bookworm / ˈbukwə:m; NAmE -wə:rm /
• a person who likes reading very much
• 极爱读书的人;书迷;书呆子
poetry / ˈpəuətri; NAme ˈpou- /
1. [U] a collection of poems; poems in general
• 诗集;诗歌;诗作
【SYN】 verse :
 »epic / lyric / pastoral, etc. poetry
 »T.S. Eliot's poetry
  * T.S. 艾略特的诗作
 »a poetry reading
--› compare prose
2. [U, sing.] (approving) a beautiful and elegant quality
• 美好的品质;优雅的气质;诗意:
 »There was poetry in all her gestures.
drama / ˈdrɑ:mə /
1. [C] a play for the theatre, television or radio
• 戏;剧:
 »a costume / historical, etc. drama
2. [U] plays considered as a form of literature
• 戏剧文学;戏剧艺术;戏剧:
 »classical / Elizabethan / modern, etc. drama
 »a drama critic
 »drama school
 »a drama student
 »I studied English and Drama at college.
3. [C] an exciting event
• 戏剧性事件;戏剧性情节:
 »A powerful human drama was unfolding before our eyes.
4. [U] the fact of being exciting
• 激动;兴奋;刺激:
 »You couldn't help being thrilled by the drama of the situation.
make a drama out of sth
• to make a small problem or event seem more important or serious than it really is
• 小题大做;大惊小怪
fiction / ˈfikʃn /
1. [U] a type of literature that describes imaginary people and events, not real ones
• 小说:
 »a work of popular fiction
 »historical / romantic fiction
【OPP】 non-fiction
--› see also science fiction
2. [C, U] a thing that is invented or imagined and is not true
• 虚构的事;假想之物:
 »For years he managed to keep up the fiction that he was not married.
--› see truth
antique / ænˈti:k /
adj. [usually before noun]
• (of furniture, jewellery, etc. 家具、珠宝等) old and often valuable
• 古老的;古董的:
 »an antique mahogany desk
• an object such as a piece of furniture that is old and often valuable
• 文物;古物;古董;古玩:
 »Priceless antiques were destroyed in the fire.
 »an antique shop (= one that sells antiques )
 »an antique dealer (= a person who sells antiques )
characteristic / ˌkærəktəˈristik /
~ (of sth / sb) very typical of sth or of sb's character
• 典型的;独特的;特有的:
 »She spoke with characteristic enthusiasm.
【OPP】 uncharacteristic
characteristically adv.:
 »Characteristically, Helen paid for everyone.
~ (of sth / sb) a typical feature or quality that sth / sb has
• 特征;特点;品质:
 »The need to communicate is a key characteristic of human society.
 »The two groups of children have quite different characteristics.
 »Personal characteristics, such as age and sex are taken into account.
 »genetic characteristics
novelist / ˈnɔvəlist; NAme ˈnɑ:v- /
• a person who writes novels
• 小说家:
 »a romantic / historical novelist
chapter / ˈtʃæptə(r) /
1. (abbr. chap.) [C] a separate section of a book, usually with a number or title
• (书的)章,篇,回:
 »I've just finished Chapter 3.
  我刚完成第 3 章。
 »in the previous / next / last chapter
  在前/下 / 最后一章
 »Have you read the chapter on the legal system?
2. [C] a period of time in a person's life or in history
• (人生或历史的)时期,时代,篇章:
 »a difficult chapter in our country's history
3. [C + sing. / pl. v.] all the priests of a cathedral or members of a religious community
• 主教座堂全体教士;宗教团体的全体成员:
 »a meeting of the dean and chapter
4. [C] (especially NAmE) a local branch of a society, club, etc.
• (社团、俱乐部等的)地方分会:
 »the local chapter of the Rotary club
ˌchapter and 'verse
• the exact details of sth, especially the exact place where particular information may be found
• 准确细节;(尤指信息的)确切出处:
 »I can't give chapter and verse, but that's the rough outline of our legal position.

