route / ru:t; NAmE also raut /
1. ~ (from A to B) a way that you follow to get from six place to another
• 路线;路途:
 »Which is the best route to take?
 »Motorists are advised to find an alternative route.
 »a coastal route
 »the quickest route from Florence to Rome
 »an escape route
--› see also en route
2. a fixed way along which a bus, train, etc. regularly travels or goods are regularly sent
• (公共汽车和列车等的)常规路线,固定线路:
 »The house is not on a bus route.
 »shipping routes
 »a cycle route (= a path that is only for cyclists )
3. ~ (to sth) a particular way of achieving sth
• 途径;渠道:
 »the route to success
4. used before the number of a main road in the US
• (用于美国干线公路号码前):
 »Route 66
  * 66 号公路
(routing or routeing, routed, routed)
[VN , usually +adv. / prep.] to send sb / sth by a particular route
• 按某路线发送:
 »Satellites route data all over the globe.
rail / reil /
1. [C] a wooden or metal bar placed around sth as a barrier or to provide support
• 栏杆;扶手;围栏:
 »She leaned on the ship's rail and gazed out to sea.
--› see also guard rail , handrail
2. [C] a bar fixed to the wall for hanging things on
• (固定在墙上用以挂物品的)横杆:
 »a picture / curtain / towel rail
3. [C, usually pl.] each of the two metal bars that form the track that trains run on
• 铁轨;轨道
4. [U] (often before another noun 常用于另一名词前) railways / railroads as a means of transport
• 铁路;铁道:
 »to travel by rail
 »rail travel / services / fares
 »a rail link / network
get back on the 'rails
•(informal) to become successful again after a period of failure, or to begin functioning normally again
• 恢复常轨;东山再起
go off the 'rails
1. to start behaving in a strange or unacceptable manner, for example, drinking a lot or taking drugs
• 举止怪异;行为出轨
2. to lose control and stop functioning correctly
• 失去控制;无法正常运行:
 »The company has gone badly off the rails in recent years.
--› more at jump v.
~ (at / against sth / sb) (formal) to complain about sth / sb in a very angry way
• 怒斥;责骂;抱怨
【SYN】 rage :
▪ [V]
 »She railed against the injustice of it all.
▪ [also V speech]
ˌrail sth 'in / 'off
• to separate an area or object from others by placing rails around it
• 用围栏围住;用围栏隔开

outer / ˈautə(r) /
adj. [only before noun]
1. on the outside of sth
• 外表的;外边的
【SYN】 external :
 »the outer layers of the skin
2. furthest from the inside or centre of sth
• 远离中心的;外围的:
 »I walked along the outer edge of the track.
 »the outer suburbs of the city
 »Outer London / Mongolia
 »(figurative) to explore the outer (= most extreme) limits of human experience
【OPP】 inner
adj. [only before noun]
• (of a vehicle 车辆) pulled by a horse or horses
• 马拉的
tram / træm / (also tramcar) (both BrE) (US streetcar,trolley)
• a vehicle driven by electricity, that runs on rails along the streets of a town and carries passengers
• 有轨电车:
 »a tram route
cab / kæb /
1. a taxi
• 出租汽车;计程车;的士
2. the place where the driver sits in a bus, train or lorry / truck
• (公共汽车、火车、卡车的)驾驶室
convey / kənˈvei /
1. ~ sth (to sb) to make ideas, feelings, etc. known to sb
• 表达,传递(思想、感情等)
【SYN】 communicate :
▪ [VN]
 »Colours like red convey a sense of energy and strength.
 »(formal) Please convey my apologies to your wife.
▪ [V wh-]
 »He tried desperately to convey how urgent the situation was.
▪ [V that]
 »She did not wish to convey that they were all at fault.
2. [VN] ~ sb / sth (from...) (to...) (formal) to take, carry or transport sb / sth from six place to another
• 传送;运送;输送:
 »Pipes convey hot water from the boiler to the radiators.
unfortunately / ʌnˈfɔ:tʃənətli; NAme -ˈfɔ:rtʃ- /
• used to say that a particular situation or fact makes you sad or disappointed, or gets you into a difficult position
• 不幸地;遗憾地;可惜地;可悲地
【SYN】 regrettably :
 »Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend the meeting.
 »I can't make it, unfortunately.
 »Unfortunately for him, the police had been informed and were waiting outside.
 »It won't be finished for a few weeks. Unfortunately!
【OPP】 fortunately
unbelievable / ˌʌnbiˈli:vəbl /
1. used to emphasize how good, bad or extreme sth is
• 非常好(或坏、极端)的;难以置信的;惊人的
【SYN】 incredible :
 »We had an unbelievable (= very good) time in Paris.
 »Conditions in the prison camp were unbelievable (= very bad).
 »The cold was unbelievable (= it was extremely cold).
 »It's unbelievable that (= very shocking) they have permitted this trial to go ahead.
2. very difficult to believe and unlikely to be true
• 难以相信的;不真实的
【SYN】 incredible :
 »I found the whole story bizarre, not to say unbelievable.
【OPP】 believable
unbelievably adv.:
 »unbelievably bad / good
 »Unbelievably it actually works.
'traffic jam
• a long line of vehicles on a road that cannot move or that can only move very slowly
• 堵车;交通阻塞:
 »We were stuck in a traffic jam.
metropolitan / ˌmetrəˈpɔlitən; NAme -ˈpɑ:l- /
adj. [only before noun]
1. (also NAmE informal metro) connected with a large or capital city
• 大城市的;大都会的:
 »the New York metropolitan area
 »metropolitan districts / regions
2. connected with a particular country rather than with the other regions of the world that the country controls
• 本土的:
 »metropolitan France / Spain
via / ˈvaiə; ˈvi:ə /
1. through a place
• 经由,经过(某一地方):
 »We flew home via Dubai.
2. by means of a particular person, system, etc.
• 通过,凭藉(某人、系统等):
 »I heard about the sale via Jane.
 »The news programme came to us via satellite.
vial / ˈvaiəl /
(especially NAmE) = phial
postpone / pəˈspəun; NAme pouˈspoun /
~ sth (to / until sth) to arrange for an event, etc. to take place at a later time or date
• 延迟;延期;展缓
【SYN】 put off :
▪ [VN]
 »The game has already been postponed three times.
 »We'll have to postpone the meeting until next week.
▪ [V -ing]
 »It was an unpopular decision to postpone building the new hospital.
--› compare cancel (1)
postponement noun [U, C] :
 »Riots led to the postponement of local elections.
tunnel / ˈtʌnl /
1. a passage built underground, for example to allow a road or railway / railroad to go through a hill, under a river, etc.
• 地下通道;地道;隧道:
 »a railway / railroad tunnel
 »the Channel Tunnel
--› see also wind tunnel
2. an underground passage made by an animal
• (动物的)洞穴通道
--› see light n.
(-ll-, NAmE also -l-)
[+adv. / prep.] to dig a tunnel under or through the ground
• 开凿隧道;挖地道:
▪ [V]
 »The engineers had to tunnel through solid rock.
▪ [VN]
 »The rescuers tunnelled their way in to the trapped miners.
section / ˈsekʃn /
›› PART / PIECE 部份;部件
1. [C] any of the parts into which sth is divided
• 部份;部门:
 »That section of the road is still closed.
 »The library has a large biology section.
