greet / ɡri:t /
verb [VN]
1. ~ sb (with sth) to say hello to sb or to welcome them
• 和(某人)打招呼(或问好);欢迎;迎接:
 »He greeted all the guests warmly as they arrived.
 »She greeted us with a smile.
--› see also meet-and-greet
2. [usually passive] ~ sb / sth (with / as sth) to react to sb / sth in a particular way
• (以某种方式)对…作出反应:
 »The changes were greeted with suspicion.
 »The team's win was greeted as a major triumph.
 »Loud cheers greeted the news.
3. [usually passive] (of sights, sounds or smells 景象、声音或气味) to be the first thing that you see, hear or smell at a particular time
• 映入…的眼帘;传入…的耳中(或鼻中):
 »When she opened the door she was greeted by a scene of utter confusion.
hug / hʌɡ /
verb (-gg-)
1. to put your arms around sb and hold them tightly, especially to show that you like or love them
• 拥抱;搂抱
【SYN】 embrace :
▪ [VN]
 »They hugged each other.
 »She hugged him tightly.
▪ [V]
 »They put their arms around each other and hugged.
2. [VN] to put your arms around sth and hold it close to your body
• 抱紧:
 »She sat in the chair, hugging her knees.
 »He hugged the hot-water bottle to his chest.
3. [VN] (of a path, vehicle, etc. 小路、车辆等) to keep close to sth for a distance
• 有一段距离地挨着(某物):
 »The track hugs the coast for a mile.
4. [VN] to fit tightly around sth, especially a person's body
• 缠紧,缚紧(某物,尤指人体):
 »figure-hugging jeans
• an act of putting your arms around sb and holding them tightly, especially to show that you like or love them
• 拥抱;搂抱:
 »She gave her mother a big hug.
 »He stopped to receive hugs and kisses from the fans.
--› see also bear hug
• of or connected with Arabia or Arabs
• 阿拉伯的;阿拉伯人的:
 »Arab countries
wedding / ˈwediŋ /
• a marriage ceremony, and the meal or party that usually follows it
• 婚礼;结婚庆典:
 »a wedding present
 »a wedding ceremony / reception
 »Have you been invited to their wedding?
 »She looked beautiful on her wedding day.
 »All her friends could hear wedding bells (= they thought she would soon get married).
--› see also diamond wedding , golden wedding , shotgun wedding , silver wedding , white wedding
rooster / ˈru:stə(r) /
(especially NAmE) = cock n. (1)
ensure (also insure especially in NAmE) / inˈʃuə(r); -ˈʃɔ:(r); NAmE inˈʃur /
• to make sure that sth happens or is definite
• 保证;担保;确保:
▪ [VN]
 »The book ensured his success.
▪ [V (that)]
 »Please ensure (that) all lights are switched off.
▪ [also VNN]
congratulate / kənˈɡrætʃuleit /
verb [VN]
1. ~ sb (on sth) to tell sb that you are pleased about their success or achievements
• 向(某人)道贺;祝贺:
 »I congratulated them all on their results.
 »The authors are to be congratulated on producing such a clear and authoritative work.
2. ~ yourself (on sth) to feel pleased and proud because you have achieved sth or been successful at sth
• (为成就或成功)感到高兴,感到自豪:
 »You can congratulate yourself on having done an excellent job.
reception / riˈsepʃn /
1. [U] (especially BrE) the area inside the entrance of a hotel, an office building, etc. where guests or visitors go first when they arrive
• 接待处;接待区:
 »the reception area
 »We arranged to meet in reception at 6.30.
  我们约定 6:30 在接待处会面。
 »You can leave a message with reception.
  你可以在接待处留个口信。 (NAmE, BrE)
 »the reception desk
--› compare front desk
2. [C] a formal social occasion to welcome sb or celebrate sth
• 接待仪式;欢迎会;招待会:
 »a wedding reception
3. [sing.] the type of welcome that is given to sb / sth
• 欢迎;接受:
 »Her latest album has met with a mixed reception from fans.
 »Delegates gave him a warm reception as he called for more spending on education.
4. [U] the quality of radio and television signals that are broadcast
• (无线电和电视信号的)接收效果:
 »good / bad reception
 »There was very poor reception on my phone.
5. [U] the act of receiving or welcoming sb
• 接纳;接待;迎接:
 »the reception of refugees from the war zone
bridegroom / ˈbraidɡru:m / (also groom)
• a man on his wedding day, or just before or just after it
• 新郎;即将(或刚刚)结婚的男子
bride / braid /
• a woman on her wedding day, or just before or just after it
• 新娘;即将(或刚刚)结婚的女子:
 »a toast to the bride and groom
 »He introduced his new bride.
verb / pəˈmit; NAme pərˈm- / (-tt-) (formal)
1. to allow sb to do sth or to allow sth to happen
• 允许;准许:
▪ [VN]
 »Radios are not permitted in the library.
 »There are fines for exceeding permitted levels of noise pollution.
▪ [VNN]
 »We were not permitted any contact with each other.
 »Jim permitted himself a wry smile.
▪ [VN to inf]
 »Visitors are not permitted to take photographs.
 »She would not permit herself to look at them.
 »(formal) Permit me to offer you some advice.
▪ [also V -ing]
2. to make sth possible
• 允许;使有可能:
▪ [V]
 »We hope to visit the cathedral, if time permits.
 »I'll come tomorrow, weather permitting (= if the weather is fine).
▪ [VN]
 »The password permits access to all files on the hard disk.
▪ [VN to inf]
 »Cash machines permit you to withdraw money at any time.
▪ [also V -ing]
• / ˈpə:mit; NAme ˈpə:rmit / an official document that gives sb the right to do sth, especially for a limited period of time
• 许可证,特许证(尤指限期的):
 »a fishing / residence / parking, etc. permit
 »to apply for a permit
 »to issue a permit
--› see also work permit
prohibit / prəˈhibit; NAmE also prouˈh- /
verb ~ sth | ~ sb from doing sth (formal)
1. [often passive] to stop sth from being done or used especially by law
• (尤指以法令)禁止
【SYN】 forbid :
▪ [VN]
 »a law prohibiting the sale of alcohol
 »Soviet citizens were prohibited from travelling abroad.
▪ [also V -ing , VN -ing]
2. to make sth impossible to do
• 阻止;使不可能
【SYN】 prevent :
 »The high cost of equipment prohibits many people from taking up this sport.
throughout / θru:ˈaut /
1. in or into every part of sth
• 各处;遍及:
 »They export their products to markets throughout the world.
2. during the whole period of time of sth
• 自始至终;贯穿整个时期:
 »The museum is open daily throughout the year.
throughout adv.:
 »The house was painted white throughout.
 »The ceremony lasted ten hours and we had to stand throughout.
offence (BrE) (NAmE offense) / əˈfens /
1. [C] ~ (against sb / sth) an illegal act
【SYN】 crime
 »a criminal / serious / minor / sexual, etc. offence
 »a first offence (= the first time that sb has been found guilty of a crime)
 »a capital offence (= one for which sb may be punished by death)
 »He was not aware that he had committed an offence.
 »an offence against society / humanity / the state
 »New legislation makes it an offence to carry guns.
2. [U] the act of upsetting or insulting sb
• 冒犯;搅扰;侮辱:
 »I'm sure he meant no offence when he said that.
 »The photo may cause offence to some people.
 »No one will take offence (= feel upset or insulted) if you leave early.
 »Don't be so quick to take offence.
no of'fence
• (informal) used to say that you do not mean to upset or insult sb by sth you say or do
• 无冒犯之意:
 »No offence, but I'd really like to be on my own.
thumb / θʌm /
1. the short thick finger at the side of the hand, slightly apart from the other four
• 拇指:
 »She still sucks her thumb when she's worried.
--› see also green thumb
2. the part of a glove that covers the thumb
• (手套的)拇指部份:
 »There's a hole in the thumb.
be all (ˌfingers and) 'thumbs
• to be awkward with your hands so that you drop things or are unable to do sth
• 笨手笨脚;笨拙;手指不灵活

