tulip / ˈtju:lip; NAme ˈtu:- /
• a large, brightly coloured spring flower, shaped like a cup, on a tall stem
• 郁金香
personality / ˌpə:səˈnæləti; NAme ˌpə:rs- /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. [C, U] the various aspects of a person's character that combine to make them different from other people
• 性格;个性;人格:
 »His wife has a strong personality.
 »The children all have very different personalities.
 »He maintained order by sheer force of personality.
 »There are likely to be tensions and personality clashes in any social group.
2. [U] the qualities of a person's character that make them interesting and attractive
• 魅力;气质;气度:
 »We need someone with lots of personality to head the project.
3. [C] a famous person, especially six who works in entertainment or sport
• 名人,风云人物(尤指娱乐界或体育界的)
【SYN】 celebrity :
 »personalities from the world of music
 »a TV / sports personality
4. [C] a person whose strong character makes them noticeable
• 性格鲜明的人;有突出个性的人:
 »Their son is a real personality.
5. [U] the qualities of a place or thing that make it interesting and different
• 特色;特征
【SYN】 character :
 »The problem with many modern buildings is that they lack personality.
sew / səu; NAme sou /
verb (sewed, sewn / səun; NAme soun / or sewed)
1. to use a needle and thread to make stitches in cloth
• 缝;做针线活:
▪ [V]
 »My mother taught me how to sew.
 »to sew by hand / machine
▪ [VN]
 »to sew a seam
2. [VN] ~ sth (on) to make, repair or attach sth using a needle and thread
• 缝制;缝补;缝上:
 »She sews all her own clothes.
 »Can you sew a button on for me?
 »Surgeons were able to sew the finger back on.
ˌsew sth∽'up 1
• to join or repair sth by sewing
• 缝合;缝补:
 »to sew up a seam
  缝上接缝 2[often passive] (informal)

• to arrange sth in an acceptable way
• 安排妥贴;办好;使万无一失:
 »It didn't take me long to sew up the deal.
 »They think they have the election sewn up (= they think they are definitely going to win).
random / ˈrændəm /
adj. [usually before noun]
• done, chosen, etc. without sb deciding in advance what is going to happen, or without any regular pattern
• 随机的,随意的(非事先决定或不规则):
 »the random killing of innocent people
 »a random sample / selection (= in which each thing has an equal chance of being chosen)
 »The information is processed in a random order.
randomly adv.:
 »The winning numbers are randomly selected by computer.
 »My phone seems to switch itself off randomly.
randomness noun [U] :
 »It introduced an element of randomness into the situation.
at 'random
• without deciding in advance what is going to happen, or without any regular pattern
• 随意;随机:
 »She opened the book at random (= not at any particular page) and started reading.
 »The terrorists fired into the crowd at random.
 »Names were chosen at random from a list.
thread / θred /
1. [U, C] a thin string of cotton, wool, silk, etc. used for sewing or making cloth
• (棉、毛、丝等的)线:
 »a needle and thread
 »a robe embroidered with gold thread
 »the delicate threads of a spider's web
2. [C] an idea or a feature that is part of sth greater; an idea that connects the different parts of sth
• 线索;脉络;思绪;思路;贯穿的主线:
 »A common thread runs through these discussions.
 »The author skilfully draws together the different threads of the plot.
 »I lost the thread of the argument (= I could no longer follow it).
3. [C] ~ (of sth) a long thin line of sth
• 线状物;细细的一条:
 »A thread of light emerged from the keyhole.
4. [C] (computing 计) a series of connected messages on a message board on the Internet which have been sent by different people
• (互联网留言板上帖子的)系列相关信息,链式消息
5. [C] the raised line that runs around the length of a screw and that allows it to be fixed in place by twisting
• 螺纹
6. threads [pl.] (old-fashioned, NAmE, slang) clothes
• 衣服
--› see hang v., pick v.
1. [VN , usually +adv. / prep.] to pass sth long and thin, especially thread, through a narrow opening or hole
• 穿(针);纫(针);穿过:
 »to thread a needle (with cotton)
 »to thread cotton through a needle
 »A tiny wire is threaded through a vein to the heart.
2. [+adv. / prep.] to move or make sth move through a narrow space, avoiding things that are in the way
• (使)穿过;通过;穿行
【SYN】 pick your way :
▪ [V]
 »The waiters threaded between the crowded tables.
▪ [VN]
 »It took me a long time to thread my way through the crowd.
3. [VN] to join two or more objects together by passing sth long and thin through them
• 穿成串;串在一起:
 »to thread beads (onto a string)
4. [VN] to pass film, tape, string, etc. through parts of a piece of equipment so that it is ready to use
• 给…装入(胶片、磁带、丝弦等)
5. [VN] [usually passive] to sew or twist a particular type of thread into sth
• 用…线缝;把…线绞入:
 »a robe threaded with gold and silver
unrest / ʌnˈrest /
noun [U]
• a political situation in which people are angry and likely to protest or fight
• 动荡;动乱;骚动:
 »industrial / civil / social / political / popular unrest
 »There is growing unrest in the south of the country.
fundamental / ˌfʌndəˈmentl /
1. serious and very important; affecting the most central and important parts of sth
• 十分重大的;根本的
【SYN】 basic :
 »There is a fundamental difference between the ten points of view.
 »A fundamental change in the organization of health services was required.
 »a question of fundamental importance
2. ~ (to sth) central; forming the necessary basis of sth
• 基础的;基本的
【SYN】 essential :
 »Hard work is fundamental to success.
3. [only before noun] (physics 物) forming the source or base from which everything else is made; not able to be divided any further
• 基本的;不能再分的:
 »a fundamental particle
noun [usually pl.]
• a basic rule or principle; an essential part
• 基本规律;根本法则;基本原理;基础:
 »the fundamentals of modern physics
 »He taught me the fundamentals of the job.
abolish / əˈbɔliʃ; NAmE əˈbɑ:l- /
verb [VN]
• to officially end a law, a system or an institution
• 废除,废止(法律、制度、习俗等):
 »This tax should be abolished.
liberate / ˈlibəreit /
verb [VN]
1. ~ sb / sth (from sb / sth) to free a country or a person from the control of sb else
• 解放:
 »The city was liberated by the advancing army.
2. ~ sb (from sth) to free sb from sth that restricts their enjoyment of life
• 使自由;使摆脱约束(或限制):
 »Writing poetry liberated her from the routine of everyday life.
liberation / ˌlibəˈreiʃn / noun [U, sing.] :
 »a war of liberation
 »liberation from poverty
 »women's liberation
liberator noun
equality / iˈkwɔləti; NAmE iˈkwɑ:- /
noun [U]
• the fact of being equal in rights, status, advantages, etc.
• 平等;均等;相等:
 »racial / social / sexual equality
 »equality of opportunity
 »the principle of equality before the law (= the law treats everyone the same)
 »Don't you believe in equality between men and women?
