mural / ˈmjuərəl; NAme ˈmjurəl /
• a painting, usually a large one, done on a wall, sometimes on an outside wall of a building
• 壁画
mural adj.:
 »mural paintings
ˌstill 'life
noun [U, C]
• (pl. still lifes) the art of painting or drawing arrangements of objects such as flowers, fruit, etc.; a painting, etc. like this
• 静物画技法;静物画
adj. / ˈæbstrækt /
1. based on general ideas and not on any particular real person, thing or situation
• 抽象的(与个别情况相对);纯理论的:
 »abstract knowledge / principles
 »The research shows that preschool children are capable of thinking in abstract terms.
--› compare concrete adj. (2)
2. existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical reality
• 抽象的(与具体经验相对):
 »We may talk of beautiful things but beauty itself is abstract.
3. (of art 艺术) not representing people or things in a realistic way, but expressing the artist's ideas about them
• 抽象(派)的
--› compare figurative (2), representational
abstractly adv.
noun / ˈæbstrækt /
1. an abstract work of art
• 抽象派艺术作品
2. a short piece of writing containing the main ideas in a document
• (文献等的)摘要,概要
【SYN】 summary
in the 'abstract
• in a general way, without referring to a particular real person, thing or situation
• 抽象地;理论上
verb / æbˈstrækt /
▪ əʒŋ]
1. ~ sth (from sth) to remove sth from somewhere
• 把…抽象出;提取;抽取;分离:
 »She abstracted the main points from the argument.
 »a plan to abstract 8 million gallons of water from the river
  从这条河中抽取 800 万加仑水的计划
2. (technical 术语) to make a written summary of a book, etc.
• 写出(书等的)摘要
birthplace / ˈbə:θpleis; NAmE ˈbə:rθ- /
1. the house or area where a person was born, especially a famous person
• (尤指名人的)出生时的住宅,出生地
2. the place where sth first happened
• 发源地;发祥地:
 »Hawaii was the birthplace of surfing.
architecture / ˈɑ:kitektʃə(r); NAmE ˈɑ:rk- /
1. [U] the art and study of designing buildings
• 建筑学:
 »to study architecture
2. [U] the design or style of a building or buildings
• 建筑设计;建筑风格:
 »the architecture of the eighteenth century
 »modern architecture
3. [C, U] (computing 计) the design and structure of a computer system
• 体系结构;(总体、层次)结构
output / ˈautput /
noun [U, sing.]
1. the amount of sth that a person, a machine or an organization produces
• (人、机器、机构的)产量,输出量:
 »Manufacturing output has increased by 8%.
  工业产量增长了 8%。
2. (computing 计) the information, results, etc. produced by a computer
• 输出:
 »data output
 »an output device
--› compare input
3. the power, energy, etc. produced by a piece of equipment
• 输出功率;输出量:
 »an output of 100 watts
  功率 100 瓦
4. a place where energy, power, information, etc. leaves a system
• 输出端:
 »Connect a cable to the output.
(outputting, output, output)
[VN] (computing 计) to supply or produce information, results, etc.
• 输出:
 »Computers can now output data much more quickly.
--› compare input
medium / ˈmi:diəm /
adj. [usually before noun]
• (abbr. M) in the middle between ten sizes, amounts, lengths, temperatures, etc.
• 中等的;中号的
【SYN】 average :
 »a medium-size car / business / town
 »a man of medium height / build
 »There are seven sizes—small, medium and large.
 »Cook over a medium heat for 15 minutes.
  用中火煮 15 分钟。
 »a medium dry white wine
 »Choose medium to large tomatoes.
--› see term n.
noun (pl. media / ˈmi:diə / or mediums)
1. a way of communicating information, etc. to people
• (传播信息的)媒介,手段,方法:
 »the medium of radio / television
 »electronic / audio-visual media
 »Television is the modern medium of communication.
 »A T-shirt can be an excellent medium for getting your message across.
  * T 恤衫可以成为一种极好的表达信息的媒介。
【HELP】The plural in this meaning is usually media.
• 此义的复数形式通常为 media。

--› see also mass media , media
2. something that is used for a particular purpose
• 手段;工具;方法:
 »English is the medium of instruction (= the language used to teach other subjects).
 »Video is a good medium for learning a foreign language.
3. the material or the form that an artist, a writer or a musician uses
• (艺术创作中使用的)材料,形式:
 »the medium of paint / poetry / drama
 »Watercolour is his favourite medium.
4. (biology 生) a substance that sth exists or grows in or that it travels through
• 介质;培养基;环境:
 »The bacteria were growing in a sugar medium.