hold 'thumbs
• to hope that your plans will be successful or that sth will take place in the way that you want it to
• 希望(计划)成功;期望如愿以偿:
 »Let's hold thumbs that you get the job.
thumbs 'up / 'down
• used to show that sth has been accepted / rejected or that it is / is not a success
• 翘拇指(表示接受或成功);拇指向下(表示拒绝或不成功):
 »Their proposals were given the thumbs down.
 »It looks like it's thumbs up for their latest album.
【ORIGIN】In contests in ancient Rome the public put their thumbs up if they wanted a gladiator to live, and down if they wanted him to be killed.
• 在古罗马的角斗中,公众若希望角斗士活就竖起拇指朝上,若希望他被杀死就伸出拇指朝下。

under sb's 'thumb
(of a person 人)
• completely controlled by sb
• 完全受人支配;受制于人
--› more at rule n., sore adj., twiddle v.
1. to make a signal with your thumb to passing drivers to ask them to stop and take you somewhere
• 翘起拇指请求搭乘(过路汽车);示意请求搭便车
▪ [V +adv. / prep.]
 »He had thumbed all across Europe.
▪ [VN]
 »We managed to thumb a lift / ride with a truck driver.
2. [VN , often +adv. / prep.] to touch or move sth with your thumb
• 用拇指摸;用拇指捋:
 »She thumbed off the safety catch of her pistol.
--› see also well thumbed
thumb your 'nose at sb / sth
• to make a rude sign with your thumb on your nose; to show that you have no respect for sb / sth
• 嗤之以鼻;蔑视:
 »The company just thumbs its nose at the legislation on pollution.
'thumb through sth
• to turn the pages of a book quickly in order to get a general idea of what is in it
• 快速翻阅
adjust / əˈdʒʌst /
1. [VN] ~ sth (to sth) to change sth slightly to make it more suitable for a new set of conditions or to make it work better
• 调整;调节:
 »Watch out for sharp bends and adjust your speed accordingly.
 »This button is for adjusting the volume.
 »Adjust your language to the age of your audience.
2. ~ (to sth / to doing sth) | ~ (yourself to sth) to get used to a new situation by changing the way you behave and / or think
• 适应;习惯
【SYN】 adapt :
▪ [V]
 »It took her a while to adjust to living alone.
 »After a while his eyes adjusted to the dark.
▪ [VN]
 »You'll quickly adjust yourself to student life.
3. [VN] to move sth slightly so that it looks neater or feels more comfortable
• 整理:
 »He smoothed his hair and adjusted his tie.
--› see also well adjusted
accustomed / əˈkʌstəmd /
1. ~ to sth / to doing sth familiar with sth and accepting it as normal or usual
• 习惯于
【SYN】 used to :
 »to become / get accustomed to sth
 »My eyes slowly grew accustomed to the dark.
 »She was a person accustomed to having three hours' sleep a night.
2. [usually before noun] (formal) usual
• 通常的;惯常的
【SYN】 habitual :
 »He took his accustomed seat by the fire.
【OPP】 unaccustomed
Brit / brit /
• (informal)a person from Britain
• 英国人
--› note at British
alike / əˈlaik /
adj. [not before noun]
• very similar
• 相像;十分相似:
 »My sister and I do not look alike.
--› compare unlike
1. in a very similar way
• 十分相像地;很相似地:
 »They tried to treat all their children alike.
2. used after you have referred to two people or groups, to mean 'both' or 'equally'
• 两者都;同样地:
 »Good management benefits employers and employees alike.
--› see great adj., share v.
bonfire / ˈbɔnfaiə(r); NAmE ˈbɑ:n- /
• a large outdoor fire for burning waste or as part of a celebration
• (在室外为焚烧垃圾或为庆祝而燃起的)大火堆,篝火
familiar / fəˈmiliə(r) /
1. ~ (to sb) well known to you; often seen or heard and therefore easy to recognize
• 熟悉的;常见到的;常听说的:
 »to look / sound / taste familiar
  看/听 / 尝起来熟悉
 »He's a familiar figure in the neighbourhood.
 »The smell is very familiar to everyone who lives near a bakery.
 »Something about her voice was vaguely familiar.
 »Violent attacks are becoming all too familiar (= sadly familiar).
【OPP】 unfamiliar
2. ~ with sth knowing sth very well
• 通晓;熟悉:
 »an area with which I had been familiar since childhood
 »Are you familiar with the computer software they use?
【OPP】 unfamiliar
3. ~ (with sb) (of a person's behaviour 人的行为) very informal, sometimes in a way that is unpleasant
• 随便的:
 »You seem to be on very familiar terms with your tutor.
 »After a few drinks her boss started getting too familiar for her liking.
celebration / ˌseliˈbreiʃn /
1. [C] a special event that people organize in order to celebrate sth
• 庆典;庆祝活动:
 »birthday / wedding celebrations
2. [U, C] the act of celebrating sth
• 庆祝;颂扬:
 »Her triumph was a cause for celebration.
 »a party in celebration of their fiftieth wedding anniversary
 »The service was a celebration of his life (= praised what he had done in his life).
firework / ˈfaiəwə:k; NAmE ˈfaiərwə:rk /
1. [C] a small device containing powder that burns or explodes and produces bright coloured lights and loud noises, used especially at celebrations
• 烟火;烟花:
 »(BrE) to let off a few fireworks
 »(NAmE) to set off a few fireworks
 »a firework(s) display
2. fireworks [pl.] a display of fireworks
• 烟火表演;烟花表演;放烟火:
 »When do the fireworks start?
3. fireworks [pl.] (informal) strong or angry words; exciting actions
• 激烈的言辞;愤怒的话语;令人激动的行动:
 »There'll be fireworks when he finds out!
'hot dog (BrE also ˌhot 'dog)
1. a hot sausage
served in a long bread roll
• 热狗(香肠麪包)
2. (NAmE) a person who performs clever or dangerous tricks while skiing , snowboarding or surfing
• (滑雪、滑雪板运动或冲浪的)动作灵巧表演者,高难动作表演者:
 »He's a real hot dog.
mustard / ˈmʌstəd; NAme -tərd /
noun [U]
1. a thick cold yellow or brown sauce that tastes hot and spicy and is usually eaten with meat
• 芥末酱:
 »a jar of mustard
 »mustard powder
 »French / English mustard
2. a small plant with yellow flowers, grown for its seeds that are crushed to make mustard
• 芥;芥菜
3. a brownish-yellow colour
• 芥末黄;褐黄色
mustard adj.:
 »a mustard sweater
(not) cut the 'mustard
• to (not) be as good as expected or required
• (不)如所期待的那么好;(不)符合要求:
 »I didn't cut the mustard as a hockey player.
--› more at keen adj.
barbecue / ˈbɑ:bikju:; NAmE ˈbɑ:rb- /
noun (abbr. BBQ) (also informal barbie BrE, AustralE)
1. a metal frame for cooking food on over an open fire outdoors
• (烧烤野餐用的)烤架:
 »I put another steak on the barbecue.
 »a barbecue sausage (= cooked in this way)
2. an outdoor meal or party when food is cooked in this way
• 烧烤野餐:
 »Let's have a barbecue!
--› compare cookout
verb [V VN]
• to cook food on a barbecue
• 烧烤野餐
--› compare broil
expectation / ˌekspekˈteiʃn /
1. [U, C] ~ (of sth) | ~ (that...) a belief that sth will happen because it is likely
• 预料;预期;期待:
 »We are confident in our expectation of a full recovery.
 »There was a general expectation that he would win.
 »I applied for the post more in hope than expectation.
 »The expectation is that property prices will rise.
 »Contrary to expectations, interest rates did not rise.
 »Against all expectations, she was enjoying herself.
2. [C, usually pl., U] a hope that sth good will happen
• 希望;盼望:
 »She went to college with great expectations.
 »There was an air of expectation and great curiosity.
 »The results exceeded our expectations.
 »The numbers attending fell short of expectations.
