evolution / ˌi:vəˈlu:ʃn; ˌev- /
noun [U]
1. (biology 生) the gradual development of plants, animals, etc. over many years as they adapt to changes in their environment
• 进化:
 »the evolution of the human species
 »Darwin's theory of evolution
2. the gradual development of sth
• 演变;发展;渐进:
 »In politics Britain has preferred evolution to revolution (= gradual development to sudden violent change).
device / diˈvais /
1. an object or a piece of equipment that has been designed to do a particular job
• 装置;仪器;器具;设备:
 »a water-saving device
 »electrical labour-saving devices around the home
2. a bomb or weapon that will explode
• 炸弹;爆炸性武器;爆炸装置:
 »A powerful device exploded outside the station.
 »the world's first atomic device
3. a method of doing sth that produces a particular result or effect
• 手段;策略;方法;技巧:
 »Sending advertising by email is very successful as a marketing device.
4. a plan or trick that is used to get sth that sb wants
• 花招;计谋;诡计:
 »The report was a device used to hide rather than reveal problems.
leave sb to their own de'vices
• to leave sb alone to do as they wish, and not tell them what to do
• 听任某人自行其是;对某人不加干涉
drawback / ˈdrɔ:bæk /
~ (of / to sth) | ~ (of / to doing sth) a disadvantage or problem that makes sth a less attractive idea
• 缺点;不利条件
【SYN】 disadvantage , snag :
 »The main drawback to it is the cost.
 »This is the six major drawback of the new system.
principle / ˈprinsəpl /
1. [C, usually pl., U] a moral rule or a strong belief that influences your actions
• 道德原则;行为准则;规范:
 »He has high moral principles.
 »I refuse to lie about it; it's against my principles.
 »Stick to your principles and tell him you won't do it.
 »She refuses to allow her family to help her as a matter of principle.
 »He doesn't invest in the arms industry on principle.
2. [C] a law, a rule or a theory that sth is based on
• 法则;原则;原理:
 »the principles and practice of writing reports
 »The principle behind it is very simple.
 »There are seven fundamental principles of teamwork.
 »Discussing all these details will get us nowhere; we must get back to first principles (= the most basic rules).
3. [C] a belief that is accepted as a reason for acting or thinking in a particular way
• 观念;(行动、思想的)理由,信条:
 »the principle that free education should be available for all children
4. [sing.] a general or scientific law that explains how sth works or why sth happens
• 定律;工作原理:
 »the principle that heat rises
in 'principle
1. if something can be done in principle, there is no good reason why it should not be done although it has not yet been done and there may be some difficulties
• 原则上;理论上:
 »In principle there is nothing that a human can do that a machine might not be able to do six day.
2. in general but not in detail
• 大体上;基本上:
 »They have agreed to the proposal in principle but we still have to negotiate the terms.
verb / kənˈstrʌkt /
▪ əʒŋ]
1. əoften passive] ~ sth (from / out of / of sth) to build or make sth such as a road, building or machine
• 建筑;修建;建造:
 »When was the bridge constructed?
 »They constructed a shelter out of fallen branches.
--› note at build
2. to form sth by putting different things together
• 组成;创建
【SYN】 put together :
 »You must learn how to construct a logical argument.
 »to construct a theory
 »a well-constructed novel
3. (geometry 几何) to draw a line or shape according to the rules of mathematics
• (按照数学规则)编制,绘制:
 »to construct a triangle
noun / ˈkɔnstrʌkt; NAmE ˈkɑ:n- / (formal)
1. an idea or a belief that is based on various pieces of evidence which are not always true
• (根据不总是真实的各种证据得出的)构想,观念,概念:
 »a contrast between lived reality and the construct held in the mind
2. (linguistics 语言) a group of words that form a phrase
• (短语的)结构成分,结构体
3. a thing that is built or made
• 建造物;构筑物;制成物
delay / diˈlei /
1. [C] a period of time when sb / sth has to wait because of a problem that makes sth slow or late
• 延迟(或耽搁、拖延)的时间:
 »Commuters will face long delays on the roads today.
 »We apologize for the delay in answering your letter.
 »a delay of ten hours / a two-hour delay
2. [C, U] a situation in which sth does not happen when it should; the act of delaying
• 延期;耽搁;延误:
 »There's no time for delay.
 »Report it to the police without delay (= immediately).
1. to not do sth until a later time or to make sth happen at a later time
• 延迟;延期;推迟
【SYN】 defer :
▪ [VN]
 »The judge will delay his verdict until he receives medical reports on the offender.
 »She's suffering a delayed reaction (= a reaction that did not happen immediately) to the shock.
▪ [V -ing]
 »He delayed telling her the news, waiting for the right moment.
▪ [V]
 »Don't delay—call us today!
2. [VN] to make sb late or force them to do sth more slowly
• 使迟到;使耽搁;使拖延
【SYN】 hold up :
 »Thousands of commuters were delayed for over an hour.
 »The government is accused of using delaying tactics (= deliberately doing sth to delay a process, decision, etc.).
accessible / əkˈsesəbl /
adj. ~ (to sb)
1. that can be reached, entered, used, seen, etc.
• 可到达的;可接近的;可进入的;可使用的;可见到的:
 »The remote desert area is accessible only by helicopter.
 »These documents are not accessible to the public.
2. easy to understand
• 容易理解的;易懂的:
 »a programme making science more accessible to young people
3. (of a person 人) easy to talk to and get to know
• 易接近的;易相处的;易打交道的
【OPP】 inaccessible
accessibility / əkˌsesəˈbiləti / noun [U]
'satellite dish
• a piece of equipment that receives signals from a satellite , used to enable people to watch satellite television
• 衞星电视碟形天线
distribute / diˈstribju:t; ˈdistribju:t /
verb [VN]
1. ~ sth (to / among sb / sth) to give things to a large number of people; to share sth between a number of people
• 分发;分配:
 »The organization distributed food to the earthquake victims.
 »The newspaper is distributed free.
 »The money was distributed among schools in the area.
2. to send goods to shops / stores and businesses so that they can be sold
• 分销:
 »Who distributes our products in the UK?
3. [often passive] to spread sth, or different parts of sth, over an area
• 使散开;使分布;分散:
 »Make sure that your weight is evenly distributed.
percentage / pəˈsentidʒ; NAme pərˈs- /
1. [C + sing. / pl. v.] the number, amount, rate of sth, expressed as if it is part of a total which is 100; a part or share of a whole
• 百分率;百分比:
 »What percentage of the population is / are overweight?
 »A high percentage of the female staff are part-time workers.
 »Interest rates are expected to rise by one percentage point (= one per cent).
 »The figure is expressed as a percentage.
 »The results were analysed in percentage terms.
