'opera house
• a theatre where operas are performed
• 歌剧院
skyscraper / ˈskaiskreipə(r) /
• a very tall building in a city
• 摩天大楼
maple / ˈmeipl /
1. [C, U] (also 'maple tree) a tall tree with leaves that have five points and turn bright red or yellow in the autumn / fall. Maples grow in northern countries.
• 槭树;枫树
2. [U] the wood of the maple tree
• 槭木
wilderness / ˈwildənəs; NAme -dərn- /
noun [usually sing.]
1. a large area of land that has never been developed or used for growing crops because it is difficult to live there
• 未开发的地区;荒无人烟的地区;荒野:
 »The Antarctic is the world's last great wilderness.
 »(NAmE) a wilderness area (= six where it is not permitted to build houses or roads)
 »(figurative) the barren wilderness of modern life
2. a place that people do not take care of or control
• 荒芜的地方;杂草丛生处:
 »Their garden is a wilderness of grass and weeds.
in the 'wilderness
• no longer in an important position, especially in politics
• 在野;不再当政(或掌权)
centigrade / ˈsentiɡreid /
= Celsius :
 »a temperature of 40 degrees centigrade
  * 40 摄氏度的温度
centigrade noun [U] :
 »temperatures in centigrade and Fahrenheit
border / ˈbɔ:də(r); NAmE ˈbɔ:rd- /
1. the line that divides ten countries or areas; the land near this line
• 国界;边界;边疆;边界地区:
 »a national park on the border between Kenya and Tanzania
 »Denmark's border with Germany
 »in the US, near the Canadian border
 »Nevada's northern border
 »to cross the border
 »to flee across / over the border
 »border guards / controls
 »a border dispute / incident
 »a border town / state
 »(figurative) It is difficult to define the border between love and friendship.
2. a strip around the edge of sth such as a picture or a piece of cloth
• 镶边;包边:
 »a pillowcase with a lace border
3. (in a garden 花园) a strip of soil which is planted with flowers, along the edge of the grass
• (草坪边等的)狭长花坛
verb [VN]
1. (of a country or an area 国家或地区) to share a border with another country or area
• 和…毗邻;与…接壤:
 »the countries bordering the Baltic
2. to form a line along or around the edge of sth
• 沿…的边;环绕…;给…镶边:
 »Meadows bordered the path to the woods.
 »The large garden is bordered by a stream.
'border on sth
1. to come very close to being sth, especially a strong or unpleasant emotion or quality
• 濒于;近乎:
 »She felt an anxiety bordering on hysteria.
2. to be next to sth
• 挨着;接壤:
 »areas bordering on the Black Sea
countless / ˈkauntləs /
adj. [usually before noun]
• very many; too many to be counted or mentioned
• 无数的;数不胜数的;数不尽的:
 »I've warned her countless times.
 »The new treatment could save Emma's life and the lives of countless others.
--› compare uncountable
freezing / ˈfri:ziŋ /
1. extremely cold
• 极冷的:
 »It's freezing in here!
 »I'm freezing!
--› note at cold
2. [only before noun] having temperatures that are below 0° Celsius
• 冰冻的;冰点以下的:
 »freezing fog
 »freezing temperatures
--› note at cold
freezing adv. (informal):
 »It's freezing cold outside.
recreation / ˌrekriˈeiʃn /
1. [U] the fact of people doing things for enjoyment, when they are not working
• 娱乐;消遣:
 »the need to improve facilities for leisure and recreation
 »the increasing use of land for recreation
2. [C] (BrE) a particular activity that sb does when they are not working
• 娱乐活动;游戏
【SYN】 hobby , pastime :
 »His recreations include golf, football and shooting.
--› note at entertainment
adj. [usually before noun] adv.
1. across fields or open country rather than on roads or a track
• 越野的:
 »cross-country running
 »We rode cross-country.
2. from one part of a country to the other, especially not using main roads or routes
• (尤指通过越野)横越全国的:
 »cross-country train journeys
1. the cross-country [sing.] a cross-country running or skiing race
• 越野赛跑;越野滑雪比赛
2. [U] the sport of running or skiing across country
• 越野赛跑运动;越野滑雪运动
--› compare downhill n.
photographer / fəˈtɔɡrəfə(r); NAme fəˈtɑ:ɡ- /
• a person who takes photographs, especially as a job
• 拍照者;摄影师:
 »a wildlife / fashion / portrait photographer
hunter / ˈhʌntə(r) /
1. a person who hunts wild animals for food or sport; an animal that hunts its food
• 猎人;狩猎者;(猎食其他动物的)猎兽
2. (usually in compounds 通常构成复合词) a person who looks for and collects a particular kind of thing
• 搜集某种东西的人:
 »a bargain hunter
--› see also headhunter
3. (BrE) a fast strong horse used in hunting foxes
• 猎狐马
4. (NAmE) a dog used in hunting
• 猎犬
rank / ræŋk /
1. [U, C] the position, especially a high position, that sb has in a particular organization, society, etc.