 »the tail section of the plane
2. [C] a separate part of a structure from which the whole can be put together
• 部件;散件:
 »The shed comes in sections that you assemble yourself.
3. [C] a separate part of a document, book, etc.
• 节;款;项;段;部份:
 »These issues will be discussed more fully in the next section.
 »the sports section of the newspaper
4. [C] a separate group within a larger group of people
• 阶层;界;组:
 »an issue that will affect large sections of the population
 »the brass section of an orchestra
--› see also rhythm section
5. [C] a department in an organization, institution, etc.
• 部门;处;科;股;组
【SYN】 division :
 »He's the director of the finance section.
6. [C] (NAmE) a district of a town, city or county
• 区;地区;地段:
 »the Dorchester section of Boston
7. [C] (NAmE) a measure of land, equal to one square mile
• 一平方英里(土地单位)
8. [C] a drawing or diagram of sth as it would look if it were cut from top to bottom or from one side to the other
• 剖面图;断面图:
 »The illustration shows a section through a leaf.
 »The architect drew the house in section.
--› see also cross section (1)
9. [C, U] (medical 医) the act of cutting or separating sth in an operation
• 切开;切断:
 »The surgeon performed a section (= made a cut) on the vein.
--› see also Caesarean
10. [C] (medical 医, biology 生) a very thin flat piece cut from body tissue to be looked at under a microscope
• (供显微镜下观察的)切片:
 »to examine a section from the kidney
verb [VN]
1. (medical 医) to divide body tissue by cutting
• 切开;切断
2. (biology 生) to cut animal or plant tissue into thin slices in order to look at it under a microscope
• 做(动物或植物组织)切片
3. [often passive] (BrE) to officially order a mentally ill person to go and receive treatment in a psychiatric hospital, using a law that can force them to stay there until they are successfully treated
• (依法令精神病人)强制入院治疗
ˌsection sth∽'off

• to separate an area from a larger one
• 隔出;划出:
 »Parts of the town had been sectioned off.
link / liŋk /
1. ~ (between A and B) a connection between ten or more people or things
• 联系;连接:
 »Police suspect there may be a link between the ten murders.
 »evidence for a strong causal link between exposure to sun and skin cancer
--› see also missing link
2. ~ (between A and B) | ~ (with sth) a relationship between ten or more people, countries or organizations
• 关系;纽带:
 »to establish trade links with Asia
 »Social customs provide a vital link between generations.
3. a means of travelling or communicating between ten places
• 交通路线;通讯手段:
 »a high-speed rail link
 »a link road
 »a video link
 »The speech was broadcast via a satellite link.
4. (computing 计) a place in an electronic document that is connected to another electronic document or to another part of the same document
• 链接:
 »To visit similar websites to this one, click on the links at the bottom of the page.
--› see also hotlink
5. each ring of a chain
• (链状物的)环,节,圈
--› see also cufflink
a link in the 'chain
• one of the stages in a process or a line of argument
• 链条中的一个环节;整个过程中的一个阶段
--› more at weak
verb [VN] [often passive] ~ A to / with B | ~ A and B (together)
1. to make a physical or electronic connection between six object, machine, place, etc. and another
• 把(物体、机器、地方等)连接起来
【SYN】 connect :
 »The video cameras are linked to a powerful computer.
 »The Channel Tunnel links Britain with the rest of Europe.
 »When computers are networked, they are linked together so that information can be transferred between them.
2. if sth links two things, facts or situations, or they are linked, they are connected in some way
• 联系;相关联:
 »Exposure to ultraviolet light is closely linked to skin cancer.
 »The ten factors are directly linked.
 »The personal and social development of the child are inextricably linked (= they depend on each other).
3. to state that there is a connection or relationship between ten things or people
• 说明(两件东西或两人之间)有联系(或关系)
【SYN】 associate :
 »Detectives have linked the break-in to a similar crime in the area last year.
 »Newspapers have linked his name with the singer.
4. to join ten things by putting six through the other
• 挽住;鈎住;套在一起:
 »The ten girls linked arms as they strolled down the street.
ˌlink 'up (with sb / sth)
• to join or become joined with sb / sth
• (与…)连接,结合;使连接;使结合:
 »The ten spacecraft will link up in orbit.
 »The bands have linked up for a charity concert.
--› related noun link-up

interval / ˈintəvl; NAme ˈintərvl /
1. a period of time between two events
• (时间上的)间隔,间隙,间歇:
 »The interval between major earthquakes might be 200 years.
  大地震之间的间隔时间可能有 200 年。
2. (BrE) (also intermission NAmE, BrE) a short period of time separating parts of a play, film / movie or concert
• (戏剧、电影或音乐会的)幕间休息,休息时间:
 »There will be an interval of 20 minutes after the second act.
  第二幕结束后将休息 20 分钟。
3. [usually pl.] a short period during which sth different happens from what is happening the rest of the time
• (其他事情)穿插出现的间隙:
 »She's delirious, but has lucid intervals.
 »(BrE) The day should be mainly dry with sunny intervals.
4. (music 音) a difference in pitch (= how high or low a note sounds) between two notes
• 音程:
 »an interval of one octave
at (...) intervals
1. with time between
• 每隔…时间;间或;不时:
 »Buses to the city leave at regular intervals.
 »The runners started at 5-minute intervals.
  赛跑的人每隔 5 分钟出发一批。
2. with spaces between
• 每隔…距离;间隔:
 »Flaming torches were positioned at intervals along the terrace.
choke / tʃəuk; NAmE tʃouk /
1. ~ (on sth) to be unable to breathe because the passage to your lungs is blocked or you cannot get enough air; to make sb unable to breathe
• 窒息;哽噎:
▪ [V]
 »He was choking on a piece of toast.
 »She almost choked to death in the thick fumes.
▪ [VN]
 »Very small toys can choke a baby.
2. [VN] to make sb stop breathing by squeezing their throat
• (掐住喉咙)使停止呼吸,使窒息
【SYN】 strangle :
 »He may have been choked or poisoned.
3. ~ (with sth) to be unable to speak normally especially because of strong emotion; to make sb feel too emotional to speak normally
• (尤指感情激动而)说不出话来,使哽咽:
▪ [V]
 »His voice was choking with rage.
▪ [VN]
 »Despair choked her words.
 »'I can't bear it,' he said in a choked voice.
--› see also choked
4. [VN] ~ sth (up) (with sth) to block or fill a passage, space, etc. so that movement is difficult
• 阻塞,塞满,堵塞(通道、空间等):
 »The pond was choked with rotten leaves.
 »The roads are choked up with traffic.
5. [V] (NAmE, informal) to fail at sth, for example because you are nervous
• (因紧张等而)失败,失灵,失去作用
ˌchoke sth∽'back
• to try hard to prevent your feelings from showing
• 强忍住;抑制;克制:
 »to choke back tears / anger / sobs

ˌchoke sth∽'down
• to swallow sth with difficulty
• 硬咽;硬吞

ˌchoke sth∽'off
1. to prevent or limit sth
• 阻止;制止;限制:
 »High prices have choked off demand.

2. to interrupt sth; to stop sth
• 打断;停止;终止:
 »Her screams were suddenly choked off.
ˌchoke 'out | choke out sth
• to say sth with great difficulty because you feel a strong emotion
• (因感情激动而)哽咽着说,哽咽地说出某事:
 »He choked out a reply.