a ˌchapter of 'accidents
• a series of unfortunate events
• 接二连三的不幸事故;接踵而来的灾祸

opera / ˈɔprə; NAme ˈɑ:prə /
1. [C, U] a dramatic work in which all or most of the words are sung to music; works of this type as an art form or entertainment
• 歌剧;歌剧剧本;歌剧艺术:
 »Puccini's operas
 »to go to the opera
 »an opera singer
 »light / grand opera
--› see also soap opera
2. [C] a company that performs opera ; a building in which operas are performed
• 歌剧团;歌剧院:
 »the Vienna State Opera
operatic / ˌɔpəˈrætik; NAme ˌɑ:p- / adj.:
 »operatic arias / composers
'soap opera (also informal soap)
noun [C, U]
• a story about the lives and problems of a group of people which is broadcast every day or several times a week on television or radio
• 肥皂剧
author / ˈɔ:θə(r) /
1. a person who writes books or the person who wrote a particular book
• 著者;作者;作家:
 »Who is your favourite author?
 »He is the author of seven books on art.
 »best-selling author Joan Collins
  畅销书作家琼 · 柯林斯
 »Who's the author?
2. the person who creates or starts sth, especially a plan or an idea
• (尤指计划或思想的)创造者,发起人:
 »As the author of the proposal I cannot agree with you.
verb [VN]
• (formal) to be the author of a book, report, etc.
• 着作;写作;编写
noun / əˈbju:s /
1. əu, sing.] ~ (of sth) the use of sth in a way that is wrong or harmful
• 滥用;妄用
【SYN】 misuse :
 »alcohol / drug / solvent abuse
 »He was arrested on charges of corruption and abuse of power.
 »The system of paying cash bonuses is open to abuse (= might be used in the wrong way).
 »What she did was an abuse of her position as manager.
2. [U, pl.] unfair, cruel or violent treatment of sb
• 虐待:
 »child abuse
 »sexual abuse
 »reported abuses by the secret police
 »She suffered years of physical abuse.
3. [U] rude and offensive remarks, usually made when sb is very angry
• 辱骂;恶语:
 »to scream / hurl / shout abuse
 »a stream / torrent of abuse
【SYN】 insults
verb / əˈbju:z /
▪ əʒŋ]
1. to make bad use of sth, or to use so much of sth that it harms your health
• 滥用:
 »to abuse alcohol / drugs
 »He systematically abused his body with heroin and cocaine.
2. to use power or knowledge unfairly or wrongly
• 滥用,妄用(权力、所知所闻):
 »She abused her position as principal by giving jobs to her friends.
 »He felt they had abused his trust by talking about him to the press (= tricked him, although he had trusted them).
3. to treat a person or an animal in a cruel or violent way, especially sexually
• 虐待;性虐待;伤害:
 »All the children had been physically and emotionally abused.
 »He had abused his own daughter (= had sex with her).
 »The boy had been sexually abused.
4. to make rude or offensive remarks to or about sb
• 辱骂;恶语伤人;诋譭
【SYN】 insult :
 »The referee had been threatened and abused.
abuser noun:
 »a drug abuser
 »a child abuser
cemetery / ˈsemətri; NAmE -teri /
noun (pl. -ies)
• an area of land used for burying dead people, especially one that is not beside a church
• (尤指不靠近教堂的)墓地,坟地,公墓
--› compare churchyard , graveyard (1)
desperate / ˈdespərət /
1. feeling or showing that you have little hope and are ready to do anything without worrying about danger to yourself or others
• (因绝望而)不惜冒险的,不顾一切的,拚命的:
 »The prisoners grew increasingly desperate.
 »Stores are getting desperate after two years of poor sales.
 »Somewhere out there was a desperate man, cold, hungry, hunted.
 »I heard sounds of a desperate struggle in the next room.
2. [usually before noun] (of an action 行为) giving little hope of success; tried when everything else has failed
• 绝望的;孤注一掷的;铤而走险的:
 »a desperate bid for freedom
 »She clung to the edge in a desperate attempt to save herself.
 »His increasing financial difficulties forced him to take desperate measures.
 »Doctors were fighting a desperate battle to save the little girl's life.
3. [not usually before noun] ~ (for sth) | ~ (to do sth) needing or wanting sth very much
• 非常需要;极想;渴望:
 »He was so desperate for a job he would have done anything.
 »I was absolutely desperate to see her.
 »(informal) I'm desperate for a cigarette.
4. (of a situation 情况) extremely serious or dangerous
• 极严重的;极危险的;很危急的:
 »The children are in desperate need of love and attention.
 »They face a desperate shortage of clean water.
desperately adv.:
 »desperately ill / unhappy / lonely
 »He took a deep breath, desperately trying to keep calm.
 »They desperately wanted a child.
 »She looked desperately around for a weapon.
criminal / ˈkriminl /
1. [usually before noun] connected with or involving crime
• 犯罪的;犯法的;涉及犯罪的:
 »criminal offences / behaviour
 »criminal damage (= the crime of damaging sb's property deliberately)
 »criminal negligence (= the illegal act of sb failing to do sth that they should do, with the result that sb else is harmed)
2. [only before noun] connected to the laws that deal with crime
• 刑法的;刑事的:
 »criminal law
 »the criminal justice system
 »a criminal lawyer
 »to bring criminal charges against sb
--› compare civil (3)
3. morally wrong
• 道德上错误的;不道德的:
 »This is a criminal waste of resources.
• a person who commits a crime
• 罪犯:
 »Society does not know how to deal with hardened criminals (= people who regularly commit crimes and are not sorry for what they do).
 »(especially NAmE) a career criminal
tension / ˈtenʃn /
1. [U, C, usually pl.] ~ (between A and B) a situation in which people do not trust each other, or feel unfriendly towards each other, and which may cause them to attack each other
• 紧张局势(或关系、状况):
 »There is mounting tension along the border.
 »international / racial / political tensions
2. [C, U] ~ (between A and B) a situation in which the fact that there are different needs or interests causes difficulties
• 矛盾;对立:
 »There is often a tension between the aims of the company and the wishes of the employees.
3. [U] a feeling of anxiety and stress that makes it impossible to relax
• (情绪上的)紧张,烦躁:
 »nervous tension
 »We laughed and that helped ease the tension.
--› note at pressure
4. [U] the feeling of fear and excitement that is created by a writer or a film / movie director
• (作家或电影导演制造的)紧张气氛:
 »dramatic tension
 »As the movie progresses the tension builds.
5. [U] the state of being stretched tight; the extent to which sth is stretched tight
• 拉伸;张力;拉紧状态;绷紧程度:
 »muscular tension
 »Adjust the string tension of your tennis racket to suit your style of playing.
--› see also surface tension
verb [VN]
(technical 术语) to make a wire, sail, etc. tight and stretched
• (使金属线、帆等)拉紧,绷紧
twist / twist /
1. [VN] to bend or turn sth into a particular shape
• 使弯曲,使扭曲(成一定形状):
 »Twist the wire to form a circle.
2. [often +adv. / prep.] to bend or turn sth into a shape or position that is not normal or natural; to be bent or turned in this way
• (使)弯曲变形,扭曲变形:
▪ [VN]
 »He grabbed me and twisted my arm behind my back.
▪ [V]
 »Her face twisted in anger.
›› TURN BODY 转动身体
3. to turn part of your body around while the rest stays still
• 扭转,转动(身体部位):
▪ [VN]
 »He twisted his head around to look at her.
▪ [V]
 »She twisted in her chair when I called her name.
4. [usually +adv. / prep.] to turn your body with quick sharp movements and change direction often
• (猛地将身体)转动,旋转,扭动:
▪ [V]
 »I twisted and turned to avoid being caught.
 »She tried unsuccessfully to twist free.
▪ [VN]
 »He managed to twist himself round in the restricted space.
5. [VN] to turn sth around in a circle with your hand
• (用手)转动,旋转:
 »Twist the knob to the left to open the door.
 »Nervously I twisted the ring on my finger.
›› OF ROADS / RIVERS 道路;河流
6. [V] to bend and change direction often
• 曲折;蜿蜒;盘旋:
 »The road twists and turns along the coast.
 »narrow twisting streets
 »a twisting staircase
›› ANKLE / WRIST / KNEE 踝;腕;膝
7. [VN] to injure part of your body, especially your ankle, wrist or knee, bending it in an awkward way
• 扭伤;崴伤:
 »She fell and twisted her ankle.
--› note at injure
8. [VN +adv. / prep.] to wind sth around or through an object
• 使缠绕;缭绕;盘绕:
 »She twisted a scarf around her head.
 »The telephone cable has got twisted (= wound around itself).
9. [V] ~ (round / around sth) to move or grow by winding around sth
• 蠕动;盘绕;缠绕生长:
 »A snake was twisting around his arm.
›› FACTS 事实
10. [VN] to deliberately change the meaning of what sb has said, or to present facts in a particular way, in order to benefit yourself or harm sb else
• (故意)歪曲,曲解
【SYN】 misrepresent :
 »You always twist everything I say.
 »The newspaper was accused of twisting the facts.
11. [VN] ~ sth (into sth) to turn or wind threads, etc. together to make sth longer or thicker
• 捻,搓,绞(线等):
 »They had twisted the sheets into a rope and escaped by climbing down it.
twist sb's 'arm
•(informal) to persuade or force sb to do sth
• 劝说;强迫;生拉硬拽;施加压力
--› more at knife n., little finger
ˌtwist sth∽'off
• to turn and pull sth with your hand to remove it from sth
• 拧开;扭脱:
 »I twisted off the lid and looked inside.
 »a twist-off top

1. [C] the action of turning sth with your hand, or of turning a part of your body
• 转动;旋转;搓;捻;拧;扭动:
 »She gave the lid another twist and it came off.
 »He gave a shy smile and a little twist of his head.
2. [C] an unexpected change or development in a story or situation
• (故事或情况的)转折,转变,突然变化:
 »the twists and turns of his political career
 »The story has taken another twist.
 »The disappearance of a vital witness added a new twist to the case.
 »By a curious twist of fate we met again only a week or so later.
›› IN ROAD / RIVER 道路;河流
3. [C] a sharp bend in a road or river
• 急转弯处;曲折处:
 »The car followed the twists and turns of the mountain road.
›› SHAPE 形状
4. [C] a thing that has been twisted into a particular shape
• 螺旋状的东西;卷曲物;捻合成的东西:
 »mineral water with a twist of lemon
›› DANCE 舞蹈
5. the twist [sing.] a fast dance that was popular in the 1960s, in which you twist from side to side
• 扭摆舞(盛行于 20 世纪 60 年代)
round the bend / twist
•(informal, especially BrE) crazy
• 发疯;疯狂:
 »She's gone completely round the twist.
--› more at knickers
plot / plɔt; NAme plɑ:t /
1. [C, U] the series of events which form the story of a novel, play, film / movie, etc.
• 故事情节;布局:
 »a conventional plot about love and marriage
 »The book is well organized in terms of plot.
2. [C] ~ (to do sth) a secret plan made by a group of people to do sth wrong or illegal
• 阴谋;密谋
【SYN】 conspiracy
3. [C] a small piece of land that is used or intended for a special purpose
• (专用的)小块土地:
 »She bought a small plot of land to build a house on.
 »a vegetable plot
--› note at land
ˌlose the 'plot
(BrE, informal)
• to lose your ability to understand or deal with what is happening
• 迷惘;不知所措