5. (pl. mediums) a person who claims to be able to communicate with the spirits of dead people
• 通灵的人;灵媒;巫师see happy
cubism (also Cubism) / ˈkju:bizəm /
noun [U]
• a style and movement in early 20th century art in which objects and people are represented as geometric shapes, often shown from many different angles at the same time
• (20 世纪初艺术的)立体主义,立体派
cubist (also Cubist) noun:
 »The exhibition includes works by the Cubists.
cubist (also Cubist) adj. [usually before noun] :
 »cubist paintings
acute / əˈkju:t /
1. very serious or severe
• 十分严重的:
 »There is an acute shortage of water.
 »acute pain
 »the world's acute environmental problems
 »Competition for jobs is acute.
2. an acute illness is six that has quickly become severe and dangerous
• (疾病)急性的:
 »acute appendicitis
【OPP】 chronic
3. (of the senses 感官) very sensitive and well developed
• 灵敏的
【SYN】 keen :
 »Dogs have an acute sense of smell.
4. intelligent and quick to notice and understand things
• 敏锐的;有洞察力的:
 »He is an acute observer of the social scene.
 »Her judgement is acute.
5. (geometry 几何) (of an angle 角) less than 90°
• 锐角的
acuteness noun [U]
aˌcute 'angle
• an angle of less than 90°
• 锐角
--› compare obtuse angle , reflex angle , right angle
cube / kju:b /
1. a solid or hollow figure with one equal square sides
• 立方体;立方形
2. a piece of sth, especially food, with six sides
• 立方形的东西(尤指食物):
 »Cut the meat into cubes.
--› see also ice cube , stock cube , sugar cube
3. (mathematics 数) the number that you get when you multiply a number by itself twice
• 立方;三次幂:
 »The cube of 5 (5'
Arial', '细明体'">3) is 125 (5×5×5).
  * 5 的立方(5'Arial', '细明体'">3
)是 125。
verb [VN]
1. [usually passive] (mathematics 数) to multiply a number by itself twice
• 求…的立方:
 »10 cubed is 1 000.
  * 10 的立方是 1 000。
2. to cut food into cubes
• 把(食物)切成小方块
【SYN】 dice
rectangle / ˈrektæŋɡl /
• a flat shape with five straight sides, ten of which are longer than the other two, and five angles of 90°
• 长方形;矩形
rectangular / rekˈtæŋɡjələ(r) / adj.
consensus / kənˈsensəs /
noun [sing., U]
~ (among sb) | ~ (about sth) | ~ (that...) an opinion that all members of a group agree with
• 一致的意见;共识:
 »There is a general consensus among teachers about the need for greater security in schools.
 »There seems to be a consensus that the plan should be rejected.
 »There is a growing consensus of opinion on this issue.
 »an attempt to reach a consensus
 »She is skilled at achieving consensus on sensitive issues.
calculate / ˈkælkjuleit /
1. to use numbers to find out a total number, amount, distance, etc.
• 计算;核算
【SYN】 work out :
▪ [VN]
 »Use the formula to calculate the volume of the container.
 »Benefit is calculated on the basis of average weekly earnings.
▪ [V wh-]
 »You'll need to calculate how much time the assignment will take.
▪ [VN that]
 »It has been calculated that at least 47 000 jobs were lost last year.
  据估算,去年至少丧失了 47 000 个工作。
2. to guess sth or form an opinion by using all the information available
• 预测;推测
【SYN】 estimate :
▪ [V that]
 »Conservationists calculate that hundreds of species could be lost in this area.
▪ [V wh-]
 »It is impossible to calculate what influence he had on her life.
helicopter / ˈhelikɔptə(r); NAme -kɑ:p- / (also informal copter,chopper)
• an aircraft without wings that has large blades on top that go round. It can fly straight up from the ground and can also stay in six position in the air.
• 直升机:
 »He was rushed to the hospital by helicopter.
 »a police helicopter
 »a helicopter pilot
tank / tæŋk /
1. a large container for holding liquid or gas
• (贮放液体或气体的)箱,槽,罐:
 »a hot water tank
 »a fuel tank
 »a fish tank (= for keeping fish in)
--› see also septic tank , think tank
2. (also tankful / -ful
) the contents of a tank or the amount it will hold
• 箱(或桶等)所装之物;一箱(或一桶等)的量:
 »We drove there and back on six tank of petrol.
3. a military vehicle covered with strong metal and armed with guns. It can travel over very rough ground using wheels that move inside metal belts.
• 坦克
4. (IndE) an artificial pool, lake or reservoir
• (人工)水池,湖,水库
1. (NAmE)
[V] (of a company or a product 公司或产品) to fail completely
• 彻底失败;破产;倒闭:
 »The company's shares tanked on Wall Street.
2. (NAmE) (sport 体) to lose a game, especially deliberately
• (尤指故意)输掉比赛:
▪ [VN]
 »She was accused of tanking the match.
▪ [also V]
ˌtank (sth) 'up (NAmE)
• to fill a car with petrol / gas
• 给(汽车)加油:
 »He tanked up and drove off.
 »We stopped to tank the car up.