• (尤指较高的)地位,级别:
 »She was not used to mixing with people of high social rank.
 »He rose through the ranks to become managing director.
 »Within months she was elevated to ministerial rank.
--› see also ranking
2. [C, U] the position that sb has in the army, navy, police, etc.
• 军衔;军阶;警衔:
 »He was soon promoted to the rank of captain.
 »officers of junior / senior rank
 »a campaign to attract more women into the military ranks
 »officers, and other ranks (= people who are not officers)
 »The colonel was stripped of his rank (= was given a lower position, especially as a punishment).
3. the ranks [pl.] the position of ordinary soldiers rather than officers
• 普通士兵:
 »He served in the ranks for most of the war.
 »He rose from the ranks (= from being an ordinary soldier) to become a warrant officer.
4. [sing.] the degree to which sb / sth is of high quality
• 等级;级别:
 »a painter of the first rank
 »Britain is no longer in the front rank of world powers.
 »The findings are arranged in rank order according to performance.
5. the ranks [pl.] the members of a particular group or organization
• (团体或组织的)成员:
 »We have a number of international players in our ranks.
 »At 50, he was forced to join the ranks of the unemployed.
  他 50 岁时被迫加入了失业行列。
 »There were serious divisions within the party's own ranks.
›› LINE / ROW 行;列
6. [C] a line or row of soldiers, police, etc. standing next to each other
• (警察、士兵等的)队列,行列:
 »They watched as ranks of marching infantry passed the window.
7. [C] a line or row of people or things
• 排;行;列:
 »massed ranks of spectators
 »The trees grew in serried ranks (= very closely together).
--› see also taxi rank
break 'ranks
1. (of soldiers, police, etc. 士兵、警察等) to fail to remain in line
• 掉队;未保持队形
2. (of the members of a group 成员) to refuse to support the group or the organization of which they are members
• 不支持所属团体(或组织)
--› more at close ¹ v., pull v.
(not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时)
1. ~ (sb) (as sth) to give sb / sth a particular position on a scale according to quality, importance, success, etc.; to have a position of this kind
• 把…分等级;属于某等级:
▪ [VN]
 »The tasks have been ranked in order of difficulty.
 »She is currently the highest ranked player in the world.
 »top-ranked players
▪ [VN-ADJ]
 »Last year, he was ranked second in his age group.
▪ [V-ADJ]
 »At the height of her career she ranked second in the world.
▪ [VN-N]
 »The university is ranked number six in the country for engineering.
▪ [V , often +adv. / prep.]
 »The restaurant ranks among the finest in town.
 »It certainly doesn't rank as his greatest win.
 »This must rank with (= be as good as) the greatest movies ever made.
▪ [V]
 »(NAmE) You just don't rank (= you're not good enough).
›› PUT IN LINE / ROW 排列;排成行
2. [VN] [usually passive] to arrange objects in a line or row
• 排列;使排成行
1. having a strong unpleasant smell
• 难闻的;恶臭的:
 »The house was full of the rank smell of urine.
2. [only before noun] used to emphasize a particular quality, state, etc.
• (强调质量、状况等)极端的,糟糕的:
 »an example of rank stupidity
 »The winning horse was a rank outsider.
3. (of plants, etc. 植物) growing too thickly
• 疯长的
multicultural / ˌmʌltiˈkʌltʃərəl /
• for or including people of several different races, religions, languages and traditions
• 多元文化的;多种文化融合的:
 »We live in a multicultural society.
 »a multicultural approach to education
historic / hiˈstɔrik; NAme -ˈstɔ:r-; -ˈstɑ:r- /
adj. [usually before noun]
1. important in history; likely to be thought of as important at some time in the future
• 历史上著名(或重要)的;可名垂青史的:
 »a historic building / monument
 »The area is of special historic interest.
 »a historic occasion / decision / day / visit / victory
2. of a period during which history was recorded
• 有史时期的:
 »in historic times
--› compare prehistoric
【HELP】Some speakers do not pronounce the 'h' at the beginning of historic and use 'an' instead of 'a' before it. This now sounds old-fashioned.
• 有人说 historic 时不发 h 音,前面用 an 而不用 a,现在听起来过时了。

alley / ˈæli /
1. (also alleyway / ˈæliwei / ) a narrow passage behind or between buildings
• (建筑群中间或后面的)小街,小巷,胡同:
 »a narrow / dark alley
--› see also blind alley , bowling alley
2. (NAmE) = tramlines
(right) up your 'alley
(NAmE) = (right) up your street at street
concrete / ˈkɔŋkri:t; NAmE ˈkɑ:ŋ- /
1. made of concrete
• 混凝土制的:
 »a concrete floor
2. based on facts, not on ideas or guesses
• 确实的,具体的(而非想像或猜测的):
 »concrete evidence / proposals / proof
 »'It's only a suspicion,' she said, 'nothing concrete.'
