mosque / mɔsk; NAme mɑ:sk /
• a building in which Muslims worship
• 清真寺
Taoism / ˈdauizəm; ˈtau- /
noun [U]
• a Chinese philosophy based on the writings of Lao-tzu
• 道教
Taoist / ˈdauist; ˈtau- / nounadj.
biblical (also Biblical) / ˈbiblikl /
1. connected with the Bible; in the Bible
• 有关《圣经》的;《圣经》中的:
 »biblical scholarship / times / scenes
 »biblical stories / passages
2. very great; on a large scale
• 宏大的;大规模的:
 »a thunderstorm of biblical proportions
know sb in the 'biblical sense
•(humorous) to have had sex with sb
• 与某人发生过性关系:
 »He had known her—but not in the biblical sense.
straightforward / ˌstreitˈfɔ:wəd; NAme -ˈfɔ:rwərd /
1. easy to do or to understand; not complicated
• 简单的;易懂的;不复杂的
【SYN】 easy :
 »a straightforward process
 »It's quite straightforward to get here.
2. (of a person or their behaviour 人或行为) honest and open; not trying to trick sb or hide sth
• 坦诚的;坦率的;率直的
straightforwardly adv.:
 »Let me put it more straightforwardly.
straightforwardness noun [U]
bible / ˈbaibl /
1. the Bible [sing.] the holy book of the Christian religion, consisting of the Old Testament and the New Testament
• 基督教的《圣经》(包括《旧约》和《新约》)
2. the Bible [sing.] the holy book of the Jewish religion, consisting of the Torah (or Law), the Prophets , and the Writings
• 犹太教的《圣经》(包括《法律书》、《先知书》以及《杂集》)
3. [C] a copy of the holy book of the Christian or Jewish religion
• 一册(基督教或犹太教的)《圣经》
4. [C] a book containing important information on a subject, that you refer to very often
• 权威着作(或参考书):
 »the stamp-collector's bible
Hebrew / ˈhi:bru: /
1. a member of an ancient race of people living in what is now Israel and Palestine. Their writings and traditions form the basis of the Jewish religion.
• 希伯来人
2. the language traditionally used by the Hebrew people
• 希伯来语
3. a modern form of the Hebrew language which is the official language of modern Israel
• 现代希伯来语(现代以色列的官方语言)
--› compare Yiddish
Hebrew adj.
vague / veiɡ /
adj. (vaguer, vaguest)
1. not clear in a person's mind
• (思想上)不清楚的,含糊的,不明确的,模糊的:
 »to have a vague impression / memory / recollection of sth
 »They had only a vague idea where the place was.
2. ~ (about sth) not having or giving enough information or details about sth
• 不具体的;不详细的;粗略的:
 »She's a little vague about her plans for next year.
 »The politicians made vague promises about tax cuts.
 »He was accused of being deliberately vague.
 »We had only a vague description of the attacker.
3. (of a person's behaviour 人的行为) suggesting a lack of clear thought or attention
• 茫然的;糊涂的;心不在焉的
【SYN】 absent-minded :
 »His vague manner concealed a brilliant mind.
4. not having a clear shape
• 不清楚的;模糊的;朦胧的
【SYN】 indistinct :
 »In the darkness they could see the vague outline of a church.
vagueness noun [U]
underline / ˌʌndəˈlain; NAme -dərˈl- / (also underscore especially in NAmE)
1. [VN] to draw a line under a word, sentence, etc.
• 在(词语等下)画线;画底线标出
2. to emphasize or show that sth is important or true
• 强调;突现:
▪ [VN]
 »The report underlines the importance of pre-school education.
▪ [V wh-]
 »Her question underlined how little she understood him.
▪ [also V that]
bare / beə(r); NAmE ber /
adj. (barer, barest)
1. not covered by any clothes
• 裸体的;裸露的:
 »She likes to walk around in bare feet.
--› see also barefoot
2. (of trees or countryside 树木或村野) not covered with leaves; without plants or trees
• (树木)光秃秃的;(土地)荒芜的:
 »the bare branches of winter trees
 »a bare mountainside
3. (of surfaces 表面) not covered with or protected by anything
• 无遮盖的;没有保护的:
 »bare wooden floorboards
 »Bare wires were sticking out of the cable.
 »The walls were bare except for a clock.
4. (of a room, cupboard, etc. 房间、柜子等) empty
• 空的:
 »The fridge was completely bare.
 »bare shelves
5. [only before noun] just enough; the most basic or simple
• 仅够的;最基本的;最简单的:
 »The family was short of even the bare necessities of life.
 »We only had the bare essentials in the way of equipment.
 »He did the bare minimum of work but still passed the exam.
 »She gave me only the bare facts of the case.
 »It was the barest hint of a smile.
--› note at naked
--› note at plain
bareness noun [U]
the bare 'bones (of sth)
• the basic facts
• 梗概;概要:
 »the bare bones of the story
with your bare 'hands
• without weapons or tools
• 赤手空拳;徒手:
 »He was capable of killing a man with his bare hands.
lay sth 'bare
•(formal) to show sth that was covered or to make sth known that was secret
• 暴露;揭露:
 »Every aspect of their private lives has been laid bare.
--› more at cupboard
verb [VN]
• to remove the covering from sth, especially from part of the body
• 揭开;脱(衣服):
 »She was paid several thousand dollars to bare all (= take all her clothes off) for the magazine.
bare your 'soul (to sb)
• to tell sb your deepest and most private feelings
• (向某人)打开心扉,倾诉衷肠
bare your 'teeth
• to show your teeth in an aggressive and threatening way
• (凶狠地)龇牙咧嘴:
 »The dog bared its teeth and growled.
strike / straik /
(struck, struck / strʌk
/ )
›› Hɪð Sɑ / SðH 击打;碰撞
1. əʒŋ] (formal) to hit sb / sth hard or with force
• 撞;碰;撞击;碰撞:
 »The ship struck a rock.
 »The child ran into the road and was struck by a car.
 »The tree was struck by lightning.
 »He fell, striking his head on the edge of the table.
 »The stone struck her on the forehead.
--› note at hit
2. (formal) to hit sb / sth with your hand or a weapon
• 打;击:
▪ [VN]
 »She struck him in the face.
 »He struck the table with his fist.
 »Who struck the first blow (= started the fight) ?
▪ [also VNN]
›› KICK / HIT BALL 踢/击球
3. [VN] (formal) to hit or kick a ball, etc.
• 击打,踢(球等):
 »He walked up to the penalty spot and struck the ball firmly into the back of the net.
›› ATTACK 攻击
4. [V] to attack sb / sth, especially suddenly
• 突击;攻击:
 »The lion crouched ready to strike.
 »Police fear that the killer may strike again.
5. to happen suddenly and have a harmful or damaging effect on sb / sth
• 侵袭;爆发:
▪ [V]
 »Two days later tragedy struck.
▪ [VN]
 »The area was struck by an outbreak of cholera.
6. (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (of a thought or an idea 想法或念头) to come into sb's mind suddenly
• 突然想到;一下子想起;猛地意识到:
▪ [VN]
 »An awful thought has just struck me.
 »I was struck by her resemblance to my aunt.
▪ [VN wh-]
 »It suddenly struck me how we could improve the situation.
7. ~ sb (as sth) to give sb a particular impression
• 给(某人以…)印象;让(某人)觉得:
▪ [VN]
 »His reaction struck me as odd.
 »How does the idea strike you?
 »She strikes me as a very efficient person.
▪ [VN (that)]
 »It strikes me that nobody is really in favour of the changes.
8. [VN] to fall on a surface
• 照在…上;照射:
 »The windows sparkled as the sun struck the glass.
›› DUMB / DEAF / BLIND 哑;聋;瞎
9. [VN-ADJ] [usually passive] to put sb suddenly into a particular state
• 顿时使处于某状态:
 »to be struck dumb / deaf / blind
10. [V] ~ (for sth) to refuse to work as a protest
• 罢工:
 »The union has voted to strike for a pay increase of 6%.
  工会投票决定罢工,要求加薪 6%。
 »Striking workers picketed the factory.
›› MATCH 火柴
11. to rub sth such as a match against a surface so that it produces a flame; to produce a flame when rubbed against a rough surface
• 擦,划(火柴);击出(火星):
▪ [VN]
 »to strike a match on a wall
 »The sword struck sparks off the stone floor.
▪ [V]
 »The matches were damp and he couldn't make them strike.
12. to show the time by making a ringing noise, etc.
• 敲;鸣;报时
【SYN】 chime :
▪ [V]
 »Did you hear the clock strike?
▪ [VN]
 »The clock has just struck three.
›› MAKE SOUND 发出声音
13. [VN] to produce a musical note, sound, etc. by pressing a key or hitting sth
• 弹奏;奏响;发出(声音):
 »to strike a chord on the piano
›› GOLD / OIL, ETC. 金、石油等
14. [VN] to discover gold, oil, etc. by digging or drilling
• 开采出;钻探到:
 »They had struck oil!
15. [V +adv. / prep.] ~ (off / out) to go somewhere with great energy or purpose
• 行进;加劲走:
 »We left the road and struck off across the fields.
be 'struck by / on / with sb / sth
•(informal) to be impressed or interested by sb / sth; to like sb / sth very much
• 被某人(或某物)打动;迷恋某人(或某物):
 »I was struck by her youth and enthusiasm.
 »We're not very struck on that new restaurant.
strike a 'balance (between A and B)
• to manage to find a way of being fair to two opposing things; to find an acceptable position which is between two things
• (在对立二者之间)找到折衷办法;平衡(对立的双方)
strike a 'bargain / 'deal
• to make an agreement with sb in which both sides have an advantage
• 达成(对双方都有利的)协议
strike a blow for / against / at sth
• to do sth in support of / against a belief, principle, etc.
• 维护(或损害)某种信念或原则等:
 »He felt that they had struck a blow for democracy.
strike fear, etc. into sb / sb's heart
•(formal) to make sb be afraid, etc.
• 使某人感到恐惧等
strike 'gold
• to find or do sth that brings you a lot of success or money
• 打开成功(或财富)之门;踏上通往成功(或财富)之路:
 »He has struck gold with his latest novel.
strike it 'rich
•(informal) to get a lot of money, especially suddenly or unexpectedly
• 暴富;(意外)发大财
strike (it) 'lucky
•(informal) to have good luck
• 交好运
strike a 'pose / an 'attitude
• to hold your body in a particular way to create a particular impression
• 摆出某种姿态
strike while the iron is 'hot
•(saying) to make use of an opportunity immediately
• 趁热打铁
【ORIGIN】This expression refers to a blacksmith making a shoe for a horse. He has to strike / hammer the iron while it is hot enough to bend into the shape of the shoe.
• 原意是指打马掌的铁匠必须趁热打铁才能将其弯成马蹄形。