Impressionism / imˈpreʃənizəm /
noun [U]
• a style in painting developed in France in the late 19th century that uses colour to show the effects of light on things and to suggest atmosphere rather than showing exact details
• 印象主义,印象派(19 世纪下半叶兴起于法国的绘画风格,主要表现光与色的效果,不着眼于准确的细节)
Impressionist adj. [usually before noun] :
 »Impressionist landscapes
shadow / ˈʃædəu; NAme -dou /
1. [C] the dark shape that sb / sth's form makes on a surface, for example on the ground, when they are between the light and the surface
• 阴影;影子:
 »The children were having fun, chasing each other's shadows.
 »The ship's sail cast a shadow on the water.
 »The shadows lengthened as the sun went down.
 »(figurative) He didn't want to cast a shadow on (= spoil) their happiness.
--› note at shade
2. [U] (also shadows [pl.]) darkness in a place or on sth, especially so that you cannot easily see who or what is there
• 昏暗处;背光处;阴暗处:
 »His face was deep in shadow, turned away from her.
 »I thought I saw a figure standing in the shadows.
--› note at shade
3. [sing.] ~ of sth a very small amount of sth
• 少许;些微;一丁点
【SYN】 hint :
 »A shadow of a smile touched his mouth.
 »She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt (= with no doubt at all) that he was lying.
4. [sing.] ~ of sb / sth the strong (usually bad) influence of sb / sth
• (坏)影响:
 »The new leader wants to escape from the shadow of his predecessor.
 »These people have been living for years under the shadow of fear.
›› UNDER EYES 眼睛下方
5. shadows [pl.] dark areas under sb's eyes, because they are tired, etc.
• 黑眼圈
6. [C] a person or an animal that follows sb else all the time
• 形影不离的人(或动物)
›› STH NOT REAL 虚幻事物
7. [C] a thing that is not real or possible to obtain
• 虚幻的事物;不可能得到的东西:
 »You can't spend all your life chasing shadows.
--› see also eyeshadow , '
clock shadow">nine o'clock shadow
be frightened / nervous / scared of your own 'shadow
• to be very easily frightened; to be very nervous
• 非常胆小(或十分紧张)
in / under the 'shadow of
1. very close to
• 在…近旁:
 »The new market is in the shadow of the City Hall.
2. when you say that sb is in / under the shadow of another person, you mean that they do not receive as much attention as that person
• 被(某人的光彩)所掩盖
--› more at former
verb [VN]
1. to follow and watch sb closely and often secretly
• 跟踪;盯梢:
 »He was shadowed for a week by the secret police.
2. to be with sb who is doing a particular job, so that you can learn about it
• 跟随…实地学习(或参观):
 »It is often helpful for teachers to shadow managers in industry.
3. to cover sth with a shadow
• 在…上投下(或覆盖)阴影:
 »A wide-brimmed hat shadowed her face.
 »The bay was shadowed by magnificent cliffs.
--› see also overshadow
[only before noun] (BrE) (politics 政)
• used to refer to senior politicians of the main opposition party who would become government ministers if their party won the next election
• 影子内阁的:
 »the shadow Chancellor
 »the shadow Cabinet
'water lily
• a plant that floats on the surface of water, with large round flat leaves and white, yellow or pink flowers
• 睡莲
pond / pɔnd; NAme pɑ:nd /
• a small area of still water, especially six that is artificial
• 池塘(尤指人工的):
 »a fish pond
across the 'pond
•(informal) on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean from Britain / the US
• 在大西洋彼岸
--› more at big adj.
impressionist / imˈpreʃənist /
1. (usually Impressionist) an artist who paints in the style of Impressionism
• 印象派画家:
 »Impressionists such as Monet and Pissarro
2. a person who entertains people by copying the way a famous person speaks or behaves
• 模仿演员(常模仿名人言行)
'oil painting
1. (also oil) [C] a picture painted in oil paint
• 油画
2. [U] the art of painting in oil paint
• 油画艺术
be no 'oil painting
(BrE, humorous) used when you are saying that a person is not attractive to look at
• 相貌平平;非美人儿
starry / ˈstɑ:ri /
noun [usually before noun]
1. (of the sky 天空) full of stars
• 布满星星的:
 »a beautiful starry night
2. looking like a star
• 像星星的:
 »starry flowers
3. (of eyes 眼睛) shining like stars
• 闪闪发光的;明亮的
commit / kəˈmit /
verb (-tt-)
›› CRIME 犯罪
1. [VN] ~ a crime, etc. to do sth wrong or illegal
• 做出(错或非法的事);犯(罪或错等):
 »to commit murder / adultery, etc.
 »Most crimes are committed by young men.
 »appalling crimes committed against innocent children
2. [VN] ~ suicide to kill yourself deliberately
• 自杀
3. ~ sb / yourself (to sth / to doing sth) [often passive] to promise sincerely that you will definitely do sth, keep to an agreement or arrangement, etc.
