comedy / ˈkɔmədi; NAmE ˈkɑ:m- /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. [C, U] a play or film / movie that is intended to be funny, usually with a happy ending; plays and films / movies of this type
• 喜剧;喜剧片:
 »a romantic comedy
--› compare tragedy (2)
 »slapstick comedy
--› see also black adj. (9), situation comedy
2. [U] an amusing aspect of sth
• 滑稽;幽默;诙谐
【SYN】 humour :
 »He didn't appreciate the comedy of the situation.
weekly / ˈwi:kli /
• happening, done or published once a week or every week
• 每周的:
 »weekly meetings
 »a weekly magazine
weekly adv.:
 »Employees are paid weekly.
 »The newspaper is published twice weekly.
noun (pl. -ies)
• a newspaper or magazine that is published every week
• 周报;周刊
crosstalk / ˈkrɔstɔ:k; NAmE ˈkrɔ:s- /
noun [U]
(technical 术语) a situation in which a communications system is picking up the wrong signals
• (通讯系统的)串话,串扰
adj. [only before noun]
1. stand-up comedy consists of one person standing in front of an audience and telling jokes
• (喜剧节目)单人表演的,单口的
2. (especially BrE) a stand-up argument, fight, etc. is one in which people shout loudly at each other or are violent towards each other
• 激烈的(争论、打斗等)
3. worn, used, etc. in a vertical position
• 直立的;挺立的:
 »a stand-up collar
1. [U] stand-up comedy
• 独角喜剧;单口相声:
 »When did you start doing stand-up?
2. [C] a person who performs stand-up comedy
• 独白喜剧演员;单口相声演员:
 »She started out as a stand-up.
stage / steidʒ /
›› PERIOD / STATE 时期;状态
1. [C] a period or state that sth / sb passes through while developing or making progress
• (发展或进展的)时期,阶段,状态:
 »This technology is still in its early stages.
 »The children are at different stages of development.
 »The product is at the design stage.
 »People tend to work hard at this stage of life.
 »At six stage it looked as though they would win.
 »Don't worry about the baby not wanting to leave you—it's a stage they go through.
2. [C] a separate part that a process, etc. is divided into
• 段;步;步骤
【SYN】 phase :
 »We did the first stage of the trip by train.
 »The police are building up a picture of the incident stage by stage.
 »The pay increase will be introduced in stages (= not all at once).
 »We can take the argument six stage further.
3. [C] a raised area, usually in a theatre, etc. where actors, dancers, etc. perform
• (多指剧场中的)舞台:
 »The audience threw flowers onto the stage.
 »There were more than 50 people on stage in six scene.
  有一场戏中舞台上的人有 50 多个。
 »They marched off stage to the sound of trumpets.
--› see also backstage , offstage , onstage
4. (often the stage) [sing.] the theatre and the world of acting as a form of entertainment
• 戏剧;戏剧表演;戏剧界:
 »His parents didn't want him to go on the stage (= to be an actor).
 »She was a popular star of stage and screen (= theatre and cinema / movies).
5. [sing.] an area of activity where important things happen, especially in politics
• (政治等活动的)领域;(政治)舞台:
 »She was forced to the centre of the political stage.
 »Germany is playing a leading role on the international stage.
--› see also centre stage
6. [C] (old-fashioned, informal) = stagecoach
--› see also landing stage
set the 'stage for sth
• to make it possible for sth to happen; to make sth likely to happen
• 使某事成为可能;为某事铺平了道路
verb [VN]
1. to organize and present a play or an event for people to see
• 上演;举办;举行:
 »to stage a ceremony / an event / an exhibition
 »The local theatre group is staging a production of 'Hamlet'.
 »Birmingham has bid to stage the next national athletics championships.
2. to organize and take part in action that needs careful planning, especially as a public protest
• 组织;筹划:
 »to stage a strike / demonstration / march / protest
3. to make sth happen
• 使发生;使出现:
 »The dollar staged a recovery earlier today.
 »After nine years in retirement, he staged a comeback to international tennis.
comedian / kəˈmi:diən /
• an entertainer who makes people laugh by telling jokes or funny stories
• 滑稽演员;喜剧演员
tease / ti:z /
1. to laugh at sb and make jokes about them, either in a friendly way or in order to annoy or embarrass them
• 取笑;戏弄;揶揄;寻开心:
▪ [V]
 »Don't get upset—I was only teasing.
▪ [VN]
 »I used to get teased about my name.
▪ [also V speech also VN speech]
2. [VN] to annoy an animal, especially by touching it, pulling its tail, etc.
• 招惹,逗弄(动物)
3. [V VN] (disapproving) to make sb sexually excited, especially when you do not intend to have sex with them
• 挑逗,撩拨(异性)
4. [VN] to pull sth gently apart into separate pieces
• 梳理:
 »to tease wool into strands
5. [VN] (NAmE) = backcomb
ˌtease sth∽'out
1. to remove knots from hair, wool, etc. by gently pulling or brushing it
• 梳理,梳通(毛发等)