 »It is easier to think in concrete terms rather than in the abstract.
--› compare abstract (1)
3. a concrete object is one that you can see and feel
• 有形的;实在的
concretely adv.
noun [U]
• building material that is made by mixing together cement , sand, small stones and water
• 混凝土:
 »a slab of concrete
verb [VN]
~ sth (over) to cover sth with concrete
• 用混凝土覆盖:
 »The garden had been concreted over.
dynamic / daiˈnæmik /
1. dynamics [pl.] the way in which people or things behave and react to each other in a particular situation
• (人或事物)相互作用的方式,动态:
 »the dynamics of political change
 »group dynamics (= the way in which members of a group react to each other)
2. dynamics [U] the science of the forces involved in movement
• 力学;动力学:
 »fluid dynamics
--› compare static n. (3)
3. [sing.] (formal) a force that produces change, action or effects
• 动力
4. dynamics [pl.] (music 音) changes in volume in music
• 力度;力度变化
1. (approving) (of a person 人) having a lot of energy and a strong personality
• 充满活力的;精力充沛的;个性强的:
 »a dynamic personality
2. (of a process 过程) always changing and making progress
• 动态的;发展变化的
【OPP】 static
3. (physics 物) (of a force or power 力或动力) producing movement
• 力的;动力的
【OPP】 static ys(linguistics 语言) (of verbs 动词)
• describing an action rather than a state. Dynamic verbs (for example eat, grow, knock, die) can be used in the progressive tenses.
• 动态的
--› compare stative
dynamically / -kli / adv.
cuisine / kwiˈzi:n /
noun [U, C] (from French)
1. a style of cooking
• 烹饪;风味:
 »Italian cuisine
2. the food served in a restaurant (usually an expensive one)
• (通常指昂贵的饭店中的)饭菜,菜肴:
 »The hotel restaurant is noted for its excellent cuisine.
--› see also haute cuisine , nouvelle cuisine
mall / mɔ:l; BrE also mæl /
(especially NAmE) = shopping mall :
 »Let's go to the mall.
 »Some teenagers were hanging out at the mall.
waterfall / ˈwɔ:təfɔ:l; NAme ˈwɔ:tərf-; ˈwɑ:t- /
• a place where a stream or river falls from a high place, for example over a cliff or rock
• 瀑布
semicircle / ˈsemisə:kl; NAme -sə:rkl /
1. (geometry 几何) one half of a circle
• 半圆
2. the line that forms the edge of a semicircle
• 半圆弧线
3. a thing, or a group of people or things, shaped like a semicircle
• 半圆形:
 »a semicircle of chairs
 »We sat in a semicircle round the fire.
semicircular / ˌsemiˈsə:kjələ(r); NAme -ˈsə:rk- / adj.:
 »a semicircular driveway
sheet / ʃi:t /
›› ON BED 牀上
1. a large piece of thin cloth used on a bed to lie on or lie under
• 牀单;被单:
 »Have you changed the sheets (= put clean sheets on the bed) ?
 »He slid between the sheets and closed his eyes.
--› see also dust sheet
2. a piece of paper for writing or printing on, etc. usually in a standard size
• 一张(通常指标准尺寸的纸):
 »a clean / blank sheet of paper (= with no writing on it)
 »Pick up six of our free information sheets at reception.
3. a flat thin piece of any material, normally square or rectangular
• 薄片,薄板(多指正方形或长方形的):
 »a sheet of glass / steel
 »sheet metal (= metal that has been made into thin sheets)
 »Place the dough on a baking sheet (= for cooking sth in an oven).
4. a wide flat area of sth, covering the surface of sth else
• 一大片(覆盖物):
 »The road was covered with a sheet of ice.
›› OF FIRE / WATER 火;水
5. a large moving mass of fire or water
• 一大片,一大堆,一大摊(移动的东西):
 »a sheet of flame
 »The rain was coming down in sheets (= very heavily).
›› ON SAIL 帆上
6. (technical 术语) a rope or chain fastened to the lower corner of a sail to hold it and to control the angle of the sail
• 帆脚索;拉帆绳
【HELP】There are other compounds ending sheet. You will find them at their place in the alphabet.
• 其他以 sheet 结尾的复合词,可在各字母中的适当位置查到。
--› see clean adj.
traveller (especially BrE) (NAmE usually traveler) / ˈtrævələ(r) /
1. a person who is travelling or who often travels
• 旅行者;旅游者;旅客;游客:
 »She is a frequent traveller to Belgium.
 »He passed the time chatting with fellow travellers.