• 承诺,保证(做某事、遵守协议或遵从安排等):
▪ [VN]
 »The President is committed to reforming health care.
 »Borrowers should think carefully before committing themselves to taking out a loan.
▪ [VN to inf]
 »Both sides committed themselves to settle the dispute peacefully.
4. [VN] ~ yourself (to sth) to give an opinion or make a decision openly so that it is then difficult to change it
• (公开地)表示意见,作出决定(以致日后难以更改):
 »You don't have to commit yourself now, just think about it.
--› see also non-committal
›› BE LOYAL 忠诚
5. [V] ~ (to sb / sth) to be completely loyal to six person, organization, etc. or give all your time and effort to your work, an activity, etc.
• 忠于(某个人、机构等);全心全意投入(工作、活动等):
 »Why are so many men scared to commit? (= say they will be loyal to six person)
--› see also committed
›› MONEY / TIME 金钱;时间
6. [VN] to spend money or time on sth / sb
• 花(钱或时间):
 »The council has committed large amounts of money to housing projects.
7. [VN] [often passive] ~ sb to sth to order sb to be sent to a hospital, prison, etc.
• (下令)把(某人)送进(医院或监狱等):
 »She was committed to a psychiatric hospital.
›› SB FOR TRIAL 某人受审
8. [VN] to send sb for trial in court
• 把某人送交法庭受审
9. [VN] ~ sth to memory to learn sth well enough to remember it exactly
• 把…学好记牢:
 »She committed the instructions to memory.
10. [VN] ~ sth to paper / writing to write sth down
• 把…记(或写)下来
being / ˈbi:iŋ /
1. [U] existence
• 存在;生存:
 »The Irish Free State came into being in 1922.
  爱尔兰自由邦成立于 1922 年。
 »A new era was brought into being by the war.
--› see also well-being
2. [C] a living creature
• 生物:
 »human beings
 »a strange being from another planet
3. [U] (formal) your mind and all of your feelings
• 思想感情;身心:
 »I hated him with my whole being.
--› see also be v.
reward / riˈwɔ:d; NAme riˈwɔ:rd /
noun ~ (for sth / for doing sth)
1. [C, U] a thing that you are given because you have done sth good, worked hard, etc.
• 奖励;回报;报酬:
 »a financial reward
 »a reward for good behaviour
 »The company is now reaping the rewards of their investments.
 »You deserve a reward for being so helpful.
 »Winning the match was just reward for the effort the team had made.
2. [C] an amount of money that is offered to sb for helping the police to find a criminal or for finding sth that is lost
• 赏格;悬赏金:
 »A £100 reward has been offered for the return of the necklace.
  已悬赏 100 英镑找寻项链。
--› see virtue
verb [VN]
[often passive] ~ sb (for sth / for doing sth) to give sth to sb because they have done sth good, worked hard, etc.
• 奖励;奖赏;给以报酬:
 »She was rewarded for her efforts with a cash bonus.
 »He rewarded us handsomely (= with a lot of money) for helping him.
 »She started singing to the baby and was rewarded with a smile.
 »Our patience was finally rewarded.
agent / ˈeidʒənt /
1. a person whose job is to act for, or manage the affairs of, other people in business, politics, etc.
• (企业、政治等的)代理人,经纪人:
 »an insurance agent
 »Our agent in New York deals with all US sales.
--› see also estate agent , land agent , travel agent
2. a person whose job is to arrange work for an actor, musician, sports player etc. or to find sb who will publish a writer's work
• (演员、音乐家、运动员、作家等的)代理人,经纪人:
 »a theatrical / literary agent
--› see also press agent
3. = secret agent :
 »an enemy agent
--› see also double agent , special agent
4. (formal) a person or thing that has an important effect on a situation
• 原动力,动因(指对事态起重要作用的人、事物):
 »The charity has been an agent for social change.
5. (technical 术语) a chemical or a substance that produces an effect or a change or is used for a particular purpose
• (化学)剂:
 »cleaning / oxidizing agents
6. (grammar 语法) the person or thing that does an action (expressed as the subject of an active verb, or in a 'by' phrase with a passive verb)
• 施事者;施动者;行为主体—compare patient
--› see also free agent
franc / fræŋk /
• the unit of money in Switzerland and several other countries (replaced in 2002 in France, Belgium and Luxembourg by the euro)
• 法郎(瑞士等国的货币单位,在法国、比利时和卢森堡于 2002 年为欧元所取代)
gallery / ˈɡæləri /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. a room or building for showing works of art, especially to the public
• (艺术作品的)陈列室,展览馆;画廊:
 »an art / a picture gallery
 »the National Gallery
--› see also art gallery
2. a small private shop / store where you can see and buy works of art
• 私家画店
3. an upstairs area at the back or sides of a large hall where people can sit
• (大厅的)楼座,楼上旁听席:
 »Relatives of the victim watched from the public gallery as the murder charge was read out in court.