2. to spend time trying to find out information or the meaning of sth, especially when this is complicated or difficult
• 探讨;深入研究;梳理清楚:
 »The teacher helped them tease out the meaning of the poem.
noun [usually sing.]
1. a person who likes to play tricks and jokes on other people, especially by telling them sth that is not true or by not telling them sth that they want to know
• 爱戏弄人的人;逗弄者;取笑者
2. an act that is intended as a trick or joke
• 戏弄;捉弄;取笑
3. (disapproving) a person who pretends to be attracted to sb, makes them sexually excited and then refuses to have sex with them
• 卖弄风骚的人;勾引人者
teasel (also teazle) / ˈti:zl /
• a plant which has large flowers with spikes , used in the past for brushing cloth to give it a smooth surface
• 川续断,起绒草(旧时用以使织物表面起绒)
previous / ˈpri:viəs /
adj. [only before noun]
1. happening or existing before the event or object that you are talking about
• 先前的;以往的
【SYN】 prior :
 »No previous experience is necessary for this job.
 »The car has only had one previous owner.
 »She is his daughter from a previous marriage.
 »I was unable to attend because of a previous engagement.
 »The judge will take into consideration any previous convictions.
2. immediately before the time you are talking about
• (时间上)稍前的
【SYN】 preceding :
 »I couldn't believe it when I heard the news. I'd only seen him the previous day.
previously adv.:
 »The building had previously been used as a hotel.
 »I had visited them three days previously.
previous to prep.:
 »Previous to this, she'd always been well.
variety / vəˈraiəti /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. [sing.] ~ (of sth) several different sorts of the same thing
• (同一事物的)不同种类,多种式样:
 »There is a wide variety of patterns to choose from.
 »He resigned for a variety of reasons.
 »This tool can be used in a variety of ways.
 »I was impressed by the variety of dishes on offer.
2. [U] the quality of not being the same or not doing the same thing all the time
• 变化;多样化;多变性
【SYN】 diversity :
 »We all need variety in our diet.
 »We want more variety in our work.
3. [C] ~ (of sth) a type of a thing, for example a plant or language, that is different from the others in the same general group
• (植物、语言等的)变种,变体;异体;品种:
 »Apples come in a great many varieties.
 »a rare variety of orchid
 »different varieties of English
 »My cooking is of the 'quick and simple' variety.
4. (NAmE also vaudeville) [U] a form of theatre or television entertainment that consists of a series of short performances, such as singing, dancing and funny acts
• 综艺节目(包括歌舞、杂耍等的舞台演出或电视节目):
 »a variety show / theatre
variety is the spice of 'life
•(saying) new and exciting experiences make life more interesting
• 经历丰富多彩才令生活充满乐趣
style / stail /
1. [C, U] ~ (of sth) the particular way in which sth is done
• 方式;作风:
 »a style of management
 »a management style
 »furniture to suit your style of living
 »a study of different teaching styles
 »I like your style (= I like the way you do things).
 »Caution was not her style (= not the way she usually behaved).
 »I'm surprised he rides a motorbike—I'd have thought big cars were more his style (= what suited him).
--› see also lifestyle
2. [C] a particular design of sth, especially clothes
• 样式;款式:
 »We stock a wide variety of styles and sizes.
 »Have you thought about having your hair in a shorter style?
--› see also hairstyle
3. [U] the quality of being fashionable in the clothes that you wear
• (指服装)时新,时髦,流行式样:
 »style-conscious teenagers
 »Short skirts are back in style (= fashionable).
4. [U] the quality of being elegant and made to a high standard
• 优雅格调;精致性;品位;风度;气派:
 »The hotel has been redecorated but it's lost a lot of its style.
 »She does everything with style and grace.
5. [C, U] the features of a book, painting, building, etc. that make it typical of a particular author, artist, historical period, etc.
• 风格;体:
 »a style of architecture
 »a fine example of Gothic style
 »a parody written in the style of Molière
6. [U, C] the correct use of language
• 语言规范;好的文风:
 »It's not considered good style to start a sentence with 'but'.
  人们认为,一句话用 but 开头不是好的文风。
 »Please follow house style (= the rules of spelling, etc. used by a particular publishing company).
›› -STYLE 样式
7. (in adjectives 构成形容词) having the type of style mentioned
• …式的;…风格的:
 »Italian-style gardens
 »a buffet-style breakfast
--› see also old-style
›› IN A PLANT 植物
8. (biology 生) the long thin part of a flower that carries the stigma
• 花柱
in (great, grand, etc.) style
• in an impressive way
• 气派;隆重;气势非凡:
 »She always celebrates her birthday in style.
 »He won the championship in great style.
--› more at cramp v.
›› CLOTHES / HAIR, ETC. 服装、头发等
1. [VN] to design, make or shape sth in a particular way
• 把…设计(或缝制、做)成某种式样:
 »an elegantly styled jacket
 »He'd had his hair styled at an expensive salon.
2. [VN-N] (formal) to give sb / sth / yourself a particular name or title
• 称呼;命名;称:
 »He styled himself Major Carter.
'style sth / yourself on sth / sb
• to copy the style, manner or appearance of sb / sth
• 模仿…的风格(或举止、外观)
【SYN】 model :
 »a coffee bar styled on a Parisian cafe
 »He styled himself on Elvis Presley.
  他模仿埃尔维斯 · 普雷斯利唱歌。
behave / biˈheiv /
1. [V +adv. / prep.] to do things in a particular way
• 表现
【SYN】 act :
 »The doctor behaved very unprofessionally.
 »They behaved very badly towards their guests.
 »He behaved like a true gentleman.
 »She behaved with great dignity.
 »He behaved as if / though nothing had happened.
 »They behave differently when you're not around.
【HELP】In spoken English people often use like instead of as if or as though, especially in NAmE : He behaved like nothing had happened. This is not considered correct in written BrE.
• 英语口语中,尤其是北美英语,常用 like 代替 as if 或 as though: He behaved like nothing had happened. 书面英国英语中,此用法被视为不正确。
2. ~ (yourself) to do things in a way that people think is correct or polite
• 表现得体;有礼貌:
▪ [V]
 »Will you kids just behave!
 »She doesn't know how to behave in public.
▪ [VN]
 »I want you to behave yourselves while I'm away.
【OPP】 misbehave
3. -behaved (in adjectives 构成形容词) behaving in the way mentioned
• 表现得…的:
 »well- / badly-behaved children
4. [V +adv. / prep.] (technical 术语) to naturally react, move, etc. in a particular way
• 作某种自然反应(或变化等):
 »a study of how metals behave under pressure
--› see own v.
visual / ˈviʒuəl /
• of or connected with seeing or sight
• 视力的;视觉的:
 »I have a very good visual memory.
 »the visual arts
 »The building makes a tremendous visual impact.
visually adv.:
 »visually handicapped / impaired
 »visually exciting
• a picture, map, piece of film, etc. used to make an article or a talk easier to understand or more interesting
• 视觉资料(指说明性的图片、影片等):
 »He used striking visuals to get his point across.
hammer / ˈhæmə(r) /
›› TOOL 工具
1. [C] a tool with a handle and a heavy metal head, used for breaking things or hitting nails
• 锤子;榔头: (figurative)
 »The decision is a hammer blow for the steel industry.
--› see also sledgehammer
2. [C] a tool with a handle and a wooden head, used by a person in charge of an auction (= a sale at which things are sold to the person who offers the most money) in order to get people's attention when sth is just being sold
• (拍卖用的)木槌:
 »to come / go under the hammer (= to be sold at auction )
›› IN PIANO 钢琴
3. [C] a small wooden part inside a piano, that hits the strings to produce a sound
• 音槌
›› IN GUN 枪炮
4. [C] a part inside a gun that makes the gun fire
• 击铁
›› SPORT 体育运动
5. [C] a metal ball attached to a wire, thrown as a sport
• 链球
6. the hammer [sing.] the event or sport of throwing the hammer
• 掷链球(运动)
ˌhammer and 'tongs
• if two people are at it hammer and tongs or go at it hammer and tongs, they argue or fight with a lot of energy and noise
• 激烈争吵(或打斗)

›› HIT WITH TOOL 用工具锤打
1. ~ sth (in / into / onto sth) to hit sth with a hammer
• (用锤子)敲,锤打
▪ [V]
 »I could hear somebody hammering next door.
▪ [VN]
 »She hammered the nail into the wall.
▪ [VN-ADJ]
 »He was hammering the sheet of copper flat.
2. to hit sth hard many times, especially so that it makes a loud noise
• 反复敲打,连续击打(尤指发出大声)
【SYN】 pound :
▪ [V]
 »Someone was hammering at the door.
 »Hail was hammering down onto the roof.
 »(figurative) I was so scared my heart was hammering (= beating very fast) in my chest.
▪ [VN]
 »He hammered the door with his fists.
--› note at beat
›› KICK / HIT BALL 踢/击球
3. [VN , usually +adv. / prep.] (informal) to kick or hit a ball very hard
• 猛踢;猛击:
 »He hammered the ball into the net.
4. [VN] (informal) to defeat sb very easily
• 轻易打败(对方):
 »Our team was hammered 5-1.
  我队以 1:5 的悬殊比分败北。
ˌhammer a'way at sth
• to work hard in order to finish or achieve sth; to keep repeating sth in order to get the result that you want
• 努力干;孜孜以求

ˌhammer sth∽'home
1. to emphasize a point, an idea, etc. so that people fully understand it
• 反复讲透,重点讲清(要点、想法等)

2. to kick a ball hard and score a goal
• 用力踢球得分;把球猛踢进球门
ˌhammer sth 'into sb
• to make sb learn or remember sth by repeating it many times
• 反复灌输

ˌhammer 'out sth
1. to discuss a plan, an idea, etc. until everyone agrees or a decision is made
• 反复讨论出(一致意见);充分研讨出(决定):
 »to hammer out a compromise

2. to play a tune, especially on a piano, loudly and not very well
• (在钢琴等上)敲打出
trip / trip /
1. a journey to a place and back again, especially a short six for pleasure or a particular purpose
• (尤指短程往返的)旅行,旅游,出行:
 »Did you have a good trip?
 »We went on a trip to the mountains.
 »a day trip (= lasting a day)
 »a boat / coach trip
 »a business / school / shopping trip
 »They took a trip down the river.
 »We had to make several trips to bring all the equipment over.
--› see also ego trip , field trip , round trip
2. (slang) the experience that sb has if they take a powerful drug that affects the mind and makes them imagine things
• (服用毒品后所产生的)幻觉,迷幻感受:
 »an acid (= LSD) trip
3. an act of falling or nearly falling down, because you hit your foot against sth
• 绊;绊倒
--› see guilt
verb (-pp-)
1. [V , often +adv. / prep.] ~ (over / up) | ~ (over / on sth) to catch your foot on sth and fall or almost fall
• 绊;绊倒:
 »She tripped and fell.
 »Someone will trip over that cable.
 »Be careful you don't trip up on the step.
2. [VN] (BrE also trip sb up) to catch sb's foot and make them fall or almost fall
• 将…绊倒;使跌倒:
 »As I passed, he stuck out a leg and tried to trip me up.
3. [V +adv. / prep.] (literary) to walk, run or dance with quick light steps
• 脚步轻快地走(或跑、跳舞):
 »She said goodbye and tripped off along the road.
4. [VN] to release a switch, etc. or to operate sth by doing so
• 触发(开关);(松开开关)开动:
 »to trip a switch
 »Any intruders will trip the alarm.
5. [V] (informal) to be under the influence of a drug that makes you hallucinate
• (服用毒品后)产生幻觉see memory lane , tongue n.
ˌtrip 'up | ˌtrip sb∽'up
• to make a mistake; to deliberately make sb do this
• (故意使)犯错误:
 »Read the questions carefully, because the examiners sometimes try to trip you up.

