lack / læk /
noun [U, sing.]
~ (of sth) the state of not having sth or not having enough of sth
• 缺乏;匮乏;短缺
【SYN】 dearth , shortage :
 »a lack of food / money / skills
 »The trip was cancelled through lack of (= because there was not enough) interest.
 »There was no lack of volunteers.

—more at try v.
verb [VN]
[no passive] to have none or not enough of sth
• 没有;缺乏;不足;短缺:
 »Some houses still lack basic amenities such as bathrooms.
 »He lacks confidence.
 »She has the determination that her brother lacks.
--› see also lacking
ˌlack (for) 'nothing
•(formal) to have everything that you need
• 没有欠缺

--› more at courage
ambassador / æmˈbæsədə(r) /
• an official who lives in a foreign country as the senior representative there of his or her own country
• 大使;使节:
 »the British Ambassador to Italy / in Rome
 »a former ambassador to the UN
 »(figurative) The best ambassadors for the sport are the players.
ambassadorial / æmˌbæsəˈdɔ:riəl / adj.
description / diˈskripʃn /
1. [C, U] ~ (of sb / sth) a piece of writing or speech that says what sb / sth is like; the act of writing or saying in words what sb / sth is like
• 描写(文字);形容;说明:
 »to give a detailed / full description of the procedure
 »a brief / general description of the software
 »Police have issued a description of the gunman.
 »'Scared stiff' is an apt description of how I felt at that moment.
 »a personal pain that goes beyond description (= is too great to express in words)
 »the novelist's powers of description
--› note at report
2. [C] of some, all, every, etc. ~ of some, etc. type
• 类型:
 »boats of every description / all descriptions
 »Their money came from trade of some description.
 »medals, coins and things of that description
answer / fit a description (of sb / sth)
• to be like a particular person or thing
• 与描述的…相像:
 »A child answering the description of the missing boy was found safe and well in London yesterday.
--› more at beggar v.
political / pəˈlitikl /
1. connected with the state, government or public affairs
• 政治的;政府的;政权的:
 »a monarch without political power
 »He was a political prisoner (= six who was put in prison because he was thought to be harmful to the state).
2. connected with the different groups working in politics, especially their policies and the competition between them
• 政党的;党派的:
 »a political debate / party / leader
 »What are your political sympathies?
3. (of people 人) interested in or active in politics
• 关心政治的;政治上活跃的:
 »She became very political at university.
 »I'm not a political animal (= person who is interested in politics).
4. concerned with power, status, etc. within an organization, rather than with matters of principle
• 争权夺利的;人事纠纷的:
 »I suspect that he was dismissed for political reasons.
--› see also politically
worthy / ˈwə:ði; NAme ˈwə:rði /
adj. (worthier, worthiest)
1. ~ (of sb / sth) (formal) having the qualities that deserve sb / sth
• 值得(或应得)…的:
 »to be worthy of attention
 »A number of the report's findings are worthy of note.
 »No composer was considered worthy of the name until he had written an opera.
 »a worthy champion (= one who deserved to win)
 »He felt he was not worthy of her.
【OPP】 unworthy
2. [usually before noun] having qualities that deserve your respect, attention or admiration
• 值得尊敬的;值得注意的;值得敬仰的
【SYN】 deserving :
 »The money we raise will be going to a very worthy cause.
 »a worthy member of the team
3. having good qualities but not very interesting or exciting
• 值得尊敬的,有价值的(但不太令人感兴趣或激动的):
 »her worthy but dull husband
4. ~ of sb / sth typical of what a particular person or thing might do, give, etc.
• 有(某人或事物)的典型特征:
 »He gave a speech that was worthy of Martin Luther King.
  他作了一次典型的马丁 · 路德 · 金式的演讲。
5. -worthy (in compounds 构成复合词) deserving, or suitable for, the thing mentioned
• 值得…的;适于…的:
worthily / -ili / adv.
worthiness noun [U]
noun (pl. -ies)
• (often humorous) an important person
• 要人;大人物;知名人士:
 »a meeting attended by local worthies
victim / ˈviktim /
1. a person who has been attacked, injured or killed as the result of a crime, a disease, an accident, etc.
• 受害者;罹难者;罹病者;牺牲品:
 »murder / rape, etc. victims
 »accident / earthquake / famine, etc. victims
 »AIDS / cancer / stroke, etc. victims
 »victims of crime
 »She was the innocent victim of an arson attack.
 »Schools are the latest victims of cuts in public spending.
2. a person who has been tricked
• 受骗者;上当的人
【SYN】 target :
 »They were the victims of a cruel hoax.
--› see also fashion victim
3. an animal or a person that is killed and offered as a sacrifice
• 为祭祀杀死的动物(或人);祭品;牺牲:
 »a sacrificial victim
fall 'victim (to sth)
•(formal) to be injured, damaged or killed by sth
• 受伤;受损;被害
addition / əˈdiʃn /
1. [U] the process of adding two or more numbers together to find their total
• 加;加法:
 »children learning addition and subtraction
【OPP】 subtraction
2. [C] ~ (to sth) a thing that is added to sth else
• 增加物;添加物:
 »the latest addition to our range of cars
 »an addition to the family (= another child)
 »(NAmE) to build a new addition onto a house
3. [U] ~ (of sth) the act of adding sth to sth else
• 增加;添加:
 »Pasta's basic ingredients are flour and water, sometimes with the addition of eggs or oil.
in addition (to sb / sth)
• used when you want to mention another person or thing after sth else
• 除…以外(还):
 »In addition to these arrangements, extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight.
 »There is, in addition, one further point to make.
equal / ˈi:kwəl /
1. ~ (to sb / sth) the same in size, quantity, value, etc. as sth else
• (大小、数量、价值等)相同的,同样的;相等的:
 »There is an equal number of boys and girls in the class.
 »One unit of alcohol is equal to half a pint of beer.
 »two pieces of wood equal in length / of equal length
【HELP】You can use exactly, precisely, approximately, etc. with equal in this meaning.
• * equal 作此义可与 exactly、precisely、approximately 等词连用。
2. having the same rights or being treated the same as other people, without differences such as race, religion or sex being considered
• 平等的;同等的:
 »equal rights / pay
 »The company has an equal opportunities policy (= gives the same chances of employment to everyone).
 »the desire for a more equal society (= in which everyone has the same rights and chances)
【HELP】You can use more with equal in this meaning.
• * equal 作此义可与 more 连用。
3. ~ to sth (formal) having the necessary strength, courage and ability to deal with sth successfully
• (力气、勇气、能力等)相当的;能胜任的;能应付的:
 »I hope that he proves equal to the challenge.
--› see also equally
on ˌequal 'terms (with sb)
• having the same advantages and disadvantages as sb else
• (与某人)处于平等的地位:
 »Can our industry compete on equal terms with its overseas rivals?