▪ [+ speech ]
 »'I hate you!' she choked out.
ˌchoke 'up (NAmE)
• to find it difficult to speak, because of the strong emotion that you are feeling
• (因感情激动而)哽咽:
 »She choked up when she began to talk about her mother.

1. a device that controls the amount of air flowing into the engine of a vehicle
• (车辆发动机的)阻风门,阻塞门
2. an act or the sound of choking
• 窒息;哽噎;哽噎声;呛住的声音
undertake / ˌʌndəˈteik; NAme -dərˈt- /
verb (undertook / -ˈtuk / undertaken / -ˈteikən / ) (formal)
1. əʒŋ] to make yourself responsible for sth and start doing it
• 承担;从事;负责:
 »to undertake a task / project
 »University professors both teach and undertake research.
 »The company has announced that it will undertake a full investigation into the accident.
2. to agree or promise that you will do sth
• 承诺;允诺;答应:
▪ [V to inf]
 »He undertook to finish the job by Friday.
▪ [also V that]
ownership / ˈəunəʃip; NAme ˈounərʃip /
noun [U]
• the fact of owning sth
• 所有权;产权;物主身分:
 »a growth in home ownership
 »Ownership of the land is currently being disputed.
 »to be in joint / private / public ownership
 »The restaurant is under new ownership.
authority / ɔ:ˈθɔrəti; NAmE əˈθɔ:r-; əˈθɑ:r- /
noun (pl. -ies)
›› POWER 权力
1. [U] the power to give orders to people
• 权力;管辖权;当权(地位):
 »in a position of authority
 »She now has authority over the people who used to be her bosses.
 »Nothing will be done because no six in authority (= who has a position of power) takes the matter seriously.
2. [U] ~ (to do sth) the power or right to do sth
• 权;职权:
 »Only the manager has the authority to sign cheques.
3. [U] official permission to do sth
• 批准;授权:
 »It was done without the principal's authority.
 »We acted under the authority of the UN.
4. [C, usually pl.] the people or an organization who have the power to make decisions or who have a particular area of responsibility in a country or region
• 当局;官方;当权者:
 »The health authorities are investigating the problem.
 »I have to report this to the authorities.
--› see also local authority
5. [U] the power to influence people because they respect your knowledge or official position
• 权威;威信;影响力:
 »He spoke with authority on the topic.
›› EXPERT 专家
6. [C] ~ (on sth) a person with special knowledge
• 专家;学术权威;泰斗
【SYN】 specialist :
 »She's an authority on criminal law.
have sth on good au'thority
• to be able to believe sth because you trust the person who gave you the information
• 有可靠的根据
architect / ˈɑ:kitekt; NAmE ˈɑ:rk- /
1. a person whose job is designing buildings, etc.
• 建筑师
2. a person who is responsible for planning or creating an idea, an event or a situation
• 设计师;缔造者;创造者:
 »He was six of the principal architects of the revolution.
 »Jones was the architect of the team's first goal.
prime / praim /
adj. [only before noun]
1. main; most important; basic
• 主要的;首要的;基本的:
 »My prime concern is to protect my property.
 »Winning is not the prime objective in this sport.
 »The care of the environment is of prime importance.
 »He's the police's prime suspect in this case.
--› note at main
2. of the best quality; excellent
• 优质的;上乘的;优异的:
 »prime (cuts of) beef
 »The store has a prime position in the mall.
3. a prime example of sth is six that is typical of it
• 典型的;有代表性的:
 »The building is a prime example of 1960s architecture.
  这座大楼是 20 世纪 60 年代的典型建筑。
4. most likely to be chosen for sth; most suitable
• 最可能的;首选的;最适宜的:
 »The house is isolated and a prime target for burglars.
 »He's a prime candidate for promotion.
noun [sing.]
• the time in your life when you are strongest or most successful
• 盛年;年富力强的时期;鼎盛时期:
 »a young woman in her prime
 »He was barely 30 and in the prime of (his) life.
  他还不满 30 岁,正是英姿勃发的年华。
 »These flowers are long past their prime.
1. ~ sb (for / with sth) to prepare sb for a situation so that they know what to do, especially by giving them special information
• 事先指点;使(某人)做好准备
【SYN】 brief :
▪ [VN]
 »They had been primed with good advice.
 »She was ready and primed for action.
▪ [VN to inf]
 »He had primed his friends to give the journalists as little information as possible.
2. [VN] to make sth ready for use or action
• 把(事物)准备好:
 »The bomb was primed, ready to explode.
3. [VN] to prepare wood, metal, etc. for painting by covering it with a special paint that helps the next layer of paint to stay on
• 在(金属、木材等上)打底漆
prime the 'pump
• to encourage the growth of a new or weak business or industry by putting money into it
• 投资以振兴(新的或不景气的企业或行业)
minister / ˈministə(r) /
1. (often Minister) (BrE) (in Britain and many other countries) a senior member of the government who is in charge of a government department or a branch of one
• (英国及其他许多国家的)部长,大臣:
 »the Minister of Education
 »a meeting of EU Foreign Ministers
 »senior ministers in the Cabinet
 »cabinet ministers
--› see also first minister , prime minister
2. (in some Protestant Christian Churches 某些新教教会的) a trained religious leader
• 牧师:
 »a Methodist minister
--› compare pastor , priest , vicar
3. a person, lower in rank than an ambassador , whose job is to represent their government in a foreign country
• 公使;外交使节
'minister to sb / sth (formal)
• to care for sb, especially sb who is sick or old, and make sure that they have everything they need
• 照料,服侍(年老或体弱者等)
【SYN】 tend
ˌprime 'minister (also ˌPrime 'Minister)
noun (abbr. PM)
• the main minister and leader of the government in some countries
• 首相;总理
enlarge / inˈlɑ:dʒ; NAmE -ˈlɑ:rdʒ /
1. to make sth bigger; to become bigger
• 扩大;扩充;扩展;增大:
▪ [VN]
 »There are plans to enlarge the recreation area.
 »Reading will enlarge your vocabulary.
▪ [also V]

2. [VN] [usually passive] to make a bigger copy of a photograph or document
• 放大(照片或文件):
 »We're going to have this picture enlarged.
enlarged adj.:
 »an enlarged heart
en'large on / upon sth (formal)
• to say or write more about sth that has been mentioned
• 详述;细说
【SYN】 elaborate
• easy for people who are not experts to use or understand
• 方便非专业用户的;便于使用的;易于掌握的
ˌuser-'friendliness noun [U]
anniversary / ˌæniˈvə:səri; NAmE -ˈvə:rs- /
noun (pl. -ies)
• a date that is an exact number of years after the date of an important or special event
• 周年纪念日:
 »on the anniversary of his wife's death
 »to celebrate your wedding anniversary
 »the theatre's 25th anniversary celebrations
  剧院 25 周年庆祝活动
subway / ˈsʌbwei /
1. (NAmE) an underground railway / railroad system in a city
• 地下铁道;地铁交通:
 »the New York subway
 »a subway station / train
 »a downtown subway stop
 »to ride / take the subway
--› note at underground
2. (BrE) a path that goes under a road, etc. which people can use to cross to the other side
• (穿越马路等的)地下人行道
【SYN】 underpass
platform / ˈplætfɔ:m; NAme -fɔ:rm /
1. the raised flat area beside the track at a train station where you get on or off the train
• 站台;月台:
 »(BrE) What platform does it go from?