the plot 'thickens
• used to say that a situation is becoming more complicated and difficult to understand
• 情况变得复杂起来
verb (-tt-)
1. ~ (with sb) (against sb) to make a secret plan to harm sb, especially a government or its leader
• 密谋;暗中策划
【SYN】 conspire :
▪ [V]
 »They were accused of plotting against the state.
▪ [VN]
 »Military officers were suspected of plotting a coup.
▪ [V to inf]
 »They were plotting to overthrow the government.
2. [VN] ~ sth (on sth) to mark sth on a map, for example the position or course of sth
• (在地图上)画出,标出:
 »The earthquake centres had been plotted on a world map.
3. [VN] ~ sth (on sth) to make a diagram or chart from some information
• 绘制(图表):
 »We carefully plotted each patient's response to the drug on a chart.
4. [VN] ~ sth (on sth) to mark points on a graph and draw a line or curve connecting them
• 绘制(曲线):
 »First, plot the temperature curve on the graph.
5. [VN] to write the plot of a novel, play, etc.
• (为小说、戏剧等)设计情节;布局:
 »a tightly-plotted thriller
generous / ˈdʒenərəs /
adj. (approving)
1. ~ (with sth) giving or willing to give freely; given freely
• 慷慨的;大方的;慷慨给予的:
 »a generous benefactor
 »to be generous with your time
 »to be generous in giving help
 »a generous gift / offer
 »It was generous of him to offer to pay for us both.
【OPP】 mean
2. more than is necessary; large
• 丰富的;充足的;大的
【SYN】 lavish :
 »a generous helping of meat
 »The car has a generous amount of space.
3. kind in the way you treat people; willing to see what is good about sb / sth
• 宽厚的;宽宏大量的;仁慈的:
 »a generous mind
 »He wrote a very generous assessment of my work.
generously adv.:
 »Please give generously.
 »a dress that is generously cut (= uses plenty of material)
vain / vein /
1. that does not produce the result you want
• 徒劳的;枉然的;无结果的
【SYN】 useless :
 »She closed her eyes tightly in a vain attempt to hold back the tears.
 »I knocked loudly in the vain hope that someone might answer.
2. (disapproving) too proud of your own appearance, abilities or achievements
• 自负的;自视过高的
【SYN】 conceited :
 »She's too vain to wear glasses.
--› see also vanity (1)
in 'vain
• without success
• 枉费心机;徒劳无益;白费力气:
 »They tried in vain to persuade her to go.
 »All our efforts were in vain.
--› more at name n.
rigid / ˈridʒid /
1. (often disapproving) (of rules, methods, etc. 规则、方法等) very strict and difficult to change
• 死板的;僵硬的
【SYN】 inflexible :
 »The curriculum was too narrow and too rigid.
 »His rigid adherence to the rules made him unpopular.
2. (of a person 人) not willing to change their ideas or behaviour
• 固执的;僵化的;一成不变的
【SYN】 inflexible :
 »rigid attitudes
3. (of an object or substance 物体或物质) stiff and difficult to move or bend
• 坚硬的;不弯曲的;僵直的:
 »a rigid support for the tent
 »She sat upright, her body rigid with fear.
 »(figurative) I was bored rigid (= extremely bored).
rigidity / riˈdʒidəti / noun [U, C] :
 »the rigidity of the law on this issue
 »the rigidity of the metal bar
rigidly adv.:
 »The speed limit must be rigidly enforced.
 »She stared rigidly ahead.
civil / ˈsivl /
1. [only before noun] connected with the people who live in a country
• 国民的;平民的:
 »civil unrest (= that is caused by groups of people within a country)
--› see also civil war
2. [only before noun] connected with the state rather than with religion or with the armed forces
• 国家的,政府的(非宗教或军事的):
 »a civil marriage ceremony
3. [only before noun] involving personal legal matters and not criminal law
• 民事的(非刑事的):
 »a civil court
--› compare criminal
--› see also civil law
4. polite in a formal way but possibly not friendly
• 有礼貌的;客气的
【OPP】 uncivil
civilly / ˈsivəli / adv.:
 »She greeted him civilly but with no sign of affection.
bent / bent /
--› see also bend , bent , bent
1. not straight
• 弯曲的:
 »a piece of bent wire
 »Do this exercise with your knees bent (= not with your legs straight).
2. (of a person 人) not able to stand up straight, usually as a result of being old or ill / sick
• (因年老或生病)驼背的,弯腰的:
 »a small bent old woman
 »He was bent double with laughter.
3. (BrE, informal) (of a person in authority 当权者) dishonest
• 不诚实的;不正派的
'bent on sth / on doing sth
• determined to do sth (usually sth bad)
• 决心要做,一心想做(通常指坏事):
 »She seems bent on making life difficult for me.
--› see also hell-bent
noun [usually sing.]
~ (for sth) a natural skill or interest in sth
• (某方面的)天赋,爱好:
 »She has a bent for mathematics.
theme / θi:m /
1. the subject or main idea in a talk, piece of writing or work of art
• (演讲、文章或艺术作品的)题目,主题,主题思想:
 »North American literature is the main theme of this year's festival.
 »The President stressed a favourite campaign theme—greater emphasis on education.
 »The naked male figure was always the central theme of Greek art.
 »The stories are all variations on the theme of unhappy marriage.
2. (music 音) a short tune that is repeated or developed in a piece of music
• (乐曲的)主题,主旋律
3. = theme music :
 »the theme from 'The Godfather'
4. (old-fashioned, NAmE) a short piece of writing on a particular subject, done for school
• (学生的)作文
5. (linguistics 语言) the part of a sentence or clause that contains information that is not new to the reader or audience
• (句子的)主位;词干;主题
--› compare rheme
(BrE) ~ pub / bar / restaurant, etc. a pub, bar, etc. that is designed to reflect a particular subject or period of history
• (反映某主题或历史时期的)主题酒馆(或酒吧、餐馆等):
 »an Irish theme pub
violent / ˈvaiələnt /
1. involving or caused by physical force that is intended to hurt or kill sb
• 暴力的;强暴的:
 »violent crime
 »Students were involved in violent clashes with the police.
 »He met with a violent death (= he was murdered, killed in a fight, etc.)
 »Her husband was a violent man.
 »The crowd suddenly turned violent.
 »Children should not be allowed to watch violent movies (= that show a lot of violence).
2. showing or caused by very strong emotion
• 感情强烈的;激情的;由激情引起的:
 »There was a violent reaction from the public.
3. very strong and sudden
• 猛烈的;剧烈的;强烈的
【SYN】 intense , severe :
 »I took a violent dislike to him.
 »a violent explosion
 »a violent change
 »a violent headache
4. (of a colour 颜色) extremely bright
• 强烈的;鲜艳夺目的:
 »Her dress was a violent pink.
painter / ˈpeintə(r) /
1. a person whose job is painting buildings, walls, etc.
• 油漆匠:
 »He works as a painter and decorator.
2. an artist who paints pictures
• 画家:
 »a famous painter
 »a portrait / landscape painter
3. a rope fastened to the front of a boat, used for tying it to a post, ship, etc.
• (系船的)缆绳
workhouse / ˈwə:khaus; NAme ˈwə:rk- / (BrE) (also poorhouse NAmE, BrE)
• (in Britain in the past) a building where very poor people were sent to live and given work to do
• (英国旧时的)济贫院,劳动救济所
millionaire / ˌmiljəˈneə(r); NAme -ˈner /
• a person who has a million pounds, dollars, etc.; a very rich person
• 百万富翁;大富豪:
 »an oil millionaire
 »She's a millionaire several times over.
 »a millionaire businessman
vice / vais /
1. [U] criminal activities that involve sex or drugs
• (与性或毒品有关的)罪行:
 »plain-clothes detectives from the vice squad
2. [U, C] evil or immoral behaviour; an evil or immoral quality in sb's character
• 恶行;不道德行为;堕落;邪恶:
 »The film ended most satisfactorily: vice punished and virtue rewarded.
 »Greed is a terrible vice.
 »(humorous) Cigarettes are my only vice.
3. (BrE) (NAmE vise) [C] a tool with two metal blocks that can be moved together by turning a screw. The vice is used to hold an object firmly while work is done on it.
• 枱钳;老虎钳:
 »He held my arm in a vice-like (= very firm) grip.
reform / riˈfɔ:m; NAme riˈfɔ:rm /
1. [VN] to improve a system, an organization, a law, etc. by making changes to it
• 改革;改进;改良:
 »proposals to reform the social security system
 »The law needs to be reformed.
2. to improve your behaviour; to make sb do this
• (使)改正,改造(行为);(使)悔改:
▪ [VN]
 »She thought she could reform him.
▪ [V]
 »He has promised to reform.
reformed adj.:
 »a reformed character
noun [U, C]
• change that is made to a social system, an organization, etc. in order to improve or correct it
• 改革;变革;改良;改善:
 »a government committed to reform
 »economic / electoral / constitutional, etc. reform
 »the reform of the educational system
 »reforms in education
 »far-reaching / major / sweeping reforms
threat / θret /
1. [C, U] ~ (to do sth) a statement in which you tell sb that you will punish or harm them, especially if they do not do what you want
• 威胁;恐吓:
 »to make threats against sb
 »She is prepared to carry out her threat to resign.
 »He received death threats from right-wing groups.
 »crimes involving violence or the threat of violence
2. [U, C, usually sing.] the possibility of trouble, danger or disaster
• 凶兆;征兆:
 »These ancient woodlands are under threat from new road developments.
 »There is a real threat of war.
3. [C, usually sing.] ~ (to sth) a person or thing that is likely to cause trouble, danger, etc.
• 构成威胁的人;形成威胁的事物:
 »He is unlikely to be a threat to the Spanish player in the final.
 »Drugs pose a major threat to our society.
violence / ˈvaiələns /
noun [U]
1. ~ (against sb) violent behaviour that is intended to hurt or kill sb
• 暴力;暴行:
 »crimes / acts / threats of violence
 »He condemned the protesters' use of violence against the police.
 »domestic violence (= between family members)
 »Why do they always have to resort to violence ?
 »Violence broke out / erupted inside the prison last night.
 »Is there too much sex and violence on TV?
2. physical or emotional force and energy
• 狂热;激情;激烈的力量:
 »The violence of her feelings surprised him.
resist / riˈzist /
1. to refuse to accept sth and try to stop it from happening
• 抵制;阻挡
【SYN】 oppose :
▪ [VN]
 »to resist change
 »They are determined to resist pressure to change the law.
▪ [V -ing]
 »The bank strongly resisted cutting interest rates.
▪ [also V]
2. to fight back when attacked; to use force to stop sth from happening
• 反抗;回击;抵抗:
▪ [V]
 »He tried to pin me down, but I resisted.
▪ [VN]
 »She was charged with resisting arrest.
3. (usually in negative sentences 通常用于否定句) to stop yourself from having sth you like or doing sth you very much want to do
• 忍住;抵挡:
▪ [VN]
 »I finished the cake. I couldn't resist it.
 »I found the temptation to miss the class too hard to resist.
▪ [V -ing]
 »He couldn't resist showing off his new car.
▪ [also V]
4. [VN] to not be harmed or damaged by sth
• 使不受…的伤害;抗(伤害):
 »A healthy diet should help your body resist infection.
 »This new paint is designed to resist heat.
reunite / ˌri:ju:ˈnait /
1. ~ A with B | ~ A and B [usually passive] to bring two or more people together again after they have been separated for a long time; to come together again
• (使)重逢,再次相聚:
▪ [VN]
 »Last night she was reunited with her children.
 »The family was reunited after the war.
▪ [V]
 »There have been rumours that the band will reunite for a world tour.
2. to join together again separate areas or separate groups within an organization, a political party, etc.; to come together again
• (使)再结合,再联合:
▪ [VN]
 »As leader, his main aim is to reunite the party.
▪ [also V]
• made at home, rather than produced in a factory and bought in a shop / store
• 家里制作的
bind / baind /
(bound, bound / baund
/ )
›› ðɪə θɪðH ɔOPə / ɔɚOðH 捆绑
1. əʒŋ] ~ sb / sth (to sth) | ~ sb / sth (together) to tie sb / sth with rope, string, etc. so that they cannot move or are held together firmly
• 捆绑;系:
 »She was bound to a chair.
 »They bound his hands together.
 »He was left bound and gagged (= tied up and with a piece of cloth tied over his mouth).
2. [VN] ~ sth (up) to tie a long thin piece of cloth around sth
• (用长布条)缠绕:
 »She bound up his wounds.
›› UNITE 结合
3. [VN] ~ A and B (together) | ~ A to B to unite people, organizations, etc. so that they live or work together more happily or effectively
• (使)联合在一起,结合:
 »Organizations such as schools and clubs bind a community together.
 »She thought that having his child would bind him to her forever.
4. [usually passive] ~ sb (to sth) to force sb to do sth by making them promise to do it or by making it their duty to do it
• 约束;迫使:
▪ [VN]
 »He had been bound to secrecy (= made to promise not to tell people about sth).
▪ [VN to inf]
 »The agreement binds her to repay the debt within six months.
--› see also binding adj., bound adj. (2)
5. ~ (sth) (together) to stick together or to make things stick together in a solid mass
• (使)粘合,凝结:
▪ [V]
 »Add an egg yolk to make the mixture bind.
▪ [VN]
 »Add an egg yolk to bind the mixture together.
›› BOOK 书籍
6. [VN] [usually passive] to fasten the pages of a book together and put them inside a cover
• 装订:
 »two volumes bound in leather
›› SEW EDGE 缝边
7. [VN] [often passive] ~ sth (with sth) to sew the edge of sth to decorate it or to make it stronger
• 给…镶边;缝牢…的边:
 »The blankets were bound with satin.