--› more at thing
• a person or thing of the same quality or with the same status, rights, etc. as another
• 同等的人;相等物:
 »She treats the people who work for her as her equals.
 »Our cars are the equal of those produced anywhere in the world.
be without 'equal | have no 'equal
•(formal) to be better than anything else or anyone else of the same type
• 无以伦比;无敌;无比:
 »He is a player without equal.
ˌsome (people, members, etc.) are more equal than 'others
•(saying) although the members of a society, group, etc. appear to be equal, some, in fact, get better treatment than others
• 有些(人、成员等)比其他的更平等
【ORIGIN】This phrase is used by one of the pigs in the book 'Animal Farm' by George Orwell: 'All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.'
• 本短语来自乔治 · 奥威尔所着的《动物庄园》中一头猪所说的话:"所有的动物都平等,但有些动物比其他的动物更平等。"

--› more at first
verb (-ll-, US -l-)
1. linking verb
[V-N] to be the same in size, quantity, value, etc. as sth else
• (大小、数量、价值等)与…相等,等于:
 »2x plus y equals 7 (2x+y=7)
  * 2x 加 y 等于 7。
 »A metre equals 39.38 inches.
  * 1 米等于 39.38 英寸。
2. [VN] to be as good as sth else or do sth to the same standard as sb else
• 比得上;敌得过:
 »This achievement is unlikely ever to be equalled.
 »Her hatred of religion is equalled only by her loathing for politicians.
 »With his last jump he equalled the world record.
3. [VN] to lead to or result in sth
• 导致;结果为:
 »Cooperation equals success.
voluntary / ˈvɔləntri; NAme ˈvɑ:lənteri /
1. done willingly, not because you are forced
• 自愿的;志愿的;主动的;自告奋勇的:
 »a voluntary agreement
 »Attendance on the course is purely voluntary.
 »to pay voluntary contributions into a pension fund
 »(BrE) He took voluntary redundancy.
【OPP】 compulsory
2. [usually before noun] (of work 工作) done by people who choose to do it without being paid
• 自愿性的;无偿的;义务性的:
 »I do some voluntary work at the local hospital.
 »She works there on a voluntary basis.
 »voluntary services / bodies / agencies / organizations (= organized, controlled or supported by people who choose to do this and are usually not paid)
 »the voluntary sector (= organizations which are set up to help people and which do not make a profit, for example charities)
3. [only before noun] (of a person 人) doing a job without wanting to be paid for it
• 自愿的;志愿的;义务的;自发的:
 »a voluntary worker
4. (technical 术语) (of movements of the body 人体活动) that you can control
• 随意的;可以控制的
【OPP】 involuntary
noun (pl. -ies)
• a piece of music played before, during or after a church service, usually on an organ
• 仪式终始曲,即兴曲(通常用风琴在教堂礼拜仪式前后或期间演奏)
contribute / kənˈtribju:t; BrE also ˈkɔntribju:t /
1. ~ (sth) (to / towards sth) to give sth, especially money or goods, to help sb / sth
• 捐献,捐赠(尤指款或物);捐助:
▪ [VN]
 »We contributed £5 000 to the earthquake fund.
  我们向地震基金捐赠了 5 000 英镑。
▪ [V]
 »Would you like to contribute to our collection?
 »Do you wish to contribute?
2. [V] ~ (to sth) to be six of the causes of sth
• 是…的原因之一:
 »Medical negligence was said to have contributed to her death.
 »Human error may have been a contributing factor.
3. ~ (sth) to sth to increase, improve or add to sth
• 增加;增进;添加(到某物):
▪ [V]
 »Immigrants have contributed to British culture in many ways.
▪ [VN]
 »This book contributes little to our understanding of the subject.
4. ~ (sth) (to sth) to write things for a newspaper, magazine, or a radio or television programme; to speak during a meeting or conversation, especially to give your opinion
• (为报纸、杂志、电台或电视节目)撰稿,投稿;(在会议或会谈期间)讲话,(尤指)发表意见:
▪ [VN]
 »She contributed a number of articles to the magazine.
▪ [V]
 »He contributes regularly to the magazine 'New Scientist'.
 »We hope everyone will contribute to the discussion.
acquire / əˈkwaiə(r) /
verb [VN] (formal)
1. to gain sth by your own efforts, ability or behaviour
• (通过努力、能力、行为表现)获得,得到:
 »She has acquired a good knowledge of English.
 »He has acquired a reputation for dishonesty.
 »I have recently acquired a taste for olives.
2. to obtain sth by buying or being given it
• 购得;获得;得到:
 »The company has just acquired new premises.
 »I've suddenly acquired a stepbrother.
an acquired 'taste
• a thing that you do not like much at first but gradually learn to like
• 养成的爱好:
 »Abstract art is an acquired taste.
expand / ikˈspænd /
1. to become greater in size, number or importance; to make sth greater in size, number or importance
• 扩大,增加,增强(尺码、数量或重要性):
▪ [V]
 »Metals expand when they are heated.
 »Student numbers are expanding rapidly.
 »A child's vocabulary expands through reading.
 »The waist expands to fit all sizes.
▪ [VN]
 »In breathing the chest muscles expand the rib cage and allow air to be sucked into the lungs.
 »The new system expanded the role of family doctors.
 »There are no plans to expand the local airport.
【OPP】 contract
2. if a business expands or is expanded, new branches are opened, it makes more money, etc.
• 扩展,发展(业务)
▪ [VN]
 »We've expanded the business by opening two more stores.
▪ [V]
 »an expanding economy (= with more businesses starting and growing)
3. [V] to talk more; to add details to what you are saying
• 细谈;详述;详细阐明:
 »I repeated the question and waited for her to expand.
ex'pand on / upon sth
• to say more about sth and add some details
• 详述;充分敍述;详细阐明:
 »Could you expand on that point, please?
worthwhile / ˌwə:θˈwail; NAme ˌwə:rθ- /
~ (to do sth) | ~ (doing sth) important, enjoyable, interesting, etc.; worth spending time, money or effort on
• 重要的;令人愉快的;有趣的;值得花时间(或花钱、努力等):
 »It was in aid of a worthwhile cause (= a charity, etc.).
 »The smile on her face made it all worthwhile.
 »High prices in the UK make it worthwhile for buyers to look abroad.
 »It is worthwhile to include really high-quality illustrations.
 »It didn't seem worthwhile writing it all out again.
【HELP】This word can be written worth while, except when it is used before a noun.
• 除非用在名词前,否则可写成 worth while。