 »The event did not live up to expectations.
3. [C, usually pl.] a strong belief about the way sth should happen or how sb should behave
• 期望;指望:
 »Some parents have unrealistic expectations of their children.
 »Unfortunately the new software has failed to meet expectations.
emperor / ˈempərə(r) /
• the ruler of an empire
• 皇帝:
 »the Roman emperors
 »the Emperor Napoleon
--› see also empress
taboo / təˈbu: /
noun (pl. taboos) ~ (against / on sth)
1. a cultural or religious custom that does not allow people to do, use or talk about a particular thing as people find it offensive or embarrassing
• (文化或宗教习俗方面的)禁忌,忌讳,戒律:
 »an incest taboo
 »a taboo on working on a Sunday
 »to break / violate a taboo
 »Death is six of the great taboos in our culture.
2. a general agreement not to do sth or talk about sth
• 禁止;避讳:
 »The subject is still a taboo in our family.
taboo adj.:
 »in the days when sex was a taboo subject
religion / riˈlidʒən /
1. [U] the belief in the existence of a god or gods, and the activities that are connected with the worship of them
• 宗教;宗教信仰:
 »Is there always a conflict between science and religion?
2. [C] one of the systems of faith that are based on the belief in the existence of a particular god or gods
• 宗教;教派:
 »the Jewish religion
 »Christianity, Islam and other world religions
 »The law states that everyone has the right to practise their own religion.
3. [sing.] a particular interest or influence that is very important in your life
• 特别的兴趣;重大的影响:
 »For him, football is an absolute religion.
get re'ligion
•(informal, disapproving) to suddenly become interested in religion
• 突然有了信仰;突然对宗教感兴趣
gesture / ˈdʒestʃə(r) /
1. [C, U] a movement that you make with your hands, your head or your face to show a particular meaning
• 手势;姿势;示意动作:
 »He made a rude gesture at the driver of the other car.
 »She finished what she had to say with a gesture of despair.
 »They communicated entirely by gesture.
2. [C] something that you do or say to show a particular feeling or intention
• (表明感情或意图的)姿态,表示:
 »They sent some flowers as a gesture of sympathy to the parents of the child.
 »It was a nice gesture (= it was kind) to invite his wife too.
 »We do not accept responsibility but we will refund the money as a gesture of goodwill.
 »The government has made a gesture towards public opinion (= has tried to do sth that the public will like).
--› note at action
• ~ (for / to sb) (to do sth) to move your hands, head, face, etc. as a way of expressing what you mean or want
• 做手势;用手势表示;用动作示意
▪ [V , usually +adv. / prep.]
 »'I see you read a lot,' he said, gesturing at the wall of books.
 »She gestured for them to come in.
▪ [V that]
 »He gestured (to me) that it was time to go.
 »They gestured that I should follow.
▪ [also VN]
greeting / ˈɡri:tiŋ /
1. [C, U] something that you say or do to greet sb
• 问候;招呼;迎接;致意:
 »She waved a friendly greeting.
 »They exchanged greetings and sat down to lunch.
 »He raised his hand in greeting.
2. greetings [pl.] a message of good wishes for sb's health, happiness, etc.
• 问候的话;祝辞;贺辞:
 »Christmas / birthday, etc. greetings
 »My mother sends her greetings to you all.
--› see season n.
slight / slait /
adj. (slighter, slightest)
1. very small in degree
• 轻微的;略微的:
 »a slight increase / change / delay / difference
 »I woke up with a slight headache.
 »The damage was slight.
 »She takes offence at the slightest thing (= is very easily offended).
 »There was not the slightest hint of trouble.
2. small and thin in size
• 细小的;纤细的;瘦小的:
 »a slight woman
3. (formal) not deserving serious attention
• 无须重视的;不足道的:
 »This is a very slight novel.
not in the 'slightest
• not at all
• 一点也不;毫不;根本没有:
 »He didn't seem to mind in the slightest.
~ (on sb / sth) an act or a remark that criticizes sth or offends sb
• 侮慢;冷落;轻视
【SYN】 insult :
 »Nick took her comment as a slight on his abilities as a manager.
verb [VN]
[usually passive] to treat sb rudely or without respect
• 侮慢;冷落;轻视
【SYN】 insult :
 »She felt slighted because she hadn't been invited.
slighting adj. [only before noun] :
 »slighting remarks
'business card (also card)
• a small card printed with sb's name and details of their job and company
• (业务)名片
--› compare visiting card
minority / maiˈnɔrəti; NAme -ˈnɔ:r-; -ˈnɑ:r- /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. [sing. + sing. / pl. v.] the smaller part of a group; less than half of the people or things in a large group
• 少数;少数派;少数人:
 »Only a small minority of students is / are interested in politics these days.
 »minority shareholders in the bank
【OPP】 majority
2. [C] a small group within a community or country that is different because of race, religion, language, etc.
• 少数派;少数民族;少数群体:
 »the rights of ethnic / racial minorities
 »minority languages
 »a large German-speaking minority in the east of the country
 »(NAmE) The school is 95 per cent minority (= 95 per cent of children are not white Americans but from different groups).
  这所学校里 95% 的学生来自少数族裔。
 »(NAmE) minority neighborhoods (= where no or few white people live)
3. [U] (law 律) the state of being under the age at which you are legally an adult
• 未成年
be in a / the mi'nority
• to form much less than half of a large group
• 占少数;成为少数派
be in a minority of 'one
•(often humorous) to be the only person to have a particular opinion or to vote a particular way
• 是唯一持不同意见者;是唯一投此票者
Inuit / ˈinjuit; ˈinuit /
noun [pl.]
• (sing. Inuk / ˈinuk / ) a race of people from northern ɔanada and parts of Greenland and ælaska. ðhe name is sometimes also wrongly used to refer to people from Siberia and S and θ ælaska.
• 因纽特人(加拿大北部以及格陵兰和阿拉斯加部份地区的一个种族的人,有时误指西伯利亚及阿拉斯加南部和西部的人)
--› compare Eskimo
sled / sled /
noun , verb (-dd-) (especially NAmE) = sledge
sledding / ˈslediŋ / noun [U]
seal / si:l /
verb [VN]
1. ~ sth (up / down) to close an envelope, etc. by sticking the edges of the opening together
• 封上(信封):
 »Make sure you've signed the cheque before sealing the envelope.
 »a sealed bid (= one that is kept in a sealed envelope and therefore remains secret until all other bids have been received)
2. [often passive] ~ sth (up) (with sth) to close a container tightly or fill a crack, etc., especially so that air, liquid, etc. cannot get in or out
• 密封(容器):
 »The organs are kept in sealed plastic bags.
3. [often passive] ~ sth (with sth) to cover the surface of sth with a substance in order to protect it
• 封盖…的表面:
 »The floors had been stripped and sealed with varnish.
4. to make sth definite, so that it cannot be changed or argued about
• 确定;明确定下来;使成定局:
 »to seal a contract
 »They drank a glass of wine to seal their new friendship.
 »The discovery of new evidence sealed his fate (= nothing could prevent what was going to happen to him).
5. (of the police, army, etc. 警察、军队等) to prevent people from passing through a place
• 关闭;封闭;封锁:
 »Troops have sealed the borders between the countries.