within 'striking distance (of sth)
• near enough to be reached or attacked easily; near enough to reach or attack sth easily
• 近在咫尺;在攻击距离之内:
 »The beach is within striking distance.
 »The cat was now within striking distance of the duck.
--› more at chord , hard adj., home adv., lightning n., note n., pay dirt
'strike at sb / sth
1. to try to hit sb / sth, especially with a weapon
• 朝…打去:
 »He struck at me repeatedly with a stick.
2. to cause damage or have a serious effect on sb / sth
• 损害;有损于;严重影响到:
 »to strike at the root of the problem
 »criticisms that strike at the heart of the party's policies
ˌstrike 'back (at / against sb)
• to try to harm sb in return for an attack or injury you have received
• 反击;回击

ˌstrike sb 'down əusually passive]
1. (of a disease, etc. 疾病等) to make sb unable to lead an active life; to make sb seriously ill; to kill sb
• 摧垮;使病倒;使丧命:
 »He was struck down by cancer at the age of thirty.

2. to hit sb very hard, so that they fall to the ground
• 击倒,撞倒(某人)
ˌstrike sth∽'off
• to remove sth with a sharp blow; to cut sth off
• 打掉;砍掉;砍下:
 »He struck off the rotten branches with an axe.

ˌstrike sb / sth 'off (sth)
• to remove sb / sth's name from sth, such as the list of members of a professional group
• 把某人(或某事物)除名:
 »Strike her name off the list.
 »The doctor was struck off (= not allowed to continue to work as a doctor) for incompetence.

ˌstrike 'out
1. to start being independent
• 独立出去;自立谋生:
 »I knew it was time I struck out on my own.

2. (NAmE, informal) to fail or be unsuccessful
• 失败;砸锅:
 »The movie struck out and didn't win a single Oscar.
ˌstrike 'out (at sb / sth)
1. to aim a sudden violent blow at sb / sth
• 挥拳猛击;猛打:
 »He lost his temper and struck out wildly.