urgent / ˈə:dʒənt; NAme ˈə:rdʒ- /
1. that needs to be dealt with or happen immediately
• 紧急的;紧迫的;迫切的
【SYN】 pressing :
 »an urgent appeal for information
 »a problem that requires urgent attention
 »'Can I see you for a moment?' 'Is it urgent?'
  "我能见你一下吗?" "有急事吗?"
 »Mark the message 'urgent', please.
 »The law is in urgent need of reform.
2. showing that you think that sth needs to be dealt with immediately
• 催促的;急切的:
 »an urgent whisper
urgency / -dʒənsi / noun [U, sing.] :
 »This is a matter of some urgency.
 »The attack added a new urgency to the peace talks.
urgently adv.:
 »New equipment is urgently needed.
 »I need to speak to her urgently.
 »'We must find him,' she said urgently.
starvation / stɑ:ˈveiʃn; NAme stɑ:rˈv- /
noun [U]
• the state of suffering and death caused by having no food
• 饥饿;捱饿;饿死:
 »to die of / from starvation
 »Millions will face starvation next year as a result of the drought.
 »a starvation diet (= six in which you do not have much to eat)
 »They were on starvation wages (= extremely low wages).
AIDS (BrE usually Aids) / eidz /
noun [U]
• the abbreviation for 'Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome' (an illness which attacks the body's ability to resist infection and which usually causes death)
• 艾滋病,爱滋病(全写为 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome,获得性免疫缺损综合症):
 »AIDS research / education / victims
 »He developed full-blown AIDS five years after contracting HIV.
boil / bɔil /
1. when a liquid boils or when you boil it, it is heated to the point where it forms bubbles and turns to steam or vapour
• (使)沸腾;煮沸;烧开:
▪ [V]
 »The water was bubbling and boiling away.
▪ [VN]
 »Boil plenty of salted water, then add the spaghetti.
2. when a kettle, pan, etc. boils or when you boil a kettle, etc., it is heated until the water inside it boils
• (把壶、锅等里面的水)烧开
▪ [VN]
 »I'll boil the kettle and make some tea.
▪ [V]
 »(BrE) The kettle's boiling.
▪ [V-ADJ]
 »She left the gas on by mistake and the pan boiled dry (= the water boiled until there was none left).
3. to cook or wash sth in boiling water; to be cooked or washed in boiling water
• 用沸水煮(或烫洗);被煮(或烫洗):
▪ [V]
 »She put some potatoes on to boil.
▪ [VN]
 »boiled carrots / cabbage
▪ [VN VNN]
 »to boil an egg for sb
 »to boil sb an egg
4. [V] if you boil with anger, etc. or anger, etc. boils inside you, you are very angry
• 怒火中烧;异常气愤:
 »He was boiling with rage.

—more at blood n., watch v.
ˌboil 'down | ˌboil sth∽'down
• to be reduced or to reduce sth by boiling
• (使)煮浓,熬浓

ˌboil sth 'down (to sth)
• to make sth, especially information, shorter by leaving out the parts that are not important
• 概括;归纳;压缩:
 »The original speech I had written got boiled down to about two minutes.

ˌboil 'down to sth (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (of a situation, problem, etc. 局势、问题等)
• to have sth as a main or basic part
• 归结为;基本问题是:
 »In the end, what it all boils down to is money, or the lack of it.

ˌboil 'over
1. (of liquid 液体) to boil and flow over the side of a pan, etc.
• 煮溢;潽出

2. (informal) to become very angry
• 怒火中烧;大怒
3. (of a situation, an emotion, etc. 局势、情绪等) to change into sth more dangerous or violent
【SYN】 explode
• 恶化;爆发:
 »Racial tension finally boiled over in the inner city riots.
ˌboil 'up
• if a situation or an emotion boils up, it becomes dangerous, worrying, etc.
• (局势、情绪等)进入危急关头,令人担忧:
 »I could feel anger boiling up inside me.

ˌboil sth∽'up
• to heat a liquid or some food until it boils
• 把(液体或食物)烧开

1. [sing.] a period of boiling; the point at which liquid boils
• 沸腾;沸点:
 »(BrE) Bring the soup to the boil, then allow it to simmer for nine minutes.
 »(NAmE) Bring the soup to a boil.
2. [C] a painful infected swelling under the skin which is full of a thick yellow liquid (called pus )
• 疖;皮下脓肿;黄水疮
off the 'boil
• less good than before
• 不如以前:
 »The second series of the show really went off the boil.
on the 'boil
• very active
• 十分活跃;如火如荼:
 »We have several projects all on the boil at once.
carpet / ˈkɑ:pit; NAmE ˈkɑ:rpit /
1. [U] a thick woven material made of wool, etc. for covering floors or stairs
• 地毯:
 »a roll of carpet
2. [C] a piece of carpet used as a floor covering, especially when shaped to fit a room
• (尤指铺满房间的一块)地毯:
 »to lay a carpet
 »a bedroom carpet
 »(BrE) We have fitted carpets (= carpets from wall to wall) in our house.
--› see also carpeting , red carpet , rug
3. [C] ~ (of sth) (literary) a thick layer of sth on the ground
• 覆盖地面的一层厚东西:
 »a carpet of snow
(be / get called) on the 'carpet
•(informal, especially NAmE) called to see sb in authority because you have done sth wrong
• (因做错事)被上司叫去训斥:
 »I got called on the carpet for being late.
--› more at sweep v.
verb [VN] [usually passive]
1. to cover the floor of a room with a carpet
• 用地毯铺(房间的)地:
 »The hall was carpeted in blue.
2. ~ sth (with / in sth) (literary) to cover sth with a thick layer of sth
• 把…厚厚地覆盖;厚厚地铺上:
 »The forest floor was carpeted with wild flowers.
3. (informal, especially BrE) to speak angrily to sb because they have done sth wrong
• 训斥;斥责
【SYN】 reprimand
wool / wul /
noun [U]
1. the soft fine hair that covers the body of sheep, goats and some other animals
• (羊等的)绒,毛
2. long thick thread made from animal's wool, used for knitting
• 毛线;绒线:
 »a ball of wool
3. cloth made from animal's wool, used for making clothes, etc.
• 毛料;毛织物:
 »This scarf is 100% wool.
 »pure new wool
 »a wool blanket
--› see also cotton wool , dyed in the wool , lambswool , steel wool , wire wool
--› see pull v.
fetch / fetʃ /
1. (especially BrE) to go to where sb / sth is and bring them / it back
• (去)拿来;(去)请来:
▪ [VN]
 »to fetch help / a doctor
 »The inhabitants have to walk a mile to fetch water.
 »She's gone to fetch the kids from school.
▪ [VNN]
 »Could you fetch me my bag?
2. [VN] to be sold for a particular price
• 售得,卖得(某价)
【SYN】 sell for :
 »The painting is expected to fetch $10 000 at auction.
  这幅画预计拍卖可得 10 000 元。
fetch and 'carry (for sb)
• to do a lot of little jobs for sb as if you were their servant
• (为某人)打杂,当听差,跑腿
ˌfetch 'up (informal, especially BrE)
• to arrive somewhere without planning to
• 偶然来到;意外到达:
 »And then, a few years later, he somehow fetched up in Rome.