【OPP】 inequality
fraternity / frəˈtə:nəti; NAmE -ˈtə:rn- /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. [C + sing. / pl. v.] a group of people sharing the same profession, interests or beliefs
• (有相同职业、爱好或信仰的)群体,同仁;同好:
 »members of the medical / banking / racing, etc. fraternity
2. (also NAmE informal frat) [C] a club for a group of male students at an American college or university
• (美国男大学生的)联谊会, 兄弟会
--› compare sorority
3. [U] (formal) a feeling of friendship and support that exists between the members of a group
• (团体内的)情谊,兄弟般友谊,博爱:
 »the ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity
symbolize (BrE also -ise) / ˈsimbəlaiz /
verb [VN]
• to be a symbol of sth
• 象征;是…的象征;代表
【SYN】 represent :
 »The use of light and dark symbolizes good and evil.
 »He came to symbolize his country's struggle for independence.
justice / ˈdʒʌstis /
1. [U] the fair treatment of people
• 公平;公正:
 »laws based on the principles of justice
 »They are demanding equal rights and justice.
【OPP】 injustice
--› see also poetic justice , rough justice
2. [U] the quality of being fair or reasonable
• 公道;合理;公平合理:
 »Who can deny the justice of their cause?
【OPP】 injustice
3. [U] the legal system used to punish people who have committed crimes
• 司法制度;法律制裁;审判:
 »the criminal justice system
 »The European Court of Justice
 »(BrE) They were accused of attempting to pervert the course of justice.
 »(NAmE) They were accused of attempting to obstruct justice.
--› see also miscarriage of justice
4. (also Justice) [C] (NAmE) a judge in a court (also used before the name of a judge)
• 法官(亦作称谓)
--› see also chief justice
5. Justice [C] (BrE, CanE) used before the name of a judge in a court of appeal
• (称谓)上诉庭法官:
 »Mr Justice Davies
bring sb to 'justice
• to arrest sb for a crime and put them on trial in court
• (将某人)绳之以法,缉拿归案
do justice to 'sb / 'sth; do sb / sth 'justice
1. to treat or represent sb / sth fairly, especially in a way that shows how good, attractive, etc. they are
• 公平对待某人(或某事);给以公正的评价:
 »That photo doesn't do you justice.
2. to deal with sb / sth correctly and completely
• 恰当处理某人(或某事):
 »You cannot do justice to such a complex situation in just a few pages.
do yourself 'justice
• to do sth as well as you can in order to show other people how good you are
• 充分发挥自己的能力:
 »She didn't do herself justice in the exam.
--› more at pervert v.
honesty / ˈɔnəsti; NAme ˈɑ:n- /
noun [U]
• the quality of being honest
• 诚实;老实;正直:
 »She answered all my questions with her usual honesty.
 »His honesty is not in question.
in all 'honesty
• used to state a fact or an opinion which, though true, may seem disappointing
• 说实话;其实:
 »The book isn't, in all honesty, as good as I expected.
salute / səˈlu:t /
1. to touch the side of your head with the fingers of your right hand to show respect, especially in the armed forces
• (尤指军队中)敬礼:
▪ [V]
 »The sergeant stood to attention and saluted.
▪ [VN]
 »to salute the flag / an officer
2. [VN] (formal) to express respect and admiration for sb / sth
• 致敬;表示敬意
【SYN】 acknowledge :
 »The players saluted the fans before leaving the field.
 »The president saluted the courage of those who had fought for their country.
1. [C] the action of raising your right hand to the side of your head as a sign of respect, especially between soldiers and officers
• (尤指士兵和军官之间的)敬礼
2. [C, U] a thing that you say or do to show your admiration or respect for sb / sth or to welcome sb
• 致敬;致意:
 »He raised his hat as a friendly salute.
 »His first words were a salute to the people of South Africa.
 »They all raised their glasses in salute.
3. [C] an official occasion when guns are fired into the air to show respect for an important person
• 鸣礼炮;鸣炮致敬:
 »a 21-gun salute
  鸣炮 21 响的礼仪
stripe / straip /
1. a long narrow line of colour, that is a different colour from the areas next to it
• 条纹;线条:
 »a zebra's black and white stripes
 »a white tablecloth with red stripes
--› see also pinstripe , Stars and Stripes
2. a narrow piece of cloth, often in the shape of a V, that is worn on the uniform of a soldier or police officer to show their rank
• (军装或警服上表示等级的)条,杠
settler / ˈsetlə(r) /
• a person who goes to live in a new country or region
• 移民;殖民者:
 »white settlers in Africa
colony / ˈkɔləni; NAmE ˈkɑ:l- /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. [C] a country or an area that is governed by people from another, more powerful, country
• 殖民地:
 »former British colonies
2. [sing. + sing. / pl. v.] a group of people who go to live permanently in a colony
• 殖民地定居者群体
3. [C + sing. / pl. v.] a group of people from the same place or with the same work or interests who live in a particular city or country or who live together
• (来自同一地方,职业或兴趣相同的)聚居人群:
 »the American colony in Paris
 »an artists' colony
4. [C] (IndE) a small town set up by an employer or an organization for its workers
• (雇主或机构设立的)职工城,职工居住区
5. [C + sing. / pl. v.] (biology 生) a group of plants or animals that live together or grow in the same place
• (同地生长的植物或动物)群,群体,集落:
 »a colony of ants
 »a bird colony
rate / reit /
1. [C] a measurement of the speed at which sth happens
• 速度;进度:
 »Most people walk at an average rate of 5 kilometres an hour.
  大多数人步行的平均速度为每小时 5 公里。
 »The number of reported crimes is increasing at an alarming rate.
 »Figures published today show another fall in the rate of inflation.
 »At the rate you work, you'll never finish!
2. [C] a measurement of the number of times sth happens or exists during a particular period
• 比率;率:
 »Local businesses are closing at a / the rate of three a year.
 »a high / low / rising rate of unemployment
  高/低 / 不断增长的失业率
 »the annual crime / divorce rate
 »His pulse rate dropped suddenly.
 »a high success / failure rate
--› see also birth rate , death rate
3. [C] a fixed amount of money that is charged or paid for sth
• 价格;费用:
 »advertising / insurance / postal, etc. rates
 »a low / high hourly rate of pay
 »We offer special reduced rates for students.
 »a fixed-rate mortgage (= one in which the amount of money paid back each month is fixed for a particular period)
 »the basic rate of tax (= the lowest amount that is paid by everyone)
 »exchange / interest rates
 »rates of exchange / interest
--› see also base rate , flat rate , rack rate
4. rates [pl.] (in Britain) a tax paid by businesses to a local authority for land and buildings that they use and in the past also paid by anyone who owned a house
• (英国地方政府征收的)房地产税,房产税
--› see also first-rate , second-rate , third-rate
at 'any rate
1. used to say that a particular fact is true despite what has happened in the past or what may happen in the future
• (强调事情的真实性)无论如何,不管怎样:
 »Well, that's one good piece of news at any rate.
 »I may be away on business next week but at any rate I'll be back by Friday.
2. used to show that you are being more accurate about sth that you have just said
• (表示说得更加确切)不管怎样,至少:
 »He said he'll be coming tomorrow. At any rate, I think that's what he said.
3. used to show that what you have just said is not as important as what you are going to say
• (强调下文)总而言之,反正:
 »There were maybe 60 or 70 people there. At any rate, the room was packed.
at a rate of 'knots
(BrE, informal)
• very quickly
• 飞快地;迅速地
at 'this / 'that rate
•(informal) used to say what will happen if a particular situation continues to develop in the same way
• 照此情形;如此下去:
 »At this rate, we'll soon be bankrupt.