2. to criticize sb / sth, especially in a public speech or in a book or newspaper
• (尤指公开)抨击:
 »In a recent article she strikes out at her critics.
ˌstrike 'out | ˌstrike sb∽'out (in baseball 棒球)
• to fail to hit the ball three times and therefore not be allowed to continue hitting; to make sb do this
• (使)三击不中出局
--› related noun strikeout

ˌstrike sth∽'out / 'through
• to remove sth by drawing a line through it
• 画掉;删去
【SYN】 cross out
 »The editor struck out the whole paragraph.
ˌstrike 'out (for / towards sth)
• to move in a determined way (towards sth)
• (奋力朝某处)去;赶往(某处):
 »He struck out (= started swimming) towards the shore.

ˌstrike 'up (with sth) | ˌstrike 'up sth (of a band, an orchestra , etc. 乐队等)
• to begin to play a piece of music
• 开始演奏:
 »The orchestra struck up and the curtain rose.
 »The band struck up a waltz.

ˌstrike 'up sth (with sb)
• to begin a friendship, a relationship, a conversation, etc.
• (和某人)建立友谊,开始来往,交谈起来:
 »He would often strike up conversations with complete strangers.

1. a period of time when an organized group of employees of a company stops working because of a disagreement over pay or conditions
• 罢工;罢课;罢市:
 »the train drivers' strike
 »a strike by teachers
 »an unofficial / a one-day strike
 »Air traffic controllers are threatening to come out on / go on strike.
 »Half the workforce are now (out) on strike.
 »The train drivers have voted to take strike action.
 »The student union has called for a rent strike (= a refusal to pay rent as a protest).
--› see also general strike , hunger strike
›› ATTACK 攻击
2. a military attack, especially by aircraft dropping bombs
• 军事进攻;袭击;(尤指)空袭:
 »an air strike
 »They decided to launch a pre-emptive strike.
3. [usually sing.] an act of hitting or kicking sth / sb
• 击;打;踢:
 »His spectacular strike in the second half made the score 2–0.
  他在下半场令人叹为观止的一脚射门把比分改写为 2:0。
--› see also bird strike , lightning
4. an unsuccessful attempt to hit the ball
• 击球未中;击
5. a situation in tenpin bowling when a player knocks down all the pins with the first ball
• 全中(第一球撞倒全部十柱球)
6. [usually sing.] a sudden discovery of sth valuable, especially oil
• (珍贵东西的)意外发现;(尤指石油的)发现
›› BAD THING / ACTION 坏事;不利的行动
7. (NAmE) ~ (against sb / sth) a bad thing or action that damages sb / sth's reputation
• (有损声誉的)不利因素,打击:
 »The amount of fuel that this car uses is a big strike against it.
ˌthree strikes and you're 'out | the ˌthree 'strikes rule
• used to describe a law which says that people who commit three crimes will automatically go to prison
• 三振出局法(三次犯罪即入狱的法律)
【ORIGIN】From baseball, in which a batter who misses the ball three times is out.
• 源自棒球,击球手三次击球不中即出局。

handwriting / ˈhændraitiŋ /
noun [U]
1. writing that is done with a pen or pencil, not printed or typed
• 手写;书写
2. a person's particular style of writing in this way
• 笔迹;书法:
 »I can't read his handwriting.
the ˌhandwriting on the 'wall
(NAmE) = see the writing on the wall at writing
wine / wain /
1. [U, C] an alcoholic drink made from the juice of grapes
that has been left to ferment . There are many different kinds of wine.
• 葡萄酒:
 »a bottle of wine
 »a glass of dry / sweet wine
 »red / rosé / white wine
 »sparkling wine
--› see also table wine
2. [U, C] an alcoholic drink made from plants or fruits other than grapes
• (用植物或除葡萄以外的水果酿制的)酒,果酒:
 »elderberry / rice wine
3. [U] (also wine 'red) a dark red colour
• 紫红色;深红色
ˌwine and 'dine (sb)
• to go to restaurants, etc. and enjoy good food and drink; to entertain sb by buying them good food and drink
• (去餐馆等)大吃大喝;用酒宴款待:
 »The firm spent thousands wining and dining potential clients.

fat / fæt /
adj. (fatter, fattest)
1. (of a person's or an animal's body 人或动物的身体) having too much flesh on it and weighing too much
• 肥的;肥胖的:
 »a big fat man / woman
 »You'll get fat if you eat so much chocolate.
 »He grew fatter and fatter.
 »fat flabby legs
【OPP】 thin
2. thick or wide
• 厚的;宽大的:
 »a fat volume on American history
3. [only before noun] (informal) large in quantity; worth a lot of money
• 大量的;值钱的:
 »a fat sum / profit
 »He gave me a nice fat cheque.
fatness noun [U] :
 »Fatness tends to run in families.
(a) fat 'chance (of sth / doing sth)
• (informal) used for saying that you do not believe sth is likely to happen
• 不大可能发生:
 »'They might let us in without tickets.' 'Fat chance of that!'
  "他们也许会让我们免票入场。" "别痴心妄想了!"
a fat lot of good, use, etc.
•(informal) not at all good or useful
• 差极了;毫无用处:
 »Paul can't drive so he was a fat lot of use when I broke my arm.
it's not ˌover until the fat lady 'sings
• (saying) used for saying that a situation may still change, for example that a contest, election, etc. is not finished yet, and sb still has a chance to win it
• 最后才能见输赢;不到最后,结果难料

1. [U] a white or yellow substance in the bodies of animals and humans, stored under the skin
• 脂肪;肥肉:
 »excess body fat
 »This ham has too much fat on it.
2. [C, U] a solid or liquid substance from animals or plants, treated so that it becomes pure for use in cooking
• (烹调用的)动植物油:
 »Cook the meat in shallow fat.
3. [C, U] animal and vegetable fats, when you are thinking of them as part of what a person eats
• (人体摄入的动植物)脂肪:
 »You should cut down on fats and carbohydrates.
 »foods which are low in fat
 »reduced-fat margarines
--› more at chew v., live ¹
【word family】
fat adj.
fatty adj.
fatten v.
fattening adj.