performance / pəˈfɔ:məns; NAme pərˈfɔ:rm- /
1. [C] the act of performing a play, concert or some other form of entertainment
• 表演;演出:
 »The performance starts at seven.
 »an evening performance
 »a performance of Ravel's String Quartet
 »a series of performances by the Kirov Ballet
 »one of the band's rare live performances
2. [C] the way a person performs in a play, concert, etc.
• 艺术上的表现;演技:
 »She gave the greatest performance of her career.
 »an Oscar-winning performance from Al Pacino
  阿尔 · 帕西诺荣获奥斯卡奖的演出
3. [U, C] how well or badly you do sth; how well or badly sth works
• 表现;性能;业绩;工作情况:
 »the country's economic performance
 »It was an impressive performance by the French team.
 »The new management techniques aim to improve performance.
 »He criticized the recent poor performance of the company.
 »high-performance (= very powerful) cars
 »performance indicators (= things that show how well or badly sth is working)
 »performance-related pay (= the money that you earn that depends on how well you do your job)
4. [U, sing.] (formal) the act or process of performing a task, an action, etc.
• 做;执行;履行:
 »She has shown enthusiasm in the performance of her duties.
 »He did not want a repeat performance of the humiliating defeat he had suffered.
5. [sing.] (informal, especially BrE) an act that involves a lot of effort or trouble, sometimes when it is not necessary
• (不必要的)麻烦,忙乱
【SYN】 carry-on :
 »It's such a performance getting the children off to school in the morning.
  早上打发孩子上学可要忙乱一阵子呢 。
affection / əˈfekʃn /
1. [U, sing.] ~ (for sb / sth) the feeling of liking or loving sb / sth very much and caring about them
• 喜爱;钟爱:
 »Mr Darcy's affection for his sister
 »Children need lots of love and affection.
 »He didn't show his wife any affection.
 »She was held in deep affection by all her students.
 »I have a great affection for New York.
2. affections [pl.] (formal) a person's feelings of love
• 爱情:
 »Anne had two men trying to win her affections.
performer / pəˈfɔ:mə(r); NAme pərˈfɔ:rm- /
1. a person who performs for an audience in a show, concert, etc.
• 表演者;演出者;演员:
 »a brilliant / polished / seasoned performer
2. a person or thing that behaves or works in the way mentioned
• 表现得…者;表现了…者:
 »He was a poor performer at school and left with no qualifications.
 »VW is the star performer of the motor industry this year.
academy / əˈkædəmi /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. a school or college for special training
• 专科院校:
 »the Royal Academy of Music
 »a police / military academy
2. (usually Academy) a type of official organization which aims to encourage and develop art, literature, science, etc.
• (艺术、文学、科学等的)研究院,学会:
 »the Royal Academy of Arts
3. a secondary school in Scotland or a private school in the US
• (苏格兰)中等学校;(美国)私立学校
perform / pəˈfɔ:m; NAme pərˈfɔ:rm /
1. [VN] to do sth, such as a piece of work, task or duty
• 做;履行;执行
【SYN】 carry out :
 »to perform an experiment / a miracle / a ceremony
 »She performs an important role in our organization.
 »This operation has never been performed in this country.
 »A computer can perform many tasks at once.
2. to entertain an audience by playing a piece of music, acting in a play, etc.
• 演出;表演:
▪ [VN]
 »to perform somersaults / magic tricks
 »The play was first performed in 1987.
  这个剧于 1987 年首次上演。
 »I'd like to hear it performed live.
▪ [V]
 »to perform on the flute
 »I'm looking forward to seeing you perform.
3. [V] ~ (well / badly / poorly) to work or function well or badly
• 工作,运转(好/不好):
 »The engine seems to be performing well.
 »The company has been performing poorly over the past year.
--› see miracle
technical / ˈteknikl /
1. [usually before noun] connected with the practical use of machinery, methods, etc. in science and industry
• 技术的;技能的;工艺的:
 »We offer free technical support for those buying our software.
 »a technical education
 »technical drawing (= especially taught as a school subject)
2. [usually before noun] connected with the skills needed for a particular job, sport, art, etc.
• 专门技术的;技巧的;技艺的:
 »Skaters score extra points for technical complexity.
3. connected with a particular subject and therefore difficult to understand if you do not know about that subject
• 专科的;专业的:
 »The article is full of technical terms.
 »The guide is too technical for a non-specialist.
4. [only before noun] connected with the details of a law or set of rules
• 诉讼程序性的;技术性的:
 »Their lawyers spent days arguing over technical details.
lip / lip /
1. [C] either of the ten soft edges at the opening to the mouth
• 嘴唇:
 »The assistant pursed her lips.
 »your upper / lower / top / bottom lip
 »She kissed him on the lips.
 »Not a drop of alcohol passed my lips (= I didn't drink any).
2. -lipped (in adjectives 构成形容词) having the type of lips mentioned
• 嘴唇…的:
--› see also tight-lipped
3. [C] ~ (of sth) the edge of a container or a hollow place in the ground
• (容器或凹陷地方的)边,缘
【SYN】 rim :
 »He ran his finger around the lip of the cup.
 »Lava bubbled a few feet below the lip of the crater.
4. [U] (informal) words spoken to sb that are rude and show a lack of respect for that person
• 粗鲁无礼的话
【SYN】 cheek :
 »Don't let him give you any lip !
lick / smack your 'lips
1. to move your tongue over your lips, especially before eating sth good
• (尤指在吃好东西前)舔嘴唇
2. (informal) to show that you are excited about sth and want it to happen soon
• 迫不及待;渴望:
 »They were licking their lips at the thought of clinching the deal.
my lips are 'sealed
• used to say that you will not repeat sb's secret to other people
• (表示不会说出某人的秘密)我把嘴封住,我绝口不提
on everyone's 'lips
• if sth is on everyone's lips, they are all talking about it
• 大家都在谈论
--› more at bite v., pass v., read v., slip n., stiff adj.
howl / haul /
1. [V] (of a dog, wolf , etc. 狗、狼等) to make a long, loud cry
• 长嚎;嗥叫
2. [V] ~ (in / with sth) to make a loud cry when you are in pain, angry, amused, etc.
• (因疼痛、愤怒、开心等)大声叫喊:
 »to howl in pain
 »We howled with laughter.
 »The baby was howling (= crying loudly) all the time I was there.
3. [V] (of the wind 风) to blow hard and make a long loud noise
• 怒号;呼啸:
 »The wind was howling around the house.
4. to say sth loudly and angrily
• 怒吼:
▪ [VN]
 »The crowd howled its displeasure.
▪ [also V speech]
ˌhowl sb∽'down
• to prevent a speaker from being heard by shouting angrily
• 以怒吼声压倒讲演者的声音
【SYN】 shout sb down