—more at lip , sign v.
ˌseal sth∽'in
• to prevent sth that is contained in sth else from escaping
• 把…封闭在里边

'seal sth in sth
• to put sth in an envelope, container, etc. and seal it
• 把…封闭在…里:
 »The body was sealed in a lead coffin.
ˌseal sth∽'off (of the police, army 警察、军队)
• to prevent people from entering a particular area
• 封锁;封闭

1. [C] an official design or mark, stamped on a document to show that it is genuine and carries the authority of a particular person or organization
• 印章;图章;玺;印记:
 »The letter bore the president's seal.
2. [sing.] a thing that makes sth definite
• 表示确认的事物;保证;信物:
 »The project has been given the government's seal of approval (= official approval).
 »I looked upon the gift as a seal on our friendship.
3. [C] a substance, strip of material, etc. used to fill a crack so that air, liquid, etc. cannot get in or out
• 密封垫(或带等):
 »a jar with a rubber seal in the lid
 »Only drink bottled water and check the seal isn't broken.
4. [C] a piece of wax (= a soft substance produced by bees ), soft metal or paper that is placed across the opening of sth such as a letter or box and which has to be broken before the letter or box can be opened
• 封蜡;封铅;封条;火漆:
 »He broke the wax seal and unrolled the paper.
5. a piece of metal, a ring, etc. with a design on it, used for stamping a wax or metal seal
• 封蜡模(印);封铅模(印)
›› SEA ANIMAL 海洋动物
6. [C] a sea animal that eats fish and lives around coasts. There are many types of seal, some of which are hunted for their fur.
• 海豹:
 »a colony of seals
 »grey seals basking on the rocks
set the 'seal on sth
•(formal) to make sth definite or complete
• 使某事万无一失;使某事圆满:
 »Her election to the premiership set the seal on a remarkable political career.
under 'seal
•(formal) (of a document 文件) in a sealed envelope that cannot be opened before a particular time
• 密封;加盖印信
deer / diə(r); NAmE dir /
noun (pl. deer)
• an animal with long legs, that eats grass, leaves, etc. and can run fast. Most male deer have antlers (= horns shaped like branches). There are many types of deer.
• 鹿:
 »a herd of deer
 »a deer park
--› see also doe , fallow deer , fawn , red deer , reindeer , roe deer , stag
Arctic / ˈɑ:ktik; NAmE ˈɑ:rk- /
1. [only before noun] related to or happening in the regions around the North Pole
• 北极的;北极地区的:
 »Arctic explorers
--› compare Antarctic
2. arctic extremely cold
• 极冷的;严寒的:
 »TV pictures showed the arctic conditions.
noun [sing.]
• the Arctic the regions of the world around the North Pole
• 北极;北极地区
feast / fi:st /
noun (formal)
1. a large or special meal, especially for a lot of people and to celebrate sth
• 盛宴;宴会:
 »a wedding feast
2. a day or period of time when there is a religious festival
• (宗教的)节日,节期:
 »the feast of Christmas
 »a feast day
3. [usually sing.] a thing or an event that brings great pleasure
• 使人欢快的事物(或活动):
 »a feast of colours
 »The evening was a real feast for music lovers.
verb [V]
~ (on sth) to eat a large amount of food, with great enjoyment
• 尽情享用(美味佳肴)
feast your 'eyes (on sb / sth)
• to look at sb / sth and get great pleasure
• 尽情欣赏;大饱眼福;赏心悦目
account / əˈkaunt /
›› AT BANK 银行
1. (abbr. a/c) an arrangement that sb has with a bank, etc. to keep money there, take some out, etc.
• 账户:
 »I don't have a bank account.
 »to have an account at / with a bank
 »to open / close an account
 »What's your account number please?
 »I paid the cheque into my savings account.
 »a joint account (= one in the name of more than one person)
--› see also budget account , checking account , current account , deposit account
2. [usually pl.] a written record of money that is owed to a business and of money that has been paid by it
• 账目:
 »to do the accounts
 »the accounts department
--› see also expense account , profit and loss account
3. (BrE also 'credit account) (NAmE also 'charge account) an arrangement with a shop / store or business to pay bills for goods or services at a later time, for example in regular amounts every month
• 赊销账;赊欠账;赊购:
 »Put it on my account please.
 »We have accounts with most of our suppliers.
--› note at bill
4. (business 商) a regular customer
• 老主顾:
 »The agency has lost several of its most important accounts.
›› COMPUTING 计算机技术
5. an arrangement that sb has with a company that allows them to use the Internet, send and receive messages by email, etc.
• (互联网、电子邮件等的)账户,账号:
 »an Internet / email account
6. a written or spoken description of sth that has happened
• 描述;敍述;报告:
 »She gave the police a full account of the incident.
--› note at report
7. an explanation or a description of an idea, a theory or a process
• (思想、理论、过程的)解释,说明,敍述:
 »the Biblical account of the creation of the world
by / from all accounts
• according to what other people say
• 据说;根据报道:
 »I've never been there, but it's a lovely place, by all accounts.
by your own account
• according to what you say yourself
• 根据某人自己所说:
 »By his own account he had an unhappy childhood.
give a good / poor ac'count of yourself