verb / ikˈspɔ:t; NAmE ikˈspɔ:rt /
1. ~ (sth) (to sb) to sell and send goods to another country
• 出口;输出:
▪ [VN]
 »The islands export sugar and fruit.
 »90% of the engines are exported to Europe.
  * 90% 的发动机都出口到欧洲。
▪ [also V]
2. [VN] to introduce an idea or activity to another country or area
• 传播,输出(思想或活动):
 »American pop music has been exported around the world.
3. [VN] (computing 计) to send data to another program, changing its form so that the other program can read it
• 输出;移出;调出
【OPP】 import
noun / ˈekspɔ:t; NAmE ˈekspɔ:rt /
1. əu] the selling and transporting of goods to another country
• 出口;输出:
 »a ban on the export of live cattle
 »Then the fruit is packaged for export.
 »export earnings
 »an export licence
2. [C, usually pl.] a product that is sold to another country
• 出口产品;输出品:
 »the country's major exports
 »a fall in the value of exports
【OPP】 import
alternative / ɔ:lˈtə:nətiv; NAmE -ˈtə:rn- /
• a thing that you can choose to do or have out of two or more possibilities
• 可供选择的事物:
 »You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly; those are the two alternatives.
 »We had no alternative but to fire Gibson.
 »There is a vegetarian alternative on the menu every day.
--› note at option
adj. [only before noun]
1. (also alternate especially in NAmE) that can be used instead of sth else
• 可供替代的:
 »an alternative method of doing sth
 »Do you have an alternative solution?
2. different from the usual or traditional way in which sth is done
• 非传统的;他择性的:
 »alternative comedy / lifestyles / values
 »alternative energy (= electricity or power that is produced using the energy from the sun, wind, water, etc.)
remote / riˈməut; NAme riˈmout /
adj. (remoter, remotest)
›› PLACE 地点
1. ~ (from sth) far away from places where other people live
• 偏远的;偏僻的
【SYN】 isolated :
 »a remote beach
 »one of the remotest areas of the world
 »The farmhouse is remote from any other buildings.
›› TIME 时间
2. [only before noun] far away in time
• 遥远的;久远的
【SYN】 distant :
 »in the remote past / future
 »a remote ancestor (= who lived a long time ago)
3. [only before noun] (of people 人) not closely related
• 关系较远的;远亲的
【SYN】 distant :
 »a remote cousin
4. that you can connect to from far away, using an electronic link
• 远程的;远程连接的:
 »a remote terminal / database
5. ~ (from sth) very different from sth
• 相差很大的;极不相同的:
 »His theories are somewhat remote from reality.
6. (of people or their behaviour 人或行为) not very friendly or interested in other people
• 不很友好的;冷漠的
【SYN】 aloof , distant
7. not very great
• 细微的;微小的
【SYN】 slight :
 »There is still a remote chance that they will find her alive.
 »I don't have the remotest idea what you're talking about.
remoteness noun [U] :
 »the geographical remoteness of the island
 »His remoteness made her feel unloved.
(informal) = remote control (2)
charity / ˈtʃærəti /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. [C] an organization for helping people in need
• 慈善机构(或组织):
 »Many charities sent money to help the victims of the famine.
 »The concert will raise money for local charities.
2. [U] the aim of giving money, food, help, etc. to people who are in need
• 慈善;赈济;施舍:
 »Most of the runners in the London Marathon are raising money for charity.
 »Do you give much to charity?
 »a charity concert (= organized to get money for charity)
 »to live on / off charity (= to live on money which other people give you because you are poor)
3. [U] (formal) kindness and sympathy towards other people, especially when you are judging them
• 慈善;仁爱;宽容;宽厚:
 »Her article showed no charity towards her former friends.
charity begins at 'home
•(saying) you should help and care for your own family, etc. before you start helping other people
• 博爱始于自家
possession / pəˈzeʃn /
1. [U] (formal) the state of having or owning sth
• 具有;拥有:
 »The manuscript is just six of the treasures in their possession.
 »The gang was caught in possession of stolen goods.
 »The possession of a passport is essential for foreign travel.
 »On her father's death, she came into possession of (= received) a vast fortune.
 »You cannot legally take possession of the property (= start using it after buying it) until seven weeks after the contract is signed.
--› see also vacant possession
2. [C, usually pl.] something that you own or have with you at a particular time
• 个人财产;私人物品
【SYN】 belongings :
 »personal possessions
 »The ring is six of her most treasured possessions.
--› note at thing
›› IN SPORT 体育运动
3. [U] the state of having control of the ball
• 控球状态:
 »to win / get / lose possession of the ball
›› LAW 法律
4. [U] the state of having illegal drugs or weapons with you at a particular time
• 持有违禁物;私藏毒品(或武器):
 »She was charged with possession.
5. [C] (formal) a country that is controlled or governed by another country
• 殖民地;托管地;属地
6. [U] the situation when sb's mind is believed to be controlled by the Devil or by an evil spirit
• 鬼魂缠身;着魔
possession is four tenths of the 'law
•(saying) if you already have or control sth, it is difficult for sb else to take it away from you, even if they have the legal right to it
• 现实占有,败一胜九;占有者在诉讼中总占上风
--› more at field n.
mountainous / ˈmauntənəs /
1. having many mountains
• 多山的:
 »a mountainous region / terrain
2. very large in size or amount; like a mountain
• 巨大的;山一般的:
 »mountainous waves
【SYN】 huge
poverty / ˈpɔvəti; NAme ˈpɑ:vərti /
1. [U] the state of being poor
• 贫穷;贫困:
 »conditions of abject / extreme poverty
 »to alleviate / relieve poverty
 »Many elderly people live in poverty.
2. [U, sing.] a lack of sth; poor quality
• 贫乏;短缺;劣质:
 »There is a poverty of colour in her work.
means / mi:nz /
noun (pl. means)
1. [C] ~ (of doing sth / of sth) an action, an object or a system by which a result is achieved; a way of achieving or doing sth
• 方式;方法;途径:
 »Television is an effective means of communication.
 »Is there any means of contacting him?
 »Have you any means of identification ?
 »We needed to get to London but we had no means of transport.
2. [pl.] the money that a person has
• 财富;钱财:
 »People should pay according to their means.
 »He doesn't have the means to support a wife and child.
 »Private school fees are beyond the means of most people (= more than they can afford).
 »Are the monthly repayments within your means (= can you afford them) ?
 »Try to live within your means (= not spend more money than you have).
 »a man of means (= a rich man)
by 'all means
• used to say that you are very willing for sb to have sth or do sth
• 可以;当然行;没问题:
 »'Do you mind if I have a look?' 'By all means.'
  "我看一眼行吗?" "当然可以。"
by means of sth
•(formal) with the help of sth
• 借助…手段;依靠…方法:
 »The load was lifted by means of a crane.
by 'no means | not by 'any (manner of) means
• not at all
• 决不;一点也不:
 »She is by no means an inexperienced teacher.
 »We haven't won yet, not by any means.
a ˌmeans to an 'end
• a thing or action that is not interesting or important in itself but is a way of achieving sth else
• (本身并不重要或有趣的)达到目的的手段:
 »He doesn't particularly like the work but he sees it as a means to an end.