calf / kɑ:f; NAmE kæf /
noun (pl. calves / kɑ:vz; NAmE kævz / )
1. əɔ] the back part of the leg between the ankle and the knee
• 腓;小腿肚:
 »I've torn a calf muscle.
2. [C] a young cow
• 小牛;牛犊
3. [C] a young animal of some other type such as a young elephant or whale
• (象、鲸等的)崽,幼兽
4. [U] = calfskin
in / with 'calf
(of a cow 母牛)
• pregnant
• 怀崽的
penny / ˈpeni /
(pl. pennies or
【HELP】In senses 1 and 2, pennies is used to refer to the coins, and pence to refer to an amount of money. In sense 3, the plural is pennies.
• 在第 1 及第 2 义中,pennies 指硬币,pence 指款额。在第 3 义中,复数形式为 pennies。
1. (abbr. p) a small British coin and unit of money. There are 100 pence in six pound (£1).
• 便士(英国的小硬币和货币单位,1 英镑为 100 便士):
 »He had a few pennies in his pocket.
 »That will be 45 pence, please.
  一共是 45 便士。
 »They cost 20p each.
  这些东西每个要 20 便士。
2. (abbr. d) a British coin in use until 1971. There were twelve pennies in one shilling .
• 便士(英国 1971 年前使用的硬币,十二便士为一先令)
3. (NAmE) a cent
• 分
ˌevery 'penny
• all of the money
• 所有的钱;每一分钱:
 »We collected £700 and every penny went to charity.
  我们募集了 700 英镑,悉数捐给了慈善事业。

ˌin for a 'penny, ˌin for a 'pound
(BrE, saying) used to say that since you have started to do sth, it is worth spending as much time or money as you need to in order to complete it
• 一不做,二不休;有始有终

not a 'penny
• no money at all
• 分文没有;根本不用钱:
 »It didn't cost a penny.
the 'penny drops
•(informal, especially BrE) used to say that sb has finally understood or realized sth that they had not understood or realized before
• 恍然大悟;终于明白;茅塞顿开
a ˌpenny for your 'thoughts | a penny for them
• (saying) used to ask sb what they are thinking about
• (用于询问别人想什么)你在呆呆地寻思什么呢
turn up like a bad 'penny
•(informal) (of a person 人) to appear when they are not welcome or not wanted, especially when this happens regularly
• (不愿碰上的)却总出现;冤家路窄
ˌtwo / ˌten a 'penny
(BrE) (NAmE a ˌdime a 'dozen)
• very common and therefore not valuable
• 普通得不值钱;(因常见而)价值低

--› more at pinch v., pretty adj., spend v.
reap / ri:p /
1. [VN] to obtain sth, especially sth good, as a direct result of sth that you have done
• 取得(成果);收获:
 »They are now reaping the rewards of all their hard work.
2. [V , VN] to cut and collect a crop, especially wheat , from a field
• 收割(庄稼);收获
【SYN】 harvest
reap a / the 'harvest
• to benefit or suffer as a direct result of sth that you have done
• 享受成果;承担后果;种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆
you ˌreap what you 'sow
•(saying) you have to deal with the bad effects or results of sth that you originally started
• 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆

sow¹ / səu; NAme sou /
verb --› see also sow ² (sowed, sown / səun; NAme soun / or sowed, sowed)
1. ~ sth (in / on sth) | ~ sth (with sth) to plant or spread seeds in or on the ground
• 播种;种:
▪ [VN]
 »Sow the seeds in rows.
 »The fields around had been sown with wheat.
▪ [V]
 »Water well after sowing.
2. [VN] ~ sth (in sth) to introduce or spread feelings or ideas, especially ones that cause trouble
• 灌输;激起;散布;煽动:
 »to sow doubt in sb's mind
 »to sow confusion
sow the seeds of sth
• to start the process that leads to a particular situation or result
• 成为…的肇端;播下…的种子
sow (your) wild 'oats
(of young men 青年男子)
• to go through a period of wild behaviour while young, especially having a lot of romantic or sexual relationships
• 过放荡不羁的生活
--› more at reap
sow² / sau / noun
• a female pig
• 母猪
--› compare boar , hog n.
--› see also sow ¹
--› see silk
ripen / ˈraipən /
verb [V , VN]
• to become ripe ; to make sth ripe
• (使)成熟
thorough / ˈθʌrə; NAme ˈθə:rou /
1. done completely; with great attention to detail
• 彻底的;完全的;深入的;细致的:
 »a thorough knowledge of the subject
 »The police carried out a thorough investigation.
2. [not usually before noun] (of a person 人) doing things very carefully and with great attention to detail
• 仔细周到;工作缜密:
 »She's very thorough and conscientious.
3. (BrE, informal) used to emphasize how bad or annoying sb / sth is
• 十足的;彻头彻尾的;完完全全的
【SYN】 complete :
 »Everything was in a thorough mess.
thoroughness noun [U] :
 »I was impressed by the thoroughness of the report.
 »I admire his thoroughness.
delicate / ˈdelikət /
1. easily damaged or broken
• 易损的;易碎的;脆弱的
【SYN】 fragile :
 »delicate china teacups
 »The eye is six of the most delicate organs of the body.
 »the delicate ecological balance of the rainforest
 »Babies have very delicate skin.
 »a cool wash cycle for delicate fabrics
2. (of a person 人) not strong and easily becoming ill / sick
• 虚弱的;纤弱的:
 »a delicate child / constitution
3. small and having a beautiful shape or appearance
• 纤细的;微小的;精美的;小巧玲珑的:
 »his delicate hands
4. made or formed in a very careful and detailed way
• 精致的;精细的;精密的:
 »the delicate mechanisms of a clock
5. showing or needing skilful, careful or sensitive treatment
• 熟练的;需要技巧的;需要小心处理的;微妙的:
 »I admired your delicate handling of the situation.
 »a delicate problem
 »The delicate surgical operation took nine hours.
6. (of colours, flavours and smells 颜色、味道、气味) light and pleasant; not strong
• 柔和的;清淡可口的;清香的
【SYN】 subtle :
 »a delicate fragrance / flavour
 »a river scene painted in delicate watercolours
delicately adv.:
 »He stepped delicately over the broken glass.
 »delicately balanced flavours
verb [VN]
• to kill sb by putting a burning car tyre around their neck
• 给(某人)戴火项链(将燃烧的轮胎挂在脖子上将其杀死)
necklacing noun [U]
buffalo / ˈbʌfələu; NAmE -lou /
noun (pl. buffalo or buffaloes)
1. a large animal of the cow family. There are ten types of buffalo, the African and the Asian, which has wide, curved horns.
• 水牛(分非洲水牛和亚洲水牛两种)
--› see also water buffalo
2. = bison
burden / ˈbə:dn; NAmE ˈbə:rdn /
1. the ~ (of sth) | a ~ (on / to sb) a duty, responsibility, etc. that causes worry, difficulty or hard work
• (义务、责任等的)重担,负担:
 »to bear / carry / ease / reduce / share the burden
 »The main burden of caring for old people falls on the state.
 »the heavy tax burden on working people
 »I don't want to become a burden to my children when I'm old.
2. (formal) a heavy load that is difficult to carry
• 重担;重负
--› see also beast of burden
verb [VN]
1. ~ sb / yourself (with sth) to give sb a duty, responsibility, etc. that causes worry, difficulty or hard work
• (使)担负(沉重或艰难的任务、职责等):
 »They have burdened themselves with a high mortgage.
 »I don't want to burden you with my worries.
 »to be burdened by high taxation
【OPP】 unburden
2. be burdened with sth to be carrying sth heavy
• 负重:
 »She got off the bus, burdened with ten heavy suitcases.
priest / pri:st /
1. a person who is qualified to perform religious duties and ceremonies in the Roman Catholic, Anglican and Orthodox Churches
• (天主教、圣公会、东正教的)司祭,神父,司铎:
 »a parish priest
 »the ordination of women priests
--› compare chaplain , clergyman , minister , vicar
2. (feminine priestess / ˈpri:stes / ) a person who performs religious ceremonies in some religions that are not ɔhristian
• (非基督教会的)教士,祭司,僧侣
proverb / ˈprɔvə:b; NAme ˈprɑ:və:rb /
• a well-known phrase or sentence that gives advice or says sth that is generally true, for example 'Waste not, want not'.
• 谚语;格言
worm / wə:m; NAme wə:rm /
1. [C] a long thin creature with no bones or legs, that lives in soil
• 蠕虫:
 »birds looking for worms
--› see also earthworm , lugworm
2. worms [pl.] long thin creatures that live inside the bodies of humans or animals and can cause illness
• (人或动物体内的)寄生虫;肠虫:
 »The dog has worms.
--› see also hookworm , tapeworm
3. [C] the young form of an insect when it looks like a short worm
• (昆虫的)幼虫:
 »This apple is full of worms.
--› see also glow-worm , silkworm , woodworm
4. [C] (computing 计) a computer program that is a type of virus and that spreads across a network by copying itself
• 蠕虫;蠕虫程序;蠕虫病毒
5. [C, usually sing.] (informal, disapproving) a person you do not like or respect, especially because they have a weak character and do not behave well towards other people
• 懦夫;可怜虫
the ˌworm will 'turn
•(saying) a person who is normally quiet and does not complain will protest when the situation becomes too hard to bear
• 老实人被逼急了也要反抗;兔子急了也咬人