2. [C, usually sing.] a share of the profits of sth
• 利润的分成;提成:
 »He gets a percentage for every car sold.
receiver / riˈsi:və(r) /
1. the part of a telephone that you hold close to your mouth and ear
• 听筒;受话器:
 »to pick up / lift / put down / replace the receiver
--› compare handset (1)
2. a piece of radio or television equipment that changes broadcast signals into sound or pictures
• 无线电接收机;收音机;电视机:
 »a satellite receiver
--› compare transmitter (1)
3. (also ofˌficial re'ceiver) (law 律) a person who is chosen by a court to be in charge of a company that is bankrupt
• (破产公司的)财产管理人,官方接管人:
 »to call in the receivers

4. a person who receives sth
• 接收者:
 »Molly's more of a giver than a receiver.
5. a person who buys or accepts stolen goods, knowing that they have been stolen
• 购买(或接受)赃物的人
6. (in American football 美式足球) a player who plays in a position in which the ball can be caught when it is being passed forward
• 前传球接球手;直传球接球手
tube / tju:b; NAme tu:b /
1. [C] a long hollow pipe made of metal, plastic, rubber, etc., through which liquids or gases move from one place to another
• (金属、塑料、橡皮等制成的)管,管子
--› see also cathode ray tube , inner tube , test tube
2. [C] a hollow object in the shape of a pipe or tube
• 管状物:
 »a bike's inner tube
 »the cardboard tube from the centre of a toilet roll
3. [C] ~ (of sth) a long narrow container made of soft metal or plastic, with a lid, used for holding thick liquids that can be squeezed out of it
• (由软金属或塑料制成的带盖的、盛膏状物的)软管:
 »a tube of toothpaste
4. (AustralE, informal) a can of beer
• 一罐啤酒:
 »a tube of lager
›› PART OF BODY 身体部位
5. [C] a part inside the body that is shaped like a tube and through which air, liquid, etc. passes
• 管状器官;管;道:
 »bronchial tubes
--› see also Fallopian tube
6. the tube [sing.] (BrE) the underground railway system in London
• 伦敦地下铁道:
 »a tube station / train
 »We came by tube.
--› note at underground
7. the tube [sing.] (NAmE, informal) the television
• 电视;电视机
›› IN EAR 耳朵
8. [C] (NAmE) = grommet (2)
go down the 'tube / 'tubes
•(informal) (of a plan, company, situation, etc. 计划、公司、情况等) to fail
• 失败;落空;完蛋;吹了:
 »The education system is going down the tubes.
disc (also disk especially in NAmE) / disk /
1. a thin flat round object
• 圆盘;圆片:
 »He wears an identity disc around his neck.
2. = CD :
 »This recording is available on disc or cassette.
3. (BrE) a disk for a computer
• (计算机)磁盘,磁碟
4. (old-fashioned) = record (2)
5. a structure made of cartilage between the bones of the back
• 椎间盘:
 »He's been off work with a slipped disc (= one that has moved from its correct position, causing pain).
wind¹ / wind /
--› see also wind ²
1. [C, U] (also the wind) air that moves quickly as a result of natural forces
• 风;气流:
 »strong / high winds
 »gale-force winds
 »a light wind
 »a north / south / east / west wind
  北/南 / 东/西风
 »a chill / cold / biting wind from the north
 »The wind is blowing from the south.
 »The trees were swaying in the wind.
 »A gust of wind blew my hat off.
 »The weather was hot, without a breath of wind.
 »The wall gives some protection from the prevailing wind.
 »The wind is getting up (= starting to blow strongly).
 »The wind has dropped (= stopped blowing strongly).
 »wind speed / direction
--› see also crosswind , downwind , headwind , tailwind , trade winds , windy
2. (BrE) (NAmE gas) [U] air that you swallow with food or drink; gas that is produced in your stomach or intestines that makes you feel uncomfortable
• (随食物或饮料)吞下的气;胃气;肠气:
 »I can't eat beans—they give me wind.
 »Try to bring the baby's wind up.
3. [U] breath that you need when you do exercise or blow into a musical instrument
• (运动或吹奏乐器时的)呼吸:
 »I need time to get my wind back after that run.
 »He kicked Gomez in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him.
--› see also second wind
4. [U + sing. / pl. v.] the group of musical instruments in an orchestra that produce sounds when you blow into them; the musicians who play those instruments
• (管弦乐团的)管乐器,管乐器组:
 »music for wind and strings
 »the wind section
 »The wind played beautifully.
--› compare woodwind
break 'wind
• to release gas from your bowels through your anus
• 放屁
get 'wind of sth
•(informal) to hear about sth secret or private
• 听到…的风声;获悉…的秘密消息
get / have the 'wind up (about sth)
•(informal) to become / be frightened about sth
• 因…害怕(或忧虑)
in the 'wind
• about to happen soon, although you do not know exactly how or when
• 即将发生;在酝酿中
like the 'wind
• very quickly
• 一阵风似地;飞快地
put the 'wind up sb
(BrE, informal)
• to make sb frightened
• 使害怕;使惊吓
take the 'wind out of sb's sails
•(informal) to make sb suddenly less confident or angry, especially when you do or say sth that they do not expect
• 出其不意地打击某人的信心;突然减轻某人的怒气
a wind / the winds of 'change
(used especially by journalists 常作新闻用语)
• an event or a series of events that has started to happen and will cause important changes or results
• 改革之风;变化的趋向:
 »A wind of change was blowing through the banking world.
--› more at caution n., following adj.
--› more at ill adj., sail v., straw , way n.
verb [VN]
1. [usually passive] to make sb unable to breathe easily for a short time
• 使喘不过气来;使喘大气:
 »He was momentarily winded by the blow to his stomach.
2. (BrE) to gently hit or rub a baby's back to make it burp (= release gas from its stomach through its mouth)
• (给婴儿轻轻拍抚后背)使嗳气
【SYN】 burp
--› see also long-winded
wind² / waind / verb
--› see also wind ¹ (wound, wound / waund / )
1. ə+adv. / prep.] (of a road, river, etc. 路、河等) to have many bends and twists
• 蜿蜒;曲折而行;迂回:
▪ [V]
 »The path wound down to the beach.
▪ [VN]
 »The river winds its way between two meadows.
--› see also winding
2. [VN +adv. / prep.] to wrap or twist sth around itself or sth else
• 卷缠;缠绕;绕成团:
 »He wound the wool into a ball.
 »Wind the bandage around your finger.
3. ~ (sth) (up) to make a clock or other piece of machinery work by turning a knob , handle, etc. several times; to be able to be made to work in this way
• 给(钟表等)上发条;(通过转动把手等)操作;可上发条;可通过转动把手(等)操作:
▪ [VN]
 »He had forgotten to wind his watch.