• to do sth or perform well or badly, especially in a contest
• (尤指比赛中)表现好/不好,干得出色/差劲:
 »The team gave a good account of themselves in the match.
of no / little ac'count
•(formal) not important
• 不重要;无足轻重
on account
• if you buy sth or pay on account, you pay nothing or only a small amount immediately and the rest later
• 挂账;(先付小部份款额的)赊账
on sb's account
• because of what you think sb wants
• 为了某人的缘故:
 »Please don't change your plans on my account.
on account of sb / sth
• because of sb / sth
• 由于;因为:
 »She retired early on account of ill health.
on no account | not on any account
(used to emphasize sth 用于强调)
• not for any reason
• 决不;绝对不:
 »On no account should the house be left unlocked.
on your own ac'count
1. for yourself
• 为自己:
 »In 1992 Smith set up in business on his own account.
  * 1992 年史密斯自己开始经商。
2. because you want to and you have decided, not sb else
• 自愿地:
 »No one sent me, I am here on my own account.
on this / that account
•(formal) because of the particular thing that has been mentioned
• 由于这个/那个缘故:
 »Weather conditions were poor, but he did not delay his departure on that account.
put / turn sth to good ac'count
•(formal) to use sth in a good or helpful way
• 善用;利用
take account of sth | take sth into account
• to consider particular facts, circumstances, etc. when making a decision about sth
• 考虑到;顾及:
 »The company takes account of environmental issues wherever possible.
 »Coursework is taken into account as well as exam results.
 »The defendant asked for a number of other offences to be taken into account.
--› more at blow n., call v., settle v.
verb [usually passive]
• (formal) to have the opinion that sb / sth is a particular thing
• 认为是;视为:
▪ [VN-ADJ]
 »In English law a person is accounted innocent until they are proved guilty.
▪ [VN-N]
 »The event was accounted a success.
there's no accounting for 'taste
• (saying) used to say how difficult it is to understand why sb likes sb / sth that you do not like at all
• 人的爱憎好恶是无法解释的;人各有所好:
 »She thinks he's wonderful—oh well, there's no accounting for taste.
ac'count for sth
1. to be the explanation or cause of sth
• 是…的说明(或原因)
【SYN】 explain :
 »The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd.
 »Oh well, that accounts for it (= I understand now why it happened).
2. to give an explanation of sth
• 解释;说明
【SYN】 explain :
 »How do you account for the show's success?
3. to be a particular amount or part of sth
• (数量上、比例上)占:
 »The Japanese market accounts for 35% of the company's revenue.
  日本市场占该公司收入的 35%。
ac'count for sb / sth
1. to know where sb / sth is or what has happened to them, especially after an accident
• (尤指在事故之后)了解,查明:
 »All passengers have now been accounted for.
2. (informal) to defeat or destroy sb / sth
• 打败;破坏;摧毁;消灭:
 »Our anti-aircraft guns accounted for five enemy bombers.
ac'count for sth (to sb)
• to give a record of how the money in your care has been spent
• 报账;出示经手款项的单据:
 »We have to account for every penny we spend on business trips.
mask / mɑ:sk; NAme mæsk /
1. a covering for part or all of the face, worn to hide or protect it
• 面具;面罩:
 »a gas / surgical mask
 »The robbers were wearing stocking masks.
--› see also oxygen mask
2. something that covers your face and has another face painted on it
• 假面具:
 »The kids were all wearing animal masks.
--› see also death mask
3. a thick cream made of various substances that you put on your face and neck in order to improve the quality of your skin
• 护肤膜;面膜:
 »a face mask
4. [usually sing.] a manner or an expression that hides your true character or feelings
• 伪装;掩饰:
 »He longed to throw off the mask of respectability.
 »Her face was a cold blank mask.
verb [VN]
• to hide a feeling, smell, fact, etc. so that it cannot be easily seen or noticed
• 掩饰;掩藏
【SYN】 disguise , veil :
 »She masked her anger with a smile.
--› note at hide
carve / kɑ:v; NAmE kɑ:rv /
1. to make objects, patterns, etc. by cutting away material from wood or stone
• 雕刻:
▪ [VN]
 »a carved doorway
 »The statue was carved out of a single piece of stone.
 »The wood had been carved into the shape of a flower.
▪ [V]
 »She carves in both stone and wood.
2. [VN] to write sth on a surface by cutting into it
• 刻:
 »They carved their initials on the desk.
3. to cut a large piece of cooked meat into smaller pieces for eating
• 把(熟肉)切成块:
▪ [VN]
 »Who's going to carve the turkey?
▪ [also V , VNN]
4. [VN] [no passive] ~ sth (out) (for yourself) to work hard in order to have a successful career, reputation, etc.
• 艰苦创业;奋斗取得(事业、名声等):
 »She has carved a place for herself in the fashion world.
 »He succeeded in carving out a career in the media.
carved in 'stone
(of a decision, plan, etc. 决定、计划等)
• unable to be changed
• 不能改变的;铁定;铁板钉钉:
 »People should remember that our proposals aren't carved in stone.
ˌcarve sth∽'up (disapproving)
• to divide a company, an area of land, etc. into smaller parts in order to share it between people
• 瓜分