--› more at can ² n., early adj.
verb [VN]
1. [+adv. / prep.] ~ your way to use a twisting and turning movement, especially to move through a narrow or crowded place
• 蠕动,曲折行进(尤指通过狭窄或拥挤的地方):
 »She wormed her way through the crowd to the reception desk.
2. to give an animal medicine that makes worms pass out of its body in the faeces
• 给(动物)驱肠虫
ˌworm your way / yourself 'into sth (disapproving)
• to make sb like you or trust you, in order to gain some advantage for yourself
• 赢得欢心,骗取信任(以获利)
【SYN】 insinuate yourself
 »He managed to worm his way into her life.
ˌworm sth 'out of sb (informal)
• to make sb tell you sth, by asking them questions in a clever way for a long period of time
• (慢慢地)从某人处套出话来;不断套问:
 »We eventually wormed the secret out of her.

frequently / ˈfri:kwəntli /
• often
• 频繁地;经常:
 »Buses run frequently between the city and the airport.
 »some of the most frequently asked questions about the Internet
【OPP】 infrequently
shorten / ˈʃɔ:tn; NAme ˈʃɔ:rtn /
~ (sth to sth) to make sth shorter; to become shorter
• (使)变短,缩短:
▪ [VN]
 »Injury problems could shorten his career.
 »a shortened version of the game
 »Her name's Katherine, generally shortened to Kay.
▪ [V]
 »In November the temperatures drop and the days shorten.
【OPP】 lengthen
hay / hei /
noun [U]
1. grass that has been cut and dried and is used as food for animals
• (用作饲料的)干草,草料:
 »a bale of hay
--› compare straw
2. (NAmE, informal) a small amount of money
• 少量的钱
make hay while the 'sun shines
•(saying) to make good use of opportunities, good conditions, etc. while they last
• 趁有太阳时晒干草;抓紧时机;打铁趁热
--› more at hit v., roll n.
bishop / ˈbiʃəp /
1. a senior priest in charge of the work of the Church in a city or district
• 主教:
 »the Bishop of Oxford
 »Bishop Harries
--› see also archbishop
2. a piece used in the game of chess that is shaped like a bishop's hat and can move any number of squares in a diagonal line
• (国际象棋中的)象; (西洋棋中的)主教
turkey / ˈtə:ki; NAme ˈtə:rki /
noun (pl. -eys)
1. [C] a large bird that is often kept for its meat, eaten especially at Christmas in Britain and at Thanksgiving in the US
• 吐绶鸡;火鸡
2. [U] meat from a turkey
• 火鸡肉:
 »roast turkey
3. [C] (NAmE, informal) a failure
• 失败:
 »His latest movie is a real turkey.
4. [C] (NAmE, informal) a stupid or useless person
• 笨蛋;草包
--› see also cold turkey
--› see talk v.
saint / seint or, in ɑritish use before names, snt /
1. (abbr. S, St) a person that the Christian Church recognizes as being very holy, because of the way they have lived or died
• (因其生死言行而被基督教会追封的)圣人,圣徒:
 »St John
 »St Valentine's Day
 »The children were all named after saints.
--› see also patron saint
2. a very good, kind or patient person
• 圣人般的人(指特别善良、仁爱或有耐性的人):
 »She's a saint to go on living with that man.
 »His behaviour would try the patience of a saint.
sainthood noun [U]
butcher / ˈbutʃə(r) /
1. a person whose job is cutting up and selling meat in a shop / store or killing animals for this purpose
• 屠夫;肉贩
2. butcher's (pl. butchers) a shop / store that sells meat
• 肉店;肉铺:
 »He owns the butcher's in the main street.
3. a person who kills people in a cruel and violent way
• 刽子手
have / take a 'butcher's
(BrE, slang)
• to have a look at sth
• 观看
【ORIGIN】From rhyming slang, in which butcher's hook stands for 'look'.
• 源自同韵俚语,其中的 butcher's hook 代表 look。