--› more at going adj.
verb (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时)
1. ~ sb / sth (as) sth | ~ as sth to have or think that sb / sth has a particular level of quality, value, etc.
• 评估;评价;估价:
▪ [VN]
 »The university is highly rated for its research.
 »They rated him highly as a colleague.
▪ [VN-ADJ]
 »Voters continue to rate education high on their list of priorities.
▪ [VN-N]
 »The show was rated (as) a success by critics and audiences.
▪ [V]
 »The match rated as one of their worst defeats.
▪ [V-ADJ]
 »I'm afraid our needs do not rate very high with this administration.
2. [VN] (informal) to think that sb / sth is good
• 认为…是好的;看好:
 »What did you think of the movie? I didn't rate it myself.
3. [usually passive] to place sb / sth in a particular position on a scale in relation to similar people or things
• 划分等级;分等
【SYN】 rank :
▪ [VN]
 »The schools were rated according to their exam results.
 »a top-rated programme
▪ [VN-N]
 »She is currently rated number two in the world.
4. [VN] to be good, important, etc. enough to be treated in a particular way
• 值得,配得上(某种对待)
【SYN】 merit :
 »The incident didn't even rate a mention in the press.
5. [VN] [usually passive] to state that a film / movie or video is suitable for a particular audience
• 对(电影或录像片)分级
--› see also X-rated , zero-rated
noun / ˈɔbdʒikt; NAme ˈɑ:bdʒekt; -dʒikt /
1. a thing that can be seen and touched, but is not alive
• 物体;物品;东西:
 »everyday objects such as cups and saucers
 »Glass and plastic objects lined the shelves.
--› see also UFO
2. ~ of desire, study, attention, etc. a person or thing that sb desires , studies, pays attention to, etc.
• (极欲得到、研究、注意等的)对象
--› see also sex object
3. an aim or a purpose
• 宗旨;目的;目标:
 »Her sole object in life is to become a travel writer.
 »The object is to educate people about road safety.
 »If you're late, you'll defeat the whole object of the exercise.
--› note at target
4. (grammar 语法) a noun, noun phrase or pronoun that refers to a person or thing that is affected by the action of the verb (called the direct object ), or that the action is done to or for (called the indirect object )
• 宾语(包括直接宾语、间接宾语); 受词
--› compare subject n. (5)
expense, money, etc. is no 'object
• used to say that you are willing to spend a lot of money
• 费用不在话下;钱不成问题:
 »He always travels first class—expense is no object.
verb / əbˈdʒekt /
1. əʒ] ~ (to sb / sth) | ~ (to doing sth / to sb doing sth) to say that you disagree with, disapprove of or oppose sth
• 不同意;不赞成;反对:
 »Many local people object to the building of the new airport.
 »If nobody objects, we'll postpone the meeting till next week.
 »I really object to being charged for parking.
2. to give sth as a reason for opposing sth
• 提出…作为反对的理由;抗辩说
【SYN】 protest :
▪ [V that]
 »He objected that the police had arrested him without sufficient evidence.
▪ [also V speech]
--› note at complain
compromise / ˈkɔmprəmaiz; NAmE ˈkɑ:m- /
1. [C] an agreement made between two people or groups in which each side gives up some of the things they want so that both sides are happy at the end
• 妥协;折衷;互让;和解:
 »After lengthy talks the two sides finally reached a compromise.
 »In any relationship, you have to make compromises.
 »a compromise solution / agreement / candidate
2. [C] ~ (between A and B) a solution to a problem in which two or more things cannot exist together as they are, in which each thing is reduced or changed slightly so that they can exist together
• 妥协(或折衷)方案:
 »This model represents the best compromise between price and quality.
3. [U] the act of reaching a compromise
• 达成妥协(或和解):
 »Compromise is an inevitable part of life.
 »There is no prospect of compromise in sight.
1. [V] ~ (with sb) (on sth) to give up some of your demands after a disagreement with sb, in order to reach an agreement
• (为达成协议而)妥协,折衷,让步:
 »Neither side is prepared to compromise.
 »After much argument, the judges finally compromised on (= agreed to give the prize to) the 18-year old pianist.
  经过激烈争论,评委终于同意那个 18 岁的钢琴手获奖。
 »They were unwilling to compromise with the Communists.
2. ~ (on sth) to do sth that is against your principles or does not reach standards that you have set
• 违背(原则);达不到(标准):
▪ [VN]
 »I refuse to compromise my principles.
▪ [V]
 »We are not prepared to compromise on safety standards.
3. [VN] ~ sb / sth / yourself to bring sb / sth / yourself into danger or under suspicion, especially by acting in a way that is not very sensible
• (尤指因行为不很明智)使陷入危险,使受到怀疑:
 »She had already compromised herself by accepting his invitation.
 »Defeat at this stage would compromise their chances (= reduce their chances) of reaching the finals of the competition.
station / ˈsteiʃn /
›› FOR TRAINS / BUSES 火车;公共汽车
1. a place where trains stop so that passengers can get on and off; the buildings connected with this
• 火车站:
 »I get off at the next station.
 »the main station
 »Penn Station
 »(BrE) a railway / train station
 »(especially NAmE) a train station
 »(BrE) a tube / an underground station
 »(NAmE) a subway station
2. (usually in compounds 通常构成复合词) a place where buses stop; the buildings connected with this
• 公共汽车站;长途汽车站:
 »a bus / coach station
【HELP】In Britain, the word station on its own usually refers to the train station: Can you tell me the way to the station?In the US it is usual to say which station you are talking about: the train station the Greyhound Bus station
• 在英国,station 单独使用时通常指火车站:Can you tell me the way to the station? 在美国,station 通常指明是什么车站:the train station ◇ the Greyhound Bus station

3. (usually in compounds 通常构成复合词) a place or building where a service is organized and provided or a special type of work is done
• 站;所;局:
 »a police station
 »(BrE) a petrol station
 »(NAmE) a gas station
 »an agricultural research station
 »a pollution monitoring station
--› compare space station
›› RADIO / TV COMPANY 广播/电视公司
4. (often in compounds 常构成复合词) a radio or television company and the programmes it broadcasts
• 电台;电视台:
 »a local radio / TV station
 »He tuned to another station.
5. (old-fashioned or formal) your social position
• 社会地位;身分:
 »She was definitely getting ideas above her station.
6. a place where sb has to wait and watch or be ready to do work if needed
• 须坚守的位置;岗位;战位:
 »You are not to leave your station without permission.
--› see also docking station
7. (usually in compounds 通常构成复合词) a large sheep or cattle farm in Australia or New Zealand
• (澳大利亚或新西兰放养牛或羊的)大型牧场
›› FOR ARMY / navy 陆军;海军
8. a small base for the army or navy; the people living in it
• 军事基地;驻军:
 »a naval station
--› see also action stations
--› see panic n.
verb [VN +adv. / prep.]