1. a long loud cry made by a dog, wolf , etc.
• (狗、狼等的)嗥叫,长嚎
2. a loud cry showing that you are in pain, angry, amused, etc.
• (因疼痛、愤怒、高兴等发出的)喊叫声:
 »to let out a howl of anguish
 »The suggestion was greeted with howls of laughter.
3. a long loud sound made when the wind is blowing strongly
• (狂风的)啸鸣,怒号:
 »They listened to the howl of the wind through the trees.
amuse / əˈmju:z /
1. to make sb laugh or smile
• 逗笑;逗乐:
▪ [VN]
 »My funny drawings amused the kids.
 »This will amuse you.
▪ [VN to inf]
 »It amused him to think that they were probably talking about him at that very moment.
2. [VN] to make time pass pleasantly for sb / yourself
• (提供)消遣;(使)娱乐
【SYN】 entertain :
 »She suggested several ideas to help Laura amuse the twins.
 »I'm sure I'll be able to amuse myself for a few hours.
saying / ˈseiiŋ /
• a well-known phrase or statement that expresses sth about life that most people believe is wise and true
• 谚语;格言;警句:
 »'Accidents will happen', as the saying goes.
cigar / siˈɡɑ:(r) /
• a roll of dried tobacco leaves that people smoke, like a cigarette but bigger and without paper around it
• 雪茄烟:
 »cigar smoke
--› see close ² adj.
bathtub / ˈbɑ:θtʌb; NAmE bæθ- /
(especially NAmE) = bath n. (1)
mourn / mɔ:n; NAme mɔ:rn /
~ (for sb / sth) to feel and show sadness because sb has died; to feel sad because sth no longer exists or is no longer the same
• (因失去…而)哀悼,忧伤
【SYN】 grieve for :
▪ [VN]
 »He was still mourning his brother's death.
 »They mourn the passing of a simpler way of life.
▪ [V]
 »Today we mourn for all those who died in ten world wars.
 »She mourned for her lost childhood.
fitness / ˈfitnəs /
noun [U]
1. the state of being physically healthy and strong
• 健壮;健康:
 »a magazine on health and fitness
 »a fitness instructor / class / test
 »a high level of physical fitness
2. ~ for sth / to do sth the state of being suitable or good enough for sth
• 适合(某事物或做某事):
 »He convinced us of his fitness for the task.
 »There were doubts about her fitness to hold office.
strengthen / ˈstreŋθn /
• to become stronger; to make sb / sth stronger
• 加强;增强;巩固:
▪ [V]
 »Her position in the party has strengthened in recent weeks.
 »Yesterday the pound strengthened against the dollar.
 »The wind had strengthened overnight.
▪ [VN]
 »Repairs are necessary to strengthen the bridge.
 »The exercises are designed to strengthen your stomach muscles.
 »The move is clearly intended to strengthen the President's position as head of state.
 »The new manager has strengthened the side by bringing in several younger players.
 »Their attitude only strengthened his resolve to fight on.
 »The new evidence will strengthen their case.
【OPP】 weaken
yoga / ˈjəuɡə; NAmE ˈjouɡə /
noun [U]
1. a Hindu philosophy that teaches you how to control your body and mind in the belief that you can become united with the spirit of the universe in this way
• 瑜伽派(印度哲学派别)
2. a system of exercises for your body and for controlling your breathing, used by people who want to become fitter or to relax
• 瑜伽术(健体和控制呼吸的锻炼)
yogic / ˈjəuɡik; NAmE ˈjou- / adj.:
 »yogic techniques
muscle / ˈmʌsl /
1. [C, U] a piece of body tissue that you contract and relax in order to move a particular part of the body; the tissue that forms the muscles of the body
• 肌肉;肌:
 »a calf / neck / thigh muscle
 »to pull / tear / strain a muscle
 »This exercise will work the muscles of the lower back.
 »He didn't move a muscle (= stood completely still).
2. [U] physical strength
• 体力:
 »He's an intelligent player but lacks the muscle of older competitors.
3. [U] the power and influence to make others do what you want
• 权力;威信;影响力:
 »to exercise political / industrial / financial muscle
muscled adj.:
 »heavily muscled shoulders
--› see flex v.
ˌmuscle 'in (on sb / sth) (informal, disapproving)
• to involve yourself in a situation when you have no right to do so, in order to get sth for yourself
• 强行干涉;粗暴干涉

participate / pɑ:ˈtisipeit; NAme pɑ:rˈt- /
verb [V]
~ (in sth) (rather formal) to take part in or become involved in an activity
• 参加;参与:
 »She didn't participate in the discussion.
 »We encourage students to participate fully in the running of the college.
 »Details of the competition are available at all participating stores.
positive / ˈpɔzətiv; NAme ˈpɑ:z- /
1. ~ (about sth) thinking about what is good in a situation; feeling confident and sure that sth good will happen
• 积极乐观的;自信的:
 »a positive attitude / outlook
 »the power of positive thought
 »She tried to be more positive about her new job.
 »On the positive side, profits have increased.
 »The report ended on a positive note.
【OPP】 negative
2. directed at dealing with sth or producing a successful result
• 积极的;建设性的;朝着成功的:
 »We must take positive steps to deal with the problem.
 »It will require positive action by all in the industry.
【OPP】 negative
3. expressing agreement or support
• 表示赞同的;拥护的:
 »We've had a very positive response to the idea.
【OPP】 negative
4. good or useful
• 良好的;有助益的;正面的:
 »to make a positive contribution to a discussion
 »His family have been a very positive influence on him.
 »Overseas investment has had a positive effect on exports.
【OPP】 negative
›› SURE / DEFINITE 确信;肯定
5. [not before noun] ~ (about sth) | ~ (that...) (of a person 人) completely sure that sth is correct or true
• 有绝对把握;确信;肯定:
 »I can't be positive about what time it happened.
 »She was positive that he had been there.
 »'Are you sure?' 'Positive.'
  "你敢肯定吗?" "绝对肯定。"
--› note at sure
6. [only before noun] (informal) complete and definite
• 完全的;绝对的
【SYN】 absolute :
 »He has a positive genius for upsetting people.
 »It was a positive miracle that we survived.
7. giving clear and definite proof or information
• 证据确凿的;明确的
【SYN】 conclusive :
 »We have no positive evidence that she was involved.
 »(formal) This is proof positive that he stole the money.
8. showing clear evidence that a particular substance or medical condition is present
• 阳性的;证明…存在的:
 »a positive pregnancy test
 »The athlete tested positive for steroids.
 »to be HIV positive
【OPP】 negative
9. greater than zero
• 正数的
【OPP】 negative
10. (technical 术语) containing or producing the type of electricity that is carried by a proton
• 正电的;正极的:
 »a positive charge
 »the positive terminal of a battery
【OPP】 negative
1. [C, U] a good or useful quality or aspect
• 优势;优点:
 »Take your weaknesses and translate them into positives.
2. [C] (technical 术语) a developed film showing light and dark areas and colours as they actually were, especially six printed from a negative
• 正片
3. [C] the result of a test or an experiment that shows that a substance or condition is present
• 阳性结果(或反应)
【OPP】 negative
negative / ˈneɡətiv /
›› BAD
1. bad or harmful
• 坏的;有害的:
 »The crisis had a negative effect on trade.
 »The whole experience was definitely more positive than negative.
【OPP】 positive
2. considering only the bad side of sth / sb; lacking enthusiasm or hope
• 消极的;负面的;缺乏热情的:
 »Scientists have a fairly negative attitude to the theory.
 »'He probably won't show up.' 'Don't be so negative.'
  "他很可能不会露面。" "别那么泄气嘛。"
【OPP】 positive
›› NO
3. expressing the answer 'no'
• 否定的:
 »His response was negative.
 »They received a negative reply.
【OPP】 affirmative
4. containing a word such as 'no', 'not', 'never', etc.
• 含有否定词的;否定的:
 »a negative form / sentence
5. (abbr. neg.) not showing any evidence of a particular substance or medical condition
• 结果为阴性的(或否定的):
 »Her pregnancy test was negative.
【OPP】 positive
6. (technical 术语) containing or producing the type of electricity that is carried by an electron
• 负极的;阴极的:
 »a negative charge / current
 »the negative terminal of a battery
【OPP】 positive
7. less than zero
• 负的;小于零的:
 »a negative trade balance
【OPP】 positive
negatively adv.:
 »to react negatively to stress
 »to respond negatively
 »negatively charged electrons
›› NO
1. a word or statement that means 'no'; a refusal or denial
• 否定词;否定;拒绝: (formal)
 »She answered in the negative (= said 'no').
【OPP】 affirmative
2. a developed film showing the dark areas of an actual scene as light and the light areas as dark
• 底片;负片
--› compare positive n. (2)
3. the result of a test or an experiment that shows that a substance or condition is not present
• 属阴性(或否定)的结果:
 »The percentage of false negatives generated by the cancer test is of great concern.
【OPP】 positive
verb [VN] (formal)
1. to refuse to agree to a proposal or a request
• 拒绝;否定
2. to prove that sth is not true
• 否定…的真实性;证伪
guarantee / ˌɡærənˈti: /
1. a firm promise that you will do sth or that sth will happen
• 保证;担保
【SYN】 assurance :
 »to give a guarantee of good behaviour
 »He gave me a guarantee that it would never happen again.
 »They are demanding certain guarantees before they sign the treaty.
2. a written promise given by a company that sth you buy will be replaced or repaired without payment if it goes wrong within a particular period
• 保修单;保用证书
【SYN】 warranty :
 »We provide a 5-year guarantee against rust.
  我们保证 5 年不生锈。
 »The watch is still under guarantee.
 »The television comes with a year's guarantee.
 »a money-back guarantee
3. ~ (of sth) | ~ (that...) something that makes sth else certain to happen
• 起保证作用的事物:
 »Career success is no guarantee of happiness.
 »There's no guarantee that she'll come (= she may not come).
4. money or sth valuable that you give or promise to a bank, for example, to make sure that you will do what you have promised
• 保证金;抵押品:
 »We had to offer our house as a guarantee when getting the loan.
1. to promise to do sth; to promise sth will happen
• 保证;担保;保障:
▪ [VN]
 »Basic human rights, including freedom of speech, are now guaranteed.
▪ [V (that)]
 »We cannot guarantee (that) our flights will never be delayed.
▪ [VNN]
 »The ticket will guarantee you free entry.
▪ [V to inf]
 »We guarantee to deliver your goods within a week.
2. [VN] ~ sth (against sth) to give a written promise to replace or repair a product free if it goes wrong
• 出具保单(免费掉换或修理有问题的产品):
 »This iron is guaranteed for a year against faulty workmanship.
3. to make sth certain to happen
• 使必然发生;确保:
▪ [VN]
 »Tonight's victory guarantees the team's place in the final.
▪ [VNN]
 »These days getting a degree doesn't guarantee you a job.
4. [V (that)] to be certain that sth will happen
• 肯定…必然发生:
 »You can guarantee (that) the children will start being naughty as soon as they have to go to bed.
5. to agree to be legally responsible for sth or for doing sth
• 承诺对…负法律责任;为…作保:
▪ [VN]
 »to guarantee a bank loan
▪ [V to inf]
 »to guarantee to pay sb's debts
▪ [V that]
 »I guarantee that he will appear in court.
be guaran'teed to do sth
• to be certain to have a particular result
• 肯定会;必定会:
 »If we try to keep it a secret, she's guaranteed to find out.
 »That kind of behaviour is guaranteed to make him angry.
foreigner / ˈfɔrənə(r); NAmE ˈfɔ:r-; ˈfɑ:r- /
noun (sometimes offensive)
1. a person who comes from a different country
• 外国人:
 »The fact that I was a foreigner was a big disadvantage.
2. a person who does not belong in a particular place
• 外来人;外地人:
 »I have always been regarded as a foreigner by the local folk.
instruct / inˈstrʌkt /
1. (formal) to tell sb to do sth, especially in a formal or official way
• 指示;命令;吩咐
【SYN】 direct , order :
▪ [VN to inf]
 »The letter instructed him to report to headquarters immediately.
▪ [VN wh-]
 »You will be instructed where to go as soon as the plane is ready.
▪ [VN]
 »She arrived at 10 o'clock as instructed.
  她依照指示于 10 点钟到达。
▪ [V that]
 »He instructed that a wall be built around the city.
  他下令在城的周围筑一道城墙。 (BrE also)
 »He instructed that a wall should be built around the city.
--› note at order
▪ [also V speech , VN speech]
2. [VN] ~ sb (in sth) (formal) to teach sb sth, especially a practical skill
• 教授,传授(技能等):
 »All our staff have been instructed in sign language.
3. [VN that] [usually passive] (formal) to give sb information about sth
• 告知;通知:
 »We have been instructed that a decision will not be made before the end of the week.
4. [VN , VN to inf] (law 律) to employ sb to represent you in a legal situation, especially as a lawyer
• 委托(律师);托办
initial / iˈniʃl /
adj. [only before noun]
• happening at the beginning; first
• 最初的;开始的;第一的:
 »an initial payment of £60 and two instalments of £25
  * 60 英镑的首期付款加十次 25 英镑的分期付款
 »in the initial stages (= at the beginning) of the campaign
 »My initial reaction was to decline the offer.
1. [C] the first letter of a person's first name
• (名字的)首字母:
 »'What initial is it, Mrs Owen?' 'It's J, J for Jane.'
  "首字母是什么,欧文太太?" "是 J,Jane 的 J。"
2. initials [pl.] the first letters of all of a person's names
• (全名的)首字母:
 »John Fitzgerald Kennedy was often known by his initials JFK.
  人们常以姓名的首字母 JFK 称约翰 · 菲茨杰拉德 · 肯尼迪。
 »Just write your initials.
(-ll-, NAmE usually -l-)
[VN] to mark or sign sth with your initials
• 用姓名的首字母作标记(或签名)于:
 »Please initial each page and sign in the space provided.
attain / əˈtein /
verb [VN]
1. to succeed in getting sth, usually after a lot of effort
• (通常经过努力)获得,得到:
 »Most of our students attained five 'A' grades in their exams.
2. (formal) to reach a particular age, level or condition
• 达到(某年龄、水平、状况):
 »The cheetah can attain speeds of up to 97 kph.
  猎豹的奔跑速度每小时可达 97 公里。
polish / ˈpɔliʃ; NAme ˈpɑ:l- /
1. [U, C] a substance used when rubbing a surface to make it smooth and shiny
• 擦光剂;上光剂; 亮光剂:
 »furniture / floor / shoe / silver polish
 »wax polish
--› see also French polish , nail polish
2. [sing.] an act of polishing sth
• 抛光;上光;擦亮:
 »I give it a polish now and again.
3. [sing.] the shiny appearance of sth after it has been polished
• 擦光的面;打磨光亮的面
【SYN】 lustre , sheen
4. [U] a high quality of performance achieved with great skill
• (表演的)完美,嫺熟,精湛
【SYN】 brilliance :
 »She played the cello with the polish of a much older musician.
5. [U] high standards of behaviour; being polite
• 文雅;优雅;品味;礼貌
【SYN】 refinement
--› see spit n.
1. ~ sth (up) (with sth) to make sth smooth and shiny by rubbing it with a cloth, often with polish on it
• 擦光;磨光:
▪ [VN]
 »Polish shoes regularly to protect the leather.
 »He polished his glasses with a handkerchief.
▪ [also V]
--› see also French polish
2. [VN] ~ sth (up) to make changes to sth in order to improve it
• 修改;润饰;润色:
 »The statement was carefully polished and checked before release.
 »The hotel has polished up its act (= improved its service) since last year.
ˌpolish sb∽'off (informal, especially NAmE)
• to kill sb
• 干掉;杀死