—more at hand n.
ˌbind sb 'over əusually passive]
1. (NAmE) (law 律) to give sb bail while they are waiting to go to trial
• 允许某人保释候审:
 »He was bound over for trial.

2. (BrE) (law 律) to give sb a formal warning that if they break the law again they will be punished
• 令某人具结保证(不再违法):
 »She was bound over to keep the peace for a year.
noun [sing.]
(BrE, informal) an annoying situation that is often difficult to avoid
• 窘境
--› see also double bind
in a 'bind
• in a difficult situation that you do not know how to get out of
• 陷于困境;进退维谷
spin / spin /
(spinning, spun, spun / spʌn / )
›› ðuɔŋ ɔOuŋD ʌuɪɔKɚY 快速旋转
1. ~ (sth) (round / around) to turn round and round quickly; to make sth do this
• (使)快速旋转:
▪ [V]
 »The plane was spinning out of control.
 »a spinning ice skater
 »My head is spinning (= I feel as if my head is going around and I can't balance).
▪ [VN]
 »to spin a ball / coin / wheel
2. ~ (round / around) to turn round quickly once; to make sb do this
• (使)急转身,猛转回头,急转弯:
▪ [V]
 »He spun around to face her.
▪ [also VN]
3. ~ (A into B) | ~ (B from A) to make thread from wool, cotton, silk, etc. by twisting it
• 纺(线);纺(纱):
▪ [V]
 »She sat by the window spinning.
▪ [VN]
 »to spin and knit wool
 »spinning silk into thread
4. [VN] to produce thread from its body to make a web or cocoon
• 吐(丝);作(茧);结(网):
 »a spider spinning a web
5. [V +adv. / prep.] to drive or travel quickly
• 驾车飞驰;疾驰:
 »They went spinning along the roads on their bikes.
6. [VN] to remove the water from clothes that have just been washed, in a spin dryer
• (用旋转式脱水机)甩干衣服
7. [VN] to present information or a situation in a particular way, especially six that makes you or your ideas seem good
• 有倾向性地陈述;(尤指)以有利于自己的口吻描述:
 »An aide was already spinning the senator's defeat as 'almost as good as an outright win'.
spin (sb) a 'yarn, 'tale, etc.
• to try to make sb believe a long story that is not true
• 杜撰故事,编造故事(以让人信以为真)
--› more at heel n.
ˌspin 'off (from sth) | ˌspin sth∽'off (from sth)
• to happen or to produce sth as a new or unexpected result of sth that already exists
• 脱胎(于某事物);(从某事物)派生,衍生;随之而产生:
 »products spinning off from favourite books
--› related noun spin-off

ˌspin sth∽'off (business 商) (especially NAmE)
• to form a new company from parts of an existing one
• 从…脱离出来(组建新公司):
 »The transportation operation will be spun off into a separate company.