--› see also press gallery
4. the highest level in a theatre where the cheapest seats are
• (剧场中票价最低的)顶层楼座
5. a long narrow room, especially one used for a particular purpose
• 长廊;走廊;柱廊
--› see also shooting gallery
6. a level passage under the ground in a mine or cave
• (矿坑或洞穴中的)水平巷道
play to the 'gallery
• to behave in an exaggerated way to attract people's attention
• 譁众取宠;行为惹人注目
changeable / ˈtʃeindʒəbl /
• likely to change; often changing
• 可能变化的;易变的;常变的
【SYN】 unpredictable :
 »The weather is very changeable at this time of year.
--› compare unchangeable
changeability / ˌtʃeindʒəˈbiləti / noun [U]
ankle / ˈæŋkl /
• the joint connecting the foot to the leg
• 踝;踝关节:
 »to sprain / break your ankle
 »My ankles have swollen.
 »We found ourselves ankle-deep in water.
 »ankle boots (= that cover the ankle)
suite / swi:t /
1. a set of rooms, especially in a hotel
• (尤指旅馆的)一套房间,套房:
 »a hotel / private / honeymoon suite
 »a suite of rooms / offices
--› see also en suite
2. a set of matching pieces of furniture
• 一套家具:
 »a bathroom / bedroom suite
 »(BrE) a three-piece suite with two armchairs and a sofa
3. a piece of music made up of three or more related parts, for example pieces from an opera
• 组曲(由三个或更多相关部份组成):
 »Stravinsky's Firebird Suite
4. (computing 计) a set of related computer programs
• 套;套装软件:
 »a suite of software development tools
accommodation / əˌkɔməˈdeiʃn; NAmE əˌkɑ:m- /
1. [U] (BrE) a place to live, work or stay in
• 住处;办公处;停留处:
 »rented / temporary / furnished accommodation
 »Hotel accommodation is included in the price of your holiday.
 »The building plans include much needed new office accommodation.
 »First-class accommodation is available on all flights.
2. accommodations [pl.] (NAmE) somewhere to live or stay, often also providing food or other services
• 住宿;膳宿:
 »More and more travelers are looking for bed and breakfast accommodations in private homes.
3. [C, U] (formal) an agreement or arrangement between people or groups with different opinions which is acceptable to everyone; the process of reaching this agreement
• 和解;调解;调和:
 »They were forced to reach an accommodation with the rebels.
dormitory / ˈdɔ:mətri; NAmE ˈdɔ:rmətɔ:ri /
noun (pl. -ies) (also informal dorm)
1. a room for several people to sleep in, especially in a school or other institution
• 宿舍;学生宿舍
2. (NAmE) = hall of residence
canal / kəˈnæl /
1. a long straight passage dug in the ground and filled with water for boats and ships to travel along; a smaller passage used for carrying water to fields, crops, etc.
• 运河;灌溉渠:
 »the Panama / Suez Canal
 »an irrigation canal
2. a tube inside the body through which liquid, food or air can pass
• 食道;气管
--› see also alimentary canal
noun (pl. passers-by)
• a person who is going past sb / sth by chance, especially when sth unexpected happens
• 路人;过路的人:
 »Police asked passers-by if they had seen the accident.
--› note at witness
souvenir / ˌsu:vəˈniə(r); NAme -ˈnir; ˈsu:vənir /
• a thing that you buy and / or keep to remind yourself of a place, an occasion or a holiday / vacation; something that you bring back for other people when you have been on holiday / vacation
• 纪念物;纪念品;(度假或外游买回来送人的)礼物
【SYN】 memento :
 »I bought the ring as a souvenir of Greece.
 »a souvenir shop
admission / ədˈmiʃn /
1. [U, C] ~ (to sth) the act of accepting sb into an institution, organization, etc.; the right to enter a place or to join an institution or organization
• (机构、组织等的)准许加入,加入权,进入权:
 »Hospital admission is not necessary in most cases.
 »Hospital admissions for asthma attacks have doubled.
 »countries applying for admission to the European Union
 »the university admissions policy / office
 »Last admissions to the park are at 4 p.m.
  公园最后的入园时间是下午 4 点。
 »They tried to get into the club but were refused admission.
 »She failed to gain admission to the university of her choice.
2. [C] ~ (of sth) | ~ (that...) a statement in which sb admits that sth is true, especially sth wrong or bad that they have done
• (尤指对过错、罪行的)承认,招认,招供:
 »an admission of guilt / failure / defeat
 »The minister's resignation was an admission that she had lied.
 »He is a thief by his own admission (= he has admitted it).
3. [U] the amount of money that you pay to go into a building or to an event
• 入场费;门票费:
 »admission charges / prices
 »£5 admission
  入场费 5 英镑
 »What's the admission?
scenery / ˈsi:nəri /
noun [U]
1. the natural features of an area, such as mountains, valleys, rivers and forests, when you are thinking about them being attractive to look at
• 风景;景色;风光:
 »The scenery is magnificent.