ˌpolish sth∽'off (informal)
• to finish sth, especially food, quickly
• 很快做完;(尤指)迅速吃光:
 »He polished off the remains of the apple pie.

invisible / inˈvizəbl /
1. ~ (to sb / sth) that cannot be seen
• 看不见的;隐形的:
 »stars invisible to the naked eye
 »a wizard who could make himself invisible
 »She felt invisible in the crowd.
【OPP】 visible
2. (economics 经) connected with a service that a country provides, such as banks or tourism , rather than goods
• 无形的(与服务而非商品有关):
 »invisible earnings
invisibility / inˌvizəˈbiləti / noun [U] :
 »The ink had faded to invisibility.
invisibly / inˈvizəbli / adv.:
 »He looked at me and nodded, almost invisibly.
bench / bentʃ /
1. [C] a long seat for ten or more people, usually made of wood
• (木制)长凳,长椅:
 »a park bench
2. the bench [sing.] (law 律) a judge in court or the seat where he / she sits; the position of being a judge or magistrate
• 法官;法官席位;法官(或裁判官)的职位:
 »His lawyer turned to address the bench.
 »She has recently been appointed to the bench.
3. [C, usually pl.] (in the British Parliament) a seat where a particular group of politicians sit
• (英国议会的)议员席:
 »There was cheering from the Opposition benches.
--› see also back bench , the front bench
4. the bench [sing.] (sport 体) the seats where players sit when they are not playing in the game
• 场边的运动员休息区:
 »the substitutes' bench
5. [C] = workbench :
 »a carpenter's bench
setting / ˈsetiŋ /
1. a set of surroundings; the place at which sth happens
• 环境;背景:
 »a rural / an ideal / a beautiful / an idyllic, etc. setting
 »It was the perfect setting for a wonderful Christmas.
--› note at environment
2. the place and time at which the action of a play, novel, etc. takes place
• (戏剧、小说等的)情节背景:
 »short stories with a contemporary setting
3. a position at which the controls on a machine can be set, to set the speed, height, temperature, etc.
• (机器上调节速度、高度、温度等的)挡,级,点:
 »The performance of the engine was tested at different settings.
4. (music 音) music written to go with a poem, etc.
• (为诗等谱的)曲:
 »Schubert's setting of a poem by Goethe
5. a piece of metal in which a precious stone is fixed to form a piece of jewellery
• (镶嵌宝石的)底座,底板,托板
6. a complete set of equipment for eating with (knife, fork, spoon, glass, etc.) for six person, arranged on a table
• (摆在桌上供一人用的)一套餐具:
 »a place setting
textbook / ˈtekstbuk /
• (NAmE also text) a book that teaches a particular subject and that is used especially in schools and colleges
• 教科书;课本;教材:
 »a school / medical / history, etc. textbook
[only before noun]
• used to describe sth that is done exactly as it should be done, in the best possible way
• 规范的;标准的:
 »a textbook example of how the game should be played
cosy (BrE) (NAmE cozy) / ˈkəuzi; NAmE ˈkouzi /
adj. (cosier, cosiest, cozier, coziest)
1. warm, comfortable and safe, especially because of being small or confined
• 温暖舒适的(尤指细小的室内地方)
【SYN】 snug :
 »a cosy little room
 »a cosy feeling
 »I felt warm and cosy sitting by the fire.
2. friendly and private
• 亲密无间的;密切的:
 »a cosy chat with a friend
3. (often disapproving) easy and convenient, but not always honest or right
• 轻易得到的,轻松的(但不一定是诚实或恰当的):
 »The firm has a cosy relationship with the Ministry of Defence.
 »The danger is that things get too cosy.
cosily (BrE) (NAmE cozily) adv.:
 »sitting cosily by the fire
cosiness (BrE) (NAmE coziness) noun [U] :
 »the warmth and cosiness of the kitchen
(cosies, cosying, cosied, cosied)
ˌcosy 'up to sb (BrE) (NAmE ˌcozy 'up to sb) (informal)
• to act in a friendly way towards sb, especially sb who will be useful to you
• 献殷勤;取悦