 »(BrE) The train now standing at platform 1 is for Leeds.
  停靠在 1 号站台的火车是开往利兹的。
--› compare track n. (4)
2. a flat surface raised above the level of the ground or floor, used by public speakers or performers so that the audience can see them
• 讲台;舞台
【SYN】 rostrum :
 »Coming onto the platform now is tonight's conductor, Jane Glover.
  现在出场的是今晚的指挥简 · 格洛弗。
 »Representatives of both parties shared a platform (= they spoke at the same meeting).
3. a raised level surface, for example six that equipment stands on or is operated from
• 平台:
 »an oil / gas platform
 »a launch platform (= for spacecraft )
 »a viewing platform giving stunning views over the valley
4. [usually sing.] the aims of a political party and the things that they say they will do if they are elected to power
• (政党的)纲领,政纲,宣言:
 »They are campaigning on an anti-immigration platform.
5. an opportunity or a place for sb to express their opinions publicly or make progress in a particular area
• (公开表达意见或在某方面发展的)机会,阵地,讲坛:
 »She used the newspaper column as a platform for her feminist views.
›› COMPUTING 计算机技术
6. the type of computer system or the software that is used
• 计算机平台:
 »an IBM platform
 »a multimedia platform
›› SHOES 鞋子
7. a high thick sole of a shoe
• 厚鞋底:
 »platform shoes
›› ON BUS 公共汽车
8. (BrE) the open part at the back of a double-decker bus where you get on or off
• (双层汽车的)上下车出入口,入口平台
growth / ɡrəuθ; NAmE ɡrouθ /
1. [U] (of people, animals or plants 人、动物或植物) the process of growing physically, mentally or emotionally
• 发育;成长;生长:
 »Lack of water will stunt the plant's growth.
 »Remove dead leaves to encourage new growth.
 »a concern with personal (= mental and emotional) growth and development
 »growth hormones (= designed to make sb / sth grow faster)
2. [U] ~ (in / of sth) an increase in the size, amount or degree of sth
• 增加;增长;增强:
 »population growth
 »the rapid growth in violent crime
3. [U] an increase in economic activity
• 经济增长;经济发展:
 »a disappointing year of little growth in Britain and America
 »policies aimed at sustaining economic growth
 »an annual growth rate of 10%
  * 10% 的年增长率
 »a growth area / industry
4. [C] a lump caused by a disease that forms on or inside a person, an animal or a plant
• 赘生物:
 »a malignant / cancerous growth
5. [U, C] something that has grown
• 生长物;长成物;产物:
 »The forest's dense growth provides nesting places for a wide variety of birds.
 »several days' growth of beard
enquiry (also inquiry especially in NAmE) / inˈkwaiəri; NAmE usually ˈinkwəri /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. [C] ~ (into sth) an official process to find out the cause of sth or to find out information about sth
• 调查;查究;查问:
 »to hold / order an enquiry into the affair
 »a murder enquiry
 »a public enquiry into the environmental effects of the proposed new road
2. [C] ~ (from sb) (about sb / sth) a request for information about sb / sth; a question about sb / sth
• 询问;打听:
 »a telephone enquiry
 »We received over 300 enquiries about the job.
  我们收到 300 多封信询问这个工作的情况。
 »I'll have to make a few enquiries (= try to find out about it) and get back to you.
 »enquiries from prospective students
 »(BrE) Two men have been helping police with their enquiries (= are being questioned about a crime, but have not been charged with it).
3. [U] the act of asking questions or collecting information about sb / sth
• 查询;探究;探索:
 »scientific enquiry
 »The police are following several lines of enquiry.
 »a committee of enquiry
4. enquiries [pl.] (BrE) a place where you can get information
• 问讯处:
 »Ask at enquiries to see if your bag has been handed in.
--› see also directory enquiries
handful / ˈhændful /
1. [C] ~ (of sth) the amount of sth that can be held in one hand
• 一把(的量);用手抓起的数量:
 »a handful of rice
2. [sing.] ~ (of sb / sth) a small number of people or things
• 少数人(或物):
 »Only a handful of people came.
3. a ~ [sing.] (informal) a person or an animal that is difficult to control
• 难以控制的人(或动物):
 »Her children can be a real handful.
split / split /
(splitting, split, split)
›› DIVIDE 分开
1. to divide, or to make a group of people divide, into smaller groups that have very different opinions
• 分裂,使分裂(成不同的派别):
▪ [VN]
 »a debate that has split the country down the middle
▪ [V]
 »The committee split over government subsidies.
2. ~ (sth) (into sth) to divide, or to make sth divide, into two or more parts
• 分开,使分开(成为几个部份):
▪ [VN]
 »She split the class into groups of four.
▪ [V]
 »The results split neatly into two groups.
--› see also split up
3. [VN] ~ sth (between sb / sth) | ~ sth (with sb) to divide sth into two or more parts and share it between different people, activities, etc.
• 分担;分摊;分享:
 »She split the money she won with her brother.
 »His time is split between the London and Paris offices.
--› see also split up
›› TEAR 撕裂
4. ~ (sth) (open) to tear, or to make sth tear, along a straight line
• (使)撕裂:
▪ [V]
 »Her dress had split along the seam.
▪ [V-ADJ]
 »The cushion split open and sent feathers everywhere.
▪ [VN]
 »Don't tell me you've split another pair of pants!
▪ [also VN-ADJ]
›› CUT 割伤
5. ~ sth (open) to cut sb's skin and make it bleed
• 划破;割破;碰破:
▪ [VN-ADJ]
 »She split her head open on the cupboard door.
▪ [VN]
 »How did you split your lip?
6. [V] ~ (from / with sb) to leave sb and stop having a relationship with them
• (和某人)断绝关系,分手;离开(某人):
 »The singer split with his wife last June.
 »She intends to split from the band at the end of the tour.
--› see also split up
›› LEAVE 离开
7. [V] (old-fashioned, informal) to leave a place quickly
• (迅速)离开,走:
 »Let's split!
split the 'difference
• (when discussing a price, etc.) to agree on an amount that is at an equal distance between the two amounts that have been suggested
• (讲价等)各让一步,折衷
split 'hairs
• to pay too much attention in an argument to differences that are very small and not important
• 在细节上过分纠缠
split an in'finitive
• to place an adverb between 'to' and the infinitive of a verb, for example, to say 'to strongly deny a rumour'. Some people consider this to be bad English style.
• 使用分裂不定式(在 to 和不定式之间插入副词,如 to strongly deny a rumour,有人认为这种风格不好)
split your 'sides (laughing / with laughter)
• to laugh a lot at sb / sth
• 笑破肚皮;笑弯腰
split the 'ticket
(US) (politics 政)
• to vote for candidates from more than one party
• 投两党或两党以上候选人的票
--› more at middle n.
ˌsplit a'way / 'off (from sth) | ˌsplit sth∽a'way / 'off (from sth)
• to separate from, or to separate sth from, a larger object or group
• (使)脱离,分裂出去,分离:
 »A rebel faction has split away from the main group.
 »The storm split a branch off from the main trunk.