--› see also commercial traveller
2. (BrE) a person who does not live in six place but travels around, especially as part of a group (often used as a word for a Gypsy )
• (尤指结队而行的)漂泊者;(常指)吉卜赛人:
 »New Age travellers
frontier / ˈfrʌntiə(r); NAmE frʌnˈtir /
1. (BrE) [C] ~ (between A and B) | ~ (with sth) a line that separates two countries, etc.; the land near this line
• 国界;边界;边境:
 »the frontier between the land of the Saxons and that of the Danes
 »a customs post on the frontier with Italy
 »a frontier town / zone / post
--› note at border
2. the frontier [sing.] the edge of land where people live and have built towns, beyond which the country is wild and unknown, especially in the western US in the 19th century
• (尤指 19 世纪美国西部的)开发地区边缘地带,边远地区:
 »a remote frontier settlement
3. [C, usually pl.] ~ (of sth) the limit of sth, especially the limit of what is known about a particular subject or activity
• (学科或活动的)尖端,边缘:
 »to push back the frontiers of science (= to increase knowledge of science)
 »to roll back the frontiers of government (= to limit the powers of the government)
westwards / ˈwestwədz; NAme -wərdz / (also westward)
• towards the west
• 向西;朝西:
 »to turn westwards
westward adj.:
 »in a westward direction
settlement / ˈsetlmənt /
1. [C] an official agreement that ends an argument between two people or groups
• (解决纷争的)协议:
 »to negotiate a peace settlement
 »The management and unions have reached a settlement over new working conditions.
 »an out-of-court settlement (= money that is paid to sb or an agreement that is made to stop sb going to court)
2. [U] the action of reaching an agreement
• 解决;处理:
 »the settlement of a dispute
3. [C] (law 律) the conditions, or a document stating the conditions, on which money or property is given to sb
• (关于钱财转让的)协议(书):
 »a divorce / marriage / property, etc. settlement
4. [U] the action of paying back money that you owe
• (欠款的)支付,偿付,结算:
 »the settlement of a debt
 »a cheque in settlement of a bill
5. [C] a place where people have come to live and make their homes, especially where few or no people lived before
• (尤指拓荒安家的)定居点:
 »signs of an Iron Age settlement
6. [U] the process of people making their homes in a place
• 移民;殖民;开拓:
 »the settlement of the American West
syrup / ˈsirəp /
noun [U]
1. a sweet liquid made from sugar and water, often used in cans of fruit
• 糖水(罐头水果常用):
 »pears in syrup
2. any thick sweet liquid made with sugar, used especially as a sauce
• 糖浆
--› see also corn syrup , golden syrup , maple syrup
merchant / ˈmə:tʃənt; NAme ˈmə:rtʃ- /
1. a person who buys and sells goods in large quantities, especially six who imports and exports goods
• 商人;批发商;(尤指)进出口批发商:
 »builders' merchants (= who sell supplies to the building trade)
 »a coal / wine merchant
 »Venice was once a city of rich merchants.
--› see also squeegee merchant
2. (BrE, informal, disapproving) a person who likes a particular activity
• (某活动的)爱好者;热衷于…的人:
 »a speed merchant (= sb who likes to drive fast)
 »noise merchants (= for example, a band who make a lot of noise)
--› see doom n.
adj. [only before noun]
• connected with the transport of goods by sea
• 海上货运的:
 »merchant seamen
cowboy / ˈkaubɔi /
1. a man who rides a horse and whose job is to take care of cattle in the western parts of the US
• (美国西部的)牛仔,骑马牧人:
 »cowboy boots
2. a man like this as a character in a film / movie about the American West
• (美国西部影片中的)牛仔:
 »children playing a game of cowboys and Indians
3. (BrE, informal, disapproving) a dishonest person in business, especially sb who produces work of bad quality or charges too high a price
• (尤指产品质量差或索价太高的)奸商
niece / ni:s /
• the daughter of your brother or sister; the daughter of your husband's or wife's brother or sister
• 侄女;甥女
--› compare nephew
oral / ˈɔ:rəl /
1. [usually before noun] spoken rather than written
• 口头的:
 »a test of both oral and written French
 »oral evidence
 »He was interested in oral history (= history that is collected from interviews with people who have personal knowledge of past events).
--› compare verbal (2)
--› note at spoken
2. [only before noun] connected with the mouth
• 用口的;口腔的;口服的:
 »oral hygiene
 »oral sex (= using the mouth to stimulate sb's sex organs)
3. (phonetics 语音) (of a speech sound 语音) produced without the air in the nose vibrating
• 口腔发声的;口腔的
--› compare nasal (3)
orally / ˈɔ:rəli
/ adv.:
 »Answers can be written or presented orally on tape.