ˌspin sth∽'out
• to make sth last as long as possible
• 拉长;拖长

1. [C, U] a very fast turning movement
• 高速旋转:
 »the earth's spin
 »the spin of a wheel
 »Give the washing a short spin.
2. [C, usually sing.] if an aircraft goes into a spin, it falls and turns round rapidly
• (飞机的)旋冲,螺旋
›› IN CAR 乘汽车
3. [C] (informal, becoming old-fashioned) a short ride in a car for pleasure
• 兜风:
 »Let's go for a spin.
4. [U] the way you make a ball turn very fast when you throw it or hit it
• 旋转:
 »She puts a lot of spin on the ball.
 »a spin bowler (= in cricket , a bowler who uses spin)
--› see also topspin
5. [sing., U] (informal) a way of presenting information or a situation in a particular way, especially six that makes you or your ideas seem good
• (尤指有利于自己的)导向性陈述:
 »Politicians put their own spin on the economic situation.
in a (flat) 'spin
• very confused, worried or excited
• 晕头转向;急得团团转;十分激动:
 »Her resignation put her colleagues in a spin.
sneaker / ˈsni:kə(r) /
(NAmE) = trainer (1) :
 »He wore old jeans and a pair of sneakers.
PIN / pin / (also 'Pɪŋ number)
• the abbreviation for 'personal identification number' (a number given to you, for example by a bank, so that you can use a plastic card to take out money from a cash machine)
• 个人身分识别号码,个人密码(全写为 personal identification number,银行等向顾客提供的可与提款卡配合使用的号码)
--› see also chip and PIN
pin / pin /
1. a short thin piece of stiff wire with a sharp point at six end and a round head at the other, used especially for fastening together pieces of cloth when sewing
• 大头针
--› see also bobby pin , drawing pin , hairpin , linchpin , pins and needles , safety pin
2. a short thin piece of stiff wire with a sharp point at six end and an item of decoration at the other, worn as jewellery
• 胸针;饰针:
 »a diamond pin
--› see also tiepin
3. (especially NAmE) = brooch
›› BADGE 证章
4. (especially NAmE) a type of badge that is fastened with a pin at the back
• (有别针的)徽章:
 »He supports the group and wears its pin on his lapel.
5. a piece of steel used to support a bone in your body when it has been broken
• (接骨用的)钢钉
6. one of the metal parts that stick out of an electric plug and fit into a socket
• (插头的)管脚:
 »a 2-pin plug
›› IN GAMES 游戏
7. a wooden or plastic object that is shaped like a bottle and that players try to knock down in games such as bowling
• (保龄球等的)木瓶,瓶柱
--› see also ninepins , tenpin
›› IN GOLF 高尔夫球
8. a stick with a flag on top of it, placed in a hole so that players can see where they are aiming for
• 旗杆
--› see also linchpin
9. pins [pl.] (informal) a person's legs
• (人的)双腿
10. a small piece of metal on a hand grenade that stops it from exploding and is pulled out just before the hand grenade is thrown
• (手榴弹上的)保险栓,保险针
for ten 'pins
•(old-fashioned, BrE) used to say that you would like to do sth, even though you know that it would not be sensible
• 恨不得;恨不能:
 »I'd kill him for ten pins.
--› more at hear
▪ [VN +adv. / prep.]
›› FASTEN / JOIN 固定;连接
1. to attach sth onto another thing or fasten things together with a pin, etc.
• (用大头钉等)固定,别上,钉住:
 »She pinned the badge onto her jacket.
 »A message had been pinned to the noticeboard.
 »Pin all the pieces of material together.
 »She always wears her hair pinned back.
2. to make sb unable to move by holding them or pressing them against sth
• 使不能动弹;按住;箝住:
 »They pinned him against a wall and stole his wallet.
 »He grabbed her arms and pinned them to her sides.
 »They found him pinned under the wreckage of the car.
ˌpin (all) your 'hopes on sb / sth | ˌpin your 'faith on sb / sth
• to rely on sb / sth completely for success or help
• 完全依赖;寄希望于;指望:
 »The company is pinning its hopes on the new project.
ˌpin sb∽'down
1. to make sb unable to move by holding them firmly
• 按住;使动弹不得:
 »Two men pinned him down until the police arrived.

2. to find sb and make them answer a question or tell you sth you need to know
• 找某人查问;使说清楚:
 »I need the up-to-date sales figures but I can never pin him down at the office.
ˌpin sb∽'down (to sth / doing sth)
• to make sb make a decision or say clearly what they think or what they intend to do
• 使决定;使说明意向:
 »It's difficult to pin her down to fixing a date for a meeting.

ˌpin sth∽'down
• to explain or understand sth exactly
• 确切说明(或理解):
 »The cause of the disease is difficult to pin down precisely.

'pin sth on sb
• to make sb be blamed for sth, especially for sth they did not do
• 使承担过失:
 »No six would admit responsibility. They all tried to pin the blame on someone else.
 »You can't pin this six on me—I wasn't even there!
ˌworn 'out
1. (of a thing 物品) badly damaged and / or no longer useful because it has been used a lot
• 破烂不堪的;废旧的:
 »These shoes are worn out.
 »the gradual replacement of worn-out equipment
 »a speech full of worn-out old clichés
2. [not usually before noun] (of a person 人) looking or feeling very tired, especially as a result of hard work or physical exercise
• 疲惫不堪;精疲力竭:
 »Can we sit down? I'm worn out.
--› compare outworn
envelope / ˈenvələup; ˈɔn-; NAmE ˈenvəloup; ˈɑ:n- /
1. a flat paper container used for sending letters in
• 信封:
 »writing paper and envelopes
 »an airmail / padded / prepaid envelope
--› see also pay envelope , sae , SASE
2. a flat container made of plastic for keeping papers in
• 塑料封套;塑料封皮; 塑胶封套
--› see push v.
ˌbrand 'new
• completely new
• 全新的;崭新的:
 »a brand new computer
 »She bought her car brand new.
spit / spit /
(spitting, spat, spat / spæt /
【HəɚP】Spit is also sometimes used for the past tense and past participle, especially in NAme.
• 过去时和过去分词有时也用 spit,尤其在北美英语中。
1. [VN] ~ sth (out) to force liquid, food, etc. out of your mouth
• 吐,唾(唾沫、食物等):
 »She took a mouthful of food and then suddenly spat it out.
 »He was spitting blood from a badly cut lip.
2. [V] ~ (at / on sb / sth) to force saliva (= the liquid that is produced in the mouth) out of your mouth, often as a sign of anger or lack of respect
• 啐唾沫(常表示愤怒或鄙视):
 »He coughed and spat.
 »The prisoners were spat on by their guards.
 »She spat in his face and went out.
3. to say sth in an angry or aggressive way
• 怒斥:
▪ [V speech]
 »'You liar!' she spat.
▪ [VN]
 »He was dragged out of the court, spitting abuse at the judge and jury.
4. [V] to make a short angry sound
• (发怒时)发呼噜呼噜声:
 »Snakes spit and hiss when they are cornered.
5. [V] to make a noise and throw out fat, sparks , etc.
• 噝噝地冒油;劈啪作响;爆出火花:
 »sausages spitting in the frying pan
 »The logs on the fire crackled and spat.
6. [V] (informal) (only used in the progressive tenses 仅用于进行时) when it is spitting, it is raining lightly
• 下小雨
ˌspit it 'out
• (informal) usually used in orders to tell sb to say sth when they seem frightened or unwilling to speak
• 有话就讲;有什么尽管说出来:
 »If you've got something to say, spit it out!