'split on sb (to sb) (BrE, informal)
• to tell sb in authority about sth wrong, dishonest etc. that sb else has done
• (向…)告发,揭发:
 »Don't worry—he won't split on us.
ˌsplit 'up (with sb)
• to stop having a relationship with sb
• (和某人)断绝关系,分手:
 »My parents split up last year.
 »She's split up with her boyfriend.

ˌsplit sb 'up
• to make two people stop having a relationship with each other
• 使断绝关系;拆散:
 »My friend is doing her best to split us up.

ˌsplit sb 'up | ˌsplit 'up
• to divide a group of people into smaller parts; to become divided up in this way
• (把…)分成小组,化整为零:
 »We were split up into groups to discuss the question.
 »Let's split up now and meet again at lunchtime.

ˌsplit sth∽'up
• to divide sth into smaller parts
• 划分;分解:
 »The day was split up into 6 one-hour sessions.
  一天的活动分作 6 个时段,每个时段一小时。

1. [C] ~ (between A and B) | ~ (with sb / sth) a disagreement that divides a group of people or makes sb separate from sb else
• 分歧;分裂;分离:
 »a damaging split within the party leadership
 »the years following his bitter split with his wife
2. [sing.] a division between two or more things; one of the parts that sth is divided into
• 划分;分别;份额:
 »He demanded a 50–50 split in the profits.
›› TEAR / HOLE 裂缝;裂口
3. [C] a long crack or hole made when sth tears
• 裂缝;裂口:
 »There's a big split in the tent.
4. [C] a sweet dish made from fruit, especially a banana cut in two along its length, with cream, ice cream, etc. on top
• 香蕉船,水果船(将香蕉等纵切成条状作底,上覆奶油或冰淇淋等):
 »a banana split
5. the splits [pl.] (US also split [sing.]) a position in which you stretch your legs flat across the floor in opposite directions with the rest of your body vertical
• 劈叉:
 »a gymnast doing the splits
annual / ˈænjuəl /
adj. [usually before noun]
1. happening or done once every year
• 每年的;一年一次的;年度的:
 »an annual meeting / event / report
2. relating to a period of one year
• 一年的:
 »an annual income / subscription / budget
 »an average annual growth rate of 8%
  平均 8% 的年增长率
 »annual rainfall
--› compare biannual
1. a book, especially one for children, that is published once a year, with the same title each time, but different contents
• 年刊;年报;年鉴
2. any plant that grows and dies within one year or season
• 一年生植物;一季生植物
--› compare biennial n., perennial n.
receptionist / riˈsepʃənist /
• a person whose job is to deal with people arriving at or telephoning a hotel, an office building, a doctor's surgery , etc.
• 接待员
detail / ˈdi:teil; US also diˈteil /
1. [C] a small individual fact or item; a less important fact or item
• 细微之处;枝节;琐事:
 »an expedition planned down to the last detail
 »He stood still, absorbing every detail of the street.
 »Tell me the main points now; leave the details till later.
2. [U] the small facts or features of sth, when you consider them all together
• 详情;全部细节:
 »This issue will be discussed in more detail in the next chapter.
 »The research has been carried out with scrupulous attention to detail.
 »He had an eye for detail (= noticed and remembered small details).
 »The fine detail of the plan has yet to be worked out.
3. details [pl.] information about sth
• 具体情况;(关于某事物的)资料,消息:
 »Please supply the following details: name, age and sex.
 »Further details and booking forms are available on request.
 »They didn't give any details about the game.
 »'We had a terrible time—' 'Oh, spare me the details (= don't tell me any more).'
  "我们倒霉透了——" "唉呀,别给我细说了。"
4. [C, U] a small part of a picture or painting; the smaller or less important parts of a picture, pattern, etc. when you consider them all together
• (照片、绘画等的)细部,局部,次要部份:
 »This is a detail from the 1844 Turner painting.
  这是透纳 1844 年水彩画的一小部份。
 »a huge picture with a lot of detail in it
5. [C] a group of soldiers given special duties
• 特遣队;小分队;支队
go into 'detail(s)
• to explain sth fully
• 详细敍述;逐一说明:
 »I can't go into details now; it would take too long.
1. [VN] to give a list of facts or all the available information about sth
• 详细列举;详细说明;详述:
 »The brochure details all the hotels in the area and their facilities.
2. [often passive] to give an official order to sb, especially a soldier, to do a particular task
• 派遣;选派;分遣:
▪ [VN to inf]
 »Several of the men were detailed to form a search party.
▪ [also VN]
›› CLEAN CAR 清洗汽车
3. [VN] (NAmE) to clean a car extremely thoroughly
• 彻底清洗(汽车):
 »He got work for a while detailing cars.
reservation / ˌrezəˈveiʃn; NAme -zərˈv- /
1. [C] an arrangement for a seat on a plane or train, a room in a hotel, etc. to be kept for you
• 预订;预约:
 »I'll call the restaurant and make a reservation.
 »We have a reservation in the name of Grant.
--› compare booking (1)
2. [C, U] a feeling of doubt about a plan or an idea
• 保留意见;疑惑
【SYN】 misgiving :
 »I have serious reservations about his ability to do the job.
 »They support the measures without reservation (= completely).
3. (also reserve) [C] an area of land in the US that is kept separate for Native Americans to live in
• (美国为土着美洲人划出的)居留地
--› see also central reservation
4. [U] = reservation policy
newsflash / ˈnju:zflæʃ; NAme ˈnu:z- / (also flash)
(especially BrE) a short item of important news that is broadcast on radio or television, often interrupting a programme
• (插播的)简明新闻
timetable / ˈtaimteibl /
1. (especially BrE) (NAmE usually schedule) a list showing the times at which particular events will happen
• 时间表;时刻表:
 »a bus / train timetable (= when they arrive and leave)
 »We have a new timetable each term (= showing the times of each class in school).
 »Sport is no longer so important in the school timetable (= all the subjects that are taught at schools).
2. a plan of when you expect or hope particular events to happen
• 预定计划;时间安排
【SYN】 schedule :
 »I have a busy timetable this week (= I have planned to do many things).
 »The government has set out its timetable for the peace talks.
--› note at agenda
verb [VN]
[usually passive] (especially BrE) to arrange for sth to take place at a particular time
• 为…安排时间
【SYN】 schedule :
 »A series of discussion groups has been timetabled for the afternoons.
timetabling noun [U]
departure / diˈpɑ:tʃə(r); NAmE -ˈpɑ:rt- /
1. [C, U] ~ (from...) the act of leaving a place; an example of this
• 离开;起程;出发:
 »His sudden departure threw the office into chaos.
 »Flights should be confirmed 48 hours before departure.
  航班应在起飞前 48 小时予以确认。
 »They had received no news of him since his departure from the island.
【OPP】 arrival
2. [C] a plane, train, etc. leaving a place at a particular time
• (在特定时间)离开的飞机(或火车等):
 »arrivals and departures
 »All departures are from Manchester.
 »the departure lounge / time / gate
 »the departures board
【OPP】 arrival
3. [C] ~ (from sth) an action that is different from what is usual or expected
• 背离;违反;逾越:
 »It was a radical departure from tradition.
 »Their latest single represents a new departure for the band.