 »not to be taken orally (= a warning on some medicines to show that they must not be swallowed)
1. (especially BrE) a spoken exam, especially in a foreign language
• (尤指外语考试中的)口试:
 »a French oral
 »He failed the oral.
2. (NAmE) a spoken exam in a university
• (大学里的)口试
merry / ˈmeri /
adj. (merrier, merriest)
1. happy and cheerful
• 愉快的;高兴的
【SYN】 cheery :
 »a merry grin
--› note at cheerful
2. Merry Christmas used at Christmas to say that you hope that sb has an enjoyable holiday
• (圣诞节祝贺语)圣诞快乐
3. (informal, especially BrE) slightly drunk
• 微醺
【SYN】 tipsy
make 'merry
•(old-fashioned) to enjoy yourself by singing, laughing, drinking, etc.
• 行乐;宴乐
the ˌmore the 'merrier
•(saying) the more people or things there are, the better the situation will be or the more fun people will have
• 人越多越热闹;(东西)多多益善,越多越好:
 »'Can I bring a friend to your party?' 'Sure—the more the merrier!'
  "我能带个朋友来你的聚会吗?" "当然,人越多越热闹嘛!"

--› more at eat , hell , lead ¹ v.
occasion / əˈkeiʒn /
1. [C] a particular time when sth happens
• 某次;…的时候:
 »on this / that occasion
 »I've met him on several occasions.
 »I can remember very few occasions when he had to cancel because of ill health.
 »They have been seen together on ten separate occasions.
 »On six occasion, she called me in the middle of the night.
 »He used the occasion to announce further tax cuts.
2. [C] a special event, ceremony or celebration
• 特别的事情(或仪式、庆典):
 »a great / memorable / happy occasion
 »Turn every meal into a special occasion.
 »They marked the occasion (= celebrated it) with an open-air concert.
 »Their wedding turned out to be quite an occasion.
 »He was presented with the watch on the occasion of his retirement.
3. [sing.] ~ (for sth / doing sth) a suitable time for sth
• 适当的机会;时机:
 »It should have been an occasion for rejoicing, but she could not feel any real joy.
 »I'll speak to him about it if the occasion arises (= if I get a chance).
4. [U, sing.] ~ (to do sth) | ~ (of / for sth) (formal) a reason or cause
• 理由;原因:
 »I've had no occasion to visit him recently.
 »Her death was the occasion of mass riots.
 »I'm willing to go to court over this if the occasion arises (= if it becomes necessary).
on oc'casion(s)
• sometimes but not often
• 偶尔;偶然;有时:
 »He has been known on occasion to lose his temper.
--› more at sense n.
• (formal) to cause sth
• 使发生;造成;导致:
▪ [VN]
 »The flight delay was occasioned by the need for a further security check.
▪ [VNN]
 »The decision occasioned us much anxiety.
teamwork / ˈti:mwə:k; NAme -wə:rk /
noun [U]
• the activity of working well together as a team
• 协同工作;配合:
 »She stressed the importance of good teamwork.
empire / ˈempaiə(r) /
1. a group of countries or states that are controlled by one ruler or government
• 帝国:
 »the Roman empire
2. a group of commercial organizations controlled by one person or company
• 大企业;企业集团:
 »a business empire
seaside / ˈsi:said / (often the seaside)
noun [sing.]
(especially BrE) an area that is by the sea, especially six where people go for a day or a holiday / vacation
• (尤指人们游玩、度假的)海边,海滨:
 »a trip to the seaside
 »a day at / by the seaside
--› note at coast
seaside adj. [only before noun] :
 »a seaside resort
 »a seaside vacation home
sidewalk / ˈsaidwɔ:k /
(NAmE) = pavement (1)
jungle / ˈdʒʌŋɡl /
1. [U, C] an area of tropical forest where trees and plants grow very thickly
• (热带)丛林,密林:
 »The area was covered in dense jungle.
 »the jungles of South-East Asia
 »jungle warfare
 »Our garden is a complete jungle.
2. [sing.] an unfriendly or dangerous place or situation, especially one where it is very difficult to be successful or to trust anyone
• 尔虞我诈的环境;危险地带:
 »It's a jungle out there—you've got to be strong to succeed.
--› see also concrete jungle
3. (also 'jungle music) [U] a type of popular dance music developed in Britain in the early 1990s, with fast music and spoken words about life in cities
• 丛林音乐(20 世纪 90 年代初发端于英国的一种流行快步舞曲,歌词多涉城市生活)
--› see law
immigration / ˌimiˈɡreiʃn /
noun [U]
1. the process of coming to live permanently in a country that is not your own; the number of people who do this
• 移居(入境);移民人数:
 »laws restricting immigration into the US
 »a rise / fall in immigration
 »immigration officers
--› compare emigration at emigrate
2. (also immi'gration control) the place at a port, an airport, etc. where the passports and other documents of people coming into a country are checked
• 移民局检查站:
 »to go through immigration
sporting / ˈspɔ:tiŋ; NAme ˈspɔ:rtiŋ /
1. [only before noun] connected with sports
• 体育运动的:
 »a major sporting event
 »a range of sporting activities
 »His main sporting interests are golf and tennis.