--› more at end n., fair adj., way n.
primitive / ˈprimətiv /
1. [usually before noun] belonging to a very simple society with no industry, etc.
• 原始的;远古的:
 »primitive tribes
 »primitive beliefs
2. [usually before noun] belonging to an early stage in the development of humans or animals
• 原始的;人类或动物发展早期的:
 »primitive man
3. very simple and old-fashioned, especially when sth is also not convenient and comfortable
• 发展水平低的;落后的
【SYN】 crude :
 »The methods of communication used during the war were primitive by today's standards.
 »The facilities on the campsite were very primitive.
4. [usually before noun] (of a feeling or a desire 感觉或欲望) very strong and not based on reason, as if from the earliest period of human life
• 原始本能的:
 »a primitive instinct
primitively adv.
primitiveness noun [U]
1. an artist of the period before the Renaissance; an example of work from this period
• 文艺复兴前的艺术家(或作品)
2. an artist who paints in a very simple style like a child; an example of the work of such an artist
• 原始派画家(或作品)
obtain / əbˈtein /
verb (formal)
1. [VN] to get sth, especially by making an effort
• (尤指经努力)获得,赢得:
 »to obtain advice / information / permission
 »I finally managed to obtain a copy of the report.
 »To obtain the overall score, add up the totals in each column.
2. [V] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (formal) (of rules, systems, customs, etc. 规则、制度、习俗等) to exist
• 存在;流行;沿袭
【SYN】 apply :
 »These conditions no longer obtain.
heating / ˈhi:tiŋ /
noun [U]
(especially BrE) (also heat especially in NAmE) the process of supplying heat to a room or building; a system used to do this
• 供暖;供暖系统;暖气设备:
 »Who turned the heating off?
 »What type of heating do you have?
 »a gas heating system
 »heating bills
--› see also central heating
well / wel /
adv. (better / ˈbetə(r) / best / best / )
1. in a good, right or acceptable way
• 好;对;令人满意地:
 »The kids all behaved well.
 »The conference was very well organized.
 »Well done! (= expressing admiration for what sb has done)
 »His campaign was not going well.
 »These animals make very good pets if treated well (= with kindness).
 »People spoke well of (= spoke with approval of) him.
 »She took it very well (= did not react too badly), all things considered.
 »They lived well (= in comfort and spending a lot of money) and were generous with their money.
 »She was determined to marry well (= marry sb rich and / or with a high social position).
2. thoroughly and completely
• 完全地;彻底地;全部地:
 »Add the lemon juice and mix well.
 »The surface must be well prepared before you start to paint.
 »How well do you know Carla?
 »He's well able to take care of himself.
  他完全能够自理。 (BrE, informal)
 »I was well annoyed, I can tell you.
3. to a great extent or degree
• 很;相当;大大地;远远地:
 »He was driving at well over the speed limit.
 »a well-loved tale
 »The castle is well worth a visit.
 »He liked her well enough (= to a reasonable degree) but he wasn't going to make a close friend of her.
4. can / could ~ easily
• 容易地;轻松地:
 »She could well afford to pay for it herself.
5. can / could / may / might ~ probably
• 很可能:
 »You may well be right.
 »It may well be that the train is delayed.
6. can / could / may / might ~ with good reason
• 有充分理由;合理地:
 »I can't very well leave now.
 »I couldn't very well refuse to help them, could I?
 »'What are we doing here?' ' You may well ask (= I don't really know either).'
  "我们在这儿干什么呢?" "你算问对了(我也不知道)。"
as well (as sb / sth)
• in addition to sb / sth; too
• 除…之外;也;还:
 »Are they coming as well?
 »They sell books as well as newspapers.
 »She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer.
--› note at also
be doing 'well
• to be getting healthier after an illness; to be in good health after a birth
• (病后)康复,恢复良好;(产后)平安,健康:
 »Mother and baby are doing well.
(you, etc.) may / might as well be hanged / hung for a ˌsheep as (for) a 'lamb
•(saying) if you are going to be punished for doing sth wrong, whether it is a big or small thing, you may as well do the big thing
• 与其偷羊羔被绞死,不如偷只羊;一不做,二不休

be well on the way to sth / doing sth
• to have nearly achieved sth and be going to achieve it soon
• 即将达到;将要成就:
 »She is well on the way to recovery.
 »He is well on the way to establishing himself among the top two players in the world.
be ˌwell 'out of sth
(BrE, informal)
• to be lucky that you are not involved in sth
• 幸运地与…无关;幸亏没有卷入

be ˌwell 'up in sth
• to know a lot about sth
• 精通;熟悉:
 »He's well up in all the latest developments.

do 'well
• to be successful
• 成功:
 »Jack is doing very well at school.
do 'well by sb
• to treat sb generously
• 善待;慷慨对待
do 'well for yourself
• to become successful or rich
• 成功;发家致富
do 'well out of sb / sth
• to make a profit or get money from sb / sth
• 获利于;从…中获取钱财
do 'well to do sth
• to be sensible or wise to do sth
• 做…明智(或聪明):
 »He would do well to concentrate more on his work.
 »You did well to sell when the price was high.
leave / let well a'lone
(BrE) (NAmE let well enough a'lone)
• to not get involved in sth that does not concern you
• 不管闲事;事不关己高高挂起:
 »When it comes to other people's arguments, it's better to leave well alone.
may / might (just) as well do sth
• to do sth because it seems best in the situation that you are in, although you may not really want to do it
• 做…倒也无妨;只好做(某事):
 »If no six else wants it, we might as well give it to him.
ˌwell and 'truly
•(informal) completely
• 完全;彻底:
 »By that time we were well and truly lost.

'well away
(BrE, informal)
1. having made good progress
• 有很大进步;大有进展:
 »If we got Terry to do that, we'd be well away.
2. drunk or fast asleep
• 酒醉;沉睡
ˌwell 'in (with sb)
•(informal) to be good friends with sb, especially sb important
• 为(尤指要人)的知己:
 »She seems to be well in with all the right people.