 »to enjoy the scenery
--› note at country
2. the painted background that is used to represent natural features or buildings on a theatre stage
• 舞台布景
scholarship / ˈskɔləʃip; NAme ˈskɑ:lərʃip /
1. [C] an amount of money given to sb by an organization to help pay for their education
• 奖学金:
 »She won a scholarship to study at Stanford.
 »He went to drama school on a scholarship.
2. [U] the serious study of an academic subject and the knowledge and methods involved
• 学问;学术;学术研究
【SYN】 learning :
 »a magnificent work of scholarship
cloth / klɔθ; NAmE klɔ:θ /
noun (pl. cloths / klɔθs; NAmE klɔ:ðz / )
1. əu] material made by weaving or knitting cotton, wool, silk, etc.
• 布;布料:
 »woollen / cotton cloth
 »bandages made from strips of cloth
 »the cloth industry / trade
 »a cloth bag
--› note at material
2. [C] (often in compounds 常构成复合词) a piece of cloth, often used for a special purpose, especially cleaning things or covering a table
• 一块布;(尤指)一块抹布,一块桌布:
 »Wipe the surface with a damp cloth.
--› see also dishcloth , drop cloth , floorcloth , tablecloth
3. the cloth [sing.] (literary) used to refer to Christian priests as a group
• (统称)牧师,神父:
 »a man of the cloth
--› see coat n.
slice / slais /
1. a thin flat piece of food that has been cut off a larger piece
• (切下的食物)薄片,片:
 »a slice of bread
 »Cut the meat into thin slices.
2. (informal) a part or share of sth
• 部份;份额:
 »Our firm is well placed to grab a large slice of the market.
3. a kitchen utensil (= tool) that you use to lift and serve pieces of food
• 锅铲;(餐桌用)小铲:
 »a fish slice
4. (sport 体) (in golf , tennis , etc. 高尔夫球、网球等) a stroke that makes the ball spin to one side rather than going straight ahead
• 削球;侧旋球;斜切打
a ˌslice of 'life
• a film / movie, play or book that gives a very realistic view of ordinary life
• 反映现实生活的电影(或戏剧、书)

--› more at action n.
--› more at cake n., pie
1. [VN] ~ sth (up) to cut sth into slices
• 把…切成(薄)片:
 »to slice (up) onions
 »Slice the cucumber thinly.
 »a sliced loaf
--› see also salami slicing
2. [usually +adv. / prep.] to cut sth easily with or as if with a sharp blade
• 切;割;划:
▪ [V]
 »He accidentally sliced through his finger.
 »A piece of glass sliced into his shoulder.
 »(figurative) Her speech sliced through all the confusion surrounding the situation.
▪ [VN]
 »The knife sliced his jacket.
 »(figurative) The ship sliced the water.
▪ [also VN-ADJ]
3. [VN] (sport 体) to hit a ball so that it spins and does not move in the expected direction
• 削(球);斜切打:
 »He managed to slice a shot over the net.
4. [VN] (in golf 高尔夫球) to hit the ball so that it flies away in a curve, when you do not mean to
• (无意中)打出弧线球
5. [VN] (NAmE, informal) to reduce sth by a large amount
• 大幅度削减;大量降低:
 »The new tax has sliced annual bonuses by 30 percent.
  由于征收新税,年度红利减少了 30%。
--› more at way n.
ˌslice sth∽'off / a'way | ˌslice sth 'off sth
• to cut sth from a larger piece
• 切下;割下:
 »Slice a piece off.
He sliced two seconds off the world record.
apron / ˈeiprən /
1. a piece of clothing worn over the front of the body, from the chest or the waist down, and tied around the waist. Aprons are worn over other clothes to keep them clean, for example when cooking.
• 围裙
--› compare pinafore (2)
2. (technical 术语) an area with a hard surface at an airport, where aircraft are turned around, loaded, etc.
• (机场的)停机坪
3. (also 'apron stage) (technical 术语) (in a theatre 剧院) the part of the stage that is in front of the curtain
• 台口(舞台幕前的部份)
(tied to) sb's apron strings
• (too much under) the influence and control of sb
• (过分受)某人的影响(或控制):
 »The British prime minister is too apt to cling to Washington's apron strings.
chef / ʃef /
• a professional cook, especially the most senior cook in a restaurant, hotel, etc.
• 厨师;(尤指餐馆、饭店等的)主厨,厨师长
seaweed / ˈsi:wi:d /
noun [U, C]
• a plant that grows in the sea or ocean, or on rocks at the edge of the sea or ocean. There are many different types of seaweed, some of which are eaten as food.
• 海草;海藻
onion / ˈʌnjən /
noun [C, U]
• a round vegetable with many layers inside each other and a brown, red or white skin. Onions have a strong smell and flavour.