spit 'venom / 'blood
• to show that you are very angry; to speak in an angry way
• 怒气冲天;咬牙切齿
within 'spitting distance (of sth)
(BrE) (also within 'shouting distance NAmE, BrE) (informal)
• very close
• 很近
ˌspit 'up (NAmE, informal) (especially of a baby 尤指婴儿)
• to vomit (= bring food from the stomach back out through the mouth)
• 呕吐

›› IN / FROM MOUTH (从)嘴里
1. [U] the liquid that is produced in your mouth
• 唾液;唾沫
【SYN】 saliva
2. [C, usually sing.] the act of spitting liquid or food out of your mouth
• 啐唾沫;吐痰;吐食物
3. [C] a long thin piece of land that sticks out into the sea / ocean, a lake, etc.
• 岬;沙嘴
4. [C] a long thin straight piece of metal that you put through meat to hold and turn it while you cook it over a fire
• 烤肉扦
ˌspit and 'polish
•(informal) thorough cleaning and polishing of sth
• 彻底的擦洗

chest / tʃest /
1. the top part of the front of the body, between the neck and the stomach
• 胸部;胸膛:
 »The bullet hit him in the chest.
 »She gasped for breath, her chest heaving.
 »a chest infection
 »chest pains
 »a hairy chest
2. -chested (in adjectives 构成形容词) having the type of chest mentioned
• 有…胸的;胸部…的:
3. a large strong box, usually made of wood, used for storing things in and / or moving them from one place to another
• (常为木制的)大箱子:
 »a medicine chest
 »a treasure chest
--› see also hope chest , tea chest , war chest
ˌget sth off your 'chest
• to talk about sth that has been worrying you for a long time so that you feel less anxious
• 倾吐心里的烦恼;吐出心事;一吐为快

--› more at card n.
attic / ˈætik /
• a room or space just below the roof of a house, often used for storing things
• (紧靠屋顶的)阁楼,顶楼:
 »furniture stored in the attic
 »an attic bedroom
--› compare garret , loft (1)
adj. [only before noun]
1. of the present time
• 现代的;当代的
【SYN】 contemporary :
 »modern-day America
2. used to describe a modern form of sb / sth, usually sb / sth bad or unpleasant, that existed in the past
• 现代版的,翻新的(通常用于消极事物):
 »It has been called modern-day slavery.
stepmother / ˈstepmʌðə(r) /
• the woman who is married to your father but who is not your real mother
• 继母
stepsister / ˈstepsistə(r) /
• the daughter from an earlier marriage of your stepmother or stepfather
• 继姐,继妹(继母与其前夫或继父与其前妻所生的女儿)
--› compare half-sister
rag / ræɡ /
1. [C, U] a piece of old, often torn, cloth used especially for cleaning things
• 抹布;破布
--› see also glad rags
2. [C] (informal, usually disapproving) a newspaper that you believe to be of low quality
• 质量低劣的报纸;小报:
 »the local rag
3. a piece of ragtime music
• 雷格泰姆乐曲
4. (BrE) [U, C] an event or a series of events organized by students each year to raise money for charity
• (学生每年组织的)慈善募捐活动:
 »rag week
in 'rags
• wearing very old torn clothes
• 衣衫褴褛;穿得破旧:
 »The children were dressed in rags.
(from) ˌrags to 'riches
• from being extremely poor to being very rich
• 从赤贫到巨富:
 »a rags-to-riches story
 »Hers was a classic tale of rags to riches.

ˌlose your 'rag
(BrE, informal)
• to get angry
• 发怒;生气

--› more at red adj.
(-gg-) [VN]
~ sb (about sth) (old-fashioned, BrE) to laugh at and / or play tricks on sb
• 嘲笑;捉弄
【SYN】 tease
'rag on sb (NAmE, informal)
• to complain to sb about their behaviour, work, etc.
• 向某人抱怨(或埋怨、发牢骚)
rescue / ˈreskju: /
~ sb / sth (from sth / sb) to save sb / sth from a dangerous or harmful situation
• 营救;援救;抢救:
▪ [VN]
 »He rescued a child from drowning.
 »They were eventually rescued by helicopter.
 »The house was rescued from demolition.
 »You rescued me from an embarrassing situation.
▪ [VN-ADJ]
 »She had despaired of ever being rescued alive.
--› note at save
rescuer noun
1. [U] the act of saving sb / sth from a dangerous or difficult situation; the fact of being saved
• 救援;营救;抢救;获救:
 »We had given up hope of rescue.
 »A wealthy benefactor came to their rescue with a generous donation.
 »a rescue attempt / operation
 »a mountain rescue team
 »rescue workers / boats / helicopters
2. [C] an occasion when sb / sth is saved from a dangerous or difficult situation
• 营救行动:
 »Ten fishermen were saved in a daring sea rescue.
wrap / ræp /
verb (-pp-)
1. [VN] ~ sth (up) (in sth) to cover sth completely in paper or other material, for example when you are giving it as a present
• 包,裹(礼物等):
 »He spent the evening wrapping up the Christmas presents.
 »individually wrapped chocolates
--› see also gift-wrap
2. [VN] ~ A (up) in B | ~ B round / around A to cover sth / sb in material, for example in order to protect it / them
• 用…包裹(或包扎、覆盖等):
 »I wrapped the baby (up) in a blanket.
 »I wrapped a blanket around the baby.
 »Wrap the meat in foil before you cook it.
--› see also shrink-wrapped
3. [VN] ~ sth around / round sth / sb to put sth firmly around sth / sb
• 用…缠绕(或围紧):
 »A scarf was wrapped around his neck.
 »His arms were wrapped around her waist.
4. ~ (sth) (around / round) (computing 计) to cause text to be carried over to a new line automatically as you reach the end of the previous line; to be carried over in this way
• (使文字)换行:
▪ [VN]
 »How can I wrap the text around?
▪ [V]
 »The text wraps around if it is too long to fit the screen.
--› compare unwrap
be ˌwrapped 'up in sb / sth
• to be so involved with sb / sth that you do not pay enough attention to other people or things
• 专心致志于;全神贯注于;完全沉浸于
【SYN】 absorbed
, engrossed
--› more at little finger
ˌwrap 'up | ˌwrap it 'up (slang)
• usually used as an order to tell sb to stop talking or causing trouble, etc.
• 住口;闭嘴;别再捣乱

ˌwrap 'up | ˌwrap sb / yourself 'up
• to put warm clothes on sb / yourself
• (使)穿得暖和:
 »She told them to wrap up warm / warmly.

ˌwrap sth∽'up (informal)
• to complete sth such as an agreement or a meeting in an acceptable way
• 圆满完成,顺利结束(协议或会议等):
 »That just about wraps it up for today.