--› more at bloody ¹, fucking , jolly adv., know v., mean v., pretty adv.
adj. (better / ˈbetə(r) / best / best / )
1. ənot usually before noun] in good health
• 健康;身体好:
 »I don't feel very well.
 »Is she well enough to travel?
 »Get well soon! (= for example, on a card)
 »I'm better now, thank you.
 »(informal) He's not a well man.
2. [not before noun] in a good state or position
• 状态良好;情况良好:
 »It seems that all is not well at home.
 »All's well that ends well (= used when sth has ended happily, even though you thought it might not).
3. [not before noun] (as) ~ (to do sth) sensible; a good idea
• 明智;可取;好主意:
 »It would be just as well to call and say we might be late.
 »(formal) It would be well to start early.
ˌall very 'well (for sb) (to do sth)
• (informal) used to criticize or reject a remark that sb has made, especially when they were trying to make you feel happier about sth
• (用于批评或反驳)某人尽可做某事:
 »It's all very well for you to say it doesn't matter, but I've put a lot of work into this and I want it to be a success.

ˌall well and 'good
•(informal) quite good but not exactly what is wanted
• 好倒是好(但并不完全合乎心意):
 »That's all well and good, but why didn't he call her to say so?

1. used to express surprise, anger or relief
• (表示惊奇、愤怒或宽慰)哎呀,哟,啊,好啦:
 »Well, well —I would never have guessed it!
 »Well, really! What a thing to say!
 »Well, thank goodness that's over!
2. used to show that you accept that sth cannot be changed
• (承认某事不可改变)唉,好吧:
 »Well, it can't be helped.
 »'We lost.' ' Oh, well. Better luck next time.'
  "我们输了。" "啊,算了。愿下次交好运。"
3. used to agree to sth, rather unwillingly
• (勉强同意)嗯,好吧:
 »Well, I suppose I could fit you in at 3.45.
  好吧,我想可以在 3:45 见你。
 »Oh, very well, then, if you insist.
4. used when continuing a conversation after a pause
• (停顿后继续交谈)唔,这个,噢:
 »Well, as I was saying...
5. used to say that sth is uncertain
• (表示不肯定)哦:
 »'Do you want to come?' 'Well, I'm not sure.'
  "你想来吗?" "哦,我还说不好。"
6. used to show that you are waiting for sb to say sth
• (等待别人说话)嘿,嗨:
 »Well? Are you going to tell us or not?
7. used to mark the end of a conversation
• (结束交谈)就这样,好啦:
 »Well, I'd better be going now.
8. used when you are pausing to consider your next words
• (说话时稍微停顿)对了,噢:
 »I think it happened, well, towards the end of last summer.
9. used when you want to correct or change sth that you have just said
• (纠正或改变刚说过的话时用):
 »There were thousands of people there—well, hundreds, anyway.
well I 'never ('did)!
• (old-fashioned) used to express surprise
• (表示惊奇)哟,我可从未做过(或听说过)这样的事
--› more at say v.
1. a deep hole in the ground from which people obtain water. The sides of wells are usually covered with brick or stone and there is usually some covering or a small wall at the top of the well.
• 井;水井
2. = oil well
3. a narrow space in a building that drops down from a high to a low level and usually contains stairs or a lift / elevator
• 楼梯井;电梯井道
--› see also stairwell
4. (BrE) the space in front of the judge in a court, where the lawyers sit
• (法庭中的)律师席
verb [V] ~ (up)
1. (of a liquid 液体) to rise to the surface of sth and start to flow
• 涌出;冒出;流出;溢出:
 »Tears were welling up in her eyes.
2. (literary) (of an emotion 情感) to become stronger
• 涌起;迸发:
 »Hate welled up inside him as he thought of the ten of them together.
container / kənˈteinə(r) /
1. a box, bottle, etc. in which sth can be stored or transported
• 容器:
 »Food will last longer if kept in an airtight container.
2. a large metal or wooden box of a standard size in which goods are packed so that they can easily be lifted onto a ship, train, etc. to be transported
• 集装箱;货柜:
 »a container ship (= six designed to transport such containers)
troublesome / ˈtrʌblsəm /
• causing trouble, pain, etc. over a long period of time
• 令人烦恼的;讨厌的;令人痛苦的
【SYN】 annoying , irritating :
 »a troublesome cough / child / problem
wage / weidʒ /
noun [sing.]
• (also wages [pl.]) a regular amount of money that you earn, usually every week, for work or services
• (通常指按周领的)工资,工钱:
 »wages of £200 a week
  一星期 200 英镑的工资
 »a weekly wage of £200
  周薪 200 英镑
 »wage cuts
 »a wage increase of 3%
  * 3% 的加薪
 »(BrE) a wage rise of 3%
  * 3% 的加薪
 »wage demands / claims / settlements
 »Wages are paid on Fridays.
 »There are extra benefits for people on low wages.
 »The staff have agreed to a voluntary wage freeze (= a situation in which wages are not increased for a time).
--› see also living wage , minimum wage
--› compare salary
--› note at income
verb [VN]
~ sth (against / on sb / sth) to begin and continue a war, a battle, etc.
• 开始,发动,进行,继续(战争、战斗等):
 »The rebels have waged a guerrilla war since 2001.
  反叛者自 2001 年以来一直进行游击战争。
 »He alleged that a press campaign was being waged against him.
commitment / kəˈmitmənt /
1. [C, U] ~ (to sb / sth) | ~ to do sth a promise to do sth or to behave in a particular way; a promise to support sb / sth; the fact of committing yourself
• 承诺;许诺;允诺承担;保证:
 »She doesn't want to make a big emotional commitment to Steve at the moment.
 »The company's commitment to providing quality at a reasonable price has been vital to its success.
 »the government's commitment to public services
2. [U] ~ (to sb / sth) the willingness to work hard and give your energy and time to a job or an activity
• (对工作或某活动)献身,奉献,投入:
 »A career as an actor requires one hundred per cent commitment.
3. [C] a thing that you have promised or agreed to do, or that you have to do
• 已承诺(或同意)的事;不得不做的事:
 »He's busy for the next month with filming commitments.
 »Women very often have to juggle work with their family commitments.
4. [U, C] ~ (of sth) (to sth) agreeing to use money, time or people in order to achieve sth
• 花费,使用(资金、时间、人力):
 »the commitment of resources to education
 »Achieving success at this level requires a commitment of time and energy.
chaos / ˈkeiɔs; NAmE ˈkeiɑ:s /
noun [U]
• a state of complete confusion and lack of order
• 混乱;杂乱;紊乱:
 »economic / political / domestic chaos
 »Heavy snow has caused total chaos on the roads.
 »The house was in chaos after the party.
colleague / ˈkɔli:ɡ; NAmE ˈkɑ:- /
• a person that you work with, especially in a profession or a business
• 同事;同僚;同仁:
 »a colleague of mine from the office
 »We were friends and colleagues for more than 20 years.
  * 20 多年来我们既是朋友又是同事。
 »the Prime Minister and his Cabinet colleagues
assistant / əˈsistənt /
1. a person who helps or supports sb, usually in their job
• 助理;助手:
 »My assistant will now demonstrate the machine in action.
 »a senior research assistant
--› see also PDA , personal assistant , teaching assistant
2. (BrE) = shop assistant :
 »a sales assistant in a department store
3. (BrE) a student at university or college who spends time in a foreign country teaching his or her own language in a school
• 助教(在国外留学的大学生,教授本国语)
adj. [only before noun]
• (abbr. Asst) (often in titles 常用于头衔) having a rank below a senior person and helping them in their work
• 助理的;副的:
 »the assistant manager
 »Assistant Chief Constable Owen
 »Assistant Attorney General William Weld
  助理检察总长威廉 · 韦尔德
vacant / ˈveikənt /
1. (of a seat, hotel room, house, etc. 座位、旅馆房间、房屋等) empty; not being used
• 空着的;未被占用的
【SYN】 unoccupied :
 »vacant properties
 »The seat next to him was vacant.
 »(especially NAmE) a vacant lot (= a piece of land in a city that is not being used)
--› compare engaged (4), occupied (1)
2. (formal) if a job in a company is vacant, nobody is doing it and it is available for sb to take
• (职位)空缺的:
 »When the post finally fell (= became) vacant, they offered it to Fiona.
 »(BrE) Situations Vacant (= a section in a newspaper where jobs are advertised)
3. (of a look, an expression, etc. 目光、表情等) showing no sign that the person is thinking of anything
• 无神的;呆滞的;茫然的;若有所失的:
 »a vacant look
vacantly adv.:
 »to stare vacantly
muddy / ˈmʌdi /
adj. (muddier, muddiest)
1. full of or covered in mud
• 多泥的;泥泞的:
 »a muddy field / track
 »muddy boots / knees
2. (of a liquid 液体) containing mud; not clear
• 含泥的;浑浊的:
 »muddy water
 »a muddy pond
3. (of colours 色彩) not clear or bright
• 灰暗的;暗淡的:
 »muddy green / brown
(muddies, muddying, muddied, muddied)
[VN] to make sth muddy
• 使变得泥泞;使浑浊
muddy the 'waters, 'issue, etc.
•(disapproving) to make a simple situation confused and more complicated than it really is
• 搅浑水;添乱
damp / dæmp /
• (damper, dampest) slightly wet, often in a way that is unpleasant
• 潮湿的;微湿的;湿气重的:
 »The cottage was cold and damp.
 »It feels damp in here.
 »damp clothes
 »Wipe the surface with a damp cloth.
--› note at wet
damply adv.:
 »The blouse clung damply to her skin.
a damp 'squib
(BrE, informal)
• an event that is disappointing because it is not as exciting or impressive as expected
• 哑炮;令人失望的事;令人扫兴的事
noun [U]
(BrE) the state of being damp ; areas on a wall, etc. that are damp
• 潮湿;潮气;湿气;湿块:
 »The old house smells of damp.
 »Those marks above the window look like damp to me.
verb [VN]
• = dampen
• 弄潮;使潮湿;抑制,减弱(感情等):
 »She damped a towel and wrapped it round his leg.
ˌdamp 'down sth
• to make an emotion or a feeling less strong
• 抑制,控制(情绪、感情等)