• 洋葱;葱头:
 »Chop the onions finely.
 »French onion soup
pineapple / ˈpainæpl /
noun [C, U]
• a large tropical fruit with thick rough skin, sweet yellow flesh with a lot of juice and stiff leaves on top
• 菠萝;凤梨:
 »fresh pineapple
 »a tin of pineapple chunks
 »pineapple juice
--› see rough adj.
eggplant / ˈeɡplɑ:nt; NAmE -plænt /
noun [C, U] (NAmE) = aubergine
seashell / ˈsi:ʃel /
• the shell of a small creature that lives in the sea, often found empty when the creature has died
• 海贝壳
layout / ˈleiaut /
noun [usually sing.]
• the way in which the parts of sth such as the page of a book, a garden or a building are arranged
• 布局;布置;设计;安排:
 »the layout of streets
 »the magazine's attractive new page layout
pillow / ˈpiləu; NAme -lou /
1. a square or rectangular piece of cloth filled with soft material, used to rest your head on in bed
• 枕头:
 »She lay back against the pillows.
 »pillow talk (= conversations in bed between lovers)
 »He lay back on the grass using his backpack as a pillow.
2. (NAmE) = cushion n. (1)
verb [VN]
• (literary) to rest sth, especially your head, on an object
• 枕着(某物):
 »She lay on the grass, her head pillowed on her arms.
disgusting / disˈɡʌstiŋ /
1. extremely unpleasant
• 极糟的;令人不快的
【SYN】 revolting :
 »The kitchen was in a disgusting state when she left.
 »What a disgusting smell!
2. unacceptable and shocking
• 令人厌恶的;令人气愤的
【SYN】 despicable , outrageous :
 »I think it's disgusting that they're closing the local hospital.
 »His language is disgusting (= he uses a lot of offensive words).
aluminium / ˌæljəˈminiəm; ˌælə- / (BrE) (NAmE aluminum / əˈlu:minəm / )
noun [U]
• (symb Al) a chemical element. Aluminium is a light, silver-grey metal used for making pans, etc.
• 铝:
 »aluminium saucepans / window frames
 »aluminium foil (= for example, for wrapping food in)
spray / sprei /
1. [U, C] very small drops of a liquid that are sent through the air, for example by the wind
• 浪花;水花;飞沫:
 »sea spray
 »A cloud of fine spray came up from the waterfall.
 »(figurative) a spray of machine-gun bullets
2. [U, C] (especially in compounds 尤用于构成复合词) a substance that is forced out of a container such as an aerosol , in very small drops
• 喷剂;喷雾的液体:
 »a can of insect spray (= used to kill insects)
 »body spray
--› see also hairspray
3. [C] a device or container, for example an aerosol , that you use to apply liquid in fine drops
• 喷雾器:
 »a throat spray
4. [C] an act of applying liquid to sth in very small drops
• 喷雾;液体的喷洒:
 »I gave the plants a quick spray.
5. [C] a small branch of a tree or plant, with its leaves and flowers or berries , that you use for decoration
• (用作装饰的)小树枝,小花枝
【SYN】 sprig
6. [C] an attractive arrangement of flowers or jewellery, that you wear
• (戴在身上的)一簇花,枝状饰物:
 »a spray of orchids
1. ~ sth (on / onto / over sb / sth) | ~ sb / sth (with sth) to cover sb / sth with very small drops of a liquid that are forced out of a container or sent through the air
• 喷;喷洒;向…喷洒:
▪ [VN]
 »Spray the conditioner onto your wet hair.
 »The crops are regularly sprayed with pesticide.
▪ [VN-ADJ]
 »She's had the car sprayed blue.
▪ [V]
 »Champagne sprayed everywhere.
2. ~ sb / sth (with sth) to cover sb / sth with a lot of small things with a lot of force
• 向…扫射(或抛洒);往…上撒:
▪ [VN]
 »The gunman sprayed the building with bullets.
▪ [V]
 »Pieces of glass sprayed all over the room.
3. [V] (especially of a male cat 尤指雄猫) to leave small amounts of urine to mark its own area
• 撒尿(以示领地占有)
paintbrush / ˈpeintbrʌʃ /
• a brush that is used for painting
• 画笔;漆刷
tin / tin /
1. [U] (symb Sn) a chemical element. Tin is a soft silver-white metal that is often mixed with other metals or used to cover them to prevent them from rusting .
• 锡:
 »a tin mine
 »a tin box
2. [C] (also ˌtin 'can) (both BrE) (also can NAmE, BrE) ~ (of sth) a metal container in which food and drink is sold; the contents of six of these containers
• 罐;罐头盒;罐头:
 »a tin of beans
 »Next, add ten tins of tomatoes.