 »(NAmE) a store selling sporting goods
2. (especially BrE) fair and generous in your treatment of other people, especially in a game or sport
• 风格高的;有良好体育风尚的
【OPP】 unsporting
sportingly adv.:
 »He sportingly agreed to play the point again.
a ˌsporting 'chance
• a reasonable chance of success
• 比较有成功希望的机会

ambiguous / æmˈbiɡjuəs /
1. that can be understood in more than one way; having different meanings
• 模棱两可的;含混不清的:
 »an ambiguous word / term / statement
 »Her account was deliberately ambiguous.
2. not clearly stated or defined
• 不明确的:
 »His role has always been ambiguous.
【OPP】 unambiguous
ambiguously adv.:
 »an ambiguously worded agreement
absolute / ˈæbsəlu:t /
1. total and complete
• 完全的;全部的;绝对的:
 »a class for absolute beginners
 »absolute confidence / trust / silence / truth
 »'You're wrong,' she said with absolute certainty.
2. [only before noun] used, especially in spoken English, to give emphasis to what you are saying
• (英语口语中尤用以强调)道地的,确实的,十足的:
 »There's absolute rubbish on television tonight.
 »He must earn an absolute fortune.
3. definite and without any doubt or confusion
• 肯定的;无疑的;明确的:
 »There was no absolute proof.
 »He taught us that the laws of physics were absolute.
 »The divorce became absolute last week.
--› see also decree absolute
4. not limited or restricted
• 不受限制的;不受约束的:
 »absolute power / authority
 »an absolute ruler / monarchy (= six with no limit to their power)
5. existing or measured independently and not in relation to sth else
• 独立的;绝对的:
 »Although prices are falling in absolute terms, energy is still expensive.
 »Beauty cannot be measured by any absolute standard.
--› compare relative adj. (1)
• an idea or a principle that is believed to be true or valid in any circumstances
• 绝对真理(指思想或原理):
 »Right and wrong are, for her, moral absolutes.
compulsory / kəmˈpʌlsəri /
• that must be done because of a law or a rule
• (因法律或规则而)必须做的,强制的,强迫的
【SYN】 mandatory :
 »It is compulsory for all motorcyclists to wear helmets.
 »English is a compulsory subject at this level.
 »compulsory education / schooling
 »compulsory redundancies
【OPP】 voluntary
compulsorily / kəmˈpʌlsərəli / adv.:
 »Over 600 workers were made compulsorily redundant.
  * 600 多名工人遭到强制性裁员。
canteen / kænˈti:n /
1. (especially BrE) a place where food and drink are served in a factory, a school, etc.
• 食堂;餐厅
2. a small container used by soldiers, travellers, etc. for carrying water or other liquid
• (士兵、旅游者等用的)水壶
3. ~ of cutlery (BrE) a box containing a set of knives, forks and spoons
• (装有一套刀、叉和勺的)餐具盒
pub / pʌb / (also formal ˌpublic 'house) (both BrE)
• a building where people go to drink and meet their friends. Pubs serve alcoholic and other drinks, and often also food.
• 酒吧;酒馆:
 »They've gone down the pub for a drink.
 »a pub lunch
 »the landlord of the local pub
pint / paint /
1. (abbr. pt) a unit for measuring liquids and some dry goods. There are 8 pints in a gallon, equal to 0.568 of a litre in the UK and some other countries, and 0.473 of a litre in the US.
• 品脱(容量单位,为 1/8加仑,在英国等国家约合 0.568 升,在美国约合 0.473 升) :
 »a pint of beer / milk
 »We'd better get a couple of extra pints (= of milk) tomorrow.
 »Add half a pint of cream.
2. (BrE) a pint of beer (especially in a pub)
• 一品脱啤酒(尤用于酒吧):
 »Do you want to go for a pint later?
grill / ɡril /
1. (BrE) the part of a cooker that directs heat downwards to cook food that is placed underneath it
• (炊具、烤炉内的)烤架
--› compare broiler (2)
2. a flat metal frame that you put food on to cook over a fire
• (置于火上的)烤架
--› see also barbecue n. (1)
3. a dish of grilled food, especially meat
• 一盘烧烤食物(尤指烤肉)
--› see also mixed grill
4. (especially in names 尤用于名称) a restaurant serving grilled food
• 烤肉餐馆;烧烤店:
 »Harry's Bar and Grill
5. = grille
verb [VN]
1. (BrE) to cook food under or over a very strong heat
• (在高温下方或上方)烧烤,炙烤:
 »Grill the sausages for two minutes.