claw / klɔ: /
1. one of the sharp curved nails on the end of an animal's or a bird's foot
• (动物或禽类的)爪,脚爪
2. a long, sharp curved part of the body of some types of shellfish , used for catching and holding things
• (水生有壳动物的)螯,钳:
 »the claws of a crab
3. part of a tool or machine, like a claw, used for holding, pulling or lifting things
• 爪形夹具;(机械的)爪:
 »a claw hammer (= used for pulling out nails)
get your claws into sb
1. (disapproving) if a woman gets her claws into a man, she tries hard to make him marry her or to have a relationship with her
• (女子)死死缠住(男人)
2. to criticize sb severely
• 严厉批评:
 »Wait until the media gets its claws into her.
--› more at red adj.
~ (at) sb / sth to scratch or tear sb / sth with claws or with your nails
• (用爪子或手指甲)抓,撕,挠:
▪ [V]
 »The cat was clawing at the leg of the chair.
▪ [VN]
 »She had clawed Stephen across the face.
 »(figurative) His hands clawed the air.
claw your way back, into sth, out of sth, to sth, etc.
• to gradually achieve sth or move somewhere by using a lot of determination and effort
• 努力逐步获得;艰难地移动:
 »She clawed her way to the top of her profession.
 »Slowly, he clawed his way out from under the collapsed building.
ˌclaw sth∽'back
1. to get sth back that you have lost, usually by using a lot of effort
• 设法捞回;费力地挽回

2. (of a government 政府) to get back money that has been paid to people, usually by taxing them
• (常通过税收手段)收回(已支付给民众的钱款)
--› related noun clawback
wolf / wulf /
noun (pl. wolves / wulvz / )
• a large wild animal of the dog family, that lives and hunts in groups
• 狼:
 »a pack of wolves
keep the 'wolf from the door
•(informal) to have enough money to avoid going hungry; to stop sb feeling hungry
• 勉强度日;餬口
throw sb to the 'wolves
• to leave sb to be roughly treated or criticized without trying to help or defend them
• 弃…于险境而不顾;见死不救
a wolf in sheep's 'clothing
• a person who seems to be friendly or harmless but is really an enemy
• 披着羊皮的狼
--› more at cry v., lone
verb [VN]
~ sth (down) (informal) to eat food very quickly, especially by putting a lot of it in your mouth at once
• 大口地快吃;狼吞虎咽
【SYN】 gobble
aborigine / ˌæbəˈridʒəni /
1. a member of a race of people who were the original people living in a country
• 原住居民;土着;土人
2. Aborigine a member of the race of people who were the original people of Australia
• 澳大利亚土着
--› see also Koori
govern / ˈɡʌvn; NAmE ˈɡʌvərn /
1. to legally control a country or its people and be responsible for introducing new laws, organizing public services, etc.
• 统治;控制;管理;治理:
▪ [VN]
 »The country is governed by elected representatives of the people.
▪ [V]
 »He accused the opposition party of being unfit to govern.
2. [VN] [often passive] to control or influence sb / sth or how sth happens, functions, etc.
• 控制;影响;支配:
 »Prices are governed by market demand.
 »All his decisions have been entirely governed by self-interest.
 »We need changes in the law governing school attendance.
3. [VN] (grammar 语法) if a word governs another word or phrase, it affects how that word or phrase is formed or used
• 支配(词或短语的形式或用法)
musical / ˈmju:zikl /
1. [only before noun] connected with music; containing music
• 音乐的;有音乐的:
 »the musical director of the show
 »musical talent / ability / skill
 »musical styles / tastes
 »a musical production / entertainment
2. (of a person 人) with a natural skill or interest in music
• 有音乐天赋的;喜爱音乐的:
 »She's very musical.
【OPP】 unmusical
3. (of a sound 声音) pleasant to listen to, like music
• 悦耳的;音乐般的:
 »a musical voice
【OPP】 unmusical
• (also old-fashioned ˌmusical 'comedy) a play or a film / movie in which part or all of the story is told using songs and often dancing
• 音乐剧