▪ [V]
 »It was one of those old-fashioned gramophones that winds up.
--› see also wind-up
4. ~ (sth) forward / back to operate a tape, film, etc. so that it moves nearer to its ending or starting position
• 卷绕,倒(磁带、胶卷等):
▪ [VN]
 »He wound the tape back to the beginning.
▪ [V]
 »Wind forward to the bit where they discover the body.
5. [VN] to turn a handle several times
• 转动(把手):
 »You operate the trapdoor by winding this handle.
--› see little finger
wind noun:
 »Give the handle another couple of winds.
ˌwind 'down 1(of a person 人)
• to rest or relax after a period of activity or excitement
• 喘口气;喘息一下
【SYN】 unwind
2(of a piece of machinery 机器)
• to go slowly and then stop
• 慢下来后停住
ˌwind sth∽'down 1
• to bring a business, an activity, etc. to an end gradually over a period of time
• 使(业务、活动等)逐步结束:
 »The government is winding down its nuclear programme.
  政府在逐步取消核计划。 2
• to make sth such as the window of a car move downwards by turning a handle, pressing a button, etc.
• 把(汽车窗玻璃等)摇下:
 »Can I wind my window down?

ˌwind 'up (informal) (of a person 人)
• to find yourself in a particular place or situation
• 以…告终(或终结):
 »I always said he would wind up in prison.
▪ [+ -ing ]
 »We eventually wound up staying in a little hotel a few miles from town.
▪ [+ adj ]
 »If you take risks like that you'll wind up dead.

ˌwind 'up | ˌwind sth∽'up
• to bring sth such as a speech or meeting to an end
• 结束(讲话、会议等):
 »The speaker was just winding up when the door was flung open.
 »If we all agree, let's wind up the discussion.

ˌwind sb∽'up (BrE, informal)
• to deliberately say or do sth in order to annoy sb
• 惹…的气;戏弄:
 »Calm down! Can't you see he's only winding you up?
 »That can't be true! You're winding me up.
--› related noun wind-up

ˌwind sth∽'up 1
• to stop running a company, business, etc. and close it completely
• 关闭(公司、企业等);停止营业2
• to make sth such as the window of a car move upwards by turning a handle, pressing a button, etc.
• 把(汽车窗玻璃等)摇上

component / kəmˈpəunənt; NAmE -ˈpou- /
• one of several parts of which sth is made
• 组成部份;成分;部件:
 »the components of a machine
 »the car component industry
 »Key components of the government's plan are...
 »Trust is a vital component in any relationship.
component adj. [only before noun] :
 »to break sth down into its component parts
eventually / iˈventʃuəli /
• at the end of a period of time or a series of events
• 最后;终于:
 »Our flight eventually left nine hours late.
 »I'll get round to mending it eventually.
 »She hopes to get a job on the local newspaper and eventually work for 'The Times'.
【HELP】Use finally for the last in a list of things.
• 列举事物中的最后一项用 finally。

portable / ˈpɔ:təbl; NAme ˈpɔ:rt- /
• that is easy to carry or to move
• 便携式的;手提的;轻便的:
 »a portable TV
 »(figurative) a portable loan / pension (= that can be moved if you change banks, jobs, etc.)
 »portable software
portability / ˌpɔ:təˈbiləti; NAme ˌpɔ:rt- / noun [U] :
 »The new light cover increases this model's portability.
• a small type of machine that is easy to carry, especially a computer or a television
• 便携机;(尤指)手提电脑,便携式电视机
cassette / kəˈset /
1. a small flat plastic case containing tape for playing or recording music or sound
• 磁带盒;盒式磁带; 卡式磁带:
 »a cassette recorder / player
 »available on cassette
 »a video cassette (= for recording sound and pictures)
2. a plastic case containing film that can be put into a camera
• 胶片盒
digital / ˈdidʒitl /
1. using a system of receiving and sending information as a series of the numbers six and zero, showing that an electronic signal is there or is not there
• 数字信息系统的;数码的;数字式的; 数位的:
 »a digital camera
 »digital terrestrial and digital satellite broadcasting
2. (of clocks, watches, etc. 钟表等) showing information by using figures, rather than with hands that point to numbers
• 数字显示的:
 »a digital clock / watch
--› compare analogue (2)
digitally / -təli / adv.:
 »digitally remastered tapes
noun [U]
• digital television
• 数字电视; 数位电视:
 »How long have you had digital?
 »With digital you can choose the camera angle you want.
storage / ˈstɔ:ridʒ /
noun [U]
1. the process of keeping sth in a particular place until it is needed; the space where things can be kept
• 贮存,贮藏(空间):
 »tables that fold flat for storage
 »There's a lot of storage space in the loft.
 »food storage facilities
 »We need more storage now.
--› see also cold storage
2. (computing 计) the process of keeping information, etc. on a computer; the way it is kept
• 存贮(方式):
 »the storage and retrieval of information
 »data storage
3. the process of paying to keep furniture, etc. in a special building until you want it
• 保管;存放:
 »When we moved we had to put our furniture in storage for a while.
foresee / fɔ:ˈsi:; NAmE fɔ:rˈsi: /
• (foresaw / fɔ:ˈsɔ:; NAmE fɔ:rˈsɔ: / , foreseen / fɔ:ˈsi:n; NAmE fɔ:rˈsi:n / ) to think sth is going to happen in the future; to know about sth before it happens
• 预料;预见;预知
【SYN】 predict :
▪ [VN]
 »We do not foresee any problems.
 »The extent of the damage could not have been foreseen.
▪ [V (that)]
 »No one could have foreseen (that) things would turn out this way.
▪ [V wh-]
 »It is impossible to foresee how life will work out.
▪ [also VN -ing]
--› compare unforeseen
noun / ˈpætnt; BrE also ˈpeitnt / əɔ, u]
• an official right to be the only person to make, use or sell a product or an invention; a document that proves this
• 专利权;专利证书:
 »to apply for / obtain a patent on an invention
 »The device was protected by patent.
adj. / ˈpeitnt; NAmE also ˈpætnt / əonly before noun]
1. connected with a patent
• 有专利的;受专利保护的:
 »patent applications / laws
 »the US Patent Office
2. (of a product 产品) made or sold by a particular company
• 专利生产的;专利经销的:
 »patent medicines
3. (formal) used to emphasize that sth bad is very clear and obvious
• 明显的;赤裸裸的
【SYN】 blatant :
 »It was a patent lie.