1. [often passive] to send sb, especially from six of the armed forces, to work in a place for a period of time
• 派驻;使驻扎:
 »troops stationed abroad
2. ~ sb / yourself... (formal) to go somewhere and stand or sit there, especially to wait for sth; to send sb somewhere to do this
• 到某处站(或坐);把…安置到(某处):
 »She stationed herself at the window to await his return.
separation / ˌsepəˈreiʃn /
1. [U, sing.] ~ (from sb / sth) | ~ (between A and B) the act of separating people or things; the state of being separate
• 分离;分开;分割;隔离:
 »the state's eventual separation from the federation
 »the need for a clear separation between Church and State
2. [C] a period of time that people spend apart from each other
• 离别:
 »They were reunited after a separation of more than 20 years.
  他们离别 20 多年后重又聚首。
3. [C] a decision that a husband and wife make to live apart while they are still legally married
• 分居:
 »a legal separation
--› compare divorce n. (1)
submit / səbˈmit /
verb (-tt-)
1. [VN] ~ sth (to sb / sth) to give a document, proposal, etc. to sb in authority so that they can study or consider it
• 提交,呈递(文件、建议等):
 »to submit an application / a claim / a complaint
 »Completed projects must be submitted by 10 March.
  完成的方案必须在 3 月 10 日前提交上来。
2. ~ (yourself) (to sb / sth) to accept the authority, control or greater strength of sb / sth; to agree to sth because of this
• 顺从;屈服;投降;不得已接受
【SYN】 give in to sb / sth , yield :
 »She refused to submit to threats.
 »He submitted himself to a search by the guards.
3. [V that] (law 律 or formal) to say or suggest sth
• 表示;认为;主张;建议:
 »Counsel for the defence submitted that the evidence was inadmissible.
virtue / ˈvə:tʃu:; NAme ˈvə:rtʃu: /
1. [U] (formal) behaviour or attitudes that show high moral standards
• 高尚的道德;正直的品性;德行:
 »He led a life of virtue.
 »She was certainly no paragon of virtue !
2. [C] a particular good quality or habit
• 美德;优秀品质;良好习惯:
 »Patience is not six of her virtues, I'm afraid.
3. [C, U] an attractive or useful quality
• 优点;长处;用处
【SYN】 advantage :
 »The plan has the virtue of simplicity.
 »He was extolling the virtues of the Internet.
 »They could see no virtue in discussing it further.
by / in virtue of sth
•(formal) by means of or because of sth
• 凭藉;依靠;由于;因为:
 »She got the job by virtue of her greater experience.
make a ˌvirtue of ne'cessity
• to manage to gain an advantage from sth that you have to do and cannot avoid
• 不得已而力争有所得

ˌvirtue is its own re'ward
•(saying) the reward for acting in a moral or correct way is the knowledge that you have done so, and you should not expect more than this, for example praise from other people or payment
• 施恩无他图,有德便是报;美德本身就是成果

--› more at easy adj.
union / ˈju:niən /
1. [C] = trade / labor union :
 »I've joined the union.
 »a union member
2. [C] an association or a club for people or organizations with the same interest
• 协会;联合会;会社;俱乐部:
 »the Scottish Rugby Union
--› see also '
union">students' union (2)
3. [C] a group of states or countries that have the same central government or that agree to work together
• 同盟;联盟;联邦:
 »the former Soviet Union
 »the European Union
4. Union [sing.] the US (used especially at the time of the Civil War)
• (尤指内战时期的)美利坚合众国,美国:
 »the Union and the Confederacy
 »the State of the Union address by the President
5. [U, sing.] the act of joining two or more things together; the state of being joined together; the act of two people joining together
• 联合;结合;合并:
 »a summit to discuss economic and monetary union
 »Northern Ireland's union with Britain
 »sexual union
6. [C] (old-fashioned) a marriage
• 结为夫妻;婚姻:
 »Their union was blessed with six children.
federal / ˈfedərəl /
1. having a system of government in which the individual states of a country have control over their own affairs, but are controlled by a central government for national decisions, etc.
• 联邦制的:
 »a federal republic
2. (within a federal system, for example the US and Canada) connected with national government rather than the local government of an individual state
• (在美国、加拿大等联邦制下)联邦政府的:
 »a federal law
 »state and federal income taxes
federally adv.:
 »federally funded health care
spiritual / ˈspiritʃuəl /
adj. [usually before noun]
1. connected with the human spirit, rather than the body or physical things
• 精神的;心灵的:
 »a spiritual experience
 »spiritual development
 »a lack of spiritual values in the modern world
 »We're concerned about your spiritual welfare.
【OPP】 material
2. connected with religion
• 宗教的:
 »a spiritual leader
--› compare temporal (1)
spiritually / -tʃuəli / adv.:
 »a spiritually uplifting book
your ˌspiritual 'home
• the place where you are happiest, especially a country where you feel you belong more than in your own country because you share the ideas and attitudes of the people who live there
• 在精神上认同的某个地方;精神家园

• (also ˌŋegro 'spiritual) a religious song of the type originally sung by black slaves in æmerica
• 灵歌(宗教歌曲,最初为美国黑人奴隶所唱)

region / ˈri:dʒən /
1. [C] a large area of land, usually without exact limits or borders
• (通常界限不明的)地区,区域,地方:
 »the Arctic / tropical / desert, etc. regions
 »one of the most densely populated regions of North America
2. [C] one of the areas that a country is divided into, that has its own customs and / or its own government
• 行政区:
 »the Basque region of Spain
3. the regions [pl.] (BrE) all of a country except the capital city
• (一国除首都以外的)全部地区,所有区域
4. [C] a part of the body, usually six that has a particular character or problem
• (通常指有某种特性或问题的)身体部位:
 »pains in the abdominal region
in the region of
• used when you are giving a number, price, etc. to show that it is not exact
• (表示不确切的数字等)大约,差不多
【SYN】 approximately :
 »He earns somewhere in the region of €50 000.
  他大约赚 5 万欧元。
Scot / skɔt; NAme skɑ:t /
1. a person from Scotland
• 苏格兰人
2. the Scots [pl.] the people of Scotland
• (统称)苏格兰人
--› note at Scottish
outspoken / autˈspəukən; NAme -ˈspoukən /
~ (in sth) saying exactly what you think, even if this shocks or offends people
• 直率;坦诚
【SYN】 blunt :
 »an outspoken opponent of the leader
 »outspoken comments
 »She was outspoken in her criticism of the plan.
--› note at honest
outspokenly adv.
outspokenness noun [U]
Irish / ˈairiʃ /
1. (also ˌɪrish 'Gaelic, Gaelic) the ɔeltic language of ɪreland
• 爱尔兰语;爱尔兰盖尔语
--› compare Erse

2. the Irish [pl.] the people of Ireland
• 爱尔兰人
• of or connected with Ireland, its people or its language
• 爱尔兰的;爱尔兰人的;爱尔兰语的
split / split /
(splitting, split, split)
›› DIVIDE 分开
1. to divide, or to make a group of people divide, into smaller groups that have very different opinions
• 分裂,使分裂(成不同的派别):
▪ [VN]
 »a debate that has split the country down the middle
▪ [V]
 »The committee split over government subsidies.