 »grilled bacon
--› compare broil
2. (NAmE) to cook food over a fire, especially outdoors
• (在火上,尤指户外)烧,烤,焙:
 »grilled meat and shrimp
3. ~ sb (about sth) to ask sb a lot of questions about their ideas, actions, etc., often in an unpleasant way
• 盘问;追问;审问;责问:
 »They grilled her about where she had been all night.
--› see also grilling
league / li:ɡ /
1. a group of sports teams who all play each other to earn points and find which team is best
• (体育运动队的)联合会,联赛:
 »major-league baseball
 »United were league champions last season.
--› see also minor-league
2. (informal) a level of quality, ability, etc.
• (质量、能力等的)等级,级别,水平:
 »As a painter, he is in a league of his own (= much better than others).
 »They're in a different league from us.
 »When it comes to cooking, I'm not in her league (= she is much better than me).
 »A house like that is out of our league (= too expensive for us).
3. a group of people or nations who have combined for a particular purpose
• 联盟;同盟
【SYN】 alliance :
 »the League of Nations
 »a meeting of the Women's League for Peace
--› see also Ivy League
4. (old use) a unit for measuring distance, equal to about 3 miles or 4 000 metres
• 里格(长度单位,约等于 3 英里或 4 000 米)
in 'league (with sb)
• making secret plans with sb
• (与…)秘密串通,勾结
content¹ / ˈkɔntent; NAmE ˈkɑ:n- /
noun --› see also content ²
1. contents [pl.] the things that are contained in sth
• 所容纳之物;所含之物;内容:
 »He tipped the contents of the bag onto the table.
 »Fire has caused severe damage to the contents of the building.
 »She hadn't read the letter and so was unaware of its contents.
2. contents [pl.] the different sections that are contained in a book
• (书的)目录,目次:
 »a table of contents (= the list at the front of a book)
 »a contents page
3. [sing.] the subject matter of a book, speech, programme, etc.
• (书、讲话、节目等的)主题,主要内容:
 »Your tone of voice is as important as the content of what you have to say.
 »The content of the course depends on what the students would like to study.
 »Her poetry has a good deal of political content.
4. [sing.] (following a noun 用于名词后) the amount of a substance that is contained in sth else
• 含量;容量:
 »food with a high fat content
 »the alcohol content of a drink
5. [U] (computing 计) the information or other material contained on a website or CD-ROM
• (网站或只读光盘上的)内容,目录:
 »online content providers
content² / kənˈtent / adj.
--› see also content ¹
[not before noun]
1. ~ (with sth) happy and satisfied with what you have
• 满意;满足:
 »Not content with stealing my boyfriend (= not thinking that this was enough), she has turned all my friends against me.
 »He seemed more content, less bitter.
 »He had to be content with third place.
--› note at happy
2. ~ to do sth willing to do sth
• 愿意:
 »I was content to wait.
--› compare contented
content² / kənˈtent / noun
--› see also content ¹
= contentment
--› see heart
content² / kənˈtent / verb
--› see also content ¹
▪ [VN]
1. ~ yourself with sth to accept and be satisfied with sth and not try to have or do sth better
• 满足;满意;知足:
 »Martina contented herself with a bowl of soup.
2. (formal) to make sb feel happy or satisfied
• 使满意;使满足:
 »My apology seemed to content him.
unfit / ʌnˈfit /
1. ~ (for sth) | ~ (to eat, drink, live in, etc.) | ~ (to do sth) not of an acceptable standard; not suitable
• 不合格的;不适合的;不适宜的:
 »The housing was unfit for human habitation.
 »The food on offer was unfit for human consumption.
 »This water is unfit to drink.
 »Most of the buildings are unfit to live in.
 »They described him as unfit to govern.
  他们认为他这个人不适合做管治工作。 (technical 术语)
 »Many of the houses were condemned as unfit.
  这些房屋有许多被宣布为不适宜居住。 (technical 术语)
 »The court claims she is an unfit mother.
2. ~ for sth | ~ to do sth not capable of doing sth, for example because of illness
• (因病等)不能做某事,不宜做事:
 »He's still unfit for work.
 »The company's doctor found that she was unfit to carry out her normal work.
3. (especially BrE) (of a person 人) not in good physical condition; not fit, because you have not taken exercise
• 健康状况欠佳;身体状态差:
 »The captain is still unfit and will miss tonight's game.
【OPP】 fit
unfitness noun [U]
owe / əu; NAme ou /
verb (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时)
1. ~ sth (to sb) (for sth) | ~ (sb) sth (for sth) to have to pay sb for sth that you have already received or return money that you have borrowed
• 欠(债);欠(账):
▪ [VNN , VN]
 »She still owes her father £3 000.
  她还欠她父亲 3 000 英镑。
 »She still owes £3 000 to her father.