ˌdamp sth∽'down
• to make a fire burn more slowly or stop burning
• 使(火)减弱;灭火

bacteria / bækˈtiəriə; NAmE -ˈtir- /
noun [pl.]
• (sing. bacterium / -iəm / ) the simplest and smallest forms of life. ɑacteria exist in large numbers in air, water and soil, and also in living and dead creatures and plants, and are often a cause of disease.
• 细菌
bacterial / -riəl / adj.:
 »bacterial infections / growth
shelter / ˈʃeltə(r) /
1. [U] the fact of having a place to live or stay, considered as a basic human need
• 居所;住处:
 »Human beings need food, clothing and shelter.
2. [U] ~ (from sth) protection from rain, danger or attack
• 遮蔽,庇护,避难(避雨、躲避危险或攻击):
 »to take shelter from the storm
 »The fox was running for the shelter of the trees.
 »People were desperately seeking shelter from the gunfire.
3. [C] (often in compounds 常构成复合词) a structure built to give protection, especially from the weather or from attack
• (尤指用以躲避风雨或攻击的)遮蔽物,庇护处,避难处:
 »They built a rough shelter from old pieces of wood.
 »an air-raid shelter
--› see also bus shelter
4. [C] a building, usually owned by a charity, that provides a place to stay for people without a home, or protection for people or animals who have been badly treated
• (无家可归者或受虐待者的)收容所,庇护所:
 »a night shelter for the homeless
 »an animal shelter
--› see also hostel (2)
1. [VN] ~ sb / sth (from sb / sth) to give sb / sth a place where they are protected from the weather or from danger; to protect sb / sth
• 保护;掩蔽:
 »Trees shelter the house from the wind.
 »helping the poor and sheltering the homeless
 »Perhaps I sheltered my daughter too much (= protected her too much from unpleasant or difficult experiences).
2. [V] ~ (from sth) to stay in a place that protects you from the weather or from danger
• 躲避(风雨或危险):
 »We sheltered from the rain in a doorway.
crowd / kraud /
1. [C + sing. / pl. v.] a large number of people gathered together in a public place, for example in the streets or at a sports game
• 人群;观众:
 »He pushed his way through the crowd.
 »A small crowd had gathered outside the church.
 »Police had to break up the crowd.
 »Crowds of people poured into the street.
 »I want to get there early to avoid the crowds.
 »The match attracted a capacity crowd of 80 000.
  这场比赛爆满,吸引了 8 万名观众。
 »The crowd cheered the winning hit.
 »crowd control
 »crowd trouble
 »A whole crowd of us are going to the ball (= a lot of us).
 »He left the hotel surrounded by crowds of journalists.
2. [C + sing. / pl. v.] (informal, often disapproving) a particular group of people
• 一伙人;一帮人:
 »Bob introduced her to some of the usual crowd (= people who often meet each other).
 »the bright young theatrical crowd
3. the crowd [sing.] (sometimes disapproving) ordinary people, not special or unusual in any way
• 群众;民众;老百姓;凡夫俗子:
 »We all like to think we stand out from the crowd (= are different from and better than other people).
 »He prefers to be one of the crowd.
 »She's quite happy to follow the crowd.
verb [VN]
1. to fill a place so there is little room to move
• 挤满;塞满;使…拥挤:
 »Thousands of people crowded the narrow streets.
2. to fill your mind so that you can think of nothing else
• 涌上(心头);涌入(脑海):
 »Memories crowded his mind.
3. (informal) to stand very close to sb so that they feel uncomfortable or nervous
• 挤,靠近,挤在一旁(以致使人不舒服或紧张)
ˌcrowd a'round / 'round (sb / sth)
• to gather in large numbers around sb / sth
• 聚集在…周围;聚拢:
 »We all crowded around the stove to keep warm.
 »Photographers were crowding around outside.