1. [C] a piece of cloth that a woman wears around her shoulders for decoration or to keep warm
• (女用)披肩,围巾
2. [U] paper, plastic, etc. that is used for wrapping things in
• 包裹(或包装)材料:
 »We stock a wide range of cards and gift wrap.
--› see also plastic wrap
3. [sing.] used when making a film / movie to say that filming has finished
• (拍摄电影时)完成拍摄,停机:
 »Cut! That's a wrap.
4. [C] a type of sandwich made with a cold tortilla rolled around meat or vegetables
• 墨西哥卷(用冻玉米薄饼裹肉或蔬菜而成的三明治)
under 'wraps
•(informal) being kept secret until some time in the future
• 保密;隐藏:
 »Next year's collection is still being kept under wraps.
supreme / su:ˈpri:m; BrE also sju:- /
adj. [usually before noun]
1. highest in rank or position
• (级别或地位)最高的,至高无上的:
 »the Supreme Commander of the armed forces
 »the supreme champion
 »It is an event in which she reigns supreme.
2. very great or the greatest in degree
• (程度)很大的,最大的:
 »to make the supreme sacrifice (= die for what you believe in)
 »a supreme effort
 »She smiled with supreme confidence.
reputation / ˌrepjuˈteiʃn /
noun [C, U]
~ (as sth) | ~ (for sth / for doing sth) the opinion that people have about what sb / sth is like, based on what has happened in the past
• 名誉;名声:
 »to earn / establish / build a reputation
 »to have a good / bad reputation
 »She soon acquired a reputation as a first-class cook.
 »I'm aware of Mark's reputation for being late.
 »to damage / ruin sb's reputation
 »The weather in England is living up to its reputation (= is exactly as expected).
debt / det /
1. [C] a sum of money that sb owes
• 借款;欠款;债务:
 »I need to pay off all my debts before I leave the country.
 »an outstanding debt of £300
  * 300 英镑有待偿还的债务
 »He had run up credit card debts of thousands of dollars.
2. [U] the situation of owing money, especially when you cannot pay
• 负债情况:
 »He died heavily in debt.
 »The club is £4 million in debt.
  这家俱乐部负债 400 万英镑。
 »We were poor but we never got into debt.
 »It's hard to stay out of debt when you are a student.
 »a country's foreign debt burden
--› see also bad debt
3. [C, usually sing.] the fact that you should feel grateful to sb because they have helped you or been kind to you
• 人情债;情义;恩情:
 »to owe a debt of gratitude to sb
 »I would like to acknowledge my debt to my teachers.
be in sb's 'debt
•(formal) to feel grateful to sb for their help, kindness, etc.
• 欠某人的人情债;受某人的恩惠;感激某人
holy / ˈhəuli; NAme ˈhouli /
adj. (holier, holiest)
1. [usually before noun] connected with God or a particular religion
• 与神(或宗教)有关的;神圣的:
 »the Holy Bible / Scriptures
 »holy ground
 »a holy war (= six fought to defend the beliefs of a particular religion)
 »the holy city of Mecca
 »Islam's holiest shrine
【OPP】 unholy
--› see also holy orders
2. good in a moral and religious way
• 圣洁的:
 »a holy life / man
【OPP】 unholy
3. [only before noun] (informal) used to emphasize that you are surprised, afraid, etc.
• (强调惊讶、害怕等):
 »Holy cow! What was that?
--› see also holier-than-thou , holiness
verb [VN]
• be widowed if sb is widowed, their husband or wife has died
• 使丧偶;使成为寡妇(或鳏夫):
 »She was widowed when she was 35.
  她 35 岁时就守了寡。
widowed adj.:
 »his widowed father
monument / ˈmɔnjumənt; NAme ˈmɑ:n- /
1. ~ (to sb / sth) a building, column, statue, etc. built to remind people of a famous person or event
• 纪念碑(或馆、堂、像等):
 »A monument to him was erected in St Paul's Cathedral.
2. a building that has special historical importance
• 历史遗迹;有历史价值的建筑:
 »an ancient monument
3. ~ to sth a thing that remains as a good example of sb's qualities or of what they did
• 丰碑;永久的典范:
 »These recordings are a monument to his talent as a pianist.
adore / əˈdɔ:(r) /
verb (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时)
1. [VN] to love sb very much
• 热爱,爱慕(某人):
 »It's obvious that she adores him.
--› note at love
2. (informal) to like sth very much
• 喜爱,热爱(某事物):
▪ [VN]
 »I simply adore his music!
▪ [V -ing]
 »She adores working with children.
--› note at like
romantic / rəuˈmæntik; NAme rou- /
1. connected or concerned with love or a sexual relationship
• 浪漫的;爱情的;情爱的:
 »a romantic candlelit dinner
 »romantic stories / fiction / comedy
 »I'm not interested in a romantic relationship.
2. (of people 人) showing feelings of love
• 多情的;表达爱情的:
 »Why don't you ever give me flowers? I wish you'd be more romantic.
3. beautiful in a way that makes you think of love or feel strong emotions
• 浪漫的;富有情调的;美妙的:
 »romantic music
 »romantic mountain scenery
4. having an attitude to life where imagination and the emotions are especially important; not looking at situations in a realistic way
• 富于幻想而不切实际的:
 »a romantic view of life
 »When I was younger, I had romantic ideas of becoming a writer.
5. Romantic [usually before noun] used to describe literature, music or art, especially of the 19th century, that is concerned with strong feelings, imagination and a return to nature, rather than reason, order and intellectual ideas
• 浪漫主义的,浪漫主义风格的(尤用以描述 19 世纪的文学、音乐或艺术,以情感强烈、想像和回归自然为特征):
 »the Romantic movement
 »Keats is six of the greatest Romantic poets.
romantically / -kli / adv.:
 »to be romantically involved with sb
 »Their names have been linked romantically.
 »He talked romantically of the past and his youth.
1. a person who is emotional and has a lot of imagination, and who has ideas and hopes that may not be realistic
• 浪漫的人;耽于幻想的人:
 »an incurable romantic
 »He was a romantic at heart and longed for adventure.
2. Romantic a writer, a musician or an artist who writes, etc. in the style of Romanticism
• 浪漫主义作家(或音乐家、艺术家)
intend / inˈtend /
1. to have a plan, result or purpose in your mind when you do sth
• 打算;计划;想要:
▪ [V]
 »We finished later than we had intended.
▪ [V to inf]
 »I fully intended (= definitely intended) to pay for the damage.
▪ [VN to inf]
 »The writer clearly intends his readers to identify with the main character.

▪ [V -ing]
 »(BrE) I don't intend staying long.
▪ [VN]
 »The company intends a slow-down in expansion.
▪ [VNN]
 »He intended her no harm (= it was not his plan to harm her).
▪ [VN that]
 »It is intended that production will start at the end of the month.
▪ [also V that]
2. [VN] ~ sth (by sth) | ~ sth (as sth) to plan that sth should have a particular meaning
• 意指
【SYN】 mean :
 »What exactly did you intend by that remark?
 »He intended it as a joke.
【word family】
intend v.
intended adj. ( ≠ unintended )
intention n.
intentional adj. ( ≠ unintentional )

paragraph / ˈpærəɡrɑ:f; NAme -ɡræf /
noun (abbr. par., para.)
• a section of a piece of writing, usually consisting of several sentences dealing with a single subject. The first sentence of a paragraph starts on a new line.
• 段;段落:
 »an opening / introductory paragraph
 »Write a paragraph on each of the topics given below.
 »See paragraph 15 of the handbook.
  参见手册第 15 段。
rhyme / raim /
1. [C] a word that has the same sound or ends with the same sound as another word
• 押韵词;同韵词:
 »Can you think of a rhyme for 'beauty'?
  你能想出和 beauty 押韵的词吗?
2. [C] a short poem in which the last word in the line has the same sound as the last word in another line, especially the next one
• 押韵的短诗:
 »children's rhymes and stories
--› see also nursery rhyme
3. [U] the use of words in a poem or song that have the same sound, especially at the ends of lines
• 押韵;韵词的应用:
 »a poem written in rhyme
 »the poet's use of rhyme
there's no ˌrhyme or 'reason to / for sth | without ˌrhyme or 'reason
• if there is no rhyme or reason to sth or it happens without rhyme or reason, it happens in a way that cannot be easily explained or understood
• 毫无道理;无规律可循;莫名其妙

1. [V] ~ (with sth) if ten words, syllables, etc. rhyme, or if one rhymes with the other, they have or end with the same sound
• (词或音节)押韵,和…同韵:
 »'Though' rhymes with 'low'.
  * though 和 low 押韵。
 »'Tough' and 'through' don't rhyme.
  * tough 和 through 不押韵。
 »rhyming couplets
2. [VN] ~ sth (with sth) to put words that sound the same together, for example when you are writing poetry
• 使押韵:
 »You can rhyme 'girl' with 'curl'.
  你可以用 girl 和 curl 押韵。
3. [V] (of a poem 诗歌) to have lines that end with the same sound
• 押句尾韵:
 »I prefer poems that rhyme.
tune / tju:n; NAme tu:n /
noun [C]
• a series of musical notes that are sung or played in a particular order to form a piece of music
• 曲调;曲子:
 »He was humming a familiar tune.
 »I don't know the title but I recognize the tune.
 »It was a catchy tune (= song).
 »a football song sung to the tune of (= using the tune of) 'When the saints go marching in'
--› see also signature tune , theme tune at theme music
be ˌin / ˌout of 'tune (with sb / sth)
• to be / not be in agreement with sb / sth; to have / not have the same opinions, feelings, interests, etc. as sb / sth
• (与…)协调/不协调,一致/不一致,融洽/不融洽:
 »These proposals are perfectly in tune with our own thoughts on the subject.
 »The President is out of tune with public opinion.