invitation / ˌinviˈteiʃn /
1. [C] ~ (to sth / to do sth) a spoken or written request to sb to do sth or to go somewhere
• (口头或书面的)邀请:
 »to issue / extend an invitation
 »to accept / turn down / decline an invitation
 »an invitation to the party
 »I have an open invitation (= not restricted to a particular date) to visit my friend in Japan.
2. [U] the act of inviting sb or of being invited
• 邀请;获得邀请:
 »A concert was held at the invitation of the mayor.
 »Admission is by invitation only.
3. [C] a card or piece of paper that you use to invite sb to sth
• 请柬;请帖:
 »Have you ordered the wedding invitations yet?
4. [sing.] ~ to sb (to do sth) | ~ to sth something that encourages sb to do sth, usually sth bad
• 鼓励;(尤指)怂恿,招致:
 »Leaving the doors unlocked is an open invitation to burglars.
alongside / əˌlɔŋˈsaid; NAmE əˌlɔ:ŋ- /
1. next to or at the side of sth
• 在…旁边;沿着…的边:
 »A police car pulled up alongside us.
2. together with or at the same time as sth / sb
• 与…一起;与…同时:
 »Traditional beliefs still flourish alongside a modern urban lifestyle.
alongside adv.:
 »Nick caught up with me and rode alongside.
crowded / ˈkraudid /
adj. ~ (with sth)
1. having a lot of people or too many people
• 人(太)多的;拥挤的:
 »crowded streets
 »a crowded bar
 »In the spring the place is crowded with skiers.
 »London was very crowded.
--› compare uncrowded
2. full of sth
• 充满的;挤满的:
 »a room crowded with books
 »We have a very crowded schedule.
castle / ˈkɑ:sl; NAmE ˈkæsl /
1. a large strong building with thick high walls and towers, built in the past by kings or queens, or other important people, to defend themselves against attack
• 城堡;堡垒
--› see also sandcastle
2. (also rook) (in chess 国际象棋) any of the four pieces placed in the corner squares of the board at the start of the game, usually made to look like a castle
• 车;城堡
(build) castles in the 'air
• (to have) plans or dreams that are not likely to happen or come true
• (建)空中楼阁;幻想;空想
--› more at Englishman
• / ˈɑ:mtʃeə(r); NAmE ˈɑ:rmtʃer / əonly before noun] knowing about a subject through books and television, rather than by doing it for yourself
• 书本知识的;只说而没有行动的:
 »an armchair critic / traveller
yell / jel /
~ (out) (sth) | ~ (sth) (at sb / sth) to shout loudly, for example because you are angry, excited, frightened or in pain
• 叫喊;大喊;吼叫:
▪ [V]
 »He yelled at the other driver.
 »They yelled with excitement.
 »She yelled out in pain.
 »She yelled at the child to get down from the wall.
▪ [V speech]
 »'Be careful!' he yelled.
▪ [VN]
 »The crowd yelled encouragement at the players.
1. a loud cry of pain, excitement, etc.
• 喊叫;叫嚷;大喊:
 »to let out / give a yell
 »a yell of delight
--› note at shout
2. (NAmE) an organized shout of support for a team at a sports event
• (为运动队加油的)呐喊,欢呼
pile / pail /
noun --› see also piles
1. [C] a number of things that have been placed on top of each other
• 摞;垛;沓:
 »a pile of books / clothes / bricks
 »He arranged the documents in neat piles.
 »She looked in horror at the mounting pile of letters on her desk.
2. [C] a mass of sth that is high in the middle and wider at the bottom than at the top
• 堆;成堆的东西
【SYN】 heap :
 »a pile of sand
 »piles of dirty washing
3. [C, usually pl.] ~ of sth (informal) a lot of sth
• 大量;许多:
 »I have got piles of work to do.
 »He walked out leaving a pile of debts behind him.
4. [U, sing.] the short threads, pieces of wool, etc. that form the soft surface of carpets and some types of cloth such as velvet
• 绒头;绒毛:
 »a deep-pile carpet
5. [C] a large wooden, metal or stone post that is fixed into the ground and used to support a building, bridge, etc.
• 桩;桩柱
6. [C] (formal) or
• a large impressive building
• 宏伟建筑物
(at the) bottom / top of the 'pile
• in the least / most important position in a group of people or things
• 处于无足轻重的/举足轻重的地位
make a / your 'pile
•(informal) to make a lot of money
• 赚很多钱
1. [VN] ~ sth (up) to put things one on top of another; to form a pile
• 堆放;摞起;叠放:
 »She piled the boxes one on top of the other.
 »The clothes were piled high on the chair.
 »Snow was piled up against the door.
2. [VN +adv. / prep.] ~ A in(to) / on(to) B | ~ B with A to put sth on / into sth; to load sth with sth
• 放置;装入:
 »The sofa was piled high with cushions.
 »She piled everything into her suitcase.
 »He piled as much food as he could onto his plate.
 »He piled his plate with as much food as he could.
--› see also stockpile
3. [V +adv. / prep.] (informal) (of a number of people 许多人) to go somewhere quickly without order or control
• 蜂拥;拥挤:
 »The coach finally arrived and we all piled on.
pile on the 'agony / 'gloom
•(informal, especially BrE) to make an unpleasant situation worse
• 使雪上加霜;伤口上撒盐:
 »Bosses piled on the agony with threats of more job losses.
ˌpile 'on (especially of a person's weight 尤指体重)
• to increase quickly
• 剧增;猛增:
 »The weight just piled on while I was abroad.

ˌpile sth∽'on
1. to make sth increase rapidly
• 使迅速增加;猛增:
 »The team piled on the points in the first half of the game.
 »I've been piling on the pounds (= I have put on weight) recently.

2. to express a feeling in a much stronger way than is necessary
• 夸张;夸大其词:
 »Don't pile on the drama!
 »Things aren't really that bad—she does tend to pile it on.
3. to give sb more or too much of sth
• 过度施加;猛增某物:
 »The German team piled on the pressure in the last 15 minutes.
  在最后 15 分钟,德国队施加了强大的压力。
ˌpile sth 'on(to) sb
• to give sb a lot of sth to do, carry, etc.
• 给…增加工作;使负担加重:
 »He felt his boss was piling too much work on him.

ˌpile 'up
• to become larger in quantity or amount
• 堆积;积压
【SYN】 accumulate
 »Work always piles up at the end of the year.
anger / ˈæŋɡə(r) /
noun [U]
~ (at sb / sth) the strong feeling that you have when sth has happened that you think is bad and unfair
• 怒;怒火;怒气:
 »He was filled with anger at the way he had been treated.
 »Jan slammed her fist on the desk in anger.
 »the growing anger and frustration of young unemployed people
verb [VN]
[often passive] to make sb angry
• 使发怒;激怒:
 »The question clearly angered him.
bow¹ / bau /
--› see also bow ²
1. [V] ~ (down) (to / before sb / sth) to move your head or the top half of your body forwards and downwards as a sign of respect or to say hello or goodbye
• 鞠躬;点头:
 »He bowed low to the assembled crowd.
 »The people all bowed down before the Emperor.
2. [VN] to move your head forwards and downwards
• 低头;垂首:
 »She bowed her head in shame.
 »They stood in silence with their heads bowed.
3. to bend or make sth bend
• (使)弯曲:
▪ [V]
 »The pines bowed in the wind.
▪ [VN]
 »Their backs were bowed under the weight of their packs.
ˌbow and 'scrape
•(disapproving) to be too polite to an important person in order to gain their approval
• 卑躬屈膝;点头哈腰
ˌbow 'down to sb / sth (disapproving)
• to allow sb to tell you what to do
• 屈从于人;听任摆布

ˌbow 'out (of sth)
• to stop taking part in an activity, especially six in which you have been successful in the past
• 退出,告别(尤指一度成功的事业):
 »She has finally decided it's time to bow out of international tennis.