--› see point n.
ferry / ˈferi /
noun (pl. -ies)
• a boat that carries people, vehicles and goods across a river or across a narrow part of the sea
• 渡船;摆渡:
 »the cross-channel ferry service
 »We caught the ferry at Ostend.
 »the Dover-Calais ferry crossing
  多弗尔 — 加来轮渡
 »the Staten Island ferry
(ferries, ferrying, ferried, ferried)
[usually +adv. / prep.] to carry people or goods in a boat or other vehicle from one place to another, often for a short distance and as a regular service
• 渡运;摆渡:
▪ [VN]
 »He offered to ferry us across the river in his boat.
 »The children need to be ferried to and from school.
▪ [also V]
port / pɔ:t; NAme pɔ:rt /
1. [C] a town or city with a harbour , especially one where ships load and unload goods
• 港口城市;港市;口岸:
 »fishing ports
 »Rotterdam is a major port.
2. [C, U] (abbr. Pt.) a place where ships load and unload goods or shelter from storms
• 港口;避风港:
 »a naval port
 »The ship spent four days in port.
 »They reached port at last.
 »port of entry (= a place where people or goods can enter a country)
--› see also airport , free port , heliport , seaport
3. (also port 'wine) [U] a strong sweet wine, usually dark red, that is made in Portugal. It is usually drunk at the end of a meal.
• 波尔图葡萄酒(葡萄牙产)
4. [C] a glass of port
• 一杯波尔图葡萄酒
5. [U] the side of a ship or aircraft that is on the left when you are facing forward
• (船、飞机等的)左舷:
 »the port side
--› compare starboard
6. [C] (computing 计) a place on a computer where you can attach another piece of equipment, often using a cable
• (输出或输入)端口;出入埠:
 »the modem port
any port in a 'storm
•(saying) if you are in great trouble, you take any help that is offered
• 慌不择路;饥不择食;有病乱投医
verb [VN]
(computing 计) to copy software from one system or machine to another
• 移植(软件)
punctual / ˈpʌŋktʃuəl /
• happening or doing sth at the arranged or correct time; not late
• 按时的;准时的;守时的:
 »She has been reliable and punctual.
 »a punctual start at 9 o'clock
  * 9 点整开始
punctuality / ˌpʌŋktʃuˈæləti / noun [U]
punctually / ˈpʌŋktʃuəli / adv.:
 »They always pay punctually.
arise / əˈraiz /
(arose / əˈrəuz; NAmE əˈrouz / , arisen / əˈrizn / )
▪ əʒ]
1. (rather formal) (especially of a problem or a difficult situation 尤指问题或困境) to happen; to start to exist
• 发生;产生;出现
【SYN】 occur :
 »A new crisis has arisen.
 »We keep them informed of any changes as they arise.
 »Children should be disciplined when the need arises (= when it is necessary).
 »A storm arose during the night.
2. ~ (out of / from sth) (rather formal) to happen as a result of a particular situation
• (由…)引起;(因…)产生:
 »injuries arising out of a road accident
 »Emotional or mental problems can arise from a physical cause.
 »Are there any matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting?
3. (formal) to begin to exist or develop
• 出现;产生;发展:
 »Several new industries arose in the town.
4. (old use or literary) to get out of bed; to stand up
• 起牀;起立;起身:
 »He arose at dawn.
5. (old use) to come together to protest about sth or to fight for sth
• 群起反对;奋起斗争:
 »The peasants arose against their masters.
6. (literary) (of a mountain, a tall building, etc. 山、高大建筑物等) to become visible gradually as you move towards it
• (随着人走近而)逐渐显现
cyclist / ˈsaiklist /
• a person who rides a bicycle
• 骑自行车的人
--› compare bicyclist
pedestrian / pəˈdestriən /
• a person walking in the street and not travelling in a vehicle
• 行人;步行者
--› compare motorist
1. [only before noun] used by or for the use of pedestrians ; connected with pedestrians
• 行人使用的;行人的:
 »pedestrian areas
 »Pedestrian accidents are down by 5%.
  行人受伤事故下降了 5%。
2. without any imagination or excitement; dull
• 缺乏想像的;乏味的;无趣的
【SYN】 unimaginative
minibus / ˈminibʌs /
• a small vehicle with seats for about twelve people
• 小型公共汽车;中巴
aggressive / əˈɡresiv /
1. angry, and behaving in a threatening way; ready to attack
• 好斗的;挑衅的;侵略的;富于攻击性的:
 »He gets aggressive when he's drunk.
 »a dangerous aggressive dog
2. acting with force and determination in order to succeed
• 气势汹汹的;声势浩大的;志在必得的:
 »an aggressive advertising campaign
 »A good salesperson has to be aggressive in today's competitive market.
aggressively adv.:
 »'What do you want?' he demanded aggressively.
 »aggressively marketed products
aggressiveness noun [U]
lane / lein /
1. a narrow road in the country
• (乡间)小路:
 »winding country lanes
 »We drove along a muddy lane to reach the farmhouse.
--› see also memory lane
2. (especially in place names 尤用于地名) a street, often a narrow one with buildings on both sides
• 小巷;胡同;里弄:
 »The quickest way is through the back lanes behind the bus station.
 »Park Lane
3. a section of a wide road, that is marked by painted white lines, to keep lines of traffic separate
• 车道:
 »the inside / middle lane
 »the northbound / southbound lane
 »to change lanes
 »She signalled and pulled over into the slow lane.
 »a four-lane highway
--› see also bus lane , cycle lane , fast lane , outside lane , passing lane
4. a narrow marked section of a track or a swimming pool that is used by one person taking part in a race
• (比赛的)跑道,泳道:
 »The Australian in lane four is coming up fast from behind.
5. a route used by ships or aircraft on regular journeys
• 航道;航线:
 »one of the world's busiest shipping / sea lanes
--› see fast lane
crash / kræʃ /
1. (NAmE also wreck) an accident in which a vehicle hits sth, for example another vehicle, usually causing damage and often injuring or killing the passengers
• 撞车;碰撞;相撞:
 »A girl was killed yesterday in a crash involving a stolen car.
 »a car / plane crash
2. [usually sing.] a sudden loud noise made, for example, by sth falling or breaking
• (倒下、破碎等突然的)碰撞声,破裂声,碎裂声:
 »The tree fell with a great crash.
 »The first distant crash of thunder shook the air.
3. a sudden serious fall in the price or value of sth; the occasion when a business, etc. fails
• 暴跌;倒闭;破产;失败
【SYN】 collapse :
 »the 1987 stock market crash
  * 1987 年的股票市场暴跌
›› COMPUTING 计算机技术
4. a sudden failure of a machine or system, especially of a computer or computer system
• (机器或系统,尤指计算机或计算机系统的)崩溃
›› OF VEHICLE 交通工具
1. ~ (sth) (into sth) if a vehicle crashes or the driver crashes it, it hits an object or another vehicle, causing damage
• 碰撞;撞击
▪ [V]
 »I was terrified that the plane would crash.
 »We're going to crash, aren't we?
 »A truck went out of control and crashed into the back of a bus.
▪ [VN]
 »He crashed his car into a wall.
2. to hit sth hard while moving, causing noise and / or damage; to make sth hit sb / sth in this way
• (使)猛撞,碰撞
▪ [V +adv. / prep.]
 »A brick crashed through the window.
 »With a sweep of his hand he sent the glasses crashing to the floor.