2. ~ (sth) (into sth) to divide, or to make sth divide, into two or more parts
• 分开,使分开(成为几个部份):
▪ [VN]
 »She split the class into groups of four.
▪ [V]
 »The results split neatly into two groups.
--› see also split up
3. [VN] ~ sth (between sb / sth) | ~ sth (with sb) to divide sth into two or more parts and share it between different people, activities, etc.
• 分担;分摊;分享:
 »She split the money she won with her brother.
 »His time is split between the London and Paris offices.
--› see also split up
›› TEAR 撕裂
4. ~ (sth) (open) to tear, or to make sth tear, along a straight line
• (使)撕裂:
▪ [V]
 »Her dress had split along the seam.
▪ [V-ADJ]
 »The cushion split open and sent feathers everywhere.
▪ [VN]
 »Don't tell me you've split another pair of pants!
▪ [also VN-ADJ]
›› CUT 割伤
5. ~ sth (open) to cut sb's skin and make it bleed
• 划破;割破;碰破:
▪ [VN-ADJ]
 »She split her head open on the cupboard door.
▪ [VN]
 »How did you split your lip?
6. [V] ~ (from / with sb) to leave sb and stop having a relationship with them
• (和某人)断绝关系,分手;离开(某人):
 »The singer split with his wife last June.
 »She intends to split from the band at the end of the tour.
--› see also split up
›› LEAVE 离开
7. [V] (old-fashioned, informal) to leave a place quickly
• (迅速)离开,走:
 »Let's split!
split the 'difference
• (when discussing a price, etc.) to agree on an amount that is at an equal distance between the two amounts that have been suggested
• (讲价等)各让一步,折衷
split 'hairs
• to pay too much attention in an argument to differences that are very small and not important
• 在细节上过分纠缠
split an in'finitive
• to place an adverb between 'to' and the infinitive of a verb, for example, to say 'to strongly deny a rumour'. Some people consider this to be bad English style.
• 使用分裂不定式(在 to 和不定式之间插入副词,如 to strongly deny a rumour,有人认为这种风格不好)
split your 'sides (laughing / with laughter)
• to laugh a lot at sb / sth
• 笑破肚皮;笑弯腰
split the 'ticket
(US) (politics 政)
• to vote for candidates from more than one party
• 投两党或两党以上候选人的票
--› more at middle n.
ˌsplit a'way / 'off (from sth) | ˌsplit sth∽a'way / 'off (from sth)
• to separate from, or to separate sth from, a larger object or group
• (使)脱离,分裂出去,分离:
 »A rebel faction has split away from the main group.
 »The storm split a branch off from the main trunk.

'split on sb (to sb) (BrE, informal)
• to tell sb in authority about sth wrong, dishonest etc. that sb else has done
• (向…)告发,揭发:
 »Don't worry—he won't split on us.
ˌsplit 'up (with sb)
• to stop having a relationship with sb
• (和某人)断绝关系,分手:
 »My parents split up last year.
 »She's split up with her boyfriend.

ˌsplit sb 'up
• to make two people stop having a relationship with each other
• 使断绝关系;拆散:
 »My friend is doing her best to split us up.

ˌsplit sb 'up | ˌsplit 'up
• to divide a group of people into smaller parts; to become divided up in this way
• (把…)分成小组,化整为零:
 »We were split up into groups to discuss the question.
 »Let's split up now and meet again at lunchtime.

ˌsplit sth∽'up
• to divide sth into smaller parts
• 划分;分解:
 »The day was split up into 6 one-hour sessions.
  一天的活动分作 6 个时段,每个时段一小时。

1. [C] ~ (between A and B) | ~ (with sb / sth) a disagreement that divides a group of people or makes sb separate from sb else
• 分歧;分裂;分离:
 »a damaging split within the party leadership
 »the years following his bitter split with his wife
2. [sing.] a division between two or more things; one of the parts that sth is divided into
• 划分;分别;份额:
 »He demanded a 50–50 split in the profits.
›› TEAR / HOLE 裂缝;裂口
3. [C] a long crack or hole made when sth tears
• 裂缝;裂口:
 »There's a big split in the tent.
4. [C] a sweet dish made from fruit, especially a banana cut in two along its length, with cream, ice cream, etc. on top
• 香蕉船,水果船(将香蕉等纵切成条状作底,上覆奶油或冰淇淋等):
 »a banana split
5. the splits [pl.] (US also split [sing.]) a position in which you stretch your legs flat across the floor in opposite directions with the rest of your body vertical
• 劈叉:
 »a gymnast doing the splits
substitute / ˈsʌbstitju:t; NAme -tu:t /
1. ~ (for sb / sth) a person or thing that you use or have instead of the one you normally use or have
• 代替者;代替物;代用品:
 »a meat substitute
 »Paul's father only saw him as a substitute for his dead brother.
 »a substitute family
 »The course teaches you the theory but there's no substitute for practical experience.
 »The local bus service was a poor substitute for their car.
2. (also informal sub) a player who replaces another player in a sports game
• 替补(运动员):
 »He was brought on as (a) substitute after half-time.
~ A (for B) | ~ B (with / by A) | ~ for sb / sth to take the place of sb / sth else; to use sb / sth instead of sb / sth else
• (以…)代替;取代:
▪ [V]
 »Nothing can substitute for the advice your doctor is able to give you.
▪ [VN]
 »Margarine can be substituted for butter in this recipe.
 »Butter can be substituted with margarine in this recipe.
 »Beckham was substituted in the second half after a knee injury (= somebody else played instead of Beckham in the second half).
【HELP】When for, with or by are not used, as in the last example, it can be difficult to tell whether the person or thing mentioned is being used, or has been replaced by somebody or something else. The context will usually make this clear.
• 像最后一个例句这种情况,由于 for、with 或 by 均不出现,可能难以断定所说的人或事物是在使用的,还是被取代的,通常上下文能使意思明了。
substitution / ˌsʌbstiˈtju:ʃn; NAme -ˈtu:- / noun [U, C] :
 »the substitution of low-fat spreads for butter
 »Two substitutions were made during the game.
homeland / ˈhəumlænd; NAme ˈhoum- /
1. [usually sing.] the country where a person was born
• 祖国;家乡:
 »Many refugees have been forced to flee their homeland.
2. [usually pl.] (in the Republic of South Africa under the apartheid system in the past) one of the areas with some self-government that were intended for a group of black African people to live in
• (南非共和国过去在种族隔离制度下设立的、有一定自治权的)黑人定居地:
 »the Transkei homeland
seed / si:d /
›› OF PLANTS / FRUIT 植物;果实
1. [C, U] the small hard part produced by a plant, from which a new plant can grow
• 种子;籽:
 »a packet of wild flower seeds
 »sesame seeds
 »Sow the seeds outdoors in spring.
 »These vegetables can be grown from seed.
 »seed potatoes (= used for planting)
--› see also birdseed
2. [C] (NAmE) = pip n. (1)
3. [C, usually pl.] ~ (of sth) the beginning of a feeling or a development which continues to grow
• 起源;起因;萌芽;开端:
 »the seeds of rebellion
 »This planted the seeds of doubt in my mind.
4. [C] (especially in tennis 尤指网球) one of the best players in a competition. The seeds are given a position in a list to try and make sure that they do not play each other in the early parts of the competition.