verb [VN]
1. to kill people in a very cruel and violent way
• 屠杀;杀戮
2. to kill animals and cut them up for use as meat
• 屠宰;宰杀
3. (especially NAmE) to spoil sth by doing it very badly
• 弄砸;糟蹋:
 »The script was good, but those guys butchered it.
perfume / ˈpə:fju:m; NAme pərˈfju:m /
noun [C, U]
1. a liquid, often made from flowers, that you put on your skin to make yourself smell nice
• 香水:
 »a bottle of expensive perfume
 »We stock a wide range of perfumes.
 »the perfume counter of the store
2. a pleasant, often sweet, smell
• 芳香;香味;馨香
【SYN】 scent :
 »the heady perfume of the roses
verb [VN] [often passive] ~ sth (with sth)
1. (literary) (especially of flowers 尤指花) to make the air in a place smell pleasant
• 使香气弥漫
【SYN】 scent :
 »The garden was perfumed with the smell of roses.
2. to put perfume in or on sth
• 在…上撒香水;抹香水:
 »She perfumed her bath with fragrant oils.
perfumed adj.:
 »perfumed soap
stocking / ˈstɔkiŋ; NAme ˈstɑ:k- /
1. either of a pair of thin pieces of clothing that fit closely over a woman's legs and feet
• 长筒女袜:
 »a pair of silk stockings
--› compare tights (1)
--› see also body stocking
2. = Christmas stocking
in your ˌstocking(ed) 'feet
• wearing socks or stockings but not shoes
• 只穿袜不穿鞋

fireplace / ˈfaiəpleis; NAmE ˈfaiərp- /
• an open space for a fire in the wall of a room
• 壁炉
moustache / məˈstɑ:ʃ / (BrE) (NAmE mustache / ˈmʌstæʃ; məˈstæʃ / )
1. a line of hair that a man allows to grow on his upper lip
• 上唇的胡子;髭
2. moustaches [pl.] a very long moustache
• 长髭
--› compare beard n.
stout / staut /
adj. (stouter, stoutest)
1. (of a person 人) rather fat
• 肥胖的;肥壮的
【SYN】 plump
2. [usually before noun] strong and thick
• 粗壮结实的;厚实牢固的:
 »a stout pair of shoes
3. [usually before noun] (formal) brave and determined
• 顽强的;坚毅的;不屈不挠的:
 »He put up a stout defence in court.
stoutly adv.:
 »He was tall and stoutly built.
 »'I disagree,' said Polly stoutly.
stoutness noun [U]
noun [U, C]
• strong dark beer made with malt or barley
• 烈性黑啤酒
belly / ˈbeli /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. the part of the body below the chest
• 腹部;肚子
【SYN】 stomach , gut :
 »They crawled along on their bellies.
--› see also beer belly , pot belly
2. (literary) the round or curved part of an object
• (物体的)圆形或凸起部份:
 »the belly of a ship
3. -bellied (in adjectives 构成形容词) having the type of belly mentioned
• 腹部…形的:
go belly 'up
•(informal) to fail completely
• 彻底失败;垮掉;完蛋:
 »Last year the business went belly up after one of the partners resigned.
(bellies, bellying, bellied, bellied)
[V] ~ (out) (especially of sails 尤指船帆) to fill with air and become rounder
• 张满;鼓起
neat / ni:t /
adj. (neater, neatest)
1. tidy and in order; carefully done or arranged
• 整洁的;整齐的;有序的:
 »a neat desk
 »neat handwriting
 »neat rows of books
 »She was wearing a neat black suit.
 »They sat in her neat and tidy kitchen.
2. (of people 人) liking to keep things tidy and in order; looking tidy or doing things in a tidy way
• 有条理的;爱整洁的:
 »Try and be neater!
3. small, with a pleasing shape or appearance
• 小巧优雅的
【SYN】 trim :
 »her neat figure
4. simple but clever
• 简洁的;睿智的;灵巧的:
 »a neat explanation
 »a neat solution to the problem
5. (NAmE, informal) good; excellent
• 好的;极好的:
 »It's a really neat movie.
 »We had a great time—it was pretty neat.
6. (BrE) (NAmE straight) (especially of alcoholic drinks 尤指酒) not mixed with water or anything else
• 未掺水的;纯的:
 »neat whisky
neatly adv.:
 »neatly folded clothes
 »The box fitted neatly into the drawer.
 »She summarized her plan very neatly.
neatness noun [U]
woollen (BrE) (NAmE woolen) / ˈwulən /
1. [usually before noun] made of wool
• 毛纺的;羊毛的;毛料的;毛线的:
 »a woollen blanket
 »woollen cloth
2. [only before noun] involved in making cloth from wool
• 毛纺的;毛纺织业的:
 »the woollen industry
belt / belt /
1. a long narrow piece of leather, cloth, etc. that you wear around the waist
• 腰带;皮带:
 »to do up / fasten / tighten a belt
 »a belt buckle
--› see also black belt , lifebelt , seat belt , suspender belt
2. a continuous band of material that moves round and is used to carry things along or to drive machinery
• 传送带;传动带
--› see also conveyor belt , fan belt
3. an area with particular characteristics or where a particular group of people live
• 地带;地区:
 »the country's corn / industrial belt
 »We live in the commuter belt.
 »a belt of rain moving across the country
--› see also green belt
4. (informal) an act of hitting sth / sb hard
• 狠打;猛击:
 »She gave the ball a terrific belt.
below the 'belt
(of a remark 说话)
• unfair or cruel
• 不公正的;伤人的:
 »That was distinctly below the belt!
ˌbelt and 'braces
•(informal) taking more actions than are really necessary to make sure that sth succeeds or works as it should
• 双管齐下;多重保障:
 »a belt-and-braces policy

have sth under your 'belt
•(informal) to have already achieved or obtained sth
• 已经获得某物:
 »She already has a couple of good wins under her belt.
--› more at tighten
1. [VN] (informal) to hit sb / sth hard
• 猛击;狠打:
 »He belted the ball right out of the park.
 »I'll belt you if you do that again.
2. [V +adv. / prep.] (informal, especially BrE) to move very fast
• 飞奔;飞驰
【SYN】 tear :
 »A truck came belting up behind us.
3. [VN] to fasten a belt around sth
• 绕着系上带子:
 »The dress was belted at the waist.
ˌbelt sth∽'out (informal)
• to sing a song or play music loudly
• 高声唱歌(或奏乐)