  她还欠她父亲 3 000 英镑。
▪ [VN]
 »The country owes billions of dollars to foreign creditors.
 »How much do I owe you for the groceries?
 »(figurative) I'm still owed three days' leave.
2. ~ sth to sb | ~ sb sth to feel that you ought to do sth for sb or give them sth, especially because they have done sth for you
• 欠(情):
▪ [VN]
 »I owe a debt of gratitude to all my family.
 »You owe it to your staff to be honest with them.
▪ [VNN]
 »You owe me a favour!
 »Thanks for sticking up for me—I owe you one (= I owe you a favour).
 »I think you owe us an explanation.
 »I think we're owed an apology.
【HELP】The passive is not used in this meaning except with a person as the subject: An apology is owed to us.
• 除了以人作主语外,这一义项不用被动语态。不作 An apology is owed to us.
3. ~ sth to sb / sth | ~ sb sth to exist or be successful because of the help or influence of sb / sth
• 归因于;归功于;起源于:
▪ [VN]
 »He owes his success to hard work.
 »The play owes much to French tragedy.
▪ [VN , VNN]
 »I owe everything to him.
 »I owe him everything.
▪ [VNN]
 »I knew that I owed the surgeon my life.
4. [VN] ~ allegiance / loyalty / obedience (to sb) (formal) to have to obey or be loyal to sb who is in a position of authority or power
• (对位高权重者)忠诚,服从
surfing / ˈsə:fiŋ; NAme ˈsə:rf- /
noun [U]
1. the sport of riding on waves while standing on a narrow board called a surfboard
• 冲浪运动:
 »to go surfing
2. the activity of looking at different things on the Internet in order to find sth interesting, or of changing between TV channels in order to find an interesting programme
• (互联网上)冲浪,漫游,浏览;来回转换电视频道(以寻找有趣节目)
equip / iˈkwip /
verb (-pp-) ~ yourself / sb / sth (with sth) (for sth)
1. [VN] to provide yourself / sb / sth with the things that are needed for a particular purpose or activity
• 配备;装备
【SYN】 kit out :
 »to be fully / poorly equipped
 »She got a bank loan to rent and equip a small workshop.
 »He equipped himself with a street plan.
 »The centre is well equipped for canoeing and mountaineering.
2. to prepare sb for an activity or task, especially by teaching them what they need to know
• 使有所准备;使有能力:
▪ [VN]
 »The course is designed to equip students for a career in nursing.
▪ [also VN to inf]
dusk / dʌsk /
noun [U]
• the time of day when the light has almost gone, but it is not yet dark
• 黄昏;傍晚
【SYN】 twilight :
 »The street lights go on at dusk.
--› compare dawn
thrill / θril /
1. ~ (to do sth) | ~ (of doing sth) a strong feeling of excitement or pleasure; an experience that gives you this feeling
• 震颤感;兴奋感;兴奋;激动;令人兴奋的经历:
 »It gave me a big thrill to meet my favourite author in person.
 »the thrill of catching a really big fish
 »She gets an obvious thrill out of performing.
2. a sudden strong feeling that produces a physical effect
• 一阵强烈的感觉:
 »A thrill of alarm ran through him.
(the) thrills and 'spills
•(informal) the excitement that is involved in dangerous activities, especially sports
• (危险活动,尤指体育运动的)紧张和刺激
verb [VN]
• to excite or please sb very much
• 使非常兴奋;使非常激动:
 »This band has thrilled audiences all over the world.
 »I was thrilled by your news.
'thrill to sth (formal)
• to feel very excited at sth
• 对…感到非常兴奋(或激动)
cricket / ˈkrikit /
1. [U] a game played on grass by ten teams of 11 players. Players score points (called runs ) by hitting the ball with a wooden bat and running between ten sets of vertical wooden sticks, called stumps .
• 板球(运动):
 »a cricket match / team / club / ball
2. [C] a small brown jumping insect that makes a loud high sound by rubbing its wings together
• 蟋蟀;蛐蛐:
 »the chirping of crickets
not 'cricket
•(old-fashioned, BrE, informal) unfair; not honourable
• 不公正;不光明正大;不光彩;见不得人
originally / əˈridʒənəli /
• used to describe the situation that existed at the beginning of a particular period or activity, especially before sth was changed
• 原来;起初:
 »The school was originally very small.
 »She comes originally from York.
 »Originally, we had intended to go to Italy, but then we won the trip to Greece.
considering / kənˈsidəriŋ /
prep. conj.
• used to show that you are thinking about a particular fact, and are influenced by it, when you make a statement about sth
• 考虑到;就…而言;鉴于:
 »She's very active, considering her age.
 »Considering he's only just started, he knows quite a lot about it.
 »You've done very well, considering (= in the difficult circumstances).