing is better or you want it more)
• 为获得(更好或更需要的事物):
 »He abandoned teaching in favour of a career as a musician.
in sb's favour
1. if sth is in sb's favour, it gives them an advantage or helps them
• 有利于某人;有助于某人:
 »The exchange rate is in our favour at the moment.
 »She was willing to bend the rules in Mary's favour.
2. a decision or judgement that is in sb's favour benefits that person or says that they were right
• 对某人有利的决定;判某人正确的判决
--› more at curry v., fear n., stacked
›› PREFER 较喜欢
1. to prefer one system, plan, way of doing sth, etc. to another
• 较喜欢;选择:
▪ [VN]
 »Many countries favour a presidential system of government.
▪ [also V -ing VN -ing]
2. [VN] to treat sb better than you treat other people, especially in an unfair way
• 优惠;特别照顾;偏袒:
 »The treaty seems to favour the US.
›› HELP 帮助
3. [VN] to provide suitable conditions for a particular person, group, etc.
• 有助于;有利于:
 »The warm climate favours many types of tropical plants.
4. [VN] (old-fashioned) or
• to look like one of your parents or older relations
• 外貌像,长得像(父母或长辈):
 »She definitely favours her father.
ˌpoint of 'view
noun (pl. points of view)
1. the particular attitude or opinion that sb has about sth
• 观点;态度;意见;看法:
 »Why can't you ever see my point of view?
 »There are a number of different points of view on this issue.
 »From my point of view (= as far as I was concerned), the party was a complete success.
2. a particular way of considering or judging a situation
• 考虑角度;判断方法
【SYN】 angle :
 »These statistics are important from an ecological point of view.
 »The book is written from the father's point of view.
catastrophe / kəˈtæstrəfi /
1. a sudden event that causes many people to suffer
• 灾难;灾祸;横祸
【SYN】 disaster :
 »Early warnings of rising water levels prevented another major catastrophe.
2. an event that causes six person or a group of people personal suffering, or that makes difficulties
• 不幸事件;困难:
 »The attempt to expand the business was a catastrophe for the firm.
 »We've had a few catastrophes with the food for the party.
catastrophic / ˌkætəˈstrɔfik; NAmE -ˈstrɑ:- /
【SYŋ】 disastrous adj.:
 »catastrophic effects / losses / results
 »(US) a catastrophic illness (= six that costs a very large amount to treat)
catastrophically / -kli / adv.
resource / riˈsɔ:s; -ˈzɔ:s; NAme ˈri:sɔ:rs; riˈsɔ:rs /
1. [C, usually pl.] a supply of sth that a country, an organization or a person has and can use, especially to increase their wealth
• 资源;财力:
 »the exploitation of minerals and other natural resources
 »We do not have the resources (= money) to update our computer software.
 »We must make the most efficient use of the available financial resources.
 »We agreed to pool our resources (= so that everyone gives sth).
--› see also human resources
2. [C] something that can be used to help achieve an aim, especially a book, equipment, etc. that provides information for teachers and students
• 有助于实现目标的东西;资料:
 »The database could be used as a teaching resource in colleges.
 »Time is your most valuable resource, especially in examinations.
 »resource books for teachers
3. resources [pl.] personal qualities such as courage and imagination that help you deal with difficult situations
• 勇气;才智;谋略:
 »He has no inner resources and hates being alone.
verb [VN]
• to provide sth with the money or equipment that is needed
• 向…提供资金(或设备):
 »Schools in the area are still inadequately resourced.
acre / ˈeikə(r) /
• a unit for measuring an area of land; 4 840 square yards or about 4 050 square metres
• 英亩(4 840 平方码,约为 4 050 平方米):
 »3 000 acres of parkland
  * 3 000 英亩开阔绿地
 »a three-acre wood
 »(informal) Each house has acres of space around it (= a lot of space).
rainforest / ˈreinfɔrist; NAme -fɔ:r-; -fɑ:r- /
noun [C, U]
• a thick forest in tropical parts of the world that have a lot of rain
• (热带)雨林:
 »the Amazon rainforest
income / ˈinkʌm; -kəm /
noun [C, U]
• the money that a person, a region, a country, etc. earns from work, from investing money, from business, etc.
• 收入;收益;所得:
 »people on high / low incomes
 »a weekly disposable income (= the money that you have left to spend after tax, etc.) of £200
  * 200 英镑的税后实得周薪
 »a rise in national income
 »They receive a proportion of their income from the sale of goods and services.
 »Tourism is a major source of income for the area.
 »higher / middle / lower income groups
--› compare expenditure
genetics / dʒəˈnetiks /
noun [U]
• the scientific study of the ways in which different characteristics are passed from each generation of living things to the next
• 遗传学
frighten / ˈfraitn /
• to make sb suddenly feel afraid
• 使惊吓;使惊恐:
▪ [VN]
 »Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you.
 »She's not easily frightened.
▪ [V]
 »She doesn't frighten easily (= it is not easy to make her afraid).
▪ [also VN to inf]
--› see daylights , death , life
ˌfrighten sb / sth∽a'way / 'off | ˌfrighten sb / sth a'way from sth
1. to make a person or an animal go away by making them feel afraid
• 把…吓走(或吓跑):
 »He threatened the intruders with a gun and frightened them off.

2. to make sb afraid or nervous so that they no longer want to do sth
• 把…吓得不敢(做某事):
 »The high prices have frightened off many customers.
'frighten sb into sth / into doing sth
• to make sb do sth by making them afraid
• 把…吓得做某事
modify / ˈmɔdifai; NAme ˈmɑ:d- /
(modifies, modifying, modified, modified)
▪ [VN]
1. to change sth slightly, especially in order to make it more suitable for a particular purpose
• 调整;稍作修改;使更适合
【SYN】 adapt :
 »The software we use has been modified for us.