ˌbelt 'up (BrE)
1. (NAmE ˌbuckle 'up) (informal) to fasten your seat belt (= a belt worn by a passenger in a vehicle)
• 系上安全带

2. (informal) used to tell sb rudely to be quiet
• 住口;闭嘴
【SYN】 shut up :
 »Just belt up, will you!
elf / elf /
noun (pl. elves / elvz / )
• (in stories) a creature like a small person with pointed ears, who has magic powers
• (故事中的)精灵,小妖精
ELF / elf /
(linguistics 语言) English as a lingua franca
• 作为共同语言的英语;通用英语
reindeer / ˈreindiə(r); NAme -dir /
noun (pl. reindeer, reindeers)
• a large deer with long antlers (= horns shaped like branches), that lives in cold northern regions
• 驯鹿:
 »herds of reindeer
deliver / diˈlivə(r) /
1. ~ (sth) (to sb / sth) to take goods, letters, etc. to the person or people they have been sent to; to take sb somewhere
• 递送;传送;交付;运载:
▪ [VN]
 »Leaflets have been delivered to every household.
 »Do you have your milk delivered?
▪ [V]
 »We promise to deliver within 48 hours.
  我们承诺在 48 小时内送到。
2. [VN] to give a speech, talk, etc. or other official statement
• 发表;宣布;发布:
 »She is due to deliver a lecture on genetic engineering.
 »He delivered his lines confidently.
 »The jury finally delivered its verdict.
3. ~ (on sth) to do what you promised to do or what you are expected to do; to produce or provide what people expect you to
• 履行诺言;不负所望;兑现:
▪ [V]
 »He has promised to finish the job by June and I am sure he will deliver.
 »She always delivers on her promises.
▪ [VN]
 »If you can't deliver improved sales figures, you're fired.
 »The team delivered a stunning victory last night.
4. [VN] ~ sb / sth (up / over) (to sb) (formal) to give sb / sth to sb else so that they are under this person's control
• 交出;交付;移交:
 »They delivered their prisoner over to the invading army.
›› BABY 婴儿
5. [VN] ~ a baby to help a woman to give birth to a baby
• 助产;接生:
 »The baby was delivered by Caesarean section.
6. [VN] be delivered of a baby (formal) to give birth to a baby
• 分娩;生孩子:
 »She was delivered of a healthy boy.
›› THROW 投掷
7. [VN] to throw or aim sth
• 投掷;把…瞄准;用…对准:
 »He delivered the blow (= hit sb hard) with all his force.
›› RESCUE 解救
8. [VN] ~ sb (from sth) (old use) to rescue sb from sth bad
• 解救;拯救;使摆脱
【SYN】 save
--› see goods , sign v.
eve / i:v /
1. the day or evening before an event, especially a religious festival or holiday
• (尤指宗教节假日的)前夜,前夕:
 »Christmas Eve (= 24 December)
  圣诞前夕(12 月 24 日)
 »a New Year's Eve party (= on 31 December)
 »on the eve of the election
2. (old use or literary) evening
• 傍晚;黄昏
ˌɔhristmas 'əve
noun [U, C]
• the day before Christmas Day, 24 December; the evening of this day
• 圣诞节前一天(12 月 24 日);圣诞夜,平安夜(12 月 24 日晚)
ray / rei /
1. a narrow line of light, heat or other energy
• 光线;(热或其他能量的)射线:
 »the sun's rays
 »ultraviolet rays
 »The windows were shining in the reflected rays of the setting sun.
--› see also cosmic rays , gamma rays at gamma radiation , X-ray
2. ~ of sth a small amount of sth good or of sth that you are hoping for
• (好事或所希望事物的)一点,少量
【SYN】 glimmer :
 »There was just one small ray of hope.
3. a sea fish with a large broad flat body and a long tail, that is used for food
• 魟,鳐(扁体长尾,可食用)
4. (also re) (music 音) the second note of a major scale
• 大调音阶的第 2 音
a ˌray of 'sunshine
•(informal) a person or thing that makes life brighter or more cheerful
• 给人带来快乐的人(或事物)