ˌmusical 'instrument (also instrument)
• an object used for producing musical sounds, for example a piano or a drum
• 乐器:
 »Most pupils learn (to play) a musical instrument.
 »the instruments of the orchestra
verb [V]
• if a plan boomerangs on sb, it hurts them instead of the person it was intended to hurt
• 害人反害己;自食其果
【SYN】 backfire
mysterious / miˈstiəriəs; NAme -ˈstir- /
1. difficult to understand or explain; strange
• 神秘的;奇怪的;不易解释的:
 »He died in mysterious circumstances.
 »A mysterious illness is affecting all the animals.
2. (especially of people 尤指人) strange and interesting because you do not know much about them
• 神秘的;陌生的
【SYN】 enigmatic :
 »A mysterious young woman is living next door.
3. (of people 人) not saying much about sth, especially when other people want to know more
• 诡秘的;故弄玄虚的:
 »He was being very mysterious about where he was going.
mysteriously adv.:
 »My watch had mysteriously disappeared.
 »Mysteriously, the streets were deserted.
 »She was silent, smiling mysteriously.
mysteriousness noun [U]
Maori / ˈmauri /
1. [C] a member of a race of people who were the original people living in New Zealand
• (新西兰)毛利人
2. [U] the language of the Maori people
• 毛利语
Maori adj.
steam / sti:m /
noun [U]
1. the hot gas that water changes into when it boils
• 水蒸气;蒸汽:
 »Steam rose from the boiling kettle.
2. the power that is produced from steam under pressure, used to operate engines, machines, etc.
• 蒸汽动力:
 »the introduction of steam in the 18th century
  * 18 世纪蒸汽动力的采用
 »steam power
 »the steam age
 »a steam train / engine
3. very small drops of water that form in the air or on cold surfaces when warm air suddenly cools
• 水汽
【SYN】 condensation :
 »She wiped the steam from her glasses.
full speed / steam a'head
• with as much speed or energy as possible
• 全速前进;全力
ˌget up / ˌpick up 'steam
1. (informal) to become gradually more powerful, active, etc.
• 声势逐渐强大;渐成气候;慢慢活跃起来:
 »His election campaign is beginning to get up steam.

2. (of a vehicle 车辆) to increase speed gradually
• 逐渐提速
ˌlet off 'steam
•(informal) to get rid of your energy, anger or strong emotions by doing sth active or noisy
• 释放精力;发泄怒气;宣泄感情

ˌrun out of 'steam
•(informal) to lose energy and enthusiasm and stop doing sth, or do it less well
• 筋疲力尽;丧失热情

get, etc. somewhere under your own 'steam
•(informal) to go somewhere without help from other people
• 靠自己的力量去某处
1. [V] to send out steam
• 蒸发;散发蒸汽;冒水汽:
 »a mug of steaming hot coffee
2. to place food over boiling water so that it cooks in the steam; to be cooked in this way
• 蒸(食物):
▪ [VN]
 »steamed fish
▪ [also V]
3. [V +adv. / prep.] (of a boat, ship, etc. 船舶等) to move using the power produced by steam
• 依靠蒸汽动力行驶:
 »The boat steamed across the lake.
4. [V +adv. / prep.] (especially of a person 尤指人) to go somewhere very quickly
• 快速行走;疾行:
 »He spotted her steaming down the corridor towards him.
 »(figurative) The company is steaming ahead with its investment programme.
be / get (all) steamed 'up (about / over sth)
(BrE) (NAmE be 'steamed (about sth)) (informal)
• to be / become very angry or excited about sth
• (变得)非常气愤,非常激动
ˌsteam sth∽'off | ˌsteam sth 'off sth
• to remove one piece of paper from another using steam to make the glue that is holding them together softer
• 用蒸汽使(纸张等)脱离(或分开)

ˌsteam sth∽'open
• to open an envelope using steam to make the glue softer
• 用蒸汽脱胶开启(信封)

ˌsteam 'up | ˌsteam sth∽'up
• to become, or to make sth become, covered with steam
• (使)蒙上水汽:
 »As he walked in, his glasses steamed up.

stove / stəuv; NAme stouv /
1. a piece of equipment that can burn various fuels and is used for heating rooms
• (用于取暖的)炉子,火炉:
 »a gas / wood-burning stove
2. (especially NAmE) = cooker :
 »She put a pan of water on the stove.
  她在灶上放了一锅水。 (NAmE, BrE)
 »Most people don't want to spend hours slaving over a hot stove (= cooking).
--› see also stave , stove , stove v.
Indian / ˈindiən /
1. a person from India
• 印度人
2. (old-fashioned, offensive) = Native American
3. (CanE) a Native Canadian who is not Inuit or Metis
• (非因纽特人或混血儿的)加拿大土着;加拿大印第安人
Indian adj.
--› see chief n., file n.
tribe / traib /
1. (sometimes offensive) (in developing countries) a group of people of the same race, and with the same customs, language, religion, etc., living in a particular area and often led by a chief
• 部落:
 »tribes living in remote areas of the Amazonian rainforest
2. (usually disapproving) a group or class of people, especially of six profession
• (尤指同一职业的)一伙(人),一帮(人),一类(人):
 »He had a sudden outburst against the whole tribe of actors.
3. (biology 生) a group of related animals or plants
• (动物或植物的)群,族:
 »a tribe of cats
4. (informal or humorous) a large number of people
• 大群;大帮;大批:
 »One or ten of the grandchildren will be there, but not the whole tribe.
plain / plein /
adj. (plainer, plainest)
1. easy to see or understand
• 清楚的;明显的;浅白的
【SYN】 clear :
 »He made it plain that we should leave.
 »She made her annoyance plain.
 »The facts were plain to see.
 »It was a rip-off, plain and simple.
--› note at clear
2. not trying to trick anyone; honest and direct
• 坦诚的;直率的;直接的:
 »The plain fact is that nobody really knows.
 »a politician with a reputation for plain speaking
3. not decorated or complicated; simple
• 不尚修饰的;朴素的;简单的:
 »a plain but elegant dress
 »plain food
 »The interior of the church was plain and simple.
 »plain yogurt (= without sugar or fruit)
--› compare fancy adj. (1), (2)
4. without marks or a pattern on it
• 素的;无花纹的;单色的:
 »covers in plain or printed cotton
 »Write on plain paper (= without lines).
5. [only before noun] used to emphasize that sth is very ordinary, not special in any way
• 极普通的;平庸的;平凡的
【SYN】 everyday :
 »You don't need any special skills for this job, just plain common sense.
6. (especially of a woman 尤指女人) not beautiful or attractive
• 相貌平平的;无姿色的
7. describing a simple stitch used in knitting
• (编织)平针的,平纹的
plainness noun [U]
be plain 'sailing
(US also be clear 'sailing)
• to be simple and free from trouble
• 顺利;一帆风顺
in plain 'English
• simply and clearly expressed, without using technical language
• 用简易的言语(或文字)
(as) plain as a 'pikestaff | (as) plain as 'day | (as) plain as the nose on your 'face
• very obvious
• 一清二楚;一目了然;显而易见
• (also plains [pl.]) a large area of flat land
• 平原:
 »the flat coastal plain of Thassos
 »the Great Plains
• used to emphasize how bad, stupid, etc. sth is
• (用于强调)简直,绝对地:
 »plain stupid / wrong
'peace pipe
• a tobacco pipe offered and smoked as a symbol of peace by Native Americans
• 和平烟斗(美洲土着作为和平象征请人抽的)
bow¹ / bau /
--› see also bow ²
1. [V] ~ (down) (to / before sb / sth) to move your head or the top half of your body forwards and downwards as a sign of respect or to say hello or goodbye
• 鞠躬;点头:
 »He bowed low to the assembled crowd.
 »The people all bowed down before the Emperor.
2. [VN] to move your head forwards and downwards
• 低头;垂首:
 »She bowed her head in shame.
 »They stood in silence with their heads bowed.
3. to bend or make sth bend
• (使)弯曲:
▪ [V]
 »The pines bowed in the wind.
▪ [VN]
 »Their backs were bowed under the weight of their packs.
ˌbow and 'scrape
•(disapproving) to be too polite to an important person in order to gain their approval
• 卑躬屈膝;点头哈腰
ˌbow 'down to sb / sth (disapproving)
• to allow sb to tell you what to do
• 屈从于人;听任摆布