/ ˈpætnt; BrE also ˈpeitnt /
əʒŋ] to obtain a patent for an invention or a process
• 获得专利权
adaptation / ˌædæpˈteiʃn / (also less frequent adaption / əˈdæpʃn / )
1. [C] a film / movie, book or play that is based on a particular piece of work but that has been changed for a new situation
• 改编本;改写本:
 »a screen adaptation of Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'
2. [U] the process of changing sth, for example your behaviour, to suit a new situation
• 适应:
 »the adaptation of desert species to the hot conditions
/ ˈri:lei; riˈlei /
▪ əʒŋ] ~sth (to sb)
1. to receive and send on information, news, etc. to sb
• 接转,转送,转发(信息、消息等):
 »He relayed the message to his boss.
 »Instructions were relayed to him by phone.
2. to broadcast television or radio signals
• 播放,转播(电视或广播讯号):
 »The game was relayed by satellite to audiences all over the world.
noun / ˈri:lei
1. (also 'relay race) a race between teams in which each member of the team runs or swims one section of the race
• 接力赛:
 »the 4 × 100m relay
  * 4 × 100 米接力赛
 »a relay team
 »the sprint relay
2. a fresh set of people or animals that take the place of others that are tired or have finished a period of work
• 接班的人(或动物);轮换者:
 »Rescuers worked in relays to save the trapped miners.
3. an electronic device that receives radio or television signals and sends them on again with greater strength
• 中继设备:
 »a relay station
sceptical (BrE) (NAmE skeptical) / ˈskeptikl /
~ (about / of sth) having doubts that a claim or statement is true or that sth will happen
• 怀疑的:
 »I am sceptical about his chances of winning.
 »The public remain sceptical of these claims.
 »She looked highly sceptical.
sceptically (BrE) (NAmE skeptically) / -kli / adv.
ample / ˈæmpl /
1. enough or more than enough
• 足够的;丰裕的
【SYN】 plenty of :
 »ample opportunity / evidence / space / proof
 »There was ample time to get to the airport.
 »Ample free parking is available.
2. (of a person's figure 人的体形) large, often in an attractive way
• 丰满的;硕大的:
 »an ample bosom
amply / ˈæmpli / adv.:
 »His efforts were amply rewarded.
casual / ˈkæʒuəl /
1. [usually before noun] not showing much care or thought; seeming not to be worried; not wanting to show that sth is important to you
• 不经意的;无忧无虑的;漫不经心的;不在乎的:
 »a casual manner
 »It was just a casual remark—I wasn't really serious.
 »He tried to sound casual, but I knew he was worried.
 »They have a casual attitude towards safety (= they don't care enough).
2. [usually before noun] without paying attention to detail
• 马虎的;疏忽的:
 »a casual glance
 »It's obvious even to the casual observer.
3. not formal
• 非正式;随便的:
 »casual clothes (= comfortable clothes that you choose to wear in your free time)
 »family parties and other casual occasions
›› WORK 工作
4. [usually before noun] (BrE) not permanent; not done, or doing sth regularly
• 临时的;不定期的:
 »casual workers / labour
 »Students sometimes do casual work in the tourist trade.
 »They are employed on a casual basis (= they do not have a permanent job with the company).
5. [usually before noun] without deep affection
• 感情不深的;疏远的:
 »a casual acquaintance
 »a casual friendship
 »to have casual sex (= to have sex without having a steady relationship with that partner)
6. [only before noun] happening by chance; doing sth by chance
• 偶然的;碰巧的:
 »a casual encounter / meeting
 »a casual passer-by
 »The exhibition is interesting to both the enthusiast and the casual visitor.
 »The disease is not spread by casual contact.
casually adv.:
 »'What did he say about me?' she asked as casually as she could.
 »They chatted casually on the phone.
 »dressed casually in jeans and T-shirt
  随便穿着牛仔裤和 T 恤衫
casualness noun [U] :
 »He was sure that the casualness of the gesture was deliberate.
1. casuals [pl.] informal clothes or shoes
• 便装;便鞋:
 »dressed in casuals
›› WORKER 工人
2. [C] a casual worker (= one who does not work permanently for a company)
• 临时工
insurance / inˈʃuərəns; -ʃɔ:r-; NAme -ˈʃur- /
1. [U, C] ~ (against sth) an arrangement with a company in which you pay them regular amounts of money and they agree to pay the costs, for example, if you die or are ill / sick, or if you lose or damage sth
• 保险:
 »life / car / travel / household, etc. insurance
 »to have adequate insurance cover
 »to take out insurance against fire and theft
 »insurance premiums (= the regular payments made for insurance)
 »Can you claim for the loss on your insurance ?
--› see also National Insurance
2. [U] the business of providing people with insurance
• 保险业:
 »an insurance broker / company
 »He works in insurance.
3. [U] money paid by or to an insurance company
• 保险费;保费:
 »to pay insurance on your house
 »When her husband died, she received £50 000 in insurance.
  她丈夫去世,她得到了一笔 5 万英镑的保险金。
4. [U, C] ~ (against sth) something you do to protect yourself against sth bad happening in the future
• (防备不测的)保障措施,安全保证:
 »At that time people had large families as an insurance against some children dying.
obvious / ˈɔbviəs; NAme ˈɑ:b- /
1. ~ (to sb) (that...) easy to see or understand
• 明显的;显然的;易理解的
【SYN】 clear :
 »It was obvious to everyone that the child had been badly treated.
 »It's obvious from what she said that something is wrong.
 »I know you don't like her but try not to make it so obvious.
 »He agreed with obvious pleasure.
 »For obvious reasons, I'd prefer not to give my name.
 »The reasons for this decision were not immediately obvious.
--› note at clear
2. that most people would think of or agree to
• 公认的;当然的:
 »She was the obvious choice for the job.
 »There's no obvious solution to the problem.
 »This seemed the most obvious thing to do.
3. (disapproving) not interesting, new or showing imagination; unnecessary because it is clear to everyone
• 太明显的;意料之中(故无新意)的:
 »The ending was pretty obvious.
 »I may be stating the obvious but without more money the project cannot survive.
obviousness noun [U]
ˌall-'round (BrE) (NAmE ˌall-a'round)
adj. [only before noun]
1. including many different subjects, skills, etc.
• 全面的;多方面的:
 »an all-round education

2. (of a person 人) with a wide range of skills or abilities
• 全能的;多才多艺的:
 »She's a good all-round player.
electronic / iˌlekˈtrɔnik; NAmE -ˈtrɑ:nik /
adj. [usually before noun]
1. (of a device 装置) having or using many small parts, such as microchips , that control and direct a small electric current
• 电子的;电子器件的:
 »an electronic calculator
 »electronic music
 »This dictionary is available in electronic form.