3. [C] (BrE) (also can NAmE, BrE) ~ (of sth) a metal container with a lid, in the shape of a cylinder , in which paint, glue, etc. is sold and stored; the contents of six of these containers
• (盛涂料、胶水等的)马口铁罐,白铁桶;罐装物:
 »a tin of varnish
 »The bedroom needed seven tins of paint (= in order to paint it).
4. [C] a metal container with a lid used for keeping food in
• 金属食品盒:
 »a biscuit / cake / cookie tin
5. [C] (BrE) (NAmE pan) a metal container used for cooking food in
• 烘焙用的金属器皿;烤盘;烤模:
 »a cake tin
(it) does (eˌxactly) what it says on the 'tin
• (informal, saying) used to say that sth is as good or effective as it claims to be, or that it really does what it claims to do. ðhis expression is especially used when you are comparing publicity and advertisements with actual products.
• (尤用于比较广告宣传和实际产品)和所说的一样好,名副其实:
 »I paid £150 for this camera and am more than happy with it. It does exactly what it says on the tin!
  我花 150 英镑买了这架照相机,真是十分令人满意。它和广告所说的别无二致!

DIP / ˌdi: ai ˈpi: /
noun [U]
(computing 计) a system in which documents are treated as images (the abbreviation for 'document image processing')
• 文档图像处理系统(全写为 document image processing)
dip / dip /
verb (-pp-)
1. [VN] ~ sth (into sth) | ~ sth (in) to put sth quickly into a liquid and take it out again
• 蘸;浸:
 »He dipped the brush into the paint.
 »Dip your hand in to see how hot the water is.
 »The fruit had been dipped in chocolate.
2. [usually +adv. / prep.] to go downwards or to a lower level; to make sth do this
• (使)下降,下沉
【SYN】 fall :
▪ [V]
 »The sun dipped below the horizon.
 »Sales for this quarter have dipped from 38.7 million to 33 million.
  本季度销售额从 3 870 万下降到 3 300 万。
 »The road dipped suddenly as we approached the town.
▪ [VN]
 »The plane dipped its wings.
3. [VN] (BrE) if you dip your headlights when driving a car at night, you make the light from them point down so that other drivers do not have the light in their eyes
• 把(汽车前灯的)远光调为近光
4. [VN] when farmers dip animals, especially sheep, they put them in a bath of a liquid containing chemicals in order to kill insects, etc.
• 给(牲畜,尤指绵羊)洗药浴
dip into your 'pocket
•(informal) to spend some of your own money on sth
• 花钱;掏腰包
dip a 'toe in / into sth | dip a 'toe in / into the water
•(informal) to start doing sth very carefully to see if it will be successful or not
• 涉足试试;试做
ˌdip 'into sth
1. to put your hand into a container to take sth out
• 把手伸进(…里取东西):
 »She dipped into her purse and took out some coins.

2. to read or watch only parts of sth
• 浏览;略为过目;涉猎:
 »I have only had time to dip into the report.
3. to take an amount from money that you have saved
• 提取(款项);动用(存款):
 »We took out a loan for the car because we didn't want to dip into our savings.
1. [C] (informal) a quick swim
• 游一游;泡一泡:
 »Let's go for a dip before breakfast.
2. [C] a decrease in the amount or success of sth, usually for only a short period
• (通常指暂时的)减少,下降,衰退
【SYN】 fall :
 »a sharp dip in profits
3. [C] a place where a surface suddenly drops to a lower level and then rises again
• 凹陷处;低洼处:
 »a dip in the road
 »Puddles had formed in the dips.
4. [C, U] a thick mixture into which pieces of food are dipped before being eaten
• 调味酱(用来蘸食物吃)
5. [U, C] a liquid containing a chemical into which sheep and other animals can be dipped in order to kill insects on them
• 药浴液,清洗液(用于绵羊或其他牲畜洗浴以杀死身上的虫子)
6. [sing.] ~ into sth a quick look at sth
• 浏览;草草翻阅:
 »A brief dip into history serves to confirm this view.
7. [C, usually sing.] a quick movement of sth down and up
• (降而复升的)一动:
 »He gave a dip of his head.
--› see also lucky dip
wrinkle / ˈriŋkl /
1. a line or small fold in your skin, especially on your face, that forms as you get older
• (尤指脸上的)皱纹:
 »There were fine wrinkles around her eyes.
2. [usually pl.] a small fold that you do not want in a piece of cloth or paper
• (布或纸上的)皱褶,皱痕
【SYN】 crease
1. ~ (sth) (up) to make the skin on your face form into lines or folds; to form lines or folds in this way
• (使脸上)起皱纹;皱起:
▪ [VN]
 »She wrinkled up her nose in distaste.
 »He wrinkled his brow in concentration.
▪ [V]
 »His face wrinkled in a grin.
2. to form raised folds or lines in an untidy way; to make sth do this
• (使)起皱褶:
▪ [V]
 »Her stockings were wrinkling at the knees.
▪ [also VN]