'bow to sth
• to agree unwillingly to do sth because other people want you to
• 勉强同意做(某事);屈从于:
 »They finally bowed to pressure from the public.
 »She bowed to the inevitable (= accepted a situation in which she had no choice) and resigned.
1. the act of bending your head or the upper part of your body forward in order to say hello or goodbye to sb or to show respect
• 鞠躬;弯腰行礼
2. (also bows [pl.]) the front part of a boat or ship
• 船头;艏
--› compare stern n.
take a / your 'bow
(of a performer 演员)
• to bow to the audience as they are applauding you
• 谢幕;鞠躬答谢
--› more at shot n.
bow² / bəu; NAmE bou / noun
--› see also bow ¹
1. a weapon used for shooting arrows, consisting of a long curved piece of wood with a tight string joining its ends
• 弓:
 »He was armed with a bow and arrow.
2. a knot with two loops and ten loose ends which is used for decoration on clothes, in hair, etc. or for tying shoes
• 蝴蝶结:
 »to tie your shoelaces in a bow
 »Her hair was tied back in a neat bow.
3. a long thin piece of wood with thin string stretched along it, used for playing musical instruments such as the violin
• 琴弓
--› see string n.
bow² / bəu; NAmE bou / verb
--› see also bow ¹
[V, VN] to use a bow to play a musical instrument that has strings
• 用琴弓拉奏弦乐器
bowl / bəul; NAmE boul /
1. [C] (especially in compounds 尤用于构成复合词) a deep round dish with a wide open top, used especially for holding food or liquid
• 碗;鉢;盆:
 »a salad / fruit / sugar, etc. bowl
 »a washing-up bowl
2. [C] (also bowlful / -ful / ) the amount contained in a bowl
• 一碗,一鉢,一盆(的量):
 »a bowl of soup
›› SHAPE 形状
3. [C] the part of some objects that is shaped like a bowl
• 物体的碗状部份:
 »the bowl of a spoon
 »a toilet / lavatory bowl
4. [C] (especially NAmE) (in names 构成名称) a large round theatre without a roof, used for concerts, etc. outdoors
• 露天圆形剧场:
 »the Hollywood Bowl
5. [C] a heavy wooden ball that is used in the games of bowls and bowling
• (草地滚球戏和保龄球戏中用的)木球
›› GAME 游戏
6. bowls [U] (NAmE also 'lawn bowling) a game played on an area of very smooth grass, in which players take turns to roll bowls as near as possible to a small ball
• 草地滚球游戏
7. [C] (NAmE) (in names 构成名称) a game of American football played after the main season between the best teams
• (美式足球主要赛季后强队之间的)季后赛:
 »the Super Bowl
1. [V VN] to roll a ball in the games of bowls and
• (草地滚球戏或保龄球戏中)滚球,投球 bowling
2. [V VN] to throw a ball to the batsman (= the person who hits the ball)
• 把(球)投给击球员
--› note at throw
3. [VN] ~ sb (out) to make the batsman have to leave the field by throwing a ball that hits the wicket
• 击中三柱门把(击球员)杀出局
4. [V +adv. / prep.] (BrE) to move quickly in a particular direction, especially in a vehicle
• (向某处)迅速移动;(尤指)快速行驶:
 »Soon we were bowling along the country roads.
ˌbowl sb 'over
1. to run into sb and knock them down
• 把某人撞倒

2. to surprise or impress sb a lot
• 使某人惊叹;让某人印象深刻
dash / dæʃ /
1. [sing.] a ~ (for sth) an act of going somewhere suddenly and / or quickly
• 猛冲;突进;急奔:
 »When the doors opened, there was a mad dash for seats.
 »a 60-mile dash to safety
  急奔 60 英里到达安全的地方
 »He jumped off the bus and made a dash for the nearest bar.
 »We waited for the police to leave then made a dash for it (= left quickly in order to escape).
2. [sing.] an act of doing sth quickly because you do not have enough time
• 匆忙;匆促;仓促:
 »a last-minute dash to buy presents
3. [C, usually sing.] ~ (of sth) a small amount of sth that is added to sth else
• 少量,少许(添加物):
 »Add a dash of lemon juice.
 »The rug adds a dash of colour to the room.
--› compare splash n. (3)
›› SYMBOL 符号
4. [C] the mark (—) used to separate parts of a sentence, often instead of a colon or in pairs instead of brackets / parentheses
• 破折号
--› compare hyphen
›› RACE 赛跑
5. [C, usually sing.] (especially NAmE) a race in which the people taking part run very fast over a short distance
• 短跑
【SYN】 sprint :
 »the 100-meter dash
6. [U] (old-fashioned, approving) a way of behaving that combines style, enthusiasm and confidence
• 气魄;活力;冲劲;锐气
›› PART OF CAR 汽车部件
7. [C] (informal) = dashboard
--› see also pebble-dash
cut a 'dash
• to look attractive in a particular set of clothes, especially in a way that makes other people notice you
• (穿上某套衣服后)风度翩翩,引人注目:
 »He cut quite a dash in his uniform.
1. [V , usually +adv. / prep.] to go somewhere very quickly
• 急奔;急驰;猛冲
【SYN】 rush :
 »I must dash (= leave quickly), I'm late.
 »She dashed off to keep an appointment.
 »He dashed along the platform and jumped on the train.
›› THROW / BEAT 投掷;击打
2. [+adv. / prep.] to throw sth or make sth fall violently onto a hard surface; to beat against a surface
• 猛掷;猛击;猛撞:
▪ [VN]
 »The boat was dashed repeatedly against the rocks.
▪ [V]
 »The waves were dashing against the harbour wall.
dash sb's 'hopes
• to destroy sb's hopes by making what they were hoping for impossible
• 使某人的希望化为泡影(或破灭)
dash (it)! | dash it all!
• (old-fashioned, BrE) used to show that you are annoyed about sth
• (表示厌烦)真见鬼,真糟糕,真混账
ˌdash sth∽'off
• to write or draw sth very quickly
• 仓促写出;草草画成:
 »I dashed off a note to my brother.

tear¹ / teə(r); NAme ter /
--› see also tear ²
(tore / tɔ:(r) / torn / tɔ:n; NAme tɔ:rn / )
›› DæMæGə 损坏
1. to damage sth by pulling it apart or into pieces or by cutting it on sth sharp; to become damaged in this way
• 撕裂;撕碎;扯破;戳破
【SYN】 rip :
▪ [VN]
 »I tore my jeans on the fence.
 »I tore a hole in my jeans.
 »He tore the letter in two.
 »a torn handkerchief
▪ [VN-ADJ]
 »I tore the package open.
▪ [V]
 »Careful—the fabric tears very easily.
2. [VN] ~ sth in sth to make a hole in sth by force
• 撕开,划成,刺出,扯开(裂口或洞)
【SYN】 rip :
 »The blast tore a hole in the wall.
3. [VN +adv. / prep.] to remove sth from sth else by pulling it roughly or violently
• 拉掉;撕掉;拔掉;扯掉
【SYN】 rip :
 »The storm nearly tore the roof off.
 »I tore another sheet from the pad.
 »He tore his clothes off (= took them off quickly and carelessly) and dived into the lake.
4. ~ yourself / sb (from sb / sth) to pull yourself / sb away by force from sb / sth that is holding you or them
• 挣开;拽开;夺去;揪走:
▪ [VN]
 »She tore herself from his grasp.
▪ [VN-ADJ]
 »He tore himself free.
5. [VN] to injure a muscle, etc. by stretching it too much
• 拉伤;拽伤:
 »a torn ligament
6. [V +adv. / prep.] to move somewhere very quickly or in an excited way
• 飞跑;狂奔;疾驰:
 »He tore off down the street.
 »A truck tore past the gates.
›› -TORN 受…伤害
7. (in adjectives 构成形容词) very badly affected or damaged by sth
• 深受…之苦的;饱经…摧残的:
 »to bring peace to a strife-torn country
 »a strike-torn industry
--› see also war-torn
tear sb / sth a'part, to 'shreds, to 'bits, etc.
• to destroy or defeat sb / sth completely or criticize them or it severely
• 彻底毁灭;彻底打败;严厉批评:
 »We tore the other team apart in the second half.
 »The critics tore his last movie to shreds.
ˌtear at your 'heart | ˌtear your 'heart out
•(formal) to strongly affect you in an emotional way
• 使伤心;使心如刀绞;使愁肠寸断