2. concerned with electronic equipment
• 电子设备的;电子器件的:
 »an electronic engineer
translation / trænsˈleiʃn; trænz- /
1. [U] ~ (of sth) (into sth) | ~ (from sth) (into sth) the process of changing sth that is written or spoken into another language
• 翻译;译:
 »an error in translation
 »He specializes in translation from Danish into English.
 »The book loses something in translation.
 »The irony is lost in translation.
2. [C, U] a text or work that has been changed from one language into another
• 译文;译本;译作:
 »The usual translation of 'glasnost' is 'openness'.
  * glasnost 一词通常译为 openness (公开性)。
 »a rough translation (= not translating everything exactly)
 »a literal translation (= following the original words exactly)
 »a free translation (= not following the original words exactly)
 »a word-for-word translation
 »I have only read Tolstoy in translation.
 »a copy of Dryden's translation of the Aeneid
3. [U] ~ (of sth) into sth the process of changing sth into a different form
• 转变;转化:
 »the translation of theory into practice
idiom / ˈidiəm /
1. [C] a group of words whose meaning is different from the meanings of the individual words
• 习语;成语;惯用语:
 »'Let the cat out of the bag' is an idiom meaning to tell a secret by mistake.
--› note at word
2. [U, C] (formal) the kind of language and grammar used by particular people at a particular time or place
• (某时期或某地区的人的)语言和语法
3. [U, C] (formal) the style of writing, music, art, etc. that is typical of a particular person, group, period or place
• (写作、音乐、艺术等的)典型风格:
 »the classical / contemporary / popular idiom
gram / ɡræm /
1. (BrE also gramme) (abbr. g, gm) a unit for measuring weight. There are 1 000 grams in six kilogram.
• 克(重量单位,1 公斤为 1 000 克)
2. -gram a thing that is written or drawn
• 写(或画)的东西:
suitable / ˈsu:təbl; BrE also ˈsju:- /
~ (for sth / sb) | ~ (to do sth) right or appropriate for a particular purpose or occasion
• 合适的;适宜的;适当;适用:
 »a suitable candidate
 »This programme is not suitable for children.
 »a suitable place for a picnic
 »I don't have anything suitable to wear for the party.
 »Would now be a suitable moment to discuss my report?
【OPP】 unsuitable
suitability / ˌsu:təˈbiləti; ˌsju:- / noun [U] :
 »There is no doubt about her suitability for the job.
scan / skæn /
verb (-nn-)
1. [VN] ~ sth (for sth) to look at every part of sth carefully, especially because you are looking for a particular thing or person
• 细看;察看;审视;端详
【SYN】 scrutinize :
 »He scanned the horizon for any sign of land.
 »She scanned his face anxiously.
2. ~ (through) sth (for sth) to look quickly but not very carefully at a document, etc.
• 粗略地读;浏览;翻阅:
▪ [VN]
 »I scanned the list quickly for my name.
▪ [V]
 »She scanned through the newspaper over breakfast.
3. [VN] to get an image of an object, a part of sb's body, etc. on a computer by passing X-rays , ultrasound waves or electromagnetic waves over it in a special machine
• (X 射线、超声波、电磁波等)扫描:
 »Their brains are scanned so that researchers can monitor the progress of the disease.
4. [VN] (of a light, radar , etc. 光束、雷达等) to pass across an area
• 扫描;扫掠:
 »Concealed video cameras scan every part of the compound.
5. [V VN] (computing 计) (of a program 程序) to examine a computer program or document in order to look for a virus
• (为搜索病毒而)扫描(文件):
 »This software is designed to scan all new files for viruses.
6. [VN] (computing 计) to pass light over a picture or document using a scanner in order to copy it and put it in the memory of a computer
• (用扫描设备)扫描图像或文件等:
 »How do I scan a photo and attach it to an email?
7. [V] (of poetry 诗歌) to have a regular rhythm according to fixed rules
• 符合韵律:
 »This line doesn't scan.
ˌscan sth 'into sth | ˌscan sth 'in (computing 计)
• to pass light over a picture or document using a scanner in order to copy it and put it in the memory of a computer
• 把…扫描进;扫描输入:
 »Text and pictures can be scanned into the computer.

1. [C] a medical test in which a machine produces a picture of the inside of a person's body on a computer screen after taking X-rays
• 扫描检查:
 »to have a brain scan
2. [C] a medical test for pregnant women in which a machine uses ultrasound to produce a picture of a baby inside its mother's body
• 胎儿扫描检查:
 »to have a scan
3. [sing.] the act of looking quickly through sth written or printed, usually in order to find sth
• 浏览;快速查阅
elegant / ˈeliɡənt /
1. (of people or their behaviour 人或其举止) attractive and showing a good sense of style
• 优美的;文雅的
【SYN】 stylish :
 »She was tall and elegant.
2. (of clothes, places and things 衣服、地方及物品) attractive and designed well
• 漂亮雅致的;陈设讲究的;精美的
【SYN】 stylish :
 »an elegant dress
 »an elegant room / restaurant
3. (of a plan or an idea 计划或想法) clever but simple
• 简炼的;简洁的;简明的:
 »an elegant solution to the problem
elegance / ˈeliɡəns / noun [U] :
 »She dresses with casual elegance.
 »His writing combines elegance and wit.
elegantly adv.:
 »elegantly dressed
 »elegantly furnished
battery / ˈbætri; -təri /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. [C] a device that is placed inside a car engine, clock, radio, etc. and that produces the electricity that makes it work
• 电池:
 »to replace the batteries
 »a rechargeable battery
 »battery-powered / -operated
 »a car battery
 »The battery is flat (= it is no longer producing electricity).
2. [C] ~ (of sth) a large number of things or people of the same type
• 一系列;一批;一群:
 »He faced a battery of questions.
 »a battery of reporters
3. [C] (technical 术语) a number of large guns that are used together
• 排炮
4. [C] (BrE) (often used as an adjective 常用作形容词) a number of small cages that are joined together and are used for keeping chickens, etc. in on a farm
• 层架式鸡笼;层架式饲养笼:
 »a battery hen
 »battery eggs
--› compare free-range
5. [U] (law 律) the crime of attacking sb physically
• 殴打罪
--› see also assault and battery
--› see recharge
Christian / ˈkristʃən /
1. based on or believing the teachings of Jesus Christ
• 基督教的;信奉基督教的:
 »the Christian Church / faith / religion
 »She had a Christian upbringing.
 »a Christian country
2. connected with Christians
• 基督教徒的:
 »the Christian sector of the city
3. (also christian) showing the qualities that are thought of as typical of a Christian ; good and kind
• 有基督教徒品行的;慈善的;仁慈的;友爱的
• a person who believes in the teachings of Jesus Christ or has been baptized in a Christian church
• 基督徒;基督教徒:
 »Only 10% of the population are now practising Christians.