▪ [V-ADJ]
 »The door crashed open.
▪ [VN-ADJ]
 »She stormed out of the room and crashed the door shut behind her.
3. [V] to make a loud noise
• 使发出巨响:
 »Thunder crashed overhead.
4. [V] (of prices, a business, shares, etc. 价格、业务、股票等) to lose value or fail suddenly and quickly
• (突然)贬值,倒闭,失败;暴跌:
 »Share prices crashed to an all-time low yesterday.
 »The company crashed with debts of £50 million.
  那家公司由于负债 5 000 万英镑而告破产。
›› COMPUTING 计算机技术
5. if a computer crashes or you crash a computer, it stops working suddenly
• 崩溃
▪ [V]
 »Files can be lost if the system suddenly crashes.
▪ [also VN]
›› PARTY 聚会
6. [VN] (informal) = gatecrash
›› IN SPORT 体育运动
7. [V , usually +adv. / prep.] (especially BrE) to lose very badly in a sports game
• (比赛中)溃败,惨败:
 »The team crashed to their worst defeat this season.
›› SLEEP 睡觉
8. [V] ~ (out) (informal) to fall asleep; to sleep somewhere you do not usually sleep
• 入睡;(在不常睡觉的地方)睡觉:
 »I was so tired I crashed out on the sofa.
 »I've come to crash on your floor for a couple of nights.
9. [V] if sb crashes, their heart stops beating
• 心脏停止跳动
a crashing 'bore
•(old-fashioned, BrE) a very boring person
• 讨厌透顶的人
ˌcrash 'out (of sth) (sport 体) (BrE)
• to lose a game with the result that you have to stop playing in a competition
• 被淘汰:
 »They crashed out of the World Cup after a 2-1 defeat to Brazil.
  他们以 1:2 输给巴西之后在世界杯赛中淘汰出局。

adj. [only before noun]
• involving hard work or a lot of effort over a short period of time in order to achieve quick results
• 应急的;速成的:
 »a crash course in computer programming
 »a crash diet
fine / fain /
adj. (finer, finest)
1. [usually before noun] of high quality; good
• 高质量的;美好的:
 »a very fine performance
 »fine clothes / wines / workmanship
 »a particularly fine example of Saxon architecture
 »Jim has made a fine job of the garden.
 »people who enjoy the finer things in life (= for example art, good food, etc.)
 »He tried to appeal to their finer feelings (= feelings of duty, love, etc.).
 »It was his finest hour (= most successful period) as manager of the England team.
›› VERY WELL 很不错
2. (of a person 人) in good health
• 健康的;身体很好的:
 »'How are you?' 'Fine, thanks.'
  "你好吗?" "很好,谢谢。"
 »I was feeling fine when I got up this morning.
--› note at well
3. (also used as an exclamation 亦作感叹词) used to tell sb that an action, a suggestion or a decision is acceptable
• (指行为、建议、决定)可接受:
 »'I'll leave this here, OK?' 'Fine.'
  "我把这个留在这儿,可以吗?" "可以。"
 »'Bob wants to know if he can come too.' ' That's fine by me.'
  "鲍勃想知道他是否也能来。" "我认为没问题。"
4. used to say you are satisfied with sth
• (表示满意)很好,不错,满意:
 »Don't worry. Your speech was fine.
 »You go on without me. I'll be fine.
 »'Can I get you another drink?' 'No, thanks. I'm fine.'
  "我可以再给你取一杯吗?" "不,谢谢。我够了。"
 »(ironic) This is a fine (= terrible) mess we're in!
 »(ironic) You're a fine one to talk ! (= you are not in a position to criticize, give advice, etc.)
5. [usually before noun] pleasing to look at
• 好看的;漂亮的:
 »a fine view
 »a fine-looking woman
 »a fine figure of a man
6. [usually before noun] attractive and delicate
• 精巧的;精美的:
 »fine bone china
 »She has inherited her mother's fine features (= a small nose, mouth, etc.).
7. (especially BrE) bright and not raining
• 晴朗的:
 »a fine day / evening
 »I hope it stays fine for the picnic.
8. very thin or narrow
• 纤细的;很细的:
 »fine blond hair
 »a fine thread
 »a brush with a fine tip
9. [usually before noun] difficult to see or describe
• 难以看出的;很难描述的
【SYN】 subtle :
 »You really need a magnifying glass to appreciate all the fine detail.
 »There's no need to make such fine distinctions.
 »There's a fine line between love and hate (= it is easy for one to become the other).
10. made of very small grains
• 小颗粒制成的;颗粒细微的:
 »fine sand
 »Use a finer piece of sandpaper to finish.
【OPP】 coarse
11. [only before noun] that you have a lot of respect for
• 值得尊敬的;杰出的:
 »He was a fine man.
12. sounding important and impressive but unlikely to have any effect
• 漂亮的;虚饰的;辞藻华丽的:
 »His speech was full of fine words which meant nothing.
›› METALS 金属
13. (technical 术语) containing only a particular metal and no other substances that reduce the quality
• 纯的;无杂质的:
 »fine gold
get sth down to a fine 'art
•(informal) to learn to do sth well and efficiently
• 把…学到家;学得非常在行:
 »I spend so much time travelling that I've got packing down to a fine art.
not to put too fine a 'point on it
• used to emphasize sth that is expressed clearly and directly, especially a criticism
• 直截了当地说,不客气地说(尤指批评):
 »Not to put too fine a point on it, I think you are lying.
--› more at chance n., fettle , line n.
• (informal) in a way that is acceptable or good enough
• 可接受;够好;蛮不错:
 »Keep going like that—you're doing fine.
 »Things were going fine until you showed up.
 »That arrangement suits me fine.
 »(BrE) An omelette will do me fine (= will be enough for me).
cut it / things 'fine
•(informal) to leave yourself just enough time to do sth
• 把时间扣得很紧;时间上不留余地:
 »If we don't leave till after lunch we'll be cutting it very fine.
• a sum of money that must be paid as punishment for breaking a law or rule
• 罚金;罚款:
 »a parking fine
 »Offenders will be liable to a heavy fine (= one that costs a lot of money).
 »She has already paid over $2 000 in fines.
  她已经付了 2 000 多元罚金。
verb [often passive]
~ sb (sth) (for sth / for doing sth) to make sb pay money as an official punishment
• 处…以罚金:
▪ [VN]
 »She was fined for speeding.
▪ [VNN]
 »The company was fined £20 000 for breaching safety regulations.
  这家公司因违反安全条例而被罚款 2 万英镑。
drunk / drʌŋk /
--› see also drink v.
1. [not usually before noun] having drunk so much alcohol that it is impossible to think or speak clearly
• (酒)醉:
 »She was too drunk to remember anything about the party.
 »His only way of dealing with his problems was to go out and get drunk.
 »They got drunk on vodka.
 »Police arrested him for being drunk and disorderly (= violent or noisy in a public place because of being drunk).
【OPP】 sober
2. ~ with sth (formal) in a great state of excitement because of a particular emotion or situation
• 陶醉;沉醉;飘飘然;忘乎所以:
 »drunk with success
(as) drunk as a 'lord
(BrE) (NAmE as drunk as a 'skunk) (informal)
• very drunk
• 烂醉如泥
--› more at blind adv., roaring
• a person who is drunk or who often gets drunk
• 醉汉;酒鬼;酗酒者
violate / ˈvaiəleit /
verb [VN]
1. (formal) to go against or refuse to obey a law, an agreement, etc.