ˌin / ˌout of 'tune
• to be / not be singing or playing the correct musical notes to sound pleasant
• 音调正确/不正确;演奏合调/走调:
 »None of them could sing in tune.
 »The piano is out of tune.

to the tune of sth
• (informal) used to emphasize how much money sth has cost
• (用于强调)总额达,总数为:
 »The hotel has been refurbished to the tune of a million dollars.
--› more at call v., change v., dance v., pay v., sing
verb [VN]
1. to adjust a musical instrument so that it plays at the correct pitch
• (为乐器)调音,校音:
 »to tune a guitar
2. to adjust an engine so that it runs smoothly and as well as possible
• 调整,调节(发动机)
3. [usually passive] ~ sth (in) (to sth) to adjust the controls on a radio or television so that you can receive a particular programme or channel
• (给收音机、电视等)调谐,调频道:
 »The radio was tuned (in) to the BBC World Service.
 »(informal) Stay tuned for the news coming up next.
4. ~ sth (to sth) to prepare or adjust sth so that it is suitable for a particular situation
• 调整;使协调;使适合:
 »His speech was tuned to what the audience wanted to hear.
ˌtune 'in (to sth)
• to listen to a radio programme or watch a television programme
• 收听(收音机广播节目);收看(电视节目)

ˌtune 'in to sb / sth
• to become aware of other people's thoughts and feelings, etc.
• 理解,体谅(他人的思想感情等)

ˌtune 'out | ˌtune sb / sth∽'out
• to stop listening to sth
• 不理睬;思想开小差:
 »When she started talking about her job, he just tuned out.

ˌtune 'up | ˌtune sth∽'up
• to adjust musical instruments so that they can play together
• (乐队等为乐器)调音,定弦:
 »The orchestra was tuning up as we entered the hall.

thou / ðau /
(old use or dialect)
• a word meaning 'you', used when talking to only one person who is the subject of the verb
• (用作第二人称单数动词的主语)你,汝;尔
--› compare thee
thee / ði: /
(old use or dialect)
• a word meaning 'you', used when talking to only six person who is the object of the verb
• (第二人称单数的宾格)你:
 »We beseech thee, O Lord.
--› compare thou
farewell / ˌfeəˈwel; NAmE ˌferˈwel /
noun [C, U]
• the act of saying goodbye to sb
• 告别;辞行:
 »She said her farewells and left.
 »a farewell party / drink, etc.
(old use) or
• goodbye
• 再见;再会
spring / spriŋ /
›› SEASON 季节
1. [U, C] the season between winter and summer when plants begin to grow
• 春天;春季:
 »flowers that bloom in spring / in the spring
 »He was born in the spring of 1944.
  他生于 1944 年春。
 »There's a feeling of spring in the air today.
 »spring flowers
2. [C] a twisted piece of metal that can be pushed, pressed or pulled but which always returns to its original shape or position afterwards
• 弹簧;发条:
 »bed springs
3. [U] the ability of a spring to return to its original position
• 弹性;弹力:
 »The mattress has lost its spring.
4. [C] a place where water comes naturally to the surface from under the ground
• 泉:
 »a mountain spring
 »spring water
5. [U, sing.] a cheerful, lively quality
• 活力;朝气:
 »She walked along with a spring in her step.
6. [C] a quick sudden jump upwards or forwards
• 跳;跃:
 »With a spring, the cat leapt on to the table.

—more at joy
(sprang / spræŋ / sprung / sprʌŋ / ) (, NAmE also sprung, sprung)
›› ʊuMP / MOʒə SuDDəŋɚY 跳跃
1. əʒ , usually +adv. / prep.] (of a person or an animal 人或动物) to move suddenly and with one quick movement in a particular direction
• 跳;跃;蹦
【SYN】 leap :
 »He turned off the alarm and sprang out of bed.
 »Everyone sprang to their feet (= stood up suddenly) when the principal walked in.
 »The cat crouched ready to spring.
 »(figurative) to spring to sb's defence / assistance (= to quickly defend or help sb)
2. (of an object 物体) to move suddenly and violently
• 突然猛烈地移动
▪ [V +adv. / prep.]
 »The branch sprang back and hit him in the face.
▪ [V-ADJ]
 »She turned the key and the lid sprang open.
3. [VN] ~ sth (on sb) to do sth, ask sth or say sth that sb is not expecting
• 突如其来地做;冷不防地问;突然说:
 »She sprang a surprise by winning the tournament.
 »I'm sorry to spring it on you, but I've been offered another job.
4. [V +adv. / prep.] to appear or come somewhere suddenly
• 突然出现(或来到):
 »Tears sprang to her eyes.
5. [VN] (informal) to help a prisoner to escape
• 帮助…逃跑(或越狱);营救:
 »Plans to spring the hostages have failed.
ˌspring into 'action | ˌspring into / to 'life
(of a person, machine, etc. 人、机器等)
• to suddenly start working or doing sth
• 突然工作(或行动)起来:
 »'Let's go!' he said, springing into action.
 »The town springs into life (= becomes busy) during the carnival.

spring a 'leak
(of a boat or container 船舶或容器)
• to develop a hole through which water or another liquid can pass
• 出现裂缝;开裂漏水
spring a 'trap
1. to make a trap for catching animals close suddenly
• 使捕兽器突然合上
2. to try to trick sb into doing or saying sth; to succeed in this
• 设套诱使某人做(或说)
--› more at hope n., mind n.
'spring for sth (NAmE, informal)
• to pay for sth for sb else
• (替别人)付…的账:
 »I'll spring for the drinks tonight.
'spring from sth (formal)
• to be caused by sth; to start from sth
• 由某事物造成;起源于(或来自)某事物:
 »The idea for the novel sprang from a trip to India.
'spring from... (informal)
• to appear suddenly and unexpectedly from a particular place
• 突如其来地从(某处)出现:
 »Where on earth did you spring from?
ˌspring 'up
• to appear or develop quickly and / or suddenly
• 迅速出现;突然兴起

lass / læs / (also lassie / ˈlæsi / )
(ScotE, NEngE) a girl; a young woman
• 女孩;少女;年轻女子
--› compare lad (1), laddie
melt / melt /
1. to become or make sth become liquid as a result of heating
• (使)熔化,融化:
▪ [V]
 »The snow showed no sign of melting.
 »melting ice
▪ [VN]
 »The sun had melted the snow.
 »First, melt two ounces of butter.
--› compare defrost , de-ice
2. to become or to make a feeling, an emotion, etc. become gentler and less strong
• (使)软化,变得温柔:
▪ [V]
 »The tension in the room began to melt.
▪ [VN]
 »Her trusting smile melted his heart.
ˌmelt in your 'mouth

(of food 食物)
• to be soft and very good to eat
• 爽滑可口;柔嫩好吃
--› more at butter n.
ˌmelt a'way | ˌmelt sth∽a'way
• to disappear or make sth disappear gradually
• (使)慢慢消失:
 »At the first sign of trouble, the crowd melted away.

ˌmelt sth∽'down
• to heat a metal or wax object until it is liquid, especially so that the metal or wax can be used to make sth else
• 将(金属或蜡)熔化
--› related noun meltdown

'melt into sth
• to gradually become part of sth and therefore become difficult to see
• 逐渐融入;渐渐与某物成为一体