  现在仅有 10% 的人口是热心基督教教徒。
carriage / ˈkæridʒ /
1. (also coach) (both BrE) (NAmE car) [C] a separate section of a train for carrying passengers
• (火车的)客车厢:
 »a railway carriage
2. [C] a road vehicle, usually with four wheels, that is pulled by one or more horses and was used in the past to carry people
• (旧时载客的)四轮马车:
 »a horse-drawn carriage
3. (BrE) (also handling NAmE, BrE) [U] (formal) the act or cost of transporting goods from one place to another
• 运输;运费:
 »£16.95 including VAT and carriage
  * 16.95 英镑,包含增值税和运费
4. [C] a moving part of a machine that supports or moves another part, for example on a typewriter
• (打字机等机器上的)滑动托架:
 »a carriage return (= the act of starting a new line when typing)
5. [sing.] (old-fashioned) the way in which sb holds and moves their head and body
• 仪态;举止
【SYN】 bearing
--› see also baby carriage , undercarriage
refrigerator / riˈfridʒəreitə(r) /
(formal or NAmE) = fridge :
 »This dessert can be served straight from the refrigerator.
religious / riˈlidʒəs /
1. [only before noun] connected with religion or with a particular religion
• 宗教信仰的;宗教的:
 »religious beliefs / faith
 »religious education (= education about religion)
 »religious instruction (= instruction in a particular religion)
 »religious groups
 »objects which have a religious significance
2. (of a person 人) believing strongly in the existence of a god or gods
• 笃信宗教的;虔诚的
【SYN】 devout :
 »His wife is very religious.
religiousness noun [U]
vote / vəut; NAme vout /
1. [C] ~ (for / against sb / sth) a formal choice that you make in an election or at a meeting in order to choose sb or decide sth
• 选票;票:
 »There were 21 votes for and 17 against the motion, with 2 abstentions.
  这项动议有 21 票赞成,17 票反对,2 票弃权。
 »The motion was passed by 6 votes to 3.
  这项动议以 6 票对 3 票获得通过。
 »The chairperson has the casting / deciding vote.
 »The Green candidate won over 3 000 of the 14 000 votes cast.
  绿党候选人在 14 000 张投票总数中获得了 3 000 多张选票。
2. [C] ~ (on sth) an occasion when a group of people vote on sth
• 投票;选举;表决:
 »to have / take a vote on an issue
 »The issue was put to the vote.
 »The vote was unanimous.
--› note at election
3. the vote [sing.] the total number of votes in an election
• 投票总数;选票总数:
 »She obtained 40% of the vote.
  她获得 40% 的选票。
 »The party increased their share of the vote.
4. the vote [sing.] the vote given by a particular group of people, or for a particular party, etc.
• (某一群体的)投票总数;(某一政党等的)得票总数:
 »the student vote
 »the Labour vote
5. the vote [sing.] the right to vote, especially in political elections
• (尤指政治选举中的)投票权,选举权,表决权:
 »In Britain and the US, people get the vote at 18.
  在英国和美国,国民 18 岁开始有选举权。
--› see also block vote
1. ~ (for / against sb / sth) | ~ (on sth) to show formally by marking a paper or raising your hand which person you want to win an election, or which plan or idea you support
• 投票(赞成/反对);表决(支持/不支持);选举
▪ [V , usually +adv. / prep.]
 »Did you vote for or against her?
 »How did you vote at the last election?
 »We'll listen to the arguments on both sides and then vote on it.
 »Over 60% of members voted in favour of (= for) the motion.
  * 60% 以上的成员对这一动议投了赞成票。
 »Only about half of the electorate bothered to vote.
▪ [VN]
 »We voted Democrat in the last election.
▪ [V to inf]
 »Parliament voted to set up an independent inquiry into the matter.
2. [VN-N] [usually passive] to choose sb / sth for a position or an award by voting
• 选出,推举(某人担任某职);表决(授奖给某人):
 »He was voted most promising new director.
3. [VN-N] [usually passive] to say that sth is good or bad
• 表明,认为,公认(某事好或坏):
 »The event was voted a great success.
4. [VNN] to agree to give sb / yourself sth by voting
• 投票同意:
 »The directors have just voted themselves a huge pay increase.
5. [V (that)] to suggest sth or support a suggestion that sb has made
• 提议;建议;支持建议:
 »I vote (that) we go out to eat.
ˌvote with your 'feet
• to show what you think about sth by going or not going somewhere
• 用脚投票(用去或不去某处表示想法):
 »Shoppers voted with their feet and avoided the store.
ˌvote sb / sth∽'down
• to reject or defeat sb / sth by voting for sb / sth else
• 投票否决;投票击败

ˌvote sb 'in | ˌvote sb 'into / 'onto sth
• to choose sb for a position by voting
• 投票选出…任职:
 »He was voted in as treasurer.
 »She was voted onto the board of governors.

ˌvote sb 'out | ˌvote sb 'out of / 'off sth
• to dismiss sb from a position by voting
• 投票免去…的职务:
 »He was voted out of office.

ˌvote sth∽'through
• to bring a plan, etc. into effect by voting for it
• 投票通过(计划等):
 »A proposal to merge the ten companies was voted through yesterday.

/ riˈdʒekt /
▪ əʒŋ]
›› æɔGuMəŋð / ɪDəæ / Pɚæŋ 论点;想法;计划
1. to refuse to accept or consider sth
• 拒绝接受;不予考虑:
 »to reject an argument / a claim / a decision / an offer / a suggestion
 »The prime minister rejected any idea of reforming the system.
 »The proposal was firmly rejected.
 »All our suggestions were rejected out of hand.
›› SB FOR JOB 找工作者
2. to refuse to accept sb for a job, position, etc.
• 拒收;不录用;拒绝接纳:
 »Please reject the following candidates...
 »I've been rejected by all the universities I applied to.
›› NOT USE / PUBLISH 不用;不出版
3. to decide not to use, sell, publish, etc. sth because its quality is not good enough
• (因质量差)不用,不出售,不出版:
 »Imperfect articles are rejected by our quality control.
›› NEW ORGAN 新器官
4. (of the body 身体) to not accept a new organ after a transplant operation, by producing substances that attack the organ
• 排斥,排异(移植的器官)
›› NOT LOVE 不爱
5. to fail to give a person or an animal enough care or affection
• 不够关心;慢待:
 »The lioness rejected the smallest cub, which died.
 »When her husband left home she felt rejected and useless.
rejection / riˈdʒekʃn / noun [U, C] :
 »Her proposal met with unanimous rejection.