• 种子选手:
 »The top seed won comfortably.
 »the number six seed
›› OF A MAN 男子
5. [U] (old-fashioned or humorous) semen
• 精液
6. [U] (literary) all the people who are the children, grandchildren, etc. of six man
• (统称某人的)子孙,后裔,后代
go / run to 'seed
1. (especially of a vegetable plant 尤指蔬菜) to produce flowers and seeds as well as leaves
• 花谢结籽
2. to become much less attractive or good because of lack of attention
• 变得懒散颓废(或意志消沉);衰败:
 »After his divorce, he let himself go to seed.
--› more at sow ¹ v.
›› OF A PLANT 植物
1. [V] to produce seeds
• 结籽
2. [VN] ~ itself to produce other plants using its own seeds
• (种子)繁殖
3. [VN] [usually passive] ~ sth (with sth) to plant seeds in an area of ground
• 在…播种:
 »a newly seeded lawn
4. [VN] [usually passive] to make sb a seed in a competition
• 确定(某人)为种子选手:
 »He has been seeded 14th at Wimbledon next week.
  他被确定为下周温布尔登网球公开赛的第 14 号种子选手。
seedless / ˈsi:dləs /
adj. [usually before noun]
• (of fruit 果实) having no seeds
• 无籽的;无核的:
 »seedless grapes
observer / əbˈzə:və(r); NAme -ˈzə:rv- /
1. a person who watches sb / sth
• 观察者;观测者;目击者:
 »According to observers, the plane exploded shortly after take-off.
 »To the casual observer (= somebody who does not pay much attention), the system appears confusing.
--› note at witness
2. a person who attends a meeting, lesson, etc. to listen and watch but not to take part
• 观察员;旁听者:
 »A team of British officials were sent as observers to the conference.
3. a person who watches and studies particular events, situations, etc. and is therefore considered to be an expert on them
• 观察家;观察员;评论员:
 »a royal observer
disappointing / ˌdisəˈpɔintiŋ /
• not as good, successful, etc. as you had hoped; making you feel disappointed
• 令人失望的;令人沮丧的;令人扫兴的:
 »a disappointing result / performance
 »The outcome of the court case was disappointing for the family involved.
disappointingly adv.:
 »The room was disappointingly small.
bound / baund /
--› see also bind v.
adj. [not before noun]
1. ~ to do / be sth certain or likely to happen, or to do or be sth
• 一定会;很可能会:
 »There are bound to be changes when the new system is introduced.
 »It's bound to be sunny again tomorrow.
 »You've done so much work—you're bound to pass the exam.
 »It was bound to happen sooner or later (= we should have expected it).
 »You're bound to be nervous the first time (= it's easy to understand).
--› note at certain
2. ~ (by sth) | ~ (by sth) (to do sth) forced to do sth by law, duty or a particular situation
• 受(法律、义务或情况)约束(必须做某事);有义务(做某事):
 »We are not bound by the decision.
 »You are bound by the contract to pay before the end of the month.
  按照合同规定,你必须在月底前付款。 (BrE, formal)
 »I am bound to say I disagree with you on this point.
3. (in compounds 构成复合词) prevented from going somewhere or from working normally by the conditions mentioned
• 因…受阻(或不能正常工作):
 »Strike-bound travellers face long delays.
 »fogbound airports
4. ~ (for...) (also in compounds 亦构成复合词) travelling, or ready to travel, in a particular direction or to a particular place
• 正旅行去(某地);准备前往(某地):
 »homeward bound (= going home)
 »a plane bound for Dublin
 »northbound / southbound / eastbound / westbound
be bound 'up in sth
• very busy with sth; very interested or involved in sth
• 忙于某事;热衷于某事:
 »He's too bound up in his work to have much time for his children.
bound and de'termined
• very determined to do sth
• 矢志不渝;下定决心
be bound to'gether by / in sth
• to be closely connected
• 因…(或在…方面)密切联系:
 »communities bound together by customs and traditions
bound 'up with sth
• closely connected with sth
• 和某事密切相关:
 »From that moment my life became inextricably bound up with hers.
'I'll be bound
•(old-fashioned, BrE, informal) I feel sure
• 我敢肯定
--› more at honour n.
1. [V +adv. / prep.] to run with long steps, especially in an enthusiastic way
• 跳跃着跑:
 »The dogs bounded ahead.
2. [VN] [usually passive] (formal) to form the edge or limit of an area
• 形成…的边界(或界限):
 »The field was bounded on the left by a wood.
• (formal) a high or long jump
• 蹦跳;跳跃
--› see also bounds
--› more at leap n.
dishonest / disˈɔnist; NAmE -ˈɑ:n- /
• not honest; intending to trick people
• 不诚实的;骗人的;欺骗性的:
 »Beware of dishonest traders in the tourist areas.
 »I don't like him, and it would be dishonest of me to pretend otherwise.
【OPP】 honest
dishonestly adv.
dishonesty noun [U]
ambitious / æmˈbiʃəs /
1. determined to be successful, rich, powerful, etc.
• 有野心的;有雄心的:
 »a fiercely ambitious young manager
 »They were very ambitious for their children (= they wanted them to be successful).
2. needing a lot of effort, money or time to succeed
• 费力的;耗资的;耗时的:
 »the government's ambitious plans for social reform
【OPP】 unambitious
ambitiously adv.
trustworthy / ˈtrʌstwə:ði; NAme -wə:rði /
• that you can rely on to be good, honest, sincere, etc.
• 值得信任的;可信赖的;可靠的
【SYN】 reliable
trustworthiness noun [U]
dimension / daiˈmenʃn; di- /
1. a measurement in space, for example the height, width or length of sth
• 维(构成空间的因素):
 »We measured the dimensions of the kitchen.
 »computer design tools that work in seven dimensions
--› see also fourth dimension
2. [usually pl.] the size and extent of a situation
• 大小;规模;程度;范围:
 »a problem of considerable dimensions
3. an aspect, or way of looking at or thinking about sth
• 方面;侧面:
 »Her job added a new dimension to her life.
 »the social dimension of unemployment
identification / aiˌdentifiˈkeiʃn /
1. [U, C] (abbr. ID) the process of showing, proving or recognizing who or what sb / sth is
• 鉴定;辨认:
 »The identification of the crash victims was a long and difficult task.
 »Each product has a number for easy identification.
 »an identification number
 »Only six witness could make a positive identification.
2. [U] the process of recognizing that sth exists, or is important
• 确认;确定:
 »The early identification of children with special educational needs is very important.
3. (abbr. ID) [U] official papers or a document that can prove who you are
• 身分证明:
 »Can I see some identification, please?
4. [U, C] ~ (with sb / sth) a strong feeling of sympathy, understanding or support for sb / sth
• 强烈的同情感(或谅解、支持):
 »her emotional identification with the play's heroine
 »their increasing identification with the struggle for independence
5. [U, C] ~ (of sb) (with sb / sth) the process of making a close connection between six person or thing and another
• 密切关联;紧密联系:
 »the voters' identification of the Democrats with high taxes
facial / ˈfeiʃl /
adj. [usually before noun]
• connected with a person's face; on a person's face
• 面部的:
 »a facial expression
 »facial hair
facially / ˈfeiʃəli / adv.:
 »Facially the two men were very different.