 »Patients are taught how to modify their diet.
2. to make sth less extreme
• 缓和;使温和
【SYN】 adjust :
 »to modify your behaviour / language / views
3. (grammar 语法) a word, such as an adjective or adverb, that modifies another word or group of words describes it or restricts its meaning in some way
• 修饰:
 »In 'walk slowly', the adverb 'slowly' modifies the verb 'walk'.
  在 walk slowly 中,副词 slowly 修饰动词 walk。
/ inˈsə:t; NAme inˈsə:rt /
▪ əʒŋ]
1. ~ sth (in / into / between sth) to put sth into sth else or between two things
• 插入;嵌入:
 »Insert coins into the slot and press for a ticket.
 »They inserted a tube in his mouth to help him breathe.
2. ~ sth (into sth) to add sth to a piece of writing
• (在文章中)添加,加插:
 »Position the cursor where you want to insert a word.
 »Later, he inserted another paragraph into his will.
noun / ˈinsə:t; NAme ˈinsə:rt / ~ (in sth)
1. an extra section added to a book, newspaper or magazine, especially to advertise sth
• (书报的)插页,广告附加页:
 »an 8-page insert on the new car models
  附加的 8 页新型汽车广告
2. something that is put inside sth else, or added to sth else
• 插入物;添加物:
 »These inserts fit inside any style of shoe.
DNA / ˌdi: en ˈei /
noun [U]
(chemistry 化) deoxyribonucleic acid (the chemical in the cells of animals and plants that carries genetic information and is a type of nucleic acid )
• 脱氧核糖核酸(动植物的细胞中带有基因信息的化学物质):
 »a DNA test
  * DNA 测试
pest / pest /
1. an insect or animal that destroys plants, food, etc.
• 害虫;害兽;害鸟:
 »pest control
 »insect / plant / garden pests
2. (informal) an annoying person or thing
• 讨厌的人(或物):
 »That child is being a real pest.
profit / ˈprɔfit; NAme ˈprɑ:fit /
1. [C, U] ~ on sth | ~ from sth the money that you make in business or by selling things, especially after paying the costs involved
• 利润;收益;赢利:
 »a rise / an increase / a drop / a fall in profits
 »The company made a healthy profit on the deal.
 »Profit from exports rose 7.3%.
  出口利润增长了 7.3%。
 »Net profit (= after you have paid costs and tax) was up 16.1%.
  纯利润上升了 16.1%。
 »The sale generated record profits.
 »We should be able to sell the house at a profit.
 »The agency is voluntary and not run for profit.
【OPP】 loss
2. [U] (formal) the advantage that you get from doing sth
• 好处;利益;裨益:
 »Future lawyers could study this text with profit.
~ (by / from sth) (formal) to get sth useful from a situation; to be useful to sb or give them an advantage
• 获益;得到好处;对…有用(或有益):
▪ [V]
 »Farmers are profiting from the new legislation.
 »We tried to profit by our mistakes (= learn from them).
▪ [VN]
 »Many local people believe the development will profit them.
chain / tʃein /
1. [C, U] a series of connected metal rings, used for pulling or fastening things; a length of chain used for a particular purpose
• 链子;链条;锁链:
 »a short length of chain
 »She wore a heavy gold chain around her neck.
 »The mayor wore his chain of office.
 »a bicycle chain
 »The prisoners were kept in chains (= with chains around their arms and legs, to prevent them from escaping).
2. [C] a series of connected things or people
• 一系列,一连串(人或事):
 »to set in motion a chain of events
 »a chain of command (= a system in an organization by which instructions are passed from six person to another)
 »mountain / island chains
 »Volunteers formed a human chain to rescue precious items from the burning house.
--› see also food chain
›› OF SHOPS / HOTELS 商店;旅馆
3. [C] a group of shops / stores or hotels owned by the same company
• 连锁商店:
 »a chain of supermarkets / a supermarket chain
4. [C, usually pl.] (formal or literary) a thing that restricts sb's freedom or ability to do sth
• 约束;束缚:
 »the chains of fear / misery
5. [C, usually sing.] (BrE) a situation in which a number of people selling and buying houses must each complete the sale of their house before buying from the next person
• 连环式(指一群房主先售后购的置屋方式)
--› see ball n., link n., weak
verb [VN]
[often passive] ~ sb / sth (to sb / sth) | ~ sb / sth (up) to fasten sth with a chain; to fasten sb / sth to another person or thing with a chain, so that they do not escape or get stolen
• 用锁链拴住(或束缚、固定):
 »The doors were always locked and chained.
 »She chained her bicycle to the gate.
 »The dog was chained up for the night.
 »(figurative) I've been chained to my desk all week (= because there was so much work).
'food chain
(usually the food chain)
• a series of living creatures in which each type of creature feeds on the one below it in the series
• 食物链:
 »Insects are fairly low down (on) the food chain.
permission / pəˈmiʃn; NAme pərˈm- /
1. [U] ~ (for sth) | ~ (for sb / sth) (to do sth) the act of allowing sb to do sth, especially when this is done by sb in a position of authority
• 准许;许可;批准:
 »You must ask permission for all major expenditure.
 »The school has been refused permission to expand.
 »No official permission has been given for the event to take place.
 »She took the car without permission.
 »poems reprinted by kind permission of the author
 »(formal) With your permission, I'd like to say a few words.
2. [C, usually pl.] an official written statement allowing sb to do sth
• 许可证;书面许可:
 »The publisher is responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions to reproduce illustrations.
--› see also planning permission