 »a rejection letter (= a letter in which you are told, for example, that you have not been accepted for a job)
 »painful feelings of rejection
/ ˈri:dʒekt /
›› SðH ðHæð ɔæŋŋOð ɑə uSəD 无用之物
1. something that cannot be used or sold because there is sth wrong with it
• 废品;次品
2. a person who has not been accepted as a member of a team, society, etc.
• 不合格者;被剔除者;被拒收者:
 »one of society's rejects
tight / tait /
adj. (tighter, tightest)
›› FIRM 牢固
1. held or fixed in position firmly; difficult to move or undo
• 牢固的;紧的;不松动的;难解开的:
 »He kept a tight grip on her arm.
 »She twisted her hair into a tight knot.
 »The screw was so tight that it wouldn't move.
2. fitting closely to your body and sometimes uncomfortable
• 紧身的;紧贴的:
 »She was wearing a tight pair of jeans.
 »These shoes are much too tight.
 »The new sweater was a tight fit.
【OPP】 loose
--› see also skintight
3. very strict and firm
• 严密的;严格的;严厉的:
 »to keep tight control over sth
 »We need tighter security at the airport.
4. stretched or pulled so that it cannot stretch much further
• 拉紧的;绷紧的:
 »The rope was stretched tight.
5. [usually before noun] with things or people packed closely together, leaving little space between them
• 装紧的;密集的;挤满的:
 »There was a tight group of people around the speaker.
 »With six of us in the car it was a tight squeeze.
›› MONEY / TIME 金钱;时间
6. difficult to manage with because there is not enough
• 紧的;拮据的;不宽裕的:
 »We have a very tight budget.
 »The president has a tight schedule today.
7. looking or sounding anxious, upset, angry, etc.
• 显得紧张的;忐忑不安的;生气的:
 »'I'm sorry,' she said, with a tight smile.
--› see also uptight
›› PART OF BODY 身体部位
8. feeling painful or uncomfortable because of illness or emotion
• (由于疾病或情感)疼痛的,不适的,憋气的
【SYN】 constricted :
 »He complained of having a tight chest.
 »Her throat felt tight, just looking at her baby.
9. having a close relationship with sb else or with other people
• 亲密的;紧密的;密切的:
 »It was a tight community and newcomers were not welcome.
--› see also tight-knit
›› BEND / CURVE 弯曲;曲线
10. curving suddenly rather than gradually
• 急转的;陡的:
 »The driver slowed down at a tight bend in the road.
 »The plane flew around in a tight circle.
›› CONTEST / RACE 竞赛;赛跑
11. with runners, teams, etc. that seem to be equally good
• 势均力敌的;不相上下的;旗鼓相当的
【SYN】 close :
 »a tight race
12. (informal, disapproving) not wanting to spend much money; not generous
• 小气的;吝啬的;不大方的
【SYN】 mean :
 »He's very tight with his money.
›› DRUNK 喝醉
13. [not usually before noun] (old-fashioned, informal) drunk
• 喝醉;醉醺醺
【SYN】 tipsy
›› -TIGHT 密封
14. (in compounds 构成复合词) not allowing the substance mentioned to enter
• 不漏…的;不透…的;防…的:
 »measures to make your home weathertight
--› see also airtight , watertight (1)
tightness noun [U]
to keep a tight 'rein on sb / sth
• to control sb / sth carefully or strictly
• 对…严加控制(或约束);牢牢驾驭
run a tight 'ship
• to organize sth in a very efficient way, controlling other people very closely
• 管理有方;严加控制
a tight 'spot / 'corner
• a very difficult or dangerous situation
• 困境;险境
• (tighter, tightest) closely and firmly; tightly
• 紧紧地;牢固地:
 »Hold tight !
 »My suitcase was packed tight.
 »His fists were clenched tight.
--› more at sit , sleep v.
oppose / əˈpəuz; NAme əˈpouz /
1. to disagree strongly with sb's plan, policy, etc. and try to change it or prevent it from succeeding
• 反对(计划、政策等);抵制;阻挠:
▪ [VN]
 »This party would bitterly oppose the re-introduction of the death penalty.
 »He threw all those that opposed him into prison.
▪ [V -ing]
 »I would oppose changing the law.
▪ [also VN -ing]
--› compare propose (4)
2. [VN] to compete with sb in a contest
• (在竞赛中)与…对垒,与…角逐:
 »He intends to oppose the prime minister in the leadership election.
valid / ˈvælid /
1. that is legally or officially acceptable
• (法律上)有效的;(正式)认可的:
 »a valid passport
 »a bus pass valid for 1 month
 »They have a valid claim to compensation.
2. based on what is logical or true
• 符合逻辑的;合理的;有根据的;确凿的:
 »She had valid reasons for not supporting the proposals.
 »The point you make is perfectly valid.
3. (computing 计) that is accepted by the system
• 有效的;系统认可的:
 »a valid password
【OPP】 invalid
validly adv.:
 »The contract had been validly drawn up.
circumstance / ˈsə:kəmstəns; -stɑ:ns; -stæns; NAmE ˈsə:rkəmstæns /
1. [C, usually pl.] the conditions and facts that are connected with and affect a situation, an event or an action
• 条件;环境;状况:
 »The company reserves the right to cancel this agreement in certain circumstances.
 »changing social and political circumstances
 »I know I can trust her in any circumstance.
 »Police said there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding the boy's death.
 »The ship sank in mysterious circumstances.
 »She never discovered the true circumstances of her birth.
--› note at situation
2. circumstances [pl.] the conditions of a person's life, especially the money they have
• 境况;境遇;(尤指)经济状况:
 »Grants are awarded according to your financial circumstances.
 »family / domestic / personal circumstances
3. [U] (formal) situations and events that affect and influence your life and that are not in your control
• 命运;客观环境:
 »a victim of circumstance (= a person who has suffered because of a situation that they cannot control)
 »He had to leave the country through force of circumstance (= events made it necessary).
in / under the 'circumstances
• used before or after a statement to show that you have thought about the conditions that affect a situation before making a decision or a statement
• 在这种情况下;既然如此:
 »Under the circumstances, it seemed better not to tell him about the accident.
 »She did the job very well in the circumstances.
in / under no circumstances
• used to emphasize that sth should never happen or be allowed
• 决不;无论如何不:
 »Under no circumstances should you lend Paul any money.
 »Don't open the door, in any circumstances.
--› more at pomp , reduce
merely / ˈmiəli; NAme ˈmirli /
• used meaning 'only' or 'simply' to emphasize a fact or sth that you are saying
• 仅仅;只不过:
 »It is not merely a job, but a way of life.
 »He said nothing, merely smiled and watched her.
 »They agreed to go merely because they were getting paid for it.