tear your 'hair (out)
•(informal) to show that you are very angry or anxious about sth
• (因发怒、焦急而)撕扯自己的头发:
 »She's keeping very calm—anyone else would be tearing their hair out.
(be in) a tearing 'hurry / 'rush
(especially BrE)
• (to be) in a very great hurry
• 匆忙;急匆匆;风风火火
be torn (between A and B)
• to be unable to decide or choose between ten people, things or feelings
• (在两者间)难以选择,左右为难:
 »I was torn between my parents and my friend.
tear sb 'off a strip | tear a 'strip off sb
(BrE, informal)
• to speak angrily to sb who has done sth wrong
• 怒斥;把…骂得狗血喷头
ˌthat's 'torn it
(BrE, informal) used to say that sth has happened to spoil your plans
• (表示计划受挫)这可糟了

--› more at heart , limb , loose adj.
ˌtear sb∽a'part
• to make sb feel very unhappy or worried
• 使不快;使担心
【SYN】 rip sb apart
 »It tears me apart to think I might have hurt her feelings.
ˌtear sth∽a'part
1. to destroy sth violently, especially by pulling it to pieces
• 撕毁;撕碎:
 »The dogs tore the fox apart.

2. to make people in a country, an organization or other place fight or argue with each other
• 使四分五裂;使分崩离析:
 »Racial strife is tearing our country apart.
3. to search a place, making it look untidy and causing damage
• 把(某处)搜索得凌乱不堪:
 »They tore the room apart, looking for money.
【SYN】 rip sth apart
'tear at sth
• to pull or cut sth violently so that it tears
• 撕裂;扯开;撕破:
 »He tore at the meat with his bare hands.
ˌtear yourself a'way (from sth) | ˌtear sth a'way (from sth)
• to leave somewhere even though you would prefer to stay there; to take sth away from somewhere
• 依依不舍地离开;忍痛离去;把…拿走:
 »Dinner's ready, if you can tear yourself away from the TV.
 »She was unable to tear her eyes away from him (= could not stop looking at him).

ˌtear sth∽'down
• to pull or knock down a building, wall, etc.
• 拆毁,拆除(建筑物、墙等)
【SYN】 demolish

ˌtear 'into sb / sth
1. to attack sb / sth physically or with words
• 攻击;袭击;痛斥;抨击

2. to start doing sth with a lot of energy
• 积极投入:
 »They tore into their food as if they were starving.
ˌtear sth∽'up
• to destroy a document, etc. by tearing it into pieces
• 撕毁,撕碎(文件等)
【SYN】 rip sth up
 »She tore up all the letters he had sent her.
 »(figurative) He accused the leader of tearing up the party's manifesto (= of ignoring it).
• a hole that has been made in sth by tearing
• 破洞;裂口;裂缝:
 »This sheet has a tear in it.
--› more at wear n.
tear² / tiə (r); NAme tir / noun [usually pl.]
--› see also tear ¹
• a drop of liquid that comes out of your eye when you cry
• 眼泪;泪珠;泪水:
 »A tear rolled down his face.
 »She left the room in tears (= crying).
 »He suddenly burst into tears (= began to cry).
 »As he listened to the music, his eyes filled with tears.
 »Their story will move you to tears (= make you cry).
 »They reduced her to tears (= made her cry, especially by being cruel or unkind).
 »Ann wiped a tear from her eye.
 »The memory brought a tear to her eye (= made her cry).
 »Most of the audience was on the verge of tears.
 »I was close to tears as I told them the news.
 »Desperately she fought back the tears (= tried not to cry).
 »to shed tears of happiness
 »tears of pain, joy, etc.
 »The tears welled up in his eyes.
--› see blood n., bored , crocodile , end v.
burst / bə:st; NAmE bə:rst /
verb (burst, burst)
1. to break open or apart, especially because of pressure from inside; to make sth break in this way
• (使)爆裂,胀开:
▪ [V]
 »That balloon will burst if you blow it up any more.
 »The dam burst under the weight of water.
 »Shells were bursting (= exploding) all around us.
 »(figurative) He felt he would burst with anger and shame.
 »a burst pipe
▪ [VN]
 »Don't burst that balloon!
 »The river burst its banks and flooded nearby towns.
--› note at explode
2. [V +adv. / prep.] to go or move somewhere suddenly with great force; to come from somewhere suddenly
• 猛冲;突然出现:
 »He burst into the room without knocking.
 »The sun burst through the clouds.
 »The words burst from her in an angry rush.
3. [V] be bursting (with sth) to be very full of sth; to be very full and almost breaking open
• 爆满;涨满:
 »The roads are bursting with cars.
 »to be bursting with ideas / enthusiasm / pride
 »The hall was filled to bursting point.
 »The hall was full to bursting.
 »(informal) I'm bursting (for a pee) (= I need to use the toilet right now) !
be bursting to do sth
• to want to do sth so much that you can hardly stop yourself
• 急于(或迫切想)做某事:
 »She was bursting to tell him the good news.
ˌburst sb's 'bubble
• to bring an end to sb's hopes, happiness, etc.
• 使某人希望破灭;毁掉某人的幸福

ˌburst 'open | ˌburst (sth) 'open
• to open suddenly or violently; to make sth open in this way
• (使)猛然打开:
 »The door burst open.
 »Firefighters burst the door open and rescued them.

--› more at bubble n., seam
ˌburst 'in | ˌburst into a 'room, 'building, etc.
• to enter a room or building suddenly and noisily
• 闯进;突然破门而入

ˌburst 'in on sb / sth
• to interrupt sb / sth by entering a place suddenly and noisily
• (突然闯进而)打断,扰乱:
 »He burst in on the meeting.

'burst into sth
• to start producing sth suddenly and with great force
• 突然爆发:
 »The aircraft crashed and burst into flames (= suddenly began to burn).
 »She burst into tears (= suddenly began to cry).
'burst on / onto sth
• to appear somewhere suddenly in a way that is very noticeable
• 突然在…出现;突然显现:
 »A major new talent has burst onto the literary scene.
ˌburst 'out
1. to speak suddenly, loudly and with strong feeling
• 突然激动地喊叫
▪ [+ speech ]
 »'For heavens' sake!' he burst out.
--› related noun outburst (1)

--› note at call
2. to begin doing sth suddenly
• 突然开始(做某事)
▪ [+ -ing ]
 »Karen burst out laughing.
1. a short period of a particular activity or strong emotion that often starts suddenly
• 突发;猝发;迸发;爆破:
 »a sudden burst of activity / energy / anger / enthusiasm
 »Her breath was coming in short bursts.
 »I tend to work in bursts.
 »spontaneous bursts of applause
2. an occasion when sth bursts; the hole left where sth has burst
• 爆裂;裂口:
 »a burst in a water pipe
3. a short series of shots from a gun
• 一阵短促的射击:
 »frequent bursts of machine-gun fire
adj. [not usually before noun]
• without getting what you wanted; without taking sth to sb
• 一无所获;空手:
 »The robbers fled empty-handed.
 »She visited every Sunday and never arrived empty-handed.
glare / ɡleə(r); NAmE ɡler /
verb [V]
1. ~ (at sb / sth) to look at sb / sth in an angry way
• 怒目而视
【SYN】 glower :
 »He didn't shout, he just glared at me silently.
2. to shine with a very bright unpleasant light
• 发出刺眼的光
1. [U, sing.] a very bright, unpleasant light
• 刺眼的光:
 »the glare of the sun
 »The rabbit was caught in the glare of the car's headlights.
 »These sunglasses are designed to reduce glare.
 »(figurative) The divorce was conducted in the full glare of publicity (= with continuous attention from newspapers and television).
2. [C] a long, angry look
• (长久的)怒视,瞪眼:
 »to give sb a hostile glare
--› note at stare
--› note at look
'toilet paper (also 'toilet tissue)
noun [U]
• thin soft paper used for cleaning yourself after you have used the toilet
• 衞生纸;手纸:
 »a roll of toilet paper