• 违反,违犯,违背(法律、协议等)
【SYN】 flout :
 »to violate international law
2. (formal) to disturb or not respect sb's peace, privacy , etc.
• 侵犯(隐私等);使人不得安宁;搅扰:
 »She accused the press photographers of violating her privacy.
3. to damage or destroy a holy or special place
• 亵渎,污损(神圣之地)
【SYN】 desecrate :
 »to violate a grave
4. (literary or old-fashioned) to force sb to have sex
• 强奸;奸污
【SYN】 rape
violation / ˌvaiəˈleiʃn / noun [U, C] :
 »They were in open violation of the treaty.
 »gross violations of human rights
violator noun
beer / biə(r); NAmE bir /
1. [U, C] an alcoholic drink made from malt and flavoured with hops . There are many types of beer.
• 啤酒:
 »a barrel / bottle / glass of beer
 »beers brewed in Germany
 »a beer glass
 »Are you a beer drinker?
2. [C] a glass, bottle or can of beer
• 一杯(或一瓶、一罐)啤酒:
 »Shall we have a beer?
--› see also ginger beer , guest beer , keg beer , root beer , small beer
turning / ˈtə:niŋ; NAme ˈtə:rniŋ / (BrE) (also turn NAmE, BrE)
• a place where a road leads away from the one you are travelling on
• 岔路口;拐弯处;转弯处:
 »Take the first turning on the right.
 »I think we must have taken a wrong turning somewhere.
load / ləud; NAme loud /
1. [C] something that is being carried (usually in large amounts) by a person, vehicle, etc.
• 负载;负荷
【SYN】 cargo :
 »The trucks waited at the warehouse to pick up their loads.
 »The women came down the hill with their loads of firewood.
 »These backpacks are designed to carry a heavy load.
 »A lorry shed its load (= accidentally dropped its load) on the motorway.
2. [C] (often in compounds 常构成复合词) the total amount of sth that sth can carry or contain
• 装载量;容纳量:
 »a busload of tourists
 »They ordered three truckloads of sand.
 »He put half a load of washing in the machine.
 »The plane took off with a full load.
›› WEIGHT 重量
3. [C, usually sing.] the amount of weight that is pressing down on sth
• 承载量:
 »a load-bearing wall
 »Modern backpacks spread the load over a wider area.
4. [sing.] (BrE also loads [pl.]) ~ (of sth) (informal) a large number or amount of sb / sth; plenty
• 大量;许多:
 »She's got loads of friends.
 »There's loads to do today.
 »He wrote loads and loads of letters to people.
 »Uncle Jim brought a whole load of presents for the kids.
5. [sing.] ~ of rubbish, garbage, nonsense, etc. (informal, especially BrE) used to emphasize that sth is wrong, stupid, bad, etc.
• (强调错误、愚蠢、糟糕等)胡说八道,废话:
 »You're talking a load of rubbish.
›› WORK 工作
6. [C] an amount of work that a person or machine has to do
• 工作量;负荷:
 »Teaching loads have increased in all types of school.
--› see also caseload , workload
7. [C, usually sing.] a feeling of responsibility or worry that is difficult to deal with
• (责任或忧虑的)沉重感
【SYN】 burden :
 »She thought she would not be able to bear the load of bringing up her family alone.
 »Knowing that they had arrived safely took a load off my mind.
8. [C] the amount of electrical power that is being supplied at a particular time
• 供电量
get a load of sb / sth
• (informal) used to tell sb to look at or listen to sb / sth
• (用以让人)看,听:
 »Get a load of that dress!
1. ~ (up) | ~ (up with sth) | ~ (up) (with sth) | ~ sth / sb (into / onto sth) to put a large quantity of things or people onto or into sth
• (把大量…)装上,装入:
▪ [VN]
 »We loaded the car in ten minutes.
 »Can you help me load the dishwasher?
 »Men were loading up a truck with timber.
 »Sacks were being loaded onto the truck.
▪ [V]
 »We finished loading and set off.
【OPP】 unload
2. [V] to receive a load
• 承载;装载:
 »The ship was still loading.
【OPP】 unload
3. [VN] to give sb a lot of things, especially things they have to carry
• 大量给予(尤指得携带的东西):
 »They loaded her with gifts.
›› GUN / CAMERA 枪;照相机
4. ~ sth (into sth) | ~ sth (with sth) to put sth into a weapon, camera or other piece of equipment so that it can be used
• 把…装入(武器、照相机或其他设备):
▪ [VN]
 »She loaded film into the camera.
 »She loaded the camera with film.
 »Is the gun loaded?
▪ [also V]
【OPP】 unload
›› COMPUTING 计算机技术
5. to put data or a program into the memory of a computer
• 输入,装入,写入,载入,存贮(数据或程序):
▪ [VN]
 »Have you loaded the software?
▪ [V]
 »Wait for the game to load.
--› compare download
load the 'dice (against sb)
[usually passive]
• to put sb at a disadvantage
• 使(某人)处于不利地位:
 »He has always felt that the dice were loaded against him in life.
ˌload sb / sth 'down (with sth) əusually passive]
• to give sb / sth a lot of heavy things to carry
• 给…加以重负
【SYN】 weigh down
 »She was loaded down with bags of groceries.
brake / breik /
1. a device for slowing or stopping a vehicle
• 刹车;制动器;车闸:
 »to put / slam on the brakes
 »the brake pedal
--› see also air brake , disc brake , footbrake , handbrake
2. ~ (on sth) a thing that stops sth or makes it difficult
• 阻力;障碍:
 »High interest rates are a brake on the economy.
--› see jam v.
• to go slower or make a vehicle go slower using the brake
• 用闸减速;刹(车):
▪ [V]
 »The car braked and swerved.
 »The truck braked to a halt.
 »You don't need to brake at every bend.
 »She had to brake hard to avoid running into the car in front.
▪ [VN]
 »He braked the car and pulled in to the side of the road.
tyre (BrE) (NAmE tire) / ˈtaiə(r) /
• a thick rubber ring that fits around the edge of a wheel of a car, bicycle, etc.
• 轮胎:
 »a front tyre
 »a back / rear tyre
 »to pump up a tyre
 »a flat / burst / punctured tyre
 »bald / worn tyres
--› see also spare tyre
crossing / ˈkrɔsiŋ; NAmE ˈkrɔ:s- /
1. a place where you can safely cross a road, a river, etc., or from one country to another
• (通过道路、河流等的)安全通行处;人行横道;渡口;(从一国到另一国的)过境处:
 »The child was killed when a car failed to stop at the crossing.
 »The next crossing point is a long way downstream.
 »He was arrested by guards at the border crossing.
--› see also level crossing , pedestrian crossing , pelican crossing , zebra crossing
2. a place where two lines, two roads or two tracks cross
• (线的)交叉点;(道路的)十字路口;(轨道的)交叉道口
【SYN】 intersection
3. a journey across a sea or a wide river
• (海洋或宽阔江河的)横渡:
 »a three-hour ferry crossing
 »a rough crossing from Dover to Calais
 »the first Atlantic crossing
4. an act of going from one side to another
• 穿越;横越:
 »attempted crossings of the border