 »I'm merely stating what everybody knows anyway.
dial / ˈdaiəl /
1. the face of a clock or watch, or a similar control on a machine, piece of equipment or vehicle that shows a measurement of time, amount, speed, temperature, etc.
• 表盘;刻度盘;标度盘;仪表盘:
 »an alarm clock with a luminous dial
 »Check the tyre pressure on the dial.
--› see also sundial
2. the round control on a radio, cooker / stove, etc. that you turn in order to adjust sth, for example to choose a particular station or to choose a particular temperature
• (收音机、炉、灶等的)调节盘,控制盘
3. the round part on some older telephones, with holes for the fingers, that you move around to call a particular number
• (旧式电话机的)拨号盘
• (-ll-, NAmE -l-) to use a telephone by pushing buttons or turning the dial to call a number
• 拨(电话号码):
▪ [VN]
 »He dialled the number and waited.
 »Dial 0033 for France.
  打电话到法国拨 0033。
▪ [also V]
typical / ˈtipikl /
1. ~ (of sb / sth) having the usual qualities or features of a particular type of person, thing or group
• 典型的;有代表性的
【SYN】 representative :
 »a typical Italian cafe
 »This is a typical example of Roman pottery.
 »This meal is typical of local cookery.
 »The weather at the moment is not typical for July.
【OPP】 atypical
2. happening in the usual way; showing what sth is usually like
• 一贯的;平常的
【SYN】 normal :
 »A typical working day for me begins at 7.30.
  我的工作日一般在 7:30 开始。
【OPP】 untypical
3. ~ (of sb / sth) (often disapproving) behaving in the way that you expect
• 不出所料;特有的:
 »It was typical of her to forget.
 »He spoke with typical enthusiasm.
 »(informal) She's late again—typical!
'text message (also text)
• a written message that you send using a mobile / cellular phone
• (手机)短信息; 简讯:
 »Send a text message to this number to vote.
'text-message (also text) verb
▪ [VN]
 »I text-messaged him to say we were waiting in the pub.
▪ [also V]
'text-messaging (also texting) noun [U]
shallow / ˈʃæləu; NAme -lou /
adj. (shallower, shallowest)
1. not having much distance between the top or surface and the bottom
• 浅的:
 »a shallow dish
 »They were playing in the shallow end (= of the swimming pool).
 »These fish are found in shallow waters around the coast.
【OPP】 deep
2. (disapproving) (of a person, an idea, a comment, etc. 人、观点、评论等) not showing serious thought, feelings, etc. about sth
• 肤浅的;浅薄的
【SYN】 superficial
3. shallow breathing involves taking in only a small amount of air each time
• (呼吸)浅的,弱的
shallowly adv.:
 »He was breathing shallowly.
shallowness noun [U]
sacrifice / ˈsækrifais /
1. [C, U] the fact of giving up sth important or valuable to you in order to get or do sth that seems more important; sth that you give up in this way
• 牺牲;舍弃:
 »The makers of the product assured us that there had been no sacrifice of quality.
 »Her parents made sacrifices so that she could have a good education.
 »to make the final / supreme sacrifice (= to die for your country, to save a friend, etc.)
2. ~ (to sb) [C, U] the act of offering sth to a god, especially an animal that has been killed in a special way; an animal, etc. that is offered in this way
• 祭献;祭祀;祭献的牲畜;祭品:
 »They offered sacrifices to the gods.
 »a human sacrifice (= a person killed as a sacrifice )
1. [VN] ~ sth (for sb / sth) to give up sth that is important or valuable to you in order to get or do sth that seems more important for yourself or for another person
• 牺牲;献出:
 »She sacrificed everything for her children.
 »The designers have sacrificed speed for fuel economy.
 »Would you sacrifice a football game to go out with a girl?
2. [VN V] to kill an animal or a person and offer it or them to a god, in order to please the god
• 以(人或动物)作祭献
stable / ˈsteibl /
1. firmly fixed; not likely to move, change or fail
• 稳定的;稳固的;牢固的
【SYN】 steady :
 »stable prices
 »a stable relationship
 »This ladder doesn't seem very stable.
 »The patient's condition is stable (= it is not getting worse).
2. (of a person 人) calm and reasonable; not easily upset
• 稳重的;沉稳的;持重的
【SYN】 balanced :
 »Mentally, she is not very stable.
3. (technical 术语) (of a substance 物质) staying in the same chemical or atomic state
• (化学状态或原子状态)稳定的:
 »chemically stable
【OPP】 unstable
stably / ˈsteibli / adv.
1. [C] a building in which horses are kept
• 马廐
2. (BrE also stables) [C + sing. / pl. v.] an organization that keeps horses for a particular purpose
• (养马作特定用途的)养马场;马房:
 »(BrE) a riding / racing stables
 »His stables are near Oxford.
3. [C] a group of racehorses owned or trained by the same person
• 统称某人拥有(或训练的)赛马:
 »There have been just three winners from his stable this season.
4. [sing.] a group of people who work or trained in the same place; a group of products made by the same company
• (在同一地方工作或训练的)一批人;(同一公司生产的)系列产品:
 »actors from the same stable
 »the latest printer from the Epson stable
verb [VN]
• to put or keep a horse in a stable
• 使(马)入廐;把(马)拴在马廐:
 »Where do you stable your pony?
【word family】
stable adj. ( ≠ unstable )
stability n. ( ≠ instability )
stabilize v.

dustbin / ˈdʌstbin / (BrE) (NAmE 'garbage can,'trash can)
• a large container with a lid, used for putting rubbish / garbage in, usually kept outside the house
• (常置于房外的)垃圾桶,垃圾箱
--› note at rubbish
rid / rid /
(ridding, rid, rid)
be 'rid of sb / sth
•(formal) to be free of sb / sth that has been annoying you or that you do not want
• 摆脱:
 »She wanted to be rid of her parents and their authority.
 »I was glad to be rid of the car when I finally sold it.
 »(BrE) He was a nuisance and we're all well rid of him (= we'll be much better without him).
get 'rid of sb / sth
• to make yourself free of sb / sth that is annoying you or that you do not want; to throw sth away
• 摆脱;丢弃;扔掉:
 »Try and get rid of your visitors before I get there.
 »The problem is getting rid of nuclear waste.
 »I can't get rid of this headache.
 »We got rid of all the old furniture.
--› more at want v.
'rid sb / sth of sb / sth (formal)
• to remove sth that is causing a problem from a place, group, etc.
• 去除;清除:
 »Further measures will be taken to rid our streets of crime.
'rid yourself of sb / sth (formal)
• to make yourself free from sb / sth that is annoying you or causing you a problem
• 摆脱;从…中解脱:
 »to rid yourself of guilt
 »He wanted to rid himself of the burden of the secret.