ˌcrowd 'in (on sb) | ˌcrowd 'into sth (of thoughts, questions etc. 想法、问题等)
• to fill your mind so that you can think of nothing else
• 涌上(心头);涌入(脑海):
 »Too many uncomfortable thoughts were crowding in on her.
 »Memories came crowding into her mind.

ˌcrowd 'into / 'onto sth | ˌcrowd 'in
• to move in large numbers into a small space
• 大批涌入(狭小的空间):
 »We all crowded into her office to sing 'Happy Birthday'.

ˌcrowd sb / sth 'into / 'onto sth | ˌcrowd sb / sth 'in
• to put many people or things into a small space
• 把…装满(或塞满):
 »Guests were crowded into the few remaining rooms.

ˌcrowd sb / sth 'out
• to fill a place so that other people or things are kept out
• 把(其他人或物)排挤在外

remind / riˈmaind /
~ sb (about / of sth) to help sb remember sth, especially sth important that they must do
• 提醒;使想起:
▪ [VN]
 »I'm sorry, I've forgotten your name. Can you remind me?
 »That (= what you have just said, done, etc.) reminds me, I must get some cash.
 »'You need to finish that essay.' ' Don't remind me (= I don't want to think about it).'
  "你要完成那篇论文。" "别提啦!"
 »'Don't forget the camera.' 'Remind me about it nearer the time.'
  "别忘了带相机。" "到时候再提醒我一下。"
▪ [VN to inf]
 »Remind me to phone Alan before I go out.
▪ [VN (that)]
 »Passengers are reminded (that) no smoking is allowed on this train.
▪ [VN wh-]
 »Can someone remind me what I should do next?
▪ [VN speech]
 »'You had an accident,' he reminded her.
re'mind sb of sb / sth
• if sb / sth reminds you of sb / sth else, they make you remember or think about the other person, place, thing, etc. because they are similar in some way
• 使想起(类似的人、地方、事物等):
 »You remind me of your father when you say that.
 »That smell reminds me of France.
staff / stɑ:f; NAme stæf /
1. [C, usually sing., U] all the workers employed in an organization considered as a group
• 全体职工(或雇员):
 »medical staff
 »(BrE) teaching staff
 »(BrE) We have 20 part-time members of staff.
  我们有 20 名兼职员工。
 »(NAmE) staff members
 »staff development / training
 »a staff restaurant / meeting
 »(especially BrE) a lawyer on the staff of the Worldwide Fund for Nature
--› see also ground staff
2. [sing.] (NAmE) the people who work at a school, college or university, but who do not teach students
• (大、中、小学的)管理人员,行政人员:
 »students, faculty and staff
3. [C + sing. / pl. v.] a group of senior army officers who help a commanding officer
• (军队的)全体参谋人员:
 »a staff officer
--› see also chief of staff , general staff
4. [C] (old-fashioned or formal) a long stick used as a support when walking or climbing, as a weapon, or as a symbol of authority
• 拐杖;棍棒;权杖
5. [C] (music 音) (especially NAmE) = stave n. (2)
the ˌstaff of 'life
•(literary) a basic food, especially bread
• 主食;麪包

verb [VN]
[usually passive] to work in an institution, a company, etc.; to provide people to work there
• 在…工作;任职于;为…配备职员:
 »The advice centre is staffed entirely by volunteers.
 »The charity provided money to staff and equip ten hospitals.
 »a fully staffed department
--› see also overstaffed , short-staffed , understaffed
staffing noun [U] :
 »staffing levels
barrier / ˈbæriə(r) /
1. an object like a fence that prevents people from moving forward from one place to another
• 屏障;障碍物:
 »The crowd had to stand behind barriers.
 »Show your ticket at the barrier.
--› see also crash barrier
2. ~ (to sth) a problem, rule or situation that prevents sb from doing sth, or that makes sth impossible
• 障碍;阻力;关卡:
 »the removal of trade barriers
 »Lack of confidence is a psychological barrier to success.
3. ~ (between A and B) | ~ (against sth) something that exists between one thing or person and another and keeps them separate
• 分界线;隔阂;障碍:
 »The Yangtze river is a natural barrier to the north-east.
 »There was no real barrier between reality and fantasy in his mind.
 »Ozone is the earth's barrier against ultra-violet radiation.
 »the language barrier (= when people cannot communicate because they do not speak the same language)
4. a particular amount, level or number which it is difficult to get past
• 难以逾越的数量(或水平、数目);关口:
 »the first player whose earnings passed the $10 million barrier
  第一位收入超过 1 000 万元大关的运动员
interpreter / inˈtə:pritə(r); NAme -ˈtə:rp- /
1. a person whose job is to translate what sb is saying into another language
• 口译工作者;口译译员; 传译员 :
 »Speaking through an interpreter, the President said that the talks were going well.
 »a sign language interpreter (= a person who translates what sb is saying into sign language for deaf people)
--› compare translator
2. a person who performs a piece of music or a role in a play in a way that clearly shows their ideas about its meaning
• 演绎(音乐、戏剧中人物等)的人:
 »She is one of the finest interpreters of Debussy's music.
3. (computing 计) a computer program that changes the instructions of another program into a form that the computer can understand and use
• 解释程序; 解释程式
angle / ˈæŋɡl /
1. the space between two lines or surfaces that join, measured in degrees
• 角:
 »a 45° angle
  * 45° 角
--› see also acute angle , adjacent angle , corresponding angles , obtuse angle , right angle , wide-angle lens
2. the direction that sth is leaning or pointing in when it is not in a vertical or horizontal line
• 斜角;角度:
 »The tower of Pisa leans at an angle.
 »The plane was coming in at a steep angle.
 »His hair was sticking up at all angles.
3. a position from which you look at sth
• 角度:
 »The photo was taken from an unusual angle.
4. a particular way of presenting or thinking about a situation, problem, etc.
• 观点;立场;角度:
 »We need a new angle for our next advertising campaign.
 »You can look at the issue from many different angles.
 »The article concentrates on the human angle (= the part that concerns people's emotions) of the story.
1. [VN] to move or place sth so that it is not straight or not directly facing sb / sth
• 斜移;斜置:
 »He angled his chair so that he could sit and watch her.
2. [VN] to present information, a report, etc. based on a particular way of thinking or for a particular audience
• 以(某角度)报道;以(某观点)提供信息:
 »The programme is angled towards younger viewers.
3. (usually go angling)
[V] to catch fish with a line and a hook
• 垂钓;钓鱼
'angle for sth
• to try to get a particular reaction or response from sb, without directly asking for what you want
• 转弯抹角地打听;博取:
 »She was angling for sympathy.