ˌbow 'out (of sth)
• to stop taking part in an activity, especially six in which you have been successful in the past
• 退出,告别(尤指一度成功的事业):
 »She has finally decided it's time to bow out of international tennis.

'bow to sth
• to agree unwillingly to do sth because other people want you to
• 勉强同意做(某事);屈从于:
 »They finally bowed to pressure from the public.
 »She bowed to the inevitable (= accepted a situation in which she had no choice) and resigned.
1. the act of bending your head or the upper part of your body forward in order to say hello or goodbye to sb or to show respect
• 鞠躬;弯腰行礼
2. (also bows [pl.]) the front part of a boat or ship
• 船头;艏
--› compare stern n.
take a / your 'bow
(of a performer 演员)
• to bow to the audience as they are applauding you
• 谢幕;鞠躬答谢
--› more at shot n.
bow² / bəu; NAmE bou / noun
--› see also bow ¹
1. a weapon used for shooting arrows, consisting of a long curved piece of wood with a tight string joining its ends
• 弓:
 »He was armed with a bow and arrow.
2. a knot with two loops and ten loose ends which is used for decoration on clothes, in hair, etc. or for tying shoes
• 蝴蝶结:
 »to tie your shoelaces in a bow
 »Her hair was tied back in a neat bow.
3. a long thin piece of wood with thin string stretched along it, used for playing musical instruments such as the violin
• 琴弓
--› see string n.
bow² / bəu; NAmE bou / verb
--› see also bow ¹
[V, VN] to use a bow to play a musical instrument that has strings
• 用琴弓拉奏弦乐器
bowl / bəul; NAmE boul /
1. [C] (especially in compounds 尤用于构成复合词) a deep round dish with a wide open top, used especially for holding food or liquid
• 碗;鉢;盆:
 »a salad / fruit / sugar, etc. bowl
 »a washing-up bowl
2. [C] (also bowlful / -ful / ) the amount contained in a bowl
• 一碗,一鉢,一盆(的量):
 »a bowl of soup
›› SHAPE 形状
3. [C] the part of some objects that is shaped like a bowl
• 物体的碗状部份:
 »the bowl of a spoon
 »a toilet / lavatory bowl
4. [C] (especially NAmE) (in names 构成名称) a large round theatre without a roof, used for concerts, etc. outdoors
• 露天圆形剧场:
 »the Hollywood Bowl
5. [C] a heavy wooden ball that is used in the games of bowls and bowling
• (草地滚球戏和保龄球戏中用的)木球
›› GAME 游戏
6. bowls [U] (NAmE also 'lawn bowling) a game played on an area of very smooth grass, in which players take turns to roll bowls as near as possible to a small ball
• 草地滚球游戏
7. [C] (NAmE) (in names 构成名称) a game of American football played after the main season between the best teams
• (美式足球主要赛季后强队之间的)季后赛:
 »the Super Bowl
1. [V VN] to roll a ball in the games of bowls and
• (草地滚球戏或保龄球戏中)滚球,投球 bowling
2. [V VN] to throw a ball to the batsman (= the person who hits the ball)
• 把(球)投给击球员
--› note at throw
3. [VN] ~ sb (out) to make the batsman have to leave the field by throwing a ball that hits the wicket
• 击中三柱门把(击球员)杀出局
4. [V +adv. / prep.] (BrE) to move quickly in a particular direction, especially in a vehicle
• (向某处)迅速移动;(尤指)快速行驶:
 »Soon we were bowling along the country roads.
ˌbowl sb 'over
1. to run into sb and knock them down
• 把某人撞倒

2. to surprise or impress sb a lot
• 使某人惊叹;让某人印象深刻
arrow / ˈærəu; NAmE ˈærou /
1. a thin stick with a sharp point at one end, which is shot from a bow
• 箭:
 »a bow and arrow
 »to fire / shoot an arrow
 »The road continues as straight as an arrow.
2. a mark or sign like an arrow (), used to show direction or position
• 箭号;箭头:
 »Follow the arrows.
 »Use the arrow keys to move the cursor.
retell / ˌri:ˈtel /
(retold, retold / -ˈtəuld; NAme -ˈtould / )
əʒŋ] to tell a story again, often in a different way
• (通常以不同的方式)复述,重新讲述
roast / rəust; NAme roust /
1. to cook food, especially meat, without liquid in an oven or over a fire; to be cooked in this way
• 烘,烤,焙(肉等):
▪ [VN]
 »to roast a chicken
▪ [V]
 »the smell of roasting meat
2. [VN] to cook nuts, beans , etc. in order to dry them and turn them brown
• 烘烤,焙,炒(坚果、豆子等):
 »roasted chestnuts
3. [VN] (informal or humorous) to be very angry with sb; to criticize sb strongly
• (对某人)非常生气,严厉批评
4. (informal) to become or to make sth become very hot in the sun or by a fire
• 曝晒;烘烤:
▪ [V]
 »She could feel her skin beginning to roast.
▪ [also VN]
1. (BrE also joint) a large piece of meat that is cooked whole in the oven
• 烤肉:
 »the Sunday roast
2. (NAmE) (often in compounds 常构成复合词) a party that takes place in sb's garden / yard at which food is cooked over an open fire
• 户外烧烤野餐:
 »a hot dog roast
3. (NAmE) an event, especially a meal, at which people celebrate sb's life by telling funny stories about them
• 耍笑庆祝会(常为宴会,讲述主角的滑稽事)
adj. [only before noun]
• cooked in an oven or over a fire
• 烤的;焙的:
 »roast chicken