• a beauty treatment in which a person's face is cleaned using creams, steam, etc. in order to improve the quality of the skin
• 面部护理;美容
unconditional / ˌʌnkənˈdiʃənl /
• without any conditions or limits
• 无条件的;无限制的;绝对的:
 »the unconditional surrender of military forces
 »She gave her children unconditional love.
【OPP】 conditional
unconditionally / -ʃənəli / adv.
romance / rəuˈmæns; ˈrəumæns; NAme ˈrou- /
1. [C] an exciting, usually short, relationship between ten people who are in love with each other
• (通常指短暂的)浪漫史,爱情关系,风流韵事:
 »a holiday romance
 »They had a whirlwind romance.
2. [U] love or the feeling of being in love
• 恋爱;爱情:
 »Spring is here and romance is in the air.
 »How can you put the romance back into your marriage?
3. [U] a feeling of excitement and adventure, especially connected to a particular place or activity
• 传奇色彩;浪漫氛围:
 »the romance of travel
4. [C] a story about a love affair
• 爱情故事:
 »She's a compulsive reader of romances.
5. [C] a story of excitement and adventure, often set in the past
• 传奇故事:
 »medieval romances
1. [V] to tell stories that are not true or to describe sth in a way that makes it seem more exciting or interesting than it really is
• 虚构(故事);渲染
2. [VN] to have or to try to have a romantic relationship with sb
• 和(某人)谈情说爱;追求(某人)
Romance / rəuˈmæns; ˈrəumæns; NAme ˈrou- /
adj. [only before noun]
Romance languages, such as French, Italian and Spanish, are languages that developed from Latin.
• 罗曼语的(由拉丁语演变而成,有法语、意大利语、西班牙语等)
ambition / æmˈbiʃn /
noun ~ (to be / do sth) | ~ (of being / doing sth)
1. [C] something that you want to do or achieve very much
• 追求的目标;夙愿:
 »She never achieved her ambition of becoming a famous writer.
 »His burning ambition was to study medicine.
 »It had been her lifelong ambition.
 »political / literary / sporting ambitions
2. [U] the desire or determination to be successful, rich, powerful, etc.
• 野心;雄心;志向;抱负:
 »motivated by personal ambition
 »She was intelligent but suffered from a lack of ambition.
reddish / ˈrediʃ /
• fairly red in colour
• 微红的;略带红色的
noble / ˈnəubl; NAme ˈnoubl /
adj. (nobler / ˈnəublə(r); NAme ˈnou- / noblest / ˈnəublist; NAme ˈnou- / )
1. having fine personal qualities that people admire, such as courage, honesty and care for others
• 崇高的;品质高尚的:
 »a noble leader
 »noble ideals
 »He died for a noble cause.
--› compare ignoble
2. very impressive in size or quality
• 宏伟的;壮丽的
【SYN】 splendid :
 »a noble building
3. belonging to a family of high social rank (= belonging to the nobility )
• 贵族的;高贵的
【SYN】 aristocratic :
 »a man of noble birth
nobly / ˈnəubli; NAme ˈnoubli / adv.:
 »She bore the disappointment nobly.
 »to be nobly born
• a person who comes from a family of high social rank; a member of the nobility
• 出身高贵的人;贵族成员
occupation / ˌɔkjuˈpeiʃn; NAme ˌɑ:k- /
1. [C] a job or profession
• 工作;职业:
 »Please state your name, age and occupation below.
--› note at work
2. [C] the way in which you spend your time, especially when you are not working
• 消遣;业余活动:
 »Her main occupation seems to be shopping.
3. [U] the act of moving into a country, town, etc. and taking control of it using military force; the period of time during which a country, town, etc. is controlled in this way
• 侵占;占领;占领期:
 »the Roman occupation of Britain
 »The areas under occupation contained major industrial areas.
 »occupation forces
4. [U] (formal) the act of living in or using a building, room, piece of land, etc.
• (土地、房屋、建筑等的)使用,居住,占用:
 »The offices will be ready for occupation in June.
 »The following applies only to tenants in occupation after January 1 2003.
  以下规定仅适用于从 2003 年 1 月 1 日起入住的房客。
 »The level of owner occupation (= people owning their homes) has increased rapidly in the last 30 years.
  拥有住房的人数在过去 30 年间急剧攀升。
• a woman with hair that is pale gold in colour
• 金发女郎:
 »Is she a natural blonde (= Is her hair naturally blonde) ?
violet / ˈvaiələt /
1. [C] a small wild or garden plant with purple or white flowers with a sweet smell that appear in spring
• 紫罗兰
2. [U] a bluish-purple colour
• 蓝紫色;紫罗兰色:
 »dressed in violet
violet adj.:
 »violet eyes
--› see shrink v.
arbitrary / ˈɑ:bitrəri; ˈɑ:bitri; NAmE ˈɑ:rbətreri /
1. (of an action, a decision, a rule, etc. 行动、决定、规章等) not seeming to be based on a reason, system or plan and sometimes seeming unfair
• 任意的;武断的;随心所欲的:
 »The choice of players for the team seemed completely arbitrary.
 »He makes unpredictable, arbitrary decisions.
2. (formal) using power without restriction and without considering other people
• 专横的;专制的:
 »the arbitrary powers of officials
arbitrarily / ˌɑ:biˈtrerəli; ˈɑ:bitrəli; NAmE ˌɑ:rbəˈt- / adv.:
 »The leaders of the groups were chosen arbitrarily.
arbitrariness noun [U]
subjective / səbˈdʒektiv /
1. based on your own ideas or opinions rather than facts and therefore sometimes unfair
• 主观的(非客观的):
 »a highly subjective point of view
 »Everyone's opinion is bound to be subjective.
2. (of ideas, feelings or experiences 思想、感情或经历) existing in sb's mind rather than in the real world
• 主观的(非现实世界的)
3. [only before noun] (grammar 语法) the subjective case is the six which is used for the subject of a sentence
• 主语的;主格的
【OPP】 objective
subjectively adv.:
 »People who are less subjectively involved are better judges.
 »subjectively perceived changes
subjectivity / ˌsʌbdʒekˈtivəti / noun [U] :
 »There is an element of subjectivity in her criticism.
consistent / kənˈsistənt /
1. (approving) always behaving in the same way, or having the same opinions, standards, etc.
• 一致的;始终如一的:
 »She's not very consistent in the way she treats her children.
 »He has been Milan's most consistent player this season.
 »We must be consistent in applying the rules.
 »a consistent approach to the problem
2. happening in the same way and continuing for a period of time
• 连续的;持续的:
 »the party's consistent failure to come up with any new policies
 »a pattern of consistent growth in the economy
3. ~ with sth in agreement with sth; not contradicting sth
• 与…一致的;相符的;符合的;不矛盾的:
 »The results are entirely consistent with our earlier research.
 »injuries consistent with a fall from an upper storey (= similar to those such a fall would have caused)
4. (of an argument or a set of ideas 论点或一系列的观点) having different parts that all agree with each other
• 相互连贯的:
 »a well-thought-out and consistent argument
【OPP】 inconsistent
consistently adv.:
 »Her work has been of a consistently high standard.