catch / get / grab some 'rays
•(informal) to sit or lie in the sun, especially in order to get a suntan
• 晒太阳;沐日光浴
Buddha / ˈbudə /
1. (also the Buddha) the person on whose teachings the Buddhist religion is based
• 佛陀(佛教创始人)
2. [C] a statue or picture of the Buddha
• 佛像
3. [C] a person who has achieved enlightenment (= spiritual knowledge) in Buddhism
• 佛,觉者,知者(佛教中觉行圆满的人)
monk / mʌŋk /
• a member of a religious group of men who often live apart from other people in a monastery and who do not marry or have personal possessions
• 僧侣;修道士:
 »Benedictine / Buddhist monks
--› compare friar , nun
--› see also monkish
reading / ˈri:diŋ /
1. [U] the activity of sb who reads
• 阅读;读书活动:
 »My hobbies include reading and painting.
 »He needs more help with his reading.
 »Are you any good at map reading?
 »reading glasses (= worn when reading)
 »a reading lamp / light (= six that can be moved to shine light onto sth that you are reading)
2. [sing.] an act of reading sth
• 阅读;宣读:
 »A closer (= more detailed) reading of the text reveals just how desperate he was feeling.
3. [U] books, articles, etc. that are intended to be read
• 读本;读物;阅读材料:
 »reading matter / material
 »a series of reading books for children
 »a reading list (= a list of books, etc. that students are expected to read for a particular subject)
 »further reading (= at the end of a book, a list of other books that give more information about the same subject)
 »The report makes for interesting reading (= it is interesting to read).
 »The article is not exactly light reading (= it is not easy to read).
4. [C] ~ (of sth) the particular way in which you understand a book, situation, etc.
• 理解方法;解读方法
【SYN】 interpretation :
 »a literal reading of the text
 »My own reading of events is less optimistic.
5. [C] the amount or number shown on an instrument used for measuring sth
• (仪表的)读数:
 »Meter readings are taken every seven months.
›› EVENT 活动
6. [C] an event at which sth is read to an audience for entertainment; a piece of literature that is read at such an event
• 读书会;朗诵会;朗诵的作品:
 »a poetry reading
 »The evening ended with a reading from her latest novel.
›› FROM BIBLE 《圣经》
7. [C] a short section from the Bible that is read to people as part of a religious service
• (在礼拜仪式中朗读的)《圣经》章节:
 »The reading today is from the Book of Daniel.
8. [C] one of the stages during which a bill (= a proposal for a new law) must be discussed and accepted by a parliament before it can become law
• 议案宣读(法案在成为法律前须经议会讨论通过的步骤)
image / ˈimidʒ /
1. [C, U] the impression that a person, an organization or a product, etc. gives to the public
• 形象;印象;声誉:
 »His public image is very different from the real person.
 »The advertisements are intended to improve the company's image.
 »Image is very important in the music world.
 »stereotyped images of women in children's books
2. [C] a mental picture that you have of what sb / sth is like or looks like
• (心目中的)形象,印象:
 »images of the past
 »I had a mental image of what she would look like.
3. [C] (formal) a copy of sb / sth in the form of a picture or statue
• 画像;雕像;塑像:
 »Images of deer and hunters decorate the cave walls.
 »a wooden image of the Hindu god Ganesh
--› note at picture
4. [C] a picture of sb / sth seen in a mirror, through a camera, or on a television or computer
• 镜像;影像;映像;图像:
 »He stared at his own image reflected in the water.
 »Slowly, an image began to appear on the screen.
--› see also mirror image
5. [C] a word or phrase used with a different meaning from its normal one, in order to describe sth in a way that produces a strong picture in the mind
• 比喻;意象:
 »poetic images of the countryside
be the image of sb / sth
• to look very like sb / sth else
• 酷似;和…非常相像:
 »He's the image of his father.
--› see also spitting image
bureaucratic / ˌbjuərəˈkrætik; NAmE ˌbjur- /
• (often disapproving)connected with a bureaucracy or bureaucrats and involving complicated official rules which may seem unnecessary
• 官僚的;官僚主义的:
 »bureaucratic power / control / procedures / organizations
 »The report revealed a great deal of bureaucratic inefficiency.
bureaucratically / -ikli / adv.
ministry / ˈministri /
noun (pl. -ies)
1. [C] (BrE) a government department that has a particular area of responsibility
• (政府的)部:
 »the Ministry of Defence
 »a ministry spokesperson
2. the Ministry [sing. + sing. / pl. v.] ministers of religion, especially Protestant ministers, when they are mentioned as a group
• (尤指基督教新教的)全体牧师
3. [C, usually sing.] the work and duties of a minister in the Church; the period of time spent working as a minister in the Church
• 神职;牧师职位;神职任期
pray / prei /
1. ~ (to sb) (for sb / sth) to speak to God, especially to give thanks or ask for help
• 祈祷;祷告:
▪ [V]
 »They knelt down and prayed.
 »I'll pray for you.
 »to pray for peace
 »She prayed to God for an end to her sufferings.
▪ [V (that)]
 »We prayed (that) she would recover from her illness.
▪ [V to inf]
 »He prayed to be forgiven.
▪ [also V speech]
2. ~ (for sth) to hope very much that sth will happen
• 企盼;祈望:
▪ [V]
 »We're praying for good weather on Saturday.
▪ [V that]
 »I prayed that nobody would notice my mistake.
(old use) or
• used to mean 'please' when you are asking a question or telling sb to do sth
• (用于询问或指示)请问,请:
 »What, pray, is the meaning of this?
 »Pray continue.
chant / tʃɑ:nt; NAmE tʃænt /
1. [C] words or phrases that a group of people shout or sing again and again
• 反复呼喊的话语;重复唱的歌词:
 »The crowd broke into chants of 'Out! Out!'
 »football chants
2. [C, U] a religious song or prayer or a way of singing, using only a few notes that are repeated many times
• 圣歌;反复吟咏的祷文;单调的吟唱:
 »a Buddhist chant
--› see also Gregorian chant
1. to sing or shout the same words or phrases many times
• 反复唱;反复呼喊:
▪ [VN]
 »The crowd chanted their hero's name.
▪ [V]
 »A group of protesters, chanting and carrying placards, waited outside.
▪ [V speech]
 »'Resign! Resign!' they chanted.
2. [V VN] to sing or say a religious song or prayer using only a few notes that are repeated many times
• 唱圣歌;反复地吟咏祷文;单调重复地唱
chanting noun [U] :
 »The chanting rose in volume.
pagoda / pəˈɡəudə; NAme -ˈɡou- /
• a temple (= religious building) in S or E Asia in the form of a tall tower with several levels, each of which has its own roof that extends beyond the walls
• (南亚或东亚的)佛塔
frog / frɔɡ; NAmE frɔ:ɡ; frɑ:ɡ /
1. a small animal with smooth skin, that lives both on land and in water (= is an amphibian ). Frogs have very long back legs for jumping, and no tail.
• 蛙;青蛙:
 »the croaking of frogs
2. Frog (informal) an offensive word for a French person
• (对法国人的蔑称)
have, etc. a 'frog in your throat
• to lose your voice or be unable to speak clearly for a short time
• (暂时)失音,嗓音嘶哑
croak / krəuk; NAmE krouk /
1. [V] to make a rough low sound, like the sound a frog makes
• 发出(像青蛙的)低沉刺耳声;呱呱地叫
2. to speak or say sth with a rough low voice
• 用低沉而沙哑的声音说话:
▪ [V]
 »I had a sore throat and could only croak.
▪ [VN]
 »He managed to croak a greeting.
▪ [also V speech]
3. [V] (slang) to die
• 死;咽气
• a rough low sound made in the throat, like the sound made by a frog
• (像青蛙发出的)低沉沙哑的声音,呱呱的叫声
prayer / preə(r); NAme prer /
1. [C] ~ (for sb / sth) words which you say to God giving thanks or asking for help
• 祷告,祈祷(的内容):
 »to say your prayers
 »prayers for the sick
 »He arrived at that very moment, as if in answer to her prayer.
 »Their prayers were answered and the child was found safe and well.
2. [C] a fixed form of words that you can say when you speak to God
• 祈祷文;经文:
 »It was a prayer she had learnt as a child.
--› see also '
s Prayer">Lord's Prayer
3. [U] the act or habit of praying
• 祷告,祈祷(的行为):
 »They knelt in prayer.
 »We believe in the power of prayer.
4. prayers [pl.] a religious meeting that takes place regularly in which people say prayers
• 祈祷会;祷告式
5. [C, usually sing.] a thing that you hope for very much
• 企盼的事;祈望:
 »My prayer is that one day he will walk again.
not have a 'prayer (of doing sth)

• to have no chance of succeeding (in doing sth)
• (做某事)没有成功的机会
--› more at wing n.