 »We have argued consistently for a change in the law.
passion / ˈpæʃn /
1. [C, U] a very strong feeling of love, hatred, anger, enthusiasm, etc.
• 强烈情感;激情:
 »He's a man of violent passions.
 »a crime of passion
 »She argued her case with considerable passion.
 »Passions were running high (= people were angry and emotional) at the meeting.
2. [sing.] (formal) a state of being very angry
• 盛怒;激愤
【SYN】 rage :
 »She flies into a passion if anyone even mentions his name.
3. [U] ~ (for sb) a very strong feeling of sexual love
• 强烈的爱(尤指两性间的):
 »His passion for her made him blind to everything else.
4. [C] ~ (for sth) a very strong feeling of liking sth; a hobby, an activity, etc. that you like very much
• 酷爱;热衷的爱好(或活动等):
 »The English have a passion for gardens.
 »Music is a passion with him.
5. the Passion [sing.] (in Christianity 基督教) the suffering and death of Jesus Christ
• 耶稣的受难
mourning / ˈmɔ:niŋ; NAme ˈmɔ:rn- /
noun [U]
1. sadness that you show and feel because sb has died
• 伤逝;哀悼
【SYN】 grief :
 »The government announced a day of national mourning for the victims.
 »She was still in mourning for her husband.
2. clothes that people wear to show their sadness at sb's death
• 丧服
warmth / wɔ:mθ; NAme wɔ:rmθ /
noun [U]
1. the state or quality of being warm, rather than hot or cold
• 温暖;暖和:
 »She felt the warmth of his arms around her.
 »The animals huddled together for warmth.
 »He led the child into the warmth and safety of the house.
2. the state or quality of being enthusiastic and / or friendly
• 热情;友情:
 »They were touched by the warmth of the welcome.
caution / ˈkɔ:ʃn /
1. [U] care that you take in order to avoid danger or mistakes; not taking any risks
• 谨慎;小心;慎重:
 »extreme / great caution
 »Statistics should be treated with caution.
--› note at care
2. [C] (BrE) a warning that is given by the police to sb who has committed a crime that is not too serious
• (警察向犯轻罪的人发出的)警告:
 »As a first offender, she got off with a caution.
3. [U, C] (formal) a warning or a piece of advice about a possible danger or risk
• (对危险或风险的)警告,告诫:
 »a word / note of caution
 »Some cautions must be mentioned—for example good tools are essential to do the job well.
throw / cast caution to the 'wind(s)
• to stop caring about how dangerous sth might be; to start taking risks
• 不顾危险;鲁莽行事;冒险
1. ~ (sb) against sth | ~ sb about sth to warn sb about the possible dangers or problems of sth
• 警告;告诫;提醒:
▪ [V]
 »I would caution against getting too involved.
▪ [VN]
 »Sam cautioned him against making a hasty decision.
▪ [V that]
 »The government cautioned that pay increases could lead to job losses.
▪ [also VN to inf VN that V speech VN speech]
2. [VN] (BrE) (law 律) to warn sb officially that anything they say may be used as evidence against them in court
• 警告,提醒(某人说的任何话都可能在法庭上被当作对其不利的证据):
 »Suspects must be cautioned before any questions are asked.
3. [VN] [usually passive] (BrE) (law 律) ~ sb (for sth) to warn sb officially that they will be punished if they do sth wrong or illegal again
• 警告(某人不得再做错事或非法的事):
 »She wasn't sent to the juvenile court; instead she was cautioned.
ribbon / ˈribən /
1. [U, C] a narrow strip of material, used to tie things or for decoration
• (用于捆绑或装饰的)带子;丝带:
 »a present tied with yellow ribbon
 »lengths of velvet ribbon
 »She was wearing ten blue silk ribbons in her hair.
2. [C] something that is long and narrow in shape
• 带状物;狭长的东西:
 »The road was a ribbon of moonlight.
 »(BrE) Ribbon developments (= lines of buildings) extended along the main road.
3. [C] a ribbon in special colours, or tied in a special way, that is given to sb as a prize or as a military honour, or that is worn by sb to show that they belong to a particular political party
• 绶带;勳带
--› compare rosette (1)
4. [C] a long strip of material containing ink that you put into typewriters and some computer printers
• (打字机或打印机的)色带
cut / tear, etc. sth to 'ribbons
• to cut / tear, etc. sth very badly
• (将某物)撕扯得粉碎,切成碎片
collar / ˈkɔlə(r); NAmE ˈkɑ:l- /
1. the part around the neck of a shirt, jacket or coat that usually folds down
• 衣领;领子:
 »a coat with a fur collar
 »I turned up my collar against the wind (= to keep warm).
 »He always wears a collar and tie for work.
--› see also blue-collar , dog collar , white-collar , wing collar
2. a band of leather or plastic put around the neck of an animal, especially a dog
• (动物,尤指狗的)颈圈:
 »a collar and lead / leash
3. (technical 术语) a band made of a strong material that is put round sth, such as a pipe or a piece of machinery, to make it stronger or to join two parts together
• (管子或机器部件的)圈、箍
--› see hot adj.
verb [VN] (informal)
1. to capture sb and hold them tightly so that they cannot escape from you
• 抓住;捉住;揪住;逮住:
 »Police collared the culprit as he was leaving the premises.
2. to stop sb in order to talk to them
• 拦住(某人要与其)谈话:
 »I was collared in the street by a woman doing a survey.
garment / ˈɡɑ:mənt; NAmE ˈɡɑ:rm- /
• (formal)a piece of clothing
• (一件)衣服:
 »a strange shapeless garment that had once been a jacket
 »woollen / winter / outer garments
--› see also undergarment
--› note at clothes
ecology / iˈkɔlədʒi; NAmE iˈkɑ:l- /
noun [U]
• the relation of plants and living creatures to each other and to their environment; the study of this
• 生态;生态学:
 »plant / animal / human ecology
 »the ecology movement
 »Oil pollution could damage the fragile ecology of the coral reefs.
Muslim / ˈmuzlim; ˈmʌz-; -ləm /
• a person whose religion is Islam
• 穆斯林;伊斯兰教信徒
Muslim adj.
--› see also Moslem
burglar / ˈbə:ɡlə(r); NAmE ˈbə:rɡ- /
• a person who enters a building illegally in order to steal
• 破门盗贼;入室窃贼
funeral / ˈfju:nərəl /
• a ceremony, usually a religious one, for burying or cremating (= burning) a dead person
• 葬礼;丧礼;出殡:
 »Hundreds of people attended the funeral.
 »a funeral procession
 »a funeral march (= a sad piece of music suitable for funerals)
it's 'your funeral
• (informal) used to tell sb that they, and nobody else, will have to deal with the unpleasant results of their own actions
• 这是你自作自受
choir / ˈkwaiə(r) /
1. [C + sing. / pl. v.] a group of people who sing together, for example in church services or public performances
• (教堂的)唱诗班;(公开演出的)合唱团,歌唱队:
 »She sings in the school choir.
2. [C] the part of a church where the choir sits during services
• (教堂)唱经楼,唱诗席